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Ecological Study
- Examines the relationship between exposure and disease with population-level rather than individual-
level data Essentials
- involves making comparisons between variables where the unit of analysis is aggregated data on the
population level rather than on the individual level. Merill
- A limitation of ecologic data, however, is that they are often unable to control for potential
confounding factors that may explain some or all of the association. Merill
- ecologic fallacy Merill
- Ecologic studies are often appropriate in environmental settings. Merill
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Case Study
- profile of a single individual; it includes qualitative descriptive research of the facts in chronological
order. Merill
- case series involves a small group of patients with a similar diagnosis. Merill
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- Typically examines the relationship between exposure and disease prevalence in a defined population
at a single point in time Essentials
- Cross-sectional studies are carried out for public health planning and etiologic research.
- Cross-sectional studies are fairly common in occupational settings using data from preemployment
physical examinations and company health insurance plans.
- Cross-sectional studies are also used to establish the prevalence of knowledge and attitudes about
diseases and health-related states or events.
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- In a case-crossover study, each case serves as his or her own control, and the value of a time
dependent exposure in the period just before the outcome occurred is compared with its value at one or
more previous control periods of time.
- a variant of the case–control study that was developed for settings in which the risk of the outcome is
increased for only a brief time following the exposure.
-HAZARD PERIOD Essentials of EPI
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Nested case-control
-case-control study “nested” within a cohort study. Essentials of EPI
- cases and controls are drawn from the population in a fully enumerated cohort. Usually, the
exposure of interest is only measured among the cases and the selected controls. net
- Usually, the exposure of interest is only measured among the cases and the selected controls.
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Cohort Study
- Cohort as a general term means a group or body of people Merill
- Typically examines multiple health effects of an exposure; subjects are defined according to their
exposure levels and followed for disease occurrence. Essentials of EPI
- investigator selects a group of exposed individuals and a group of unexposed individuals and follows
both groups over time to compare the incidence of disease in the two groups Gordis
- Bias in Cohort Studies
- Study Design: Prospective cohort, Retrospective cohort, Double cohort Merill
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CONCLUSIONS—refer to merril
1. RBCs suspended in saline can react ineffectively- can have a poorly or weak reaction.
2. There may be fewer RBCs to tested in patients that are anemic.
3. In the case of weak RBCs, reading the result in less than 2 minutes can give a false result
4. Improper reagent: – Expired reagent? – Storage temperature out of range? – Contaminated