SQL Builder
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• Database independent. You can create schema report for Microsoft SQL
Server database as well as for Oracle or for Interbase. The software
product supports all common database interfaces: ODBC, IDAPI, OLE DB,
or Oracle Call Interface.
• Functionality. Product allows you to include the following objects to the
report: tables (with detailed columns information), views, indexes, foreign
keys, triggers (with type and status), procedures, defaults, rules and roles.
Moreover, the program helps you to add to report DDL statements for
database objects.
• Annotations. You can make your database schema reports more friendly
by adding notes for your objects in automatic or manual mode.
• SQL editor with syntax highlighting, multilevel Undo/Redo features and
integrated searching and replacement tools. You can use macros to
automate entering frequently used fragments.
• Supports ODBC, IDAPI, OLE DB, OCI (Oracle Call Interface) data source
connection with detailed database information. Provide quick view of the
database schema and results of the query execution.
• Easy access to the file history and the history of the scripts already
executed. You can quickly switch to the required file or previously run
script with just a single mouse click.
• Convenient way to display results of the script execution. Application
supports clipboard and data export tools. The program exports data to
plain text, HTML page, XML document and Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
You can save query results as a set of SQL statements.
Software Requirement
Hardware Requirement
or faster
Platform Deatls