Design Topic: Measurements and Geometry Subject(s) Mathematics Grade(s) 5 Designer(s) Cierra Luna Understanding by Design

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Design Topic: Measurements and Geometry Subject(s) Mathematics Grade(s) 5 Designer(s)

Cierra Luna
Understanding by Design

Unit Cover Page

Unit Title: Measurement and Geometry

Grade Levels: 5th

Topic/Subject Areas: Measurements and Geometry- Mathematics

Key Words: Perimeter, area, and volume

Designed By: Cierra Luna Time Frame: 2 weeks

School District: Regent University School: Teacher Ed & IDS Dept.

This unit discusses the use of perimeter, area in volume.

Students will use perimeter, area, and volume to solve practical
world problems. Also, the students will discuss why being able
to solve for perimeter, area, and volume is important to real life
situations. By the end of the unit, students will be able to recite
the formulas for perimeter, area, and volume, as well as use them
in practical situations. The final performance task will involve
the students finding the perimeter, area, and volume in order to
help a family fill a pool and build a fence around a house.

Unit design status: X Completed template pages – stages 1, 2, 3

Completed blueprint for each performance task X Completed rubrics

Directions to students and teacher Materials and resources listed

x Suggested accommodations x Suggested extensions

Status: Initial draft (date: ___________) Revised draft (date: ____________)

Peer Reviewed Content Reviewed Field Tested Validated Anchored


Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 1

Design Topic: Measurements and Geometry Subject(s) Mathematics Grade(s) 5 Designer(s)
Cierra Luna
Unit Title: Measurement and Geometry

Established Goals: 5.8

a) solve practical problems that involve perimeter, area, and volume in standard units of measure; and

b) differentiate among perimeter, area, and volume and identify whether the application of the concept of
perimeter, area, or volume is appropriate for a given situation.

Understandings: Students will understand that… Essential Questions:

• I want students to understand that geometry • How are area, volume, and perimeter
can be used to solved practical world different?
problems in everyday life. • How is measuring the area of something used
• I want students to understand that space can in real life?
be measured and which measurement is • Why would someone measure the volume of
appropriate to use in different situations something in a real life situation?
(volume, area, and perimeter). • How do you know, when measuring, when to
• I want students to understand that items can be use volume, perimeter, or area?
measured in different ways. • Why is it important to be able to accurately
measure something?

Students will know: According to the VDOE SOL Math 5.8, students will be able
• Perimeter is the continuous line forming the to:
boundary of a closed geometric figure. • Estimate and determine the area of a square
Perimeter is found by adding all of the sides and rectangle using whole number
together. measurements given in metric or U.S.
• Area is the space occupied by a two- Customary units, and record the solution with
dimensional shape or the surface of an object. the appropriate unit of measure
Area is found by multiplying the length times • Estimate and determine the area of a right
the width. triangle, with diagrams, when the base and
• Volume is the 3-dimensial space enclosed by a the height are given.
boundary or occupied by an object. Volume • Estimate and determine the volume of a
can be found by multiplying length times rectangular prism with diagrams, when the
width time height. length, width, and height are given, using
• Length is how long something is. whole number measurements. Record the
• Width is how wide something is. solution with the appropriate unit of measure
• A rectangular prism is a three-dimensional • Develop a procedure for determining volume
solid shape that has six faces that are using manipulatives
rectangles. • When to appropriately use perimeter, area,
• Volume is typically used for graduated and volume when measuring
• Area is typically used for 3 dimensional
objects such as cubes, triangular prism
(pyramid), etc.
• Perimeter is typically used for rectangles,
squares, triangle, 2 dimensional drawings

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 2

Design Topic: Measurements and Geometry Subject(s) Mathematics Grade(s) 5 Designer(s)
Cierra Luna
Performance Tasks: Other Evidence:
 To Build or Not to Build- A family has hired  5 Question Multiple Choice Quiz- measuring
you, a contractor, to help build a fence around volume, perimeter, and area
their house. They also need you to fill up their  Homework with 10 perimeter, area, and
new in-ground pool with water. Their house is volume problems to solve. This paper will be
a rectangle shape with a width of 52ft and a brought back and will be reviewed in class
length of 72ft. The pool is 6ft deep and has a  Write and Go- There will be three large
distance of 24ft. Given the measurements, you posters around the room each labeled either
must build a fence that has a perimeter 40ft perimeter, area, or volume. Each student will
larger than that of the house, as well as have a marker and will have 10 seconds at
calculate how much water will be needed to each poster to write down one thing they
fill the pool. Present this information to the know about that specific measurement.
family. (GRASP)  One and Done- Each student will be given a
 Mini Lemonade- Students will be given card piece of paper with a different problem
board, scissors, a pencil, a ruler, decorative involving perimeter, volume, or area. The
materials, and these instructions: What a student must solve the problem showing their
beautiful and hot summers day. A day that is work and return the finished work to the
perfect for lemonade! You must build a teacher for assessment.
lemonade stand where the base (either a
triangle, square, or rectangle) has a perimeter
of 14 inches. Be creative and show your work,
using the formula(s), on a separate sheet of
 O-FISH-ally ready- The students just got a
new fish and need to fill up the tank about
half way. The height of the tank is 80cm, the
length is 70cm, and the width is 30cm. The
students must find the volume of the tank and
then fill it half way.
Student Self-Assessment and Reflection

 Matching game- the students will make a card for volume, perimeter, and area (as well as one card per
formula) The students will have to match the formula name to the correct formula and check their
answers using their textbook or notes.
 Journal- the student will write a short journal entry about when, where, and why someone would use
area, perimeter, or volume.
 Pair and Share- Students will pair up in groups of 3 and work together to write down everything that
they know about area, perimeter, and volume (Dr. Flannagan 2019)

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 3

Design Topic: Measurements and Geometry Subject(s) Mathematics Grade(s) 5 Designer(s)
Cierra Luna
Summary of Learning Activities:
1. Teacher will introduce the standards and goals to the students
2. Teacher will ask the students the five essential questions and discuss their answers as a class
3. Hook- Teacher will draw a rectangle, triangle, cylinder, and square on the board and ask the students what they know
about those shapes, as well as ask them what they know about area, perimeter, and volume(this will be used as a
4. Teacher will tell the students what the final outcome of the unit will be (what they will be able to do at the end of the
5. Teacher will teach students the formulas for perimeter, volume, and area
6. Teacher will give out materials for the matching game- this is a self-assessment for the students to complete on their
7. Teacher will teach students how to find the perimeter and area of a variety of shapes.
8. Mini- Lemonade performance task
9. Teacher will initiate discussion on when solving using perimeter and/or area can be useful in everyday life
10. Teacher will teach students how to find the volume of a variety of shapes
11. O-FISH-ally ready performance task- done individually
12. Teacher will initiate discussion on when solving using volume can be useful in everyday life
13. Teacher will guide the write- and-go activity
14. Teacher will send homework home to be brought back and reviewed
15. Pair and Share- students will pair up and write down, as a team, everything they know about perimeter, volume, and
16. Teacher will assign the “To Build or not to Build” performance task- students, groups of 3, have a whole class period of
work on this assignment. Students will present this assignment to their teacher and be graded using the rubric attached
17. One and done assignment- to be completed individually and work must be shown ( for advanced learners, provide
either a harder problem or more than one problem to solve). Followed by a group discussion and practice problems
18. 5 question quiz
19. Journal- students will write down in a journal when someone might use perimeter, area, and volume in real life
20. Students will read their journal to a partner and the partner will give feedback

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005) 4

Design Topic: Measurements and Geometry Subject(s) Mathematics Grade(s) 5 Designer(s) Cierra Luna

Stage 3 – Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
- pre-assessment -Hook -teaching perimeter and -teach volume -explain and complete O-
-Introducing standards -Discuss and teach area - practical application of FISH-ally performance task
-essential questions formulas - practical application of perimeter and area - Hw sent home
-talk about the final product -matching game perimeter and area discussion
and expectation of the unit discussion
- mini lemonade

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
- go over hw as a class - pair and share -Give the whole class time - - 5 question quiz
- write and go activity -explain the “To build or not for the students to work on -one and done assignment -journal activity
to Build activity the “To Build or not to Build” -group discussion and
activity practice problems

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005)

Design Topic: Measurements and Geometry Subject(s) Mathematics Grade(s) 5 Designer(s) Cierra Luna

Rutherford, P. (2015) Instruction for All Students(second edition). Alexandria, Virginia: Just ASK Publications & Professional Development

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005)

Design Topic: Measurements and Geometry Subject(s) Mathematics Grade(s) 5 Designer(s) Cierra Luna

Let’s Build!
Teacher: Mrs. Luna
A family has hired you, a contractor, to help build a fence around their house. They also need you to fill up their new in-ground pool with
water. Their house is a rectangle shape with a width of 52ft and a length of 72ft. The pool is 6ft deep and has a distance of 24ft. Given the
measurements, you must build a fence that has a perimeter 40ft larger than that of the house, as well as calculate how much water will be
needed to fill the pool.
Criteria 3/3 2/3 1/3
Expert Architect Intermediate Architect Architect in Training
 Necessary formulas used  Only one formula  no formulas used
 Drawing used is shown  no drawing
Required  All work shown  Only parts of the  no work shown
Mechanics drawing are
__/3 completed
 Little work
 work shown  Work shown  no work
 formula used and completed  Formula used, completed
Understanding correctly but completed  no understanding
__/3 incorrectly of formulas or
 Drawing of house, pool, and  Only a few  Little to no
fence added drawings drawings added
Creativity  Other features added to  Slight creativity or used
__/3 drawing shown in the  no creativity
 Few features
added to drawing
 Through shown work,  At least one  no work shown
strategies to solve the formula is shown  no formulas used
Strategy/ problem are clear  Work is messy  little effort
Organization  Organized drawing and and difficult to
__/3 problem solving understand

Source: Understanding by Design, Unit Design Planning Template (Wiggins/McTighe 2005)

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