F Trust Primer 1
F Trust Primer 1
F Trust Primer 1
F. Trust Primer
Elise Lin, Ron Shoemaker and Debra Kawecki
The trust instrument can be a pretty powerful piece of paper. The trust form has
always been considered as one of the foremost developments in the common law because
of its flexibility. This flexibility allows the trust instrument to serve a number of tax
planning purposes. With a little planning, a trust can create a current charitable tax
deduction, avoid capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated assets, and significantly
lower estate tax. For this reason, trusts are a common estate planning tool.
The Code recognizes this and provides several provisions designed specifically for
estate planning. The Code frequently permits trusts with charitable interests to achieve
legitimate estate planning goals. However, planners with a variety of tax objectives have
used trusts to generate tax-free savings in conjunction with compensation arrangements,
pension planning, and education savings. Because uses are not always appropriate,
Congress and the Service have occasionally had to step in when tax planning borders on
tax evasion. In many of these situations charitable objectives are decidedly subordinate
to the desire to avoid capital gains tax or to control an asset into succeeding generations.
This article describes how IRC 4947 applies the Chapter 42 private foundation
excise taxes to trusts that take advantage of charitable deductions. IRC 4947 controls the
application of the private foundation excise tax rules contained in Chapter 42 of the Code
to both nonexempt charitable trusts and trusts with both charitable and noncharitable
interests, entities that can be complex. This article starts with basic trust concepts and
then discusses charitable remainder trusts and charitable lead trusts. It also describes
emerging IRC 4947 trust issues.
Trust Primer
1. Overview
Grantor - The grantor is also known as the trustor, settlor, or founder. The
grantor is the person who transfers the trust property to the trustee.
Trust Property - A trust must have some assets, even if only one dollar. Trust
property includes assets like cash, securities, real property, tangible
personal property, and life insurance policies. The assets can be either
transferred during life of the grantor (“inter vivos”) or at his or her
death (“testamentary”). The trust property is also referred to as the
corpus, principal, estate or trust res.
Trustee - The trustee is the individual or entity responsible for holding and
managing the trust property for the benefit of the beneficiary. Trustees
can be a corporate fiduciary or any competent individual who is not a
minor. The trustee holds the legal title to the trust property. As such,
the trustee has a fiduciary duty to the beneficiaries with respect to the
trust property. In the event of a breach of fiduciary duty, a trustee may
be held personally liable. Such breaches include failing to pay out
distributions or misappropriation.
Beneficiary - The beneficiary is the individual or entity who will receive the
benefits of the trust property. The beneficiary holds the beneficial title
to the trust property. The trust document must clearly identify the
beneficiary or beneficiaries.
Every trust must have a legal purpose. The purpose is distinct from the grantor’s
motives or objectives in establishing a trust. For example, a trust can benefit a specific
beneficiary and achieve tax benefits for the grantor. Benefiting the beneficiary is the
Trust Primer
trust’s purpose. Achieving certain tax objectives might be the primary motive of the
donor, but it is not the purpose of the trust.
Trusts can provide advantages for estate, financial, personal or business purposes,
A. Simple Trust
A simple trust must distribute all its income currently. Generally, it cannot
accumulate income, distribute out of corpus, or pay money for charitable purposes. If a
trust distributes corpus during a year, as in the year it terminates, the trust becomes a
complex trust for that year. Whether a trust is simple or complex determines the amount
of the personal exemption ($300 for simple trusts and $100 for complex trusts), that
applies in calculating the tax owed.
B. Complex Trust
A complex trust is any trust that does not meet the requirements for a simple trust.
Complex trusts may accumulate income, distribute amounts other than current income
and, make deductible payments for charitable purposes under section 642(c) of the Code.
C. Grantor Trust
A grantor trust is a trust over which the grantor has retained certain interests or
control. The grantor trust rules in IRC 671-678 are anti-abuse rules. They prevent the
grantor from taking tax advantages from assets that have not left his or her control. The
Trust Primer
anti-abuse rules treat the grantor as owner of all or a portion of the trust. The grantor is
subject to tax on trust income so treated even if he or she does not actually receive the
D. Revocable Trust
If the grantor retains the ability to revoke the trust and revest the trust assets in the
grantor, the trust is revocable and the income is taxable to the grantor under the grantor
trust rules. Assets in a revocable trust are included in the grantor's gross estate for federal
estate tax purposes.
Revocable trusts also called living trusts, are one of the more frequently
misunderstood trust concepts. They are used primarily as a will substitute. Assets in
trust avoid the cost, time, expense, and publicity of probate.
Because a revocable trust may be a will substitute, it may provide for direct gifts to
charity as well as establishing a split interest trust, a charitable remainder trust, or a
charitable lead trust. For example, a revocable trust may establish a charitable remainder
trust upon the grantor's death to benefit a surviving spouse or child. The noncharitable
beneficiary can receive an income payment for life, or for a term of years. The remainder
will pass to charity at the death of the noncharitable income recipient or the end of the
Similarly, a grantor may use a will or a revocable trust to establish a charitable lead
trust, with an interest for charity during a term of years or for the life of certain
individuals, and the remainder to the grantor's spouse, child or other heir.
E. Irrevocable Trust
The Tax Reform Act of 1969 imposed a new tax plan on charitable organizations
and charitable giving. Congress was responding to abuses, particularly from charities
controlled by limited (typically family) interests. The most significant changes are the
distinction between public charities and private foundations, and the excise taxes in
Chapter 42 of the Code that apply to restrict the activities of private foundations. The
provisions of Chapter 42 are anti-abuse rules designed to insure private foundations
operate to achieve charitable purposes rather than benefit the limited interests that control
Trust Primer
Private foundations are not the only narrowly controlled entities that enjoy tax
advantages available for charitable giving. Trusts with only charitable beneficiaries and
trusts with both charitable and noncharitable beneficiaries enjoy the benefit of tax
deductible contributions. These trusts are also subject to the same abuses that led to the
imposition of Chapter 42 on private foundations. The benefits sought by the private
foundation reforms of the Tax Reform Act of 1969 would have been substantially
undercut if charitable and split interest trusts were not also subject to the anti-abuse rules.
IRC 4947 subjects trusts with charitable interests to some or all of the Chapter 42
excise taxes. It is a “loophole” closer. Without it, narrowly controlled foundations could
achieve most of the benefits of tax exempt status without the safeguards created by the
Chapter 42 excise taxes. In calculating the taxable income of a trust, an unlimited
charitable deduction is available. Thus a charitable trust not exempt under section
501(c)(3) would not pay tax or pay very little tax after deducting its charitable
IRC 4947(a)(1) provides that nonexempt charitable trusts will be subject to all
Chapter 42 excise taxes. A nonexempt charitable trust has assets held in trust for
charitable beneficiaries only. There are no noncharitable interests. A nonexempt
charitable trust can be created during the life of the grantor or to take effect at the
grantor's death. The trustee may see no benefit in applying for exemption under section
501(c)(3) but because of IRC 4947, the trust is subject to Chapter 42. A split interest
trust described in IRC 4947(a)(2) has both charitable and noncharitable interests. In a
charitable remainder trust, noncharitable interests terminate when the person or persons
holding the life interest dies or when the specified term of years in completed. After a
reasonable period of settlement, these trusts if they continue in existence rather than
terminate are no longer split-interest trusts. They have metamorphosed into nonexempt
charitable trusts now subject to all of Chapter 42.
A charitable lead trust is also subject to IRC 4947. Unlike charitable remainder
trusts, the charitable lead trust pays the charity a stream of payments with the remainder
going to individual beneficiaries. In certain tax planning situations, the lead trust can
provide advantages to the grantor.
Trust Primer
(1) Is a trust which is not exempt from taxation under section 501(a), and
(2) All of the unexpired interests are devoted to one or more exempt
purposes described in IRC 170(c)(2)(B), and for which a charitable
deduction was allowed under an income tax, estate tax, or gift tax
provision. Reg. 53.4947-1(b)(1).
This is a complicated way of saying that IRC 4947(a)(1) applies to trusts with only
charitable beneficiaries and the grantor or the grantor's estate took a charitable deduction.
Often, nonexempt charitable trusts apply to the Service for a ruling on public charity
status, usually under IRC 509(a)(3). Care needs to be taken to determine that the trust’s
assets are devoted solely to purpose described in IRC 170(c)(2)(B). For example, if a
trust were paying out part of its income for political purposes it would not meet the
definition of IRC 4947(a)(1) and could not receive a favorable ruling under IRC
509(a)(3). Of course, contributions to the trust should not have been deductible under
IRC 170 but the public charity ruling may be the first time the Service sees the trust
2. IRC 4947(a)(2)
Split-interest trusts are a common income and estate planning tool to reduce taxes
for persons who are also charitably inclined. There are a number of different types of
split interest trusts. Charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts and pooled income
Split-interest trusts are often promoted by charities with the charity serving as the
trustee. This is not required. For charitable remainder trusts and charitable lead trusts,
there is no requirement that the named charity even know of its impending gift. A charity
does not have to be specifically named as the remainderman at the time the charitable
remainder trust is created. The remainderman can be described by class (such as any
organization exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Code). The specific remainderman
may be chosen at a later date by a trustee, with the specific power to choose the
remainder beneficiary. A private foundation controlled by the grantor’s family can be the
remainder beneficiary. This may effect the size or timing of the grantor's charitable
Trust Primer
A charitable remainder trust is generally exempt from tax under IRC 664 of
Subchapter J, not under 501(a). Exemption under section 501(c)(3) would not be
appropriate because of the private interest present in each split interest trust.
A. In General
Like Chapter 42, IRC 664 and related provisions (IRC 170(f), 2055(e), and 2522(c))
were enacted as a part of the Tax Reform of 1969. See section 201(a), (d), and (e) of the
The charitable remainder trust takes two forms; (i) the charitable remainder annuity
trust (CRAT) and (ii) the charitable remainder unitrust (“CRUT”). IRC 664(d)(1) and
664(d)(2) and (d)(3), respectively. The primary distinction between the CRUT and the
CRAT is the manner used to determine the amount of the payment to the noncharitable
Trust Primer
annuity may not be greater than 50 percent of the fair market value of trust assets as of
the date of the transfer of assets to the trust. See IRC 664(d)(1).
The payout does not vary and it does not matter how much income is earned by the
trust during the year. If assets held by the trust are producing substantial gains, the
noncharitable beneficiary will not benefit. If income is insufficient to support the payout
the difference is made up from the principal of the trust. Because the annuity is fixed, the
noncharitable recipient receives no benefit from any appreciation in trust assets from year
to year. The amount that will actually pass to the charity cannot be determined until the
expiration of the noncharitable interest. However, the present value of the remainder
interest is determined at the time of the contribution using actuarial tables. If the assets
have been appreciating, the charity will benefit. If the corpus has been invaded to pay the
annuity to the noncharitable beneficiary, there may be little left for the charity.
The charitable remainder unitrust pays a fixed percentage (of not less than 5
percent) of the net fair market value of its assets valued annually and for transfers after
June 18, 1997, not more than 50 percent. The unitrust payout will be different each year
because the payout is based on an annual valuation. IRC 664(d)(2). If the value of the
unitrust assets increases, the payout to the noncharitable beneficiary will increase. The
advantage of the unitrust over the annuity trust to the noncharitable beneficiary is that the
unitrust serves as a hedge against inflation.
As with the annuity trust, the amount the charity will actually receive can not be
determined until the noncharitable interest terminates.
Two varieties of CRUTS are permitted under the Code. They can be used to avoid
the invasion of corpus when the trust’s income is not sufficient to make the unitrust
payment. Both the NICRUT and the NIMCRUT permit the trustee to pay the lesser of
the fixed percentage or the trust’s actual income. NIMCRUT stands for net income with
make-up charitable remainder unitrust. This type of trust pays to the noncharitable
beneficiary the lesser of:
(1) The fixed percentage (not less than 5 percent nor more than 50 percent) of
net fair market value of assets of the trust valued annually (the same as the
CRUT) or
(2) The amount of the actual trust accounting income (not tax income) for the
year. IRC 664(d)(3).
Trust Primer
If the trust income is less than the fixed percentage amount for any given year, a
shortfall is created because the beneficiary is getting less than the fixed percentage
amount. The amount of shortfall may be "made up" in a later year.
Trust A has a unitrust payout of 5%. In year 1 through 4, the trust has no
net income and the unitrust payout is $0.00. In year 5 the trust earns 8%.
The extra 3% can be used to make-up the short fall.
The make-up must come from extra trust accounting income, not from principal.
The NICRUT is the same as the NIMCRUT except there is no make-up provision
The NIMCRUT is commonly used when the donor wants to place property that does
not produce regular income and is not readily marketable into a charitable remainder
unitrust. Grantors often use a NIMCRUT to hold real estate and stock or other interests
in a closely held business. If the grantor were to donate only unimproved real estate to a
regular unitrust, the trust would earn no income and part or all of the real estate would
need to be sold in order to make the fixed payment to the noncharitable recipient. This
would probably not achieve the grantor’s goal, which most likely was to hold the
property in trust while it appreciated. By using a NIMCRUT, the payment to the income
beneficiary is $0.00, the lesser of the unitrust percentage amount or the trust accounting
income. An expensive and, perhaps, fruitless effort to sell part of the trust property is
avoided. In this scenario, either a NICRUT or a NIMCRUT will do.
The NIMCRUT will be used by grantors who wish to have small current income
payments and larger payments in the future.
G. Flip Unitrust
An other variety of unitrust is called the “flip” trust. This trust starts out as either a
NICRUT or a NIMCRUT. On the occurrence of a specific event set forth in the trust
document, it “flips” or converts automatically to a straight fixed percentage unitrust.
Trust Primer
A and B, husband and wife, want to be able to help fund the college
expenses of their granddaughter, C. C is 10 years old. A and B own
property that is currently appreciating without producing income. They are
advised to set up a flip unitrust. The unitrust amount is set at 10%. For the
first 8 years the trust will be a NIMCRUT. C is the beneficiary but she
receives no income during the 8 year NIMCRUT period. The triggering
event to flip the trust is C’s 18th birthday. The property has significantly
appreciated in value. It is sold and the proceeds are invested in income
producing assets.
Any trust accounting income received during the year of C's 18th birthday that
exceeds the 10% unitrust amount may be paid to C under the IRC 664(d)(3)(B) make-up
provisions upon the flip to a standard fixed percentage unitrust, any unpaid makeup
amount is forfeited. The trust assets have greatly appreciated in value so that the 10%
received by C should be sufficient to fund her college expenses. Even if the trust income
is not sufficient, because the trust in now a regular CRUT, corpus can be invaded to pay
the unitrust amount. A and B will get a charitable deduction based on the present value
of the remainder interest upon setting up the trust, but, the present value of C's unitrust
interest will be subject to gift and generation skipping transfer tax. They will not have to
pay capital gains on the sale of the property. Income from the trust will be taxed at C’s
lower tax rate. The property will be removed from A and B’s estate, lowering their estate
Reg. 1.664-3(a)(1)(i)(c) provides the authority for the flip provision. Specifically,
that regulation permits the net income method for a unitrust for an initial period and then
fixed percentage amount for the remaining period of the trust only if the governing
instrument provides for certain conditions. These conditions include the requirement that
the change in unitrust payment method is triggered on a specific date or by a single event
whose occurrence is not discretionary with, or in the control of, the trustees or any other
persons. Reg. 1.664-3(a)(1)(i)(d) provides that the sale of unmarketable assets, or the
marriage, divorce, death, or birth of a child are permissible triggering events because they
are not considered to be discretionary with any person. This list is not all inclusive.
There are provisions in the regulations for the effective date of the “flip” provision
that are complex and beyond the scope of the article. But, the reformation of a trust to
add a flip provision could result in a self-dealing transaction under IRC 4941 in the
absence of authority to the contrary. The issue of self-dealing under IRC 4941 was
discussed in the FY 1999 EO CPE Text, Topic P, pages 333-335. It is clear that a “flip”
qualifying under the requirements of the IRC 664 regulations will not constitute an act of
self-dealing, including trust document reformations occurring under the effective date
provisions of Reg. 1.664-3(a)(1)(i)(f).
Trust Primer
Not all CRUTS and CRATS look alike. The Grantor has a number of options in
drafting the trust agreement to meet special needs.
(1) Upon the creation of a charitable remainder trust the trust instrument
can reserve a power for the noncharitable beneficiary to appoint by
will the charitable remaindermen. Rev. Rul. 76-7, 1976-1 C.B. 179.
(3) The charitable remainder interest need not be named in the trust
document and the trustee may be vested with the power to name the
charitable recipient of the remainder interest. However, all
charitable remainder trusts must provide that the trustee will transfer
the remainder to a qualified charitable organization if the named
organization is not qualified at the time payments are to be made to
it. Regs. 1.644-2(a)(6)(iv) and 1.644-3(a)(6)(iv)
NOTE: Contrast these rules with the more restrictive rules applied
to IRC 501(c)(3) exempt organizations for designating charitable
recipients subsequent to the date of the gift. Consider; (a) the
material restriction or condition requirement of the community trust
regulations and Regs. 1.507-2(a)(8); (b) the limited rights under IRC
170(b)(1)(E)(iii) for pooled common funds; and (c) the limits for
naming charitable recipients under the organizational test for
supporting organizations. See Rev. Rul. 79-197, 1979-1 C.B. 204.
(4) The donor may be named as trustee or retain the power to substitute
himself as trustee. Rev. Rul. 77-285, 1977-2 C.B. 213. However,
Trust Primer
(8) Charitable remainder trusts are funded with many different types of
assets. It is a common practice to fund the trusts with appreciated
assets. As discussed above, the sale of appreciated assets by the
trust is not taxable with respect to the trust.
(9) An inter vivos charitable remainder unitrust, created during the life
of the grantor, may receive additions to the trust assets by transfers
of property made during the grantor's life or at his death by a
provision in his will. Rev. Rul. 74-149. Additional property
contributions may not be made to a charitable remainder annuity
trust. Regs. 1.664-2(b).
Trust Primer
(11) The trust may satisfy the annuity or unitrust amount by making a
distribution of property rather than cash. A property distribution to
satisfy the annual payout requirement is treated as a sale or exchange
by the trust. Regs. 1.664-1(d)(5).
(1) The donor of a lifetime gift generally receives a current income tax
deduction under IRC 170 even though the trust principal may not be
distributed to charity for many years.
(2) The trust is generally exempt from tax on the income earned by the
a. Sell the property first, pay the tax and put cash in trust.
b. Place the asset in trust and have the trust sell it without paying
Although the trust is generally exempt on the income it earns under IRC 664(c), the
annuity or unitrust payments distributed to the noncharitable recipient may be taxable to
the recipient. The distributions are characterized as ordinary income, capital gain
income, other income, or as a distribution of trust principal under ordering rules for
establishing priorities under IRC 664(b). Thus, the noncharitable recipient is taxed on
Trust Primer
amounts received from the trust to the extent that the trust has current or previously
undistributed ordinary or capital gain income
A charitable lead trust (CLT) pays the charity first. It is defined in IRC
170(f)(2)(B). IRC 4947(a)(2) applies to a charitable lead trust. There is an annuity
version and a unitrust version. The charitable lead trust is a split-interest trust that is the
reverse of the charitable remainder trust. In the charitable lead trust, the charitable
payment is a guaranteed annuity or fixed percentage of fair market value of trust
property, valued annually, payable to charity for a term of years or for the life or lives of
specified individuals. Charity comes first. The remainder interest in the trust is paid to
private interests, often the grantor or the grantor's heirs.
(1) Non-grantor CLT. The income from this trust is taxed to the trust
not the grantor. The grantor does not get an income tax charitable
deduction for the transfer to the trust. The trust is entitled to a
charitable deduction for any amount of gross income paid to a
charity during the year. This trust is mostly used to avoid transfer
(2) Grantor CLT. The income from the trust is taxed to the grantor but
the grantor gets an income tax charitable deduction for the present
value of the annuity or unitrust interest at the time the assets are
transferred. This must be an inter vivos trust because the income has
to be taxed to the grantor.
The reason CRATS are not preferred over CRUTS is that an annuity, being fixed,
benefits the charitable remainderman because the income beneficiary does not share in
the appreciation of the trusts assets. In lead trusts, charitable lead annuity trusts are
usually preferred rather than charitable lead unitrusts. The grantor wants to benefit the
remainderman because the remainderman is the grantor or the grantor's designee. A
charitable lead annuity trust pays out a uniform payment to the charity. Any appreciation
remains in the trust to benefit the remainderman.
Trust Primer
(1) For the pooled income fund, the income beneficiary receives his full
proportionate share of all trust accounting income earned by the
pooled fund
(3) Because the payment is based on income, there is never any invasion
of corpus. If the fund earns no income, it makes no payment for the
(5) From the grantor's perspective, a CRT is much more flexible but a
PIF has the advantage of simplicity.
All the split-interest trusts identified above are subject to IRC 4947(a)(2). Under
IRC 4947(a)(2), a split interest trust is subject to IRC 507, IRC 508(e), IRC 4941, IRC
4945, and, in some cases, IRC 4943 and IRC 4944.
IRC 4947(b)(3) provides rules for excluding a split-interest trust from IRC 4943 and
IRC 4944. IRC 4943 and 4944 do not apply to most split-interest trusts because of this
exclusion. The calculations called for in IRC 4947(b)(3) must be made to determine if
IRC 4943 and 4944 will or will not apply.
Trust Primer
A charitable remainder trust that realizes any amount of unrelated business income,
as defined in IRC 512, is taxed as a complex trust for that year. Regs. 1.664-1(c).
Typically, IRC 514 creates the problem, as a trust has debt financed income if it takes
property subject to a mortgage. There are two exceptions.
(1) A trust will not have UBI for a period of ten years following a gift as
long as it does not assume the debt.
(2) An inter vivos trust will not have UBI for a period of 10 years
following a gift as long as the debt was placed on the property for
more than 5 years from the making of the gift and the debt is not
Trust Primer
1. An Exception to Self-dealing
IRC 4941, which provides that any sale, exchange or leasing of property between a
private foundation and a disqualified person is an act of self-dealing, could make it vary
difficult to administer an estate.
Testator A bequeathed $100,000 to his wife and a piece of unimproved real estate of
equivalent value to private foundation Z, of which A was the creator and manager. In
keeping with state law and to meet the needs of the private foundation and the spouse, the
executor exercises his power and distributes the $100,000 cash to the foundation and the
real estate to A’s wife.
The spouse and the private foundation are both pleased with the outcome, but has an
indirect act of self-dealing occurred? The regulations under IRC 4941 specifically
provide an exception to the general rules on self-dealing to ease estate administration.
The term “indirect self-dealing” shall not include a transaction with respect
to a private foundation’s interest or expectancy in property . . . held by an
estate (or revocable trust, including a trust which has become irrevocable
on a grantor’s death), regardless of when title to the property vests under
local law, if-
This exception applies if certain specific conditions are met. The purpose of the
exception is to allow flexibility to shift assets during administration of the estate to
facilitate the carrying out of the decedent’s intent provided in the will or revocable trust
instrument. One important condition for the application of this exception is that
exchanges of assets must be at equal fair market values. Reg. 53.4941(d)-1(b)(3)(iv).
The other requirements for qualifying for the estate administration, found generally in
Reg. 53.4949-1(b)(3)(i) through (v), are as follows:
Trust Primer
(iii) Such transaction occurs before the estate is considered terminated for
federal income tax purposes;
(iv) The estate (or trust) receives an amount which equals or exceeds the fair
market value of the foundation's interest or expectancy in such property
at the time of the transaction, taking into account the terms of any
option subject to which the property was acquired by the estate or trust.
(v) With respect to transactions occurring after April 16, 1973, the
transaction either:
(c) Is required under the terms of any option, which is binding on the
estate (or trust).
2. A Clarifying Point
3. An Act of Self-dealing
(2) It purchases property for less than fair market value from a private
Trust Primer
(3) The trust is a disqualified person to the foundation under IRC 4946.
The exception is not available because of the below market rate sale.
The possibility of self-dealing and the estate administration exception was pivotal in
Rockefeller v. United States, 718 F.2d 290 (8th Cir. 1983), cert. den. 466 U.S. 962 (1984),
in which the court considered a case where the Service imposed a self-dealing penalty on
an executor. On February 22, 1973, Winthrop Rockefeller died. Pursuant to the terms of
his Last Will and Testament, dated November 14, 1972, he left the residue of his estate to
a charitable trust created under his Will. The Will contemplated that property known as
Winrock Farms would constitute a substantial part of the residue and would compose a
substantial part of the trust.
On September 30, 1975, plaintiff, the son of Winthrop Rockefeller, and the executor
of the estate of Winthrop Rockefeller, executed an agreement with the executor of
Winthrop Rockefeller’s estate to purchase all the stock of Winrock Farms. The plaintiff
and the estate obtained an independent appraisal of the fair market value of the Winrock
Farms' stock, and petitioned the Probate Court of Conway County, Arkansas, the probate
court with jurisdiction over the estate for approval of the sale. The Probate Court entered
an order approving the sale at the appraised fair market value, and plaintiff purchased the
stock at that value on December 19, 1975.
After auditing the estate's 1975 tax return, the Internal Revenue Service issued a
report proposing certain adjustments in the estate's tax return. The proposed adjustments
were based on certain findings of fact, one of which was that the sale of the stock to the
plaintiff was not at fair market value. The Commissioner relied on the definition of self
dealing in § 4941(d)(1), which includes indirect sales between a disqualified person and a
private foundation, and failure to meet the requirements of Reg. § 53.4941(d)-1(b)(3).
The plaintiff argued that IRC 4941 was unconstitutional and that even if the statute was
constitutional, the regulation is unconstitutional. The Court upheld the Service, holding
both the Code section and the estate administration regulation constitutional.
Trust Primer
Reis also was an officer and employee of the Marlborough Gallery, Inc. In May of
1970, shortly after Rothko's death, the executors of the estate, including Reis, entered into
contracts on behalf of the estate with the gallery. The agreement provided that Rothko’s
paintings, which comprised the bulk of the estate's assets could be sold only by the
gallery or its affiliated corporations throughout the world. The contracts were to last 12
years, and the gallery was to receive a commission of 50 percent of the proceeds from the
sale of each painting.
The Service argued that because the foundation was a beneficiary under Mark
Rothko's will, it had a vested beneficial interest in the property of the estate. The Service
maintained that Reis' acts with respect to the property of the estate simultaneously and
adversely affected the foundation's beneficial interest and constituted an indirect use of
foundation assets by or for the benefit of Reis. The Service cited section 53.4941(d)-
1(b)(3) of the regulations, as authority for the general proposition that acts of self-dealing
with respect to property of an estate also will be regarded as acts of self-dealing with
respect to assets of a private foundation that has a beneficial interest in the property of the
The termination issue is important. The date of termination controls when the
provisions of IRC 4947 apply. The nature of the beneficiaries determines whether IRC
4947(a)(1) or IRC 4947(a)(2) applies.
1. 4947(a)(1)
Trust Primer
(1) An estate distributes all its net assets to charitable beneficiaries, and
(2) Is considered terminated for federal income tax purposes under Reg.
1.641(b)-3(a). The purpose of Reg. 1.641(b)-3(a) is to prevent an
estate from continuing in existence for federal income tax purposes
after it has completed all of its duties and avoiding the private
foundation rules.
The estate will be treated as a charitable trust between the date the estate is
considered terminated and the date of final distribution of all of the net assets to charity.
It will be subject to 4947(a)(1) and all of the excise taxes under Chapter 42 of the Code.
2. 4947(a)(2)
The trust is still treated as a split-interest under IRC 4947(a)(2) until the date of final
distribution of all of its net assets. If the trust is considered terminated for federal income
tax purposes under Regs. 1.641(b)-3(b), then IRC 4947(a)(1) rather than IRC 4947(a)(2)
shall apply. The difference between the two sections is significant. For example, IRC
4942 is applied to a charitable trust under IRC 4947(a)(1) but not to a split interest trust
under IRC 4947(a)(2).
Grace periods for termination of other types of IRC 4947 trusts are also described in
the regulations.
The only way a nonexempt charitable trust can avoid Chapter 42 is to become a
public charity. The supporting organization rules of IRC 509(a)(3) offer the most likely
possibility for public charity status. Split interests trust can not qualify for exemption or
public charity status until all life interests terminate because they serve private interests.
Trusts applying for 509(a)(3) status usually request classification under the
“operated in connection with” relationship. Applicants will be trusts created with
Trust Primer
exclusively charitable beneficiaries or split interests trusts where the payments to private
parties have terminated.
Frequently, during bank mergers the surviving bank will discover that the trust
department it acquired did not file for exempt status for hundreds of small trusts. It is
questionable whether these bank trusteed nonexempt charitable trusts will qualify under
the "operated in connection with" test. For an in depth discussion of this issue see the
1997 EO CPE Text, Topic I.
1. Filing Requirements
The returns, forms and schedules that this section refers to are the following:
Generally, exempt charitable trusts treated as public charities are required to file
Form 990, Schedule A, and Form 990-T, if applicable. However, trusts whose annual
gross receipts are not normally more than $25,000 do not have to file Form 990 and
Schedule A. Exempt charitable trusts treated as private foundations are required to file
Form 990-PF and 990-T, if applicable.
Pooled Income Funds (“PIF”) are required to file Form 5227. However, a PIF
created before May 27, 1969, is not required to filed Form 5227 provided no amounts
were transferred to the PIF after that date. If the PIF has any taxable income, gross
income of $600 or more (regardless of taxable income), or a beneficiary who is a
nonresident alien, the PIF must file Form 1041. In addition, if the PIF is not required to
distribute currently all the income to beneficiaries, then Form 1041-A must also be filed.
Trust Primer
This type of charitable trust is treated as a taxable private foundation that must file
Form 990-PF. Form 1041 must be filed if the trust has any taxable income for the tax
year, gross income of $600 or more (regardless of taxable income), or a beneficiary who
is a nonresident alien.
Charitable remainder trusts (“CRT”) must file Form 5227. However, a CRT created
before May 27, 1969, is not required to file 5227 provided that no amount was transferred
to the trust after such date. Generally, the CRT is not subject to tax and as such, is not
required to file Form 1041. However, if the CRT receives unrelated business taxable
income within the meaning of section 512, the CRT is subject to tax as if it were a
complex trust for such taxable year and must file Form 1041. See section 1.664-(1)(c) of
the Income Tax Regulations and Leila G. Newhall Unitrust v. Commissioner, 105 F.3d
482 (9th Cir. 1997), aff’g. 104 TC 236 (1995). Furthermore, if the trust is not required to
distribute all the income currently to the beneficiaries, Form 1041-A must also be filed.
A nonexempt charitable trust must file Form 990 and Schedule A or Form 990-PF.
Form 990 and Schedule A does not have to be filed if the trust does not have annual gross
receipts that are normally more than $25,000. In addition, Form 1041 must also be filed
if the trust has any taxable income, gross income of $600 or more (regardless of taxable
income), or a beneficiary who is a nonresident alien. However, if the trust has no taxable
income, Form 990 or Form 990-PF may be used to satisfy the requirements of filing
Form 1041.
These trusts must file Form 5227. However, trusts created before May 27, 1969, is
not required to file Form 5227 provided no amounts were transferred to the trust after that
date. Form 1041 must also be filed if the trust has any taxable income for the tax year,
gross income of $600 or more (regardless of taxable income), or a beneficiary who is a
nonresident alien. In the event that the trust is not required to distribute currently all the
income to the beneficiaries, then Form 1041-A must also be filed.
Trust Primer
1. Accelerated Trusts
The FY 1996 EO CPE Text, Topic G discussed the accelerated unitrust issue
described in Notice 94-78, 1994-2 C.B. 555. Notice 94-78 describes the scheme, as
asserted by certain taxpayers as follows:
The unitrust amount required to be paid for the first year is $800,000, but
during the first year no actual distributions are made from the trust to the
donor as the recipient of the unitrust amount. At the beginning of the
second year, all the assets are sold for $1 million, and the $800,000 unitrust
amount for the first year is distributed to the donor between January 1 and
April 15 of the second year. The unitrust amount for the second year is
$160,000 (80 percent times the $200,000 net fair market value of trust
assets). At the end of the second year, the trust terminates, and $40,000 is
paid to the charitable organization.
Proponents of this transaction contend that the tax treatment of this example would
be as follows. Because the trust had no income during the first year, the entire $800,000
unitrust amount is characterized as a distribution of corpus under section 664(b)(4).
(Because the distribution is made before April 15, the distribution is treated as a payment
of the unitrust amount for the trust’s first year.)
The $160,000 unitrust amount for the second year is characterized as capital gain,
on which the donor pays tax of $44,800 ($160,000 times the 28 percent tax rate for
capital gains). The donor is left with net cash of $915,200 ($800,000 from the first year
and $115,200 net from the second year). If the donor had sold the assets directly, the
donor would have paid tax of $280,000 on the $1 million capital gain, leaving net cash of
only $720,000.
The Notice asserts that the Service will challenge transactions of this type based on
a laundry list of legal theories. Congress amended IRC 664(d)(2)(A) [and 664(d)(1)(A)]
to address the problem of the accelerated trust by limiting the maximum amount of the
Trust Primer
unitrust payment amount to no more than 50 percent of the fair market value of trust
Notwithstanding the new legislation or Notice 94-78, the real authority that led to
the end of this type of accelerated trust abuse was new Reg. 1.664-3(a)(1)(g), which
requires that payment generally be made by the end of the year.
Nothing is ever really put to rest. It comes back with a twist. Some tax
professionals are advocating or promoting the revival of the accelerated charitable
remainder trust in different form.
The new technique relies on the use of standard fixed payment unitrust. It is
designed to meet the new 10 percent requirement of IRC 664(b)(2)(D).
(1) The trustee will borrow a large sum against the trust assets. Assume
a unitrust with assets (real estate) of $1,000,000, a term of 4 years
and a fixed unitrust amount of 48 percent .
(2) The real estate produces no net income but is appreciating at the rate
of 10 percent per year. Assume the trustee borrows in the first year
the sum of $480,000 pledged by the real estate, and the interest rate
is 10 percent, payable with principal at the end of four years.
(3) In year one, the trustee distributes $480,000 of borrowed funds to the
donor/income beneficiary as payment of his unitrust amount. The
unitrust has earned no income in the first year. This is crucial to the
technique because the distribution of $480,000 is treated, by the
proponent of this scheme, as a distribution from trust principal.
(5) At the beginning of year 2, the net asset value of the unitrust is
$620,000 ($1,000,000 asset plus appreciation of 10 percent or
$100,000 less the first year loan obligation distribution of $480,000
equals $620,000).
(6) In year 2, the trustee borrows $297,600 to pay the unitrust amount
($620,000 x 48% = $297,600). According to the promoters the 2nd
unitrust payment is a return of principal.
Trust Primer
(7) The unitrust payments will decline in future years and in some year
there may be a sale so that the noncharitable beneficiary will realize
some income. However, overall he has realized a substantial
reduction in tax liability compared to a sale of the real estate for
Another variation of this technique is where the trustee obtains cash for payment of
the unitrust amount by entering into a forward sale contract. A forward sale contract is
much like a loan against the trust property. Once the property is sold, the seller is
obligated to transfer property to the person who advanced the cash under the forward sale
The forward sale contract is not considered as a sale at the time the cash is advanced
to the property holder because the property holder has retained the benefits and burdens
of ownership. Again, in this variation, the proponent of this scheme may argue that the
distribution of cash by the trustee to the noncharitable beneficiary is treated as a tax free
distribution of principal rather than the distribution of any income generated by the
The Service issued proposed regulations on October 21, 1999, to address the
problems caused by loans or forward sale contracts. The explanation of the proposed
regulation states:
The IRS and Treasury Department are aware of certain abusive transactions
that attempt to use a section 664 charitable remainder trust to convert
appreciated assets into cash while avoiding tax on the gain from the
disposition of the assets. In these transactions, a taxpayer typically
contributes highly appreciated assets to a charitable remainder trust having
a relatively short term and relatively high payout rate. Rather than sell the
assets to obtain cash to pay the annuity or unitrust amount to the
beneficiary, the trustee borrows money, enters into a forward sale, or other
similar transaction. Because the borrowing, forward sale or other similar
transaction does not result in current income to the trust, the parties attempt
to characterize the distribution of cash to the beneficiary as a tax-free return
of corpus under section 664(b)(4).
Trust Primer
charitable remainder trust rules.” Rep. No. 33, 105th Cong., 1st Sess. 201
The explanation goes on to state that under the authority provided by IRC 643(a)(7),
the proposed regulations modify the treatment of certain distributions by charitable
remainder trusts for purposes of section 664(b) to prevent a result inconsistent with the
purposes of the charitable remainder trust rules.
(b) Deemed sale by trust. (1) For purposes of section 664(b), a charitable
remainder trust shall be treated as having sold, in the year for which a
distribution of an annuity or unitrust amount from the trust is due, a pro
rata portion of the trust assets to the extent that the distribution of the
annuity or unitrust amount-
(ii) Was made from an amount received by the trust that was not-
In effect, the proposed regulation will treat the proceeds from the loan proceeds or
proceeds from a forward sale contract as if such proceeds resulted from a deemed sale of
the appreciated asset by the trust, thus, requiring the recipient to recognize the inherent
gain in the year of distribution of proceeds notwithstanding that a sale under the local law
provisions may not occur until some future date. The language of the proposed
Regulations also set forth certain exceptions to the rule.
2. Vulture Trusts
Similar to the vulture, the promoters of this form of charitable lead trust circle in on
mortally ill young people. The promoter, prepared with the names and medical records
of ailing young people, offers to set up a charitable lead trust using these unrelated
individuals as the measuring lives for their wealthy, healthy donors. Described by critics
as "the grotesque and the ghoulish", this trust takes advantage of the actuarial tables used
by the Service to calculate life expectancy for gift-tax purposes. This structure yields big
benefits for the donor and the donor's beneficiaries. In effect, the donor pays minimal
Trust Primer
gift taxes, provides insignificant amounts in total payments to the named charity and
transfers the remaining but significantly valuable trust assets to the donor's beneficiaries.
In response to this practice, Treasury published proposed regulations this past April
barring this abusive tax scheme. The new regulations limit the measuring life to the life
of the grantor, the grantor's spouse, or a lineal ancestor of the remainder beneficiaries.