Removal of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soil by Phytoremediation Mechanism: A Review
Removal of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soil by Phytoremediation Mechanism: A Review
Removal of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soil by Phytoremediation Mechanism: A Review
Abstract The rapid development of industrial sector has on human health as well as phytoremediation techniques
increased the heavy metal pollution issue recently, as the and mechanism during the heavy metal removal.
need of various metals is increasing for manufacturing
purpose. These metals are the natural components that Keywords Phytoremediation . Environmental
can be found in soil, but contamination happens when the pollutant . Toxicology . Heavy metal . Metallophytes
concentration of these metals are high in soil due to plant
anthropogenic activities. Several remediation techniques
such as physical method, thermal desorption, chemical,
and electrokinetic remediation are used to remediate the
1 Introduction
soil contaminated by heavy metals recently. As these
remediation technologies have limitation on cost, effec-
The rapid development of the industrial sector has in-
tiveness, and environmental friendly remediation issue,
creased the heavy metal pollution issue recently, as the
phytoremediation is then attracting the attention from
need for various metals is increasing for manufacturing
various researchers due to its advantages of efficient,
purposes. Heavy metals such as copper, lead, zinc,
cost-effective, and eco-friendly remediation method.
cadmium, chromium, and arsenic are widely used by
The mechanisms of phytoremediation are
agriculture and industries and are highly toxic at very
phytoextraction, phytostabilization, phytovolatilization,
low concentrations. These metals are the natural com-
phytodegradation, phytodesalination, rhizofiltration,
ponents that can be found in soil, but contamination
rhizodegradation, and phytoevaporation. However, these
happens when the concentration of these metals are high
mechanisms were affected by several factors such as the
in soil due to the mining and smelting activities
plant species, properties of medium, bioavailability of
(Tchounwou et al. 2012). This issue has become a
metal, and the addition of chelating agent. The type of
worldwide concern as the heavy metal can enter the
plant utilized for phytoremediation (metallophytes) is
food chain and eventually cause adverse health impacts
categorized as metal indicators, metal excluders, and
on humans (Fig. 1). Besides, a human can also expose to
metal hyperaccumulators. This review article compre-
the heavy metal in the soil through inhalation of partic-
hensively discusses the source and effect of heavy metal
ulate matter and direct contact with the contaminated
soil (Ali et al. 2013). Table 1 gives toxicity level, an-
thropogenic sources of heavy metals, and its effect on
S. H. Awa : T. Hadibarata (*) human health. Thus, recovery and remediation of the
Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering and Science, Curtin University Malaysia, 98009 Miri, contaminated sites are required to prevent the health
Sarawak, Malaysia impact on humans. During the time when there is no
e-mail: advanced technology to carry out soil remediation, the
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heavy metal–contaminated soils are controlled using on- phytoremediate the heavy metal–contaminated soil.
site management or being excavated and disposed of a Several factors that affect the mechanisms uptake were
landfill site. However, this method does not solve the also reviewed.
heavy metal contamination issue, but only involve the
migration of the heavy metal–contaminated soil from
the contaminated site to landfill. With the development 2 Current Trend of Heavy Metal Remediation
of remediation techniques and technologies, several Techniques
chemical and physical methods have been used to re-
mediate the contaminated site recently. However, these With the increment of urbanization and industrializa-
methods require a high cost and are technically compli- tion, the cases of soil contaminated by heavy metals
cated to apply (Tangahu et al. 2011). These methods can have increased rapidly and become a threat to food
also cause disturbance of native soil microflora and safety, ecological environment, and sustainable devel-
irreversible changes in soil properties by degrading the opment of the agriculture sector (Yao et al. 2012). Thus,
valuable component of soils. Moreover, the chemical soil remediation is essential to avoid the adverse impact,
technologies can produce secondary pollution prob- reduce the risk to the environment from toxic metals,
lems, which a large volume of sludge will be generated and ensure a safe environment for future generations
and hence, increase the cost for sludge management (Cristaldi et al. 2017). Several remediation techniques
(Rakhshaee et al. 2009). such as soil replacement method, thermal desorption,
As an effective, eco-friendly, cost-effective, and chemical leaching, and electrokinetic remediation are
easy-to-apply remediation method, phytoremediation used to remediate the soil contaminated by heavy metals
has gained enormous interest from the researchers for recently (Table 2).
soil remediation. Phytoremediation is a treatment meth- Soil replacement method is a soil remediation meth-
od that utilized plants and the associated soil microbes to od that dilutes the concentration of the contaminant in
remove the contaminants in the environment (Ali et al. the soil and then increases the soil’s environmental
2013). The plant used to remove the contaminant is not capacity. Soil spading, soil replacement, and new soil
affecting the topsoil; thus, this method does not disturb importing are the three concepts used in this method.
the ecosystem and is environment-friendly (Cristaldi Soil spading is a technique that carries out natural
et al. 2017). Heavy metals can be in the form of free degrading of the contaminant in the soil by digging
metal ions and soluble metal complexes in the soil. and spreading the contaminated soil to reduce the con-
Besides, they can also precipitate hydroxides, oxides, centration of the contaminant (Derakhshan Nejad et al.
carbonate, and embedded into a silicate mineral struc- 2018; Yao et al. 2012). Soil replacement is a method that
ture. The bioavailability of the heavy metals is important can be applied for small area-contaminated soil by re-
in order to let the heavy metal contaminant be absorbed moving the contaminated soil and replacing with the
by the plant roots through phytoremediation techniques. new and clean soil. This method requires treatment for
However, the solubility of the metals can affect the the replaced soil to inhibit second pollution (Paz-
bioavailability of heavy metals in soil (Cristaldi et al. Ferreiro et al. 2018; Yao et al. 2012). New soil importing
2017; Tangahu et al. 2011; Tchounwou et al. 2012). This is also a method to dilute the contaminated soil by
paper aims to overview the phytoremediation concept adding a large amount of clean soil, covering, and
and discusses the use of several mechanisms to mixing with the contaminated soil. This method is
Table 1 Source and effect of heavy metal for human health
High poisonous As Antipyretics, antiseptics, caustics, antispasmodics, Carcinogen, cellular damage and cell death Chen and Olsen (2016)
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Natural attenuation The use of natural processes to contain or reduce the amount of pollutants at Cu, Pb, Zn Agnello et al. (2016)
contaminated sites
Soil flushing The application of aqueous solutions in the soil to solubilize contaminants Cd, Pb Lee et al. (2011)
Soil washing A technique of using liquid or chemical additive to washing the soil, Cd Mu’azu et al. (2018)
scrubbing the soil, and then separating the clean soils from contaminated
soil and washwater
Thermal desorption The use of heat/high-temperature condition to increase the volatility of Hg Back et al. (2020)
contaminants in order to remove them from the solid matrix
Electrokinetic The use of direct electric current to remove contaminant particles from the Cu, Zn, Cr, Pb, Ni, Mn Tang et al. (2017)
soil by electric potential
Oxidation The application of chemical oxidants into the subsurface soil to oxidize and Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr Guo and Zhou (2020)
degrade organic contaminants
Solidification A technique that pollutants are rendered immobile by reactions with Pb, Zn, Cd Xia et al. (2019)
additives or processes
Vitrification A technique of using electricity to heat-contaminated soil sufficiently to Pb, Zn, Zr Dellisanti et al. (2009)
produce an inert glass product.
Incineration The application of combustion of contaminants contained in waste materials. Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu Atanes et al. (2019)
Biostimulation A technique to stimulate existing bacteria in soil to increase their capability in Cu Chen and Achal (2019)
Bioaugmentation The use of additional bacterial cultures to speed up the rate of degradation of Pb and Zn Sprocati et al. (2012)
a contaminant in soil
Bioleaching A technique of using microorganisms to extract metals from contaminated Ni, Cu, Zn Wu et al. (2020)
Rhizoremediation A process where microorganisms degrade soil contaminants in the Cr Ontañon et al. (2014)
Water Air Soil Pollut
Phytoremedition A techniques of using living plants to clean up soil, air, and water Cd, Ni, Zn, Pb, and Cu Doni et al. (2015)
contaminated with hazardous contaminants
(2020) 231:47
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decreasing the toxic effect on the environment effective- electrokinetic remediation. This method generates a
ly, but it is expensive, required big working volume and low electric field by inserting two electrodes in the
only appropriate for small-scale severely contaminated contaminated soil (Derakhshan Nejad et al. 2018).
soil treatment. Besides, the executing of earthworks Electromigration, electrophoresis, or electroosmotic
when using the soil replacement method may also dis- flow is then becoming the driving force to transport
turb the ecosystem within the soil (Yao et al. 2012). the contaminants from soil to electrodes. The contami-
Thermal desorption is a remediation method that nants can then be removed when they adsorb or precip-
volatilizes the heavy metals such as mercury and metal- itate at the electrode. This treatment method suits for the
loid arsenic by heating the contaminated soil using a treatment of low permeable soil has low cost and is easy
microwave, steam, and infrared radiation. The vacuum to install and operate (Acar and Alshawabkeh 1993;
negative pressure or carrier gas is then being used to Virkutyte et al. 2002). As the application of this treat-
collect and remove the volatilized heavy metals ment method does not destroy the natural ecosystem in
(Derakhshan Nejad et al. 2018; Paz-Ferreiro et al. the soil, it is considered an environmentally friendly
2018). The two types of thermal desorption are high- method. Nevertheless, the treatment efficiency of this
temperature desorption, which carried out with temper- method is low and cannot control well the pH value of
ature between 320 and 560 °C, and low-temperature the soil system. Moreover, the current flow will be
desorption, which carried out with temperature between diverted when there are buried metal objects in the soil
90 and 320 °C. The advantage of this remediation and thus, requires a longer time for remediation. The
technology is having a simple process to carry out soil presence of a high amount of unknown contaminants
remediation. However, the devices used to carry out will also affect the effectiveness of electrokinetic reme-
thermal desorption are expensive and required long diation. As these remediation technologies have a limi-
desorption time (Yao et al. 2012). tation on cost, effectiveness, and environmentally
A remediation technique that leaches the contami- friendly remediation issue, phytoremediation is then
nant from the soil is called soil washing or chemical attracting the attention of various researchers due to its
leaching. This method uses liquids that contain chela- advantages of efficient, cost-effective, and eco-friendly
tion agents, freshwater, and other solvents to wash the remediation methods (Derakhshan Nejad et al. 2018;
contaminated soil with mechanical processes Yao et al. 2012).
(Tampouris et al. 2001; Yao et al. 2012). The environ-
mental and health effects and the ability to solubilize
specific contaminants are the factors to select the sol- 3 Techniques of Phytoremediation
vents used. By using this method, the heavy metal
content in the soil is transferred from the soil to the Phytoremediation defines as the use of the plant to
liquid and formed leachate. The leachate is then com- render the soil and water harmless by adsorbing or
prising the chelation agents, surfactant, and inorganic degrading the contaminants. This remediation method
eluent such as the heavy metals. This remediation meth- is a biological remediation method as the plant is the
od requires multiple mechanical processes to remove the biological component used to treat the contaminated
contaminants in the soil. For example, the soil has to go environment. Phytoremediation is a cost-effective reme-
through physical washing first, then only remove the diation method as it involves only little manpower.
contaminants through several stages of the chemical Besides, the esthetically pleasant characteristic of
extraction process. The soil also needs to be heated up phytoremediation method has made it be a remediation
to 200 °F by using a volume of reduction washing unit method that is well accepted by surrounding residents.
and be washed with a surfactant, water, and other sol- Phytoremediation is classified as an environmentally
vents. Researchers have found that ethylenediaminetet- friendly method as it reduces the risk of contaminant
raacetic acid (EDTA) is an effective chelation agent for dispersion and protects the original ecotype by avoiding
soil washing. However, this chelation agent is expensive the excavation of the contaminated sites (Cristaldi et al.
and bad in biological degradability (Derakhshan Nejad 2017; Derakhshan Nejad et al. 2018). Phytoremediation
et al. 2018; Paz-Ferreiro et al. 2018; Yao et al. 2012). is also being applied for the purpose of risk containment
Soil treatment method which uses an electric field and phytoextraction of valuable metals such as nickel,
gradient to remediate the contaminated soil is called thallium, and gold. Moreover, previous researchers have
47 Page 6 of 15 Water Air Soil Pollut (2020) 231:47
also found the economic value for applying et al. 2018; Sterckeman et al. 2019; Suman et al.
phytoremediation on durable land as the land can be 2018). Hyperaccumulator species are the desirable
used to cultivate crops with higher market value when plants to be used for performing phytoextraction as they
the soil quality is improved through phytoextraction have a high ability to accumulate the contaminants
(Vangronsveld et al. 2009). The mechanisms of (Cristaldi et al. 2017). However, the plant species that
phytoremediation are phytoextraction, can produce high biomass but accumulate less can also
phytostabilization, phytovolatilization, be used to execute phytoextraction (Li et al. 2018;
phytodegradation, phytodesalination, rhizofiltration, Nakajima et al. 2019). The effectiveness of the plant
rhizodegradation, and phytoevaporation (Table 3). The species in metal phytoextraction is determined through
mechanisms involved in the remediation of heavy the ratio of metal concentrations in the soil and the
metal–contaminated soil are shown in Fig. 2. plant. The plants that carry out phytoextraction are then
be harvested and incinerated. The ash produced from
3.1 Phytoextraction the incineration will be sent to landfill for disposal, and
thus, the contaminants in the soil are removed. Howev-
Phytoextraction or phytoaccumulation is performed by er, the low bioavailability of metal in soil and low
a plant when the roots of the plant absorb the contam- absorption rate of metal will limit the performance of
inants from soil or water, transport, and accumulate the phytoextraction. Besides, the effectiveness of
contaminants in the aboveground biomass such as phytoextraction will also be lowered when the metals
shoots and leaves. The plant that is used to carry out are held within the roots instead of being transported to
phytoextraction should have high ability in producing the shoots and leaves (Barman et al. 2000; Cristaldi
high biomass or accumulating the contaminants (Lei et al. 2017; He et al. 2018; Suman et al. 2018).
Rhizofiltration The removal of pollutants from environment Helianthus annuus; Lee and Yang (2010)
by adsorption or precipitation on the roots, Phaseolus vulgaris
or for adsorption of contaminants around
the root zone
Phytostabilization Application of plants for stabilization of Deschampsia cespitosa; Padmavathiamma and
contaminants in soils Piptatherum Li (2007); Conesa
miliaceum; Picea et al. (2007); Brunner
abies et al. (2008)
Phytoextraction The uptake of pollutants from soil or water by Thlaspi caerulescens; Prasad and Freitas
plant roots and their translocation and Populus alba; Morus (2003); Rafati et al.
accumulation in aboveground biomass alba (2011)
Phytovolatilization The pollutants are absorbed at root level, Caulanthus sp. Wang et al. (2012)
transported through the xylem, and
released into the atmosphere from the aerial
parts of plant in less toxic forms as a result
of metabolic modification
Phytodesalination Removal of excess salts from saline soils by Hordeum vulgare; Rabhi et al. (2010);
plants Artemisia argyi; Zorrig et al. (2012)
Salsola collina
Rhizodegradation Purification of polluted waters due to Carex pendula Ghosh (2010)
absorption, concentrating, and precipitation
of metals by plant roots
Phytoevaporation The uptake of pollutants from soil or water by Brassica juncea Padmavathiamma and
plant roots, convert it to volatile form, and Li (2007)
subsequent release into the atmosphere (for
organic pollutants and some heavy metals)
Water Air Soil Pollut (2020) 231:47 Page 7 of 15 47
Fig. 2 Phytoremediation
mechanisms involved for heavy
metal contaminants
developed roots that provides larger surface areas for takes up the metals through active mechanisms such as
absorption (Cristaldi et al. 2017). A success case of the transportation of protein with the cell membrane and
rhizofiltration is the use of Phaseolus vulgaris and passive mechanisms such as transpiration. The common
Helianthus annuus to remove uranium from contami- non-accumulator plants only take up less than 10 mg/L
nated groundwater. The uranium removal result by the of micronutrients, which is a sufficient amount for their
plants through rhizofiltration has an efficiency of more metabolic needs. However, the growth of the plant will
than 90%, and the uranium is accumulated at the root. be affected when the plant is cultivated on the soil with a
The necessity of first cultivation in a greenhouse and pH high concentration of heavy metals. This is because the
adjustment are the downsides of this mechanism high concentration of heavy metals in soil is phytotoxic.
(Sharma & Pandey 2014). Moreover, the plants used However, plants that can be used to carry out
to carry out rhizofiltration have to be harvested and phytoremediation are known as metallophytes. The
disposed of when the root adsorption capacity reaches three types of metallophytes are metal indicators, metal
a maximum (Cristaldi et al. 2017; Lee and Yang 2010; excluders, and metal hyperaccumulators (Bani et al.
Perez-Palacios et al. 2017). 2009; Pignattelli et al. 2012; Sakakibara et al. 2011;
Zalewska and Danowska 2017). The list of
3.5 Rhizodegradation metallophytes plants is shown in Table 4.
Plant that takes up a high concentration of heavy
Rhizodegradation is performed when the microorgan- metals from the soil and accumulates them in the shoots
isms in the rhizosphere degrade the organic contami- and leaves is known as metal indicators. Thus, the shoot
nants in the soil. The examples of microorganisms that and leaves have an uptake high concentration of heavy
carry out rhizodegradation are fungi, bacteria, and yeasts metals, which can reflect the heavy metal concentration
(Ely and Smets 2017; Wang et al. 2017). There are more in soil. The plants are eventually died-off due to the
microorganisms present in the rhizosphere than on the metal toxicity as a result of continuous uptake of heavy
ground surface. The exudates that are secreted by the metals. As the metal indicator plants are good in the
plants contain amino acids, carbohydrates, and flavo- absorption of the contaminants, these plants are used to
noids. The nutrient-containing exudates provide nitro- indicate the possible heavy metal presented in the soil.
gen and carbon sources to the microorganisms in the Metal excluders are plants that cease the transportation
rhizosphere and thus, enhance the metabolic activities of of the absorbed heavy metals to their aboveground
the microorganisms by 10–100 times higher (Ali et al. tissues but accumulate the absorbed heavy metals at
2013; Cristaldi et al. 2017). The efficiency of extraction their roots. Previous studies confirmed that metal ex-
and removal of contaminants are then increased due to cluders are efficient to perform phytostabilization
the nutrient-rich environment. Besides, the enzymes (Alkorta et al. 2010; Fatnassi et al. 2015; Gil-Loaiza
released by the plants also help in stimulating the growth et al. 2016; Guo et al. 2014) .
of the soil microbes and degrading the organic contam- Metal hyperaccumulators are plants that can take up
inants in the soil (Leung et al. 2013; Yadav et al. 2010). and accumulate a high concentration of heavy metals in
Other studies found that the large surface area provided the plant foliage. The plant can only be classified as
by the roots of the plant aids in the microbial growth by metal hyperaccumulator when it can remain healthy and
providing more oxygen. However, the efficiency of not showing any signs of toxicity, after accumulating the
rhizodegradation is lowered in the deep soil of 20 cm concentrate heavy metals. The metal hyperaccumulators
depth onwards. Moreover, the physical structure of the use the accumulated heavy metals in their tissues for
soil will limit the growth of the roots towards the deeper ecological and physiological functions. Metal
soil (Cunningham and Ow 1996). hyperaccumulators are widely used to perform
phytoremediation as the metal hyperaccumulators will
make the heavy metal–accumulated leaves unpalatable,
4 Plants for Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals and hence, evade the herbivores such as caterpillars
from consuming it. This shows that the metal
As plants require macronutrients and micronutrients for hyperaccumulators not only can protect themselves
growth, plants will take up metals like copper, zinc, from consuming by predators but also aid in the preven-
nickel, and iron from the soil. The plant root system tion of heavy metals entering the food chain. The other
Water Air Soil Pollut (2020) 231:47 Page 9 of 15 47
Metal excluder Silene paradoxa As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pignattelli et al. (2012)
Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn
Bidens pilosa As, Cd Sun et al. (2009)
Metal indicator Chara baltica, Cladophora spp., Coccotylus truncatus, Pb, Cd, Hg, Ni Zalewska and Danowska
Furcellaria lumbricalis, Polysiphonia fucoides, (2017)
Stuckenia pectinata, and Zanichellia palustris
Phragmites australis, Typha capensis, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn Phillips et al. (2015)
Spartina maritima
Patella vulgata and Fucus serratus Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Miramand and Bentley (1992)
Pb, Zn
Ricinus communis Ni Çelik and Akdaş (2019)
Metal Eleocharis acicularis Cu, Zn, Cd, As Sakakibara et al. (2011)
hyperaccumulator Alyssum murale Ni Bani et al. (2009)
Deschampsia cespitosa Pb, Cd, Zn Kucharski et al. (2005)
Haumaniastrum robertii Co Chaney et al. (2010)
Erato polymnioides Hg Chamba et al. (2017)
Brassica juncea, Medicago sativa Au Bali et al. (2010)
Macadamia neurophylla Mn Sheoran et al. (2009)
Pteris vittata Cr, Hg Wang et al. (2012)
phytoextraction of lead is highly affected by low bioavail- Proper management and disposal of metal-accumulating
ability. A few parameters can affect the bioavailability of plants must be carried out to prevent potential risks.
heavy metals such as the soil pH, soil redox potential, and These plants must be harvested and either disposed of
amount of organic matter, clay, and oxide minerals in the or recycled in compliance with applicable regulations as
soil. The metal concentration in the soil solution can be the metal-accumulating plants are considered hazardous
reduced by the increment of soil pH, due to the complex- waste. The metal concentrations in the plants will deter-
ation of metals by functional groups of organic matter and mine whether the plants need to be landfilled or perform
oxides. Besides, the extent of the metal complexation with metal reclamation through pyrolysis of biomass,
organic C-based ligands in the soil is influenced by the pH smelting, or extraction. The value of the reclaimed
control and hence, affected the solubility of heavy metals metals from the biomass of the plants may offset the
(Ali et al. 2013; Bondarenko et al. 2008; Borgmann and cost of remediation. The resulting ash from the inciner-
Norwood 2002; Jonnalagadda and Rao 1993; Liphadzi ated plant must be disposed to hazardous waste landfills,
et al. 2005). Soil redox potential is an essential factor that while radioactively contaminated plants must be dis-
affects the heavy metal transformation, solubility, and posed of as radioactive waste. The handling of plants
uptake by plants. Research shows that metals with higher before disposal is significant as some species such as
oxidation states such as iron and manganese have lower Brassica juncea become crumbly, dry, and flaky after
solubility. Moreover, the mobility of metals is limited harvesting, thus, may become a source of secondary
when the solubilized metals undergo re-precipitation and emissions of the metals that they have adsorbed and
thus, affects the absorption and uptake by plants. A high absorbed (Gomes et al. 2016; Szczygłowska et al.
amount of organic matter, clay, or oxides can decrease the 2011).
bioavailability of metals in soil, as the metal cations react
with these components that have high cation exchange
capacity and high specific areas. Some heavy metals will 7 Conclusion
become non-exchangeable as a result of binding to the
humic substances in the inner-sphere complexes Effective remediation on heavy metal–contaminated
(Bourgeault et al. 2011; Cao et al. 2008; Dean 2010; soil is necessary as this environmental problem could
Duval 2013). bring serious health impact to humans. Due to the lim-
itation of physical and chemical remediation methods
5.4 Addition of Chelating Agents such as expensive, disturbance of native soil ecosystem,
irreversible changes in soil properties, and creation of
The addition of biodegradable physicochemical factors secondary pollution problems, phytoremediation be-
such as chelating agents and micronutrients can increase comes a better choice of technology to remediate the
the uptake of heavy metals by the plants and stimulate heavy metal–contaminated soil. The main mechanisms
the heavy metal uptake capacity of the microbial com- of phytorem ediation are phytostabilization,
munity in and around the plant. Remediation periods phytoextraction, and phytovolatilization. Several factors
through phytoremediation will be shorter when the rate such as a selection of plant species, properties of a
of heavy metal uptake by plants increases, and thus, the medium, the bioavailability of metal, and the addition
cost of remediation will reduce. Chelating agents are of chelating agents are important to enhance the effi-
required in alkaline soils that have a level of pH above ciency and success rate of phytoremediation technology.
5.5 to 6, as the alkaline soils decrease the bioavailability Metal hyperaccumulators are usually being used to per-
of heavy metals (Ali and Hadi 2015; Bala and Thukral form phytoremediation. These plants can accumulate
2011; Gomez-Garrido et al. 2018; Tahmasbian and Sa- large amount of concentrated heavy metals in their
fari Sinegani 2016). biomass and remain healthy. According to Hall (2002),
heavy metal–tolerant plants can also protect themselves
from metal toxicity through detoxification strategies.
6 Disposal of Metal-Accumulating Plant Waste These plants have several mechanisms such as chela-
tion, presence at the cellular and subcellular levels that
One of the vital concerns about phytoremediation is the are involved in the sequestration, or detoxification of
handling and disposal of the metal-accumulating plants. toxic heavy metals (Hall 2002). The buildup of toxic
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