SWOT Analysis of Instruction at State Elementary School South Indralaya

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SWOT Analysis of Instruction at State Elementary School South Indralaya

Article · April 2020

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Muhammad Kristiawan Ali Hasan

Universitas Bengkulu Electronic Research Journals


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Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 2: Issue II
ISSN: 2706 – 8242 www.eresearchjournal.com Apr - Jun 2020

SWOT Analysis of Instruction at State Elementary School South Indralaya

SD Negeri 01 Indralaya Selatan, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia
Email: emalia7707@gmail.com

Muhammad Kristiawan
Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia
Artanti Puspita Sari
Universitas PGRI Palembang, Indonesia
This paper aimed at evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
possessed by SDN 01 South Indralaya. The method used in this research was
descriptive qualitative method. The results obtained from the research conducted
are the strengths and opportunities possessed by SDN 01 South Indralaya
comparable even greater than weaknesses and threats, therefore the potential to
develop and make learning more effective is still very high. The strategy used in
the context of organizing effective learning in SDN 01 South Indralaya is in the
position of an aggressive strategy. The aggressive strategy taken was to propose the
creation of a laboratory through the available funds; fulfill the availability of
surveillance cameras (CCTV) through cooperation established with the police and
banks; propose self-help books for completeness of library and student learning
materials through high support from the surrounding community.

Keywords: SWOT Analysis, Instruction, Elementary School.

The process undertaken by a person and is known as education is a ledge carried out for a
change for the better. An important component in the delivery of education is quality learning. The
existence of quality learning can be seen from the establishment of good interaction between
educators and students in order to achieve a predetermined goal. Accuracy in organizing learning
will have a major impact on improving the quality of education. Regarding the responsibility in
organizing learning in the classroom, namely the teacher, that is why an important teacher to
understand and be able to implement the right strategy so that learning objectives can be achieved.
Another thing that must be possessed by a teacher is creativity in the delivery of subject matter,
this is important so that students are interested in learning and able to understand the substance of
the lesson.
Good learning from the creativity of an educator will be able to make learning more
meaningful and can optimize all the potential possessed by students such as character, personality,
intellectual, emotional and social (Permatasari, 2014). Similar to what was announced by Apriana
et al (2019) is creativity that is important in learning.

Corresponding author

Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 2: Issue II
ISSN: 2706 – 8242 www.eresearchjournal.com Apr - Jun 2020

As for the binding standard rules on national education standards that are regulated in
Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005, it has explicitly defined and described that the national
education standards that apply in Indonesia are a minimum criterion that must be held especially
regarding the education system and applies nationally. Therefore, the national standard of
education known today is the minimum standard, which means that every education unit can
exceed existing standards in terms of both quantity and quality. However, the minimum standards
that have been set must not reduce existing standards, at least regarding the content standards,
process standards, graduate competency standards, standards of educators and education
personnel, facilities and infrastructure standards, education management standards, education
funding standards, and assessments education (Suryadi, 2018).
The important role of education in human daily life cannot be ignored. Through education
one can find out and participate in the development of civilization today. Education also provides
an understanding of someone about the competencies that must be possessed to remain competitive
in today's global world. Agreed by Kristiawan et al (2019) that mean the existence of education
has an impact on improving the quality of human resources. Through education, it is possible for
people to develop their knowledge and skills, adopt new behaviors and be able to survive in
society. A country, even though it is rich in national resources, cannot succeed unless its human
resources are well developed, and such development is basically an educational function. In
essence, education is organized as a conscious effort made to turn a human into a whole person.
The existence of education can improve the quality of life, and play an active role in the
preservation of values or norms that apply in society (Risdianto et al, 2020).
As is known, the existence of education has a good impact on the development of
technological advances that exist today. For this reason, education must also be interpreted as an
effort made by a person or group of people to maintain the cultural values, norms and ethics as
well as the character that characterizes a nation. The preservation of social order values in the
community must be done through clear education, so that these values can be maintained if they
are relevant to the existing conditions (Wandasari et al, 2019). Implementation of good education
will balance between cognitive and affective knowledge of students, so students are also equipped
with values or characters in social life (Sukatin, 2016). To achieve this, education must be carried
out effectively. This is because if education is implemented effectively it will have an impact on
achieving more optimal goals. The creation of effective education begins with the organization of
learning that takes place in schools.
Achievement of effective and efficient learning objectives will be obtained if the teacher
has made a capable learning plan, the plan can be stated in the Learning Implementation Plan
(RPP) prepared by the teacher as an educator. The lesson plans are prepared individually by the
teacher or team as a form of responsibility for the implementation of learning plans in class. The
content in the lesson plan is very varied, but it must at least contain the identity of learning, learning
time, learning material, methods or models or strategies used in learning, as well as evaluations
conducted to assess the results of learning that has been implemented. This is done as a form of
strategy in improving the quality of education (Tobari et al, 2018).
Management of the implementation of learning or known as learning management is an
effort made by educators in order to achieve learning objectives. With a good management process,
learning planning, organizing learning and evaluating learning will be easier to do. If this can be
done precisely, quality learning can clearly be achieved (Fathurrochman et al, 2019).
Sometimes mistakes in understanding about learning still occur frequently, one of which
is to state that learning is something done by the teacher in the classroom in accordance with the

Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 2: Issue II
ISSN: 2706 – 8242 www.eresearchjournal.com Apr - Jun 2020

concept of teaching alone. In fact, it is said to be learning when paying attention to all aspects that
can affect the students' understanding of the material being taught. Therefore, an educator must
provide a full understanding of the information obtained by students through television and other
media. The important thing to know by educators is that learning not only conveys knowledge but
establishes direct interaction with students. The existence of good interaction will make it easier
for educators to provide an understanding of a concept to students, so that the quality of learning
will be achieved more optimally (Surakhmad, 2000).
The above description illustrates that in the implementation of learning, there are many
factors that influence to achieve an effective word. Therefore, an agency needs to conduct an in-
depth analysis of itself or known as self-evaluation. Self-evaluation in the world of education is a
normal thing to do, because through self-evaluation can find out the weaknesses and strengths and
threats and strategies that must be applied (Khasanah et al, 2019).
To support effective learning, every level of education must have the courage to state its
own weaknesses to reform, including in basic education. Elementary School (SD) is a level of
basic education under the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education Management
is required to be able to meet the competency standards of graduates who have the basic
intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and the skills to live independently and
attend further education. The success of education and learning effectiveness will be achieved
optimally if an educator can implement the concept of learning management properly (Salwa et al,
2019). An understanding of the concept, as well as the right implementation with the right time
will make the implementation of learning more interesting, until the final implication of the quality
of learning that is expected to be achieved.
Based on the description, the researchers stated that it was important to conduct in-depth
research on learning conducted by basic education, especially in SD Negeri 01 South Indralaya.
Based on preliminary observations made by researchers, it is known that SD Negeri 01 South
Indralaya is an elementary school that has quite a large number of students, as well as with an
adequate number of teachers. However, weaknesses still occur and are identified such as the
learning process that is still so conventional and the classroom management is not so optimal.
Some of the problems encountered in South Indralaya 01 State Elementary School that are so
visible are less than optimal in empowering the resources owned by schools in order to improve
the quality of education.
Other things are also known that at SD Negeri 01 South Indralaya, they have not yet carried
out a self-evaluation based on facts in the school. Though it is important to do so mistakes and
mistakes can be minimized to occur within the scope of the school. Because such an analysis has
never been carried out in this way, the strategy to be implemented in the context of optimizing the
quality of education through the learning process has not been well-structured or planned by the
This is what causes researchers to reason to strengthen the analysis at SD Negeri 01 South
Indralaya in order to optimize learning so that it is more qualified. Another reason is that this
research is planned to use a qualitative approach, thereby requiring a deepening and a strong
understanding of the object of research. And researchers are fully familiar with the school
environment, thus providing opportunities to analyze it optimally.
This research was conducted by researchers by referring to studies that have been done
before, including by Sumiatin in 2015. Research conducted by Sumiatin is related to SWOT
analysis as a theoretical and empirical study in the framework of strategic management in
education. The results obtained from the research he conducted were that SWOT became an

Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 2: Issue II
ISSN: 2706 – 8242 www.eresearchjournal.com Apr - Jun 2020

important material for conducting studies in order to implement appropriate strategies to respond
to existing challenges.
Based on the description, self-evaluation is important to do. One form of self-evaluation is
through Strength Analysis, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT). Through SWOT analysis
it is expected that the quality of learning can be further optimized, because through SWOT it will
provide information and data that actually occurs in an education unit. To emphasize the focus in
this study, the title "SWOT Analysis of Learning in South Indralaya 01 State Elementary School"
was formulated.
Academic life, especially for business operators or an industry, the use of the word SWOT
is not a new thing. This is caused when planning a business development then first analyze the
possible advantages and disadvantages obtained. To analyze this, SWOT is one of the strategies
used. Basically, SWOT is an acronym for Strength (S), Weakness (W), Opportunities (O), and
Threats (T).
The use of SWOT analysis is very good in the context of self-evaluation, assuming that
objectivity towards self-assessment must be maintained. Through a SWOT analysis, problems that
often occur within a particular agency or institution or unit can be identified as a weakness or even
a threat, as well as achievements or successes can be identified as strength or even an opportunity
(Renata et al, 2018).
According to Mary and Robbins Coulter cited through Suryatama (2014) provides a
definition that the SWOT analysis is an analysis within the organizational unit to identify the
strengths that are owned, weaknesses in the organization, opportunities to develop and threats that
exist around the operational an organization. Affirmed by Suryatama (2014) that the SWOT
analysis is used to look at the prospects of a particular business operation by first identifying the
strengths, weaknesses that exist, opportunities that can be achieved and threats in carrying out
something. The results of the identification will provide recommendations regarding the right
strategy to be carried out in order to achieve certain goals.
SWOT analysis was established as a mechanism to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses
of organizations as well as opportunities and threats in the external environment of Shahijan et al,
(2016). Before starting the formulation of an education strategy, SWOT analysis can play an
important role to help in describing the status of the organization and recognizing exactly what
information is needed and also what decisions must be made both for individuals and
organizations. SWOT analysis can provide a clear picture of an organization's products and
services in the context of its competitive environment (Boone & Roberts, 2015). In SWOT analysis
conducted at various levels, organizations can improve learning outcomes. Quite often, SWOT
analysis is done at the individual and group level (Pandya, 2017). Strength, is a situation contained
in a work unit or institution or institution or organization, in the form of strengths that are owned
and not owned by others, resources owned and not owned by others, as well as other advantages
that are owned but not or may be owned by others in smaller proportions. Weakness, is a condition
where the operational activities of work units or organizations or an institution cannot run
smoothly due to several obstacles that exist. Constraints are a weakness for the work unit, some
things that can become obstacles or weaknesses are limited resources, competence that is not
optimal, limited operational infrastructure, and other things that impede the operational
implementation of a work unit. Opportunity is a positive factor in the framework of the
development or improvement of something done by the work unit. Opportunity or opportunity can
occur by encouragement internally or externally, but generally the opportunity or opportunity is
greatly influenced by external or external factors. Some of the things that can be called an

Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 2: Issue II
ISSN: 2706 – 8242 www.eresearchjournal.com Apr - Jun 2020

opportunity are changes in government policy regarding matters relating to the operation of work
units, changes in the socio-cultural environment of society, changes in technology and changes in
trends and other things that benefit the work unit. Threat, is a negative factor that occurs regarding
work unit operations. Opportunities for work units can also be a threat if not accompanied by
competent in their fields. As with policy changes from the government, if what is intended cannot
be followed by work units, this can be a threat, technological change if not accompanied by
increased competence in human resources and supporting infrastructure will become a threat to
the work unit. Likewise with other things that can affect the operational implementation of the
work unit.
Some experts have provided definitions and descriptions of SWOT analysis; each of these
definitions has similarities in the aspects of the purpose of SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is
carried out with the aim of self-evaluation of self-evaluation so that it is possible to carry out
development through strengths and opportunities owned and minimize the risk of weaknesses and
threats that will come. From this description, the researchers conclude that SWOT which is an
acronym for strength, weakness, opportunity and threat is an analysis conducted by a person or
group of people who are members of an organization or institution or agency to obtain an overview
of the strengths owned, weaknesses that must be immediately overcome, possible opportunities to
be taken in the context of improvement or development or expansion, and threats that will occur.
Through these analytical skills, good results will be obtained through the application of appropriate
SWOT analysis is an analysis made to find the right strategy to be implemented in one
work unit. Therefore, in conducting a SWOT analysis it is important to understand the conditions
that exist objectively and in depth. An understanding of internal and external conditions is the key
to the success of the SWOT analysis. That is why, a SWOT analysis can be prepared by taking
into account these two factors. Internal factors are strengths and weaknesses, and external factors
are opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis is done by comparing the two factors so that it shows
the actual conditions that occur in a work unit (Rangkuti, 2008).

Figure 1. SWOT Diagram (workingmomjournal.com)

Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 2: Issue II
ISSN: 2706 – 8242 www.eresearchjournal.com Apr - Jun 2020

The SWOT analysis here is done on learning in schools. Learning will occur if there is an
effort made by students to find out by learning the material taught by the teacher in class (Sanjaya,
2011). Learning is all the efforts made will provide encouragement to students so they can achieve
changes for the better. Learning is a cycle that is designed by educators or teachers in order to
transform knowledge and personality to students so that they can achieve certain goals that have
been prepared (Suparman, 2012).
It can also define learning as an effort made so that students have the desire to learn through
planning or design (design) (Uno, 2008:50). Learning is a process of communication interaction
between learning resources, teachers and students both directly and indirectly (Rusman, 2011).
Based on some of the above understanding, it can be concluded that learning is an activity designed
to provide opportunities for students in a learning environment.
There are many components involved in the learning process. Among the components
intended are educators, students, learning materials, methods or models or strategies used in
learning, learning support facilities, and instruments used to carry out learning evaluations.
Several previous studies were used by researchers to become a reference in carrying out
this research. Some of the studies include (Sumiatin, 2015; Patmawati, Yunus, Devilla, & Yahya,
2018; Munawaroh & Arifudin, 2017; Sina, 2011; Ololube, 2016); Wardhana, Asim, & Widijoto,
2017; Fatimah, 2017).

This research was conducted at SD Negeri 01 South Indralaya. In this study, the time of
the study was carried out only one time data retrieval or also called a cross section that is data
retrieval in accordance with the period of data retrieval. The study was conducted starting from
mid-2019 in September. The setting in this study is all aspects that are included in the design of
research implementation. Therefore, the setting of the research in place was clearly carried out at
SD Negeri 01 South Indralaya. The background based on the subjects in this study are all parties
involved in the administration of education, especially in carrying out learning, namely the teacher
or educator, students and supporting aspects that have an impact on the implementation of learning.
Among the supporting aspects is a leader who has responsibility for the overall education
administration at SD Negeri 01 South Indralaya in this case the head of SD Negeri 01 South
This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive research approach. The
implementation of the research by using descriptive method is carried out through finding the right
facts of the object or research variables so that the results can be interpreted in accordance with
the actual conditions. Another thing that can be done by using a descriptive approach is being able
to provide solutions to problems that occur in the community, through appropriate and accurate
analysis because it is carried out in accordance with existing conditions, including regarding
relationships, activities, attitudes, views, processes, and the impact of the phenomenon that
Data in this study were obtained from observations, interviews, documentation and
literature and triangulation studies. Analysis of the data obtained was carried out with stages that
refer to Miles and Huberman (1983), conducting data collection, data reduction, data presentation
and drawing conclusions. To ensure the results in the research obtained, the validity testing is done
through the test of credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformability.

Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 2: Issue II
ISSN: 2706 – 8242 www.eresearchjournal.com Apr - Jun 2020

Results and Discussion:

The data obtained were clear and accurate information through interview, observation, and
documentation from relevant sources. Furthermore, the researchers conducted data analysis
covering the analysis of the environmental conditions of SD Negeri 01 South Indralaya. Next the
researcher analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and presents them in the
form of a SWOT matrix.
From the information obtained, at least about the strengths owned by SD Negeri 01 South
Indralaya, weaknesses that occur, the possibility of opportunities that exist and threats that can
occur, then subsequently included in the SWOT analysis integration matrix. From the matrix
created, strategies will emerge that can be carried out in the context of organizing effective
learning. Some of the information obtained is about the curriculum used, the characteristics of
students, variations in learning, time for organizing learning, and learning material.
The results of calculations using the Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) matrix and
the Extras Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) stated that the total score obtained by SD Negeri 01
Indralaya Selatan for the strength aspect or strength owned is 1.61. The score is obtained from
aspects which according to the analysis conducted by researchers are strength for SD Negeri 01
South Indralaya in order to organize effective learning.
Among the strengths they have are having a vision, mission, and school goals that have
been socialized to the school community through sheets posted in each classroom. Strength is that
SD Negeri 01 Indralaya Selatan has a large enough school land to be used by students in exploring
their abilities so that effective learning is implemented. Another thing is that the implementation
of learning organized by SD Negeri 01 South Indralaya has followed a curriculum that was
developed nationally. The availability of educators and educators who have competence in their
fields is a strength owned by SD Negeri 01 South Indralaya to organize effective learning. From
this description, it can be clarified about the strength aspects possessed by SD South Indralaya 01
in the following table.

Table 1. Internal Factor Analysis Summary Matrix2

No Strength Weight Rating Score
1 Have a vision, mission and goals 0,04 4 0,16
2 Having KTSP / K13 with a national curriculum 0,04 4 0,16
3 Has a vast school land 0,04 4 0,16
4 Having adequate classrooms 0,04 4 0,16
5 Sports field 0,03 3 0,09
6 Large parking lot 0,02 3 0,06
7 High School Fortress 0,04 4 0,16
8 Have a document of discipline for teachers, administration and students 0,02 3 0,06
9 Has a supervision program 0,03 3 0,09
10 Productive teachers are competent in their fields of expertise 0,03 4 0,12
11 Place of worship 0,03 3 0,09
12 Obtaining BOS funds 0,02 2 0,04
13 There are clean toilet facilities 0,03 2 0,06
14 There are various extracurricular programs 0,02 2 0,04
16 Implementing a green school-minded school 0,03 3 0,09
17 Still has a large enough vacant land 0,04 4 0,03
18 There is an adequate school canteen 0,02 2 0,04
Number of strength factors 0,53 54 1,61

Source: Processed Data on January, 2020

Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 2: Issue II
ISSN: 2706 – 8242 www.eresearchjournal.com Apr - Jun 2020

From the table above, it is clear that South Indralaya South Elementary School 01 has
advantages or in this case is stated as the power it has to organize effective learning. However, it
cannot be ignored that SD Negeri 01 Indralaya Selatan also has weaknesses that must be resolved
immediately. This can be seen from the total score obtained from the analysis of the weaknesses
found in South Indralaya 01 Elementary School which is 0.89. Even though when compared to the
strengths that are clearly clear, they can still overcome these weaknesses, but this cannot be
ignored. Scores obtained from the aspect of weakness in South Indralaya 01 Elementary School
come from the unavailability of adequate laboratories in South Indralaya 01 Elementary School.
Another weakness in the context of organizing effective learning is the unavailability of
surveillance cameras or monitoring cameras in each classroom that conducts learning.
Apart from these two weaknesses, there are still some weaknesses that are found in SD
Negeri 01 South Indralaya in order to organize effective learning. More clearly about these
weaknesses can be seen in the following table.

Table 2. External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS)3

No Weakness Weight rating Score

1 Not yet available learning support facilities 0,04 4 0,16
(laboratory room and practice room)
2 There are no CCTVs in each classroom 0,01 2 0,02
3 Student book ratio is not enough 1: 3 0,03 3 0,09
4 Not all teachers make administration of learning 0,03 3 0,09
5 Not all teachers master the learning method 0,03 4 0,12
6 Not all teachers master ICT in the processing of 0,03 4 0,12
values and learning media
7 Not yet won an academic competition 0,02 2 0,04
8 The number of administrative staff is lacking 0,02 3 0,06
9 ICT Capability of administrative staff is lacking 0,03 3 0,09
10 Insufficient funds for management 0,02 3 0,06
11 School committee activities are still less active 0,02 2 0,04
Total number of weaknesses 0,28 33 0,89

Based on the table of weaknesses owned by South Indralaya South Elementary School 01,
it is clear that these weaknesses must be immediately addressed by the school in order to be able
to organize more optimal effective learning. Another thing that is also important to know and
understand, that in conducting SWOT analysis is of course also have to explore the possibilities
of the opportunities owned by SD Negeri 01 South Indralaya to make their schools as schools that
conduct learning very effectively. Based on the scoring conducted by researchers from the results
of the analysis conducted, it is known that the total score obtained for the opportunity aspect is
0.73 which means that there is an opportunity for SD Negeri 01 Indralaya Selatan to optimize the
implementation of effective learning in schools. For more details about these opportunities, can be
seen in the following table.

Source: Processed Data on January, 2020

Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 2: Issue II
ISSN: 2706 – 8242 www.eresearchjournal.com Apr - Jun 2020

Table 3. Oportunity4

No Opportunity weight rating Score

1 Make use of block grand assistance 0,04 4 0,16
2 The strategic geographical location on the main road is 0,05 4 0,20
passed by public transportation
3 The number of prospective students is increasing every year 0,03 4 0,12
4 Community support for the existence of schools is quite 0,03 3 0,09
5 The environmental service also supports the 0,04 2 0,08
implementation of environment-based learning
6 Establish cooperation with the police, banks and health 0,04 2 0,08
The number of chance factors 0,23 19 0,73

Based on the results of data analysis about opportunities owned by SD Negeri 01 Indralaya
Selatan in order to optimize the implementation of learning, it is known that one of the important
points for the school is the support of the surrounding community. This is an important aspect to
be considered, because the support of the community will facilitate the school to explore so that
the right strategy is obtained to be implemented in schools so that the implementation of learning
can really run effectively.
In addition to the opportunities, there are also other things that need to be considered,
namely the presence of threats. The results of the analysis carried out stated that the total score
obtained for the threat aspect was quite large at 0.67. This needs to be a serious concern for the
school so that the implementation of learning can continue to be carried out effectively. One form
of threat that is so real is this changing policy regarding the delivery of education. Even today, the
inclination of changing officials makes policy changes sometimes quite surprising. More clearly
about the threat to the implementation of effective learning in SD Negeri 01 South Indralaya can
be seen in the following table.

Table 4. Threat5

No Threat weight Rating Score

1 Changing government policies, especially the curriculum 0,05 4 0,20
2 Communities around the middle to lower economic level 0,03 3 0,09
3 With the help of community bosses, the school is free 0,03 2 0,09
4 The progress of science and technology in schools is not 0,03 3 0,09
proportional to the demands
5 Changes in student character (promiscuity and drugs) 0,04 4 0,16
6 Regional elementary schools become competitors 0,02 2 0,04
The number of threat factors 0,20 18 0,67

Based on the information contained in the tables above, it is clearly known that the strength
factor found in South Indralaya 01 Elementary School is 1.61; for weaknesses owned by SD Negeri
01 South Indralaya amounted to 0.89.
From the results of the analysis through information obtained in the EFAS table, the
opportunity for SD Negeri 01 Indralaya Selatan has a score of 0.73 and the threat score that may

Source: Processed Data on January, 2020
Source: Processed data on January, 2020

Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 2: Issue II
ISSN: 2706 – 8242 www.eresearchjournal.com Apr - Jun 2020

occur for SD Negeri 01 Indralaya Selatan is 0.67. Furthermore, the IFAS / EFAS matrix can
produce scores / scores on each internal and external factor as follows: Internal factors (S + W)
with a score: 2.50 and external factors (O + T) with a score of: 1, 40
From the results obtained through the formulations in the SWOT analysis that have been
carried out, the formulation can also be seen through the following picture.

Figure 2. SWOT Matrix Diagram

Analysis of the figure above can be stated that SD Negeri 01 South Indralaya is categorized
in quadrant I which means that it must carry out an aggressive strategy. It can also be described
that SD Negeri 01 Indralaya Selatan can utilize the existing strengths to become opportunities in
implementing effective learning. To increase the opportunity to become a real strength for SD
Negeri 01 South Indralaya, the process of strengthening the quality of learning must continue to
be done consistently. Only with consistency can effective learning be achieved.
From the analysis conducted, it was also recognized that obstacles remained to be found.
To overcome these obstacles, SD Negeri 01 South Indralaya must refer to the achievement of the
vision and mission so that all these activities can be measured. SWOT analysis (strength,
weakness, opportunity, threat) will produce information needed by each institution in order to
optimize performance. The performance is not limited to what is done personally, but also as a
team incorporated in the institution. The SWOT analysis will provide conclusions on matters that
need to be strengthened or optimized in order to improve quality, and maintain and even improve
aspects that are considered good for the institution.
Through the SWOT analysis it will also be known about the opportunities available to the
institution, as well as the potential threats that will hit. Therefore, the results of the research that
have been conducted clearly provide important information for SD Negeri 01 South Indralaya in
the context of providing quality education. Quality education can be achieved if the school openly
admits weaknesses and wishes to optimize opportunities.
From the results of data analysis conducted by researchers, it is clearly known that the
strategies that can be applied by schools are aggressive strategies. This was obtained from the
results of calculations carried out through IFAS and EFAS analysis. From these results, some
forms of aggressive strategies that can be carried out by institutions as a form of effort in the
context of providing quality education are 1) optimizing the achievement of vision and mission
through the formulation of measurable achievements; 2) conducting school laboratories through

Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 2: Issue II
ISSN: 2706 – 8242 www.eresearchjournal.com Apr - Jun 2020

the available funds, namely block grant funds; 3) meet the availability of surveillance cameras
(CCTV) through collaboration carried out by the school with the police and banks; 4) conducting
community self-help in order to meet the needs of books as a source and learning material for
students at school; 5) form a teacher discussion group in order to optimize the availability of quality
learning tools; 6) strive for teachers to obtain scholarships to continue their education to a higher
level; 7) involving teachers in various activities, especially regarding the mastery of information
technology to be used in the learning process at school; 8) optimizing the quality of available
teaching staff through increasing competence by attending training or workshops or seminars; 9)
involving school committees in the context of organizing education through structured programs;
and 10) promote the fulfillment of information technology facilities for use in the learning process
through government programs and educational programs provided by business units around the
The strategies recommended by researchers are the results of studies based on observations
and interviews that have been conducted with parties who have responsibilities and relevance in
educational institutions. In principle, some of these strategies can be applied by schools in order
to improve the quality of education held. Therefore, it is strongly recommended for schools to
participate in reviewing and considering these recommendations in the context of organizing
quality learning. It is hoped that through quality learning can have real implications for improving
student competency. Organizing quality learning will also have an impact on the birth of future
generations who are able to answer global challenges. The strategy is also in accordance with
research conducted by Lian et al, (2018) regarding the existence of creativity space.8 it would be
better if learning could be held with audio visual to increase students' interest and understanding
of the material being studied (Novelti et al, 2019).
SWOT analysis is part of the implementation of self-evaluation, as stated by Kristiawan et
al (2016), through self-evaluation it will show various kinds of advantages and disadvantages that
exist in these agencies or institutions. Therefore, how important it is to carry out an evaluation
either done alone or evaluated by another party. SWOT analysis is a form of evaluation carried out
by self-evaluation.
In the internal environment, the objective is to identify and explain the factors that are the
strengths and weaknesses of SD Negeri 01 Indralaya Selatan in order to formulate a strategic plan
to improve the implementation of learning. Researchers conducted research at SD Negeri 01
Indralaya Selatan by using SWOT Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat), to measure
using Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 concerning National Education Standards and
amended by Government Regulation No. 32 of 2015 concerning National Education Standards
From the regulation in managing education, it is necessary to pay attention to the nationally
applicable education standards, namely eight educational standards, graduate standards, content
standards, process standards, education and education personnel standards, infrastructure
standards, management standards, financing standards, education assessment standards. Likewise,
stated by Andriani, Kesumawati and Kristiawan (2018) that the internal environment has an impact
on the achievement of learning objectives in schools.
As conveyed by Dimyati and Mujiono (2015) regarding factors that can influence the
effectiveness of learning including the characteristics of teaching aids, media, laboratories. This is
clearly in line with the results of research conducted, that aspects of weakness in the
implementation of effective learning organized by SD Negeri 01 South Indralaya identified that
the unavailability of adequate laboratories in schools, this clearly has an impact on the

Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol 2: Issue II
ISSN: 2706 – 8242 www.eresearchjournal.com Apr - Jun 2020

implementation of learning in schools. Not unlike the statement of Sarina et al, (2019) that
developments are needed to minimize weaknesses in learning.
From the results of the research that has been done, it is clear that in SD Negeri 01 South
Indralaya has weaknesses and strengths that other schools might have, but opportunities and threats
will also continue to go hand in hand as the implementation of education in every existing school.
This research is still focused on several aspects, so that the overall SWOT may not be inventoried
by researchers.
Limitations that exist in researchers also limit the results obtained in this study, such as
time constraints in conducting research, limited funds to carry out research, and limited
competence of researchers to reveal all aspects that occur in the environment of the research object.
Therefore, it is very important for future researchers to understand these limitations so that they
can be minimized in order to obtain better results.


The most fundamental strength possessed by South Indralaya South Elementary School 01
is the availability of adequate infrastructure starting from the availability of vision, mission, goals
that are socialized to the school community, as well as with adequate land and learning space. The
main weaknesses possessed by SD Negeri 01 Indralaya Selatan are the unavailability of adequate
laboratories to support learning, and not all teachers use ICT and varied learning methods in the
learning process. The strongest opportunity owned by SD Negeri 01 South Indralaya is a strategic
location making it easier for all activities. The highest threat to South Indralaya State Elementary
School 01 is by constantly changing the rules imposed by the government but not yet well
socialized to each school. The strategy used in the context of organizing effective learning in SD
Negeri 01 South Indralaya is in the position of an aggressive strategy. Some aggressive strategies
that can be carried out are by optimizing the understanding of the vision, mission and objectives
of the implementation of education in schools, as well as meeting the needs of learning support
infrastructure such as the provision of laboratories and increasing teacher’s competency and skills
through participating in workshops or learning training by utilizing ICT.


We would like to express our special thanks and gratitude to Rector Universitas PGRI
Palembang and Universitas Bengkulu, Director of Graduate Program Universitas PGRI
Palembang and Dean of Faculty Education Universitas Bengkulu who gave us the support to do
this wonderful project. This project was funded independent. Secondly, we would also like to thank
our friends in Faculty of Education who helped us a lot in finalizing this project within the limited
time frame.


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