Techniques For Measuring Oral Proficiency
Techniques For Measuring Oral Proficiency
Techniques For Measuring Oral Proficiency
Board of Examiners
Year 2005
Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Board of Examiners
Chairman: Prof. MILIANI Mohamed University of Oran
Supervisor: Prof. ABDERRAHIM University of Constantine
Farida Member: Prof. SAADI Hacene University of Constantine
Member: Prof. HAROUNI Zahri University of Constantine
Member: MC. HOCINE Nacera University of Annaba
Year 2005
Investigations and research have shown that in very recent years, there has
been a growing interest in the application of testing procedures that are totally
different from traditional forms of assessment. More authentic forms of
measurement have become increasingly popular in the foreign language classes.
These forms of assessment are more student centered in that, in addition to being
an assessment tool, they provide the students with instruments to be more
involved in their learning "journey", and give them better sense of control and
responsibility of their own learning.
It is in this light, that this research work aims to identify, define and
propose some of the alternative, authentic forms of oral assessment which can
offer to both learner and teacher( tutor) valuable insight into the individual's
cognitive processes, rather than simply revealing an ability to memorize and
repeat. We believe that the proposed alternatives can better meet the needs of a
wider range of students in facilitating learning and readiness for life outside the
The study discusses the history of portfolio assessment, decisions that
need to be made before beginning the portfolio assessment process (for example,
what it will look like, who should be involved, what should be assessed, how the
assessment will be accomplished), designing a portfolio system (for example.,
criteria and standards), using portfolio results in planning, and issues related to
assessment practices (for example, accountability).
The principle of this new vision is that learners should demonstrate, rather
than tell about, what they know and can do. Documenting progress toward
higher order goals such as application of skills and synthesis of experience
requires obtaining information beyond what can be provided by standardized or
norm-based tests. In this "authentic assessment", referred to as "portfolio
assessment", information or data is collected from various sources, through
multiple methods, and over multiple points in time. Contents of "portfolio
assessment" (sometimes called "artifacts" or "evidence") can include drawings,
photos, video or audio tapes, writing or other work samples, computer disks, a
research work done individually or in pairs in a library or collected from internet
or from any other source.
The investigation was led through two questionnaires, (one for the
students and another for the teachers) in order to build up an expression of
learners' needs and specify the effectiveness of the alternative to be adopted for
this population of learners which will promote better learning(by increasing self
confidence and motivation in comparison to the traditional way of assessment).
After the analysis of the data collected from the two questionnaires and the
tutoring sessions, the results revealed that a large majority of the informants (
both teachers and students) expressed their readiness and will to adopt the new
method, if they are prepared and trained for such challenge. Consequently, a
portfolio technique is recommended by the writer as an efficient tool of
evaluation, not only to enhance the students' ability to communicate in the target
language, but also to gain a progressive autonomy and self reliance in their
learning process as well.
Performances at Different Levels of Attainment
Table 24: Frequency of Adequacy of Discrimination between the Students'
Performances at Different Levels of Attainment 196
Table 25:
Adequacy of the Time Allotted 197
Table 26:
Awareness about the Marking Scheme Used by the Teacher 198
Table 27:
Language Aspects included in the Marking Scheme 199
Table 28:
Clarity of Indication of the Marking Scheme in Relation to 200
the Marks to be Awarded for Different Parts of a Question or the
Relative Weighting of Criteria that Might be Applicable.
Table 29:
Non linguistic Features in the Marking Scheme 201
Table 30:
Frequency of Evaluating Non linguistic Features 202
Table 31:
Techniques Used to Evaluate the Students' Oral Proficiency. 204
Table 32:
Adequacy of the Techniques Used to Evaluate the Students' 206
Oral Proficiency
Table 33:
Students' Understanding the Test Directions 209
Table 34:
Students' Familiarity with Self -Assessment 211
Table 35: '
Students' Ability of Self —Assessment 212
fable 36:
Opportunities Given to Students to Self —Assess 213
Table 37:
Experience in teaching 220
Table 38:
Experience in Teaching Oral Expression 221
Table 39:
Experience in Teaching Oral Expression in the First Year 222
Table 40:
Teacher the Sole Responsible for Testing? 223
Table 41:
Teachers' definition of Testing 225
Table 42:
Exploiting Testing Sessions to Enhance Students' Oral 226
Table 43:
Regularity in Testing Students 227
Table 44:
Devising Tests 228
Table 45:
Administering and Conducting Tests 230
Table 46: Teachers' opinion about the Relationship of Conducted 231
Tests to Covered Courses
Table 47: Frequency of Relationship of Tests to Covered Topics 232
Table 48: Relationship of Test Results to Students' True Level 234
Table 49: Frequency of Relationship of Test Results to Students True Level 235
Table 50: Frequency of Appropriateness of the Difficulty of the test 236
Table 51: Frequency of Adequacy of Discrimination Between the 238
Performances of Candidates at Different Levels of Attainment
Table 52: Relationship between Rewarded Abilities and the 239
Activities Designed to Assess
Table 53: Anticipation of Candidates' Responses by the Marking Scheme 240 Table
54: Clarity of Indication of the Marking Scheme in Relation to the
Graph 16: Appropriateness of the Level of Difficulty of the Test Activities 193
Graph 17: Frequency of Appropriateness of the Difficulty of the Test 194
Graph 18: Adequacy of Discrimination between the Students' 195
Performances at Different Levels of Attainment
Graph 19: Frequency of Adequacy of Discrimination between the Students' 196
Performances at Different Levels of Attainment
I- Statement of the Problem 2
II-Aim of the Study 4
III- Hypothesis 5
IV Means of Research 7
V-Description of the Study 9
II-Types of Assessment 14
1- Summative Assessment 15
2- Formative Assessment 17
1- Test Functions 31
2-Objective and Subjective Testing
Introduction 38
I- Developing a Test 38
2-Test Items 40
1- Validity 45
3-Practicality 69
Conclusion 70
Introduction 72
Conclusion - 97
Introduction 131
3.2-Learner Training 152
3.3-Innovation in Self Assessment 153
4-Reservations as to the use of Self Assessment: The Problem of Bias 154
III-Portfolio Assessment 156
1-What is a Portfolio 156
2-Why Use Portfolio Assessment 157
3-Stages in Implementing Portfolio Assessment 159
4-Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Portfolio Assessment 164
Conclusion 167
III- Evaluation of the Experiment 297
Conclusion 299
Introduction 301
I- Designing a Portfolio 301
II- Answers to Teachers' Concerns about Portfolio Assessment 304
III- Answers to Students' Concerns about the Oral Tests 309
IV- Advice and Action Plan for Students 314
V- Advice to Teachers 316
Conclusion 318
APPENDIX I: The LMD System 324
APPENDIX II: Students' Questionnaire 334
APPENDIX III: Teachers' Questionnaire 348
III- Hypothesis 5
IV-Means of Research 7
scheme) and the need to have more time at one's disposal. There are also
some very difficult criterion problems to tackle: in which case did
communication actually take place and to what extent should one take into
account non-linguistic features, i.e., gestures, facial expressions, and other
non-verbal signals?
Further, there is the problem of how to make sure that different testers (
for example, interviewers) apply the same standards when scoring. There must
be some guarantee that a given candidate is judged in roughly the same way
whoever conducts the test. This relates to the reliability problem, which can
only be solved through extensive experimentation and careful statistical
II-Aim of the Study
Our interest centres around testing oral proficiency. Testing this ability
requires specific techniques: Multiple choice questions, group work, role play,
problem solving, discussion, self assessment and portfolio. In our magister
study, we came out with the conclusion that learners will be able to speak
comprehensibly if some of the stated techniques are used to enhance the skill
and engender spontaneous flow of language. Teachers can find and adopt more
and more interesting, genuine and adequate methods of developing the spoken
language they can try to apply these in the classroom, advocating authenticity
of materials, relevance of situations in which speaking is an appropriate
activity,reflecting cultural sensitivity. They can make the learning
environment as conducive to expression and language acquisition as possible
study, are enrolled in the new system of higher education, i.e. Licence,
Master, Doctorat. (LMD).This new proposed system of education is based on
international norms; it is a response to the dysfunctions which appeared in
the previous system. This new vision aims to ensure a high quality education.
(See Appendix 1)
It is true that many students may not at first feel comfortable with self-
evaluation, thinking that it is the job of the teacher to evaluate. However, it
is our strong belief that students cannot grow as active learners if they are
not able to assess their own abilities and progress and set a path for future
learning. Students need to be taught the strategy of self-assessment explicitly
and to be supported in their use of the strategy. The greatest value of self-
assessment and portfolios is that, in building them, students become active pa
rticipants in the learning process and its assessment.
IV-Means of Research:
A few weeks before conducting the test, we made it clear to the students
involved in the study that what they need to do is to include artifacts in their
portfolios that evidence their development with respect to the study of English
and their reflections on that development. We also explained to them
that they should not necessarily place their best work in their portfolios, but
the work that most clearly represents their development, and that if they
simply put copies of assignments into their portfolios, they will not receive a
favourable evaluation. They were encouraged to reflect on their work and
comment on why they think particular artifacts represent their development
and progress. This means that for each sample of their work that they place in
their portfolio, they must also place an accompanying piece that explains in
detail how the first piece represents their development.
have the opportunity to capitalize on their strengths, interests, and abilities in the
form of portfolio assessment.
The study is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter presents an
account of the principles of language testing. It deals with issues related to
types and aims of testing. It also discusses the characteristics of different tests.
classroom has been considered. Some of the techniques proposed promote a new
vision of measurement based on self assessment.
Chapter six, which is the first practical part of this study, is devoted to the
analysis and interpretation of the data collected from the students' and teachers'
Chapter seven is based on the description, analysis and assessment of the "po
rtfolios" produced by the students. It illustrates the principles of this alternative
assessment and the different steps to follow.
It was also felt necessary to provide the reader with the most important
testing terms and definitions that should prove useful in helping to understand the
information provided in this research work.
Introduction 12
I- Testing and Teaching 13
II-Types of Assessment 14
1-Summative assessment 15
1-Formative assessment 17
III- Aims of Testing 22
1-The role of Testing 22
2-Learners' Expectancies 25
3-Teachers' expectancies 26
4-Evaluation of the programme 28
5-Institutional requirements 29
V- Characteristics of Tests 31
1- Test Functions 31
2-Objective and Subjective Testing 32
Conclusion 36
The amount of work which has been done in the testing field is quite
substantial. Most of the research, discussion, thinking and writing, however, has
focused on testing methods, i.e., the how of testing. On the other hand, the why of
testing —perhaps not surprisingly- is seldom questioned.
I-Testing and Teaching
the test.
considerably inhibited language learning by encouraging teachers to teach about
the language. As a consequence, relatively few teachers sought to provide the
maximum opportunity for their students to practise the language itself. Many
external examining bodies today seek to measure the candidate's actual
performance in the language, and in this way, sometimes, exert a beneficial
influence on syllabuses and teaching strategies. Yet, however much concerned a
public examining body may be about the effects on teaching (i.e. the backwash
effects which will be discussed in detail in chapter two) of its particular
examination, the main purpose of that examination is measure the candidate's
ability to use the target language. The examination is thus primarily an instrument for
measuring and evaluating performance.
In this chapter, we will look at some of the possible reasons why formal tests
have such an important role in most school systems. We will also discuss the
implications of an approach to evaluation which disempowers both learners and
teachers and does not encourage learner responsibility and autonomy.
II-Types of Assessment
The expression "formal test" has been used to refer to the kind of test
which is set and recognized by an institution of examining board for the sake of
placement, promotion or the issuing of a certificate. By contrast, informal tests
would be the small-scale, teacher-prepared tests which are used as spot- checks
during a course of instruction. The latter may not necessarily be used for the
sake of attributing a set of marks to each learner but would mainly serve as
feedback for teachers and learners. Another way of putting these different sorts
of tests into perspective, especially in relation to the frequency with which they
take place is in terms of summative and formative assessment. Bloom (1971:62)
the effectiveness of learning and instruction after it has taken place").and
Formative assessment, as "the use of systematic evaluation during the process
of learning for the purpose of improving that process". From this definition, we
can see how these types of assessment are usually viewed and implemented.
1-Summative Assessment.
Summative assessment usually takes the form of a `final" test, i.e., one
which is taken by students at the end of a certain course period —a month, a
course book, a semester, an academic year, a whole course. It aims at evaluating
learners' performance, attributing them a set of scores and a pass or fail mark.
This test is written by the classroom teacher or most probably by an examining
board, either external to or from within the institution and it is normally
considered to be an objective, valid measure of performance. Summative
assessment usually gives learners little or no feedback in terms of particularly
good areas or weak areas of performance where improvement is required.
The problems or disadvantages of summative assessment are basically a matter of
emphasis of both the frequency with which summative assessment occurs and the
weight it has in relation to formative assessment.
Moreover, if these tests are implemented at very short intervals, one has to
assume that learning objectives can be divided into equally short, self-contained units.
Learning would consist of mastery of separate blocks which should be
mastered over a certain period of time and immediately put into practice or `display"
through a test.
2-Formative Assessment
Proficiency-oriented learning activities Current achievement testing activities
- Large variety of tasks and contexts - little variety in test methods and formats
- Focus on message, function and form - focus form before function and message
-Focus on the learner as a responsible agent of - treat the examinee as one who simply takes
his or her own learning tests but does not contribute to their design
and use
When discussing the uses of formative assessment, one cannot forget the
conflict between individualization and standardization, and the issue of
responsibility. The first problem, although being by no means an easy one to
solve, is perhaps at least more easily identifiable. On the other hand, if this
institution has a broad educational perspective rather than a narrow-minded
training programme of language teaching, standardization becomes problematic.
We come back then to the issue of balance between formative and summative
assessment, and to a programme of instruction which is clear in terms of
objectives but which offers a good deal of flexibility in terms of the means to
achieve them.
English is experimenting. It usually implies doing hard work and having to
respond for one's actions. This is quite different from sitting in a classroom and
being told what to do, or sitting for a test which somebody else has prepared and
whom one can blame in the case of failure. In assessment based on class or
homework, the problem of teachers' responsibility must also be handled with
care. It is true that one of the advantages of formative assessment is to promote
more involvement of teachers and learners in the learning process. But, if the
teacher's assessment has considerable weight on the students' overall grades, two
problems may arise. On the one hand, the position of the teacher as a figure of
authority in relation to students is reinforced, therefore affecting the "team
spirit". On the other hand, teachers may perceive the responsibility of attributing
marks which might determine whether a student should pass or fail as an extra
burden and one which is too heavy. They might feel that this is a task to be
undertaken by the institution, as a sort of anonymous figure. The reasons for this
resistance may be varied, for example:
understandably, like to have his/her opinion backed up by somebody else.
(this often happens at the end or the beginning of the academic year).
being currently used comprises continuous assessment and end-of-term tests.
One of the aims of continuous (or formative) assessment in this context is
promoting more involvement and participation on the part of learners. The idea
is that they are evaluated on the basis of their development and performance
throughout the term and not according to the results of a single test. Continuous
assessment should also provide learners with consistent and objective feedback
on both classroom activities and homework.
Rather than being mutually exclusive, as the title of this section might
suggest, it seems to us that summative and formative assessment should be seen
as complementary sorts of measure. Balancing the two, nevertheless, would have
to be done if one is to attend to the requirements, but having a look at the
advantages and disadvantages of both summative and formative assessment may
be helpful.
Brown, et al stated some good reasons why assessment is useful:
• Motivation.
• Creating learning activities.
• Feedback to the student, identifying the strengths and weaknesses.
• Feedback to the staff on how well the message is getting across.
• To judge performance (grade/degree classification).
• Quality assurance-internal and external to the institution.
To understand the role of tests, we must also understand much about types of
tests and types of test scores, as well as about some of the technical aspects of
The development of modern linguistic theory has helped to make
language teachers and testers aware of the importance of analysing the language
being tested. Modern descriptive grammars are replacing the older, Latin-based
prescriptive grammars: linguists are examining the whole complex system of
language skills and patterns of linguistic behaviour. Indeed, language skills are
so complex and so closely related to many other non-linguistic skills (gestures,
eye-movements, etc.) that it may often seem impossible to separate them for the
purpose of any kind of assessment. A person always speaks and communicates in
a particular situation at a particular time. Without this kind of context, language
may lose much of its meaning. Before a test is constructed, it is important to
question the standards which are being set. What standards should be demanded
of learners of a foreign language? Should our language learners, for example, be
expected to communicate with the same ease and fluency as native speaker? Are
certain habits of second language learners regarded as mistakes when these same
habits would not constitute mistakes when belonging to native speakers? What,
indeed, is "correct" English? Examinations in the written language have in the
past set artificial standards even for native speakers and have often demanded
skills similar to those acquired by the great English essayists and critics. In
imitating first language examinations of written English, however, second
language examinations have proved far more unrealistic in their own words or to
write original essays in language beyond their capacity.
consolidate the pattern taught. In this way, a good test can be used as a valuable
teaching device.
3. Teachers' expectancies
successful teaching, or teachers' performance. This is the case when tests are not
designed by the classroom teacher him/herself.
In terms of feedback, tests can help the teacher in different ways, one of
them being a way of making decisions in relation to the promotion of students.
Formal tests often provide teachers with a way of validating their own
assessment of learners' performance in a course. A correlation between the two
forms of assessment becomes increasingly important depending on the decisions
which are taken on the basis of test scores, like the issuing of diplomas and
certificates at the end of a course. It becomes clear then that teachers must feel
confident about their own assessment of learners, based on the latter's
production during the whole semester.
learning. Unless the teacher is able to identify and analyse the errors a student
makes in handling the target languages, he will be in no position to render any as
sistance or guidance at all through appropriate anticipation, remedial work and
additional practice.
The test should also enable the teacher to ascertain which parts of the
language programme have been found difficult by the learners. In this way, the
teacher can evaluate the effectiveness of the syllabus as well as the methods and
materials he/she is using. The test results may indicate, for example, certain
areas of the language syllabus which have not taken sufficient account of the
learner's difficulties or which, for some reason, have been glossed over.
whole teaching syllabus in detail, teachers might use test questions as a
guideline to points in the syllabus which should be emphasized. This may be a
positive influence of tests, if their format is conducive with the methodology
favored by the institution, and if they truly measure achievement. On the other
hand, if the teaching syllabus is broader than the testing syllabus, an emphasis
on some parts of that syllabus to the detriment of the others is not desirable. This
brings us to two points: firstly, the extent to which a test can satisfactorily
sample a given syllabus, and the extent to which test items lend themselves to
some sort of "specific" training rather than requiring learners to apply general
abilities in the foreign language. Secondly, the wash back effect (to be explained
in the chapter two) of tests into teaching has to presuppose the readiness on the
part of teachers to perceive and carry out processes of innovation.
5-Institutional Requirements
Learners, their parents or sponsors and society in general put a good
amount of pressure on an institution in relation to having test results which can
be clearly and easily understood as a reflection of progress or achievement in a
course. These results should also be documented, if possible, by some concrete
evidence like a paper the student has taken. It could be argued that any
institution should not base decisions concerning educational policies entirely on
the expectations of their public. However, these have also to be taken into
account, if the school is to satisfy the market's needs.
of testing.
IV-Characteristics of Tests
1- Test Functions
problematic areas which might benefit from remedial work. They can also be
used to:
Progress tests are intended to show the extent to which an individual has
been keeping up with the work done on a certain course. They certainly have a
diagnostic function as well, but will probably be used as the criterion for
promotion along different levels of a course.
Subjective and objective are terms used to refer to the scoring of tests an
objective test has only one correct answer per item. A subjective test may result
in a range of possible answers, some of which are more acceptable than others.
In every testing effort, we make decisions and choices under the influence of
subjective judgments. Although great logical, psychometric, and empirical effo
rts have been made in the profession to avoid basing test construction on
subjective views, it seems that subjectivity is an inevitable aspect of language
test planning, construction, and validation.
In an oral test, for example, the testee must think of what to say and then
express his/her ideas as well as possible; in a multiple-choice tests he has to
weigh up carefully all the alternatives and select the best one. Furthermore, all
tests are constructed subjectively by the tester: he/she decides which areas of
language to test, how to test those particular areas, and what kind of items to use
for his/her purpose. Thus, it is only the scoring of a test that can be described as
objective. This means that a testee will score the same mark no matter which
examiner marks the test. Since objective tests usually have only one correct
answer, they can be scored mechanically. The fact that objective tests can be
marked by computer is one important reason for their evident popularity among
examining bodies responsible for testing large numbers of candidates.
On the whole, objective tests require far more careful preparation than
subjective examinations. In an examination, the examiner tends to spend a relatively
short time on setting the questions but considerable time on marking.
In an objective test, the tester spends a great deal of time constructing each test
item as carefully as he/she can, attempting to anticipate the various reactions of
the testees at each stage. The effort is rewarded, however, in the ease of the
The term examination and test are often used loosely. For our present purposes,
however, the term test will generally be used to refer to a set of items that can be
marked objectively, while examination will be used to refer to a set of longer
subjective questions (for example. Oral interviews or compositions).
Objective tests are frequently criticised on the grounds that they are
simpler to answer than subjective examinations. This is not always true as items,
in an objective test, however, can be made just as easy or as difficult as the test
constructor wishes. The fact that objective tests may generally look easier is no
indication at all that they are easier. The constructor of a standardised
achievement or proficiency test, not only selects and constructs the test items
carefully, but analyses student performance on each item and rewrites where
necessary so that the final version of the test discriminates widely. Setting the
pass-mark, or the cutting-off point, may depend on the tester's subjective
judgement or on a particular external situation. Objective tests (and, to a smaller
degree, subjective tests) can be pre-tested before being administered on a wider
basis; i.e. they are given to a small but truly representative sample of the test
population, and each item is evaluated in the light of the testee's performance.
This procedure enables the test constructor to calculate the approximate degree
of difficulty of the test. Standards may then be compared not only between
students from different areas or schools but also between students taking the test
in different years. Another criticism is that objective tests of the multiple-choice
type encourage guessing. However, four or five alternatives for each item are
sufficient to reduce the possibility of guessing. Furthermore, experience shows
that candidates rarely make wild guesses: most base their guesses on partial
If we come to accept the view that each theoretical position results from
an amalgam of judgments and choices, we might begin to assume that the views
held by each testing professional are relativistic and based on a torrent of
previous judgments. Though this relativistic perspective has a long tradition, it
might seem untenable from empirically-oriented scientific perspectives. Under
most circumstances, testing specialists in the same camp share many common
beliefs as well as some differences of opinion. It is safe to say that, there are no
two experts who think in identical ways about everything. This is partly due to
the fact that there are no absolute criteria to base decisions on. As a result, after
collecting bits of evidence, we still have to make decisions regarding which data
to accept and which to reject. In sampling the kind of language, test content,
subjects for the study, test tasks, test methods, and statistical procedures to
determine reliability and validity and the like, we are bound to make subjective
decisions for which, in the final analysis, there is no "definite evidence".
It is our belief that it should never be claimed that objective tests can do
those tasks which they are not intended to do. They can never test ability to
communicate in the target language nor can they evaluate actual performance. A
good classroom test will probably contain both subjective and objective test
It is an accepted fact that teaching and testing are closely interrelated. Most
of the reasons for testing take us back to teaching and the different people
involved in an educational context, i.e. learners, teachers, parents or sponsors,
course directors, the institution and society as a whole — in relation to formal
test. This has to be taken into consideration in the elaboration of any test, be it pa
rt of summative or formative assessment, objective or subjective testing.
Introduction 38
I-Developing a Test 38
1-Stages of Development of a Test 38
2-Test Items 40
3-Variables Affecting Test Performance 42
II- Criteria of Test Design 44
1 — Validity 45
1.1-Content Validity 46
1.2-Criterion Validity 51
1.3-cocnstruct Validity 56
1.4-Wash Back Validity 61
2 — Reliability 64
-Factors which Affect Reliability 65
3- Practicality 69
Conclusion 70
I-Developing a Test
• test design ;
• test implementation ;
• test marking ;
• and test validation or analysis: evaluation stage.
The stage of test design, for instance, has to involve the scripting and
recording of listening texts, the production of suitable illustrations and a very
special care in relation to rubrics and lay-out. Not to mention, the concerns with
construct and content validity.
One of the aims of the evaluation stage in the process of test design is the
creation of a bank of validated items. However, several factors make it difficult
for a large enough bank of test items to be stored and re-used, so that the test
design phase can be made easier. In the first place, there is the problem of
considering test item in isolation, i.e. separated from the context of the whole
test where they were inserted, thus spoiling a certain internal coherence and
balance of a test.
Secondly, the more a test is related to syllabus or set of materials, the more
difficult it is to use it in different contexts. Different syllabuses, thus, would require
new tests.
Given the multitude of aspects and interests involved in it, such a
testing operation is not only complex but extremely time consuming. Not
enough time is left, then, for other areas such as monitoring of continuous
assessment, or even for piloting tests before their actual implementation.
2- Test Items
The longer the test, the more reliable a measuring instrument will be (
although length, itself, is no guarantee of a good test). Few students would want
to spend several hours being tested — and this would be undesirable both for the
tester and the testee. But the construction of short tests which function efficiently
is often a difficult matter. Sampling is of paramount importance. The test must
cover an adequate and representative section of those areas and skills it is desired
to test.
If all the students who take the test have followed the same programme,
we can simply choose areas from this programme, seeking to maintain a careful
balance between tense forms, prepositions, articles, lexical items, etc. Above all,
the kind of language to be tested would be the language used in the classroom
and in the student's immediate surroundings or the language required for the
school or the work for which the student is being assessed.
The problem arises when some testees may have attended different
schools or followed different courses. In such a case, the testees will all
experience problems of a similar nature as a result of the interference of their
first- language habits. These problem areas are to be identified and included in a
cross-section in the test, particularly in those sections of the test concerned with
the language elements.
Before starting to write any test items, the test constructor should draw
up a detailed table of specifications showing aspects of the skills being tested
and giving a comprehensive coverage of the specific language elements to be
included. A classroom test should be closely related to the ground covered in
the class teaching, an attempt being made to relate the different areas covered in
the test to the length of time spent on teaching those areas in class. There is a
constant risk of concentrating too much on testing those areas and skills which
most easily lend themselves to being tested. It may be helpful for the teacher to
draw up a rough inventory of items according to importance. For example, a
teacher wishing to construct a test of oral expression might start by examining
the relative weighting to be given to the various areas in the light of the
teaching that has just taken place: say, pronunciation and fluency (40%), stress
and intonation (15%), grammar (25%), and meaning (20%). It must be
emphasised that this list is merely one example of the kind of inventory which
can be drawn up beforehand, and it is not intended to represent a particular set
of priorities. on the contrary, the scale is left to the appreciation of the teacher
who will act according to the objectives of the test.)
It is our strong belief that a good test should never be constructed in such a
way as to trap or mislead the testee into giving an incorrect answer. When
techniques of error analysis are used, the setting of deliberate traps or pitfalls for
the unwary student should be avoided. Many testers, themselves, are caught out
by constructing test items which succeed only in trapping the more able student.
In the following example of a multiple choice question, we found out that the
testee has to select the correct answer © but the whole item is constructed so as
to trap the testee into making choice B or D. When this item actually appeared in
a test, it was found that the more proficient students, in fact, chose B and D, as
they had developed the correct habit of associating the tense forms have see and
have been seeing with since and for chose the "correct answer".
Skehan (1988) presents three categories of trait/method influences on test
scores: language based problems, learner based problems and method factors.
• Method factors have to do with test formats and item types, and the extent to
which they might enhance or restrict language production.
Some of the factors outlined above are particularly important when one is
dealing with young beginners. Young learners' production may be particularly
affected by lack of familiarity with both topic and question format, a high level
of abstraction or of decontextualized language manipulation; emotional
reactions to testing situations if they have not yet been used to being formally
assessed or if the regular school system places too much emphasis on testing,
thus leading to a high level of anxiety.
several authors (Porter 1983, Morrow 1986, Wall 1993) referred to another type of
validity- washback validity.
Perhaps the first aspect which learners try to identify in a test is the extent
to which the test adequately covers the syllabus they have been through, thus
giving them a chance to show how much they have learnt. The aspect of content
validity has to do with the representative ness of the samples of a syllabus which
can be included in a test. In other words, given that no test can possibly cover all
aspects of a syllabus —not to mention what has been learnt beyond the syllabus-
it is important that a test contains a representative sample of points perceived to
be essential within a given syllabus. The aspect of content validity will
obviously be a reflection of the degree of clarity and comprehensiveness of
course objectives, syllabus specification of question- types.
Content Validity is then evaluated by showing how well the content of the
test samples the subject matter about which conclusions are to be drawn. It is
established through a careful examination of test items as they relate to a
specified content area often specified by instructional objectives. The greater the
match between instructional objectives and the test items, the greater the content
validity. This is especially important in evaluating achievement tests.
validity seemed "an almost completely overlapping concept" with construct
validity, and for Moller (1982:68). . . the distinction between construct and
content validity in language testing is not always very marked, particularly for
tests of general language proficiency.
Given the restrictions on the time and resources available to those involved
in test construction, especially for use in the classroom, it is often only feasible to
focus on the a priori validation of test tasks. In these cases, particular attention
must be paid to content validity in an attempt to ensure that the sample of
activities to be included in a test is as representative of the target domain as is
Further, there is a need to look closely at test specifications to make sure that
they describe adequately what ought to be tested. A close scrutiny of the
specification for a proficiency test by experts in the field (or colleagues in the
case of classroom achievement tests) and the relating of the specification to the
test as it appears in its final form is essential (Weir 1983). This would provide
useful information as to what the test designer intends to test and how
successful the item writers had been in implementing the specification in the
test realization. Mere inspection of the modules in the test, even by language
and subject experts, does not necessarily guarantee the identification of the
processes actually used by candidates in taking them. In addition, it would be
valuable to employ ethnographic procedures to establish the validity of items in
a test. A useful procedure is to have a small sample of the test population
introspect on the internal processes that are taking place in their completion of
the test items. This would provide a valuable check on experts' surface-level
judgments on what was being tested and would contribute to the establishment
of guidelines for the conduct of this type of methodological procedure in future
investigations of test validity.
Lado (1961), Davies (1965), Ingram (1977), Pamler (1981) and Bachman
et Al. (1981) have all discounted the value of face validity. Bachman et Al (
1981: 55) argues as follows:
characteristic, and since 'it is not an acceptable basis for
interpretative inferences from test scores', we feel it has
no place in the discussion of test validity.
If a test does not have face validity though, it may not be acceptable to the
students taking it, or the teachers and receiving institutions who may make use of
it. If the students do not accept it as valid, their adverse reaction to it may mean
that they do not perform in a way which truly reflects their ability. Again Anastasi
(1982: 136) says:
1.2-Criterion Validity
According to Bachman (1990:288) "Criterion validity is an indication
of the relationship between test scores and some criterion which we believe is
also an indicator of the ability tested". This is concurrent validity. The other
aspect of criterion validity relates to the extent to which a test can adequately
predict some future behaviour. This is called predictive validity and requires an
examination of test scores and actual performance on a job or course.
which most teachers do on an informal basis, usually to try and spot "weak" and
"good" students at the beginning of each term and observe how they develop.
The problem with predictive validity, in this case, is the individuals' change in
the way they approach a course of instruction from one term to the other. More
or less effort or opportunities to extend and consolidate the work done in the
classroom may then lead to differences in performance, irrespective of scores on
previous tests.
For many authorities, external validation based on data is always superior to
the `armchair speculation of content validity'. Davies (1983:1) has argued
forcefully that external validation based on data is always to be preferred:
For Jakobovits (1970:75), the very possibility of being able to construct even
one communicative test appeared problematic:
There is a distinct danger that one might be forced to place one's faith in
a criterion measure which may in itself not be a valid measure of the construct
in question. One cannot claim that a test has criterion-related validity because it
correlates highly with another test, if the other test itself does not measure the
criterion in question. In this sense, it seems pointless to validate a test
conceived within the communicative paradigm against tests resulting from
earlier paradigms if they are premised on such different constructs. Similarly if
equivalent but less efficient tests are not available against which to correlate,
other external non-test criteria might need to be established. Establishing these
non-test criteria for validating communicative tests could well be problematic.
Even if one had faith in the external criterion selected, for example, a sample of
real life behaviour, the quantification process which it might be necessary to
subject this behaviour to in order for it to become operational might negate its
earlier direct validity.
1 .3— Construct Validity
Palmer and Groot (op. Cit: 4-5) identify five steps of a general procedure for
investigating construct validity:
Talking about constructs (or abilities) being tested, one cannot help but
consider the way in which these constructs may be operationalized, In other
words, the relationship between trait and method, or between the abilities being
measured and the question-types being used to prompt students to demonstrate
such abilities. An example could be a test which aims at measuring learners'
abilities to communicate orally. A question which requires learners to share
information with friends, telling each other about an event which happened over
the previous weekend would possibly be a good way of testing the ability to
Construct Validity is evaluated by investigating what qualities a test
measures, that is, by determining the degree to which certain explanatory
concepts or constructs account for performance on the test. Common examples
of constructs include intelligence, language proficiency, aptitude and self-
concept. Construct validity is established both logically and empirically. For
example, a test which intends to measure English language proficiency would
be examined to be sure that it included items that measured oral language skills
(listening and speaking) as well as literacy skills (reading and writing). In
addition, studies would be conducted to determine if the tests were sensitive to
changes occurring as the result of instruction designed to improve English
proficiency. Studies also would be conducted to determine if the test correlated
with other measures of English proficiency.
For Anastasi (1982: 144) defined it as
The view expressed below differs only insofar as external empirical
data are seen as a necessary but not a sufficient condition for establishing the
adequacy of a test for the purpose for which it was intended. Though there is a
lack of an adequate theoretical framework for the construction of
communicative tests, this does not absolve test constructors from trying to
establish a priori construct validity for a test conceived within the
communicative paradigm. A test should always be designed on a principled
basis, however limited the underlying theory, and, wherever possible after its
administration, statistical validation procedures should be applied to the results
to determine how successful the test has been in measuring what it intended to
To establish the construct validity of a test statistically, it is necessary
to show that it correlates highly with indices of behavior that one might
theoretically expect it to correlate with ,and that it does not correlate
significantly with variables that one would not expect it to correlate with. An
interesting procedure for investigating this is the convergent and discriminant
validation process first outlined by Campbell and Fiske (1959) and later used by
Bachman and Palmer (1981). The latter argue that the strong effect of test
method that they discovered, points to the necessity of employing a multi- trait
multi —method matrix as research paradigm in construct validation studies
about this aspect. The experimental design of the multi — trait/ multi —method
matrix has been criticized especially in relation to more direct tests of language
proficiency, but nevertheless it deserves further empirical investigation, as very
few studies have been reported.
Construct validation seems to involve at least two problems. The first one is
the assumption that abilities or constructs can be precisely and finely defined and
divisible into components which can be measured separately. The second
problem is that the whole process tends to be cyclical since theories about
language lead to the design of instruments which are observed through the point
of view of the same theory.If hypotheses are not confirmed, new theories will be
formulated and the cycle will continue. This does not mean, however, that the
process is useless. Indeed that is the way in which science seems to develop. The
process can in fact generate valuable insights, apart from being a way of
ensuring clarity of objectives.
In other words, the washback effect can be defined as the direct or indirect
effect of examinations on teaching methods. According to the effect of
examinations on what we do in the classroom, we may refer to `positive' and `
negative' backwash (Heaton 1990: 170. Hughes 1989: 1). Although washback is
an important factor in classrooms wherever examinations play a dominant role in
the educational process, it has not been fully explored. It is not mentioned in the
index to such Standard English Language Teaching (ELT) handbooks as Stern (
1983), Howatt (1984), or Harmer (1991), and reference books such as Richards et
al. (1985) and Seaton (1982) do not consider it worthy of an entry. Heaton (1990)
and Hughes (1989) discuss it, rather sketchily; referring to it as `overt' backwash .
Alderson and Wall (1993), suggest that washback is more complex than has
hitherto been assumed. They make the point that there is no one-to-one
relationship between tests, good or bad, and their effect on the classroom. In their
view, before a test has any impact on classroom practice, it is mediated by factors
such as the place of examinations in particular, societies, the teacher's
competence, and the resources available within the school system.
competition. In summary, `negative washback', as experienced by the learner,
means language learning in a stressful, textbook-bound environment.
The degree of inter-marker reliability is established by correlating the
scores obtained by candidates from marker. A with those from marker B. The
consistency of each individual marker (`inter-marker reliability) is established
by getting them to remark a selection of scripts at a later date and correlating
the marks given on the two occasions. (Anastasia 1982 for a clear and
accessible introduction to the necessary statistics; also of use are Crocker, (
1981) and more recently Woods et al. (1986). The concern of the tester is how
to enhance the agreement between markers by establishing, and maintaining
adherence to explicit guidelines for the conduct of this marking. The criteria of
assessment need to be established and agreed upon, and markers need to be
trained in the application of these criteria through rigorous standardization
procedures (Murphy 1979). During the marking of scripts, there needs to be a
degree of cross-checking to ensure that agreed standards are being maintained.
implemented, it is important that at a post-test stage ,the influence of individual
factors on test scores be investigated.
Will a student's score today be close (if not identical) to his/her score
one day) should elapse between the two administrations. This is a measure of the
equivalence of the test scores. If more time is allowed to elapse (for example,
longer than one or two days), the reliability index becomes a measure of both
stability and equivalence, or a combination of test-retest and equivalent forms
The duration of the test may affect its successful operation in other ways.
For example, a fatigue effect on the candidates, administrative factors such as
staff to invigilate and the availability of rooms in which to sit the examination;
all have to be taken into consideration. It is thus highly recommended to make the
test as short as possible, consistent with the need to meet the validity and
reliability and practicality criteria referred to above.
Practicality, in the sense of financial viability, may indeed prove to be the
real obstacle in the way of the development of communicative tests. Tests of this
type are difficult and time-consuming to construct, require more resources to
administer, demand careful training and standardization of examiners and are
more complex and costly to mark and report results on. The increased per-capita
cost of using communicative tests in large-scale testing operations may severely
restrict their use.
To provide profiles rather than standard scores, each part of the profile
will need to reach an acceptable degree of reliability. To achieve satisfactory
reliability, communicative tests may have to be longer and have multiple
scoring. To enhance validity by catering for specific needs and profiling,
several tests will be needed, thus further raising the costs as compared to those
of single general tests available for large populations.
Introduction 72
Conclusion 97
increased by making the test truer to life, in this case
more like language in use. Davies, op-cit: 149
Oiler (1979), on the other hand, believes that testing should focus on the
integrative end of the continuum away from the `discrete point' approach to testing,
to what he termed "the psycholinguistic-sociolinguistic era": the age of the
integrative test.
essential to test one aspect at a time. Such features of the structuralist approach
are valid for certain types of test and for certain purposes; for example, the
desire to concentrate on the testees' ability to write by attempting to separate a
composition test from reading (i.e. by making it wholly independent of the
ability to read long and complicated instructions or verbal stimuli) is
recommendable in certain respects.
... organizational constraints themselves become crucial
properties of the system which simply cannot be found in
the parts separately.
From Oiler's point of view, we can say that testing a candidate's linguistic
competence is a necessary, but not sufficient component of a test battery. In
real life, for example, people taking a driving test are required to demonstrate
that they perform the task; the licensing authority does not depend solely on a
pencil and paper test to inform about the extent of testees' knowledge
concerning the principles of driving. Similarly, those who have to make
assessments about a piece of music will make them on the piece as a whole,
not on selected parts of it. Chaplen (1970: xxvii) criticized isolated skills tests
from this point of view, arguing that "it seems unlikely that measurements of
the component Skills most commonly isolated can provide either singly or
aggregate, a satisfactory measurement of the gestalt."
Other testing specialists came out with similar views.
Rea (1978: 51) stated that:
II. The Psycho-Sociolinguistic Approach
Oiler (1979) mentioned that global integrative tests such as dictation and
cloze went beyond the measurement of a limited part of language competence
achieved by `discrete point tests towards testing the receptive skills , that such
tests could measure the ability to integrate disparate language skills in ways
which more closely approximated the actual process of language use. For
Oiler (1979: 37):
Oiler maintained that linguistic tests such as cloze require `performance' under
real-life constraints, for example, time; they are at least a guide to aptitude and
potential for communication, even if they do not test communication itself. They
are also practical to administer, economical to set and mark, and have
respectable reliability figures associated with them. Although such tests are
global in that they require testees to exhibit simultaneous control over different
aspects of the language system, they are nevertheless indirect. They might
integrate disparate language skills in ways which more closely approximate
actual language use, but one would say that their claim to reach communicative
validity remains uncertain, as only direct tests which simulate relevant authentic
communication tasks can claim to reflect actual communicative interaction.
From a communicative point of view, these tests show insufficient attention to
the importance of the productive and receptive processing of discourse, arising
out of the actual use of language in a social context with all the attendant
performance constraints, for example, the interaction based nature of discourse
unpredictability and behavioral outcomes (this can be seen in Morrow 1979 and
Moller 1981).
Work by Alderson (1978), however, has raised important questions about the
validity of the integrative measures as testing devices. He demonstrated that there is
no such thing as "the cloze test", and even in using the same passage, results are
affected by altering the point where the deletions are started from, or by using a
different nth rate deletion.
Both Rea (1978) and Morrow (1979) have emphasized that although indirect
measures of language abilities such as close or dictation claim extremely high
standards of reliability and concurrent validity as established by statistical
techniques, their claim to other types of validity remains uncertain.
Morrow (1979) cited as evidence for this the fact that neither cloze nor dictation
offers the opportunity for spontaneous production by the candidate and the
language norms which are followed are those of the examiner (or original author
of the text), not of the student. Neither testing procedure offers the possibility for
oral or noncontrolled written production, and since the oral and written skills are
generally held to be highly important, some means of assessing them reliably in
communicative situations should be found. Although integrative measures appear
to correlate highly with other similar measures of general language
proficiency, there is empirical evidence that doze correlates only moderately
with tests of written production (as mentioned by Weir et al. 1978) and with
spoken production (Vollmer 1981). Given that the tests concerned are reliable,
this would suggest the possibility that proficiency in these areas cannot be
adequately predicted by a test of overall proficiency. Morrow also claimed both
doze and dictation to be fundamentally suspect since they are tests of
underlying ability (competence) rather than actual performance. In other words,
they depend basically on knowledge of the language rather than the ability to
operate this system in authentic settings.
Concerning the doze test, Carroll (1980:9) reached the same conclusion:
Even if it were decided that indirect tests such as doze were valid in some sort of
derived fashion, it still remains true that performing on a cloze test is not the
same sort of activity as reading. The pedagogical consequences of including this
type of test measure in a battery of tests might be harmful in that this would
results in candidates being taught specifically to handle indirect assessment tasks
in preference to teaching them to cope with more realistic tasks.
Kelly (1978:241) made the observation that some candidates may manage
to succeed in the indirect task by a training of a certain kind and thus invalidate
the test:
investigate the `communicative paradigm' to see whether this approach might prove
more satisfactory.
know the extent to which each learner is capable of making use of micro skills
in order to achieve a certain goal. It might be claimed that the only way to do
this is to follow the learner around in order to observe his/her actual behaviour
and assess this performance. In the case of driving, this "realistic" assessment
would mean sitting in a car and letting the learner drive around, coping with all
sorts of problems. Not only in relation to driving, but in terms of language
learning as well, such testing method presents a series of problems, as pointed
out by Skehan (1988). To start with, it is impractical, biased, unethical and
unreliable. Besides, how can one decide that a representative sample of
behaviour has been observed, so that a judgment can be made? Thirdly, in the
case of language instruction, (and unlike driving) we are very often concerned
with progress in relation to a set of objectives. Performance, then, is assessed
in terms of different stages of the learning process (i.e. the process of
integrating different parts of the whole with different levels of mastery), and
not against a "competent users' model of language proficiency.
According to Candlin (1986:40)
CLA with the language use context and language user's knowledge structures are
illustrated in the Figure below.
The idea of competence, as in Canale and Swain framework (Canale and Swan:
1980, extended in Canale: 1983) relates to underlying knowledge of different
aspects of language. They define competence in terms of four areas of knowledge
and skill:
• grammatical competence, which has to do with mastery of the language
code —lexis, syntax and phonology;
• sociolinguistic competence, which refers to the appropriacy of language in
relation to different sociolinguistic contexts;
• discourse competence, which relates to the organization of discourse in
terms of cohesion and coherence; and
• strategic competence, which encompasses the verbal and non verbal
strategies used to compensate for breakdowns in communication or to
enhance the effectiveness of communication. It is the part which performs
assessment, planning and execution functions in determining the most
effective means of achieving a communicative goal.
An important observation in the previous quotation is that in testing
communicative performance, test items should measure how well students
are able to engage in meaningful, purposeful, and authentic communicative
tasks. Students must have a good performance linguistically and
communicatively. That is, they must have a good command of the
components involved in communication. The best exams in this
communicative era, Madson (1983) comments, are those that combine the
various sub skills necessary for the exchange of oral and written ideas. He
asserts that communicative tests need to measure more than isolated
language skills, to comprehensively indicate how well a person can
function in another language.
language. Some supporters of the communicative approach would argue that
communicative competence can never be achieved without a considerable mastery
of the grammar of a language.
hypotheses about language use and try to operationalise these for testing
Morrow (1979) and Canale et al. (1980) provided a useful starting point for
a clarification of the terminology necessary for forming a more definite picture
of the construct of communicative testing. They argued that communicative
language testing as well as being concerned with what the learner knows about
the form of the language and about how to use it appropriately in contexts of use
(competence), must also deal with the extent to which the learner is actually able
to demonstrate this knowledge in a meaningful communicative situation (
performance), i.e., what he can do with the language, or as Rea (1978:4) put it, ".
..his ability to communicate with ease and effect in specified sociolinguistic
settings." . They felt that a distinction needed to be made between
communicative competence and communicative performance.
framework for the design of language tests, but it must be emphasized that they
are still in need of validation.
Like the separate testing of the skills in the structuralist approach, it is felt
in communicative testing that sometimes the assessment of language skills in
isolation may have only a very limited relevance to real life. For example, reading
would rarely be undertaken solely for its own sake in academic study,
but rather for subsequent transfer of information obtained to writing or
speaking. Since language is decontextualised in a psychometric-structural test, it is
often a simple matter for the same test to be used globally for any country in the
world. Communicative tests, on the other hand, must of necessity reflect the
culture of a particular country because of their emphasis on context and the use of
authentic materials. Not only should test content be totally relevant for a particular
group of testees, but the tasks set should relate to real-life situations, usually
specific to a particular country or culture.
We can notice that there has been a remarkable shift in emphasis from the
linguistic to the communicative dimension. The emphasis is no longer on linguistic
accuracy, but on the ability to function effectively through language in particular
contexts of situation. Cooper's (1968) view that existing test frameworks, because
they concentrated on linguistic competence, might fail to assess a person's
communicative ability, was taken up by Morrow (1979:149) who argued that
traditional tests did not give
the language to read, write, speak or listen in ways and
contexts which correspond to real life.
For Kelly (1978:350)
It is, however, difficult to see how competence (knowing about using a language)
might be evaluated except through its realization in performance. Only
performance can be directly observed and hence evaluated. All linguistic
behaviour, even completing multiple choice tests of phoneme discrimination,
necessarily involves performance. In practice, a clear distinction between
performance and competence will be difficult to maintain.
Rea (1985) argues that all tests are more satisfactorily seen as tests of
performance that are to varying degrees communicative or non- communicative,
or (in Widdowson's dichotomy) use or usage based. Rea also distinguishes
between items as meaning dependent or independent, and describes how the
former can be subdivided according to whether they involve a context determined
response or not. Considering Rea's point of view, we might accept that
communicative performance relates to the transmission and reception of
particular meanings in particular contexts, and what can be tested is the quality
and effectiveness of the performance observed in these circumstances.
the wide variety of test scenarios. It is argued that differentiated tests in
different skills areas need to be made available for evaluating different groups
of testees with different target situation needs. To measure language proficiency
adequately in each situation, account must now be taken of where, when, how,
with whom, and why the language is to be used, and on what topics, with what
As for the progress and achievement tests being focused on this thesis, it
seems to us that most of the characteristics outlined by Morrow can be attended to
by sampling a syllabus which claims to be designed to foster the development of
communicative language ability. (Alderson, 1983) However, sampling such a
syllabus —if it exists- is not enough as a guarantee that any test will be an effective
measure of language ability.
types, some distinction will perhaps be made between those which are more
suitable for teaching and those which are probably better testing instruments. A
cloze exercise, for example, seems to be the kind of technique which goes with
testing more than with teaching.
The questions which the test designers have to face, as mentioned by Rea
(1985) are:
• Is it really possible to maintain the theoretical distinction between language
competence and strategic competence as in the Bachman model?
• If what one can observe through a test is actual performance, how is one to
assess this performance? Simply on the basis of achievement of
communicative goal? But, then, is communicative goal an absolute
concept, or is it open to interpretation in relation to the speakers involved
and the context of situation?
• If performance is judged not to be satisfactory, how does one know whether
the drawback was in the area of linguistic competence or whether the
student simply could not access some existing knowledge?
• What kind of test will best prompt students' performance so that they can
use underlying competence?
performance according to the discourse domain or type of task involved is
recognized with the attendant implications this might have for test length.
Authenticity of both texts and test tasks is regarded as something worth
attempting to pursue despite the problems involved. The fact that communicative
performance is affected by prior knowledge/experience/abilities is accepted
along with the implications of this for test specificity. The possible influence of
test method on trait estimation is increasingly recognized, if not yet fully
understood. The principle of eliciting the student's best performance by
minimizing the effect of the measurement technique on this is advocated. The
net result of these considerations is that different tests are constructed to match
different purposes and these instruments are no longer uniform in content or
Introduction 99
I-The Oral Proficiency 100
II-Oral Proficiency Testing 103
1-Approaches to Testing the Oral Proficiency 103
2- Specificity of Oral Proficiency Testing 106
3-Criteria of Testing Oral Proficiency 107
4-Impoving the Reliability of Oral Examinations 111
5- The Assessment Scales 118
III -Procedures of Testing Oral Proficiency in the 127
Department of English
Conclusion 129
The traditional view that written skills have greater importance than oral
skills still prevails. In the last century, the arguments for a strong emphasis on
oral skills in foreign language teaching were not very strong. Few people
travelled, business was not as international as it is today, communication with
other countries was mainly by mail, and for many students the main attraction of
studying a foreign language was probably the opportunity to read literature in the
target language. Teaching methods were chosen accordingly: there was an
emphasis on writing, especially the translation of literary texts, and a minor role
for oral skills.
In the 1990s the situation has changed radically. Travel abroad is now
within the reach of almost everybody, business is increasingly international, and
Communication between countries is more in the form of direct contact by
telephone. An interest in literature is also much less common among students of
foreign languages, who include among their numbers those combinations with
Law, Business Studies, Linguistics, Social Sciences, etc. Many students are
quite likely to be more familiar with foreign language films, television series
and pop-stars than with foreign literature. It is therefore no surprise that a
greater number of educational institutions nowadays have started to stress the
importance of oral skills. Schools and many other educational institutions have
responded to the perceived changes in the needs of language learners mainly by
teaching foreign languages to a far larger number of learners than previously,
and by changing methods, moving away from the traditional translation and
grammar approach towards `communicative', mainly oral, skills. The focus of
debates over oral assessment has taken a great importance in the field of
teaching English.
Against this background, developments are taking place in our higher
system of education, with the introduction of new courses and combination
involving foreign languages, and changes to the content of existing courses (
adopting the LMD system). In this study we would like to find out and look at how
the growing importance of the oral proficiency in foreign languages is reflected in
the testing, and to some extent also in the teaching, of oral skills for first year
university students.
Oiler and Damico (1991) succinctly state that the nature and specification of the
elements of oral proficiency have not been determined and there continues to be
debate among academicians and practitioners about the definition.
The complexity of language and the lack of consensus as to the exact
nature of oral proficiency is critical for one fundamental reason: each language
proficiency test should be based on a defensible model or definition of oral
language proficiency. The question is which definition to use? Oral proficiency
tests have been developed on the basis of a plethora of definitions and theories.
Additionally, the test developer may indicate that a test is based on a particular
model of oral language proficiency but, it remains to be seen just how
successfully the model was actually operationalized in the form of a test. In
other words, describing the theoretical model of oral language proficiency in a
technical manual does not mean that the test exemplifies the model.
We can say that a fully English proficient student is someone who is able
to use English to ask questions, to understand teachers, to read materials, to test
ideas, and to challenge what is being asked in the classroom. He /She is also the
one who has the ability to use oral language appropriately and effectively in
learning activities (such as peer tutoring, collaborative learning activities, and
question/answer sessions) within the classroom and in social interactions within
the school.Canale (1994) offers an equally practical definition of English oral
proficiency. Her definition of oral proficiency is predicated on a socio-
theoretical foundation. What this means is that language is more than just the
sum of discrete parts (for example, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar). It
develops within a culture for the purpose of conveying the beliefs and customs
of that culture. Anyone who has ever tried to translate an idiom from one
language to another understands this premise. A "bump on a log" in English
means someone who is lazy or a does-nothing, but the non-English speaker has
to assimilate the idiom rather than the meaning of each individual word in order
to make sense of the phrase. In this sense Canale (ibid: 60) says that oral
proficiency is:
• dynamic and contextually-based (varies depending upon the situation,
status of the speakers, and the topic),
Valdés and Figueroa (1994:62) maintain that oral proficiency testing should
require this kind of contextualized language processing. They take the position that
it is feasible to:
The reason for this recommendation is obvious. An oral English language
proficiency test score is intended to assist educators in making an accurate
judgment regarding which learners need English language instructional
assistance or no longer need such assistance. Making such a judgment becomes
difficult when the language tasks underlying the test score bear little
resemblance to the language tasks characteristic of a mainstream classroom.
Oiler and Damico (1991:82) indicate that oral proficiency tests can be
associated with three schools of thought: Discrete-point testing, Integrative Testing
and Pragmatic Testing.
Following the discrete point model, an oral proficiency test typically uses
testing formats such as phoneme discrimination tasks where the test taker is
required to determine whether or not two words presented aurally are the same
or different (for example, /ten/ versus /den/). A similar example might be a test
designed to measure vocabulary which requires the test taker to select the
appropriate option from a set of fixed choices. The authors conclude that the
weaknesses leading to the demise of such thinking centred upon evidence such
more commonly listen to adults or competent readers read stories. In this sense a
story-retell listening task which uses a tape-mediated story falls short of meeting
pragmatic criteria. A pragmatic approach to story retelling might take on the
following features:
• normal visual input is provided (for example, the reader's gestures, the print
on the page, an authentic number of story linked pictures in the text);
• time is managed differently in that the learner may have opportunities to ask
questions, make inferences, or react in a normal way towards the content of
the story; and
• the story, its theme, the reader, and the purpose of the activity form part of
the learner's experience.
2- Specificity of Oral Proficiency Testing
How can one succeed to set a test which does not intimidate but
encourages learners to provide an accurate picture of their oral ability. In
replying to this question, one needs to consider briefly the findings of
researchers working in the field of language testing. According to Madsen (
1983:147) "The testing of speaking is widely regarded as the most challenging
of all language tests to prepare, administer and score," This is especially true
when examining University first year students who have just started to apply for
a degree in English.
Theorists suggest three reasons why the oral proficiency test is so different
from more conventional types of tests. Firstly, the nature of the speaking skill
itself is difficult to define. Because of this, it is not always easy to establish
criteria to evaluate a speaking test. Is "fluency" more important than
"accuracy," for example? If we agree that fluency is more important, then how
will we define this concept? Are we going to use "amount of information
conveyed per minute" or "quickness of response" as our definition of fluency?
Second, when testing beginning-level speakers of English, which involves
getting them to speak in the first place, and then defining the role the tester will
play while the speaking is taking place, it is important to develop relevant
elicitation procedures which will prompt speakers to demonstrate their optimum
oral performance. The tester will therefore need to act as a partner in the
production process, while at the same time evaluating a number of aspects about
this production. A third set of difficulties emerges if one tries to treat an oral test
like any other more conventional test. Madsen (1983:159) argues
In oral tests, however, the priority is reversed. The people involved are important,
not the test, and what goes on between tester and testee may have an existence
independent of the test instrument.
and dynamics of a communication event, awareness of what is appropriate in a
communication situation), an assessment of skills (the possession of a repertoire
of skills and the actual performance of skills), and an evaluation of the
individual's attitude toward communication (for example, value placed on oral
communication, apprehension, reticence, willingness to communicate, readiness
to communicate).
before an audience, undergoing an interview, participating in a group discussion,
etc.) appropriate to the skill(s) being assessed.
• Instruments for assessing oral communication should describe degrees of
competence. (Either/or descriptions such as "competent" or "incompetent" should
be avoided) and should attempt to diagnose reasons why individuals demonstrate
or fail to demonstrate particular degrees of competence.
• Instruments for assessing each dimension of oral communication
competence should clearly identify the range of responses which constitute
various degrees of competence. Examples of such responses should be provided
as anchors.
• Assessment instruments should have an acceptable level of reliability:
test/retest reliability, split-half reliability, alternative forms reliability, inter-rater
reliability, and internal consistency.
• Assessment instruments should have appropriate validity: content validity,
predictive validity and concurrent validity.
• Assessment instruments should be suitable for the developmental level of
the individual being assessed.
• Assessment instruments should be standardized and detailed enough so
that individual responses will not be affected by an administrator's skill in
administering the procedures.
r measures of individual attitudes toward communication (for
example , value placed on oral communication, apprehension,
reticence, willingness to communicate, and readiness to
4-Improving the Reliability of Oral Examinations
Oral examination have received much criticism in the literature on account
of their reliability (the consistency with which the same performance received the
same marks from different examiners or on different occasions) and validity. Very
often, some students show their dissatisfaction about the validity of oral
examinations, (the degree to which an examination measures what it sets out to
measure) but rather greater dissatisfaction with their reliability.
In order to improve the reliability of oral proficiency tests, we have to pay
special attention to test construction, the markers, examination format and the
marking scheme.
When devising any test, it is true that certain norms and standards have to be
observed. Carroll (1980:13) suggested three phases:
Research has shown that trained, experienced examiners can achieve consistent
results (a very high correlation coefficient of 0, 91 for senior examiners in O-level
Italian oral examinations is reported in Francis 1981:18). It is highly doubtful
whether such a high degree of correlation could be achieved without any training
or coordination of examiners. It is also generally acknowledged that the reliability
of marks is considerably enhanced when more than one marker is involved. An
ideal number is two or three; larger numbers do not systematically increase
reliability (the `numbers paradox', Underhill 1987:89-90). Reality shows that a
majority of oral assessment, in the Department of English regularly
have one examiner present at oral examination. On the other hand, there is a
significant number of cases in which the external examiner examines on his/ her
own. We strongly believe that this practice needs reconsidering. As a general
rule, it is said that the more advanced the level, the longer the oral examination
should be; as more advanced learners need longer to demonstrate their greater
proficiency, range of skills. However, this presents problems obtaining a
satisfactory basis of assessment where more than one examiner is involved and
the number of students is large, and from the cost in terms of staff time,
fluctuations caused by tiredness which are likely to reduce reliability. We think
that the possible solution to this dilemma lies in self- assessment, which is the
next point we would like to discuss and propose for our colleagues in the
Department of English.
• Is there an excessive overlap in enabling skills or communicative activities
being assessed in different parts of the test?
In addition, the examiner or the panel might consider the format and the layout of
the questions. This is important because a badly laid out question could be the
cause of considerable problems for both candidates and examiners. Instructions to
candidates need to be as clear and as concise as possible.
• to assist the examiner and those who will mark the paper to check the
content validity of the tasks which are being set;
• to help the testers to check that the demands made in the examination
are appropriate and in accordance with stated aims and with stated aims and
• to ensure that, where there is more than one examiner, each examiner
marks in exactly the same way, awarding equal marks for equal levels of
• to ensure that each examiner marks consistently throughout the
marking period.
Murphy adds saying that in assessing oral proficiency it is essential that tasks
and marking schemes are subjected to a rigorous process of moderation before
they become operational.
At the same time as the activities are clearly designed the assessor should
consider the appropriateness of the marking scheme. The following are examples
of the types of questions assessors might address themselves to (Murphy 1979:
• Are the abilities being rewarded those which the activities are designed
to assess?
• Can the marking scheme be easily interpreted by a number of different
examiners in a way which will ensure that all mark to the same standard? The
Marks allocated can reflect the group and individual effort.
• Teamwork.
• Structure of presentations.
• Organization of ideas.
• Timing.
• Research.
• Ideas.
• Argument.
• Approachability.
• Presentation.
• Variety.
• Awareness of audience.
• Pronunciation
• Grammatical accuracy.
• Range vocabulary, grammatical structures etc.
Communicative quality
• Fluency, speed etc
• Ability to
communicate ideas But also:
• Research.
• Ideas.
• Argument.
• Approachability.
• Presentation.
• Variety.
5- The Assessment Scales
Table 2: Superior - Expert user
Table 3: Advanced Level
3) Satisfy the Advanced Able to satisfy the requirements 7 - Good user:
requirements of
of everyday situations and routine school Would cope in
school and work
and work requirements. Can handle with most situations
situations; and
confidence but not with facility complicated in an English-
tasks and social situations, such as speaking
4) narrate and elaborating, complaining, and apologizing. environment.
describe with Can narrate and describe with some details, Occasional
paragraph-length linking sentences together smoothly. Can
slips and
connected communicate facts and talk casually about restrictions of
discourse. topics of current public and personal language will
interest, using general vocabulary. not impede
Shortcomings can often be smoothed over by
communicative strategies, such as pause
fillers, stalling devices, and different rates of
speech. Circumlocution which arises from
vocabulary or syntactic limitations very
often is quite successful, though some
groping for words may still be evident. The
Advanced-level speaker can be understood
without difficulty by native interlocutors.
Table 4: Intermediate Level
Intermediate-Mid: Able to handle 5 - Modest user:
successfully a variety of Although manages in
uncomplicated, basic and general to
communicative tasks and social communicate, often
situations. Can talk simply about self uses inaccurate or
and family members. inappropriate language
situations. Can ask and answer is not easy to
questions, initiate and respond to communicate with;
simple statements and maintain face- accent and usage cause
to-face conversation, although in a misunderstandings.
highly restricted manner and with Generally can get by
much linguistic inaccuracy. Within without serious
these limitations, can perform such breakdowns.
tasks as introducing self, ordering a
meal, asking directions, and making
purchases. Vocabulary is adequate to
express only the most elementary
needs. Strong interference from native
language may occur.
Misunderstandings frequently arise,
but with repetition, the Intermediate-
Low speaker can generally be
understood by sympathetic
Table 5: Novice
Vocabulary is sufficient only for handling Communication occurs
simple, elementary needs and expressing only sporadically.
basic courtesies. Utterances rarely consist of
more than two or three words and show
frequent long pauses and repetition of
interlocutor's words. Speaker may have some
difficulty producing even the simplest
utterances. Some Novice-Mid speakers will
be understood only with great difficulty.
III-Procedures in Testing Oral Proficiency in the Department of English
In this section, we will describe some of the issues associated with oral
proficiency testing in large classrooms, in the Department of English, Faculty of
Languages and Human Sciences, University of Béjaia.
At the end of each semester, teachers are faced with the necessity of
assessing what their students have learned and representing this by a grade. To
convert many hours of instruction into a single letter or number is a daunting
task. Ideally, tests should endeavour to help not only teachers or administrators,
but also aid students in assessing their performance. Tests should serve both
evaluative and educational functions. Through our observation and
investigation, we realized that many of the tests are designed primarily to
dispense grades. Typically, students take a test at the end of each semester and
receive a grade with no comments a few weeks later. Such feedback is of
marginal value. Prompt feedback is crucial since most students tend to forget
the details of their tests soon after completing them. Unless feedback is specific
and immediate, its pedagogical value is very limited.
Rather than waiting until a battery of questions has been completed before
providing feedback, we think that we need to provide suggested answers soon
after each question has been raised. With the oral examination procedure
described in this study, prompt and point-by-point feedback can be offered
without concern of students manipulating test results. A student whose grade in
a class is based on merely a few test results can justifiably feel his / her skill has
not been adequately measured. In such a case, the chance of an inflated or
deflated score is undoubtedly high.
A leading concern many teachers have about any test is the relative ease
of administration. With up to forty students or more in a class, few teachers look
forward to devoting the hours necessary to assess the performance of their
students individually. This leads to an interesting irony: although the best way to
assess the oral proficiency may be verbally, the time involved in administrating
individual oral exams has prompted many teachers to opt for more convenient
testing formats. Perhaps the easiest test to administer is a written examination in a
multiple choice or cloze format. However, the extent that such examinations can
accurately assess oral proficiency is most of the time questionable. We have
realized that some shy students who never speak in an actual conversation often
manage to fill in the right blanks on a test sheet.
The traditional tools used for oral proficiency, measure language usage,
not language use, that is, they tell what the student knows about the operation of
the language but not how the student performs when producing the language.
That is why; it is useful to see how and how much our students can express their
ideas with someone other than the teacher. Sometimes, they can do better. It
reminds us that our students need to communicate with other people in a
different context. It is more realistic than the classroom."
Introduction 131
I- Traditional Assessment Techniques 131
1- Multiple Choice Questions 131
2- Oral Interview 135
3- Group Work 138
4- Problem-Solving 140
5- Role Play 142
6- Discussion 144
II-Self Assessment 146
1-Definition 146
2-Research in Self-Assessment 147
3-Aspects of Self-Assessment 150
3.1-Responsibility 151
3.2-Learner Training 152
3.3 Innovation in Self-Assessment? 153
4-Reservations as to the Use of Self-Assessment: The Problem of Bias 154
III-Portfolio Assessment 156
1-What is a Portfolio 156
2-Why Use Portfolio Assessment 157
3-Stages in Implementing Portfolio Assessment 159
4-Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Portfolio Assessment 164
Conclusion 167
• All MC items should be at an appropriate level to the linguistic ability of
the testees.
Before constructing any test item, the test writer must first determine the
actual areas to be covered by MC items and the number of items to be included
in the test. Too long tests are undesirable because of the mental strain and
tension which may be caused among the students taking the test. The number of
items included in a test will vary according to the level of difficulty, the nature
of the areas being tested, and the purpose of the test. The teacher's own
experience will generally determine the length of a test for classroom use.
• The stem:
The primary purpose of the stem is to present the problem clearly and
concisely. The testee should be able to obtain from the stem a very general
idea of the problem and the answer required. At the same time, the stem
should not contain extraneous information or irrelevant clues, thereby
confusing the problem being tested. It should convey enough information to
indicate the basis on which the correct option should be selected.
• The distractors:
Each distractor, or incorrect option, should be reasonably attractive and
plausible. It should appear right to any testee who is unsure of the correct
option. Items should be constructed in such a way that students obtain the
correct option by direct selection rather than by the elimination of obviously
incorrect options. Each distractor should be grammatically correct when it stands
by itself; otherwise, testees will be exposed to incorrect forms. Unless a
distractor is attractive to the student who is not sure of the correct answer, its
inclusion in a test item is superfluous. Plausible distractors are best based on:
Distractors should not be too difficult nor demand a higher proficiency in the
language than the correct option. If they are too difficult, they will only succeed in
distracting the good student who will be led into considering the correct
option too easy (and a trap); there is a tendency for this to happen, particularly in
vocabulary test items.
Moreover, unless there are good reasons for weighting different items (using
the appropriate statistical methods), it is advisable to award equal marks for each
MCQ tests are frequently criticised on the grounds that they are simpler to
answer than subjective examinations. Items in an objective test, however, can be
made just as easy or as difficult as the test constructor wishes. In devising such a
test, the constructor does not only select and construct his/her items carefully but
analyses students' performance on each item and rewrites where necessary so
that the final version of his test is highly likely to discriminate between the
The fact that a test is apparently completely objective — the MCQ test for
example, gives no guarantee that it will be a good test. It will be a very poor test
2-The Oral Interview
make an individualized diagnosis and/or a class-wide diagnosis and refocus
teaching to meet the students' needs.
• Peer interviews consist of two students, one as the interviewee and the
other as the interviewer. Students can take turns at each of the roles. These inte
rviews are easier for the teacher to manage because students are collecting the
Conducting successful interviews requires that many issues are considered
and discussed at length with students in the context of developing interview skills.
The interview should:
• Let the student talk and to listen very attentively to what is being said.
In order to encourage the interviewee to talk, it is useful to ask open-
ended questions such as: What are you thinking? How do you know
• Start with easy-to-answer, non-controversial question: the interviewee
may need time to think. Interviewers must remember never to
interrupt a good story to ask for details. The interviewer can always
ask follow-up questions afterwards to clarify something.
• Take notes the tape recorder might malfunction and watch for
opportunities to expand on topics.
• The interview should watch body language for signs of fatigue or
• Are the questions being asked too personal or too painful for the
interviewee to answer?
• Is the interviewee too exhausted to continue? Sometimes it is wise to
stop for a break or make arrangements to continue another day.
If the interviewer uses gestures, the student should verify them verbally.
The interviewer should take care not to sound judgmental, impatient or
disrespectful at any time during the interview.
Finally, we can say that it is most helpful if the teacher can give the
students clear, specific guidelines about what needs to be done. In this situation,
the teacher becomes the facilitator of the learning process instead of the giver of
3. Group Work
feels he/she must continually correct students' mistakes, he/she will certainly
succeed in destroying the cohesiveness, therefore the conversational quality of the
In both short term and project tasks, and the situational language use is
centered on a problem, situations created are conducive to interacting orally and
collaborating in order to accomplish the task.. To create such a situation, the
As a final word about problem solving, we would say that the assessment
technique is innovative in that it is the search for the unknown. The
unpredictability of the outcome fosters curiosity in learners, and the oral
interactive atmosphere created helps in developing oral proficiency.
5- Role Play
Revell (1979:60) sees role play as: "an individual's spontaneous behavior
reacting to others in a hypothetical situation." This implies that a role play part
icipant puts a fictitious identity in an imagined situation to present the views of a
person without necessarily sharing them; for example, "x" has applied for a
position of a salesman and has been called up for an interview before a selection
Mugglestone (1977) states that each learner in role playing comes out under
the four following categories:
• that of acting out a role already performed in the L 1 and that needs to be
performed in English, for example being a guest or host at a party;
• that of acting out a role that already performed in the L but which is
unlikely to be performed in English, for example being a husband or a wife;
• that of acting out a role he has not performed in his L 1 but that he will
need to perform in English, for example being a student, or about to become a
post-graduate at a British university, and needing to participate in tutorials and
and • that of acting out a role not performed in the L 1 and which is unlikely to be
performed in English, for example, being a policeman.
Robinson (1981) suggests that role play may take many forms, but in
essence, it is an improvisation where the participants build up their own
characters, talk, movements, situation, structures, themes and messages. Those
who are not taking role (the rest of the class and the teacher) can intervene to
find out what is going on and give help, either with the role, or with the
language they can replace, or join the role players from time to time.
From the oral communication point of view, role play presents several
• As a direct interactive method, role play encourages and promotes
spontaneous oral exchanges between participants. There is an active participation
on the part of the students: they contribute to interact with the other participants
instead of reciting already memorized stretches. Indeed, as Dickson (1981:382)
puts it: "Learners say what they want to say and not what someone has told them
to say".
• During the communicative transaction, both the learner's language
fluency and knowledge of syntax are tested, although the emphasis is more on the
• The interaction involves, almost exclusively, the learners alone-the
teacher is there to maintain a non intrusive role-this means an increase in
individual student's speaking time.
• Role players learn the interactive skills of arguing, informing,
persuading, complaining, discussing, compromising... .
and • Role play is a challenging activity: being a dynamic technique, it deals
with constantly changing situations as each participant "shifts into" the discussion
to add a new element.
• A persistently inarticulate and shy student who does not play his/her
role/part appropriately destroys the whole framework, as there is not much
and • The teacher is not there to serve as a guideline or example, but he/she
can occasionally be one of the players.
Opting for role play means reexaming and possibly revising one's style
of testing and teaching. The pedagogical implications of role play are not
different from those of the other techniques already mentioned. It however
suffices to recall that these considerations center around class organization.
6- Discussion
The rationale behind a discussion is that when learners are presented with a
relevant problematic situation as open-ended as possible, they interact orally in a
collective effort to resolve the task. In a discussion, not only the ability to speak is
fostered, but also the ability to listen and understand, to answer appropriately and
intervene efficiently. A discussion class is intended to provide an open forum for
learners to air their views orally about certain issues, to learn from others, to
inform and be informed on certain matters of topical interest, professional,
educational, social and otherwise.
We have to keep in mind that topics for discussion are not selected at
random. Some of the guidelines for selection include:
The advantages of discussion are not different from those of the other
techniques already discussed, but the following are worthy of a special note.
• Participants are engaged in interpreting utterances and responding
appropriately on the spur of the moment.
• The learners initiate their own language and put it to
communicative use without having to repeat pre-rehearsed stretches.
• There is a give and take of information to an extent that a great
deal of information is available on the subject at the end of the session.
and • There is a scope for further communicative use of a discussion
session as when a group leader is asked during a "report back" session to
recapitulate the main trends of arguments that emerged, or give a summary of the
proceedings of the last discussion class, or when a taped debate/ discussion is
played back in a different class for listening commentary.
• There may be a tendency to "talk away" the time, with nothing effective
added to the student's knowledge. In some discussion, there is a great difficulty in
avoiding "yes/ no" and "I don't know" responses likely to close down the
discussion. This disadvantage can be overcome by not considering discussion as
time filler but as a session to be planned, with the students prepared in advance
for debates, points for and against could first be done individually as a
homework, and one of the students can act as a chairperson.
Both the rationale and techniques which can be employed in self-
assessment are outlined, drawing upon the available literature on the subject and
projecting into the context of the first year students at the Department of
2-Research in Self-Assessment
Oskarsson's first review of the literature (in the late 70 s) revealed that self-
assessment was being conducted mainly through the use of discrete-point tests of
vocabulary, grammar and reading comprehension. Very little was done in relation
to assessment of oral skills or the use of other instrument of oral skills
or in relation to the use of other instruments for self-assessment — like
questionnaires or peer assessment of simulated real- life situations.
Field experiments of the ideas proposed then generally showed high
correlation between self-assessment and external tests. These studies also
confirmed an expected need for learner training in relation to assessment.
• Bachman and Palmer (1981) - In this study, the authors used self-
assessment as part of a multitrait- multimethod investigation into the construct
validity of tests of speaking and reading. The purpose of the investigation was to
find out whether speaking and reading abilities are independently measurable, i.e.,
whether they are in fact separate constructs.
between self-rating and the other two methods were obtained, with coefficients
ranging from .51 to .74.
• Le Blanc and Painchaud (1985): This study used self-assessment for the
purpose of placement. It was conducted at the University of Ottawa where new
students have to be assessed in their proficiency of either English or French as a
second language.
Questionnaires covering general ability in the four skills-with questions
similar to those used by Bachman and Palmer were administered and correlated
with proficiency tests of the same skills. Results showed not only that there were
high correlations between the different measures, but also that after some time the
percentage of changes from initial placement was very low. Self-assessment
questionnaires were also found to be much easier and quicker to administer than
conventional tests.
• Von Eiek (1985): The test developed by Von Eiek, from the
University of Gothenburg, Sweden, is one of the most important ones in the area. It
is an instrument devised for self-diagnostic purposes to be used by adult migrants
studying Swedish as a second language.
The test battery consists of 1,500 items covering six areas: the four skills
plus grammar and vocabulary. The questions are all formulated in the target
language, and the student has a three choice answer form with the options: "yes,
absolutely"; "I think so"; or "no". Examples of questions are:
- "Vocabulary": Do you know the meaning of the underlined word below? -
Listening: Do you know which picture the speaker is referring to? "
For each of the six areas, there are 25 questions, each one providing
10 sub- questions of different degrees of difficulty. The results of such a
questionnaire provide learners with a self-rated profile that can be used for
diagnostic purposes and some sort of measurement of level of proficiency in the
various areas covered.
3-Aspects of Self-Assessment
Even considering that one of the aims of self- directed learning is to enable
learners to work on their own outside the classroom hours, one still has to
devote some of the class time to promote this independence. We believe that
planning a self-assessment project should include considerations about the
syllabus to be covered within a certain period of time. Self —directed learning
which is included in the new reforms of higher education (within LMD system)
should lead to more effective and faster learning, in the long run. However, we
realize that such a project is extremely time consuming and would probably
require the reduction of the input load in terms of the contents of a given
This view, however, may not be very clear to students, especially if their
previous educational experiences have been marked by conservative practices in
which the roles of teachers and learners are very distinctly defined. These
learners might resent being given the task (the chance?) of self- assessment.
Imposing it on such a group would then be far from the objectives which self-
evaluation seeks to promote.
are invested in relation to deciding what is supposedly best for students. Self-
assessment will only represent an innovation in educational terms if it is a way to
empower learners to make decisions about themselves. Otherwise, it will be just
another gimmick to fill the pages of teachers' manuals.
3.2-Learner Training
same time, the possibility of developing in different directions should be open to
2-"Do the innovations, be the old or new actually work? If they work, do
they work better than what they replace? The answer to this question implies, in
the first place, the need for empirical observation. However, the question is not
simply one of whether self-assessment works "better" than external exams in
terms of measuring achievement or predicting performance. Because self-
assessment is concerned with degree of motivation as well as with improving
performance, evaluating the innovation becomes more difficult. This brings us to
another of Alderson's questions.
3- "Might there be a need for innovation even if what is being replaced
does work?" The answer seems to point to a "Yes!" if existing practices fulfil
technical or institutional requirements but not the demands of educational
objectives. In relation to testing, this might be the case if formal tests albeit being
good measures of progress or achievement do not help to promote learner
independence and involvement.
4-"Why do innovations come about? Who demands and causes them, and
on what basis? "This has already been touched upon, in relation to the question
of responsibility in evaluating learners' performance. This list of potential
aspects to be considered is far from being a definitive one, given the complex
nature of education and human relationships. It does certainly reflect, however,
our own concerns and prejudices as well as aspects mentioned by different
Alderson (1986:105) concludes his article entitled "Innovations in
Language Testing? "by saying that" perhaps we should be looking for and
fostering, not only innovations in language testing, but also and importantly,
innovations through language testing." This was the line which this study tried to
follow, starting from the premise that evaluation should not be seen as a
necessary evil but as an intrinsic, constructive element of the teaching/ learning
This proposition, albeit plausible, does not seem to be always true, judging
from Oskarsson's (1984: 32) report. According to him,
Similar findings have been reported by McLeod (1983), who claims that
good students tend to underestimate themselves because their awareness of
language or high-level objectives give them the notion of what remains to be
learned. Students who have experienced difficulties, on the other hand, tend to
overestimate their ability since they cannot perceive a need for improvement.
Underestimation of one's abilities may also indicate that students simply do not
know or are not aware of what they can actually "do" with the target language.
This is especially true of foreign language teaching in contexts where the target
language is not commonly used outside the classroom, as it happens in our
III-Portfolio Assessment
1- What is a Portfolio?
The criteria for selecting and assessing the portfolio contents must be
clear to the teacher and the students at the outset of the process. The entries in an
English Foreign Language (EFL) portfolio can demonstrate learning and growth
in all language domains/skills, or can focus on a specific skill such as the ability
to communicate genuinely in the target language. Portfolio assessment takes
time and a sincere commitment from the teacher and student in order for the port
folio process to be successful.
The following is a summary of some of the main points which support the
use of assessment portfolios in the foreign language classroom.
portfolios reveals any weaknesses in instructional practices. For example, if the
purpose of the portfolio is linked to making progress toward all areas of the
National Standards, and, at the end of the marking period, there are no artifacts
related to oral communication in the student portfolios, the teacher may decide to
incorporate more oral communications work into the curriculum. Third, there is no
time lost on assessment. Assessment is then a true learning experience, and not
external to the learning process.
• Portfolio assessment promotes positive student involvement. As
students create their portfolios, they are actively involved in their own learning.
They reflect on their learning. This increased metacognition can have a positive
impact on a student's self-confidence, facilitates use of learning strategies, and
increases ability to assess and revise work. These factors tend to foster student
motivation to continue studying and succeeding in language learning.
• Portfolios offer the teacher, student, and those who review the port
folios an in-depth knowledge of the student as a learner. This means that the
teacher can individualize instruction for the student. Weak areas can be
strengthened and areas of mastery built upon. Learners are involved in this process
of tracking their learning and can take control of their learning.
• Portfolios can foster a relationship of mutual respect between teacher
and student as they become partners in learning.
• Using portfolio assessment gives the teacher opportunities to involve
parents in their children's language learning. Parental involvement is an important
factor in educational success; providing language-related experiences and
reviewing the portfolio are both ways in which parents can participate.
3-Stages in Implementing Portfolio Assessment
The very first and most important part of organizing portfolio assessment is
to decide on the teaching goals. These goals will guide the selection and
assessment of students' work for the portfolio. To do this, we have to ask
ourselves "What do we want the students to learn?" and choose several goals to
focus on; for example, general goals such as improvement in fluency of speech ,
and specific goals such as telling a story.
This stage is very important because teachers have to know what their goals
are in terms of what the students will be able to do. Moreover, students have to
know what they need to show evidence of in their portfolios.
We will need to present the idea of a portfolio to our class. We can start
by explaining the word- from portare (carry) and foglio (sheet of paper). If
possible, we ask a student of art, architecture or design to bring their portfolio;
this will help convey the principle of a portfolio as a selection of a student's
work, showing progress in different areas or skills.
It is also a good idea to show the students examples of English portfolios
prepared by other classes, and, ideally, even a teacher's portfolio (showing, for
example, the development of your work with the class).
We have to inform the students about how much weight the portfolio will
have in their final grade and what it is going to replace (one or more of their tests,
quizzes and/or projects).
We do not have to take on more than we can handle; we have to start with
one class, and then expand when we feel ready. Students should be encouraged to
put the right items into the portfolio; it is quality that counts, not quantity, and the
main point of portfolio assessment is the thoughtful selection of evidence of
We have to specify what, and how much, has to be included in the portfolio -
both core and options (it is important to include options as these enable self-
expression and independence).
We also have to specify for each entry, written, audio and video-recorded
items, artifacts, for example, an annotated drawing, a model, dialogue journals,
and how it will be assessed. The students should be acquainted with the scoring
guides/rating scales that will be used before performing the task.
We have to explain the need for clear and attractive presentation and say
how the portfolio will be graded .We need to remember that unfamiliar ways of
teaching and assessment are potentially threatening and confusing to students. It is
important to present the portfolio guidelines clearly, and to go over the guidelines
periodically. Although all the guidelines - goals, content, timetable, etc should be
presented to the class orally, so that they can discuss the procedure and ask
questions, there should also be written guidelines to backup the points discussed
and for reference while preparing the portfolio. It is helpful to prepare these
guidelines in question-and-answer form.
• Preparation Period
Support and encouragement are required by both teacher and students at this
stage. The students will get it from the understanding teacher. Teachers will get it
by doing portfolio assessment as teamwork in their staff or joining or initiating a
support group to discuss questions with colleagues as they arise.
portfolio?) or in pairs - "portfolio partners" - who help each other select samples of
their work (written comments on their work from a peer can also be included in the
portfolio). Teachers should start with more structured forms of reflection and
slowly proceed to more open reflective comments. This is training in a life-skill,
and is well worth the time and effort spent in class.
The teacher should give guiding feedback. The finished portfolio may be
due only at the end of the semester, but it is a good idea to set regular dates at
which time several portfolio-ready items (i.e. with drafts and reflections) will be
handed in, so that students know whether they are on the right track.
Alternatively, you can have a portfolio project on a single unit of material so
that both teacher and students will acquire experience in this kind of assessment
over a shorter period of time.
To ensure that the portfolio represents the student's own work, some
items can be done completely in class. You might also decide to have a test (
preferably with corrected version) included as a core item together with
reflection on what the student learned from doing the test and revising it.
Furthermore, you may ask the students to explain in their reflections who
helped them to improve their work (a peer, a parent, a spell-checker) and what
they learned from revising their work.
Each portfolio entry needs to be assessed with reference to its specific goal(
s). Since the goals and weighting of the various portfolio components have been
clearly fixed in advance, in assessing the portfolios, a variety of assessment tools,
such as rating scales and checklists for the different skills can be used. (see chapter
4,p 118) We can use these as they are, if they suit the fixed goals, or adapt them
according to the new needs.
Self and peer-assessment can be used too as a tool for formative
evaluation, with the students having to justify their grade with reference to the
goals and to specific pages in the portfolio. This actually makes the teacher's job
of assessing the portfolio much simpler because the student has done the
groundwork of proving how far each goal is met in the portfolio. It takes some
of the burden off the teacher and helps students to internalize criteria for quality
work. Students can even generate their own report cards based on their port
After all the efforts that the students have invested in their portfolios, it is
recommended that the teacher provides feedback on the portfolios that is more
than just a grade. One possibility is to write a letter about the portfolio, which
details strengths and weaknesses and generates a profile of a student's ability,
which is then added to the portfolio. Another option is to prepare certificates
which comment on the portfolio strengths and suggest future goals.
• Student-Teacher Meetings
sessions can be prepared for in pairs where students practise presenting their port
4-Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Portfolio Assessment
Portfolio Assessment:
• may be seen as less reliable or fair than more quantitative evaluations such
as test scores;
• can be difficult or unfamiliar at first when we have to develop our own
individualized criteria,
• can be just a miscellaneous collection of artifacts that do not show patterns
of growth or achievement if goals and criteria are not clear;
• can be difficult to analyze or aggregate to show change, like any other form
of qualitative data,
• can be very time consuming for teachers or program staff to organize and
evaluate the contents, especially if portfolios have to be done in addition to
traditional testing and grading.
Fear of time management issues is often the first reaction many teachers
may have to the concept of portfolio use in the classroom, and with good reason:
introducing anything new in the classroom takes time to plan and introduce to the
learners. Portfolio assessment seems to require more time initially than other
assessment instruments. However, one will probably find that the organization
that we need to introduce with portfolio assessment will reduce on-going
classroom planning and preparation because much of this work has been done in
Further more we have to bear in mind that the time students spend
developing their portfolios is not time lost to instruction and learning. It is
through portfolio development that students use the skills and knowledge that
are part of the curriculum. Additionally, while the class is working on portfolios,
the teacher can offer mini-lessons to students in areas in which they need
assistance; this maximizes teaching/learning time in class.
In sum, this Alternative or New Vision to assessment can be exemplified as
The reader may notice that different techniques for measuring oral
proficiency have been appraised. Although their coverage is wide and
interrelated, only their applicability in the language classroom has been
considered. Through these techniques the learners will be stimulated to
demonstrate their ability to present an impromptu talk, to converse, to discuss, to
verbally reproduce the substance of a story heard or read. Teachers can succeed
to apply and adopt the discussed techniques in the classroom by advocating
authenticity of materials, relevance of situations in which speaking is an
appropriate activity, cultural sensitivity, and other factors; they can make the
learning environment as conducive to expression and language acquisition as
Special attention is also paid to the possible uses of self- assessment and Port
folio, not only as an alternative to formal tests but basically and above all as a tool
for learner independence. Possible problem inherent to the nature of self-evaluation
were outlined, as well as anticipated problems related to the resources required for
the implementation of such innovation for example, timing and training of staff and
Introduction 169
Conclusion 256
I-The Students' Questionnaire
The questionnaire was handed in to the 372 students involved in the first year
L.M.D during a lecture session in an Amphitheatre under the supervision of their
teacher and the researcher. Among the 352 handed back questionnaires, 251 were
returned during the same day and 101 remaining copies were collected three days
The questionnaire consists of closed and open questions. Closed questions are
those which allow the student to select a number of possibilities offered to him/her
or answer by "Yes", or "No". Open questions are those which require a personal
answer .The questionnaire is made up of six sections.
Section 2: Principles of Testing(Q8-Q15): this covers questions which
seek to find out whether and why testing is the only responsibility of the teacher (
Q8 and Q9); whether they consider testing as checking their performance,
diagnosing their weaknesses , teaching, or any other answer they were asked to
specify(Q10); whether they fully exploit their oral testing sessions to enhance their
oral performance and if "No", they have to explain why(Q11 and Q12); whether
they were regularly tested (Q13),whether they like being regularly tested and, if "
Yes" they were asked to explain why(Q14 and Q15).
to be awarded for different parts of a question or the relative weighting of criteria
that may be applicable (Q32); whether this marking scheme refers to their non
linguistic features, such as attitude, gestures, way of dressing and if "Yes" , is it
always, sometimes or rarely (Q33 and Q34).
3-Analysis of the Results
Question 01: How would you rate your oral proficiency in spoken English?
Options Number %
Very good 2 0.57
Good 10 2.85
Poor 50 14.20
No 80 22,73
No Answer 21 05,96
Total 352 100
The results indicate that 71, 31% of the questioned students declared that
they like being tested. This shows that our students are really motivated to learn and
are willing to be involved in testing situations.
No 130 36,95
No Answer 12 3,40
Nearly 60% of the students stated that they feel nervous before the test,
which most probably implies that this will have an impact on the performance of
the learners. We notice that 36, 93 % of them do not live a state of nervousness
before the test is administered.This may suggest that they feel confident in
themselves in taking the test.
No 119 33,81
No Answer 14 03,97
Total 352 100
The results show that 62. 21% of the students admitted being nervous
during the test, which is slightly higher than the percentage of students who said
they were nervous before the test (59.66%).This increase may be due to the
nature of the test the learners are given.
The 219 learners provided us with the following answers to justify their
nervousness during the test:
Table 10: Students' Opinion about the Teacher being the Sole Responsible for
Options Number %
Yes 58 16.48
No 287 81.54
No Answer 07 01.98
A very large number of the students (81, 53%) admitted that testing is
not the teachers' only responsibility, and we consider this opinion as a positive
argument if we want to reconsider and redefine the new expected roles of the
teachers and the learners in the process of assessment. Only a small portion of the
informants î.e.16, 47 % answered positively.
A hundred students did not supply any answer for this question. The rest of
the learners provided us with the following arguments:
• We must take into consideration our opinions in any testing situation, (
115 students).
• Testing our knowledge is also our responsibility since it is part of our
learning process. (72 students)
• The 58 students who answered "Yes" said that their teachers can
have a better judgment of their work and performance.
No Answer 11 03,12
Question 11: Do you fully exploit your testing sessions to enhance your oral
Table 12: Exploiting Testing Sessions to Enhance Students'
Oral Performance
Nearly sixty percent of the students said that they exploit fully their testing
sessions to enhance their oral proficiency; this may be an indication of the students'
interest and motivation to communicate in the target language.
Yes 68 19.32
No 271 76.98
No Answer 13 03.70
Total 352 100
Table 14: Reaction to Being Regularly Tested
Options Number %
The results give a clear indication about the desire of the first year LMD
students to be regularly tested 67.90% answered positively. Such attitude may
reflect the students' motivation to learning.
The arguments evoked by the students who are willing to be tested
regularly are:
Question 16: Are the tests you are given related to the topics covered
in the course
Options Number
No 53 15.05
No Answer 10 02.85
Total 352 100
The indication that we can have from the answer to question 16 is that 82,
10% of the students stated that the tests they are given are related to the topics
covered in the course, this percentage correlates with the teachers' answer for the
same question.(see the teachers' questionnaire, Question 08)
R a r e l y
No Answer 07 02.42
Total 289 100
Among the 289 students who stated that their tests are related to the topics
covered in the course, 41, 17% of them said that this happens always. We think that
the teachers of oral expression need to deal more and more with topics which have
already been introduced to the students; this will probably give the learners more
chance to communicate in the target language.
Question 19: Do the results obtained in the tests reflect your true level
Table 17: Relatedness of Test Results to Students' True Level
Options Number
Yes 254 72.16
No 91 25.86
No Answer 07 01.98
Total 352 100
A large majority of the students 72, 15% said that their test results reflect
their true level .This may indicate that the questioned learners are aware of their
strengths and weaknesses. The results may also stand for the fairness of the
teachers' testing system.
Table 18: Freauencv of Relatedness of the Results to Students' True Level
Frequency Number %
Always 99 38.98
Rarely 16 06.30
No Answer 09 03.54
When asked about the frequency of the relatedness of the test results with
their true level, 38, 97 % of the students said that this happens always. We believe
that this rate is less than average, so, teachers need to reconsider their way of
testing; mostly when we notice that 51, 18 % responded sometimes.
Options Number
Another Test
Remedial work 13 14.28
No Answer 11 12.08
Nothing is done 67 73.64
Total 91 100
Among the 91 students who answered "No" to the question 19, we have
been surprised to find out that 67 students (73.64) specified that nothing is done for
them when they obtain bad results, they added saying that they are rather neglected.
This percentage indicates that there is an urgent need to devote more attention and
care to learners who face difficulties in the process of learning.
Question 22: If another teacher had conducted the test, would you have done
Options Number %
No 223 63.35
No Answer 07 01.99
Total 352 100
We can notice that more than 63% of the students do not believe that if
they are assessed by another teacher they will obtain a better mark. These results
may tell us that the learners believe in their teacher and in the way he/she is
assessing their knowledge in the target language.
Question 23: Please, explain why.
When we asked the students to justify their answers for those who answered
"No" to question 22, we have obtained the following answers;
• Our teacher is the only one who can judge us because she knows the things
we have dealt with in the classroom, (203 students)
• We do not know, simply because we have not tried such testing
Situation, (20 students)
• The 122 students who answered positively said that they wish to be assessed
by anybody else because their teacher is too subjective.
Question 24: Are the test activities set at an appropriate level of difficulty?
Options Number
No 114 32.39
No Answer 13 03.69
70 63.92
60 -
40 32.39
10 03.69
0~ --
Yes N o N o A n s w e r
More than 63% of the students who answered this question recognized
that the test activities set are at the appropriate level of difficulty. These results
correlate with the teachers' answer. (Question 23 page 235)
c- Rarely
Always 60 26.68
Rarely 53 23,56
No Answer 11 4.88
Through the obtained results , we can notice that only 26, 66% of the
students who answered "Yes" to question 25 said "always"; we believe that this is
a very low percentage mostly if one has the ambitious vision to deny and forget
some of the traditional procedures of language measurement which do not give the
pedagogical expected results.
Options Number %
No 168 47.73
No Answer 31 08.80
Total 352 100
The results show us that 47, 73% of the students told us that the test does
not adequately discriminate between their performances at different levels of
attainment; this may let us think that the way tests are devised for this
population of students must be reconsidered. Only 43, 46% gave a positive
Frequency Number %
Always 39 25.49
Sometimes 80 52.29
Rarely 20 13.07
No Answer 14 09.15
We found out that among the students who answered "Yes" question 26,
only 25, 49 % answered always, whereas more than 52% have opted for the
option "sometimes". This may mean that the devised tests lack the elements of
reliability and validity.
50, 85% of the informants have stated that the time allocated to the test is
adequate. But at the same time 42.33% answered negatively. However, we think
that it is necessary that teachers involved in this study reconsider the element of
time allocation when planning their tests.
Section 4: The Marking Scheme
Question 30: Are you informed of the marking scheme used by your
Table 26: Awareness about the Marking Scheme Used by the Teacher
Options Number %
Yes 29 08.24
No 307 87.22
No Answer 16 04.54
Total 352 100
A large majority of the students i.e. more than 87% are not informed of the
marking scheme used by their teacher, and only 08, 23% gave a positive answer.
We believe that this manner of dealing with learners' measurement must be
radically reconsidered if we are willing to obtain better results.
Question 31: If "Yes", does it include?
Meaning 07 24,14
Grammar 04 13,80
Pronunciation 08 27,58
Fluency 07 24,14
No Answer 01 03,45
Total 29 100
We note that all the language aspects are included in the marking scheme.
But we notice that more importance is given to pronunciation (27.58%) and
meaning and fluency. (24, 14% each)
Question 32: Does the marking scheme indicate clearly the marks to be awarded
for different parts of a question or the relative weighting of criteria that might be
Options Number %
Yes 59 16.76
No 277 78.70
No Answer 16 04.54
Total 352 100
Among the 79 students who mentioned that their teacher considers their
non linguistic features while being tested, 48, 10% said rarely. This let us think
that teachers involved `in this study ignore linguistic feature while testing their
Question 35: Which testing techniques are used to test your oral proficiency?
Table 31: Techniques Used to Evaluate the Students' Oral Proficiency.
Techniques Number %
Discussion 42 11.94
We can notice that the most used techniques to evaluate students' oral
proficiency are: Oral interview 42, 89 %, and MC Q we have 36, 64%. This
indicates clearly that there is no innovation in the way the teachers of the
Department of English evaluate their students. We noted that the respondents did
not make any combination among the proposed techniques and they opted for one
technique at a time.
Question 36: Are these testing techniques adequate to test your oral
Table 32: Adequacy of the Techniques used to Evaluate the Students'
Oral Proficiency
Yes 72 20.46
No 79 22,44
Oral Interview
No Answer 201 57.10
Total 352 100
Yes 13 3.70
No 09 2.55
Group work
No Answer 330 93.75
Total 352 100
Yes 02 0.58
No 06 1.70
Role play
No Answer 344 97.72
Total 352 100
Yes 17 4.84
No 25 7.10
Discussion No Answer 310 88.06
Total 352 100
GRAPH 27: Adequacy of the Techniques used to Evaluate
the Students' Oral Proficiency
Through the table above which represents the adequacy of the techniques
used to evaluate students' oral proficiency, one can notice that there is mostly a
shared opinion about those who are satisfied and those who are not. If we take for
example the 151 students who referred to the technique of Oral Interview, we will
realize that 47, 68% answered "Yes" and 52, 31% "No".
Yes 78 22.15
No 80 22.72
Oral Interview _
No Answer 194 55.13
Total 352 100
Yes 16 4.54
No 04 1.15
Group work
No Answer 332 94.31
Total 352 100
Yes 08 2.27
No 08 2.27
Role play
No Answer 336 95.46
Total 352 100
Yes 20 5.68
No 22 6.26
Discussion No Answer 310 88.06
Total 352 100
GRAPH 28: Students' Understanding of the Test
If we have a look to the data represented in graph 28, we will find out that
there is nearly a balance between those who understand and those who do not
understand the test directions. We believe that the involved teachers can be
required to reconsider the way they devise their tests.
Half of the informants for each technique did not answer this question, as
for the other half they declared that the questions are very often ambiguous; they
do not give clear indication of what the examiner is asking. Very often we are
trapped; consequently we take the question to mean something different.
Question 41: If "Yes", are you able to evaluate your oral proficiency?
No 101 32.80
No Answer 06 01.95
Total 308 100
We have found out that 65.25% of the questioned students have declared
to have the ability to measure their oral ability. But if we devote some of our
pedagogical time to explaining to students the positive impact that this
evaluation can have on their process of learning, more and more learners will be
Question 42: Are you given the opportunity to evaluate your oral proficiency?
Yes 62 17.62
No 285 80.96
No Answer 05 01.42
Total 352 100
We can realize through the answers provided that only 17.62% are given the
opportunity to self assess their ability to communicate, which is undoubtedly a
small percentage. This may indicate that some of the teachers of the first year
LMD students ignore, or are not prepared for such system of evaluation.
50% of the respondents (31 students) did not supply any answer to this
question. The rest of the students who are offered the opportunity to self assess
provided us with the following answers:
• We are asked to assess our own home and class work (18 students)
• We are asked to assess our peers' home and class work (13 students)
Nearly all questioned students (95 %) expressed the wish to have more
trained and qualified teachers who will be able to provide them with the
appropriate tools and support so as to improve their speaking ability.
Many students complained about the fact that some of their teachers give
their lectures in other languages than the target language. (80%) of the students
wished their lectures to be delivered only in English so that they become more
familiar with the language.
Some of the students 30% suggested that the number of hours of the Oral
English course should be increased.
III-Teachers' questionnaire.
It is our strong belief that in order to diagnose effectively our first year
students' difficulties while their oral English ability is being tested and develop an
effective battery of tests, it is necessary to consider the teachers' opinions about the
most suitable and adequate testing techniques to adopt for such population of
Section 2: Principles of Testing
This part includes seven questions (Q5 to Q12): related to whether the
teacher is the sole responsible of testing the teachers were asked to explain why
(Q5 and Q6); whether they consider testing as: Checking student's
performance, diagnosing students' weaknesses, or teaching. As they were asked
to specify any other definition of the term testing (Q7); whether they exploit
fully their testing sessions to enhance their students' oral performance and if "
Yes», they have to explain how (Q8 and Q9); if "No", they were asked to say
why (Q10), whether they regularly test their students, and if "Yes", they were
asked to explain why (Q11 and Q12).
this section contains eleven questions (Q17 to Q27): the teachers were
asked whether the tests they conduct are related to topics they covered in the
course and if "Yes", is it:always,sometimes or rarely(Q17 and Q18),if "No",
they have to say why(Q19);whether the results obtained from the delivered tests
reflect their students' true level, if "Yes" ,is it :always, sometimes or rarely(Q20
and Q21);if "No" , do they give: another test, a remedial work or any other
action which they have to explain(Q22),here the teachers were asked whether the
test activities are set at an appropriate level of difficulty, if "Yes" , is it:always,
sometimes or rarely (Q23 and Q24),whether the tests discriminate adequately
between the performances of candidates at different levels of attainment°, and if "
Yes", is it:always,sometimes or rarely(Q25 and Q26),and finally whether the
abilities being rewarded are those which the activities are designed to assess(Q27).
Section 6: Oral Tests
In this section the writer wanted to collect the teachers' suggestions and
recommendations in the hope to develop an adequate battery of tests for the first
year students of English, Faculty of Languages and Human Sciences, University of
3- Analysis of the questionnaire.
Years Number %
23 Years 01 07,70
17Years 02 15,38
13Years 01 7,70
06Years 02 15,38
03 Years 01 7,70
02 Years 03 23,07
01 Year 03 23,07
13 100
Through the results obtained, we can notice that 53, 84 % of the
questioned teachers have no more than 3 years experience in the field of
teaching. Two of them i.e. 15, 38 % have 17 Years experience, and the most
experienced has been teaching for 23 years.
Question 2: How long have you been teaching the oral expression?
Years Number %
06 Years 02 15,38
03 Years 02 15,38
02 Years 02 15,38
01 Year 07 53,86
Total 13 100
We can notice that the teaching staff of the Department of English enjoys
a very short experience in developing the students' oral skill. The majority of
teachers (seven out of thirteen) have only one year experience. This may let us
think that they have just graduated from the university, and this lack of
experience may have an impact on the quality of teaching.
Question 3: How long have you been teaching oral expression in the first
Years Number %
06 Years 02 15,38
03 Years 02 15,38
02 Years 03 23,08
01 Year 06 46,16
Total 13 100
We can find out that nearly half i.e. 46, 16 % of the teachers of the first
year have no more than one year experience in developing oral expression, and
the most experienced who are two among the staff have an experience of six
years. This can be explained by the instability of part time teachers who
generally come from different "Lycées".
Question 4: Do you have any special training to teach oral expression?
Through the data collected from this question, we realize that a very small
number (02) of the teachers of oral expression (15.38 %) have a special training
to enhance the oral proficiency. This training was done in different private
language schools of the city. This is not surprising because we know that the
majority of the teaching staff is recruited as part time. Such results can be
considered as motivating reasons to develop the idea of autonomy of learning
and self-assessment in our learners.
Yes 03 23.08
No 10 76.92
Total 13 100
The results show that 76.92% of the informants (ten teachers out of
thirteen) said that the teacher is not the only responsible for testing. We believe
that such an opinion is really positive in the sense that it will involve and
encourage learners to share responsibilities in the process of learning.
The 10 teachers who answered "No", to this question argued that: students
must also be involved in the assessment process and that the teachers must act and
react as facilitators and advisors. As for the 3 other teachers who answered "Yes",
they did not provide any explanation.
One can find out that the respondents have opted for one option at a time
while defining testing, 46.16% opted for "Diagnosing students' weaknesses". In
option "e", where we have asked the teachers to specify any other understanding of
the tern "Testing", (four teachers) specified that testing is also assessing the
teachers' methodology of transmitting knowledge.
Options Number %
Yes 12 92.30
No 01 7.70
Total 13 100
Nine of the teachers who answered positively the question 8, explained that
they manage to enhance their students' oral proficiency by creating a friendly
environment, varying the topics, giving them opportunities to choose the subjects
and things they like to talk about and share. As for the three others, they did not
give any argument for their "Yes".
Question 10: If "No", please, say why?
The only teacher who answered "No" did not provide any justification for
his answer.
Yes 05 38.46
No 08 61.54
Total 13 100
Only five teachers (out of thirteen) said that they regularly test their
students. Eight responded "No", three of them, justified, though they were not
asked to, evoking time constraints.
Question 12: if "Yes", please, say why?
For those who answered "Yes", (5 of them) they explained that they test
regularly their students because it is important to create in the learners readiness
and possibility to be measured at any time during the process of learning. On the
other hand, two of them said that regularity in testing allows both teachers and
learners to know their strengths and weaknesses and try to do better.
Yes 05 38.46
No 08 61.54
Total 13 100
Five teachers only write their own tests which represents 38, 46 % of the
whole population under study. This may be due to the lack of experience of the
teachers of the Department and the complexity of the nature of oral tests.
Among the eight teachers who said that they do not write their own tests, six
of them specified that they choose them from a test book; two did not give any
precision. We can note that no one of the informants said he/she gets the test from a
colleague. This may imply to a certain extent the lack of coordination and
cooperation within the teachers of the department.
Question: 15 Do you administer and conduct your oral examinations alone?
Yes 11 84.62
No 02 15.38
Total 13 100
The results have shown that only two teachers said that they do not
administer and conduct the oral examinations alone. This implies that they
involve some other colleagues in the process. We consider involving other
colleague teachers in the testing process will reduce to a certain extent
subjective judgement and improve the reliability of the test results.
Question 16: Please, say why.
Among the 11 teachers who answered "Yes", two of them did not justify
their answer. Four said that they have no choice but they do not agree with the
existing system. Two said that: students feel at ease with their teachers when
being tested. Two said that they administer the examinations alone because they
know the students better .One of them said that each teacher is the only one to
know the level and the abilities of his students. Through the data collected from
this question, one may think that the arguments provided by teachers who do the
tests themselves are not scientific but rather subjective, because it is accepted
that the more raters we have in an examining board, the more reliable and
objective the test will be. The two other teachers who answered "No" said that
they invite other colleagues to take part in the examining board.
Question: 17- Are the tests you conduct related to the topics you covered in the
Options Number %
Yes 11 84.62
No 02 15.38
Total 13 100
Eleven teachers (84.62 %) out of the total of thirteen confirmed that the
tests they conduct are related to the topics they covered in the course, this may
imply that the learners are given more chance to express themselves in the target
language about familiar topics.
Always 08 72,73
Sometimes 03 27,27
Total 11 100
Among the 11 among eleven teachers who answered "Yes", eight of them
said that the tests they conduct are always related to the topics they have already
covered. We think this will offer good opportunities to the learners to communicate
in English.
The two teachers who answered "No" to question 17, one of them did not
justify his answer and the other one said that his/her choice is justified by the fact
that he/she wants to encourage the students' reflexion and creativity.
Question 20: Do the results obtained from your tests reflect your students'
true level?
Table 48: Relationship of Test Results to Students' True Level
Options Number %
Yes 11 84.62
No 02 15.38
Total 13 100
Eleven informants (84.62%) said that the results obtained from their tests
do reflect their students' true level .This may ensure and encourage learners to
work harder and try for better results.
Frequency Number %
Always 08 72,73
Sometimes 03 27,27
Total 11 100
Amongst those who answered "Yes" eight mentioned that the obtained
results always reflect their students' true level. This can be considered as positive
results because this will reduce students' anxiety and frustration.
Question 23: Are the test activities set at an appropriate level of difficulty?
All the informants confirmed that the test activities are set at an appropriate
level of difficulty.
Frequency Number %
Always 06 46.15
Sometimes 07 53.85
Total 13 100
Among the thirteen teachers who answered positively the question, six of
them said that the level of difficulty is always appropriate and seven mentioned that
it is sometimes. This may let us suggest that some teachers in charge of the
population of students under study need to reconsider their testing method.
Question 25: Does the test discriminate adequately between the performances of
candidates at different levels of attainment?
All the questioned teachers confirmed that the tests they deliver
discriminate adequately between the performances of their candidates at different
levels of attainment. This will give a chance to all students to practise
appropriately the foreign language.
Question 26: If "Yes", is it:
Frequency Number %
Always 05 38.46
Sometimes 08 61.54
Total 13 100
Five teachers (38.46%) said that the tests always discriminate adequately
between the performances of candidates at different levels of attainment. Eight
of them (61.54%) recognized that it is sometimes that tests discriminate between
the performances of candidates. This may be due to the short of experience that
the teachers have in devising tests for measuring the oral proficiency of their
Question 27: Are the abilities being rewarded those which the activities are
designed to assess?
Yes 11 84.62
No 02 15.38
Total 13 100 s
Question 28: Does the marking scheme anticipate responses of a kind that
candidates are likely to make?
Options Number %
Yes 12 92.30
No 01 07.70
Total 13 100
We can notice that all teachers except one answered that the marking scheme
anticipates responses of a kind that candidates are likely to make. This will reduce
the element of subjectivity and award the learners true grades.
Question 29: Does the marking scheme indicate clearly the marks to be awarded
for different parts of a question or the relative weighting of criteria
that might be applicable?
Options Number %
Yes 09 69.24
No 04 30.76
Total 13 100
Nine teachers indicated that the marking scheme indicates clearly the marks
to be awarded for different parts of a question and the relative weighting of criteria
that might be applicable. We think that theoretically such results will improve the
quality of students' test results.
Question 30: Does the marking scheme allow for possible alternative answers?
Options Number %
Yes 11 84.62
No 02 15.38
Total 13 100
All teachers except two said that the marking scheme allows for possible alte
rnative answers. This is positive attitude because this will allow flexibility and
accepting the principle of achieving positive results differently.
Yes 11 84.62
No 02 15.38
Total 13 100
A large majority of teachers (84. 62%) said that the marking scheme, by
specifying performance criteria, reduces as far as possible the element of
subjective judgement that the examiner has to exercise in evaluating candidates'
answers. This will allow us to obtain results that reflect the true level of the
Options Number %
Yes 11 84.62
No 02 15.38
Total 13 100
We can notice that the results obtained from question 31 and 32 are
similar in terms of percentage (84. 62%) for "Yes". Such information is
interesting in the sense that it obeys the norms of testing.
Question 33: Which language aspects do you test? Specify the order of import
ance (1 for the most important one to 5 the least important one.)
Table 58: Order of Language Aspects Tested
Language Aspects Tested Number 0/0
1 Meaning 06 46.15
2 Grammar 03 23.07
3 Pronunciation 02 15.38
4 Stress and intonation 01 07.70
5 Fluency 01 07.70
Total 13 100
One can notice that 46.16 % of the teachers concentrate on the meaning
aspect while testing their learners. Our opinion is that all aspects must be taken into
consideration when testing the oral proficiency, but specific attention to any aspect
of the language will depend on the objective of the test.
Yes 06 46.16
No 07 53.84
Total 13 100
We have found out that 53.84% of the questioned teachers do not evaluate
non linguistic features, such as attitude, gestures, and way of dressing. We think
that raters should take into consideration at least to a certain extent these
paralinguistic features while measuring the oral proficiency.
Tahle 60: Frennencv of Measuring nnn linguistic Features
Frequency Number %
Always 01 16,67
Sometimes 02 33,33
Rarely 03 50,00
Total 06 100
We can find out that among the six teachers who answered "yes" to
question 34, three of them (50%) said that it is rarely that they take into
consideration the non linguistic features in their evaluation. We believe that one
can not deny totally the non linguistic features of learners, because they can be a
good indicator to diagnose the students' abilities.
Question 36: If "No", please, explain why.
Three teachers out of the seven said that only speaking is supposed to be
examined. Three others said that they do not believe that such features are import
ant. One said that students are old and wise enough and free to dress.
Question 37: Which testing techniques do you use to evaluate your students'
oral proficiency?
Table 61: Techniques Used to Evaluate Students' oral Proficiency.
The results from question 37 indicate that 61.53% of the teachers use the
technique of oral interview in testing and developing their students' oral
proficiency. The choice of this technique by the majority of the teachers may be
explained by the fact that conducting an interview does not require much
preparation and investment. We note that each teacher has opted for one single
testing technique.
All teachers of the oral expression have said that they have already heard of
Self- Assessment. We find the answer interesting because it goes with the writers'
objective to introduce this new vision of assessment.
Question 39: If "Yes", do you think your students are able to evaluate
Eleven teachers (84, 61%) believe that their students can assess
themselves. Only two showed their pessimism for such assessment. We believe
that once they experience this new alternative of assessment, they will no doubt
discover another positive way of doing things differently.
From the collected answers we have found that 62% of the questioned
teachers believe that the tests they conduct should take another form. We think
that this opinion consolidates the writers' objective to introduce and propose "
the Portfolio" as an alternative way of assessment.
Question: 44 If "Yes", which ones?
We have noticed that all the respondents to this question said that Group
work, Filling the Gaps and Multiple Choice Questions should take another form.
All of them admitted that they often encounter some difficulties, not only in
developing the Oral Proficiency of their learners, but in adopting the adequate
testing techniques to measure the ability to communicate in the target language.
They justified their difficulties by the fact that they lack good experience and
efficient training. However, they have expressed a strong wish if they can have a
specialized intensive training so as to overcome all the faced difficulties.
Nine teachers said that their pedagogy and methodology of teaching and
testing will be improved considerably if there is a better coordination and
cooperation between the concerned teachers.
The needs of first year LMD students do not vary much, because the great
majority of the informants, (more than 50 % see table: 8 and 9) expect their oral
testing sessions to become situations that will free them from nervousness and
hesitation. This new expected situation will enable them to perform and
communicate in English orally. They seem to be aware of the importance of
learning English. For this reason, we highlight the urgent need for the
implementation of the new LMD programme which will foster in our learners the
ability to use English appropriately and naturally during their period of study and
eventually during their job careers.
The teachers' questionnaire has shown that there is a strong need to train the
newly inexperienced recruited teachers for different credits they will be in charge.
We have also realized that there is an urgent need to set and consolidate habits of
working in collaboration with the totality of the teachers of the oral expression so
as to meet real needs of the students.
Introduction 258
I- Developing a Portfolio 258
1-Direrctions to the Students 258
2- Students' Portfolios 262
II- Scoring Portfolios 288
1- Criteria of Portfolio Assessment 288
2- The Rating Scale 294
III-Evaluation of the Experiment 297
Conclusion 299
Portfolio Evaluation
I-Developing a Portfolio
over time by the learner, which demonstrates progress towards specific
objectives. Their Portfolio work will represent their development as speakers
and language users over time. We also explained that the time they spend
developing their portfolios is not time lost to instruction and learning. It is
through portfolio development that students use the skills and knowledge that
are part of the curriculum. In this study we opted for a selective "Portfolio"
which is a selection of their work that best represent their progress in this course
as users of English.
Right at the beginning of the experiment and before conducting the test,
we explained very clearly to the students involved in the study that what they
need to do is to include artifacts in their portfolios that evidence their
development with respect to the study of English and their reflections on that
development. For example:
• the notes you have prepared for class discussion as you were listening to
an evening news,
• comments on any of the activities you have been involved in for the
Course Project;
The learners will realize that the contents of the portfolio are almost endless!
We have also clarified to the students that comparison and reflexion are
crucial elements of a portfolio, and the need for clear and attractive presentation is
really recommended and appreciated. For example, they may choose to place the
first and second drafts of their first recording of a passage or a discussion in their
portfolio. Alongside these two artifacts they must place their reflections on their
development from the first version to the final version. They might include aspect
like giving concrete examples of how they began to introduce themselves
during a summer course in English speaking country, using different
expressions for introducing themselves, telling about an important scientific,
historical, artistic, political figure. They might also discuss content realizations
that they had in the course. We have proposed to the students, examples of the
types of aspects they might place in a portfolio, but the portfolio is not limited
to these artifacts and the principle of a portfolio is that they can place anything
of interest in there.
2- Students' Portfolios
It is true that many students at first felt uncomfortable with the portfolio
conception and self-evaluation, thinking that it is the job of the teacher to
evaluate; some teachers (mostly those who are still in favour of the traditional
way of evaluation and others who do not want to have more pedagogical
responsibilities) were also reluctant at the beginning to this new vision of learning
and testing, evoking time constraints. But, as we were personally determined and
convinced that this alternative is a safe way for our students who are willing to
grow as active learners and set a path for future learning, we did not give up.
Instead, we provided them with the necessary Guidance, Support and
encouragement through tutoring sessions.
through the learning process? Alternative assessment gives us the power to do all
So, this is how we managed to help the group of students under study to
demonstrate that they can be positive learners, by producing and self assessing a
motivating personal, work. We have selected three Portfolios produced by the
students with the guidance and under the supervision of their teachers. Through
these productions, we wanted to show how we can develop the learners'
autonomy of learning and self confidence. These sample Portfolios are presented
here; they reflect examples of a good Portfolio, an average portfolio and the port
folio which is characterized by some difficulties.
1- Introduction:
2- The increase British English and American English have had on each
other 3-The differences :
4- Conclusion
1- Introduction :
American English has more native speakers than any other form of English.
It is a flexible ever-changing language. From the French and the Spanish, who at
one time also owned parts of North America, American English inherited a vast
vocabulary. Even today, new immigrants bring with them new languages and
new customs, and foreign words enter the language all the time.
When the first English speakers arrived in America, they met native
Americans who spoke many different languages and dialects. Although some
of these languages have died out, some words found their way into modern
American English. This is because of the early European trappers and traders
learned words from the natives, so they could do business with them. But even the
new languages influenced the native's one. The immigrants adopted the language
spoken in America in addition to their own; as a result, they developed a new
language, and created new words.
3- The differences :
a- The spelling differences :
the idea of eliminating the letters that were not pronounced in a word. He has also
been in favour of changing the order of letters in words so that they matched the
pronunciation. Thus, his American speller is chiefly responsible for the spelling
differences in American and British English.
These spelling differences were noted as one of the main sources of
variation in the world press. Advertising has been responsible for some unusual
spellings. Several of them are productive, applying to large numbers of words such
In England, one accent has traditionally stood out above all others in its
ability to convey association of respectable social standing and a good
educational. This `prestige' accent is known as Received Pronunciation, or RP
which has many words in `long a' that are pronounced with `open a' in GE
which means General English. These are some examples:
Disaster laugh sample
c- Stress differences:
There are many words whose stress varies between the two accents.
Some of them can be grouped into patterns, such as those ending in —ary / -ory (
ex: secretI, laboratQ),or —et ( ex: ballet, beret) , which attract stress on the final
syllable. Some of the words vary, depending on their sentence position, as in "
princess Ann is a princess" .
This is one of the areas where American influence on British English has been
particularly strong, and probably lot of words can be heard in the UK (United
Kingdom) these days with the American stress pattern, especially spoken by
younger people.
Address Address
Advertisement Advertisement
Ballet Ballet
Cafe Cafe
Cigarette Cigarette
Controversy Controversy
d- Possible confusions:
The transcriptions use the same symbols in different ways, partly because of
different views about the best way to analyse the vowel system, and partly because
of the differences between British and American English.
• /a/ in the British systems does not appear as a separate phoneme. In F&R (
the system used by Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman) it is used in such
words as dog, reflecting more directly the way this vowel is articulated further
forward in the mouth. This is a major point of possible confusion for British —
trained students casually reading an American transcription, for they risk
interpreting /lag/ as log instead of log.
In addition, the same /a/ symbol is used by F&R in such words as father,
calm and car, again reflecting the typical sounds of these vowels in American
English, whereas he British systems use /a:/ - an important difference between the
two sound systems.
• /e/ in F&R refers to the vowel in such words as sue, whereas the British
systems show diphthongal nature of this sound as /ei/ or /eI/ .
Thus, /met/ refers to mate in F&R, but to met in Gimson in an introduction to the
pronunciation of English (A.0 Gimson is a British phonetician).
• /A/ in the British systems refers only to the vowel in such words as seen.
In F&R it is also used for the vowel in such words as bird.
• /o/ in F&R refers to the vowel in such words as so British students used to
a diphthongal transcription would there for be likely to interpret /kot/ as cot rather
than coat.
• /t/ in BrE as in water and often is pronounced wa?er and of?en in AmE,
since /r/ in AmE as in confront is pronounced in BrE conf?ont
e- Lexical differences:
In the lexical differences, the words used in BrE and AmE are different
lexically, but have the same meaning. These are some examples:
Allowance Pocket money
Apartment building Block of flats
Baggage Luggage
Biscuit Scone
Bookstore Bookshop
Draft Conscription
Elevator Lift
Fall Autumn
Gasoline Petrol
Vacation Holiday
Lawyer Solicitor
Mail Post
Purse Hand bag
f- Grammatical differences:
• In the verb phrase, AmE refers "have" to "have got" for possession (do
you have the time? Vs have you got the time?), answers also tend to vary ( I
don't Vs I haven't ).AmE prefers such forms as burned to burnt, and there are
some special past tense, forms AmE sometimes uses a simple past tense, where
BrE has a present perfect (I just ate Vs I've just eaten ), will won't is generally
found for shall / shan't.
• There are several differences in propositions and adverbs, such as AmE
I'll go momentarily (Vs in a moment), real good (Vs really good)....
Gotten is probably the most distinctive of all the AmE / BrE grammatical
differences but British people who try to use it often get it wrong. It is not
simply an alternative for have got. Gotten is used in such contexts as "they've
gotten a new boat (=obtain)", "they've gotten interested (=become)" and "he's
gotten off the chair (=moved)", but it is not use in the sense of possession (
AmE does not allow "I've gotten", but "I've got" as in informal BrE.
The availability of gotten however mean that AmE can make such distinctions
as the following:
"They've got to leave" which means they must leave, since "they've gotten to
leave" means they've managed to leave.
4- Conclusion :
Despite the fact that, today, there are many differences between British and
American English, both of them are fascinating languages. It's really important to
learn English which is a world language and that becomes nowadays the chief
means of communication between nations.
• There are several differences in propositions and adverbs, such as AmE
I'll go momentarily (Vs in a moment), real good (Vs really good)....
Gotten is probably the most distinctive of all the AmE / BrE grammatical
differences but British people who try to use it often get it wrong. It is not
simply an alternative for have got. Gotten is used in such contexts as "they've
gotten a new boat (=obtain)", "they've gotten interested (=become)" and "he's
gotten off the chair (=moved)", but it is not use in the sense of possession (have)
AmE does not allow "I've gotten", but "I've got" as in informal BrE.
The availability of gotten however mean that AmE can make such distinctions
as the following:
"They've got to leave" which means they must leave, since "they've gotten to
leave" means they've managed to leave.
4- Conclusion :
Despite the fact that, today, there are many differences between British and
American English, both of them are fascinating languages. It's really important to
learn English which is a world language and that becomes nowadays the chief
means of communication between nations.
Childhood and Teenage Years:
BIRTH NAME: Diana Frances Spencer was born July 1, 1961 (Sun in Can
cer, Moon in Aquarius), at Sandringham, Norfolk, England. Diana was born at
Park House, the home that her parents rented on the estate of Queen
Elizabeth II and where her childhood playmates were the Queen's younger
sons: Andrew and Edward. She was the youngest of the three daughters of
Edward John Spencer and Frances Ruth Burke Roche, who were later
divorced (1969).
HER EDUCATION: From 1966 until 1974; Riddles worth Hall Prep
School, Norfolk; 1974-77; West Heath near Sevenoaks, Kent; 1977-78;
finishing school at the Institute Alpin Videmanette in Rougemont,
Switzerland, where she perfected the French language and became a
competent skier. In 1979, upon returning to London, she lived with three
female friends in a rented apartment at Coleherne Court in South
Kensington. For a while she looked after the child of an American couple.
She then worked as a kindergarten teacher at the Young England School in
Pimlico, London.
Her friendship with Charles, the Prince of Wales, first in line to the Bri
tish throne, grew in 1980, and on the 24th day of February 1981 it was
announced that Lady Diana Spencer was to marry the Prince of Wales. She was
the first Englishwoman to marry an heir to the throne in over 300 years. They
were married on July 29, 1981, at St Paul's Cathedral, London. Watched by 750
million people worldwide on television. She had two sons; Prince William,
born on June 21, 1982 and Prince Henry (Harry) on September 15, 1984, both
at St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, and London.
Eleven years after her marriage and after many reports and accusations
concerning marital infidelity and emotional alienation between the two, the
couple were officially separated on December 9, 1992, and remained a great
deal detached from each other ever since. In November 95, Diana admitted
having a love affair with her riding coach James Hewitt (who wrote a book
about the affair). On February 28th, 1996, the Princess announced her readiness
to officially divorce Charles. In November 1995, the Princess gives a television
interview during which she spoke of her unhappiness in her personal life. The p
rince and princess were divorced on 28 August 1998.
Public Role:
After her marriage, the princes of Wales quickly became involved in the
official duties of royal family. Her first tour with the Prince of Wales was a
three days visit to Wales in October 1981. In 1983 she accompanied the prince
on a tour of Australia and New Zealand, and they took the infant prince William
With them. Prince William with Prince Harry Again joined the Prince and
princess of Wales at the end of their tour to Italy in 1985. Other official over
seas Visits undertaken With Prince include Australia, Brazil, India, Canada,
Nigeria, Cameroon, Indonesia, Spain, Italy, France, Portugal and Japan.
2.2-A Continuing Debate
While most scientists are convinced that children can learn aggressive
behaviour from television, they also point out that parents have tremendous
power to moderate that influence. Because there is a great deal of violence in
both and children's programming, just limiting the number of hours children
watch television will probably reduce the amount of aggression they see.
In addition:
ways the character could have reacted, or other non-violent solutions to the
character's problem.
Parents can outright ban any programs that they find too offensive. They can
also restrict their children's viewing to shows that they feel are more beneficial,
such as documentaries, educational shows and so on.
Parents can limit the amount of time children spend watching television, and
encourage children to spend their time on sports, hobbies, or with friends; parents
and kids can even draw up a list of other enjoyable activities to do instead of
watching TV.
Parents can encourage their children to watch programs that demonstrate
helping, caring and cooperation. Studies show that these types of programs can
influence children to become more kind and considerate.
As we have already mentioned earlier, the three sample portfolios we have
included in this research are students' own productions accomplished with the
guidance and under the supervision of their tutors.
The first Portfolio deals with the Differences between British and
American English, including its origins and the different influences English has
undergone. The Oral presentation was considered of a good standard and the
topic judged very interesting because it is related to some of the credits taught to
first year LMD students (Linguistics and phonetics).
II-Scoring the Portfolios
At the end of the experiment, there was a need to evaluate the portfolios in
their entirety. We have noticed that evaluating and grading an organized
collection of student work, self-assessments, and reflections can be a complex
process, and at a certain time we felt that this is one of the most challenging and
difficult tasks in the portfolio process, because the Subjectivity of judgements on
our part as raters is often cited as a concern in this type of assessment (Bateson,
• Uses a process communicating approach.
• To what extent did you achieve your goals in learning since you have
been involved in the production of your portfolio?
• To what extent did you improve your speaking and methodology? List some
of the problems you faced while speaking and how you solved those
• To what extent has your knowledge of vocabulary improved? List the new
words you have learnt from your portfolio.
Table 65: Student Self-Assessment of listening and Speaking
Student. ................................................................................
How would you rate yourself as a listener and speaker of English? Rate yourself from
1 (a beginner) to 5 (an expert).
(understanding when people speak)
• Outside of class
• In class •
(Speaking smoothly without hesitating)
• Outside of class
• In class ,
(understanding and using specific words)
• Outside of class
• I n c l a s s
(saying the words clearly)
• Outside of class
• In class
(using the rules of the language)
• Outside of class
■ In class
Table 66: Proficiency Guidelines: A Self-Assessment of Speaking
Group • ................................................
Think about how you use language; decide how well you can do what is asked
in the target language. Tick the appropriate column
Ask questions
Answer questions
Introduce myself
Make a request
Tell a story
Describe something
Explain in detail
Table 67: Rubric for measuring students' Oral proficiency
Table 68: Rubric for Assessing Portfolio Oral Presentation
5-extremely appropriate 5-like a native 5-no mistakes 5-appropriate for
4-appropriate speaker 4-occasional but situation and level
3-adequate 4-very smooth unimportant 4-very good
2- inadequate 3-some hesitations 3-occasional;more 3-adequate
1-inappropriate 2-frequent serious 2-poor
hesitations 2-frequent and 1-insufficient for
1-choppy serious situation, etc
1-meaning obscured
2-The Rating Scale
The rating scale measures the extent to which the learner has met the criteria
by using descriptors such as rarely/sometimes/often/always or yes/no. We have
chosen the rating scale based on the type of criteria and the method of grading. For
example, when we wanted to qualify students' progress in writing their portfolios,
we have decided to choose a rating scale with descriptors such as no
improvement/some improvement/significant improvement. Before the assessment
period begins, we have developed and discussed the scoring rubric and have shared
it with the students. We have modified the rubrics according to changes in
instruction during the experience. At the end of the experience, we have used the
final version of the rubric to evaluate the portfolios.
The rubric provides structure for the evaluation and strengthens the
accuracy of the assessment; however, during the assessment of the portfolios we
tried to monitor the contents of the portfolios to ensure reliable scoring. For
instance, since we were evaluating portfolios for evidence of progress, we tried
to make it sure that students' samples are the same genre and same degree of
difficulty in order to compare format, vocabulary, and grammar. The samples
were written under similar conditions.
To prepare for the final evaluation, we felt the need to decide how to
grade the portfolios. This task has presented a specific challenge to us as
teachers first, because it is recognized that testing Oral proficiency has an
intrinsically subjective nature; achieving reliability in speaking tests is to some
extent difficult (Alderson, Clapham & Wall, 1995; Brown & Hudson, 2002;
Carroll & Hall, 1985; Hughes, 1989; Weir, 1990). The problematic nature of
reliability in oral assessment may stem from inconsistencies among raters; yet,
we were convinced that using more than one rater will definitely contribute to
the reliability of oral ability testing. To ensure the reliability of oral assessment,
we agreed that two or more raters as suggested by (Bachman & Palmer, 1996;
Berkoff, 1985; Brown & Hudson, 2002; Genesee & Upshur, 1996; Henning,
1987; Hughes, 1989; Madsen& Jones, 1981; Norris, Brown, Hudson, &
Yoshioka, 1998; Underhill, 1987; Weir, 1990) assess the same student
performances and combine the grades they assigned to the same student.
Second, the rating scales used for assessing oral performance have
presented some difficulties related to the number and clarity of the categories in
the scale. As Davies et al. (1999: 53) explain, a rating scale is a framework that
serves as a "scale for the description of language proficiency consisting of a
series of constructed levels against which a language learner's performance is
judged". In order to minimize the possibility of different interpretations of scale
descriptors by different raters (Alderson et al., 1995), language categories have
been clearly defined. Moreover, the categories included in a rating scale and the
different weightings awarded to different categories depend on categories which
are regarded as relatively more important than the others according to a
particular language program (Brown, 1996; Carroll & Hall, 1985; Hughes, 1989;
Underhill, 1987). In assessing oral performance, establishing a clear assessment
procedure and using explicit criteria were really essential to increase reliability (
Hughes, 1989; Underhill, 1987; Weir, 1995).
Third, components of oral ability itself are not defined clearly (Hughes,
2002; Madsen, 1983), which leads to problems in choosing components to
measure and using the test to provide feedback to students. When designing oral
assessment tasks, we have realized that it is essential that each speaking test
should have a clear purpose (Alderson et al., 1995; Bachman & Palmer, 1996; J.
D. Brown, 1995; Carroll & Hall, 1985; Cohen, 1994, 2001; Graves, 2000;
Hughes, 1989; Weir, 1995); therefore, the nature of the assessment criteria to be
used depends on the purpose of a test. Among the general purposes of
assessment, such as assessing progress, proficiency, and achievement, three
common assessment purposes in speaking tests are important in this study,
namely, distinguishing among strong and weak students, giving instructors
feedback on the effectiveness of their instruction, and giving students feedback
on their learning process. Brown (1995) asserts that tests whose contents are the
main language focus in language classes let raters receive feedback on
effectiveness of their instruction and give their students feedback on their
learning process. Thus, raters are likely to find rating scale categories whose
objectives are taught in their classes more assessable and, therefore, more import
ant than those whose objectives do not reflect course content. We have also
noticed that the assessment of oral ability can be negatively affected by the
discrepancy between test content and instruction. That is to say, instruction and
tests should be in harmony with each other; assessment criteria should be
incorporated into the syllabus and considered in lesson planning procedures (
Hughes, 2002; O'Malley & Valdez Pierce, 1996).
Deciding how to grade the portfolios depends on the teacher's purpose for
using them. It also depends on the teacher's personal philosophy and on the
learning environment. For example, in this research, through the presentation of po
rtfolios, we assess quality of performance and progress in speaking. We have also
graded the portfolios for organization and adherence to guidelines to ensure that
students complete the assignment. Thus, the individual teacher with the
collaboration of the colleagues has to determine the best approach to grading based
on the teaching environment and on the objectives.
III-Evaluation of the Experiment
student work to measure progress; or maybe the rubric was not accurate enough,
and the teacher became subjective in scoring the portfolio. The teacher will want
to identify the weakness in the assessment and/or the instruction and remedy it
for the next time.
few pauses, 2) using a wide variety of words personalized to his/ her family, and 3)
using correct adjective/noun agreement.
This chapter is the result of the keen interest shown by the writer to
introduce and implement in our educational system a new vision of learning and
evaluating through a Portfolio. We understood that in order to optimize the results
of our research, no element should be neglected. However, the necessary
directions, suggestions and the scoring rubrics are provided to succeed in
developing and scoring a portfolio. This new alternative of doing will free all
pedagogical actors from the traditional and the daily routine, which hinders
progress along the learning process.
Introduction 301
I- Designing a Portfolio 301
II- Answers to Teachers' Concerns about Portfolio Assessment 304
III- Answers to Students' Concerns about the Oral Tests 309
IV- Advice and Action Plan for Students 314
V- Advice to Teachers 316
Conclusion 318
I- Designing a Portfolio
Concerning the answer to this question teachers need to know that we do not
reinvent the wheel. If current assessment methods are adequate, why switch?
• How portfolio entries and their analysis are used to assess individual
student progress over time and compare student accomplishment taking into
account individual differences?
• Portfolios can best be used to assess a student's ability to produce, perceive
and reflect.
• Portfolio entries should be selected by both students and teachers by mutual
agreement. Both parties have a stake in the teaching/learning process.
• In program assessment, portfolios provide insight into process as well as
products and outcomes.
• Portfolios are best used to assess student development over time rather than
to assess comparative accomplishments of students.
• Portfolios do little to accommodate learning styles unless students are
encouraged to produce and submit diverse types of materials and products.
• Portfolio development and cooperative learning activities go hand-inhand, (
The two can be easily related).
• If student reflection is desired, both self-critiques and teacher critiques of
entries are required; so that teachers and students can compare them.
• Evaluation of portfolio contents requires at least two levels of organization:
categorical organization of raw data/evidence and summaries or syntheses of
available data.
• To score a portfolio, we must include at least two raters so as to reduce the
risk of subjective judgement.
At the beginning, it is important to follow certain recommendations:
• We need to start small, by choosing one class and the objectives of the port
folio. We have to work out the portfolio process with the first class, and then add
another class the next semester or the following year. Experience has shown that
teachers are more likely to experience success if the portfolio system is
manageable. Success the first time will give teachers the confidence to continue and
expand in the future.
• We have to get students involved and made responsible for their learning.
There is no need to do things for them that they can do themselves. Let students
participate in selecting and organizing materials. Involvement leads to a sense of
responsibility, a valuable trait for any student to have.
• We advocate the participation of teachers who are not involved in port
folio projects to take part. We should recruit and train native speakers of the
language in the school to help. The native speakers gain professional
interpersonal communication experience, and students increase exposure to
authentic language.
• Students are required to work on their portfolios outside of class and asked
to make comments on their work. However, in any case, we have to be sure to
periodically review the portfolios in class for the sake of accountability.
We met with all the teachers of the department, and we came out with a
number of questions to which we tried to provide some answers.
1. Q: I like the idea of portfolio assessment but isn't it a lot more work?
A: Indeed, it is hard work, but we are sure that spent efforts will be well
rewarded by your students' increased motivation and involvement in their
learning, and, in many cases, by improved achievement. The challenge of port
folio assessment lies not so much in the amount of work as in the organisation of
the whole endeavour. Effective portfolio assessment requires planning in
advance and keeping records; these will quickly become a habit and result in
more efficient, professional work.
This work offers suggestions to help you plan and implement portfolio
assessment systematically In addition, teamwork will greatly reduce the burden
on you. Do not over-extend yourself at the beginning: limit the scope of your
first portfolio project to allow enough time for essential features of the process,
such as tutoring and practice in reflection. Use portfolio assessment for a
semester in one of your classes or require a limited number of entries before
deciding how to go on. We should not forget, checking tests is laborious too,
while the portfolios will save you some of that work.
A: It is true that students' self- and peer-assessments may not be very reliable at
first - that is why training in this vital life-skill is very important. With time and
practice, and especially given clear assessment criteria and individual guidance,
students will learn to become better evaluators of their work. The main benefit of
students' assessments will be in deepening their understanding of their own
learning in order to improve their achievements. It is important to train students
in these skills and also to assess them, but we have to be careful not to make them
into a significant component of the students' grades too soon.
A: We think that Portfolios are the ideal assessment tool for the heterogeneous
class; for they are open-ended tools that help the teacher draw a profile of each
student's strengths and weaknesses and monitor their progress. The strongest
individuals are challenged to surpass their own achievements, while those
having difficulty are invited to demonstrate what they can do and show the effo
rts they make to improve. No two portfolios are alike, since each one is a direct
expression of a particular student.
5. Q: How will portfolio assessment affect what I do in the classroom?
A: While tests are very different from activities in class, and thus may affect
students' performance on language tasks, portfolio assessment helps you assess
what students can actually do under normal conditions. In this way, your teaching
can proceed as usual, though many of the activities students do in class will find
their way into the portfolio, after undergoing revision. However, we will need to
devote class time to such worthwhile activities as developing students' awareness
of their own learning and improving their revision skills, in the context of
whatever teaching content we have chosen.
A: You will see progress from a first draft to a revised version, and from
comparing the level of earlier pieces of work to later ones. Moreover, your
students will show you evidence, in their comment cards, cover letters and the
tutoring sessions we conduct with them, of the progress they are making, in a
way that will give us much satisfaction.
A: Try to integrate short talks with individual students into your working
routine. It is impossible if you work only frontally, but is more feasible if you
frequently activate the students individually and in pairs or groups for part of the
lesson or during their free time to have "learning conversations.
8. Q: Must we correct all the items in each portfolio?
A: If we mean correcting all the mistakes, then the answer is a definite NO. Each
assignment has its specific goals, and accuracy (i.e. speaking/writing without
mistakes) may not be one of them, as in book tasks or writing journal entries. In
such cases, assessment may focus on whether the task was completed and on
criteria such as the student's investment or the insight shown in their response. In
cases where accuracy is a goal, there are several possibilities:
a. selective checking by the teacher (comments which guide the student towards
improving specific aspects of the piece of work or correcting one type of
mistake). As well as cutting down on the teacher's time spent checking, this is
more effective than bombarding the student with comments on many types of
mistakes at the same time;
b. coded marking (for example. sp for spelling, gr for grammar) to guide students
to correct their own mistakes;
c. providing students with tools for assessing their own or their peer's work, which
enable sharing of the responsibility for checking with the students themselves.
By the time you receive the student's portfolio and before it is being orally
presented: you will have already given feedback on most of the entries, and will
only have to monitor the improvement made.
A: Traditional tests will probably remain part of the educational system even when
the benefits of alternatives in assessment have been firmly established. Therefore,
we will probably use portfolio assessment alongside traditional tests,
and we may include tests as portfolio entries (corrected, of course). The English
staff should draw up assessment plans (even better, do it with the students) which
show the weighting of different assessment components (test, quiz, portfolio,
project, extensive reading, homework, participation, etc.) and which instructional
goals each tool assesses.
10. Q: How do I know the portfolio is the student's own work? A:
b. clarify that it is easy for the teacher to distinguish between a student's own work
and an imported piece on an entirely different level;
c. give clear guidelines to the students about the goals and criteria for excellence in
a specific task. For example, downloading material, however colourful, from the
Internet does not in itself demonstrate language skills; it is what the student can do
with the source that counts (for example. summarize, compare different points of
view, adapt etc.).
Our students have often expressed concerns about the Oral Test. Some
indicate that they feel it is an arbitrary and unfair assessment tool. Most of the
concerns arise from misunderstandings related to the oral Test, lack of
experience from the teachers or inadequacy of the techniques used. This
reported information is then passed on to others as a fact, ostensibly to explain
why some students are not successful. Such "stories" have been circulating
among language training students for many years. They serve to make learners
mistrustful of the test, and put them at a disadvantage by making them even
more nervous, thus interfering with their performance. Our goal is to make an
attempt to clear up these misunderstandings and provide facts that we hope will
accurately reflect what takes place during an Oral Test.
The assessor makes up his her mind about my level within the first few
minutes of the Oral Test. Because first impressions count, I should try to sound
as though I am not nervous and not make any mistakes in the warm-up in order to
ensure that I will obtain a good mark.
We do not think all the assessors make up their mind about your level within
the first few minutes. They do get a preliminary idea about your level during the
warm-up, but this is not rated. The final level is only determined once the whole
test has been completed.
The Oral Test is subjective. The assessor just talks to me for five/ ten minutes
or so and arbitrarily decides what mark to give.
The Oral Test is supposed to be conducted according to a specific
structure and uses standardized techniques to elicit a sample of what you are
capable of communicating in the target language. These standardized techniques
provide for equivalency in testing from one candidate to the next, even though
what is discussed varies among candidates. The system used to rate the speech
samples uses highly defined criteria to determine when a candidate is allotted
such or such a mark.
Some teachers are more demanding than others.
In this case, the test standards and techniques an equivalent form and
content for all first year students, and measures are in place to ensure that these
standards are adhered to by all teachers. It is true that before being accepted to
administer the Oral Test, the teacher in charge must receive special intensive
training and must demonstrate their ability to test and rate a wide range of
candidates accurately and consistently. The objective nature of the test, the
special training we expect our teachers to have, and the on-going quality control
activities mean that each assessor must ensure that s/he or she administers and
scores the test with the same method as the other assessors.
The content of the test is difficult. Some of the questions will be hard to
answer if I do not know anything about the topic. It is also important not to
disagree with the assessor when expressing an opinion.
During the Oral Test, the assessor is supposed to ask you questions about
your work, your work experiences, or ask you to discuss other topics of interest
that are related to your environment. The questions should be the ones that you
have already covered in the course. If any of the questions asked during the test
are sensitive for personal reasons, or if you do not know enough about a
particular topic to be able to talk about it, you should inform the assessor and he
or she will change the topic. Pedagogically, this should not have any effect on
your test result. However, you do not have to be an expert on a topic to give an
opinion. What is asked for is what you think and feel about a topic. During the
test, the assessor should not put an exercise focus on the assessment of the
factual content or ideas expressed (that is, how well and how much you know
about a specific topic), but rather measure how well you can communicate what
you do know. In addition, the views expressed may be your own and need not be in
agreement with what the assessor discusses.
The test does not measure communication but style and knowledge, without
considering my background and my personal style of speaking. I will have to
speak quickly and talentfully. When we speak slowly we do not do well on the
Although the Oral Test is highly structured, it should allow flexibility and
should be tailored to the background of each candidate. The content of what is
discussed should vary, depending on the topics to be discussed during the test.
Assessors should be sensitive to the fact that candidates differ according to
background, experience, and personality, as well as to ways of speaking and
conveying information. For example, assessors should not be looking for rapid
speech, but rather for speech that is smooth and without hesitations that may be
distracting and make it difficult for the listener to follow. Assessors should be
trained in all the techniques that are designed to fairly evaluate the linguistic
performance of candidates who have different patterns of speech and
communication and to adjust the interview to accommodate these differences.
I have to use particular grammatical structures and sophisticated vocabulary
during the interview and have little trace of an accent in order to do well on
the test.
Although it is a common misconception that knowledge of the
grammatical elements of the target language, sophisticated vocabulary or
impeccable pronunciation is of paramount importance, the Oral Test in fact
focuses on communicative proficiency rather than grammar, or pronunciation.
While all of these are of course taken into consideration in determining the
rating given to a candidate, what is considered is more the effect of the errors on
the communication than the errors themselves. It is only when grammatical
errors, lack of vocabulary or poor pronunciation interfere with the effectiveness
of the communication that they are a problem. It is important that you respond to
questions and participate in the conversation by concentrating on being clear
about what you want to say (as you would in any conversation), and not focus on
using a particular type of grammatical construction or highly sophisticated
vocabulary in order to demonstrate that you have learned them. You should use
whatever grammatical structure or vocabulary term is appropriate to convey
your message and not try to use specific structures where they are not needed.
For example, there are no specific or sophisticated linking terms that are
expected, but appropriate linking terms will need to be used in order to convey a
clear message.
Assessors do not ask the "right" questions during the Oral Test. None of
what I have prepared is asked about. Assessors only ask what they like.
The Oral Test is not designed to evaluate memorized or prepared material or
to allow you to demonstrate what you know in the second language, but rather to
use what you know in the course of the interview. You demonstrate your
proficiency in the second language by responding to the questions asked by the
assessor; this ensures that you will be assessed according to how well you are able
to use your second language.
If the assessor knows the level that was assigned to me on a previous Oral
Test, this will influence the level assigned on the next test. The assessor will
use that information to help him/ her arrive at a decision for the rating.
The rating of an Oral Test can only be determined by the sample provided
during the administration of the test. There is no need for the assessor to take into
consideration previous levels assigned, because the final rating assigned is
representative of your proficiency at the time of the test. This level can be higher,
the same or lower than a level you may have previously received.
• Keep a sense of balance in your life between university work and leisure, do
not get over tired and find time to relax. Sometimes, relaxation exercises can be
• Remember that there are many areas at the university and in your life
which you are good at. Take some time to remember this, and build up your
confidence. Think about all the successful and clever people who stammered
and how they got on.
• Enlist the support of individual teachers in planning for oral work, and
try to work with (a) friend(s), with whom you feel comfortable, whenever
• Get as much information as you can about the examination requirements,
and work hard at forward planning and preparation. Use a cassette recorder
to help you practise, and when you feel more confident, try out your talking
on class mates and friends.
• Since you are allowed to choose your own subject, find one in which you
are interested and take some pictures or use other visual aids to illustrate it.
• If you are talking about a text, make sure you really know it well.
• Plan out your talk in writing first, and then make a list of headings or
key points on small cards. It is best to use this technique, rather than to read
your talk from a script. Practise at home, recording your portfolio talk if you
can and listening to your own presentation.
• Remember that many students may feel like you do, and that some of them
will find it very difficult to speak fluently when they are being tested. Just
remember that teachers do not expect first year students to be totally fluent and
perfect speakers; what they want is to hear you communicate your ideas and
prepare your work thoroughly, showing good research, and appropriate listening
skills and body language.
• The teacher will be on your side and will be valuing what you say just as
much as how you say it.
• Take time and contact our psychologist in the Faculty or a chat about any
feelings you may have of embarrassment, and this may help you a lot. You will
probably find that other students, who you think are quite fluent, may deliberately
speak more slowly when they give a talk because it helps.
• Try to speak and listen to English as much as possible before taking the
test. You can do this by listening to the radio, watching television, and speaking
English with your teachers and friends.
• Arrive on time and speak English from the beginning. Arriving on time
and speaking English as soon as you meet the assessor will help you adjust more
quickly to the testing session.
• Do not be overtly worried about making mistakes. If you can not think of a
certain word, use a simple substitute to explain the meaning and continue with the
conversation. If you are aware that you are making mistakes and would feel better
if you corrected them, go ahead and do so. However, remember that frequent
corrections may disrupt the flow of the conversation.
• Do not be discouraged if parts of the test seem difficult. At various times,
the assessor will use more complex questions to give you the opportunity to
perform at your maximum level of proficiency. However, testing at this higher
level of proficiency will not take the entire testing session.
• Answer questions as fully as possible. In order to give the assessor a
sufficient sample to evaluate, expand on your answers by giving details, explaining
points or developing your thoughts.
V-Advice to Teachers
• Before students take a test, it may be useful to review these tips so that
they are ready to do their best.
• Tell your students to carefully mark each answer. If they have to erase an
answer, they must erase it thoroughly to register their intended responses.
• Remind your students that they will have to stay aware of the time
throughout the entire test and, if they finish early, they should review their
• Guessing can have a great impact on your students' results. Find out how
the particular test is scored and if students are penalized for guessing.
• Tell your students not to spend too much time on any one question. They
may find it helpful to skip the hardest questions and then go back to them later.
• Students should always estimate their answers before working them out to
determine if their calculations are reasonable.
• Immediately after the test, encourage your students to talk about their
experience. Discussions may help them to vent any frustration they feel about the
testing process.
• When students receive their test results, do not discuss an individual's test
scores in front of the entire class, rather talk about the class' performance as a
whole. You may want to discuss these questions: Was the class's performance
above or below the performance of other students in the other group? In what
areas did the class do best? In what areas did the class have difficulty? Were the cl
ass' results consistent with day-to-day performance?
• If you discuss test scores with students, set up tutoring sessions with them.
Encourage them to interpret their own performance. Do they think the scores
accurately assessed their abilities or knowledge? How do their scores compare
with their classroom performance? Were their scores higher or lower than they
• If you discuss test scores with individual students, be careful of the words you
use. Students may have a natural curiosity or anxiety about test results; they
could be easily misled by unguarded comments.
• Remind students that they should not make major decisions about their
futures based on the results of one test. They need to consider their entire
university history, their grade records, and their activities and interests before
they solidify their career goals.
This research work aims at casting some light on a thorny issue in our
system of education related to testing in general and proposing some alternative
assessment techniques for measuring the oral proficiency of the population of
first year students involved in the LMD System.
In this thesis the principles of language testing, issues related to the types
and aims of testing and the characteristics of different tests are reviewed in terms
of the basic considerations in test design covering the concepts of validity,
reliability and practicality. The status of the various types of validity, and how
the concept of validity relates to those of practicality are examined as well from
a deeper theoretical perspective. The different approaches to language testing
and their limitations in terms of the criteria of validity, reliability and
practicality are described in terms of the particular focus they represent. The
study has also looks into the possible uses of self- assessment through a port
folio, not only as an alternative to formal and traditional tests but basically and
above all as a tool for learner independence as well as highlighting the import
ance of self- assessment as a study skill and as a measure to bridge the gap
between testing and teaching. As we have taken into consideration some possible
problems inherent to the nature of self- evaluation as well as anticipated
problems related to the resources required for the implementation of such
innovation for example, timing and training of staff and students.
foreign language classes. Such forms of assessment are more student centred in that,
in addition to being an assessment tool, they provide the students with
instruments to be more involved in their learning journey, and give them better
sense of control and responsibility of their own learning. This is illustrated in the
portfolio assessment which relates to the communicative approach to language
testing which treats language as an instrument of interaction among human
beings in society. The Portfolio technique generates more student involvement
and some student appeal because of the relevant content of the input material,
the authentic situations and the utility of the skills to be acquired and used. It
also provides appropriate oral interactional situations, sometimes by leaving
some participants free to choose what they think is their best production, they
would like to share with their teacher and classmates, sometimes by providing
deliberately conflicting and speech provoking questions. This is based on the
assumption that language is essentially used for oral transactions.
range of learning skills most appropriate to his / her own context. An
investigation departs from the belief that promoting this new vision to
assessment will engender a dynamic pedagogy where the students are actors of
their training and the educational team is a support, a guide and adviser all along
their academic training. When students are asked to rate their current abilities,
the academic team (tutors) will be prepared and ready to suggest and provide
them with the tools and criteria with which they will assess themselves.
After analyzing the students' needs ,the results have revealed that a large
number of the informants (both teachers and students)have expressed their
readiness and will to adopt the portfolio as an alternative, authentic form of oral
self assessment At the end of the process both learners and teachers( tutors)
admitted that their experience in undertaking the portfolio was really a positive
experience which offered them valuable insight into the individual's cognitive
processes, rather than simply revealing an ability to memorize and repeat.
Finally, the majority of the informants were convinced that the proposed
alternative meets better their needs and expectations. Empirical investigation has
shown that the learners have become aware of the need to self-assess in order to
monitor their learning progress. For example, through portfolio and self-
assessment, students have learnt that their progress and grade do not depend
solely on the teacher, but in a large part on themselves. We have realized that
the students' produced portfolios and their self-evaluations have helped the learners
track areas of strength and weakness and address problems before final exams
are issued. Self-evaluation has also allowed teachers to see how students view
their progress, leading to individualized instruction, to initiate them to gain a
progressive autonomy and self reliance, and negotiate the best direction to take in
their learning process. From this perspective, we have realized that the
teachers' assessment and learners' self- assessment have proved to be a good
assessment alternative since we reported a high correlation between the two, which
is a response to an approach to testing which seeks to empower teachers and
learners in the management of the educational process.
This research departed from what Alderson (1986: 105) concludes his art
icle entitled "Innovations in Language Testing?" with: "Perhaps we should be
looking for and fostering, not only innovations in language testing, but also and
importantly, innovations through language testing." It starts from the premise
that evaluation should not be seen as a necessary evil but as an intrinsic,
constructive element of the teaching/ learning process. It is in this light that the
initial aims of this study can be said to have been treated and accomplished not
in any masterly fashion but in a way which we hope will raise awareness in
teachers, learners, test experts methodologists, test designers and materials
writers. Finally, it is our hope that the findings of this study will provide a
tangible contribution to testing pedagogy and encourage the teachers of English
to adopt the proposed alternative to assess the students.
Year by year, the department attracted more and more students and the
enrolments in this licence increased considerably, reaching during the academic
year 2005 a total number of one thousand and one hundred students. (this large
number ,represents the importance given by graduates of Bejaia to learning
foreign languages) .The needs of the learners were not totally met through the
syllabus proposed to them, mostly when the graduates are in the job market
facing serious difficulties. We have realized that the degree they try for does not
prepare them to be operational in different job institutions, except to a certain
extent in the field of teaching English as a foreign language. Because of the
various dysfunctions in our higher system of education, decisions have been
made by specialists to overcome the shortcomings. This new proposed device of
education based on international Norms, is referred to as Licence, Master,
Doctorate (LMD)
human, material and structural means which will enable it to respond to the needs
and expectancies of our society which is integrated into the international system
of Higher Education. In order to deal with the various dysfunctions and
difficulties currently met, as well on the level of management as on the level of
the performances and output of the Algerian University, decisions have been
made to implement a global and deep policy and reform of the Higher
Educational System. This reform, while assuring the public character of high
education, should reaffirm the essential principles which underlie the vision of
the missions reserved for the Algerian university, namely:
• To ensure a high quality education by taking charge of the legitimate
social need about having access to the higher education,
• To achieve a real osmosis with the socioeconomical environment by
developing all possible interactions between the university and the world,
• Autonomy of universities,
• and the opening of the university to the world.
This capitalization and this possibility of transfer allow the opening of bridges
between several courses of education and lead to a mobility of students who will
have a diversity of choices and the opportunity to follow a desired and
individualized academic course.
The courses Licence and Master have as main objective the acquisition of
knowledge and the know-how driving to a professionnalisation at two levels of
qualifications. This system offers a general diagram that allows a progressive and
adapted orientation through a suitable organization of teachings and profiles of
2.1-The "Licence"
2.2-The "Master"
exclude, therefore, students holding a professionalizing licence who will be able to
return to the university after a passage in the professional life. This course prepares
students to two quite distinct vocations:
• A professional vocation characterized by the acquisition of a greater
specialization in a disciplinary field which will give access to levels of higher
performance and competence. The orientation in this way remains always
professional (Professional Master).
• Researcher vocation characterized by a preparation to the scientific research
that predestines to research activities in the economic or in the academic sectors
(Master of research).
The Master constitutes the stamp of performances of the academic
2.3-The "Doctorate"
Facing the enormous development of knowledge and the more and more fine
specializations and the more and more applied character of research, the doctoral
training(of a minimal length of 6 semesters) should assure at a time: A deepening
of knowledge in the field of specialism,
• And an education by and for research (development of abilities
for research, sense of group-working ...). This education is
sanctioned by a diploma of doctorate after submitting a thesis.
General diagram of the LMD system
6 semesters
00 credits
4 semesters
6 semesters
4-Training Areas
5-Standard Courses
6-Teaching Units
Studies are organized towards Teaching Units (TU) that are wholes of
teachings (subjects) articulated in a coherent educational manner and according
to logic of progression in order to acquire identified competences. These units are
taught by semester.
6.2-The Discovery Teaching Unit: it regroups the matters of teaching that allows
the student to widen the horizon of his knowledge and to open to him other
perspectives in case of reorientation, thanks, notably; to interdisciplinary that
characterizes its conception.
The credit is a teaching unit acquirement measure. Thus, every teaching unit
has a determined value in terms of credits. This value, expressed by a number, is
defined notably according to work likely to be done by the student (teachings,
personal work, dissertation, project, training...). The definitive acquirements in
terms of knowledge and competence are represented by credits. The credit
constitutes a unit of value of one same ladder of reference shared by the whole
academic establishments. It is, so, capitalizable and transferable. A common
reference allows us to define the value in terms of credits of the whole
diplomas. This one is fixed to 180 credits for the Licence and 300 (180 + 120) for
the Master. So the semester is valued to 30 credits.
The LMD system has a new vision of the academic training centred on:
• an autonomy of the university on the basis of good governance,
• the development of a university project within the local, regional and national
preoccupations on the economic and scientific levels and on social and cultural
• offers of varied education and training, organized with a close collaboration of
the economic sector,
• a dynamic pedagogy where the student is an actor of his training and the
educational team is a support, a guide and adviser which come with him all
along his learning process,
Dear student,
I would very much appreciate if you can give some of your time to answer
this questionnaire which is part of a research work that aims to propose an adequate
battery of tests which could be used in the evaluation of the students' speaking
ability in the Department of English, Faculty of Languages and Human Sciences,
university of Béjaia.
Your answers will be valuable for the completion of this work, and will be
treated with great confidence.
Please, tick (J ) the appropriate box (es) or give full answers where
Dear Teacher,
3-How long have you been teaching oral expression in the first
26 - If "Yes", is it:
b -Sometimes
c -Rarely
27- Are the abilities being rewarded those which the activities are designed to
29- Does the marking scheme indicate clearly the marks to be awarded for
different parts of a question or the relative weighting of criteria that might be
31- Does the marking scheme, by specifying performance criteria, reduce as far
as possible the element of subjective judgement that the examiner has to
exercise in evaluating candidates' answers?
Glossary of Important Testing Terms
The following terms and their definitions should prove useful in helping to
understand the information provided in this research work.
Achievement test: measures what a learner knows from what he/she has been
taught; this type of test is typically given by the teacher at a particular time
throughout the course covering a certain amount of material.
Analytical scale: a type of rating scale that requires teachers to allot separate
ratings for the different components of language ability i.e. content, grammar,
vocabulary etc.
Autonomy: refers to developing strategies of Self and independent learning.
Banding scale: a type of holistic scales that measures language competence via
descriptors of language ability; an example of this is the IELTS bands from
Content validity: this type of validity refers to testing what you teach; i.e. testing
content covered in some way in the course materials using formats that are familiar to
the student.
Cornerstones of good testing practice: the guidelines of effective test writers; they
include the concepts of validity, reliability, practicality, transparency,
authenticity, security and washback.
Construct validity refers to the fit between the theoretical and methodological
approaches used in a program and the assessment instruments administered.
Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) is a test developed and used to estimate how
much of the content and skills covered in a specific content area have been
acquired by the examinee. Performance is judged in relation to a set of criteria
rather than in comparison to the performance of other individuals tested with a
norm-referenced test (NRT). It compares students' performance to particular
outcomes or expectations.
Descriptive statistics describe the population taking the test; the most common
descriptive statistics include mean, mode, medium, standard deviation and range;
they are also known as the measures of central tendency.
Discrete-point test: an objective test that measures the students' ability to answer
questions on a particular aspect of language; discrete-point items are very popular
with teachers because they are quick to write and easy to score. These items are
usually multiple choice, true-false, or fill-in-the-blank and allow for only one
correct answer.
Face validity refers to the overall appearance of the test; it is the extent to which a
test appeals to test takers.
descriptions of the levels of performance, examples of benchmarks at each level, or
by scoring rubrics, an example of this is the scoring used with the TOEFL Test of
Written English (TWE).
Item bank: a large bank or number of items measuring the same skill or
competency; item banks are most frequently found in objective testing in
particularly CBT and CAT.
Item Analysis: a procedure whereby test items and distractors are examined
according to the level of difficulty of the item and the extent to which they
discriminates between high-achieving and low-achieving students; results of item
analyses are used in the upkeep and revision of item banks.
Linguistic competence: the breadth of knowledge that the learner has regarding
the elements of the language- pronunciation, vocabulary and structure.
Mean is known as the arithmetic average; to obtain the mean, the scores are added
together and then divided by the number of students who took the test; the mean is
a descriptive statistic.
Mode: the most frequently received score in a distribution.
Objective test: can be scored based solely on an answer key; it requires no expert
judgment on the part of the scorer.
Parallel tests: multiple versions of a test; they are written with test security in
mind; they share the same framework, but the exact items differ.
Performance-based test: requires students to show what they can do with the
language as opposed to what they know about the language; they are often referred
to as task-based.
time; the aim is to document the student's progress in language learning via the
completion of such tasks as reports, projects, artwork, and essays.
Rating scale: instruments that are used for the evaluation of writing and speaking;
they are either analytical or holistic.
Raw score: the score obtained directly as a result of totalling all the items
answered correctly on a test.
-Intea Rater Reliability is the degree to which a test yields consistent
results over different administrations with the same individual performing at the
same level by the same assessor (intra-rater).
Scoring a test: determining the number of points that each item or procedure is to
receive, and then the value or weighting of these points with respect to the total test
or quiz.
Self-assessment asks students to judge their own ability level in a language; one it
is type of alternative assessment.
Specifications: a document that states what the test should be used for and who is
it aimed at; test specifications usually contain all instructions, examples of test
formats/items, weighting information and pass/fail criteria.
Standardized test: A carefully designed test that has undergone long
experimentation and research. It is often administered to large groups of pupils
from different types of schools. It measures language ability against a norm or
Subjective test requires knowledge of the content area being tested; a subjective
test frequently depends on impression and opinion at the time of the scoring.
Tutoring refers to the short meetings that teachers can have individually or in
small groups with their students, in which progress is discussed and goals are set
for a future meeting.
Validity: one of the cornerstones of good testing practice; refers to the degree to
which a test measures what it is supposed to measure. A test is not valid per se; it
is valid for a particular purpose and for a particular group. Validity evidence can
come from different sources such as theory, research or statistical analyses. There
are different kinds of validity including:
-Concurrent Validity is the degree to which the scores on a test are
related to the scores on another already established test administered at the same
time, or to some other valid criterion available at the same time. The
relationship method of determining concurrent validity involves determining the
relationship between scores on the test and scores on some other established test
or criterion. The discrimination method of establishing concurrent validity
involves determining whether test scores can be used to discriminate between
persons who possess a certain characteristic and those who do not, or those who
possess it to a greater degree. This type of validity is sometimes referred to as
criterion-related validity.
-Predictive Validity is the degree to which a test can predict how well an
individual will do in a future situation. It is determined by establishing the
relationship between scores on the test and some measure of success in the
situation of interest. The test that is used to predict success is referred to as the
predictor and the behaviour that is predicted is the criterion.
Washback: one of the cornerstones of good testing practice; refers to the impact
a test or testing program may have on the curriculum.
Weighting refers to the value that is placed on certain skills within the exam
determined through prior administrations to large numbers of students.
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La présente étude traite des questions en rapport avec les tests de langue et
propose une batterie d'épreuves qui pourrait être utilisée dans un contexte d'
évaluation des capacités orales chez les étudiants de la première année LMD.Nos
Enquêtes et recherches ont montré que, durant les dernières années, un grand
intérêt a été accordé à l'application des procédures d'évaluation entièrement
différentes des formes traditionnelles. De nombreuses formes authentiques d'
évaluation sont, de plus en plus, en vogue dans les classes d'enseignement de la
langue étrangère.
Nous avons confirmé l'hypothèse que nos étudiants ont besoin d'une
auto-évaluation afin de pouvoir diriger leur progression dans l'apprentissage.
Par exemple, les étudiants peuvent apprendre à travers l'auto évaluation et le
Portfolio, que leur progression ainsi que leur niveau ne dépendent pas
uniquement de l'enseignant mais dans une grande partie, d'eux-mêmes.
Appliqué régulièrement, le portfolio et l'auto évaluation sont à même d'aider
les étudiants à prendre connaissance de leurs points de force et de faiblesse et
de régler tous leurs problèmes avant les examens finaux. Par ailleurs L'auto
évaluation permet aussi aux enseignants de voir comment les étudiants
envisagent leur progression, les menant ainsi à s'auto instruire individuellement
et à s'initier à un apprentissage autonome.
Cependant, nous croyons fort bien que les étudiants ne peuvent avancer
dans leur carrière comme apprenants actifs s'ils ne sont pas capables d'évaluer
leurs propres capacités et progression et tracer une trajectoire pour l'
apprentissage futur. Les étudiants ont besoin qu'on leur apprenne
explicitement les stratégies de l'auto évaluation et qu'on les aide à mettre en
oeuvre ces stratégies. La plus grande valeur de l'auto évaluation et de l'
évaluation portfolio réside dans le fait que les étudiants, durant leurs parcours
de formation, deviennent contributeurs actifs dans le processus d'apprentissage
et d'évaluation.