The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe
The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe
The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe
The Palgrave
Handbook of Public
Administration and
Management in Europe
Edoardo Ongaro Sandra van Thiel
Department for Public Leadership and Institute for Management Research
Social Enterprise—PulSE Faculty Radboud University Nijmegen
of Business and Law Nijmegen, The Netherlands
The Open University
Milton Keynes, UK
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018, corrected publication 2018
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This book is dedicated to Christopher Pollitt
a dear colleague, an intellectual guide, a friend
level also has expanded and allowed to finance substantial research pro-
grammes and networks (COST). It has pushed the quantity and quality of
comparative research in the field of PA. Researchers and Ph.Ds. have circu-
lated within Europe between research teams. Doctoral PA programmes have
The PA community in Europe has grown in the past decades, certainly in
some countries. There are many reasons for this. Obviously, the presence of
EGPA (the European Group for Public Administration) and NISPAcee (the
network of National Institutes and Schools for Public Administration in Cen-
tral Eastern Europe) has created a (re-)new(ed) capacity. The PA-teaching
networks have become more European with an effort to guarantee exchange,
learning, quality control and to promote knowledge transfer across Europe
(through the European Association of PA Accreditation—EAPAA, and the
Erasmus programme).
There is a need to keep PA ‘contemporary’ and to stay relevant for the
practice of public administration. Contemporary PA is not just PA knowledge
produced today and focusing on current developments in the field of public
administration and society, it is PA knowledge produced today that is relevant
for the future. To have a PA knowledge production strategy which guarantees
its relevance for the future, there is a need to organize this as an academic
Several periodic efforts have been organized in the past, mostly in the
USA. The Minnowbrook tradition including the major conferences Min-
nowbrook I (1968), Minnowbrook II (1988), Minnowbrook III (2008) are
fine examples of how to reflect upon how to remain relevant for the future
and how to anticipate. On the European side, even when many Americans
were involved, the Bielefeld project at the beginning of the 1980s was a land-
mark initiative. EGPA, on the occasion of its 35th anniversary in 2010 (as
a regional group within IIAS—the International Institute of Administrative
Sciences—which celebrated its 80th anniversary), reflected on the identity of
its European PA community (Bouckaert and van de Donk 2010); and 5 years
later, on occasion of its 40th anniversary, launched a similar exercise, this time
focused on the institutionalization of EGPA in the research landscape, Euro-
pean and global, as well as on the functional, cultural and institutional reasons
that call for a regional group for PA in Europe (Ongaro 2017). Some promi-
nent scholars have also made their own analysis and assessment of the field
(Pollitt 2016).
When these past efforts of ‘taking stock’ or producing ‘substantial reflec-
tions’ are analyzed, there seems to be a set of common denominators,
assumptions and expectations (Bertels et al. 2016):
1. Public Administration research and teaching runs too much behind the
actualities; however it should also be in front of the facts, it should not
just push realities but also pull realities;
Foreword ix
Geert Bouckaert
KU Leuven, Belgium
Bouckaert, G. & van de Donk, W. (eds.) (2010). The European Group for Public
Administration (1975–2010) Perspectives for the Future, Le Groupe Européen
pour l’Administration Publique (1975–2010) Perspectives pour le Futur. Bruylant,
Bruxelles, 342p.
Bertels, J., Bouckaert, G. & van de Donk, W. (2016). European Perspectives for Pub-
lic Administration and Public Management. Paper presented at the 2016 IPMN
Conference, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
EPPA (European Perspectives for Public Administration).
Ongaro, E. (ed.) (2017). Public Administration in Europe: The Contribution of EGPA.
London: Palgrave
The original version of the book was revised: In an older version of the front
matter the endorsers’ names was erroneously recorded. This has now been
corrected to ‘John Halligan’.
Edoardo Ongaro
Sandra van Thiel
1 Introduction 3
Edoardo Ongaro and Sandra van Thiel
xvi Contents
63 Conclusions 1235
Sandra van Thiel and Edoardo Ongaro
Index 1289
Editors and Contributors
xxiv Editors and Contributors
(together with Koen Verhoest, Per Laegreid and Geert Bouckaert). Sandra is
editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Public Sector Management.
l List of Figures
lii List of Tables
Table 29.1 Type of data in core journal articles by time period published 558
Table 29.2 Level of analysis in core journal articles by time periods 558
Table 29.3 Core journal articles by regional focus/origin
and time period published 559
Table 29.4 Core journal articles by most frequently type of policy
studied and time period published 559
Table 29.5 Core journal articles by region of focus/origin
and research methodologies 568
Table 29.6 Core journal articles by regional focus/origin
and research methodologies before and after the mid-1990s 569
Table 29.7 Articles by type of core field journal published
in and time period 570
Table 30.1 Six indicators for evaluation culture and capacity 582
Table 30.2 Present-day evaluation culture and capacity in the UK,
Flanders, and EU 589
Table 31.1 Organizational capacity types 600
Table 31.2 Policy learning and capacity 600
Table 33.1 Creation of IRA in selected policy fields 640
Table 35.1 A ‘blame barometer’ used for coding daily media stories 676
Table 35.2 Some basic strategic options for officeholders facing
media firestorms: Denial and admission of problem
and responsibility 677
Table 37.1 Overview countries 709
Table 37.2 Overview selected cases 717
Table 37.3 Summary of findings 721
Table 38.1 Logics of welfare state governance 731
Table 38.2 Varieties of market governance 735
Table 44.1 Core-features of local government systems
(selected countries) 845
Table 44.2 Types of local government reform II—Garcea
and LeSage—typology (2005) 849
Table 45.1 Corruption perception index: Selected CEE-countries 873
Table 46.1 Public employment as share of total labour force
(% of labour force) 883
Table 46.2 Compensation of public employees as share of total
government expenditure (% of total government expenditure) 884
Table 47.1 Classification of consolidation measures 903
Table 47.2 Characteristics of decision-making 905
Table 47.3 Stages of cutback decision-making 906
Table 56.1 The appearance of economic theories in US
and European PA studies 1113
Table 58.1 Types of case studies by year 1139
Table 58.2 Country-focus of case studies by year 1141
Table 58.3 Country-focus of case studies by journal 1141
Table 58.4 Type of case study by country-focus 1141
Table 58.5 Case studies conducted in Anglo-Saxon countries 1142
Table 61.1 Location of advice and degree of government influence 1193
List of Tables liii