Niagara 4 Installation Guide: Technical Document
Niagara 4 Installation Guide: Technical Document
Niagara 4 Installation Guide: Technical Document
The information contained in this document is confidential information of Tridium, Inc., a Delaware corpora-
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and may be used only in accordance with that agreement.
The information contained in this document is provided solely for use by Tridium employees, licensees, and
system owners; and, except as permitted under the below copyright notice, is not to be released to, or re-
produced for, anyone else.
While every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of this document, Tridium is not responsible for
damages of any kind, including without limitation consequential damages, arising from the application of the
information contained herein. Information and specifications published here are current as of the date of this
publication and are subject to change without notice. The latest product specifications can be found by con-
tacting our corporate headquarters, Richmond, Virginia.
Trademark notice
BACnet and ASHRAE are registered trademarks of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Con-
ditioning Engineers. Microsoft, Excel, Internet Explorer, Windows, Windows Vista, Windows Server, and SQL
Server are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of
Oracle and/or its affiliates. Mozilla and Firefox are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation. Echelon, LON, Lon-
Mark, LonTalk, and LonWorks are registered trademarks of Echelon Corporation. Tridium, JACE, Niagara
Framework, NiagaraAX Framework, and Sedona Framework are registered trademarks, and Workbench,
WorkPlaceAX, and AXSupervisor, are trademarks of Tridium Inc. All other product names and services men-
tioned in this publication that are known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks are the
property of their respective owners.
Document Content
This guide provides essential instructions on how to install Niagara 4.0 software.
Topics in this document include information on system and license requirements and how to get started with
Workbench. Topics also include descriptions of the Niagara 4.0 directory structure and Niagara homes.
Related documentation
Additional information about Niagara platforms, installation and operation Workbench is available in the fol-
lowing documents.
The topics in this section include a short quick start task as well as hardware, licensing, and operating system
requirements for installation.
Before initiating Niagara 4 installation, verify that you can meet all hardware and software requirements de-
scribed in this section.
Quick Start
This is a quick summary of installation; see the following sections for more detailed information.
M ini mum prerequi si te s
• Intel Pentium Core 2 Duo (32-bit or 64-bit), 2 GHz
• Ethernet 100 Mbit or 1Gbit NIC
• Valid license
• Internet access for license confirmation
Step 1 Download the latest build.
Step 2 Run the appropriate (32–bit or 64–bit) Installer and follow the installation wizard steps to define
the requested information, such as:
• Installation location.
• Installation options including the installation of start menu and desktop shortcuts, and tiles.
• Finish install options, including whether to launch Workbench after installation and load the
start platform daemon.
N O T E : For more information on installer type, refer to the section on 32-bit vs. 64-bit installations.
Step 3 Launch Workbench and confirm license.
For a detailed matrix of supported operating systems, refer to the Niagara-Central Knowledge article Sup-
ported Operating Systems And Relational Database Servers For Niagara Installations.
N O T E : To install Niagara on a Windows host, you must be logged in to Windows as a user with administra-
tor privileges.
S u p p o r t e d w e b b ro w s e r s
Also recommended, a late version HTML5–capable web browser, for example:
Niagara 4.1 —
We b b r o w s e r s Niagara 4.0 Niagara 4.2 Niagara 4.3
N O T E : Some late version web browsers have disabled support for NPAPI which prevents the Java Wb App-
let from running in Niagara 4. As a temporary solution, you may be able to enable NPAPI in the browser set-
tings. Otherwise, you can use another browser that supports the plugin, or use the HTML5 HxProfile.
Another option is to coordinate with an IT manager to get browsers and policies in place to have the Java
applet working by default.
You only have to license the application on your computer once, typically soon after you finish installation by
starting Workbench.
Your product purchase creates an “unbound” license on the online licensing server. The server may email
you a corresponding license key—a unique string that corresponds to your license.
• Make a station (Fox) connection, look at the Java Version property in the S t a t i o n S u m m a r y view on
the top level Station node, or else the Java VM Name property in the P l a t f o r m S e r v i c e C o n t a i n e r P l u g i n
view (default view of the PlatformServices container). Only 64-bit installations show Java Hotspot(TM) 64-
Bit Server VM. Whereas 32-bit installations show Java Hotspot(TM) Server VM.
This section provides information about the English language lexicon usage and instructions on how to use
the Lexicon Tool to perform common tasks.
Installing Niagara 4
The Installation wizard installs both Niagara Framework® and Workbench on a Supervisor or engineering
Launch the installation program by running one of the Installer files located in the files extracted from a
downloaded software zip file (or possibly in an installation CD).
N O T E : Installation files can vary from one vendor (org) to another, consequently some installation items or
dialog options mentioned in this document may not appear. Conversely, some files may include additional in-
stallation items or options that are not covered in this document. As needed, consult the technical support
resource for your brand and sales channel.
Niagara 4 promotes security by storing system files and user files in separate home folders. The daemon
home folder defaults to ProgramData\Niagara4.n\brand (where n is the software version and brand is
your product name). Beginning with Niagara 4.4, you can change the location of the daemon home. Look for
this option when running the Installation wizard.
The system writes the new location to the registry at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\wb.exe\in-
stallations along side the other install (latest/N4latest) registry keys it maintains. If this registry key ex-
ists, the Windows NRE uses the location specified. If the key does not exist, the installation uses the default:
ProgramData\Niagara4.nbrand (where n is the software version and brand is your product name).
Close other applications before you run one of the Installer files.
Step 1 In the installation window, accept the default destination folder or if desired, click B r o w s e to navi-
gate to a different folder.
The default location is C:\niagara\niagara-4.x.nnn (where nnn is the build number). If
needed, you can directly edit the folder path (for example, changing the drive from C: to D:), or
click B r o w s e and navigate to another folder.
N O T E : If you change the default destination folder, you can click the R e f r e s h button to recalculate
the S p a c e R e q u i re d and S p a c e A v a i l a b l e values.
Step 2 Accept or deselect, as needed, the two options that are selected by default:
• T h i s i n s t a n c e o f Wo r k b e n c h w i l l b e u s e d a s a n i n s t a l l a t i o n t o o l — Typically, you leave this
This option installs additional files that allow the installation to be used to commission control-
lers. Always select this option for any Supervisor host. This option installs the distribution (dist)
files in the appropriate folders under the Niagara 4 version (software) folder. Using a platform
connection, these files allow you to commission, or provision, a remote host to the same revi-
sion and build level as this Niagara installation.
• I n s t a l l D o c u m e n t a t i o n — Installing this documentation requires additional disk storage. It is
not required for any functions, but it is recommended for reference information.
This option installs PDF versions of the help files, hardware installation guides, and other man-
uals, which are available as PDFs, in the!docs folder.
N O T E : These are the same PDFs that are in the !docs folder of the zipped distribution file (or
Step 3 Click N e x t to proceed.
Step 1 In the N i a g a r a 4 I n s t a l l a t i o n P r o g r a m window, accept the default Niagara Daemon User Home
folder or if desired, click B r o w s e to navigate to a different location.
The default location is ProgramData\Niagara4.n\brand (where n is the software version and
brand is your product name).
Step 2 If needed, you can directly edit the folder path (for example, changing the drive from C: to D:), or
click B r o w s e and navigate to another folder.
Step 3 Click N e x t button to proceed.
N O T E : Once the installation program sets the system passphrase, this step will not be presented again
upon subsequent Niagara 4 installations.
Step 1 In the Passphrase field, enter the passphrase and then repeat the entry in the Confirm Pass-
phrase field.
N O T E : A strong passphrase is required. Use 10 or more characters and include at least one of each
of the following: uppercase, lowercase, and numeric.
Step 2 Click N e x t to continue.
• L a u n c h Wo r k b e n c h .
This option is selected by default, and recommended.
• Install and Start Platform Daemon.
This option is selected by default. Any Supervisor installation, or engineering workstation PC that is li-
censed to run a local station requires that you start the platform daemon.
Installing the platform daemon automatically stops and replaces any other running platform daemon with
the platform daemon from this release. Also, at any time you can install and start the platform daemon
from any installed Niagara build, using the S t a r t menu shortcut: I n s t a l l P l a t f o r m D a e m o n .
The platform daemon runs as a Windows service. To verify that it is running, from a command prompt,
type: services.msc and press E n t e r. In the S e r v i c e s window, double-click on the Niagara named serv-
ice to see details, such as the software release and build number.
• C o p y D a e m o n D a t a F ro m P r i o r Ve r s i o n
This option is selected by default when the installer detects daemon data in an earlier version. When se-
lected, the installer copies from the earlier version the stations, templates, and other files needed for the
stations to run.
N O T E : Starting in Niagara 4.2, if the installer detects that there is an existing daemon home for the ver-
sion being installed, then this option is not available. This is to avoid overwriting a daemon home with an
older version when re-installing software or upgrading a newer version.
For example, if you have existing Niagara 4.1 and Niagara 4.2 daemon homes and you install a newer ver-
sion of Niagara 4.2. If this option was selected, the installer would copy files from the N4.1 daemon home
to the existing N4.2 daemon home, overwriting files there which is most likely an unwanted outcome.
Step 1 Click F i n i s h to close the window and execute the selected options.
licensing server should finalize (bind) your license and make it available for download, and also email it to
you. If Workbench successfully confirms the license online, you can restart it after receiving the email.
Workbench is now ready for use (without further license checks) on your host, for the duration of your
Step 1 Depending on which popup displays do the following:
• If the L i c e n s e I n s t a l l e d popup displays (shown below), click C o n t i n u e , Workbench should con-
tinue to open after another possible popup window (P Pl a t f o r m D a e m o n R e s t a r t R e q u i r e d -
click C o n t i n u e ).
Workbench is now ready for use (without further license checks) on your host, for the duration of your
G e t t i n g s t a r t e d i n Wo r k b e n c h
Technical documents are available in the !docs folder as PDFs. Also, to view online help, open a the Help win-
dow and explore the Table of Contents.
• A l a r m P o r t a l 4 . 0 . nnn (where nnn is the build) is a way to start Workbench using an alarm profile. This
mode limits most menu options to the support of the A l a r m P o r t a l view, which you can configure to
monitor and acknowledge alarms from different stations. Alternatively, you can access the same view in
the standard Workbench interface, via the T o o l s → A l a r m P o r t a l selection. For more details, refer to
Alarms Guide.
• Console
This shortcut opens a blue Windows command prompt window with the path set appropriately for com-
mand line utilities.
N O T E : One command that may be useful is: nre -hostid. In cases where Workbench refuses to start,
use this command to retrieve the Host ID of your Windows PC.
You can also open a console within Workbench, by choosing W i n d o w → C o n s o l e . The console area then
appears at the bottom of the window.
• Install Platform Daemon
This shortcut installs and starts the platform daemon for this release and build of Niagara. The platform
daemon is a server process that allows automatic station restart in case of reboot or failure, as well as re-
mote platform management. To host a local station on this platform, you must install and start the plat-
form daemon. If another platform daemon instance is running, I n s t a l l P l a t f o r m D a e m o n stops the
running daemon and overwrites it with this daemon. For related details, see the Niagara 4 Platform
• Wo r k b e n c h ( C o n s o l e )
This shortcut launches Workbench with a separate, associated Console (black) window, which can be
helpful in troubleshooting. This is similar to opening a C o n s o l e (blue) window and entering the com-
mand: w b . Either console provides client debug messages, similar to the platform Application Director,
which provides debug for the (server) station application. If a client side error occurs in Workbench, there
should be some sort of stack trace debug in the w b console output.
N O T E : If you start Workbench this way, and then close the console window,the program also immedi-
ately closes. Any unsaved changes are lost. Be sure to save changes before closing the associated con-
sole window. Exiting Workbench from F i l e → E x i t forces options to be saved. It also prompts for any
unsaved files in the session to be saved or discarded.
• Wo r k b e n c h
This shortcut launches Workbench without an associated console window. If during installation you se-
lected the option to start Workbench upon completion, the application uses this shortcut to start the pro-
gram when it finishes the installation process.
• Uninstall
This shortcut removes this Niagara installation. It provides separate options to save station files and user
• Demo Station
This shortcut launches the standard demonstration station outside of normal platform daemon control.
As a convenience, the station launches using the station.exe command in a console window.
If Workbench is running, you can connect to the station (Open station). To save any changes made and
stop the station, type q u i t in the D e m o S t a t i o n console window and press E n t e r. To stop without saving
any changes, close the D e m o S t a t i o n console window.
N O T E : Using station.exe is not the recommended way to start a local station. It is a developer utility
that allows quick access to station debug messages in the console window. While the station is running,
the console window can also process a few entered commands (to see them, in the console window en-
ter: h e l p ). The recommended way to start a production station is to open a platform connection and start
the station from the A p p l i c a t i o n D i r e c t o r. This allows configuration for auto-start and restart on failure.
File locations
During the Workbench installation and platform commissioning processes, the software differentiates be-
tween two types of files based upon the content of the files: configuration and runtime data. Files and fold-
ers that contain configuration data reside in separate locations from files and folders that contain runtime
data. This separation enhances security by denying general access to the runtime files and allowing each
user access to only their personal configuration files.
As a result of separating configuration and runtime data, the system supports multiple home directories on
the Supervisor or engineering workstation. These homes may be identified as:
• The system home contains runtime files, such as core software modules, the JRE, and binary executables.
• Workbench user home for each user contains configuration data, including option files, and registries.
• A platform daemon user home for the Supervisor or engineering workstation contains platform configu-
ration data.
• Two station homes called, protected station home and station home, are part of each user home.
Homes on a Supervisor
The following table provides a summary of the Supervisor or engineering workstation homes with shortcut
Home in the
Home in th e Platform Ad-
Wo r k b e n c h N a v ministration File ORD
t re e view Niagara 4 alias Windows folder location and contents shortcut
Home s o n a c on trol le r
On a controller there are two homes.
Home in th e Plat- Home in the Plat-
form Adminis tra- form Administra-
tion view tion view Niagara 4 alias OFD location an d contents File ORD shortcut
During the Niagara installation, the appropriate Uninstall executable is copied to the !bin subfolder, and re-
named to uninstall.exe. The installed S t a r t menu U n i n s t a l l shortcut points to this executable.
Running the U n i n s t a l l e r removes only the installation runtime files and folders in the niagara_home location
(C:\Niagara\Niagara-4.1.xx.xx). The files and folders located in your niagara_user home (C:\Users
\userName\Niagara4.x\<brand>) and in the platform daemon user home (C:\ProgramData\Niag-
ara4.x\<brand>) are left untouched.
Step 1 Under the Windows Start menu, click A l l P ro g r a m s and scroll to the Niagara build you wish to
Step 2 Click N i a g a r a b u i l d → U n i n s t a l l .
The U n i n s t a l l P r o g r a m wizard opens.
Step 3 Confirm that the wizard lists the correct build and click N e x t .
The wizard notifies you as it immediately begins uninstalling.
On completion, the wizard notifies you that the uninstallation is complete.
Questions and answers cover subjects ranging from the Niagara 4 directory structure to general Framework
subjects such as, installing individual modules and configuring your Windows firewall to allow for
N i a g a r a 4 FA Q s
Questions and answers specifically about Niagara 4.
Q: Why does an installation have so many “homes”?
A : The multi-homed directory structure results in improved security. Because configuration data is separated
from runtime data, users do not require full access permissions to the installation. This allows administrators
flexibility in regulating access. For more details on the homes, refer to the Niagara 4 Platform Guide.
Q : T h e n e w s t a t i o n t h a t I j u s t c r e a t e d d o e s n o t s h o w - u p i n t h e A p p l i c a t i o n D i r e c t o r v i e w. H o w a m I
supposed to start the station?
A : The N e w S t a t i o n Wizard creates the station in your Workbench user_home. To start the station in the
Application Director you must first copy the station, using the platform S t a t i o n C o p i e r, to the platform dae-
mon user_home .
N O T E : This scenario is true for early Beta versions. However in later versions the final (Finish) step of the
wizard includes several action-on-Finish options, one of which is: Copy station to secure platform for
“localhost” on Finish. If selected, on finishing the wizard closes and the platform S t a t i o n C o p i e r
Q : W h y o n m y S u p e r v i s o r P C a m I re q u i re d t o m a k e a l o c a l p l a t f o r m c o n n e c t i o n a n d t h e S t a t i o n C o p -
i e r t o c o p y ( t r a n s f e r ) a s t a t i o n t o t h e d a e m o n u s e r h o m e f ro m m y Wo r k b e n c h u s e r h o m e , w h e n I
c o u l d m o re e a s i l y j u s t u s e W i n d o w s E x p l o re r t o c o p y a n d p a s t e f o l d e r s a n d f i l e s t h e re ?
A : Bypassing platform tools, even with “localhost” operations, increases security risks. In the example cited,
if you simply copy and paste a station folder using Windows Explorer, client passwords in that station are left
in a portable format. Whereas if you use the Station Copier, those passwords become encrypted with the
unique keyring files for the opened platform.
Q : Wi l l ot her W i ndows user s wi th a dmi n pri vi le ge s who log on t o t he P C where the ins ta l la ti on ex i sts
be able to see the Start menu shortcuts, installation folders, etc?
A : The shortcuts are visible only to the original installer. Other administrator-level users, logged on to the
Windows PC, can make their own shortcuts to Workbench, etc., or simply navigate to the installation folders
to start Workbench. The result is that the user gets their own unique Workbench niagara_user_home (C:
\Windows\users\userName\Niagara 4.0, a separate location from that of the user who installed the
Different Windows logons have different niagara_user_homes, which is by design, it protects any passwords
you may be using. This also means that sharing backups (and other items) with other users requires some
Q : I s i t p o s s i b l e t o u s e Wo r k b e n c h w i t h a n e a r l i e r r e l e a s e o f N i a g a r a i n s t a l l e d o n a c o n t r o l l e r ?
A : No. You need to use a version of Workbenchthat is compatible with the software on the controller. How-
ever, a remote AX-3.8 controller can be integrated in the Niagara 4 Supervisor's station, where you can dis-
cover points, schedules, and histories. Also if the Supervisor is configured for provisioning, it can do
provisioning tasks on a remote AX-3.8 controller . See the AX to N4 Migration Guide for related details.
G e n e r a l FA Q s
Questions and answers on the Framework.
Q : F ro m m y e n g i n e e r i n g w o r k s t a t i o n , I n e e d t o s u p p o r t d i f f e re n t j o b s a t d i f f e re n t s o f t w a re re l e a s e
l e v e l s ( f o r e x a m p l e : 3 . 7 , 3 . 8 , 4 . 0 ) . I s t h e re a re c o m m e n d e d m e t h o d t o d o t h i s ?
A : You can install different release levels on your workstation, and keep them separate by installing them in
different locations. To run stations locally, remember to check which platform daemon is running at the time
(from command prompt: services.msc and look at Niagara service). As needed, use the shortcut I n s t a l l
P l a t f o r m D a e m o n to start the appropriate platform daemon.
Q: I s i t poss i bl e t o s el ect whi ch m odul es are i nst al l ed?
A : By default, the installer installs all modules in your !modules folder. These include all the online versions
of software documents, such as (Getting Started with Niagara) and so on, various lexicon modules, and all
the software modules, including ones for drivers and other features.
N O T E : When you use Workbench to install software in remote hosts (typically JACE controllers), you do se-
lect which modules to install, among them all the software modules in your !modules folder, as well as other
items in your software database (!sw folder).
Q : D o e s N i a g a r a re q u i re c h a n g e s t o m y W i n d o w s F i re w a l l ?
A : Most configurations work with the default ports. You would make changes to your firewall to run a station
locally on a PC with other remote stations connected to it, or to allow a remote Workbench client to connect
to the station and platform on this host.
Q : W h e n i n s t a l l i n g N i a g a r a o n a S u p e r v i s o r, i s t h e s o f t w a r e s u p p o s e d t o b e i n s t a l l e d w i t h t h e “ u s e a s
ins ta l l t ool ” box chec ked? I s t here an y reas on not t o check thi s box?
A : This box is optional because the installation is 200MB bigger when it is selected. You need to have it
checked if the Supervisor will be using provisioning to install software to subordinate controllers, or if you
want to use Workbench from that computer to upgrade software on a controller.
Q : W h a t i s t h e d i f f e re n c e b e t w e e n w b _ w. e x e a n d w b . e x e ?
A : Starting Workbench using wb.exe starts an associated console window that provides debug information
for the client Workbench application in much the same way that the application director provides server-side
debug information for the station. It is typical to start Workbench using wb.exe when trouble shooting cli-
ent side issues.
Starting Workbench using wb_w.exe launches the program without a console window. You may prefer to
use wb.exe because of the console. If Workbench freezes with a console open, you can quickly terminate
the program by closing the console window.
Q : I ’ v e g o t d i f f e r e n t v e r s i o n s o f Wo r k b e n c h i n s t a l l e d . W h e n i s i t re a l l y n e c e s s a r y t o s t a r t t h e p l a t -
form daemon?
A : You only need to start the platform daemon when you are planning to run a station locally. However, it
does not hurt to get in the habit of loading the platform daemon for the current release each time you launch
Workbench. Some customers use batch files for starting the platform daemon followed by starting the pro-
gram. This simplifies things because you can just double-click the shortcut icon for the particular version and
brand of Workbench you need. Customers share such solutions on Niagara-Central.