Mid-Semester Paper 09
Mid-Semester Paper 09
Mid-Semester Paper 09
Date- 17/09/2009
School of Petroleum Technology
Pandit Deen Dayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar
Mid-Semester Examination
B.Tech. I Semester (2009-10)
Subject: Chemistry Subject Code: CHEM101
MM: 60 Time Duration: Two Hours
2. A) What is Gibb’s phase rule? Explain the terms involved in it with suitable diagram.
Draw a phase diagram for such a one-component system which contains more than one
solid phase. (2+3+2)
B) Calculate the gross and net calorific value of a coal sample having following
composition by weight: C=80%, H=7%, O=3%, S=3.5%, N=2.1% and rest is ash. The
value of latent heat of vaporization is 580 cal/g. (3)
B) Discuss the merits and demerits of gaseous fuel over liquid and solid fuels. Describe
the determination of calorific value of gaseous fuel by Junkers’ calorimeter with neat and
labeled diagram. (2+3)
3. A) Write an equation for theoretical calculation of calorific value of fuel. (3)
B) Why should ideal fuel have moderate ignition temperature? (2)
C) Solid fuel weighing 0.98g and containing 90% carbon and 8% hydrogen gave the
following results in the Bomb calorimeter experiment: amount of water taken in
calorimeter=1450g, water equivalent in ht calorimeter =450g, rise in temperature of
water=1.8%, cooling correction 0.052%, fuse wire correction=10 cal. acid correction=40
cal. If the value latent heat of steam is 587 cal/g, calculate the gross and net calorific
value. (5)
4. Derive an expression for the number of molecules adsorbed at all sites for a single gas
undergoing multilayer adsorption. (10)
5. (A) Discuss in brief, the mechanism of enzyme catalysis. Derive the Michaelis-Menten’s
equation for enzyme catalysis. Show that at high substrate concentration, the rate of product
formation is independent of the substrate concentration. (2+5+1)
(B) Write the mechanism for the addition of an inter-halogen compound of type A-B to ethylene,
where A is more electronegative than B. (2)
6. (A) Critically discuss the features (with mechanism) of SN1 and SN2 reactions of alkyl halides
to form alcohols. (7)
(B) Discuss the primary kinetic isotope effect. Why nitration of C6H6 and C6D6 does not show
any such effect? (2+1=3)
Best of Luck!