Tor Ladp Dasu
Tor Ladp Dasu
Tor Ladp Dasu
and inequality but enhance income and livelihood of people in the project area by
facilitating better transportation, access to schools for boys and girls, and gender
mainstreaming and development as well.
2.2 The proposed infrastructure development will further boost economic growth and
new opportunities for economic development as well as trade and businesses in the Project
area. Thus, the LADP may be viewed as a launching pad for local and regional
development. The LADP Programs are already integrated in the Project entitlement matrix
as additional benefits beyond the legally mandated compensation in DHP-I.
2.3 The Local Area Development Program (LADP) was initiated under the Social and
Resettlement Management Plan (SRMP) Volume-12, Area Development and Community
Support Programs for Dasu Hydropower Project in March 2014. The total budget allocated
for the LADP in the Project is about US$23 million.
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Section 7. Terms of Reference
prioritize them, sorting out already identified schemes, carry out necessary surveys and
investigations, detailed design and procurement as well as construction supervision of
various schemes and initiatives; the estimated budget of these schemes in the Project is
around US$ 50 Million for which the consultants would have the responsibility for detailed
design and implementation.
2.9 The Consultants will carry out the Detailed Design of Infrastructure Schemes, as
well as non-infra-structure schemes under these Programs, will prepare the documents for
their implementation, Procurement, and Construction Supervision during Implementation
of schemes. Prioritization of schemes, Detailed Design and Procurement of the selected
schemes to be completed first after commencement of Consultancy Services and then
subsequently the Implementation and Supervision of selected schemes.
2.10 The Consultants will finalize the mechanism for executing the schemes to be
implemented, highlight the procurement methodology, the mechanisms for financial
management as well as the compliance with safeguards policy of the World Bank in
designing and implementation.
Tentative Cost
No. Category Remarks
(Million PKR)
1 Water Supply Schemes 313.20 Rehabilitation and upgrading of drinking
water supply facilities in the Project Area
2 Irrigation Schemes 32.60 To ensure irrigation waters for newly
cultivated areas
3 Sanitation Schemes 165.00 Improvement of sanitation and
sewerage system
4 Rehabilitation of Schools, 583.90 Rehabilitation, reconstruction of
Mosques, Bridges & Schools, Mosques, Bridges, Adda &
Hospitals Hospitals to improve capacity
5 Solar System/ Solar Lights 49.30 For Schools, Health Centers and Street
6 Furniture for Schools 50.00 Education infrastructure improvement.
7 Machinery/ Equipment 60.00 Improvement & Capacity building of
Local Government
8 Roads Schemes 1,289.00 To provide access to valley settlements
from relocated KKH & Right Access Road
Rough Cost 2,543.00
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Section 7 Terms of Reference
a. Priority Schemes
2.12 Out of above infrastructure schemes, the following priority schemes are
required to be completed within one to two years:
No. Name of Scheme Cost Scope of Works
(Million PKR)
1 Installation of Solar Lights 4.30 60x Solar lights (30 in Komila +30 in
on KKH Komila Dasu)
2 Jhalkot Nullah Bridge 69.90 Construction of New Bridge at
Jalkot Nullah
3 Rehabilitation of RHC 113.00 Structural repairs and replacement
Dasu of broken and dilapidated facilities,
doors, windows, electric wiring,
sanitation, flooring, boundary walls
etc. at RHC
4 Jamia Mosque Komila 152.00 Dismantling of the existing structure
and construction of new building
5 Drinking W/Supply 209.00 ehabilitation and upgrading of
System at Komila/ Dasu water supply, tanks, pipes etc. for
four townships
6 Sanitation & Sewerage 165.00 Improvement of sewerage and
System at Komila/ Dasu sanitation facilities at Komila Town
(Primary treatment only)
7 GHS/GPS Seo Village 112.00 Dismantling of existing building and
construction of new building
Rough Cost 825.20
2.13 The procurement and implementation of some of the above priority schemes has
already been started by WAPDA with the assistance of Dasu Hydropower Consultants
(DHC). The Consultants (LADP-ICs) will carry out the detailed design, procurement and
implementation of ongoing as well as remaining works, on commencement for services.
b. Priority-II Schemes
2.14 The following Priority-II Schemes have, tentatively, been identified by WAPDA,
that needs to be frimed up by consultants, for technical feasibility studies and subsequent
detailed design, procurement and implementation of works by the Consultants (LADP-ICs):
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Tentative Cost
No. Name of Scheme
(Million PKR)
c. Priority-III Schemes
2.15 The following Priority-III Schemes have, tentatively, been identified by WAPDA,
that needs to be firmed up by consultants, for technical feasibility studies and subsequent
detailed design, procurement and implementation of works by the Consultants (LADP-ICs):
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Tentative Cost
No. Name of Scheme
(Million PKR)
1 Reconstruction of Schools -GHS Elil & GPS Joshai Kandia 112.00
2 Establishment of Water Filtration Plants in Project Area- 10 Nos 30.00
3 Establishment of Transport Adda for Komila 25.00
4 Rehabilitation & Improvement of Seo - Razika Road 15 km 115.00
5 Water Supply Scheme Purwan Village 7.00
6 Water Supply Scheme Dansh Kandia 5.00
7 Water Supply Scheme Seo Village & Adjoining area 6.00
8 Water Supply Scheme Shingli Village 4.50
9 Water Supply Scheme Razika Village 3.50
10 Water Supply Scheme Bar Ashyal Village 4.50
11 Water Channel Bush Hilal Abad 1.50
12 District Secretariat Road 1 km 5.00
13 AC Colony Road 2 km 6.00
14 Construction & Rehabilitation of Harban Valley Road 15 km 115.00
15 Purchase of Tractor Trollys for TMA Dasu & Kandia-2 Nos 10.00
16 Purchase of Fire Brigade Vehicles for TMA Dasu & Kandia - 2 Nos 15.00
17 Purchase of Excavator 2 Nos 35.00
Rough Cost 500.00
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Section 7 Terms of Reference
a. Consultation
2.23 Community consultation and participation shall be ensured at all stages from
identification to planning and detailed design and finally execution and monitoring.
2.24 The guiding principle underlying the consultations is that the social and
environmental safeguards planning and implementation must follow a consultative and
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Section 7 Terms of Reference
v. Detailed Design of all Schemes to the level of Bidding Documents, including Drawings
and Detailed Bill of Quantities and Detail Estimates.
vi. Preparation of EA/SA, EMP/SMP, LAP/RAP etc,
vii. Preparation of Procurement / Bidding Documents for each Scheme.
viii. Support to the Client during Bidding and Evaluation of Bids process.
ix. Overall construction supervision of all schemes.
x. The roles of the Project Manager and the Engineer as per FIDIC agreements.
xi. Overall management of the schemes, progress monitoring and updating overall
H. The scope of services outlined above are likely to consist, but not limited to
following tasks:
Task 1: Data Collection and Site Reconnaissance
Task 2: Field Investigation Works and Prioritization of Schemes
Task 3: Preparation of Bidding Level Detailed Design of Schemes and Cost Estimates
Task 4: Environment and social screening using the approved environment and Social
Frameworks and preparation of Environment and Social Assessment (EA/SA)
for each package works in contracts as well as Environment Management Plan
(EMP) and, Social Management Plan (SMP) and Land Acquisition (LAP) and
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
Task 5: Preparation of Bidding Documents / Request for Quotations (RFQ)
Task 6: Bidding and Contracting
Task 7: Preparation of Construction Design
Task 8: Construction Supervision
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Section 7. Terms of Reference
Task 3: Preparation of Bidding Level Detailed Design of Schemes and Cost Estimates
2.34 The bid level detailed design shall be developed for all schemes by the consultants.
The consultants shall prepare bid level detailed design report giving sufficient details of the
investigations carried out, design analysis, methods applied, and results of computations.
2.35 The Consultant shall prepare an implementation schedule for each of the scheme, as
well as operation plan for supervision and administration. The updated cost of each scheme
shall be determined on the basis of a quantity survey and adopting unit costs calculated by
using material, equipment and labour costs valid for the project region and based on ground
2.36 The Detailed Cost Estimate of each scheme shall be prepared for approval prior to
initiating Bidding Process.
Task 4: Details for Preparation of EA/SA and EMP/SMP and/or LAP/RAP etc.
2.37 Environmental Assessment and Environmental Management Plan. LADP-ICs
would assist carrying Environmental Assessment (EA) of the project and various work
undertake under the project. EA should be consistent with procedures for completing
Countries Environmental Review and the World Bank Operational Policies.
2.38 For overall Project LADP-ICs would prepare and environmental management
framework, using which EA and EMP would be prepared for each sub-project and/or batch
of projects under a contract. Environment Management Plan (EMP) plan for any adverse
impact of the construction activities, and operation of the project may have on the
environment. Specific EA/EMP would be prepared for which the feasibility level designs
would be prepared. EMP would consist of mitigation measures, monitoring program and
institutional development/strengthening program for implementation of EMP. Prepare cost
estimates for implementation of EMP, scope of work, terms of reference and a plan of how
various mitigating measures would be implemented either through modification of
construction contracts for project facilities or through additional works or consultancy
2.39 EMP would consist of mitigation measures, a monitoring program, an institutional
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Section 7 Terms of Reference
development/strengthening program for the implementation of the EMP and cost estimate
for its implementation. Prepare scope of work, terms of reference and a plan of how various
mitigating measures would be implemented either through making them part of the of
construction contracts for project facilities or through additional works or consultancy
contracts. The EMP would be incorporated to the extent possible in the construction
contract where it is not possible additional works would be deigned. As part of the EA
(a) prepare the inventory of the trees to be cut for construction and a program for tree
plantation for replacements;
(b) prepare inventory and maps of the protected areas including games reserves, wildlife
sanctuaries, wetlands and other natural habitats;
(c) assess possible impact of project works on adjacent protected areas or areas of
ecological significance and include these in the design report. If necessary, propose
and design alternatives and/or remedial works in such circumstances through detailed
protected area management plan;
(d) assess the effectiveness of environment management plan and recommend measures to
bridge the gaps in its implementation and enhancing benefits for the betterment of
associated environmental conditions.
(e) assist in review and clearance of EA/EMP from the monitoring and evaluation
consultants, and other relevant authorities and the World Bank,
(f) recommend the capacity building/training program for implementing agencies, to
enhance their capacities in the implementation of EMP.
2.40 Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Pan. LADP-ICs would
prepare sub-project specific social assessment in accordance with the overall Social Impact
Management Framework (SIMF) of the project and Bank Guidelines and include in the
design report. In this regard, LADP-ICs would undertake, but not limited to the, following
(i) undertake social assessment of the Project and its sub-projects;
(ii) carry out social impact assessment due to possible changes during construction of
infrastructure schemes. Prepare construction methods and propose measures to
minimize the disruption during construction of infrastructure schemes and propose
mitigation measures to address any negative impact;
(iii) u
United Nations) including sites having archeological, paleontological, historic,
religious, and unique natural values in the project area and prepare proper
documentation for such a cultural property. Determine the effect, if any, the Project
may have on the cultural property and develop a plan for its preservation;
(v) quantify the social impact of the project works on the project affected persons (PAPs)
and prepare appropriate mitigation plans and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
according to the Government policies and the World Bank OP on involuntary
resettlement and provision of the Project SIMF;
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Section 7. Terms of Reference
(vi) consultants would prepare full Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) when applicable and
in this context major activities to be carried out would include, but not limited to the
(a) collect basic data needed for preparation of RAP; this would include (i) full
census of affected persons landowners (resident and non-resident), family
members; (ii) full inventory of assets affected land, structures, crops,
productive trees; (iii) estimate of impact of loss on income of each household;
(iv) compilation and analysis of laws pertaining to land valuation, acquisition
and expropriation; (v) analysis of standard practices for land valuation,
acquisition and expropriation; (vi) documentation of efforts made to minimize
land acquisition/resettlement; and (vii) fully articulated options available to
affected persons.
(b) establish a bench mark situation, sketch out property, houses, and other
structures, trees vegetation, geo-profile in a map covered by the project works.
Video-tapping may be used to support the bench mark situation;
(c) prepare alternatives to minimize land acquisition, the resettlement and
displacement, prior to project start as well as during project implementation;
(d) design and implement a program to involve beneficiaries in project
conceptualization, planning and implementation and to facilitate public
awareness of the project and enhance its ownership;
(e) identify sites for relocation, involve PAPs in preparing alternatives for
relocation sites, and preparing strategy for site and housing replacement;
(f) describe entitlements for each category of impact and specify that
resettlement implementation will be based on specific provisions of agreed
SIMF and the RAP; describe method of valuation used for affected structures,
land, trees, and other assets; and prepare entitlement matrix; describe grievance
redress procedures, for registering complaints, mechanisms for appeal, and
process for approaching the civil courts;
(g) prepare a resettlement plan entitlement and policy matrix;
(h) propose institutional and organizational arrangement for the implementation of
RAP including linkages with the project implementing agencies, local
administration, NGOs and other related organizations;
(i) prepare cost estimates of RAP implementation separately identifying the
administrative costs, consulting services, equipment, and compensation under
major categories, such as land, houses, trees, other property, cost of
preparation of alternative sites, etc; and
(j) prepare RAP implementation arrangements and identify critical path actions
for timely implementation of the project.
(vii) Where social assessment identifies existence of any ethnic minorities and/or
indigenous peoples within in the vicinity of the project area, conduct appropriate
investigations in a consultative and participatory manner to identify potential impacts
that may be caused by the project activities and, in consultation with, the affected
ethnic minorities/indigenous peoples formulate appropriate mitigation measures.
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Assist WAPDA in setting up the logistics for the bidding process and in any pre-bid
Assist WAPDA in any clarifications requested by the prospective bidder/suppliers
(drafting replies to written requests for additional information);
Perform complete bids / quotations evaluation and preparation of bids / quotations
evaluation reports in a format suitable for submission to World Bank, and make
recommendations concerning the overall technical adequacy and reasonableness of the
proposed contract price;
Provide professional services as required to review the winning tenderer's drawings
and detailed designs for compliance with all specified contract requirements and
technical specifications, industry standards and good engineering practice and
Preparation of contract documents, the contract negotiations with the winning tenderer
and the award of the Contracts.
2.44 The procurement for the chosen schemes shall comp
-Consulting Services Under IBRD
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Section 7. Terms of Reference
2.45 In general, the schemes to be procured are small works where ICB
procurement would neither be efficient nor economic. Therefore, it is proposed that
shall be used where schemes are of a value less than 5 M USD equivalent.
2.46 Whilst most of these schemes are of a small scale and do not require Bank prior
review, it is understood that close collaboration with the Bank will be undertaken to ensure
transparency and compliance wit
Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Small Works for Construction Works
Schemes be utilized. However, pursuant to
subject to review, modification and subsequent approval of the Bank to ensure economy,
efficiency and transparency.
2.48 The procurement of Goods with a value less than 100,000 USD equivalent for off-
the-self good
Guidelines. Shopping may also be applied to simple Civil Works with a value less
than 200,000 USD equivalent, through the receipt of quotations from several local
contractors, registered with the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) for similar scale of
works. The Consultants will prepare the Request for Quotation (RFQ) Documents for
inviting Quotations from Contractors / Supplies.
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Implementing all the contract and inspection procedures to ensure that the design,
specifications, drawings, and general contractual requirements are being met.
Notifying the Contractor when he is failing in his obligations, and agreeing on
necessary remedies.
Maintaining adequate records.
Quality control & assurance site testing.
Checking the setting out of the work.
Checking and approving the Contractor's work schedule.
Checking that the Contractor is providing sufficient qualified personnel and adequate
construction equipment.
Verification of the work performed and supply delivered to the sites.
2.53 The Consultant will hold regular site and co-ordination meetings with the
Contractor, to review the progress of the works, identify possible difficulties in the
construction procedures and to discuss and agree the necessary remedial measures. The
Consultant will establish, together with the Contractor, the necessary priorities at site and
keep records of the issues discussed in the meetings, and informing Client on any action to
be taken.
2.54 Depending on the situation, the Consultant will issue either written or verbal site
instructions. Verbal site instructions will be given, whenever quick decisions are required in
order not to delay the ongoing works, to prevent ongoing works from being performed
incorrectly or in an unsafe manner. This may particularly be the case during excavation and
support works in critical ground conditions, concreting works and equipment erection and
embedment works. Verbal site instructions will always require a written confirmation
2.56 The Consultant will make sure that appropriate measures are taken to ensure
adequate health, safety and environmental standards during construction and
commissioning and will monitor the compliance of all construction activities with the EMP
and RAP.
a. Environmental Policies
i. Environmental Assessment & Screening (OP/BP 4.01)
2.57 The World Bank safeguards policy (OP/BP 4.01) compact with the environment
assessment and screening for ensuring that the chosen schemes for execution are
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Section 7. Terms of Reference
b. Social Policies
i. Physical Cultural Resources (OP 4.11).
2.60 During the survey of the schemes any identified Physical Cultural Resources (PCR)
will be protected before the implementation of the schemes. The Physical Cultural
Resources include archaeological and historical sites, historic urban areas, sacred sites,
graveyards, burial sites, unique natural values.
ii. Involuntary Resettlement (OP4.12).
2.61 While designing and implementation of the schemes involuntary displacement of
the local community will be ensured. If there is any displacement during the executing of
the schemes the project will compensate the affected household with cash payment for their
affected assets at replacement cost or as per set adopted policies of the Dasu HPP.
3. Implementation Arrangements
3.1 The Executing Agency: The WAPDA is the implementing agency for the DHP- I
through the General Manager / Project Director Dasu Hydropower Project to whom the
Consultant will report directly. The WAPDA will provide the existing data and information
including all reports prepared to date relating to this assignment.
3.2 Consultant Selection Criteria: The consultants would be selected following the
Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) criteria under the World Bank Guidelines for
selection of consultants and the form of contract would be Complex Time Based Contract.
3.3 Assignment Period: Consulting services would be for a period of five years (60
Months). All staff may not be needed for the duration of the assignment; staff deployment
would be based on need of work.
3.4 The Consultants are encouraged to use the expertise available in Pakistan to the
extent possible. The Consultants are free to propose a staffing plan and skill mix necessary
to meet the objectives and scope of services.
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3.5 Following is an indicative list of key staff required for carrying out the Assignment:
4. Public Health
Specialist Health with at least 10 years overall experience and at least
8 years working experience in public health management in
remote and economically poor environment; planning,
reviewing and first-hand experience in primary health care
delivery (and ideally in emergency patient care); community
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10. Environment
Specialist Environment from a recognized university. He / She should
have at least overall experience of 10 years with 05 years job
related activities on relevant projects.
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Assignment Numbers
of Copy
1. Field Investigation Works and Prioritization of Schemes 20
2. Progress Reports including monthly and Quarterly Reports & 10
Work Plans
As require
consent/approval on specific issues (as and when required)
4. Detailed Design Report consisting of a report for design of works / 20
schemes, Cost Estimates, Implementation Plan etc.
5. Bidding Documents. Bidding documents for all Works / Schemes, 20
BOQs, Cost Estimates, Technical Specification and Drawings.
6. Engineers Estimate for each of Work / Scheme Separately 5
7. Contractors Bids Evaluation Report for each Work / Scheme As required
8. Construction reports, Project implementation status reports 10
quarterly, annual and work plans etc. On regular basis
3.7 Purchase of Equipment / T&P will be carried out according to the need of
Consultants. The Consultants shall maintain inventory list of all purchased equipment,
vehicles and other T&P items etc and submit details in quarterly reports. All these items
shall be returned to WAPDA upon completion of contract with fair wear & tear condition.
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