Deacon Online Leak Service Manual English
Deacon Online Leak Service Manual English
Deacon Online Leak Service Manual English
Please read
This Deacon Service Manual (Version 020) replaces any
Deacon literature, product manual or application reference
guide you may have received previously. Please discard all High Temperature Heat Curing Compounds............. 2-4
other Deacon literature and replace it with this Deacon
Service Manual 020. Rubber Compounds............................................................ 5
Steam – Feed Water – Condensate – Hydrocarbons
250ºF to 950ºF
(121ºC to 510ºC)
Boiler Feed Water – Steam
Brown colored, thick fibrous injectable
compound. Good Travel. Below 550ºF
(288ºC), speed up the cure by adding
103-P Accelerator. (always use accelerator
when sealing boiler feed water) For use on boiler feed water,
condensate, high pressure steam, killing or plugging lines and valves.
Shelf life is 6 months in closed container. Refrigerated storage
CV-600 Packaged: 5/8" x 3" Plugs, J-Sticks, 7/8" x 6" Sticks, Bulk Gallons
250ºF to 950ºF (121ºC to 510ºC) 560
Brown color, putty-like compound with long fiber concentration. 250ºF to 950ºF
Good Travel. Excellent bridging capability. Below 550ºF (288ºC), (121ºC to 510ºC)
speed up the cure by adding 103-P Accelerator (always use
accelerator when sealing boiler feed water). For use on boiler
STEAM – Condensate – Boiler
feed water, condensate, high pressure steam, killing or plugging
Feed Water – Line Kill – Valve Kill
lines and valves. Brown color, dense paste impregnated
with metal and ceramic fibers. FAST
Shelf life is 6 months in closed container. Refrigerated storage
CURING with accelerator. (always
use accelerator when sealing Boiler
Packaged: 5/8" x 3" Plugs, J-Sticks, 7/8" x 6" Sticks, Bulk Gallons Feed Water) Excellent Travel. Low injection pressure. Below 550ºF
(288ºC), speed up the cure by adding 103-P Accelerator.
Shelf life is 6 months in closed container. Refrigerated storage
F-250, F-150, F-50 Packaged: 5/8" x 3" Plugs, J-Sticks, 7/8" x 6" Sticks, Bulk Gallons
250ºF to 950ºF
(121ºC to 510ºC)
454, 454-T
Steam Service Sealant/Packing
250ºF to 950ºF
Black, fibrous, sealant/packing. Good (121ºC to 510ºC)
Travel. Cures to a flexible seal. Below
550ºF (288ºC), speed up the cure by Steam – Hydrocarbons – Oils –
adding 103-P Accelerator. Chemicals – Gases
Some customers prefer F-250 for the Brown color, dense sealant compound.
initial injection and F-150 for re-pumps. Pliable Putty-like compound with heavy
F-150 has a higher resin content (more fiber concentration. Good Travel when
moist than F-250). Good for re-pumps. F-50 has a lower resin heat is present. Below 550ºF (288ºC), speed up the cure by
content (more dry than F-250), better for plug customers. adding 103-P Accelerator. 454-T is a thinner consistency than 454
(closer to consistency of 3100-S). 454 contains no solvent to gas off.
Shelf life is 6 months in closed container. Very inert mixture for chemical compatibility.
Packaged: 5/8" x 3" Plugs, J-Sticks, 7/8" x 6" Sticks, Bulk Gallons Shelf life is 6 months in closed container. Refrigerated storage
Packaged: 5/8" x 3" Plugs, J-Sticks, 7/8" x 6" Sticks, Bulk Gallons
Steam – Feed Water – Condensate – Hydrocarbons
909 440-440-T
250ºF to 1000ºF 200ºF to 950ºF
(121ºC to 537ºC) (93ºC to 510ºC)
Bad Blows – High Pressure Thick Liquid (440), Thin
Brown color, very dense fibrous Pourable Liquid (440-T)
compound. Limited Travel. Below 550ºF Characteristics: Liquid sealant
(288ºC), speed up the cure by adding compound. Cures to a flexible seal that remains pliable during
103-P Accelerator. High pressure steam, expansion and contraction. Good traveling capabilities. Will not
condensate, plugging holes and bad blows. adhere to metal surfaces.
Shelf life is 6 months in closed container. Refrigerated storage Applications: Excellent for injecting threads, metal to metal joints.
recommended. Can be thickened by adding Dry-Pak. Cure time can be accelerated
Packaged: 5/8" x 3" Plugs, J-Sticks, 7/8" x 6" Sticks by adding Deacon 103-P Accelerator. No solvents.
Shelf life is1 year in closed containers.
Packaged: Quarts and Gallons
770-L, 770-P
or Paste Sealant 720-SF
(121ºC to 510ºC) 250ºF to 950ºF
Excellent Travel – Threads (121ºC to 510ºC)
and Tight Gaps Silica Free – Boiler Feed Water
Dark brown liquid, injectable Tan color, dense putty impregnated
sealant. Available in paste or with metal and carbon fibers. (Contains
liquid. Excellent Travel. Below less than 1% Silica). Good Travel. Below
550ºF (288ºC), speed up the cure by adding 103-P Accelerator. 550ºF (288ºC), speed up the cure by adding SF-ACC Accelerator
Use with any Deacon heat curing compound to increase travel (always use accelerator when sealing boiler feed water). For use on
and aid in injection. boiler feed water, condensate, high pressure steam, killing or plugging
Shelf life is12 months in closed container. Add a Dry-Pak mix to lines and valves.
thicken if needed. Shelf life is 6 months in closed container. Refrigerated storage
Packaged: Quarts, Gallons, 5 Gallon Pails recommended.
Packaged: 5/8" x 3" Plugs, J-Sticks, 7/8" x 6" Sticks
Used to speed up the cure of Deacon heat curing compounds
Granular Powder. Will accelerate cure of heat curing compounds to aid in achieving a seal in
situations of lower temperatures. 103-P will accelerate the curing process, but must be used in
conjunction with heat. (a minimum of 150ºF/ 65ºC) Not recommended above 600ºF (316ºC).
Unlimited shelf life. Mix Ratio: (1 tablespoon or 16 grams) per J-Stick (2 oz. or 62 grams) per
quart (1/2 lb. or .22 kg) per gallon. Mix ratio recommendations are general, does not have to
be exact to achieve a quicker cure.
Packaged: Pints, Quarts, Gallons
Super Heated Steam – Extreme Hot Air
600ºF to 1350ºF
(315ºC to 732ºC)
High Temp – Hot Hydrocarbons
Brown color, dense sealant compound.
Pliable compound with heavy fiber
concentration. Good Travel in high
temp application. Excellent chemical
CJ-429, CJ-650
resistance at extreme temperatures.
Use with 411 Liquid to help travel and
INJECTABLE SEALANT get travel into threads and tight gaps.
600ºF to 1800ºF (315ºC to 982ºC) Shelf life is 6 months in closed container. Refrigerated storage
Extreme Heat – Super Heated Steam - 1800ºF recommended.
Brown color, dense sealant paste (gallons) or putty (extruded) Packaged: 5/8" x 3" Plugs, J-Sticks, 7/8" x 6" Sticks
compound with heavy fiber concentration. Hard Setting, Sealant/
Refractory Hybrid. Excellent for EXTREME temperatures
experienced with superheated steam, catalyst, flue gas.
Service Examples: Super Heated Steam (3000#) & 1000ºF (537ºC), INJECTABLE LIQUID
Hydrogen 1000ºF (537ºC) and up, Hot Air 1800ºF (982ºC), SEALANT
Flue Gas 1100ºF (593ºC). 600ºF to 1350ºF
CJ-429 was designed to be a hybrid between sealant and refractory. (315ºC to 732ºC)
In applications where conventional sealants would become brittle High Temp Curing Liquid To 1350ºF
and powder, because of extreme heat and temperature, this
compound is un-surpassed. CJ-650 is a thinner version of CJ-429, Brown colored, injectable heat curing liquid
great for pumping from 5 gallon pails. sealing compound. Excellent Travel.
TIP: When using bulk gallons of CJ-429, Coat your gloves and the Perfect for injecting into threads or metal to
CJ-429 in Dry-Pak 3 to make it easier to handle. metal joints. Thicken with Dry-Pak 6. Use to
improve high temp travel of 464. Pourable.
Shelf life is 6 months in closed container. Refrigerated storage
recommended. (Extruded Only) Shelf life is12 months in closed container.
Packaged: 5/8" x 3" Plugs, J-Sticks, 7/8" x 6" Sticks, Bulk Gallons, Packaged: Quarts, Gallons.
5 gallon pails.
-100ºF to 500ºF
(-73ºC to 260ºC)
Low Temperature Rated –
High Fiber Concentration
100% PTFE (fibers, fillers and
particles). Lubricant carrier. White
color. Excellent Travel. High fiber
concentration for good bridging, but
flows easily. Excellent resistance to most solvents and acids.
300 (Not for use on Oxidizing Chemicals)
PTFE INJECTABLE SEALANT/PACKING Shelf life is 2 years in closed container.
-180ºF to 500ºF (-117ºC to 260ºC) Packaged: 5/8" x 3" Plugs, J-Sticks, 7/8" x 6" Sticks, Bulk Gallons
Extremely Low Temperatures – Pumps Easily
100% PTFE (fibers, fillers and particles). Lubricant carrier. 340
Grayish color. Great Travel. Customers feedback reports use to PTFE – GRAPHITE –
-240ºF (-151ºC) Excellent resistance to most solvents and acids. ARAMID SEALANT/
(Not for use on Oxidizing Chemicals)
Shelf life is 2 years in closed container. -40ºF to 500ºF
Packaged: 5/8" x 3" Plugs, J-Sticks, 7/8" x 6" Sticks, Bulk Gallons (-40ºC to 260ºC)
Very Dense – Compacts To
Form A High Pressure Barrier
Good chemical resistance, good
325 bridging capabilities, good lubricity,
non-curing, remains flexible.
Greenish yellow color. Average
SEALANT/PACKING Travel. High fiber concentration for
-25ºF to 500ºF good bridging.
(-31ºC to 260ºC) Shelf life is 2 years in closed container.
Best Price – 100% PTFE Solids
- #1 Selling PTFE Packaged: 5/8" x 3" Plugs, 7/8 x 6 Sticks
302 389
(-17ºC to 204ºC) -30ºF. to 1800ºF
Gasoline – Oils – (-34ºC to 982ºC)
Hydrocarbons V.O.C. Free –
Good resistance to water, Di-Ester 100% Graphite Solids
type fluids, Diesel Fuels, Gasoline, Reduce or eliminate Fugitive
Lubricating Oils, Greases, Aliphatic Emissions in V.O.C. valve packings.
Hydrocarbons. Average travel. It is highly lubricous,
Shelf life is 6 months in closed container. Does not bleed carrier. low friction, valve packing.
Packaged: 5/8" x 3" Plugs, J-Sticks, 7/8" x 6" Sticks Compatible for use: Alcohols, Benzene, Butane, Carbon Dioxide,
Fuel Oils, Hydrocarbons, Hydrogen, Ketones, Steam, Synthetic
289 Gases and Oils.
PUMP 99,
-50ºF to 450ºF
(-45ºC to 232ºC)
For Rotating Shaft
Packing Glands
Pressure: 0 to 300 PSI Shaft 427
Speed: up to 4150 SFM 2 PART EPOXY
pH range: 0 – 14 Typical Up to 400ºF (204ºC)
Applications: Rotary Pumps, Valves, Centrifugal Pumps, Agitators, Excellent For Void Fill Applications
Reciprocating Pumps, Mixers, Turbine Pumps, Refiners, Dryers.
Chemical resistance. Deacon 427 Epoxy is a two-part system that cures at room
temperature (65 to 70ºF / 18 to 21ºC) in 24 hours. Heat curing
Shelf life is 2 years in closed container. PUMP 77 is NON-STAINING. is also an option for a faster set up time and to further increase
Packaged: 5/8" x 3" Plugs, J-Sticks, 7/8" x 6" Sticks temperature resistance.
Dry-Pak 3
up to 1200ºF (649ºC)
To thicken sealant or coat sealant
for handling
Light fiber and powder mixture (Dry Mix)
Applications: Additive for bulking up
Deacon compounds on the job site.
When additional bridging is desired or to
thicken a liquid sealer. example. 400, 409, 770-L. (can be mixed with
Dry-Pak 8, Dry-Pak 24 400 when using 4.5 gal. pails and a volume pump.)
BULK FIBER MIXTURE Compatible Use: Alcohols, Benzene, Butane, Carbon Dioxide, Fuel Oils,
Hydrocarbons, Hydrogen, Ketones, Steam, Synthetic Gases, and Oils.
up to 950ºF (510ºC)
For Added Bridging Shelf life is unlimited, store in closed containers.
Bulk fiber mixture (dry mix) combination of fibers, fillers and dry Packaged: 1 gallon pail (4 lbs), 5 gallon pail (20 lbs), 50# drum.
lubricants. Also useful to coat sealant for easier handling, example CJ-429.
8875-THIN 7228
-25ºF to 450ºF
150ºF to 1800ºF
(-31ºC to 232ºC)
(65ºC to 982ºC)
Gasoline – Oils – Hydrocarbons
Heat Curing Paste
Excellent Resistance to Oils, Water, Steam,
Deacon 8875-Thin is a thermal reactive Di-Ester Type Fluids, Diesel Fuels, Gasoline,
paste sealing compound that is used Greases, Ethylene Glycol, Transmission
in high temperature and high pressure Fluid, and Aliphatic Hydrocarbons. Viscous
applications. In the presence of heat, Paste, Slow Drying, Remains Pliable,
Deacon 8875-Thin will form a mechanical (“mechanical type”) seal. Improves Reliability, Extends Gasket Life,
Deacon 8875-Thin will not cement the flanges or threads together, Stops Leakage, Will Not Interfere with
thus, it will not interfere with future repairs of metal-to-metal joints. Future Repairs or Maintenance.
Deacon 8875-Thin is unaffected by thermal cycling.
Packaged: 10.3 fl. oz. caulking tube, pint brush top, quart.
Packaged: 10.3 fl. oz. caulking tube, pint, quart, gallon, 5 gallon pail
Resistant to Extreme Temperatures
200ºF to 950ºF
(93ºC to 510ºC) Retains molten Babbitt and low melting point
materials. Damming compound (for pouring
Heat Curing Liquid Babbitt bearings, epoxies, various molten
Deacon 770-L can be used as gasket alloys, etc.), Vibration suppression, Positioning
dressing to improve the sealing capability of many gaskets. delicate parts, Holding solder while soldering wires
Deacon 770-L can also be applied to many types of gaskets on generators, Aids in positioning during welding/brazing.
(including spiral wound) to reseal them, thereby prolonging their
Packaged: 10 lb. container, 50 lb. pail.
useful life. Deacon 770-L can be used as the only sealant on
low-tolerance metal-to-metal joints.
Packaged: pint brush top, quart, gallon
Model 1700
For pumping a variety of sealant material to 10,000 PSI
Model 2003 max., with 100 PSI, 10 CFM AIR. Floating piston design.
Single acting hydraulic cylinder design. Features: Air over hydraulic operated pump. Holds 2 J-Sticks.
1" I.D. x 3" (2.54 cm x 7.62 cm) barrel for 5/8" Dia. & 3/4" Dia. Sticks Capacity: 20" barrel – 32.5 cu inch
10,000 PSI max operating pressure Weight: 45.5 lbs. Gun alone is 13 lbs.
1/4 NPT or 1/2-13 NOZZLE Operation: To load, open by-pass valve at side of gun, unscrew
carrying handle, take off barrel cap, use wooden rod to push piston
to bottom of barrel. Replace cap and close by-pass valve. Connect
Model 2005 pump to air supply and unit is ready to use.
Note: An in-line air filter and lubricator should be installed as close to
Single acting hydraulic cylinder design. the unit as possible. Otherwise pump requires 4 drops of #10 oil in
1 1/2" I.D. x 9" (2.54 cm x 7.62 cm) barrel for J-Sticks. air inlet for each day of use.
10,000 PSI max operating pressure. Performance:
HOLDS 1 J-STICK Resistance (PSI) 0 5,000 10,000
1/4 NPT or 1/2-13 NOZZLE Flow Rate ( 35 10 4
16990 Gun Complete W/ Hose Assembly, Gauge & Tee 169911FD Check Valve Screw
1699A Gun Complete W/ Hose Assembly Only 169911FE Screen
1699B Exchange Gun (No Hose Assembly) 169911G By Pass Valve
1699C Gun Only 169911GA “O” Ring (By Pass Valve)
7B 1699D Gun Only W/ Body Drilled And Tapped For 1/4" 169911H By Pass Stop
Npt: Includes Gauge W/Protector 169911I Cap Screw
1699E Gun Only W/ Body Drilled And Tapped For 1/4" 169911J Internal Hydraulic Relief
Npt: Includes Plug 169911K “O” Ring (Internal Hydraulic Relief)
1699S Gun Complete W/ Hose Assembly, “Z” Swivel, 169911KA Copper Washer (Internal Hydraulic Relief)
Gauge & Tee
169912 Fulcrum Assembly
1699SY Syringe
169913 Handle
7 16991C Hex Plug For Coupler
(3/4"-16 Nps-M X 1/8" Npt Fe) 169914 Link Assembly
13 16991D Washer (G.b.h. Coupler) 169914A Links
9 1699E Body (G.b.h. Coupler) 169914B Stripper Bolt
5 16992 G.b.h. Coupler Repair Kit 169914C Lock Nut
8C (Includes: Steel Button, Spring & “O”-Ring) 169915 Fluid Bag W/ Bleeder
8D 16994 Handle Restraint 169915A Seal Ring
8B 16995 Hose Center (1/2"-27 Fe X 1/4" Npt M) or (1/4" 169915B “O” Ring - Cap Screw (Fluid Bag)
Npt-M X 1/4" Npt-M W/ Swivel Ends) 169915C Cap Screw (Fluid Bag)
16996 Swivel (1/4" X 1/2"-27) 169916 Fluid Bag Barrel
8 16997 Grease Barrel Cap 169917 Fluid Bag Barrel Cap
10 16997B “O” Ring (Grease Barrel Cap) 169918 Hex Nipple (1/4" X 1/4")
16998 Piston Assembly 169919 Fluid - Pint Can (Approx. 1#)
12 16998A 1/4" X 28 Cap Screw (Grease Piston) 169919G Fluid - Gallon Can (Approx 8#)
11A 16998B “O” Ring (Cap Screw-Grease Piston) 169920 Tee
11 16998C Outer Washer Nut 169921 “O” Ring Minor Repair Kit
11E 11B 11C
16998D Outer Leather Cup 169922 Major Repair Kit
16998E Piston 169923 Carrying Strap
6 16998F “O” Ring (Grease Piston) 169924 Hooks (2, Per Each)
16998H Inner Leather Cup 169925 Harness Snaps (2, Per Each)
11K 16998I Inner Washer Nut 169930 Shut Off Relief Valve
11J 16998J Spanner Wrench For Grease Piston (Optional W/ Hose Assembly)
16999 Grease Barrel 169931 Extended Nipple For Part #16997
169910 “O” Ring (Body) Using Polypacks
15 169911 Body Assembly 169932 Hex Plug For Coupler
(3/4"-16 Nps-M X 1/4" Npt Fe)
15B 15C 169911A Body
169933 Carrying Case (29.5"L X 7.5"W X 7"H)
169911B Hydraulic Pump Cylinder
11G 169950 0 - 15,000 Psi Gauge
169911Bj J-Wrench (Hydraulic Pump Cylinder)
17 169951 Gauge Protector
11GA 169911C “O” Ring (Upper -Hydraulic Pump Cylinder)
1699156 Complete Hose Assembly W/Gauge
11H 169911D “O” Ring (Lower -Hydraulic Pump Cylinder)
14 1699158 Hose Assembly, Less Gauge And Tee
11I 169911E Pump Piston
1699920 20" Grease Barrel
169911EA “O” Ring (Pump Piston)
16992A Nylon Button
169911F Check Valve Assembly
16992B Steel Button
169911FA Washer (Copper)
16992C “O” Ring For Nylon Or Steel Button
169911FB 1/4" Ball
1699FPG Floating Piston Guide
169911FC Spring
Standard Valves & Engineered Pressure Rated Valves
25-B 1/8" N.P.T. Male X 1/4" N.P.T. Female
(also available in stainless steel)
40-B 1/16" N.P.T. Male X 1/4" N.P.T. Female
(also available in stainless steel)
44-D 1/4" N.P.T. Male X 1/4" N.P.T. Female
(also available in stainless steel)
50-B 3/8-16 Bolt Male X 3/4-10 Bolt Female
55-B 3/8-24 Bolt Male X 1/4" N.P.T. Female
25-E 1/8" N.P.T. Male X 1/4" N.P.T. Female
40-E 1/16" N.P.T. Male X 1/4" N.P.T. Female
44-E 1/4" N.P.T. Male X 1/4" N.P.T. Female
Cap Nuts
4140 Steel 1/2" - 5/8" – 3/4"- 7/8" – 1"
Other products
Brass Wire
Descriptions: 260 Alloy
SIZE Approx Ft./lb.
1/16" (.0625) 84.0
3/32" (.095) 42.0
1/8" (.125) 21.0
5/32" (.158) 13.0
3/16" (.188) 10.0
7/32" (.221) 6.0
1/4" (.242) 5.0
9/32" (.281) 4.5
5/16" (.312) 3.5
Stainless Wire
2 lb. spools (.023 and .035 Dia.)
PTFE impregnated packing.
Square interbraid construction.
Temperature Range: to 500°F (260°C)
Graphite packing. Square interbraid construction.
Treated with a blend of lubricants.
Temperature Range: 450°F (232°C)
Braided graphite packing. Interbraid construction.
Pure homogenous graphite bonded to a fiberglass
carrier for strength and thermal stability.
Temperature Range: to 850°F (454°C) in oxidizing atmospheres,
1250°F (676°C) in steam.
Aramid fiber packing.
Square interbraid construction. Call for Sizes and Pricing.
Temperature Range: to 500°F (260°C)
Curing Compounds
Product Temp Valve Sealant Description Application Add Packaged
Limit Packing Accelerator
F-250 950°F YES YES Black, fibrous, General purpose Below 450°F 5/8" x 3" Plugs
F-150 510°C semi flexible steam, valves, 232°C J-Sticks
F-50 material flanges, enclosures Bulk Gallons
560 950°F NO YES Brown, dense, Flanges, clamps, Below 500°F 5/8" x 3" Plugs
454 510°C pliable enclosures 260°C J-Sticks
454-T Bulk Gallons
909 950°F NO YES Extremely dense High pressure Below 550°F 5/8" x 3" Plugs
CV-600 510°C (909) Heavily steam, gaps, bad 288°C J-Sticks
fibered paste blows, flanges, Bulk Gallons
(CV-600) enclosures
770 950°F NO YES Paste or liquid, Flanges, Below 550°F Quarts Gallons
510°C excellent travel enclosures, 288°C
threads, tight gaps
402 500°F NO YES Semi-solid Flanges, N/A 5/8" x 3" Plugs
402-CF 260°C extruded rubber enclosures
(available with
carbon fiber)
400 450°F NO YES One part rubber Flanges, N/A 10.3 fl. oz. tube,
232°C compound enclosures, clamps 1 gal. pail,
4.5 gal. pail
410 600°F NO YES One part rubber Flanges, N/A 10.3 fl. oz. tube,
315°C compound enclosures, clamps 1 gal. pail,
4.5 gal. pail
Non-Curing Compounds
Product Temp Valve Sealant Description Application Packaged
Limit Packing
VP-1000 600°F YES YES Fibrous, lubricating Valves and enclosures 5/8" x 3" Plugs
316°C J-Sticks
Bulk Gallons
340 500°F YES YES PTFE / graphite, fibrous Valves, flanges, 5/8" x 3" Plugs
260° enclosures
300, 325 500°F YES YES PTFE fibers and fillers Valves, flanges, 5/8" x 3" Plugs
333, 350 260°C suspended in blended carriers enclosures J-Sticks
Bulk Gallons
289 1800°F YES YES Graphite based, fibrous Valves, flanges, 5/8" x 3" Plugs
389 982°C enclosures J-Sticks
Bulk Gallons
VP-1200 1200°F YES YES Fibrous, lubricating Valves, flanges, 5/8" x 3" Plugs
649°C enclosures J-Sticks
Bulk Gallons
Super Heated Steam 800°F and above
Product Temp Valve Sealant Description Applications Curing Packaged
Limit Packing
CJ-429 To 1800°F NO YES Sealant Refractory Clamps, YES 5/8" x 3" Plugs
CJ-650 To 982°C Hybrid enclosures, flanges J-Sticks
Paste or Putty Bulk Gallons
464 To 1350°F NO YES Brown, dense, pliable Flanges, YES 5/8" x 3" Plugs
To 732°C enclosures J-Sticks
411 To 1350°F NO YES Brown liquid Tight gaps, YES Quarts
To 732°C threads, excellent Gallons
289 To 1800°F YES YES Graphite sealant, Flanges, NO 5/8" x 3" Plugs
389 To 982°C Thick putty enclosures, J-Sticks
threads, tight gaps Bulk Gallons
VP-1200 To 1200°F YES YES Lubricating valve Flanges, NO 5/8" x 3" Plugs
To 649°C packing/sealant enclosures J-Sticks
Bulk Gallons
Water Service
Product Temp Range Valve Sealant Curing Description Application Additional Package
Packing Bridging
400 -85°F to 450°F NO YES YES One part Flanges, Dry-Pak 10.3 fl. oz.
410 -65°C to 232°C rubber enclosures, 1,3,8,16 tube,
compound clamps 1 gal. pail, 4.5
(410, to gal. pail
402 -50°F to 500°F NO YES YES Semi-solid Flanges, N/A 5/8" x 3" Plugs
402-CF -46°C to 260°C extruded enclosures, J-Sticks
rubber. clamps
Available with
carbon fiber
VP-1000 -25°F to 600°F YES YES NO Fibrous, Valves, N/A 5/8" x 3" Plugs
-32°F to 316°C lubricating enclosures J-Sticks
Bulk Gallons
409 -60°F to 500°F NO YES YES 2 part rubber Flanges, Dry-Pak Pint kits
-51°C to 260°C compound enclosures, 1,4,5,8,16 Quart kits
clamps Gallon kits
300 -180°F to 500°F YES YES NO PTFE fibers Flanges, Dry-Pak 5/8" x 3" Plugs
325 -117°C to 232°C and fillers enclosures, 5,14 J-Sticks
340 suspended clamps, valves Bulk Gallons
350 in blended
Because of the elevated temperatures and pressures,
BOILER FEED WATER can be one of the toughest
applications. 560, 990 and CV-600 are the recommended
compounds. We also recommend that Deacon accelerator Product Valve Sealant Temp Limit
be added to these compounds when sealing BOILER Packing
FEED WATER. The accelerated cure time is essential to 990 NO YES 950°F/510°C
containing and sealing the leak, because of the aggressive CV-600
nature of this application. 560 NO YES 950°F/510°C
When the application is CONDENSATE, 560, 990 and 340 YES YES 500°F/260°C
CV-600 are also excellent choices. Remember when the 402 NO YES 500°F/260°C
always add 103-P Accelerator.
At temperatures of up to 500°F (260ºC), 402/402-CF
Rubber Compound can also be used on CONDENSATE
and Boiler Feed Water applications.
Pumpable refractory, hard setting, excellent insulator,
good bridging.
250ºF (121ºC) to 1500ºF (816ºC) (K-Factor results available)
Pumpable insulating compound.
Best insulator, sets firm, not brittle. Allows for movement. 250ºF
(121ºC) to 2000ºF (1093ºC) (K-Factor results available)
Procedural Warning:
During the curing process these compounds will release moisture in the form of steam. The containment enclosure
that this compound is injected into must contain a sufficient number of vent ports so as to allow the steam
to escape and to avoid a buildup of pressure within the enclosure. The design calculations of your hardware
should take into account both the proper number and size of vent ports as well as the injection pressure of the
compound. Compound should be injected at a rate that will allow you to monitor the internal pressure of the
hardware to avoid over pressurization of either the leak sealing hardware or the original equipment.
We do not recommend pre-packing the hardware or beginning the injection process without the presence of a
heat source. This is a thermal curing compound. A heat source (min. of 250°F/121ºC) must be present during the
injection process. The injection process must insure that the compound is exposed to heat upon introduction to
the hardware to avoid pockets of uncured material and the potential internal pressure buildup. Failure to heed this
warning could lead to catastrophic failure of the original equipment or the leak sealing hardware.
3100-S, 302 and 404 are the recommended compounds for sealing HOT OIL and GASOLINE.
3100-S and 302 can also be used on DOWTHERM.
Deacon 302
0ºF to 400ºF (-18ºC to 204ºC)
V.O.C. Service
289 and 389 are V.O.C. service
compounds. These are graphite
based compounds for use when
working on applications where
V.O.C.’s emitting from the leak
are detected by an organic vapor
analyzer (O.V.A. Meter). 389 has
a solid content of 100% graphite.
Both compounds are non-curing
and have good bridging capabilities.
Safety Report #32691 The situations covered here pertain to the use of Deacon
Compounds. Each situation must be evaluated as to the chemical
DEACON Has issued the following report, in response to our being sealed, the plant atmosphere, and safety regulations at each
customers’ requests for additional information, on safe working work site.
practices using Deacon on-line injectable sealants and packings.
Final safety decisions on respirators, protective clothing, safety
Deacon compounds are formulated with two goals in mind. One is procedures, etc., should be an on-site determination by plant safety
to work aggressively, simply, and consistently to seal leaking flanges, personnel, the technician, and his supervisors.
valves, enclosures, etc., with a minimal amount of injection pressure
Please call us at (724) 225-8008 with any safety questions regarding
thus creating a flexible type seal, that reduces and in some cases,
Deacon Compounds Safety Department
eliminates the need for re-pumps.
Secondly, to formulate a compound that can be used safely
and without excessive risk to the technician in the field and the Injection and Compression Outgassing
environment. Pressure Build Up
Due to the nature of the on-line leak sealing business, you as a
technician are commonly interacting with various types of situations Deacon injectable packings and sealants are manufactured in a
involving extreme temperatures, pressures, and a wide range of variety of consistencies. They range from liquids and pastes, to
commercial chemicals. We are quite sure that each contractor has putty-like compounds. Formulated for various types of leaks, these
their own safety programs already in place to handle the many materials are designed to be injected with minimal injection pressure.
situations that arise every day. These products consist of fibers, fillers, resins, and solvents. The
With questions pertaining to Deacon Compounds at solvents aid in storage, shelf- life, and adjusting the final consistency of
elevated temperatures (150ºF/66ºC) and above, here are our the end product. The carriers (resins) and solvents are determined by
recommendations as the manufacturer. the service temperature, application, and media to be sealed. Because
of the thick viscosity of the ingredients, during the mixing operation
• All sealant compounds when heated go through a process of some air is trapped inside the compound. When injected under gun
releasing gases or vapors known as (out gassing or gassing off). pressure some compression of the material will occur.
This enables the compound to in some cases cure and change its
consistency from a paste or semi-solid to a tough, durable, flexible When injected under temperature and pressure, the compounds go
gasket like solid. through a chemical and physical change known as COOK-OFF. This
process allows for the material to release the solvents and gas off
• Application such as large open end buildings (steel mill type), or which begins the curing process. Also, be aware that gases or liquids
piping systems outside where vapors cannot gather and there is venting can be flammable. Each application should be evaluated to
sufficient air movement, respirators may not be needed. determine if precautions need to be taken to avoid a flash or fire.
• Applications where vapors may collect such as small boiler rooms, (see Flash Points and Flammability on pg. 24)
tunnels, manways, and enclosed areas, vapors may be controlled After cook-off occurs, some shrinkage, pocketing, and honeycombing
through various mechanical means. These may include fans and may occur. In this situation re-injection of additional material will be
exhaust systems, opening doors, windows, and respirators are needed to compress the cured compound and refill any remaining
recommended. voids.
• Applications and or situations where mechanical means of This re-injection process insures that a dense, strong, long lasting seal
controlling vapors and gases is not an option then respirators or is achieved.
self contained breathing apparatus is recommended.
Manufacturer recommendations for injection pressures should
• When removing an enclosure, flange ring, or separating flanges, be strictly adhered to with reasonable safeguards in place. When
and the cured compound is to be sanded or mechanically ground, the compounds are cooking off and curing, vapors and gases are
we recommend that the surface area be kept wet with water as given off. This could cause some pressure to develop in a closed
to form a sludge rather than create a dusty situation. Always avoid application.
breathing any forms of dusts or vapors.
Most gassing-off occurs during the initial injection when the injection
• In choosing the right respirator, canisters approved for solvent and valves are open and the gases are readily vented providing that
organic vapors are recommended. adequate temperature is present. Steps should be taken to assure
• In our opinion Deacon Compounds are safe, and easy to work that the injection pressure in conjunction with any pressure that
with by professionally trained personnel when using common may occur from curing (gassing-off), does not exceed the pressure
sense and following the proper safety procedures. limitations of the piping system.
• Wear full face shield and skin protection if determined necessary. The information and recommendations of DEACON concerning
these products, is based upon laboratory tests, customer feedback
• Consult Deacon SDS and technical information before use.
and experience, and to the best of our knowledge and belief are true
and accurate. Since conditions of actual use are beyond our control,
the recommendations or suggestions are made without warranty,
expressed or implied.
• When applicable a purge or shield can be used to reduce the risk • Is there a concern of carrier or solvent extrusion causing a flash?
of a flash. The type of purge or shield (Steam, Nitrogen, etc.) will • Is there any possible way to safely heat the unit while injecting to
depend upon the application and process being sealed. Check with avoid an ambient injection situation?
your Safety Department or Plant Personnel to determine what is
Discussing these factors and other possible concerns with the plant
best for your specific requirement.
personnel is of the utmost importance before performing any
• Remove excess compound that may accumulate through injection of this type. A strategy must be mapped out in advance
extrusion or cook-off, from any hot surfaces, and maintain a clean that addresses these concerns and assures a safe and successful leak
working environment throughout your procedure. sealing operation.
• Remove or cover any insulation to avoid buildup of compound
that may create an oxygen rich environment with a flash or an
auto ignition type hazard.
• Always have the appropriate respirator available (see safety report
#32691) to reduce personal exposure to off gases.
Safety should always be addressed through your companies
recommended procedures, and in conjunction with plant personnel
Flash point: The temperature at which a liquid or volatile solid gives
off vapor sufficient to form an ignitable mixture with the air near the
liquid or solid surface.
Auto-Ignition point: The minimum temperature required to initiate or
cause self- sustained combustion in any substance in the absence of a
spark or flame.
Acetaldehyde I, K, M DEACON SEALANT
Acetic Acid (A) 3100-S, 800-T
Acetic Acid to 100% K (B) F250, Fl50, F50
Acetic Acid to 100% Ambient H (C) 454-T, 560, 990, CV-600
Acetic Acid to 100% to 200°F (93ºC) I
Acetic Acid to 10% Q (D) 770L,
Acetic Anhydride I, K
(E) 454, 464, 411, 440
Acetic Ether see Ethyl Acetate
(F) CJ-429, CJ-650
Acetic Oxide see Acetic Anhydride
(G) 400, 410
Acetone C, D, E, I, K
(H) 409
Acetonitrile B, D, I, J, K, M
( I ) 402, 402-CF
Acetoxyethane see Ethyl Acetate
Acetylene C, D, E, I, J, K * (J) 302
Acetylene Trichloride see Trichloroethylene * (K) 300, 325, 333,
348, 350, 383
Acraldehyde see Acrolein
* (M) 289, 389,
Acrolein C, D, E, I, K, M, R 489
Acrylic Acid I, K * (N) 375-OX
Acrylonitrile C, D, E, K, M * (O) 375
Adipic Acid C, D, E, I, J, K, M,R
* (P) 340
Alcohol see Ethyl Alcohol
(Q) 404
Allyl Chloride C, D, E, I, J, K, M
(R) 460
Allyl Chloride to 120ºF (49ºC) H
* Non-Curing Compound
Aluminum Bromide I, K, Q, R
Aluminum Chloride I, K
Amino Benzene see Aniline Listed compound recommendations
are based on chemical compatibility.
Aminocyclohexane see Cyclohexylamine Compounds are not listed in order
Aminomethane see Methylamine of preference. Application conditions
m-Aminonitrobenzene see m-nitroaniline (temperature, pressure, etc.) and
sealant performance requirements
2-Amino Pentane see Diethylamine should be considered when making
Ammonia (Gas) I, K, Q, P your compound selection.
Ammonia (Gas) to 200ºF (93ºC) G, H
Ammonia (Liquid) I, K
Ammonia (Liquid) to 200ºF (93ºC) G, H
Ammonium Acetate see Acetic Acid
Ammonium Bichromate O
Ammonium Chloride I, K, Q
Ammonium Dichromate see Ammonium Bichromate
Ammonium Hydroxide I, K, R
Ammonium Muriate see Ammonium Chloride
Ammonium Nitrate O
Ammonium Phosphate, Dibasic C, D, E, G, H, I, J, K
Ammonium Polysulfide I, K, R
Ammonium Sulfate C, D, E, I, J, K
Ammonium Sulfide see Ammonium Polysulfide
Amprolene see Ethylene Oxide DEACON SEALANT
Amyl Alcohol I, K, M, P, Q, R (A) 3100-S, 800-T
Amyl Hydride see n-Pentane (B) F250, Fl50, F50
Aniline C, D, E, I, J, K, M, R (C) 454-T, 560, 990, CV-600
Anilino Benzene see Diphenylamine (D) 770L,
Anthium Dioxide see Chlorine Dioxide
Aqua Ammonia see Ammonium Hydroxide (E) 454, 464, 411, 440
Argon A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I, J, K, M, P (F) CJ-429, CJ-650
Aromatic Solvent A, C, D, E, J, K, M (G) 400, 410
Arsenic A, C, D, E, H, I, J, K, M (H) 409
Asphalt B, C, D, E, J, K, M, Q ( I ) 402, 402-CF
Benzaldehyde A, B, C, D, E, I, J, K, M * (J) 302
Benzeneamine see Aniline * (K) 300, 325, 333,
Benzene A, B, C, D, E, J, K, M 348, 350, 383
Benzene Carbaldehyde see Benzaldehyde * (M) 289, 389,
O-Benzene Dicarboxylic Acid see Phthalic Acid
* (N) 375-OX
Benzene Chloride see Chlorobenzene
* (O) 375
Benzene Isopropyl see Cumene
* (P) 340
Benzinoform see Carbon Tetrachloride
(Q) 404
Benzohydroquinone see Hydroquinone
(R) 460
Benzoic Aldehyde see Benzaldehyde
Benzoline see Petroleum Spirits * Non-Curing Compound
Berthollet Salt see Potassium Chlorate
Biethylene see 1,3-Butadiene Listed compound recommendations
are based on chemical compatibility.
Bimethyl see Ethane Compounds are not listed in order
Black Liquor A, C, D, E, I, J, K, M of preference. Application conditions
Boric Acid C, D, E, I, J, K, M, R (temperature, pressure, etc.) and
sealant performance requirements
Boric Acid to 120ºF (49ºC) H
should be considered when making
Boron Trifluoride E, J, K, M your compound selection.
1,3-Butadiene Call for Recommendation
Butanal see n-Butyraldehyde
Butane A, C, D, E, J, K, M, Q, R
Butanoic Acid see n-Butyric Acid
1-Butene C, D, E, J, K, M
n-Butyl Acetate C, D, E, I, K, M
Butyl Alcohol C, D, E, I, K, M,R
N-Butylcarbinol see Amyl Alcohol
Butylene see 1-Butene
Butyl Ethanoate see n-Butyl Acetate
Butyl Ethylene see Hexene
1,4-Butyndiol K
n-Butyraldehyde C, D, E, I, J, K, M
n-Butyric Acid I, K
Butyric Aldehyde see n-Butyraldehyde DEACON SEALANT
Calcium Chlorate O (A) 3100-S, 800-T
Calcium Chloride C, D, E, H, I, K, Q, R (B) F250, Fl50, F50
Calcium Stearate C, D, E, K G (C) 454-T, 560, 990, CV-600
Calcium Stearate to 120ºF (49ºC) H, R (D) 770L,
Carbamates A, C, D, E, I, J, K, R 770P
Carbinol see Methyl Alcohol (E) 454, 464, 411, 440
Carbitol see Diethylene Glycol (F) CJ-429, CJ-650
Carbolic Acid see Phenol (G) 400, 410
Carbon Dioxide A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I, K, M, P, Q (H) 409
Carbon Disulfide C, D, E, K, M ( I ) 402, 402-CF
Carbon Monoxide A, C, D, E, G, I, K, M, P * (J) 302
Carbon Oil see Benzene * (K) 300, 325, 333,
Carbon Oxychloride see Phosgene 348, 350, 383
Carbon Sulfide see Carbon Disulfide * (M) 289, 389,
Carbon Tetrachloride C, D, E, K
Carbonic Acid Gas see Carbon Dioxide * (N) 375-OX
Carbonic Anhydride see Carbon Dioxide * (O) 375
Carbonic Oxide see Carbon Dioxide * (P) 340
Catalyst A, C, D, E, F, M (Q) 404
Caustic Potash see Potassium Hydroxide (R) 460
Caustic Soda see Sodium Hydroxide * Non-Curing Compound
Chlorethene see Vinyl Chloride
Chlorethyl see Ethyl Chloride Listed compound recommendations
Chlorinated Biphenyl see Polychlorinated Biphenyls are based on chemical compatibility.
Compounds are not listed in order
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons, Aliphatic E, J, K, M of preference. Application conditions
Chlorine O (temperature, pressure, etc.) and
sealant performance requirements
Chlorine (Gas) O
should be considered when making
Chlorine Dioxide O your compound selection.
Chlorine Peroxide see Chlorine Dioxide
Chloroallylene see Allyl Chloride
Chlorobenzene C, D, E, J, K, M
Chorobiphenyl see Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Chloroethane see Ethyl Chloride
Chloroethene see Methyl Chloroform
Chloroethylene see Vinyl Chloride
Chloroformyl Chloride see Phosgene
Chlorohydric Acid see Hydrochloric Acid
Chloromethane see Methyl Chloride
Chloryl Radical see Chlorine Dioxide
Citric Acid B, C, D, E, I, J, K, R
Coal Gas see Hydrocarbon Gases
Coal Oil see Petroleum Crude
Coal Naphtha see Benzene DEACON SEALANT
Coal Tar Naphtha see Naphtha (A) 3100-S, 800-T
Coal Tar Pitch A, B, C, D, E, J, K, M (B) F250, Fl50, F50
Coke Oven Gas E, F, J, M (C) 454-T, 560, 990, CV-600
Colamine see Ethanolamine (D) 770L,
Cresol A, C, D, E, K, M, R
Cresylic Acid see Cresol (E) 454, 464, 411, 440
Crude Oil A, C, D, E, J, K, M, P, Q (F) CJ-429, CJ-650
Cumene B, C, D, E, J, K, M,R (G) 400, 410
Cumyl Hydroperoxide see Isoproplybenzene Hydroperoxide (H) 409
Cyanide C, D, E, J, K ( I ) 402, 402-CF
Cyanoethylene see Acrylonitrile * (J) 302
Cyanomethane see Acetonitrile * (K) 300, 325, 333,
Cyclohexane C, D, E, J, K, M, P, Q, R 348, 350, 383
Cyclohexanol C, D, E, K, M, R * (M) 289, 389,
Cyclohexatriene see Benzene
* (N) 375-OX
Cyclohexyl Alcohol see Cyclohexanol
* (O) 375
Cyclohexylamine C, D, E, I, J, K, M
* (P) 340
DEA (Diethanolamine) see Diethanolamine
(Q) 404
DEG (Diethylene Glycol) see Diethylene Glycol
(R) 460
Denatured Alcohol C, D, E, I, K, Q, P, R
Denatured Spirits see Denatured Alcohol * Non-Curing Compound
Deuterium Oxide see Heavy Water
DCB (Dichloro Benzene) see o-Dichloro Benzene Listed compound recommendations
are based on chemical compatibility.
Diamine see Hydrazine Compounds are not listed in order
Diammonium Hydrogen Phosphate see Ammonium Phosphate, Dibasic of preference. Application conditions
Diammonium Sulfate see Ammonium Sulfate (temperature, pressure, etc.) and
sealant performance requirements
m-Dichlorobenzene C, D, E, K, M should be considered when making
o-Dichlorobenzene C, D, E, J, K, M your compound selection.
1-1, Dichloroethane B, C, D, E, J, K, M
Dichloroethylene see Ethylene Dichloride
Dichloromethane see Methylene Chloride
Dichlorotetrafluoroethane B, C, D, E, K, M, Q
Diesel Fuel A, C, D, E, J, K, M, Q, P, R
Diethanolamine C, D, E, I, K, M
Diethyl see Butane
Diethylamine I, J, K, M
Diethylene Glycol A, C, D, E, I, J, K, M, P, Q, R
Diethyleneimide Oxide see Morpholine
Diethyl Oxide see Ethyl Ether
Diglycol see Diethylene Glycol
Dihydrogen Dioxide see Hydrogen Peroxide
Dihydroxybenzene see Hydroquinone
Diisopropyl Ether see Isopropyl Ether DEACON SEALANT
Diisopropyl Oxide see Isopropyl Ether (A) 3100-S, 800-T
Dimethyl see Ethane (B) F250, Fl50, F50
Dimethylamine B, C, D, E, I, J, K, M (C) 454-T, 560, 990, CV-600
Dimethylbenzene see Xylene (D) 770L,
Dimethylenediamine see 1,2 Ethanediamine 770P
Dimethylene Oxide see Ethylene Oxide (E) 454, 464, 411, 440
Dimethylformaldehyde see Acetone (F) CJ-429, CJ-650
Dimethylformamide E, I, J, K, R (G) 400, 410
Dimethyl Ketone see Acetone (H) 409
Dimethyl Methane see Propane ( I ) 402, 402-CF
Dimethylphthalate B, C, D, E, I, J, K, M * (J) 302
Dimethyl Sulfate K * (K) 300, 325, 333,
Dimethyl Sulfoxide B, C, D, E, J, K, M, R 348, 350, 383
Diolamine see Diethanolamine * (M) 289, 389,
Diothene see Polyethylene 489
Diphenylamine B, C, D, E, J, K, M * (N) 375-OX
Diphenylbenzene see Terphenyls * (O) 375
Diphyl see Phenyl Ether Biphenyl Mixture * (P) 340
Disodium Monosilicate see Sodium Silicate (Q) 404
Disodium Sulfate see Sodium Sulfate (R) 460
Dithiocarbonic Anhydride see Carbon Disulfide * Non-Curing Compound
Dithionic Acid see Sulfuric Acid (fuming)
DMA (Dimethylamine) see Dimethylamine Listed compound recommendations
DMF (Dimethylformamide) see Dimethylformamide are based on chemical compatibility.
Compounds are not listed in order
DMFA (Dimethylformamide) see Dimethylformamide of preference. Application conditions
DMP (Dimethylphthalate) see Dimethylphthalate (temperature, pressure, etc.) and
DMS (Dimethyl Sulfate) see Dimethyl Sulfate sealant performance requirements
should be considered when making
DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) see Dimethyl Sulfoxide your compound selection.
Dowtherm see Phenyl Ether Biphenyl Mixture
Dowtherm A see Phenyl Ether Biphenyl Mixture
Dowtherm E see o-Dichlorobenzene
DPA (Diphenylamine) see Diphenylamine
EDC (Ethylene Dichloride) see Ethylene Dichloride
Epoxy Ethane see Ethylene Oxide
Epoxy Propane see Propylene Oxide
Erythrene see 1,3-Butadiene
Ethanamine see Ethylamine
Ethane A, C, D, E, J, K, M
1,2 Ethanediamine C, D, E, I, J, K, M
Ethanedichloride see Ethylene Dichloride
Ethanethiol see Ethyl Mercaptan
Ethanol see Ethyl Alcohol
Ethanolamine I, K DEACON SEALANT
Ethanoic Acid see Acetic Acid (A) 3100-S, 800-T
Ethanoic Anhydrate see Acetic Anhydride (B) F250, Fl50, F50
Ethene see Ethylene (C) 454-T, 560, 990, CV-600
Ethene Oxide see Ethylene Oxide (D) 770L,
Ethene Polymer see Propylene
Ethenyl Acetate see Vinyl Acetate (E) 454, 464, 411, 440
Ethenyl-Benzene Homopolymer see Styrene Polymer (F) CJ-429, CJ-650
Ether see Ethyl Ether (G) 400, 410
Ether Muriatic see Ethyl Chloride (H) 409
Ethyl Acetate B, C, D, E, H, I, K, M ( I ) 402, 402-CF
Ethyl Alcohol I, K, M, P, Q, R * (J) 302
Ethyl Alcohol to 100ºF (38ºC) H * (K) 300, 325, 333,
Ethyl Aldehyde see Acetaldehyde 348, 350, 383
Ethyl Benzene A, C, D, E, J, K, M,R * (M) 289, 389,
Ethyl Chloride C, D, E, I, J, K, M, R
Ethyl Ether K, M * (N) 375-OX
Ethyl Hydroxide see Ethyl Alcohol * (O) 375
Ethyl Hydride see Ethane * (P) 340
Ethyl Mercaptan C, D, E, I, K, M (Q) 404
Ethyl Silicate B, C, D, E, I, J, K, M,R (R) 460
Ethylacetic Acid see n-Butyric Acid * Non-Curing Compound
Ethylamine C, D, E, I, J, K, M
Ethyldimethylmethane B, C, D, E, J, K, M Listed compound recommendations
Ethylene C, D, E, K, M, R are based on chemical compatibility.
Compounds are not listed in order
Ethylene Aldehyde see Acrolein of preference. Application conditions
Ethylene Bromide see 1,2 Ethylene Dibromide (temperature, pressure, etc.) and
sealant performance requirements
Ethylene Chloride see Ethylene Dichloride
should be considered when making
Ethylene Diamine see 1,2 Ethanediamine your compound selection.
1,2-Ethylene Dibromide C, D, E, J, K, M
Ethylene Dichloride C, D, E, K, M
Ethylene Glycol C, D, E, I, J, K, M, R
Ethylene Glycol to 212ºF (100ºC) H
Ethylene Oxide O
Ethylidene Chloride see 1,1 Dichloroethane
Ethylolamine see Ethanolamine
Ethyne see Acetylene
Fermenicide Liquid see Sulfur Dioxide
Fermine see Dimethyl Phthalate
Flue Gas C, D, E, F, G, K, M
Fluorine Call for Recommendation
Fluosilicic Acid see Silicofluoric Acid
Formaldehyde A, C, D, E, J, K, M, P I DEACON SEALANT
Formaldehyde to 180ºF (82ºC) H, (A) 3100-S, 800-T
Formaldehyde to Ambient Q
(B) F250, Fl50, F50
Formic Acid I, K
(C) 454-T, 560, 990, CV-600
Formic Aldehyde see Formaldehyde
(D) 770L,
Formylic Acid see Formic Acid 770P
Freon Call with specific type
(E) 454, 464, 411, 440
Fuel Oil see Diesel Fuel
(F) CJ-429, CJ-650
Fural see Furfural
(G) 400, 410
Furfural B, C, D, E, J, K, M
Furfural to 160ºF (71ºC) I (H) 409
Gas Oil A, C, D, E, J, K, M, Q, R ( I ) 402, 402-CF
Gasoline A, C, D, E, J, K, M, Q, R * (J) 302
Glycinol see Ethanolamine * (K) 300, 325, 333,
348, 350, 383
Glycol see Ethylene Glycol
* (M) 289, 389,
Glycol Bromide see 1,2 Ethylene Dibromide 489
Glycol Dichloride see Ethylene Dichloride
* (N) 375-OX
Glycol Ether see Diethylene Glycol
* (O) 375
Grain Alcohol see Ethyl Alcohol
* (P) 340
Green Liquor C, D, E, K, M, P
(Q) 404
HCN (Hydrocyanic Acid) see Hydrocyanic Acid
(R) 460
Heavy Water G, I, J, K, R
* Non-Curing Compound
Helium A, C, D, E, G, H, I, J, K, M, P, Q, R
Hexahydroaniline see Cyclohexylamine
Listed compound recommendations
Hexahydrobenzenamine see Cyclohexylamine
are based on chemical compatibility.
Hexahydrobenzene see Cyclohexane Compounds are not listed in order
Hexahydrophenol see Cyclohexanol of preference. Application conditions
(temperature, pressure, etc.) and
Hexamethylene see Cyclohexane sealant performance requirements
Hexamethylenediamine see 1,6 Hexanediamine should be considered when making
Hexanaphthene see Cyclohexane your compound selection.
Hexane see n-Hexane
n-Hexane A, C, D, E, J, K, Q, R
1,6 Hexanediamine K
1,6 Hexanedioic Acid see Adipic Acid
1-Hexene A, C, D, E, J, K, M, R
1-Hexene to 100ºF (38ºC) Q
Hexene see 1-Hexene
Hexone A, C, D, E, I, K, M
Hydraulic Oil (Phosphate Ester) A, C, D, E, I, J, K, M
Hydraulic Oil (Petroleum) A, C, D, E, J, K, M, Q, P, R
Hydraulic Fluid (Pydrauls) A, C, D, E, I, J, K, M, P
Hydrazine O
Hydrazine-Benzene see Phenylhydrazine
Hydrobromic Acid I, K
Hydrocarbon Gases A, C, D, E, J, K, M, P, R DEACON SEALANT
Hydrochloric Acid (A) 3100-S, 800-T
Hydrochloric Acid to 100% K
(B) F250, Fl50, F50
Hydrochloric Acid to 37% to 130ºF (54ºC) I
Hydrochloride see Hydrochloric Acid (C) 454-T, 560, 990, CV-600
Hydrocyanic Acid C, D, E, I, K (D) 770L,
Hydrofluoric Acid
Hydrofluoric Acid to 100% K (E) 454, 464, 411, 440
Hydrofluoric Acid to 65% to 70ºF (21ºC) I (F) CJ-429, CJ-650
Hydrofluoric Acid to 30% to 176ºF (80ºC) I (G) 400, 410
Hydrofluoric Acid to 23% Q
(H) 409
Hydrogen A, B, C, D, E, F, I, J, K, M
( I ) 402, 402-CF
Hydrogen Bromide see Hydrobromic Acid
* (J) 302
Hydrogen Chloride I, K
* (K) 300, 325, 333,
Hydrogen Cyanide see Hydrocyanic Acid 348, 350, 383
Hydrogen Dioxide see Hydrogen Peroxide * (M) 289, 389,
Hydrogen Fluoride see Hydrofluoric Acid 489
Hydrogen Nitrate see Nitric Acid * (N) 375-OX
Hydrogen Peroxide O * (O) 375
Hydrogen Sulfide C, D, E, I, K, M, Q * (P) 340
Hydrophenol see Cyclohexanol (Q) 404
Hydroquinone B, C, D, E, I, J, K, M (R) 460
Iodomethane see Methyl Iodide * Non-Curing Compound
1, 3-Isobenzofurandione see Phthalic Anhydride
Isobutanal see Isobutyraldehyde
Listed compound recommendations
Isobutane see 2-Methyl Propane are based on chemical compatibility.
Isobutene C, D, E, J, K, M, Q Compounds are not listed in order
of preference. Application conditions
Isobutyl Methyl Ketone see Hexone (temperature, pressure, etc.) and
Isobutyraldehyde B, C, D, E, I, J, K, M sealant performance requirements
Isobutyric Aldehyde see Isobutyraldehyde should be considered when making
your compound selection.
Isocyanide see Cyanide
Isopentane see Ethyldimethylmethane
Isoprene O
Isopropanol see Isopropyl Alcohol
Isopropyl Acetate B, C, D, E, I, K, M
Isopropyl Acetone see Hexone
Isopropyl Alcohol C, D, E, I, K, P
Isopropyl Alcohol to 100ºF (38ºC) Q
Isopropylamine B, C, D, E, K, M, R
Isopropyl Benzene see Cumene
Isopropyl Benzene Hydroperoxide O
Isopropyl Ether B, C, D, E, K, M, Q
Kerosene A, C, D, E, J, K, M, P, Q, R
Ketone Propane see Acetone
LP Gas (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) see Isobutene
Linseed Oil C, D, E, H, I, J, K, M, P, Q, R DEACON SEALANT
Lubricating Oils A, C, D, E, J, K, M, P, Q (A) 3100-S, 800-T
Maleic Anhydride K (B) F250, Fl50, F50
Maleic Anhydride over 500ºF (260ºC) C, D, E (C) 454-T, 560, 990, CV-600
Marsh Gas see Methane (D) 770L,
Matting Acid see Sulfuric Acid
MCB (Monochlorobenzene) see Chlorobenzene (E) 454, 464, 411, 440
MDEA (Methyldiethanolamine) see Methyldiethanolamine (F) CJ-429, CJ-650
MEA (Monoethanolamine) see Ethanolamine (G) 400, 410
MEK (Methyl Ethyl Ketone) see Methyl Ethyl Ketone (H) 409
Methane A, C, D, E, J, K, M, P, Q ( I ) 402, 402-CF
Methane-Carboxylic Acid see Acetic Acid * (J) 302
Methane Dichloride see Methylene Chloride * (K) 300, 325, 333,
Methane Tetrachloride see Carbon Tetrachloride 348, 350, 383
Methanoic Acid see Formic Acid * (M) 289, 389,
Methanol see Methyl Alcohol
* (N) 375-OX
Methyl Acetate C, D, E, I, J, K, M
* (O) 375
Methyl Acetone see Methyl Ethyl Ketone
* (P) 340
Methyl Alcohol C, D, E, I, K, M, P, R
(Q) 404
Methylamine C, D, E, I, J, K, M Q
Methylamine to 100ºF (38ºC) (R) 460
Methyl Aldehyde see Formaldehyde * Non-Curing Compound
Methyl Benzene see Toluene
2-Methyl Butane see Ethyldimethylmethane Listed compound recommendations
Methyl Carbinol see Ethyl Alcohol are based on chemical compatibility.
Compounds are not listed in order
Methyl Chloride C, D, E, I, J, K of preference. Application conditions
Methyl Chloroform C, D, E, J, K, M (temperature, pressure, etc.) and
sealant performance requirements
Methyl Cyanide see Acetonitrile
should be considered when making
Methyldiethanolamine E, K your compound selection.
Methylene Chloride K
Methylene Glycol see Formaldehyde
Methyl Ethanoate see Methyl Acetate
Methylethene see Propene
1-Methylethylamine see Isopropylamine
Methyl Ethyl Ketone C, E, I, K, M, Q
Methyl Ethyl Methane see Butane
Methyl Ethylene Oxide see Propylene Oxide
Methyl Hydride see Methane
Methyl Iodide C, D, E, H, I, J, K, M
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone see Hexone
Methyl Ketone see Acetone
Methyl Methacrylate B, C, D, E, J, K, M, Q
Methyl Methane see Ethane
Methylopropane see Butyl Alcohol DEACON SEALANT
2-Methylpropane A, C, D, E, J, K, M (A) 3100-S, 800-T
2-Methylpropene see Isobutene (B) F250, Fl50, F50
2-Methylpropanol see Isobutyraldehyde (C) 454-T, 560, 990, CV-600
Methyl Sulfate see Dimethyl Sulfate (D) 770L,
Methylsulfinylmethane see Dimethyl Sulfoxide 770P
Methylsulfoxide see Dimethyl Sulfoxide (E) 454, 464, 411, 440
Methyl Toluene see Xylene (F) CJ-429, CJ-650
Methyl Trichloromethane see Methyl Chloroform (G) 400, 410
Metalic Arsenic see Arsenic (H) 409
MIBK (Methyl Isobutyl Ketone) see Hexone ( I ) 402, 402-CF
Microthene see Propylene * (J) 302
Mineral Oil A, C, D, E, J, K, M, Q, P, * (K) 300, 325, 333,
Mineral Oil to 200ºF (93ºC) R 348, 350, 383
* (M) 289, 389,
Mineral Spirits A, C, D, E, J, K, M, Q, R 489
Monochlorobenzene see Chlorobenzene * (N) 375-OX
Monochloroethane see Ethyl Chloride * (O) 375
Monochloromethane see Methyl Chloride * (P) 340
Monoethanolamine see Ethanolamine
(Q) 404
Monoethylamine see Ethylamine
(R) 460
Monoethylene Gylcol see Ethylene Glycol
* Non-Curing Compound
Monoisopropylamine see Isopropylamine
Monomethylamine see Methylamine
Listed compound recommendations
Morpholine A, B, C, D, E, J, K, M are based on chemical compatibility.
Muriatic Acid see Hydrochloric Acid Compounds are not listed in order
Naphtha A, C, D, E, J, K, M, Q of preference. Application conditions
(temperature, pressure, etc.) and
Naphthalene A, C, D, E, J, K, M, Q, R sealant performance requirements
Naphthene see Naphthalene should be considered when making
your compound selection.
Natural Gas see Methane
Nitric Acid O
Nitric Oxide O
M-Nitroaniline E, I, K
Nitrocarbol see Nitromethane
Nitrogen A, C, D, E, H, I, J, K, M, Q, P, R
Nitrogen Monoxide see Nitric Oxide
Nitromethane O
NOX Gases - over 500ºF(260ºC) E, M
Octane A, C, D, E, J, K, M, Q
Oil, Petroleum
Oil, Petroleum under 212ºF (100ºC) J, K, M, P, Q, R
Oil, Petroleum under 400ºF (204ºC) J, K, M, P, R
Oil, Petroleum over 400ºF (204ºC) A, C, D, E, M
Oleum see Sulfuric Acid (fuming)
Orthoboric Acid see Boric Acid DEACON SEALANT
Orthodichlorobenzene see o-Dichlorobenzene (A) 3100-S, 800-T
Othrophosphoric Acid see Phosphoric Acid (B) F250, Fl50, F50
Oxane see Ethylene Oxide (C) 454-T, 560, 990, CV-600
Oxomethane see Formaldehyde (D) 770L,
Oxygen N 770P
Paint Thinner see Mineral Spirits (E) 454, 464, 411, 440
Paraffin Oil see Mineral Oil (F) CJ-429, CJ-650
PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyl) see Polychlorinated Biphenyls (G) 400, 410
Pearl Ash see Potassium Chlorate (H) 409
n-Pentane A, C, D, E, J, K, M ( I ) 402, 402-CF
Pentyl Alcohol see Amyl Alcohol * (J) 302
Periodin see Potassium Perchlorate * (K) 300, 325, 333,
Peroxides, Inorganic O 348, 350, 383
Peroxides, Organic O * (M) 289, 389,
Petrol see Gasoline 489
Petroleum Crude A, C, D, E, J, K, M, P * (N) 375-OX
Petroleum Ether see Petroleum Spirits * (O) 375
Petroleum Pitch see Asphalt * (P) 340
Petroleum Spirits A, C, D, E, J, K, M, P, Q (Q) 404
Phenic Acid see Phenol (R) 460
Phenol A, C, D, E, K, M, R * Non-Curing Compound
Phenylamine see Aniline
N-Phenylbenzeneamine see Diphenylamine Listed compound recommendations
Phenyl Chloride see Chlorobenzene are based on chemical compatibility.
Compounds are not listed in order
Phenylethane see Ethylbenzene of preference. Application conditions
Phenyl Ether-Biphenyl Mixture A, C, D, E, J, K, M (temperature, pressure, etc.) and
Phenylhydrazine A, B, C, D, E, J, K, M sealant performance requirements
should be considered when making
Phenyl Hydride see Benzene your compound selection.
Phenylic Acid see Phenol
Phenylmethane see Toluene
2-Phenylpropane see Cumene
Phosgene B, C, D, E, I, K, M
Phosphoric Acid
Phosphoric Acid to 100% K
Phosphoric Acid to 100% to 250ºF (121ºC) I
Phosphoric Acid to 50% Q
Phthalic Acid I, K, R
Phthalic Acid Methyl Ester see Dimethyl Phthalate
Phthalic Anhydride I, K, R
Polychlorinated Biphenyls K
Polyethylene C, D, E, G, H, I, J, K, M
Potash see Potassium Carbonate
Potassium Carbonate C, D, E, I, J, K, R
Potassium Chlorate O DEACON SEALANT
Potassium Chloride C, D, E, H, I, J, K, Q (A) 3100-S, 800-T
Potassium Hydrate see Potassium Hydroxide (B) F250, Fl50, F50
Potassium Hydroxide K (C) 454-T, 560, 990, CV-600
Potassium Hydroxide to 120ºF (49º C) I, H (D) 770L,
Potassium Hyperchloride see Potassium Perchlorate 770P
Potassium Nitrate O (E) 454, 464, 411, 440
Potassium Nitrite O (F) CJ-429, CJ-650
Potassium Oxymuriate see Potassium Chlorate (G) 400, 410
Potassium Perchlorate O (H) 409
Potassium Sulfate I, K, R ( I ) 402, 402-CF
Potassium Sulfate to 120ºF (49ºC) H, Q * (J) 302
Potassium Sulfide I,K, R * (K) 300, 325, 333,
Potassium Sulfide to 120ºF (49ºC) H 348, 350, 383
Procarbazine B, C, D, E, J, K, M * (M) 289, 389,
1,2 Propanediol see Propylene Glycol 489
Propane C, D, E, G, H, I, J, K, M, Q * (N) 375-OX
Propanone see Acetone * (O) 375
2-Propanol see Isopropyl Alcohol * (P) 340
Propene C, D, E, J, K, M, P, Q (Q) 404
1-Propene see Propene (R) 460
Propenenitrile see Acrylonitrile * Non-Curing Compound
2-Propenyl Chloride see Allyl Chloride
2-Propylamine see Isopropylamine
Listed compound recommendations
2-Proply Acetate see Isopropylacetate are based on chemical compatibility.
Propylcarbinol see Butyl Alcohol Compounds are not listed in order
of preference. Application conditions
Propylene see Propene (temperature, pressure, etc.) and
Propylene Glycol I, K, M, Q, R sealant performance requirements
Propylene Oxide I, K, M should be considered when making
your compound selection.
Propylformic Acid see n-Butyric Acid
Propyl Hydride see Propane
Propyl Methanol see Butyl Alcohol
Prussic Acid see Hydrocyanic Acid
Pyrobenzole see Benzene
Pyrosulphuric Acid see Sulfuric Acid (fuming)
Road Tar see Asphalt
Salt Water C, D, E, G, H, I, K, M, P, R
Sand Acid see Silicofluoric Acid
Sewage G, I, J, K, M, P
Silicofluoric Acid I, K
Silicofluoric Acid to Ambient Q
Soda Lye see Sodium Hydroxide
Sodium Hydroxide C, D, E, I, K
Sodium Hydroxide to 50% Q
Sodium Peroxide O (A) 3100-S, 800-T
Sodium Silicate C, D, E, G, I, J, K, M, Q (B) F250, Fl50, F50
Sodium Sulfate E, I, K, Q, R (C) 454-T, 560, 990, CV-600
Sour Water see Hydrogen Sulfide (D) 770L,
Stoddard Solvent see Mineral Spirits
Styrene Polymer C, D, E, J, K, M (E) 454, 464, 411, 440
Sulfinol J, K, M (F) CJ-429, CJ-650
Sulfur K, M, R (G) 400, 410
Sulfur over 500ºF (260ºC) C, D, E, M (H) 409
Sulfur Dioxide C, D, E, K, M ( I ) 402, 402-CF
Sulfur Dioxide to 150ºF (66ºC) I * (J) 302
Sulfur Hydride see Hydrogen Sulfide * (K) 300, 325, 333,
Sulfur Oxide see Sulfur Dioxide 348, 350, 383
Sulfur Trioxide I, K * (M) 289, 389,
Sulfur Trioxide over 500ºF (260ºC) F 489
Sulfur Trioxide over 950ºF (510ºC) E * (N) 375-OX
Sulfuric Acid * (O) 375
Sulfuric Acid to 100% K
Sulfuric Acid to 90% to 70ºF (21ºC) I * (P) 340
Sulfuric Acid to 70% to 175ºF (80ºC) I (Q) 404
Sulfuric Acid to 20% Q (R) 460
Sulfuric Acid (Fuming) K * Non-Curing Compound
Sulfuric Anhydride see Sulfur Trioxide
Sulfuric Oxide see Sulfur Trioxide Listed compound recommendations
Sulfurous Anhydride see Sulfur Dioxide are based on chemical compatibility.
Sulphocarbonic Anhydride see Carbon Disulfide Compounds are not listed in order
of preference. Application conditions
Superflake Anhydrous see Calcium Chloride (temperature, pressure, etc.) and
TEL (Tetraethyl Lead) see Tetraethyl Lead sealant performance requirements
Terphenyls A, C, D, E, K, M should be considered when making
your compound selection.
Tetrachlorocarbon see Carbon Tetrachloride
Tetraethoxysilane see Ethyl Silicate
Tetraethyl Lead E, J, K, M
Tetraethyl Silicate see Ethyl Silicate
Tetrafinol see Carbon Tetrachloride
Tetraflouordichloroethane see Dichlorotetrafluoroethane
Tetrahydro-1,4-Isoxazine see Morpholine
Tetramethyl Lead E, J, K, M
Thioethyl Alcohol see Ethyl Mercaptan
Titanium Chloride K
Titanium Dioxide C, D, E, J, K, M, R
Titanium Tetrachloride K
TML (Tetramethyl Lead) see Tetramethyl Lead
Toluene A, B, C, D, E, J, K, M
Toluol see Toluene
Toxilic Anhydride see Maleic Anhydride
(A) 3100-S, 800-T
Transformer Oil J, K, P, M, Q, R
(B) F250, Fl50, F50
Tribromoaluminum see Aluminum Bromide
(C) 454-T, 560, 990, CV-600
Trichloroaluminum see Aluminum Chloride
(D) 770L,
1,1,1, Trichloroethane see Methyl Chloroform 770P
Trichloroethene see Trichloroethylene (E) 454, 464, 411, 440
Trichloroethylene K
(F) CJ-429, CJ-650
Trichlorotrifluoroethane see Freon
(G) 400, 410
Triethane see Methylchloroform
(H) 409
Triethylamine A, C, D, E, I, J, K, M
( I ) 402, 402-CF
Triethylolamine see Trihydroxytriethylamine
* (J) 302
Trihydroxytriethylamine A, C, D, E, J, K, M
* (K) 300, 325, 333,
Triphenyl see Terphenyls 348, 350, 383
Tripotassium Trichloride see Potassium Chloride * (M) 289, 389,
Turpentine B, C, D, E, J, K, M, P, R 489
Ucarsol J, K * (N) 375-OX
VCM (Vinyl Chloride Monomer) see Vinyl Chloride * (O) 375
Vegetable Oil A, C, D, E, J, M, P, R * (P) 340
Vegetable Oil to 120ºF (49ºC) H
(Q) 404
Vegetable Oil to 200ºF (94ºC) I
(R) 460
Vinegar Acid see Acetic Acid
Vinyl Acetate C, D, E, I, K, M, P, Q * Non-Curing Compound
Vinyl A Monomer see Vinyl Acetate
Vinylbenzene Polymer see Styrene Polymer Listed compound recommendations
are based on chemical compatibility.
Vinyl Chloride C, D, E, J, K, M Compounds are not listed in order
Vinyl Cyclohexene Dioxide C, D, E, J, K, M of preference. Application conditions
Vinyl Ethylene see 1,3-Butadiene (temperature, pressure, etc.) and
sealant performance requirements
Vinyl Cyanide see Acrylonitrile should be considered when making
Water (Cold) G, H, K, M, P your compound selection.
Water Glass see Sodium Silicate
White Caustic see Sodium Hydroxide
White Liquor C, D, E, K, M
White Mineral Oil see Mineral Oil
Wood Alcohol see Methyl Alcohol
Xylene B, C, D, E, K, M, R
Xylol see Xylene
Zinc Acetate A, C, D, E, I, J, K, M
Zinc Sulfate C, D, E, I, J, K, M, R
Zinc Chloride C, D, H, I, K, M, R
Be sure to get an accurate temperature from your customer. Use accelerator to speed up the cure time of heat curing
Many times operators give leak sealers the wrong temperature. compounds under 550 F. This is a tool that can give you so much
Shoot the temperature reading yourself if it doesn’t seem right. more control over how long it is going to take to seal a leak.
Leave injection ports open to allow sealants to gas off if gassing is STOCK ACCELERATOR, IT HAS NO SHELF LIFE
occurring. This relieves pressure and allows the sealant to release the Do not risk hydraulic fluid contamination when using 375 or
gases to allow the curing process to take place. Caution, gases being 375-OX. Use an injection gun that is set up for chlorine and
released may be flammable as well as gases from the process leak oxygen work, that contains a compatible fluid for chlorine and
may be flammable or dangerous. oxygen, not hydraulic fluid.
Be aware of excessive heat in the back of pickup trucks in the hot When pouring a void fill enclosure, make sure you have a port
months. These temperature can cause heat curing compound to for air to come out as the product is poured in. Air coming out
cure. Maximum shelf life requires refrigeration for some sealants and the same port you are pouring into does not work unless the
using a cooler in the back of a pickup truck may be a good idea for port is large enough to allow air to escape without interrupting
heat curing compounds. flow of liquid pouring in.
Don’t leave curing compound in the injection hose of your injection Follow all safety protocol. Try to avoid contact with skin and
gun after the job. See Gun Pak 1in Deacon Service Manual, page 12. respiratory. Your safety and the safety of those around you is
If you have gallons getting hard before you get a chance to use them, your top priority. Know you are properly protected for the
consider stocking J-Sticks. They have a better shelf life and you only product you are using (refer to SDS) and for the product you
open one at a time instead of opening a whole gallon. Note: you can are exposed to from the process in the line. Don’t proceed
pre-pack enclosures with cured sealant to avoid having to dispose of until you have the knowledge to protect yourself properly.
it (check with your company engineering for approval). Refer to all safety information in the Deacon Service manual.
SINCE 1988
#1 West Point Drive
Washington, PA 15301 USA
Phone: 724-225-8008
800-552-2896 (24 hr answering)
Fax: 724-228-6353
Version 020