College - Level - Project Evaluaterpackage
College - Level - Project Evaluaterpackage
College - Level - Project Evaluaterpackage
Project Package
General direction for the candidate
1. Before starting to work on the project please take at least 15 minutes to read all
content of the project so that you could have the detail understanding of the
2. After reading the whole project for some minutes, make sure that you have been
given all the necessary tools, equipment and information, you need to perform
the projects.
3. This Project contains three tasks and further each task is divided in to sub
activities. The combination of all the activities will form the total percent of you
result (100%).
4. For the purpose of your time management for each task maximum time is
suggested, there for manage your time accordingly.
Project Information
Given the necessary tools, equipment and information, the candidate is expected to
perform the following projects.
The assessor should ask oral questions on which she/he is not satisfied by the
candidate’s performance.
Assessment Venue: Well Equipped Assessment Centre or real work place
Total time for all projects 3:30 Hrs
Assume that you are working for FTVET Institute as Database Administrator. He /she
is expected to design and implement database for required section.
Read carefully the requirement and complete the subsequent tasks
The Database to be designed and developed for Institute keeps track the following
Trainee has first name, last name, Trainee id, Sex, date of birth, and address.
Competency has a Competency title, Competency number, credit hours and
A Trainee takes at least one Competency for each semester and earns Grade and
each Competency can be taken by one or more Trainees.
Instructor has instid,fname,lname,sex, salary and phoneno
An Instructor can teach one or more Comptencey
Instruction: Under this project you are expected to perform the following task.
1) identify the possible entities and attributes of the organization
Entity Attribute
TRAINEE Trainee_Id First_Name Last_Name Sex DOB
COMPETENCY Competency _no Comp_Title Credit_ hours prerequisite
INSTRUCTOR Ins_ID Fname Lname Salary Phone Deptname
2) Draw Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) using chen model for the identified
entities using Edrawmax or Microsoft Visio or any available UML drawing tools
And Put cardinality of relationship on the complete diagram .
create table COMPTENCEY (
Competency_no char(30)primary key ,
Competency_title char(30),
Credit_hours int
create table Instructor(
Ins_ID char(30) primary key,
Fname char(30) ,
Lname char(30),
Salary money,
Phone_no varchar(100),
deptname char(30)
Table: Instructor
Ins_ID Fname Lname Salary Phone_no Deptname
Ins001 Gere H/mikale 10000 +2519124560 ICT
Ins002 Alemayehu Degeney 12000 +2519135068 ICT
Ins003 Leleti Hagos 8695 +2519102350 ACCOUNTING
Ins004 Tolosa Desta 7070 +2519304580 Marketing
Pno Competency _No
1 C001
3 C002
5 C003
7 C004
2. Write SQL Query that can display the given result set.
Select Instructor.ins_id,Instructor.Fname'Ins_Name',COMPTENCEY.Competency_no,
Trainee.Trainee_ID,upper(Trainee.First_Name)AS Trainee_Name
from Instructor,Trainee,Grade_Report,COMPTENCEY
where Instructor.ins_id =Grade_Report.ins_id and
Trainee.Trainee_ID=Grade_Report.Trainee_ID and
COMPTENCEY.Competency_no=Grade_Report.Competency_no and'M'
and Grade_Report.Grade_Letter='A'
3. Create a query to update the trainee address for all address with "shere" those who
score grades'A' ,'B' or 'C' and who learn in Design database competency .
4. Write a query to display the trainee name for all tarinees those who score grades ‘A’.
SELECT First_name from Trainee as T, GRADE_REPORT as g
where T.Trainee_id=g.Trainee_id and g.Grade_letter='A';
5. Write a query to display the Trainee_id and name for all Trainee who are female
with any trainee whose name contains a ‘L’.
6. write query that displays department name with their total salary whose total salary
is more than 10000.
SELECT Instructor.deptname, SUM(salary) as Total_salary
FROM Instructor
GROUP BY deptname
HAVING SUM(salary) > 10000;
8. Prepare a complete backup on your desktop by the name FTVET_backup under the
folder FTVET.
backup database FTVET
to disk='C:\Users\maki\Desktop\FTVET_backkup.back'
Observation Checklist
Candidate’s Name: ___________________________________________
Date of Assessment:
Time of Assessment: