Name 205 Shipbuilding Materials and Metallurgy
Name 205 Shipbuilding Materials and Metallurgy
Name 205 Shipbuilding Materials and Metallurgy
Present No:14
Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Gafur
PP&PDC, BCSIR and Adjunct Faculty, MIST
Ceramic raw materials are joined using a binder
Cement that does not require firing on sintering in a
process called cementation. of sodium
silicate, the introduction of CO2 gas acts as
a catalyst to dehydrate the sodium silicate
solution into a glassy material:
xNa2O +ySiO2.H2O + CO2 glass
Figure shows silica sand grains used to
produce molds for metal casting. The
liquid sodium silicate coats the sand
Figure grains and provides bridges between
A micrograph of silica sand grains
bonded the sand grains. Introduction of the
with sodium silicate through the CO2 converts the bridges to a solid,
cementation mechanism (X60).
joining the sand grains.
• When the liquid slurry reacts,
• Fine alumina powder interlocking solid crystals of gypsum
dispersions catalyzed with (CaSO4. 2H2O) grow with very small
phosphoric acid produce an pores between the crystals.
aluminum phosphate cement • Larger amounts of water in the
original slurry provide more porosity
Al2O3 + 2H3PO4 2AlPO4 + and decrease the strength of the final
3H2O plaster.
• When alumina particles are • One of the important uses of this
bonded with the aluminum material is for construction of walls in
phosphate cement, buildings.
refractories capable of • The most common and important of
operating at temperatures as the cementation reactions occurs in
high as 1650°C are produced. Portland cement, which is used to
produce concrete
• Plaster of paris, or gypsum, is
another material that is
hardened by a cementation
• CaSO4.1/2 H2O + 3/2H2O
CaSO4. 2H2O
Portland Cement
• Cements are classified as hydraulic and
• Hydraulic cements set and harden under water.
Nonhydraulic cements (e.g., lime, CaO) cannot
harden under water and require air for
• Portland cement is the most widely used and
manufactured construction material.
• It was patented by Joseph Aspdin in 1824 and is
named as such after the limestone cliffs on the
Island of Portland in England.
Portland Cement
• Hydraulic cement is made from calcium silicates with an
approximate composition of CaO (60 to 65%), SiO2 (20 to
25%), and iron oxide and alumina (7 to 12%).
• The cement binder, which is very fine in size, is composed of
various ratios of 3 SiO2.Al2O3 (S3A), 2CaO.SiO2 (C2S)
,3CaO.SiO2 (C3S), 4CaO.A2O3.Fe2O3 (C4AF) and other
• In the cement terminology, CaO, SiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3 are
often indicated as C, S, A, and F, respectively. Thus, C3S means
• When water is added to the cement, a hydration reaction
occurs, producing a solid gel that bonds the aggregate
Types of Cements
Reaction with water
• 2C3S+6H 3Ch+C3S2H3 (tobomorite gel)
• 2C2S+4H Ch+C3S2H3 (tobomorite gel)
• C3A+10H+CSH2 C3ACSH12 aluminino monosulpahte hydrate
• End