Avadh Law College: LL.B. Third Semester
Avadh Law College: LL.B. Third Semester
Avadh Law College: LL.B. Third Semester
Sentence, kinds of sentences
Subject and predicate
Parts of speech
Uses of Articles
Tenses and structural rules of translation
Degree change
Analysis and synthesis
Synonyms and antonyms
Legal Terminology
- Terms used in civil and criminal laws
- Latin words and maxims
- Case analysis
- One word substitution
Essay writing on topics of Legal interest (for example): Fundamental rights, Secularism, Status of women,
Law and Environment, Consumerism, Lok Adalat, Independence of judiciary, Criminals in election, etc….
Precise writing
Composition skills
Letter/Application writing
Bhatnagar & Bhargava, Law and Language
R.P. Sinha, How to write correct English
R.P. Sinha, How to translate into English
Kelkar, Ashok R, ‘Communication and style in Legal Language ’, Indian Bar Review, Vol 10(3), 1993
Blacks Law Dictionary
Latin for Lawyers, (1997), sweet and Maxwell, Universal, New Delhi
LL.B. Third Semester
Sociology-III (Social control and change)
1- Socialization- concept, theory, the relation with social control.
2- Definition of social control. The agencies of social control- family , state
3- The means of social control Formal means- Education. Informal means- Religion, propaganda, Public
opinion, Rewards and Punishment, humor and reductive.
4- Concepts of social change, Social change and Cultural change. Social progress and Social revolution.
5- Factors of social change and theories, Biological factors, Economic, Technological and cultural factors.
6- Process of social change: Socialization, Westernization and Modernization.
LL.B. Third Semester
Economics- III
(Money, Banking and International Trade)
The Era of Congress: 1818 to 1822; The era of Revolution- 1830 to 1848; Napoleon III; Unification on the
Italy and Germany; Eastern question-1821 to 1878. International Relation- 1871 to 1914 (with special
reference to Bismarck and William II); British foreign policy- 1901 to 1914; Causes of the First World
War; The Russian revolution; The treaty of Versailles.
American Civil War; Opium War and the establishment of European Influence in China, Chinese
revolution of 1911, Emergency of Japan as Modern Nation; Partition of Africa
LL.B. Third Semester
Constitutional developments since 1858-1947
Making of Indian Constitution
Nature and special features of the Constitution of India
Rule of law & Separation of powers
State under Article 12 of the Constitution
Right to Equality (Articles 14-18)
Right to Freedom (Articles 19-22)
Right against Exploitation (Articles 23-24)
Concept of secularism: historical perspective
Right to Freedom of Religion (Articles 25-28)
Cultural and Educational Rights (Articles 29-30)
Fundamental Duties (Article 51-A)
Directive Principles- directions for social change- A new social order
Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy, inter-relationship, judicial balancing
Constitutional amendments- to strengthen Directive Principles
Remedies for enforcement of rights contained in Part III- Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, Certiorari,
Prohibition and Quo-warranto under Articles 32 and 226 of the Constitution
Judicial Review
Judicial activism and restraint
Constitution of India
G. Austin, History of Democratic Constitution: The Indian Experience (Oxford)
Constituent Assembly Debates, Vol. 1-12
D.D.Basu, Shorter Constitution of India
H.M. Seervai, Constitution of India Vol.1-3
M.P.Singh (Ed.), V.N.Shukla, Constitutional Law of India
J.N.Pandey, Constitution of India
LL.B. Third Semester
Who are Hindus?
Sources and schools of Hindu law
Evolution of the institution of marriage and family
Hindu Marriage (Sections 5-8)
Restitution of conjugal rights and judicial separation (Sections 9-10)
Nullity of marriage and divorce (Sections 11-18)
Adoption- definition and conditions of valid adoption, effect of invalid adoption
Capacity of a male Hindu to take in adoption
Capacity of a female Hindu to take in adoption
Persons capable of giving in adoption
Persons who may be adopted
Maintenance- dependents
Maintenance of dependents
Amount of maintenance
Transfer of family property and its effect
Meaning of guardian Kinds of guardian- natural guardian, testamentary guardian, guardian appointed by
the court, de facto and ad hoc guardian
Natural guardian of a Hindu minor, its qualifications and disqualifications
Natural guardian of adopted son,
Powers of natural guardian
Intestate succession,
Order of succession among heirs,
Property of a female Hindu to be her absolute property,
General rules of succession and exclusion from succession
Joint family, Coparcenary property- Mitakshara and Dayabhaga, Karta of the joint family- his position,
powers, privileges and obligations, Alienation of property- separate and coparcenary property
Debts- doctrine of pious obligations and antecedent debt
Partition- meaning of partition; partition how effected,
Gifts- definition and subject-matter of gift,
Gift when complete,
Gift to unborn persons,
Revocation of gift,
Will- definition,
Meaning of ‘Codicil’
Persons capable of making will,
What property may be disposed of by will- Mitakshara and Dayabhaga law,
Revocation and alteration of will when void
The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956
The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956
The Hindu Succession Act, 1956
Paras Diwan, Hindu Law
J.D.M.Derrett, Hindu Law: Past and Present
P.V.Kane, History of Dharmashastras, Vol.2, Part 1
Paras Diwan,Family Law: Law of Marriage and Divorce in India
S.T.Desai (ed.), Mulla’s Principles of Hindu Law
S.K.Singh (ed.), R.K.Agarwala’s Hindu Law, C.L.A., Allahabad
N.D.Basu, Law of Succession
Paras Diwan, Law of Adoption, Minority, Guardianship and Custody