Culinary Vocabulary
Culinary Vocabulary
Culinary Vocabulary
Basic sauce Tomato, onion, garlic, salt and pepper ground together, fried in a
small amount of oil, serves as a basic sauce for many
Dip into hot water vegetables of other foods during 10 or 15
Seconds in order to cook them or tenderize them and to take
away the strong flavor such as cauliflower, and then wash in cool
Blend Thicken liquids with fecula, flour or bread crumbs while cooking.
Bread Cover with bread crumbs meat, fish or cheese or any other food
previously dipped in beaten egg.
Chino Metallic strainer, very fine, with pointed bottom, pasty, semisolid
or solid.
Coat Cover with stiffly beaten egg whites the food to be fried in oil.
Coat with batter Flour the food and then dip it into stiffly beaten egg
Decant Strain a liquid, letting it rest to allow for the separation of the
clear liquid from the thick one.
Fry (saute) Fry the ingredient in a small amount of oil or butter until
reaching a transparent texture.
Fumet Concentrate made with fishbones, fish head, garlic and onion.
Knead Knead dough on a table top with the palms of the hands or a
rolling pin until ingredients are mixed.
Lard Insert, with the help of a sharp knife, pieces of bacon, nuts, or
vegetables into a piece of meat.
Macerate Soften any type of meat dipping it into milk, wine, salt, pepper
and any kind of herbs or spices for a few hours.
Saute Cook ingredients with very little grse and on high flame, stirring
them constantly.
Saute slightly Toss food over high flame to bring out color before adding
Stew Cook at a low temperature in which the liquid is very hot, but
does not boil strongly.