Infosheet Chip45boot2

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chip45boot2 Infosheet

chip45boot2 Infosheet

Flexible bootloader for AVR microcontrollers with auto-baud, hexfile support and extra functions.

Name Supported Devices Memory Usage
chip45boot2 ATmega8, ATmega88, ATmega88P, ATmega8515, ATmega8535, 1k word boot block size (2048 bytes)
ATmega16, ATmega162, ATmega164P, ATmega168, ATmega168P,
(current release is v2.9C) ATmega32, ATmega324P, ATmega325, ATmega3250,
ATmega328P, ATmega3290P,
ATmega64, ATmega640, ATmega645, ATmega644, ATmega644P
ATmega128, ATmega1280, ATmega1281, ATmega1284P
ATmega2560, ATmega2561
AT90CAN32, AT90CAN64, AT90CAN128
ATxmega64a1, ATxmega128A1 (mask revision H) 8k fixed size bootblock for xmegas
ATxmega16A4, ATxmega32A4


• direct support of Intel Hex files

• automatic baud rate setting to host baudrate,
independent of CPU clock settings (!!!)
• new: RS485 support!
• simple command line interface with any terminal program
• programming of flash and eeprom memory
• byte wise read and write access to SRAM memory and
MCU registers
• byte wise read and write access to EEPROM memory
• 1k boot block (2048 bytes) for ATmegas/AT90CANs, 8k
fixed size bootblock for Xmegas
• distributed as precompiled hex files for simple usage
• comfortable PC and Mac OS X software available for

If your favorate AVR controller type is not included in the above
list of supported devices, send an email to and
the chip45 team will add the controller to the list and provide a
new precompiled hexfile for free!

If you are an experienced user of Atmel AVR controllers and you
are familiar with bootloader related fuse bit settings, you may start
like this:
• set fusebits to 1k boot block, activate boot reset vector
and disable 1/8 prescaler
• download the correct chip45boot2 hexfile to your target
• connect your target to a PC
• with the chip45boot2 GUI:
• start the GUI, select COM port and baud rate and press “Connect to Bootloader”
• reset your target (not necessary, if your target supports auto-reset-feature)
• with a terminal program:
• set PC serial port to 19200 baud, 8N1, XON/XOFF (we suggest to start with 19200 baud, even though
higher baudrates are possible, depending of target MCU clock)
• hold shift-U keys pressed while powering on or resetting your target
• see the welcome message “c45b2” plus version number plus prompt on the next line
• now the bootloader is ready to accept the below described commands
• please read the note on “fragmented hexfiles” below!

chip45boot2 © chip45 GmbH & Co. KG • Am Pfad 8 • 35440 Linden • Germany • Better Embedded.
chip45boot2 Infosheet
If the chip45boot2 bootloader did not come preloaded on your device, you have to program it once to your MCU
with an In-System-Programming adapter (ISP-adapter). After this, further programming of the MCU can be done
with the bootloader and an ISP adapter is longer needed. Suitable ISP adapters are for example the CrispAVR-
USB by chip45 ( or the AVRISP-mkII bei Atmel. Beside those there exist many
third party programmers, which can be used.


Use your favorate ISP adapter and PC software to download the chip45boot2 hexfile to the MCU. Make sure that it
matches either the MCU type as well as the UART desired for communication! Beside the hexfile, also the fusebits
of the AVR MCU have to be set properly. The chip45boot2 ZIP files contains several screenshots showing working
fusebit settings for the respective MCUs. Some general remarks on fusebit setting are here:

Fusebits Function
BOOTSZ These two fusebits select the size of the flash boot block area!
Chose a 2kbyte boot block, i.e. “Boot Flash size = 1024 words”, since Atmel counts flash addresses in 16 bit words (2
bytes). This also selects the boot block start address.
BOOTRST This fusebit activates the bootloader, i.e. after a reset the MCU starts code execution not at bottom fo flash (0x0000), but at
the above set boot block address.
This fusebit must be set, to have the possibility to enter the bootloader after every reset.
WDTON This fusebit enables the software watchdog timer.
If your application requires a watchdog to run and you must set this fusebit, you cannot use the bootloader without code
modification. The bootloader currently does not contain any code to trigger the watchdog, hence the watchdog will force a
reset after start of the bootloader and timeout of the watchdog timer.
CKDIV8 This fusebit divides the clock source by eight before clocking the MCU core.
Since the chip45boot2 automatically adjust its baudrate prescaler settings to a received 19200 baud character sequence, it
has problems with certain too low clock settings. If using the internal 8MHz RC oscillator, the CKDIV8 bit must be disabled,
since the resulting 1MHz clock is not suitable for 19200 baud communication. chip45boot2 works properly from about 4MHz
up. This is not the case for baudrate-suitable clock frequencies, e.g. an external 1.8432MHz crystal works fine and thus an
external 14.7456MHz crystal also works fine, even with CKDIV8 enabled, since this results in 1.8432MHz MCU clock.
SUT_CKSEL These fusebits in combination select the clock source for the MCU core and the startup time after a reset.
Most of the newer AVR controllers come with the internal 8MHz RC oscillator selected as clock source and have CKDIV8
enabled and older AVR controllers come with the internal 1MHz RC oscillator selected.
chip45boot2 works proper with the internal RC oscillator, provided the frequency is at least 4MHz (preferably 8MHz).
Alternatively external clock sources can be used, e.g. odd frequencies like 14.7456MHz to achieve error free baud rate
prescaler values.
Keep in mind, that “external clock” selects an external clock signal, not an external crystal! If you use a crystal, make sure
not to select “external clock”, since it will make further ISP access impossible as long as you do not connect some external
clock signal to XTAL1 of the MCU! Which is a proper solution to reanimate misconfigured MCUs.

After the fusebits are set properly and the hexfile is programmed, you can work with the bootloader.


After a reset the bootloader waits for approximately 2 seconds to detect a transmission at its RXD pin. If so, it will
measure the timing of the rising and falling edges of four consecutive characters 'U' at the host's baud to determine
its correct baud rate prescaler. After this, the bootloader is active and ready to communcate at host's baud rate with
a terminal program (or another PC software) and will print a short welcome message: “c45b2” plus version number
followed by a carriage return and a promt character '>'.

The two most simple ways to activate the bootloader in practice is:

1) with a standard terminal program

• start your terminal program (19200 baud, 8N1, XON/XOFF handshake)
• hold SHIFT-U pressed
• reset the target MCU
• see the welcome message
• release SHIFT-U

2) with the chip45boot2 GUI PC application

• start the chip45boot2 GUI and select COM port and baud rate
• reset the target MCU (not necessary if target has auto-reset-feature)
• press the button “Connect to Bootloader”

chip45boot2 © chip45 GmbH & Co. KG • Am Pfad 8 • 35440 Linden • Germany • Better Embedded.
chip45boot2 Infosheet
The bootloader understands some simple commands, which are listed in the following table. When a command has
been executed properly, it will be echoed (depending on the command, additional return values are appended) and
a '+' is appended. In case of any error, a '-' is appended.
The bootloader uses a '\n' (new line, 0x0d) as line ending, hence it works properly with Windows and Unix line
endings. Make sure to set the line endings on your terminal program to 'CR+LF' for outgoing messages.

Command Description
bNN Set the baudrate to a new value.
Note: This command has been removed in V2.9A, since bootloader can connect at any supported baudrate. A change during
operation is not necessary.
mwAAAADD Write one byte to target address in SRAM memory (mw means memory write)
AAAA is a four digit hex number representing the address
return value: DD is a two digit hex number containing the 8 bit data word to be written to the above address
DD Example: mw002a80 Write byte 0x80 to memory address 0x002a

Note: The lower DD in the return value is not the data word of the command, but is the data word read back from the address.
So you see instantly, if your write operation was successful.
mrAAAA Read one byte from target address in SRAM memory (mr means memory read)
AAAA is a four digit hex number representing the address
return value: DD is a two digit hex number containing the 8 bit data word read from the above address
DD Example: mr002a Read byte from memory address 0x002a
ewAAAADD Write one byte to target address in EEPROM memory (ew means eeprom write)
AAAA is a four digit hex number representing the address
return value: DD is a two digit hex number containing the 8 bit data word to be written to the above address
DD Example: ew004253 Write byte 0x53 to eeprom address 0x0042

Note: The lower DD in the return value is not the data word of the command, but is the data word read back from the address.
So you see instantly, if your write operation was successful.
erAAAA Read one byte from target address in EEPROM memory (er means eeprom read)
AAAA is a four digit hex number representing the address
return value: DD is a two digit hex number containing the 8 bit data word read from the above address
DD Example: er0042 Read byte from eeprom address 0x0042
pf Programm flash memory
After entering this command, a standard intel hexfile is read from the respective UART. Make sure, that you have XON/XOFF
return value: handshake activated, since a short break Is necessary when a flash page write occurs.
pf+ For every successfully read and parsed line of the hexfile, a '.' is printed on the terminal. When a flash page has been
sccessfully written, an addition '*' is printed.
In case a checksum error is detected in a record line, a '-' is printed and command is terminated.
pe Programm EEPROM memory
After entering this command, a standard intel hexfile is read from the respective UART. Make sure, that you have XON/XOFF
return value: handshake activated, since a short break is necessary when a flash page write occurs.
pe+ For every successfully read and parsed line of the hexfile, a '.' is printed on the terminal. Since the EEPROM is written byte
wise, an addition '*' is printed for every line.
In case a checksum error is detected in a record line, a '-' is printed and command is terminated.
g Go to application
This command jumps to the application start at flash address 0x0000.
return value: All altered IO registers will be reset to it's initial state, so that your application may assume the datasheet reset defaults for all
g+ IO registers.
Alternatively a reset can be performed and after the 2-3 second timeout (when no characters will be received at the UART),
the bootloader will automatically jump to the application.

If you use the chip45boot2 GUI or the Mac OS X BootFeedX, you don't have to take care of hexfile fragmentation,
both application handle this correctly.

Depending on the compiler you use and the arrangment of your code and variables, the memory layout of your
generated hexfile, i.e. arrangement/alignment of code space, constant variables, initialized/non-initialized variables,
etc., can contain a gap or a step. The following example shows such a step in the hexfile:

chip45boot2 © chip45 GmbH & Co. KG • Am Pfad 8 • 35440 Linden • Germany • Better Embedded.
chip45boot2 Infosheet
Even though the addresses are used linearly, the third line contains only eight data bytes and the following lines
start no longer at a 16-byte boundary, but with an “offset” of eight.
This cannot be handled by the chip45boot2 hexfile parser currently (and is not planned to be handled in the future,
since it would lead to larger than 2k bootloaders for several devices) and can lead to misprogrammed bytes in the
flash memory.
If you observe problems with downloading your program, please check your hexfile for such steps. If you find one,
you can convert your hexfile to a hexfile without such step with the following command line tool:
srec_cat.exe test.hex -Intel -Output test_new.hex -Intel -Line_Length 44
screc_cat normally converts between different output formats, but can be used to convert a hexfile into a hexfile
with fixed 44 characters per line, which means 16 data bytes per line. srec_cat comes with the WinAVR compiler
toolset or can be downloaded at

The bootloader tries to disable the watchdog after startup. If the watchdog was enabled in software before (even
before the last reset), it will be disabled and should not interrupt the bootloader. If you jump to application, the
bootloader will not restore the previous watchdog state. Your application has to take care of enabling the watchdog
on start.
Note: If the watchdog is enabled by fusebits, it's not possible to disable it in software. If you need a permanantly
running watchdog, you would have to buy the source code and add some code to trigger the watchdog.

The precompiled hexfiles also contain an RS485 version of each target and each USART of the supported AVR
controllers. Since RS485 is (in most applications) a half-duplex communication, an additional IO pin must be used
to switch the direction of the RS485 transceiver between transmit and receive. The precompiled hexfiles always
use the corresponding XCKn pin to the USARTn (e.g. USART1 uses XCK1 for direction control). If you need to use
a different IO pin for direction control, you have to buy the source code of the chip45boot2 bootloader at our online
shop. The IO pin can then easily be changed in a header file.

The RS485 communication should work with most common USB RS485 converters, e.g. The converters might vary in dead time
settings between send and receive, so a particular converter might need some finetuning in the delay() functions in
the source code. Let us know, if you run into problems here, we will try to assist.

If you use the chip45boot2 GUI with a USB RS485 converter (i.e. over a virtual COM port), make sure you have the
RS485 checkbox set before connecting, otherwise connecting to the bootloader will not work. Make sure you have
installed the latest version (currently V1.8) of the GUI on your PC.

The non-RS485 bootloader versions wait for the 'U' characters for connecting and after baud rate adjustment and
checking some 'U' characters, the welcome message and prompt is sent directly. This leads into trouble on half-
duplex systems, hence the RS485 bootloader versions wait for the 'U' characters and do the baud rate adjustmetn
and checking, but wait for one other character than a 'U' and receiving this other character, the RS485 direction is
changed and the welcome message is sent.

Since the RS485 communication requires direction changing and some deatime to make sure, that handshake
characters like XON and XOFF will not get lost, the download of a hexfile is slower than with a full-duplex UART
communication. It's possible to set the baudrate as high as 500000 baud, but anything higher than 62500 baud has
not much effect anymore.


chip45 GmbH & Co. KG grants the permission to use the precompiled chip45boot2 hexfiles for either non-
commercial or commercial applications without limitations and free of charge. The precompiled chip45boot2
hexfiles come “as is” without any warranties.


If you want to use and modify the bootloader source code, e.g. to add customer specific functions, the source code
can be purchased at The source code is being distributed as a single ZIP file, which
provides an AVR-Studio project file, the WinAVR source files and a batch file for automatic generation of the MCU
specific hex files. The source code is well commented and can be easily modified and extended according to your
special requirements.
• You may use and modify the bootloader source code for any of your products or projects.
chip45boot2 © chip45 GmbH & Co. KG • Am Pfad 8 • 35440 Linden • Germany • Better Embedded.
chip45boot2 Infosheet
• You may distribute unlimitted compiled binary versions of the bootloader.
• You may not distribute your modified source code to a third party.
• You may not redistribute the original source code to a third party.
• You may redistribute your license of the bootloader to a third party only with permission of chip45 GmbH &
Co. KG.
• The chip45boot2 source code comes “as is”, without any warranties.
The current release V2.9A of chip45boot2 was compiled with gcc version 4.3.2 (WinAVR 20100110).


– The PC software for the chip45boot2 bootloader “chip45boot2 GUI” is available at The Mac OS X application by Steffen Fuchs is available at
– You need an ISP adapter for downloading the chip45boot2 bootloader into your target MCU (see for suitable devices). You have to do this just once, after this an ISP
adapter is no longer required for further programming, since the bootloader will do the programming over a
UART connection.
– The WinAVR development environment and compiler/assembler (see if you want
to modify the bootloader code.

The major version number is 2 for chip45boot2, development started with 2.00, since the old chip45boot used version 1.xx

- first official release of chip45boot2

- changed line ending of input hex files from '\r' (0x0d) to '\n' (0x0a)

- added the version number to the welcome message
- change line ending macro from '\n' to hex number 0x0a
- reverted line endings for character output bach to '\r', only for hex file reading the '\n' should be used
- use CR and LF macros instead of '\r' and '\n', to be independent of compiler handling
- the command is now echoed immediately after reading the command and the command handling only appends the + or some return value

- added internal RXD pin pullup activation to make it less sensitive against disturbances of a probably floating pin in the final application
accidental high->low transitions after reset could activate the bootloader instead of the application

- renamed many variables and functions to indicate the data type and related module/header file
- fixed a bug in command line reception

- added short delay before jump to the application (command 'g') to avoid loss of XON transmission due to possible uart init in application

- added cli(); at bootloader start, in case bootloader was called from an application and not due to a reset
- added TXD pullup at bootloader start to avoid reading of wrong bootloader version by chip45boot2 GUI due to floating pin

- complete rewrite of the startup code, now the timeout covers the full measurement of the U's, hence it is more reliable against disturbances on

- added support for Xmega devices, first one is ATxmega128A1 (mask revision H required, see bottom of device)

- bootloader now checks, if it can receive three additional U's after calculating the baudrate and initializing the usart. If it fails, it will start the
application. This avoids hanging of the bootloader with wrong baudrate in case other characters were received and start of bootloader was not
intended by the host application.
- added ATxmega16A4 and ATxmega32A4

- complete reset of PLL register on Xmega devices

- added support for half-duplex RS485 communication

- watchdog is being disabled on startup even on older MCUs
- removed command 'b', since baudrate changing during operation is not necessary, bootloader can start with any supported baudrate

chip45boot2 © chip45 GmbH & Co. KG • Am Pfad 8 • 35440 Linden • Germany • Better Embedded.
chip45boot2 Infosheet
- changed the RS485 direction control from stupid delay to checking of the transmit complete flag

- changed BSCALE from -5 to -4 for Xmega usart initialization. Now baudrates down to 9600 baud are working. Previous version only worked
properly down to 19200 baud.

chip45 GmbH & Co. KG makes no warranty for the use of its products and assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this
document nor does it make a commitment to update the information contained herein. chip45 GmbH & Co. KG products are not intended for use
in medical, life saving or life sustaining applications. chip45 GmbH & Co. KG retains the right to make changes to these specifications at any
time, without notice. All product names referenced herein are trademarks of their respective companies.

chip45boot2 © chip45 GmbH & Co. KG • Am Pfad 8 • 35440 Linden • Germany • Better Embedded.

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