Hydrology 07 00067
Hydrology 07 00067
Hydrology 07 00067
Development and Evaluation of a Water Quality
Index for the Iraqi Rivers
Salam Hussein Ewaid 1 , Salwan Ali Abed 2 , Nadhir Al-Ansari 3, * and Riyadh M. Salih 4
1 Technical Institute of Shatra, Southern Technical University, Basra 61001, Iraq; salamalhelali@stu.edu.iq
2 Biology Deparment, College of Science, University of Al-Qadisiyah, P.O. Box.1895, Diwaniya 58001, Iraq;
3 Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Luleå University of Technology,
97187 Luleå, Sweden
4 National Center for Water Resources Management, Ministry of Water Resources, Baghdad 10045, Iraq;
* Correspondence: nadhir.alansari@ltu.se
Received: 18 August 2020; Accepted: 7 September 2020; Published: 9 September 2020
Abstract: Water quality evaluation is fundamental for water resources management. Water quality
index (WQI) is an accurate and easily understandable method for assessing water quality for different
purposes. In this study, the Iraqi water quality index (Iraq WQI) was constructed to be used to
evaluate the Iraqi rivers for drinking. For this purpose, some statistical techniques, experts’ advice,
literature reviews, and authors’ experience were used. First, the principal component analysis (PCA)
method and the modified Delphi method were used to select the most influential water quality
parameters and their relative weights. Second, the quality curves of selected parameters were drawn
to calculate the WQI scores basing on the water quality standards. Of twenty-seven parameters,
six parameters were chosen to be within the index depending on their effect on water quality in order
to reflect the specific characteristics of the Iraqi waters. The Iraq WQI was applied to the Tigris River
within Baghdad as a case study and for some sites on other Iraqi rivers, and gave acceptable results.
Results revealed that the statistical techniques used in this paper can be applied in all Iraqi rivers
considering their specific characteristics. Based on the reliability of the Iraq WQI, there is no longer a
need to use Indices designed for water for other countries.
1. Introduction
Freshwater is the most important natural resource on earth and is essential for all forms of
life [1]. Knowledge of the river fluctuation cycles in physical and chemical concentrations, including
nutrients, and distinguishing the effects of physical and biogeochemical processes are important for
water management [2,3].
Climate change observed worldwide has a significant effect on water resources forecasts and their
possible future availability and quality [4,5]. The global population continues to rise, leading to an
increase in activities that require large volumes of water. Most of these practices lead to high levels of
pollution and breach the limits of sustainability around water resource use [6].
According to [7,8], water shortage, pollution, and salinity affect water supplies in Iraq which have
a number of lakes, marshes, and two important rivers, Tigris and Euphrates, that unite in the Shatt
al-Arab with their tributaries and branches.
Human activities influence almost every aspect of the hydrological cycles of rivers, such as
evaporation, precipitation, and runoff [9]. Changing the nature of the basins of Iraqi rivers will result
in an automatic change in the hydrological behavior of the rivers to ensure continuity of the system.
These reactions result in poor water quality and changes in the environment of the ecosystem due to
pollution, saltwater rise, and others [10].
Surface water quality is a very sensitive issue, critical for long-term economic development, social
welfare, and sustainability of the environment [11].
There has been a rise in awareness and concern about water pollution around the globe in recent
years. Therefore, new approaches to achieving sustainable management of water resources have been
established globally. The regular monitoring of water resources is absolutely essential for assessing
water quality for various uses [12,13].
The conventional methods for determining water quality, which is focused on comparing
experimentally determined parameter values with existing standards, are not easy to evaluate water
quality for large samples containing concentrations for many parameters [14].
In light of that, the water quality index (WQI) is considered a key element of sound water resource
management, as it can be used to simplify the expressions of a complex set of river water quality
variables [15]. WQI is typically a dimensionless number that combines multiple water quality variables
into a single number by standardizing values to the rating curves and allowing for simple data
monitoring interpretation [16]. The benefits and uses of water quality indices can be summarized as
follows [14,17].
• Comparing water quality from different sources, therefore deciding the appropriate use of the
water resource concerned.
• Making policy choices more objective and less subjective.
• To define the difference in conditions before and after the implementation of the regulatory policy
or legislation.
• To give an integral image of the overall quality of the source to make it easier for non-technical
stakeholders to understand.
The WQIs substantially decrease the volume of data and simplify the description of water quality
status in a single number or a single word. The calculation of the index is based on the number of
physical–chemical and bacteriological parameters by comparison according to the standards [14].
Horton WQI categorized water quality in the year 1965 [18].
Brown et al. then established a general index of water quality in 1970 [19]. In 1982 Steinhart
et al. applied the Great Lakes ecosystem environmental quality index [20]. In 1995 the Canadian
Water Quality Index was introduced [21]. The US National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality
Index (NSFWQI), Oregon Water Quality Index (OWQI), and the British Columbia Water Quality
Index (BCWQI) are frequently used. Then, Bhargava performed the first WQI for India, giving water
quality in the range from 0–100 [12,22]. The biggest challenge for developing countries is designing
cost-effective pollution control policies. There are therefore suggestions for such situations to use only
a few critical parameters to evaluate the WQI [14,16].
In the literature, the water quality of the Iraqi rivers has been widely examined by indices designed
for water in different countries. Nonetheless, the studies conducted did not yield reliable results when
compared with the river raw data [11,23,24].
There have been some attempts to design water quality indices, which are specific to Iraq, but those
attempts were not receiving attention [11,14,25,26].
The water quality indices are generally classified into four major groups [21]. First, the public
indices, like the NSFWQI, that are used for general water quality [27]. Second, unique usage indices
that identify water as drinking, industrial and environment protection, etc., on the basis of the type of
use and application such as the OWQI [28]. The third is the indices that serve as a tool in the planning
and decision-making of water quality management projects. The fourth category is the statistical
method-based indices and does not consider personal opinions, which based on the relevance of water
Hydrology 2020, 7, 67 3 of 14
quality observations to make assumptions. The first three indices are also referred to as an approach to
expert opinion. Different weights are given by the different panel of experts for the same variables [27].
The multivariate statistical techniques were used to assist in water quality monitoring, formulating
a rapid response to water pollution [29–32]. The principal component analysis (PCA) is a multivariate
statistical technique analytical method commonly used in the scientific community, since it allows to
reduce the dimensionality of a data set while maintaining the characteristics of variables that contribute
most to this variation [33,34].
There have been several attempts to develop general water quality indices for assessing the quality
of the surface water. The Rand Corporation [19] developed the Delphi technique to integrate expert
opinions without the adverse effects of group response, using a series of questionnaires. The anonymity
of individual responses, statistical analysis of responses, and increasingly validated feedback are
important features of the method [35].
In the process, panel members are presented with response patterns learned during the previous
round, allowing them to display all respondents’ overall opinions, and if appropriate, they are asked to
rethink their earlier responses. The process is ongoing until a desirable degree of consensus is gained
between the respondents [36].
The problems facing the water sector in Iraq are the lack of rain due to climate change, population
growth along with increased consumption, and the neighboring countries’ control on the rivers shared
with Iraq, the other important problems are the increase in pollution and salinity levels, especially in
the south of the country [37–40].
There is no specific water quality index for Iraqi waters, and the use of other indices designed for
the waters of other countries will not be accurate and will not give real results [13,25].
In this context, the aims of the present study are to create the Iraqi Water Quality Index (Iraq
WQI) by applying the authors’ experience, modified Delphi technique, and principal components
analysis, taking into account the Iraqi water quality standards by constructing the curves of the water
quality parameters. Deriving this index to be used in monitoring and comparing the water quality of
Iraqi rivers and lakes for drinking purposes, and to observe the changes for better management of
water resources.
2. Methodology
total hardness (TH), calcium (Ca+2 ), magnesium (Mg+2 ), electrical conductivity (EC), sulfate (SO4 −1 ),
total solids (TS), suspended solids (SS), hydrogen potential (pH), iron (Fe+2 ), fluoride (F), aluminum
(AL+3 ), nitrite (NO2 −1 ), nitrate (NO3 −1 ), ammonia (NH3 ), silica (SiO2 ), phosphate (PO4 −1 ), dissolved
oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), sodium (Na+ ),
total dissolved solids (TDS), color, and total coliform (TC).
Hydrology 2020, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 14
Figure 1. The
1. The samplingstations
sampling stations on
TigrisRiver in Baghdad.
River in Baghdad.
(AL+3), nitrite (NO2−1), nitrate (NO3−1), ammonia (NH3), silica (SiO2), phosphate (PO4−1), dissolved
2.2.1. Parameter
oxygen (DO),Selection
biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), sodium (Na+),
total dissolved solids (TDS), color, and total coliform (TC).
The principal Components Analysis
2.2. Development of the Water Quality Index
To choose the appropriate parameters, the judgment based on the experience of the authors is first
The general approach for creating an index of water quality can be summed up in the following
applied. Some inactive parameters, having little values and little fluctuation are excluded. Table 1
four steps [18,46,47]:
shows the descriptive statistics (minimum, maximum, mean, std. deviation, and variance value)
1. Selection of suitable water quality parameters.
of 25 water quality parameters. It can be seen that the nine parameters in bold (pH, Fe+2 , F, AL+3 ,
2. Weight assignment of the selected parameters.
NO2 −1 ,3.NODevelopment
3 , NH3 , SiO , and PO4 −1 ) have
of2the sub-indexes’
the very little mean and variance values. They are never a
functions by the transformation of concentration of parameters
problem in into
waters as confirmed
equations. by previous studies [3,23,48], therefore, they were excluded from
participation in the derivation
4. Aggregation of the
of sub-indices index. the index.
to construct
Then, Ina PCA for the 16 remaining parameters
this study, in addition to the authors’ was done.
experiences PCA is afrom
and information well-known multivariate
previous studies,
statistical methods were used for developing the index. The first statistical method them
that allows the identification of patterns in a data series and expressing is the in such
Hydrology 2020, 7, 67 5 of 14
a way that the similarities and differences can be observed, reducing the dimensionality without losing
too much information [32]. Results of PCA are shown in Table 2, which shows that three principal
components were selected, with a cumulative variance of 81.88%.
Table 1. Some descriptive statistics of the 25 water quality parameters included in this study, all in
mg/L, except the T in (◦ C), Tur in (NTU), EC in (µS/cm−1 ), and pH. The nine parameters in bold have
the little mean and variance values.
Table 2. The selected PCs, commonalities of selected parameters and the Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO)
and Bartlett’s Test.
Principal Components
1 2 3
EC 0.969
TS 0.966
TH 0.96
Cl− 0.931
Ca 0.884
SO4 0.87
Mg 0.84
TDS 0.715 0.643
Na 0.629
BOD 0.613 0.541
COD 0.612 0.543
SS -0.949-
Tur -0.904-
Alk -0.773-
T 0.592
DO -0.524-
Eigenvalue 8.341 3.680 1.082
% of variance 52.129 22.998 6.760
% Cumulative 52.129 75.127 81.888
KMO and Bartlett’s Test
Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. 0.769
Approx. Chi-Square 3140.577
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity df 120
Sig. 0.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
According to the Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett’s Tests of Sphericity, if the commonalities
are larger than positive or negative 0.5, the corresponding parameters are chosen for the WQI
construction [17,33,34]. All the 16 parameters, including EC, TS, TH, Cl− , Ca+2 , SO4 , TDS, Mg+2 ,
Na+ , BOD, COD, SS, DO, T, Alk, and Tur have commonalities larger than 0.5 and passed the KMO
and Bartlett’s Test, indicating that they were the main parameters for explaining the water quality of
the river.
south of the country [37–40]. Therefore, turbidity, nitrates, phosphates, and pH were excluded and
total coliform was added according to the panel’s recommendation. Based on the foregoing, the final
list of parameters from which the index will be derived is: COD, DO, TC, TDS, TH, and Cl− .
Table 3. Water quality categories proposed for Iraq water quality index (WQI), mathematical equations
for function curves, and weights assigned for the six selected parameters.
The Iraq WQI is developed to classify the river’s water into five categories, viz. very good, good,
acceptable, bad, and very bad.
Figure 2. The water
2. The water quality
quality curves
curves of
of the
the sub-indices
sub-indices of
of the
the six
six parameters.
2.2.4. Aggregation of Sub-Indices
2.2.4. Aggregation of Sub-Indices
The score produced by each parameter was averaged-out to measure the effect of each individual
The score produced by each parameter was averaged-out to measure the effect of each
parameter on a common single scale. For this reason, the following weighted-average aggregation
individual parameter on a common single scale. For this reason, the following weighted-average
function is used [15,51].
aggregation function is used [15,51]. Xn
Iraq WQI = Wi × Qi
𝐼𝑟𝑎𝑞 𝑊𝑄𝐼 =i=1 𝑊𝑖 × 𝑄𝑖
in which
in which
Iraq WQI = the Iraqi water quality index, a number between 0 and 100.
Qi the quality of the
= the Iraqi ith parameter,
water a number
quality index, between
a number 0 and
between 100. 100.
0 and
Qi ==the
Wi thequality of theofith
unit weight parameter,
the a number
ith parameter, between
a number 0 and0 100.
between and 1, and
Wi = the unit weight of the ith parameter, a number between 0 and 1, and
𝑊𝑖Wi= 1= 1
n = number of parameters.
n = number of parameters.
Accordingly, the final formula for the Iraqi Water Quality Index will be as follows:
Hydrology 2020, 7, 67 9 of 14
Accordingly, the final formula for the Iraqi Water Quality Index will be as follows:
Iraq WQI = [(− 0.019 TDS + 84.587) × 0.2] + [(−0.006 TC + 86.231) × 0.2]
+[10 DO × 0.2] + [(−0.119 TH + 113.68) × 0.15] + [−5.886 COD
+ 99.846) × 0.1] + [(−0.12 Cl + 106.58 × 0.15]
1. Total Dissolved Solids (mg/L): It comprises inorganic salts (Ca+2 , Mg+2 , K+ , Na+ , HCO3 −1 , Cl− ,
and SO4 −2 ) and some small quantities of organic matter [48]. Higher TDS may be harmful to
aquatic life through salinity increase or water composition changes. The main sources of elevated
TDS in river water may be from soil erosion, agricultural runoff, household waste pollution,
and other human activities [54].
2. Total Hardness (mg/L): It is used to describe the dissolved calcium and magnesium effect, to assess
water solubility for drinking, domestic, and industrial uses attributed to the presence of HCO3 −1 ,
SO4 −2 , Cl−1 , and NO3 −1 of Ca and Mg [55].
3. Chloride (mg/L): It is the salts of Ca+2 , Mg+2 , and K+ ions in water. The high chloride content
may indicate pollution by industrial waste and domestic sewage [48].
4. Chemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L): It is the quantity of oxygen needed to decompose the
biodegradable and non-biodegradable organic wastes in water caused by urban wastewater
discharge. COD refers to the pollutants which cause adverse conditions for microorganism
development [56,57].
5. Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L): It is essential for aquatic life. The decomposition of organic
matter, industrial waste, dissolved gases, and agricultural runoff result in a lower DO level.
The concentration of DO below 5.0 mg/L adversely affects aquatic life [58].
6. Total coliform (TC) (MPN/100 mL): It is ten times more abundant in water than the fecal
coliforms. Fecal coliform bacteria are sources of human and animal excreta pollution in water.
Excreta-contaminated water contains harmful pathogens and is not safe for use [59].
The last two parameters (DO and TC) were chosen according to the advice of the surveyed experts
and because of their health importance.
Hydrology 2020, 7, 67 10 of 14
Iraq WQI = [(− 0.019 TDS + 84.587) × 0.2] + [(−0.006 TC + 86.231) × 0.2]
+[10 DO × 0.2] + [(−0.119 TH + 113.68) × 0.15]+
Table 4. Application of the proposed index to the seasonal measurements of the Tigris River
within Baghdad.
Spring 295 66 7.2 1.6 416 1100 76.5
Summer 384 57 6 3 451 1200 69.4
Autmn 328 73 6.2 5.4 573 900 74.8
Winter 341 72 6.82 3.28 520 800 72.3
Average 337 67 6.555 3.32 490 1000 73.25
In this study, to ensure the validity of the proposed index for other Iraqi rivers, it was applied to
estimate the yearly water quality of sites on some other Iraqi rivers (Diyala, Euphrates, Diwaniyah,
Al-Gharraf, and Shatt al-Arab). The data of these sampling locations are taken from the published
literature [24,60–66], the values of the missing parameters were offset from other studies of the same
river and region as shown in Table 5.
It is observed from Table 5 that the Iraq WQI values are (69.52), (60.9), (66.75) for the Diyala River,
Euphrates River, and Diwaniyah River respectively, which indicates that the water quality of these
rivers in the site studied falls in the category “Acceptable” and the rivers water needs a traditional
purification treatment (sedimentation, filtration and disinfection). Similar is the case for Al-Gharraf
River where the index is 71.83, and the quality is relatively better under the category “Good”. In the
case of Shatt Al-Arab, it is seen from Table 5 that the Iraq WQI value is 33.36, the corresponding quality
class is “Bad” and this water needs more than the traditional purification treatment (reverse osmosis)
before any use.
Table 5. The application of the proposed (Iraq WQI) index for sites on some Iraqi rivers.
The quality of rivers waters in Iraq is graded whenever we head south, it is better in the northern
regions and less in the center of the country, but in the south, it becomes bad, especially the waters of
the Shatt al-Arab, which consists of the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers north of Basra.
Hydrology 2020, 7, 67 11 of 14
In general, the water quality of the Tigris and its Al-Gharaf branch is better than that of the Euphrates
and Shatt Al-Arab rivers.
Iraq currently has three types of water quality issues to contend with. The first is the water
shortage, the second is salinity, and the third is pollutant concentration in water related to municipal,
industrial, and agricultural activities [67]. Water quality degradation is further compounded by
drought events and is a major contributing factor to agricultural land desertification [68].
As the water flows downstream, the salinity of Iraq’s rivers worsens. Because of local geological
features, land management, and agricultural irrigation and drainage activities within the Euphrates
watershed, salinity along the Euphrates is higher than along the Tigris and its tributaries [69]. The Shatt
al-Arab is suffering from the highest salinity due to the meeting of rivers and drainage channels with
high salinity, reduced volumes of water flow, and tidal influence from the Arab Gulf [70].
The proposed index has significant improvement, especially in the step of selecting parameters to
be suitable for Iraqi water and the nature of the land and climate of Iraq. The selected parameters for
the current proposed WQI are according to the local natural and social situations.
As a result, 6 quality parameters from 27 parameters were selected. Total coliform was added by
the expert panel to the WQI due to its health effects. The remaining 21 parameters were excluded due
to the reasons mentioned above, or they have been replaced by what they represents. The selection of
important water quality parameters will remove the effect of irrelevant parameters and thus produce
more accurate results.
A potential problem that may occur is from the inactive parameters, since because of their small
and safe value they are removed from the considered list at the first stage. However, if an emergency
occurred, the value might generate explosive growth. As a result, in normal situations, the approach
suggested is more practical than in emergencies.
From a regular point of view, some parameters (like PO4-1, NO3-1) and others may be critical in
water quality evaluation for rivers in other countries and included in the international WQIs, however,
in this study, they did not pass the statistical test, were not chosen by the experts and were not known
to cause problems to Iraqi waters and for these reasons they were removed.
4. Conclusions
In this paper, an Iraqi Water Quality Index (Iraq WQI) is developed to provide a simple tool
for assessment of the quality of surface water resources for drinking water supply. The Iraq WQI is
developed based on the Iraqi standard of drinking water (IQS, 2009) by considering 27 parameters
covering physical, chemical, and biological aspects of water. The proposed index provides a simpler
means for water quality assessment, management, and is very useful for decision-makers, planners
and field engineers for maintaining good health of surface water resources.
A WQI method is proposed in which experts’ opinions and principal component analysis are
used to select more important water quality parameters, and each parameter is assigned a weight
reflecting its relative importance. Evaluation scores of individual parameters are calculated by fitting a
water quality curve for every selected parameter. Corresponding with the individual score and the
weight, the WQI score is computed, which is applied to the Tigris River as a case study area and for
other Iraqi rivers and it has been confirmed that this index can be applied to Iraqi rivers.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.H.E., S.A.A., R.M.S. and N.A.-A.; data curation, S.H.E., S.A.A., R.M.S.
and N.A.-A.; formal analysis, S.H.E., S.A.A. and R.M.S.; investigation, S.H.E., S.A.A. and R.M.S.; methodology,
S.H.E., S.A.A., R.M.S. and N.A.-A.; project administration, N.A.-A.; validation, S.H.E., S.A.A., R.M.S. and N.A.-A.;
visualization, S.H.E., S.A.A. and N.A.-A.; writing—original draft preparation, S.H.E., S.A.A., R.M.S. and N.A.-A.;
writing—review and editing, S.H.E., S.A.A., R.M.S. and N.A.-A. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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