Final Exam
Final Exam
Final Exam
Final Exam
(Dec. 14, 2020)
Q2. (30 Points) Consider the following syndrome table corresponding to a linear block code and
answer the following questions
s e
000 000000
001 000001
010 000010
011 000100
100 001000
101 010000
110 100000
111 100001
Table 1
d. (6 Points) What is the probability of error for this code assuming that the code bits
pass through a BSC channel with cross over probability equal to p?
e. (6 ) Use Table 1 to construct a parity check matrix H for this code.
Q3. (25 Points)
a. (4 Points) Mention one advantage of using convolutional codes over block codes. Men-
tion one advantage of block codes over convolutional codes.
b. (8 Points) consider the rate 1/3 convolutional encoder dened by the following 3 impulse
g1 = [1 0 0]
g2 = [1 0 1]
g3 = [1 1 1]
[x0 x1 · · · x6 ] = [1 0 0 1 0 1 1]
assuming you start from ushed registers and end with ushed registers. Use the D-
transform approach.
c. (3 Points) Now assume that the inital state of the registers is [1 1] (i.e., the register is
not initially ushed). How would you nd the output using the D-transform approach?
(Note: Don't nd the output. Just describe what you would do using the D-transform
d. (9 Points) The coded bits are transmitted through a AWGN using BPSK modulation.
The decoder input is described by
yi = (2bi − 1) + ni
where bi is the ith transmitted bit and ni is AWGN with variance σ 2 = 0.01. We receive
the following sequence of values
Determine the input sequence based on hard decoding assuming that register is not
ushed both at the initial state and nal state.
Q4. (30 Points ) Consider the vector space created by the signals shown in Figure. 1.
c. (5 Points) Determine the union bound for the constellation and use that to determine
the power eciency rb .
d. (3 ) Determine the bandwidth eciency of the constellation.
f. (8 Points) We use these waveforms to send our data through a communication chan-
nel. At the receiver, we detect the waveform shown in Figure. 2. Based on the received
waveform, which of the waveforms in Figure. 1 has the highest probability of being trans-
mitted. Explain what reasons make the receive waveform dierent from the transmitted
ones? (assuming that the channel is an ultrasound channel). Assume that the waveforms
are equiprobable and the channel is AWGN with σ 2 = 0.01.