Student - The Probable Error of A Mean
Student - The Probable Error of A Mean
Student - The Probable Error of A Mean
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ANY experimentmaybe regardedas formingan individualof a " population"
of experimentswhich might be performedunder the same conditions. A series
of experimentsis a sample drawnfromthis population.
Now any seriesofexperimentsis onlyof value in so faras it enables us to form
a judgment as to the statistical constantsof the populationto whichthe experi-
mentsbelong. In a great ntimberof cases the question finallyturnson the value
ofa mean,eitherdirectly,or as the mean difference betweenthe two quantities.
If the numberof experimentsbe verylarge,we may have precise information
as to the value of the mean,but if our sample be small,we have two sourcesof
uncertainty:-(1) owingto the "errorof randomsampling" the mean of our series
of experimentsdeviates moreor less widelyfromthe mean of the population,and
(2) the sanmple large to determinewhat is the law of distribution
is not sufficiently
of individuals. It is usual, however,to assume a normal distribution, because, in
a verylarge numberof cases, this gives an approximationso close that a small
sample will give no real information as to the mannerin which the population
deviates fromnormality:since some law of distributionmliustbe assumed it is
better to work with a curve whose area and ordinates are tabled, and whose
propertiesare well known. This assumptionis accordinglymade in the present
paper,so that its conclusionisare not strictlyapplicable to populationsknown not
to be normallydistributed; yet it appears probable that the deviation from
normalitymustbe veryextremeto lead to serious error. We are concernedhere
solelywith the firstof these two sourcesof uncertainty.
The usual methodof determiningthe probabilitythat the mean of the popula-
tion lies withina given distanceof the mean of the sample,is to assume a normal
distributionabout the mean of the sample with a standard deviation equal to
s/a/n, where s is the standarddeviation of the sample, and to use the tables of
the probabilityintegral.
Biometrikavi 1
2 The ProbableError of a Mean
But, as we decreasethe numberof experiments, the value of the standard
deviation foundfrom thesampleofexperiments becomesitselfsubjecttoan increas-
ingerror, untiljudgments reachedin thiswaymaybecomealtogether misleading.
In routineworkthereare two waysof dealingwith this difficulty: (1) an
experiment maybe repeatedmanytimes,untilsuicha longseriesis obtainedthat
the standarddeviationis determined once and forall withsufficient accuracy.
This valuecan thenbe usedforsubsequentshorterseriesof similarexperiments.
(2) Whereexperiments are donein duplicatein the naturalcourseof the work,
the meansquareof the difference betweencorresponding pairsis equal to the
standarddeviationof the populationmultipliedby v/2. We can thuscombine
together severalseriesof experiments forthepurposeof determining thestandard
deviation. Owinghowever to secularchange,thevalueobtainedis nearlyalways
toolow,successive experitnentsbeingpositively correlated.
Thereare otherexperiments, however, whichcannoteasilybe repeatedvery
often;in such cases it is sometimes necessaryto judge of the certainty of the
resultsfroma verysmall sample,whichitselfaffords the onlyindicationof the
variability.Some chemical,manybiological,and most agricultural and large
scaleexperiments belongto thisclass,whichhas hitherto beenalmostoutsidethe
rangeofstatistical enquiry.
Again,althoughit is wellknownthatthe methodof usingthe normalcurve
is onlytrustworthy whenthe sampleis "large,"no one has yet told us very
clearlywherethelimitbetween"llarge" and " small" samplesis to b-edrawn.
The aimof the presentpaperis to determine the pointat whichwe mayuse
thetablesoftheprobability integralinjudgingofthesig,nificance of the meanof
a seriesof experiments, and to furnishalternativetablesforutsewhenthenumber
of experiments is toofew.
The paperis dividedintothefollowing ninesections:
I. The equationis determined of the curvewhichrepresents the frequency
distributionofstandard deviations ofsamplesdrawnfroma normalpopulation.
IJ. Thereis shownto be no kindof correlation betweenthe meanand the
standarddeviationof such a sample.
III. The equationis determined of the curve representing the frequency
distributionof a quantityz, whichis obtainedbydividingthe distancebetween
themeanofa sampleand the meanof the population by the standarddeviation
of the sample.
IV. The curvefoundin I. is discussed.
V. The curvefoundin III. is discussed.
VI. The two curvesare comparedwithsomeactual distributions.
VII. Tablesofthecurvesfoundin III. are givenforsamplesofdifferent size.
VIII and IX. The tablesare explainedand someinstances are givenof their
X. Conclusions.
Summing forall samples and dividing by the numberof samples we get the
mean value of S2 whichwe will writes2,
n2 n_ /X2 (n-1)
82-= n
where , is the secondmomentcoefficient in the originalnormaldistributionofx:
since x1, x'2, etc., are not correlatedand the distributionis normal,productsin-
volvingodd powersof x, vanishon summing,so that 2S(xx1a'2)
is equal to 0.
+ .- ?+other terms involving odd powers of x, etc.,
whioh will vanish on summation.
Now S(X14) has n terms but S(x,2x22) has jn(n-1), hence summing for all
samples and dividing by the number of samiipleswe get
- 1) - + 2 (-1
2. (n 2A_ 1) +3?
M2'=M2 = + 2 (?1
2 ~~~~~2
- 2 - 1} (i -
1) {ni -2n + 3}.
. (n
M2.' =P -
W3n {388 + 2 - 2n + 31.=A?2 (n - 1) (n +41-
4 The Probable Error of a Mean
In a similar tedious way I find:
M3,=3 ,S (n~~n
(n-1) n
M2= n +1)-(n-1)}= 22(n1)
M3 (l(n+l)(n+ ) _ (n-i)
(n {n2+ 4n+3-6t+ 6-n2+2n-1}-83(- --I)
IA4 n
- 2p2'(n -1)(n+3)
2/32-383,-66 -16
(n-1)n (n + 3)-24-6 = O.
I = n
successivelyby n +n 1 /A22 +
3 J etc.,just as appeared to be the law of formation
of M2', Ms', M4', etc.
Hence it is probable that the curve foundrepresentsthe theoreticaldistribu-
tion of 82; so that althoughwe have no actual proofwe shall assume it to do so in
what follows.
The distributionof s may be found fromthis,since the frequencyof s is equal
to thiatof 82 and all that we must do is to compressthe base line suitably.
Now if y - .q (82) be the frequencycurveof S2
and Y2 (s) ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,s
is the distributionof s.
This reducesto y 2Csn-2e 2A2 .
e2a2_ n,nX2. =00 2 go _
= - - Xpe 2a2 + (p -1) XP-2e 2oT2dX
n L x=O i
=- 1) 1p2,
since the firstpart vanishesat bothlimits.
6 The ProbableError of a Mean
thisprocesswe find
By continuing
or = 2 (n-3)('n-5). 4. 2 I
as n is evenor odd.
But l0 is e
je 4
J0 n2 [ 2 #X21-o
anid is xe -e--dx
dx= [ n
Henceifn be even,
(n- 3)(n-5)... 3. 1I 2
Hencetheequationmaybe written
Y X-)n5~.31Tf2 Z"2-?(even)
or y _ -2eN
N 2 (f~l)f2
2 ln 2(n odd)
whereN as usualrepresents
between(a) the distanceof the meanof
To showthatthereis no correlation
a samplefromthe meanof the populationand (b) the standarddeviation of a
of themeanof the sampleare
(1) Clearlypositiveand negativepositions
equallylikely,and hencetherecannotbe correlationbetweenthe absolutevalue
of the distanceof the meanfromthe meanof the populationand the standard
deviation,but (2) theremightbe correlation
betweenthe squareof the distance
and thesquare ofthe standard
Let U2 = (S()) and 32= S__'32)
_ ( (X))2
n n n1
Then if mnl',
M1'be the mean valuiesof u2 and 82, we have bythe preceding
#(n-i) and n1'= 2
+ 81222(n, 1) /= 2 (n-i) 3 1 -1
Bto2 at62 qp (______
n2 2~ {3'-}~ 2 n
To findthe equationrepresenting
the frequency of the mneans
of samplesof n drawnfroma normalpopulation,the Ineanbeingexpressedin
We have y= 0-22422e
e as the equationrepresenting of 8,
the distribution
the standarddeviationof a sampleof n, whenthe samplesare drawnfroma
Nowthemeansofthesesamplesofn are distributed to theequation
VnGN -n?2
=/XNe~ 2as
.a. y2 = sY1.
Hence NVnse 12
is the equiationrepresentingthe distributionof z forsamples of ' with standard
Now the chance that s lies betweens and s + ds is:
rs+ds 1182
-Sn-2 e .92 d
00 ns$3
sn-2 e 2a2ds
Ysr e
tv28n-i 2o2 ds \2J
.- e ds
31= fl0082 I' 1l82
| -
0_sX-2 e 2.72dS 41 SUl-2e *2o'ds
2 8(sn-1e ds
=~ ~ - - 22
andto l~1n- 2 n- 4 4 2
andto Y= n1 ( if 2 if be even.
7n-3 z2)
of the
Since this equation is independentof a- it will give thjedistribuition
distance of the mean of a sample fromthe mean of the populationexpressedin
termsof the standarddeviationof the sample forany normalpopulation.
SomePropertiesof theStandardDeviationFrequencyCurve.
By a similar methodto that adopted forfindingthe constantwe may findthe
mean and moments: thus the mean is at 119-1,
or, -
(ifunbe odd).
= a2 x the mean.
about the end of the range is equal to
The fourthmomeint
'fl+2 (n - 1)(n1 + 1) 4
If we write the distaniceof the mean fromthe end of the range Do- and the
2 = n(n -1-D2),
= 1- 4D2n+ 6 (n-1) D2- 3D4}= {n
2 1- D2(3D2 - 2n+ 6)}.
Tit 16n12
3a4 1 1
2ii 4)1 ' X =4as(1+2
~~~~~~ 162)'
( )
1X 4n2
Consequentlythe value of the standarddeviationof a standarddeviationwhich
wehavefound - thesameas thatfoundforthenormal
t^/n/ -4n)
whenn is large enough to neglectthe 1/4nin
curveby ProfessorPearson (o-/V/2n)
comparisonwith 1.
Neglectingtermsof lowerorderthan 1 we find
2n-3 32=3I- +
-2n (1+*2n)
n (471- )
Consequentlyas n increases 2 verysoon approachesthe value 3 of the normal
curve,but ,8 vanishesmoreslowly,so that the curve remainsslightlyskew.
DIGRAM I. Frequencycurvegivingthe distributionof Standard Deviationsof samples of 10 taken
from.a normal population.
I _ 1002
Equation y N 10 ,2 8e 22
fT [ ,o t\ <
5 _ _ __ _ I,i* 245 a1 515
of thecu.rvey=n-2 n (142( rifnb ee) J _
n-2 n-4 1.
fet, 'cosn-4 OdO+[cs'si
3r 7r 3'7r a37r
and it will be noticed that forn =10 we shall merelyhave to add to this same
The tables at the end of the paper give the area between - oo and z
This is the same as *5+ the area between 9=0, and 9= tan- z, and as the
whole area of the curve is equial to 1, the tables give the probabilitythat the
mean of the sample does not differby more than z times the standarddeviation
of the sample fromthe mean of the population.
The wholearea of the curve is equal to
2. n-4 ... etc. x | cos-2 OdO,
2 - 3'nn- .5
and since all the parts betweenthe limitsvanishat both limitsthis reducesto 1.
Similarlythe secondmomentcoefficient
is equal to
nt-2 n-4
22-8 qz-5 2d
= -n82 n_
. ... etc. x tcos 9tal2
an )d
n-2 5-31
-3- - _8
it 2
12 The Probable Error of a Mean
Hence the standarddeviationof the curve is 1//n-3. The fourthmionment
is equialto
it-2 .n 4 x
2 9 tan4OdO
- l 3*f-5 J'i -
.....etc.x |
= -_2 . n (cosqO- 2 cosql4O cosn9-2)
nt-2 n -4 2(- _
2 _ _ _ _ _ _
N /
.N ________
1-S 1/S*SOsjj S15
1.53 -Os 50
3I .5 *58
Os 5S
Distance of meanfionm
mean of population
I have tabled the area forthe normalcurve withstandarddeviation1/V7so as
to comparewith mycurve forn =10*. It will be seen that odds laid according
to either table would not seriouslydiffertill we reach z =-8, where the odds are
about 50 to 1 that the mean is withinthat limit: beyond that the normalcurve
gives a. false feelingof secturity,
forexample,accordingto the normalcurve it is
99,986 to 14 (say 7000 to 1) that the mean of the populationlies between-o
and + 1 3s whereasthe real odds are only99,819 to 181 (about 5.50to 1).
* See p. 19.
1f 9d9
tan" [tan - a j =?,
17r_7r W
r 7r
Standarddeviationof standarddeviations:
Calculated *8556+ 015
Observed *9066
= + *0510
Equation: y= 16X 75
Comparisonof Fit. Theoretical e
of standard
'^ _; l I
l [ | o
o c
deviationofI 0
|OI4O 0 0 |a
population x 9 z %*.
frequenicy 1 1O 27 451
f 641 781 87 88 S1 71 58 45 33 23 15 9i 5i 7
frequency 3 141 241 137 107 67 73 77 77i 64 52* 49| 35 28 12A 9 Ilj 7
Differenice +4 -2| -8 +421 -Ili -14 -11 -4 -7 -51+4j| +2 +5 -2|-2 +6 0
wheInCe P= 000,06(about).
which the value of the probable errorgiven above is obtained. The fitof the
curve is as follows:
16 The ProbableError of a Meant
Scaleofzal ~~~~~ j~~- ~ 0
I~ +
+ + + + + +
Scale of z o
c) o ? o o
0 o
0 0
I~ + + 0
I Ij~~~~~~~~
~~~~i ~+ + +
Calculated l l l l l l l- l
frequen3cy5 9i 13i 34j 44* 78 1119 141 119 78i| 441 34.1 13.1 9i- 5
frequency 9 14j 1lj 33 43i 70 119i 151k 122 67I 49 26i 16 110 6
.1 *2 3 *4 *5 *f 7 * -
*9 i-n 1.1 1.2 1-3 1-4 1 r 1-6 1,7 1-8 1-9 2-0 2-1 2-2 2,3 2-4 2-5
Scale of Standard Deviation of the Population
The leftmiddle fingersamples show much the same featuresas those of the
height,but as the groupingis not so large comparedto the variabilitythe curves
fitthe observationsmoreclosely. Diagrams III.* and IV. give the standarddevia-
tionsand the z's forthis set of samples. The resultsare as follows:
* Therearethreesmallmistakes valuesin DiagramIII., whichmakethefit
in plotting
appearworsethanit reallyis.
0 0 0 0
_ c -:f cN co
o 00
BiometrikaVI 3
18 The ProbableError of a Mean
Mean value of standarddeviations; calculated 2 186 + 023
observed 2-179
Difference= - *007
Standarddeviationof standarddeviations:
Calculated 9224 + 016
Observed 9802
Difference= + 0578
16 x 750 2xR
of Fit. Theoretical
Equation: Y= V2 a2ee0.
Scaleinterms||| |0 b
of standard o "
deviationof 0 | 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0
populatton| | O | j . 0 o |
frequeney 1j 10k 27 45j 64i 78i 87 88 81| 71 58 45 33 23 15 9k 5i 7
frequency 2 14 27k 51 64j 91 94k 68k 65j 73. 48j 40j 42k 20 22i 12 5 7j
+k +3k
Difference + +5 - + 12| + 7 -19i -16 + 2 -9k -4k + 9k 3 + 7k +2| -| +k
Calculatedvalueofstandarddeviation1 (+ 017)
Observed *982
Difference =-018
of Fit. Theoretical
Equation: y=2 cos", z =tan 6.
10 1
9k 13
Scaeiec78z 53440 3k44 78k 119 141 119 1 3 | 13k| |
|frequency?4 15ki18 13k144 75 1122138 120k| 71 |46k| 36, 11 |9 |6|
|-1 +6i +4k -1 |-k| -3k ? 3 | 3I+1k-7k+2Klk+1i-2k| - +1|
whencex2=739, P=92.
A veryclose fit.
We see thenthatif thedistribution
is approximately
normalour theory
us a satisfactory
measureof the certaintyto be derivedfroma smallsamplein
boththecaseswe havetested; but we havean indicationthata finegroupingis
/3. innodd
od tan'z
SECTION VII. Tables of n-2 . 1t e n) con2 6 dO
1 .- n even
for values of n from 4 to 10 inclusive.
For comparison
( 8|n='4 n=5 n=6 n_
n=7 =8 n=9 L=1O (1f| e 2da)
20 The Probable Error of a Mean
SECTIONIX. of Method.
IllustrationI. As an inistanceof the kind of use whichmay be made of the
tables,I take the followingfiguresfroma table by A. R. Cushnyand A. R. Peebles
in the Journalof Physiology for1904, showingthe different effectsof the optical
isomersof hyoseyaminehydrobromide in producingsleep. The sleep of 10 patients
was measured without hypnoticand aftertreatment(1) WithD. hyoseyarnine
hydrobromide, (2) with L. hyoseyaminehydrobromide.The average number of
hours'sleep gained by the use of the drug is tabuilatedbelow.
The conclusionarrivedat was that in the usual dose 2 was, but 1 was not,of
value as a soporific.
Patient 1 (Dextro-) 2 (Laevo-) Difference(2-1)
1. + .7 +1-9 +12
2. - 16 + *8 +2-4
3. - *2 + 1*1 + 1-3
4. -1-2 + 1 +1-3
5. -1 - 1 0
6. +3-4 +4-4 + 10
7. + 3-7 + 5-5 + 1-8
8. + *8 + 1-6 + *8
9. 0 +4-6 +4-6
10. +2-0 +3A4 + 1-4
Mean + *75 Mean + 2-33 Mean + 1 58
S. D. 1.70 S. D. 1.90 S. D. 1.17
First let lls see what is the probabilitythat 1 will on the average give increase
of sleep; i.e. what is the chance that the mean of the populationof whichthese
experimentsare a sample is positive. + .75 = 44 and looking out z = 44 in the
Yield of corn fromsoftseed 7'85 8-89 14-81 13,55 7-48 15-39 11'328
b,, ard ,, 7,27 8,32 13-81 13,36 7V97 13-13 10,643
Difference ... +58 +*57 +P100 +*19 - 49 + 2-26 + *685 *778 *88
Yield of straw fromsoftseed 12-81 12,87 22-22 2021 13-97 22'57 17A442
,, hard ,, 10-71 12A48 21P64 20,26 11,71 18-96 15-927
Difference. ... ... +2lo0 + 39 + *78 -*05 +2'66 +3-61 +515 1-261 1P20
If we wishto findthe odds that softseed will give a betteryieldof cornon the
average,we dividetheaveragedifference by thestandarddeviation,givingus
z = *88.
Lookingthis up in the table forn =6 we findp= 9465 or the odds are
*946.5:535, about 18: 1.
Similarly forstraws = 1-20,p = '9782,and theoddsabout45:1.
In orderto see whethersuch odds are sufficient fora practicalmanto drawa
definite I take anotherset of experiments
conclusion, in whichDr Voelckercom-
paresthe effects of different
artificialmanuresusedwithpotatoeson the large
The figures represent the difference betweenthe cropsgrownwiththeuse of
sulphateofpotashand kainitrespectively in both1904and 1905.
awt. qr. lb. ton owt. qr. lb.
1904 + 10 3 20: + 1 10 1 26 (two experimentsin each year).
1905 + 6 0 3: + 13 2 8(
* JournalofRoyal StatisticalSociety,1907.
t And perhapsa fewexperimentsto see whetherthereis a correlationbetweenyield and ' mellow-
ness' in barley.
The average gain by the use of sulphate of potash was 1525 cwt. and the
9 cwt.,whence,if we want the odds that the conclusiongiven below is right,
z= 117corresponding, when n = 4, to p = *9698 or odds of 32: 1; this is midway
betweenthe odds in the formerexample. Dr Voelckersays ' It nmay now fairlybe
concluded that for the potato crop on light land 1 cwt.per acre of sulphate of
potash is a better dressing than kainit.
As an example of how the tables should be used with caution, I take the
followving whether
pot culture experimentsto test whetherit made any difference
large or small seeds weresown.
IllustrationIII. In 1899 and in 1903 " head corn" and " tail corn" weretaken
fromthe same bulks of barley and sown in pots. The yields in grarnmeswere
as follows:
1899 1903
Large seed ..... 13-9 7.3
Small seed ..... 14-4 8_7
+,5 + -6
The average gain is thus *55 and the S.D. '05, giving z = 11. Now the table
for n = 2 is not given, but if we look up the angle whose tangent is 11 in
Chambers' tables,
tan-' 11 + 5 = 840 47 +5 = 97 1
i800 + 1800 5~9l
so that the odds are about 33: 1 that small corngives a betteryield than large.
These odds are those whichwould be laid, and laid rightly,by a man whoseonly
knowledgeof the matterwas contained in the two experitnents. Anyone cbn-
versantwithpot culturewould howeverknowthat the difference betweenthe two
results would generally be greater and would correspondinglymnoderatethe
certaintyof his conclusion. In point of fact a large scale experimentconfirmed
the result,the small cornyieldingabout 15 per cent. morethan the large.
I will conclude withan example whichcomesbeyondthe range of the tables,
therebeing eleven experiments.
To test whetherit is of advantage to kiln-drybarleyseed beforesowing,seven
varietiesof barleyweresown(both kiln-driedand not kiln-dried)in 1899 and four
in 1900; the resultsare given in the table.
It will be noticed that the kiln-driedseed gave on an average the largeryield
of corn and straw,but that the quality was almostalways inferior. At firstsight
this mightbe supposedto be due to superiorgerminatingpower in the kiln-dried
seed, but my farmingfriendstell me that the effectof this would be that the
kiln-driedseed would produce the betterquality barley. Dr Voelckerdrawsthe
conclusion"In such seasons as 1899 and 1900 thereis no particularadvantagein
kiln-dryingbeforesowing." Our examinationcompletelyjtustifies this and adds
24 The Probable E1rrorqf a Mean
"and the quality of the resultingbarley is inferiorthough the yield may be
lbs. head corn per acre Price of head corn in Value of cropper acre
shillingsper quarter cwts. strawper acre in shillings*
Average 184165 18752 +337 2845 2755 -'91 1995 2105 +110 14582 14468 +114
Standard -
j 63 1 - -
.79 - -
225 - - | 667
Deviation* 223 - -- 28 - - 80 - - 240
divided by s8
the difference The probabilityin the case of yield of coruiper
I. A curvehas been foundrepresentingthe frequencydistributionofstandard
deviationsofsamples drawnfroma normalpopulation.
II. A curvehas been foundrepresentingthe frequencydistributionof values
of the means of such samples,when these values are measuredfromthe mean of
the populationin termsof the standarddeviationof the sample.
III. It has been shown that this curve representsthe factsfairlywell even
whenthe distributionof the populationis not strictlynormal.
IV. Tables are givenbywhichit can be judged whethera seriesofexperiments,
howevershort,have given a result which conformsto any required standard of
accuracyor whetherit is necessaryto continuethe investigation.
Biometrikavi 4