The Great Leap Forward Context Timeline
The Great Leap Forward Context Timeline
The Great Leap Forward Context Timeline
Directions: This timeline serves as the foundation for our discussion about the lead
up to the Great Leap Forward. During the discussion, use this as a reference tool to
answer any questions that are asked, and highlight and annotate key points that are
mentioned. This timeline will also help you develop understanding of the context
surrounding the Great Leap Forward.
1950 The Sino-Soviet Pact is signed, as China allies itself with the
Soviet Union.
China joins the Korean War.
Agrarian Reform Law of 1950: The property of rural landlords
and industrialists is confiscated and redistributed.
Laws are passed to win the favor of the population, such as the
marriage law, which allows for freedom of marriage and
1952 Initial land reform completed, land deeds destroyed, and land
Approximately 2 million landlords killed in this process.
1953 First Five Year Plan begins, signaling the start of rapid
o Modeled on the Soviet Union’s Five Year Plan. Soviet
aid and advice provided.
o Based on Stalinist economics, with investment in heavy
industry, ignoring agriculture.
Rural collectivization is stepped up. Small collectives were
created, called “lower-level agricultural producers’
cooperatives,” made up of 20-30 households.