Bahria University (Karachi Campus) Final Assessment Assignment Spring 2020
Bahria University (Karachi Campus) Final Assessment Assignment Spring 2020
Bahria University (Karachi Campus) Final Assessment Assignment Spring 2020
Answer 1:
While considering the brand name, first and foremost thing that was kept in my mind is
that brand name gives idea about the benefit of product that is cookies. The word “organic”
indicates that cookies are not made from artificial ingredients so that you will not
compromise on your health. By organic it is also clear that cookies are natural, safe from
processed sugar.
Second thing which was in my consideration is that name can be easily pronounced and
recognized, therefore rather than choosing complicated terms like “keto” cookies would make
it difficult for people to recognize it beneficiaries.
Next thing that was kept in my mind was to make it a bit unique therefore I chose
organic delights rather than organic cookies which also conveys same message. Alongside if I
choose organic cookies brand categories will not be expandable and get restricted to cookies.
But when you talk about the delight it can be anything pleasure-some so if in future I want to
expand my brand’s categories I won’t have to change name for it and harm its goodwill for
no reason. Apart from these other things that are to be considered includes easy translation of
brand name in different languages and capability off registration and legal protection such as
Answer 2:
Companies finds and develop new ideas from different sources that mainly includes
internal sources and external sources such as customers, competitors, distributors, suppliers,
and many more. Talking about internal sources companies conduct formal research and
development programs to find new ideas, along with this they ask their employees
suggestion. Some companies even step forward and host annual events that promotes internal
innovation through experiments around companies.
External sources are also useful in obtaining wide varieties of ideas. Companies keep
track of competitors offerings and get ideas from distributors and suppliers who have more
close sight on market and a good knowledge of consumer problems and new product
Along with this one of the most important sources of new product ideas our customers
themselves. Companies observes customers and invite them to submit their ideas and
suggestions. This can produce a flood of innovative ideas. Some companies even involve
customers in new product development process and some are developing crowdsourcing
programs inviting broad communities of people in general public to take part in new product
innovation process.
The key to success is not to rely on one type of source rather companies should
broaden their vision in developing new ideas. This is the reason why most companies fail.
there are a number of reasons more which leads to failure such as poor idea or failure to
understand what customers need and to identify their problems.
Answer 3:
1)In this scenario they are using Product Line Pricing Strategy as there are different varieties
of bags with different qualities and sizes.
2)Captive Product Pricing Strategy is being applicable here as there are different ages people
to who use to come with their families but doesn’t take any ride that’s why thy apply these
kind of fees and the rest of other have to pay for their willing rides.
Answer 4:
Advertising Decisions: Being a leader of the project, i have a variety of advertising decisions
that could be made. But the major decisions that are needed to be taken for an effective
advertising campaign are: Setting an Objective Making budget decisions Making media
decisions Message decisions and evaluation of Advertisements. Setting an objective term to
firstly advertise the product in an informative way. This helps the company to build a
business relation with the customer, giving them a basic overview over the product being
offered, along with its pictures, and the features that discriminate it from the market
competitors. After setting an objective, the company has to smartly set up a budget of
advertisement, which is done by looking over tbe competitors budgets, and sales percentages.
It has to be done effectively in order to be affordable, and productive for the company. Next,
the company works on sending an advertisement message, which delivers the key importance
of the product, and marks its dominance over all other competitors. The most effective way
of doing such sort of an advertisement, and in order to reach maximum exposure to
customers, social media is used to advertise the product, as social media are the most used
apps by your target audience. At last, we evaluate the advertisement in terms of investments,
and sales outcome, along with the profits gained. These are evaluated in order to keep the
system updated, and to further plan strategies accordingly.
Answer 5:
BCG matrix (BCG matrix) is designed to help with long-term strategic planning to help a
business consider growth opportunities by reviewing its portfolio of products to decide where
to visit to discontinue or develop products. The matrix is divided into four quadrants based on
an analysis of market growth and relative market share.
1) Dog Product: These are products in which there are low growth or market share.
2) Star Product: Product in which there are high growth market with high market share.
3) Cash Cow Product: Products in which there is low growth markets with high market
4) Question Mark Product: Question Marks: They are the brands that require much
closest consideration. They hold low market shares in fast growing market consuming large
amount of cash and incurring losses .
If we apply BCG matrix in the organisation that the star product would be shipped as we
have received great feedback from our customer and our customers are happy with this
product. This is one of the elegant looking card made by Suzuki and its fuel consumed is
really efficient. The interior design is decent and we have no complaints regarding the engine
of the car. We should extend the product life cycle of the ship by changing design and
improving the grip of the car. The dog in Suzuki is Bellino. People don't like the design and
engine of the car. We have got paid feedback regarding the confirmed of the car I think we
should stop the production of this car and invest in our star product. Question mark in Suzuki
is a star which have high market growth but low market share I think this product needs to be
advertised in the market which attract our potential customer. the cash cow will be Alto and
wagon is it's an old products with high market share but now these cars are going out of style
and the best way to deal with them would be sale is much is weekend and and profit so we
could invest that profit back in the company to our question mark products.
Answer 6:
Answer 7:
B) Promotional tools include sales promotion, public relation, direct marketing, and
advertising. In my views sales promotion will be beneficial for Kenwood because promotion
is an incentive to use too increase short term sales. Promotion can launch directly to customer
or trade. The focus of advertising is to ignite reason for purchase, and the focus of promotion
is to create an incentive to buy. Customer incentives include goods free sample , coupon
codes, free trial and demonstration Post op create incentives could be price of free goods an
allowance. This alone enables Kenwood customer base to increase is now day price affect
the buying level in the market due to coronavirus. The major benefit will that it will attract
new customers which might switch from to Kenwood causing the customer base to increase.