Analysis of Performance of Permanent Magnet Generator Fluks Axial 1 Phasa With Variation Load
Analysis of Performance of Permanent Magnet Generator Fluks Axial 1 Phasa With Variation Load
Analysis of Performance of Permanent Magnet Generator Fluks Axial 1 Phasa With Variation Load
Abstract— With the potential of low water head energy and renewable microgrid plants isolated from rooftop solar
relatively small water discharge then it takes a low round arrays, wastewater and municipal solid waste from smart
generator to be applied to the potential of existing energy. The cities using the Salp swarm algorithm was investigated by
development of Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG), being an Barik and Das [4]. Control Strategy for Power Management
alternative considering the pole construction of the rotor is
relatively simple compared to conventional generators, so it is
of Isolated Micro Hydro-PV Battery Hybrid Energy System
technically required a more number of rotor poles in the effort was investigated by Das and Akella [5]. The design and
to lower the speed The nominal dial generator. The purpose of implementation of the Micro Hydro Module for Small Falls
this research is to analyze the 1-phase axial generator was investigated by Abdulla Al Mamun [6]. An Effective
performance with varied resistive loads and inductive loads. Microhydro Based Microhydro Scheme for Rural Electricity
This research has 4 stages of research: 1). Study literature. 2). in South Africa was investigated by Patel and Chowdhury [7].
Carried out testing tools. 3). Measurement of data retrieval. 4). The prospect of Off Grid Energy Generation via Low Head
Data analysis. From this research obtained results from the tools Screw Turbine in Nepal was investigated by Dhakal [8]. The
and measurements of the data retrieval of the performance of Study of Technical, Economic and Social Factors Affecting
axial generator 1 phase with inductive and resistive load Vaiasi.
Load mounted 15 watts, voltage 35.10, current 0.80, RPM 2550
Micro-Hydro Power Plants in Nepal was investigated by
when load 75 Waat, Voltage 11.50, current 1.54, RPM 2220. Butchers [9]. Application of Distributed Generator-Based
From these results can be concluded axial generator 1 phase DVR to LV Distribution Network was investigated by
currents also get bigger but voltage and rpm decreases. Mosobi and Gao [10]. From the background of previous
research and from the potential in the Hamlet Sarwan Arise
Keywords—PLTMH, PMG, Axial Generator, resistive load, initiative to utilize water flow energy into a small capacity
inductive load. water power plant using archimedes screw turbine that will
be connected with the axial flux Generator 1 Phasa .
Everyday human life needs can hardly be separated by The screw turbine has been widely studied by previous
electrical energy. Electrical energy has become a researchers. The prospect of Off Grid Energy Generation via
fundamental human necessity in today's modern era. There Low Head Screw Turbine in Nepal was investigated by
are still many areas that are still not accessible by electricity Dhakal [8]. The performance characteristics of the Energy
from the state Electricity Company (PLN) such as in Hamlet Cat 3EC42 hydrokinetic turbine were investigated by
Sarwan Desa Merbau, District of South Ogan Komering Ulu, Shahsavarifard [11]. The investigation of Archimedean screw
because it is constrained by the road to the small hamlet just turbines for optimal power output by varying the number of
enough For the intersection of two-wheeled vehicles, also the blades was investigated by Khan [12]. The Micro Hydro
condition of the bullish road is quite steep that makes the Power Plant using Wastewater in Hayatabad Peshawar was
distribution of generating not able to reach this hamlet. With investigated by Durrani, Mujahid and Uzair [13]. The
energy resources available today one of which is water from Archimedes screw generator for sustainable energy
a small stream that forms a waterfall with a low head. development was investigated by Simmons and Lubitz [14].
A micro hydro power plant for distributed generation using
Several previous researchers have conducted research on municipal wastewater with archimedes screws was
microhydro turbines. The variable speed of micro hydro investigated by Raza [15]. The predictive control method for
power generation: Modeling, loss analysis, and experimental wind power regulation via a double screw expander generator
validation were investigated by Guo [1]. Yuhendra and Zaini and supercapacitor was investigated by Zhu, Lu and Liu [16].
[2] studied the mapping of potential locations for micro hydro A review of Nepal's low head turbine system for rural
power plants in West Sumatra based on GIS. The frequency electrification was researched by Koirala [17]. Archimedes
and voltage control of the hybrid microgrid using an FLC- screw for microhydro induction generator: The effect of
based two-way converter equipped with BESS was applying a frequency converter was studied by Buffa [18].
investigated by Choudhury [3]. Active power management of
Utilization of potential energy of water with low head and are the tapping building, the carrier channel, the calming tub,
or relatively small discharge into electrical energy requires the rapid pipe, the power house, the exhaust channel and the
the affordance of low round generator technology. The overflow channel.
development of Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG)
became an alternative considering the polar construction of
the rotor is relatively simple compared to conventional
generators, so it is technically easier if a larger number of
rotor poles are required in the effort The nominal turndown
speed of the generator. One important aspect in the design of
a permanent magnet generator is the flux meeting that
surrounds the stator coil (anchor coil). The quantity of the Fig. 1. PLTMH System Parts
flux meeting on the stator coil would affect the voltage and
power output of the Permanent magnet generator. B. Potential of water as energy
Research on permanent magnet generators has been Water is an abundant and relatively easy source of energy,
investigated by previous researchers. Characteristics water-owned energy is a potential energy and kinetic energy
Analysis and Experimental Verification for Double-Sided can be used and exploited in the form of mechanical energy
Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Generator according that will be utilized to turn the waterwheel or water turbine.
to Magnetization Array was investigated by Seo [19]. A New C. Archimedes Turbine
Control Strategy for Wave Energy Converters Using a Linear
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator was investigated An economical and efficient way to generate electricity
by Oh [20]. The design of a 100 W mini permanent magnet from small streams is shown in Figure 2. From this figure, the
linear generator for a wave energy converter system was screw rotates and generates electricity due to the hydrostatic
investigated by Wahyudie, Susilo and Jehangir [21]. Small pressure of water on the screw surface. When the water fills
wind turbines on a smart grid. The transformation of an the screw from the inlet line at the top of the slope, the
electric machine into a permanent magnet synchronous pressure on the screw helical field allows for screw rotation.
generator was investigated by [22]. The experimental
analysis of dSPACE for permanent magnet synchronous
generators used in voltage control was investigated by
(Akhrif, Abbou and Ferfra [23]. Design, Control, and
Dynamic Performance of an Interior Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Generator for Wind Power Systems was
investigated by Solomon [24]. Comparison of Finite Element
Between Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator and
Asynchronous Generator Used in Wind Turbines was
investigated by Noun, Mrad and Arnaout [25] .Direct Torque
Control Without Speed Sensor of Direct Drive Permanent
Magnet Wind Generator was investigated by Cai, Li and
Huang [26] Torque Estimation of Interior Permanent Magnet
Wind Generator Considering Low Pass Filter Phase Shift Fig. 2. Archimedes Screw Turbine
Compensation was investigated by Pravica [27].
D. Generator
On a axial flux type generator used permanent magnets.
The use of permanent magnets in this generator can produce Generator is one electric machine that converts motion or
magnetic fields in an air gap without the need for excitation, mechanical energy into electrical energy. Generators consist
and without dissipation of power. For a permanent magnet of two main parts namely rotor and stator. The rotor is a
generator used its own reinforcement system. This rotating piece consisting of a permanent magnet and a silent
reinforcement system is used in brushless alternator stator part consisting of several conductor wire coils.
generators. As well as a relatively easy maintenance system 1. Permanent Magnet Generator
that could potentially be applied to micro-hydro power plant
low head. The type of permanent magnet used is neodymium The permanent magnet Generator does not have a booster
Ferrite Boron (NdFeb). coil and does not produce electrical power desipation. A
permanent neodymium magnet is a hard-material magnet that
II. LITERATURE REVIEW means a feromagnetic material that has a wide loop know. A
A. Hydrohydro Power Plant wide hysteresis loop shows at least an induction of outside
influence on the magnet.
The working principle of hydrohydro power plant is the
difference between the high and the amount of water per 2. Permanent Magnet axial flux Generator
second in the water flow [28]. Will spin the turbine shaft The best alternative aside from the radial flux cylinder
resulting in mechanical energy [29]. The turbine will rotate machine is the axial flux machine. This type of machine has
the generator and generate electrical energy [30]. The parts of a compact construction, with a dif entuk and large power
the microhydro system are shown in Figure 1. From this density. In this generator used a permanent magnet with the
figure, it can be seen that the main components of microhydro
Zulkiffli Saleh, Analysis of Performance of Permanent Magnet Generator Fluks Axial 1 Phasa with Variation Load
Journal of Robotics and Control ISSN: 2715-5072 100
aim to produce a magnetic field in the air gap without volts. The block diagram design of the micro hydro system is
requiring an excitation system and without the insistence of shown in Figure 4. From this figure, it can be seen that the
electrical power. components in the microhydro consist of a source of water,
Archimedes turbine, axial generator, step up transformer,
In this type of axial flux generator occurs magnetic flux
voltage regulator, and load.
only if a permanent magnet located on the rotor moves or
rotates so that the potential voltage will be generated.
Changes in rotor speed will affect the large potential of the
resurrected voltage.
3. Electrical load characteristics
In the electrical system of alternating current (AC)
electrical load characteristics can be classified into three
kinds, namely:
a). Resistive load
Resistive load, which is a load consisting of Ohm only
prisoner components (resistance), such as heating element
and incandescent lamp. This type of load only consumes
active load only and has a power factor equal to one.
b). Inductive expenses
Inductive load, which is a burden consisting of a wire
coil wrapped in a core, such as: (Coil), transformer, and
Solenoida. This burden can result in phase shift in the current
so that it is left to the voltage (lagging). This is due to the Fig. 3. Fishbone Diagram
energy stored in the form of a magnetic field that will cause
the current phase to shift to be left over voltage. This type of
load absorbs active power and reactive power.
c). Capacitive load
The capacitive load, which is a burden that has
capacitance capability or the ability to store energy derived
from electrical discharge on a circuit. This component can
cause a previous current against the leading voltage. This type Fig. 4. The Block Diagram
of load absorbs active power and emits reactive power.
(Jumadi & Champion, 2015). 1. Series 1 Phase Series
The circuit in Figure 5 is a series of 1 Phase Series 9 coils
III. RESEARCH METHODS of floating or Delta series. From the figure, it can be seen that
the 1-phase generator has 9 turns. The wire is wound as much
A. FISHBONE DIAGRAM as 9 turns to produce a large electric current in the 1-phase
The fishbone diagram of the performance analysis of the 1- generator.
phase axial flux permanent magnet generator with load
variations is shown in Figure 3. From this figure, it can be B
seen that there are two parameters, namely mechanical and B B
electrical parameters. Several mechanical parameters that
affect the performance of a single-phase generator are the B A
This research began with the collection of literature from 2. The range of axial generator measurements is 1-phase with
books, journals and resources necessary for research in varying loads
accordance with the discussion. Water flow speed data The 1-phase circuit with varying loads is shown in Figure
retrieval and power calculations are available to know the 6. From this figure, it can be seen that there is a voltage
potential used to spin the Archimedes turbine and the turbine measuring device to measure the input voltage to the
will rotate the axial generator and release the electric energy transformer and the output of the transformer and current
The generator output can be Tiggikan Its tension with the measuring instrument.
step-up transformer for the use of LAMGSUMG voltage 220
Zulkiffli Saleh, Analysis of Performance of Permanent Magnet Generator Fluks Axial 1 Phasa with Variation Load
Journal of Robotics and Control ISSN: 2715-5072 101
Ampere meter
Trafo step up
The graph of the load against the generator rotation is shown
in Figure 8. From this figure, it can be seen that an increase
Volt meter Volt meter
in load can reduce the rotational speed performance of the
The graph of the load against the generator voltage is The conclusion that can be withdrawn from this study is
shown in Figure 7. From this figure, it can be seen that the from the results of Pungujian tools and measurements of the
graph of the voltage to load is inversely proportional. The data retrieval of the axial generator 1 phase performance with
greater the load, the lower the voltage generated by the inductive and resistive load vaiation. Axial Generator 1 Phase
generator. out the current at the time the load in the plug against the
generator the larger the current load is also increasingly larger
but the voltage and rpm decreases.
Suggestions for subsequent research to test variations of
load type capacitive loads.
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Zulkiffli Saleh, Analysis of Performance of Permanent Magnet Generator Fluks Axial 1 Phasa with Variation Load