A Constant Dependent Upon Fiber VF The Volume Percent of Fibers

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David R. Lankard, Lankard Materials Laboratory, Inc., 400 Frank Road,

Columbus, Ohio 43207


Steel fiber reinforced concretes (SFRC) are typically prepared by adding

the fiber along with the other concrete ingredients in the mixing operation.
At fiber contents in excess of 2 volume percent, the SFRC becomes difficult
or impossible to mix and place. Inasmuch as improvements in concrete proper-
ties attributed to the fibers increase as a function of increasing fiber con-
tent, this situation places a limit on the ultimate property development in
SFRC prepared using the premix approach. Recently, a procedure has been
developed wherein steel fiber contents up to 20 volume percent have been pro-
vided. Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete (SIFCCN) composites possess outstand-
ing strength, ductility, and crack/spall resistant properties. Equally :impor-
tant, the ability to construct with SIFCON has been demonstrated.


Portland cement concrete (PCC) possesses a relatively low tensile strength

and can accommodate only very small tensile strains before cracking. Historic-
ally, these limitations of PCC have been overcome through the use of continuous
deformed steel bars or prestressing tendons. In the past fifteen years or so;
there has been an increasing interest in the use of discontinuous, discrete
steel fibers as an alternative or complementary reinforcement for concrete(l).
Steel fibers for this application have diameters ranging from 0.010 to 0.35 in.
(0.25 to 0.90 nuT)and lengths ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 in. (12.7 to 76.2 amm).
It is generally agreed that the principal functions of steel fibers as
reinforcement in concrete are,
1. to improve the tensile or flexural strength properties (including
fatigue resistance),
2. to improve the impact resistance,
3. to control cracking and the mode of failure by means of post-
cracking ductility (in both tension and compression).

Measurements of flexural strength and fracture toughness are commonly

used as an index of performance of SFRC. The post cracking flexural or ten-
sile strength of SFRC is related to the major steel fiber parameters by( ),
Cit = KL) (1)
ult f
% = The average
where, ult = Ultimate
Ct or flexural strength of tensile
post-cracking the friction strength
composite L
K = A constant dependent upon fiber - = The fiber aspect ratio
orientation D (length/diameter)
Vf = The volume percent of fibers
in the composite
A number of researchers have attempted to quantify the post-cracking duc-
tility afforded by steel fibers in concrete. Most of these efforts have

Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 42.,- 1985 Materials Research Society

centered around attempts to use the area under the flexural load-deflection
curve as an index or indicator of the energy required to fail the SFRC( ).
Inasmuch as the steel fibers carry all the load, once the concrete itself has
cracked, a "toughness index" measured in this manner is really a measure of
the amount of work involved in stripping fibers contained in the crack plane
from the concrete.

Significantly, it has been determined that increases in Vf and (L/D)

provide an increase not only in the post-cracking flexural strength of SFRC
but also in the post-cracking ductility as expressed by the toughness index( ).

In preparing conventional SFRC, the steel fibers are mixed along with
the other concrete constituents (cement, aggregates, water, and admixtures)
using conventional mixing equipment. As the fiber concentration is increased
along with fiber aspect ratio, it becomes difficult to mix and place these
materials. It has been found that a practical upper limit for Vf is around
2.0 volume percent and for L/D around 100. In fact, for existing commercial
applications for SFRC, Vf typically does not exceed 1.0 volume percent with
aspect ratios less than 75. Thus, the ultimate properties promised by equa-
tion (1) cannot be achieved in the field for practical reasons.

With the recent development of SIFCON (slurry infiltrated fiber rein-

forced concrete), providing steel fiber loadings up to 20 volume percent,
this limitation has now been largely removed (,


SIFCON can be considered as preplaced-fiber concrete (analagous to pre-

placed aggregate concrete) with the placement of steel fibers in a form or
mold, or on a substrate, as the initial construction step. Fiber placement
is accomplished by hand or through the use of commercial fiber dispensing
units. Figure 1 shows the hand placement of steel fibers in a form.

In the main, the steel fiber content achieved (Vf) is dictated by the
packing density of the fiber involved which, in turn, is controlled by fiber
aspect ratio and length. For a given fiber, somewhat higher loadings are
achieved if the mold or form is lightly vibrated during the fiber filling
step. Using commercially available steel fibers, fiber loadings of 5 to 20
volume percent have been achieved.

A fine-grained, cement-based slurry is prepared using a planetary mixer,

grout mixer, or mortar mixer as shown in Figure 2. The slurry is then infil-
trated through the packed fiber bed. The infiltration step is accomplished
by (1) simple gravity induced flow (see Figure 3), (2) gravity flow aided by
external vibration (see Figure 4), or by (3) pressure grouting.

Grain sizing of the aggregate phases in the slurry must be such that a
minimum of particles exceed the smallest opening in the packed fiber bed.
Obviously, if this condition is not met, the fiber bed becomes clogged with
aggregate particles and further infiltration is impossible. Both cement
pastes (cement, flyash, water) and mortars (cement, flyash, fine sand, water)
have been successfully infiltrated. Water-reducing admixtures have been used
in all cases.

Once the slurry infiltration step is complete, the curing of SIFCON is

the same as for any concrete material.

Figure 1. Placement of Steel Fibers Figure 2. Fine-Grained Cement-Based

In a 3 Ft. Wide x 8 Ft. Long x 1 Inch Slurry Prepared in a Mortar Mixer.
Deep Mold as the Initial Step in the Planetary Mixers or Grout Mixers are
Preparation of a SIFCCN Shape Also Suitable for Preparing the Slurry

Figure 3. Slurry Infiltration of a Figure 4. Slurry Infiltration Aided

SIFCCZ Tilt-Up Ponel Using Simple by External Vibration (slurry poured
Gravity Induced Flow of the Slurry through a vibrating steel grate)
Through the Packed Steel Fiber Bed


The initial testing of SIFOON has shown that it is a highly ductile,
high strength engineering material. Limited data have been obtained on
density, compressive strength properties, flexural strength properties, mod-
ulus of elasticity, drying shrinkage strain, and impact resistance.

The unit weight of the slurries used in SIFOlN varies fran 120 to 135
lb/ft 3 . The unit weight of the SIFOtN composites varies from 135 to 150
lb/ft' for steel fiber loadings around 5 volume percent to 195 to 210 lb/ft'
for a steel fiber loading of 20 volume percent.

Compressive Strength Properties

The cement/flyash slurry used in much of the SIFCCN work to date develops
a one day compressive strength of 4000 to 5000 psi and a 28 day compressive
strength of 12,000 to 13,000 psi.

SIFCtN composites have developed one day compressive strengths of 6000

to 20,000 psi and 28 day compressive strengths of 12,000 to >30,000 psi. One
day compressive strength values range from 60% to 70% those of 28 day values.

The SIFCON composites exhibit extremely ductile behavior under compres-

sive loading as shown in Figure 5. Figure 6 shows the condition of a SIFCON
4 x 8 in. cylinder specimen following uniaxial compressive loading to a
deflection of 0.44 in. Ultimate failure in compression (at deflections of
1.0 in. to >3.0 in. for 4 x 8 in. cylindrical specimens) is commonly a shear
failure and may be catastrophic (unconfined compression) accompanied by fiber
breakage across the shear plane.

Flexural Strength Properties

The slurries used in SIFCON work to date develop 28 day flexural strengths
of 1500 to 1700 psi. For a variety of steel fiber types, one day SIFCON flex-
ural strengths have typically ranged from 3000 to 7000 psi. Twenty-eight day
flexural strength values of SIFCON have ranged from 4000 to 10,000 psi.

Figure 7 compares the load-deflection behavior, in flexure, of a SIFCON

beam (containing 12.5 volume percent steel fiber) with that of a conventional
SFRC beam containing 0.75 volume percent steel fiber. For 4 x 4 x 14 in.
beam specimens loaded at the third points, failure of the SIFCON composites
has ranged from the development of one centrally located crack to multiple
cracking as illustrated in Figure 8.

Drying Shrinkage

The ultimate drying shrinkage strain of SIFCCN is only about 15 to 20%

that of the unreinforced paste or mortar. It is apparent that the mass of
interconnected steel fibers has a restraining effect on the shrinkage of
the composite.

Actual ultimate shrinkage strains for SIFCCN have been in the range of
0.02 to 0.04 percent which is on the low end of the range for conventional PCC.
Interestingly, the ultimate shrinkage strain of SIFCON is achieved quite
rapidly with shrinkage strains ceasing between 14 and 28 days of drying,
despite continued loss of evaporable water from the composite.

Modulus of Elasticity

Secant modulus of elasticity values for SIFCCN have ranged from 1.5 x
106 psi when latex-modified slurries are used, to 2.5 to 3.5 x 106 psi when
no latex-modifier is used. It is difficult to establish the range of elas-
tic behavior for these composites.

Impact Resistance

Attempts have been made to measure the impact resistance of SIFCON using
the technique recommended by ACI Committee 544 on Fiber Reinforced Concrete(3)
The procedure involves dropping a 10 lb. soil compaction hammer 18 inches onto

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I 210.000



40AN & ......

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.40 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.1 0.9 1.0
Deelle.t. in

FIGURE 5. Uniaxial Compressive Load- FIGURE 6. Condition of a SIFCCN Spec-

Deflection Behavior of SIFMON imen (4 x 8 inch cylinder) Following
Campared to Conventional PCC (No Jniaxial Compressive Loading to a .
Fiber). Specimen Size 4 x 8 Inch Cyl- Deflection of 0.44 Inch (11 am). SIF-
inder - ASIM C39. Speciien Fog Room xN Contains 11.5 Volume Percent of
Cured 28 Days Prior to Testing D.020 x 1.2 Inch (DE) Steel Fibers



20.000 - SIFMONfl~kimno FluWaI Itreogik - 5.610 PaS

S 16.000

conveatafll IFAC (ultihuan Flugral 30019d 1.060 Pol4


" 002 0.04
0.02 0.4
0060.08 0.10 0.12
1.00.08 0.10 0.12
0.14 0.15
0.14 0.16
0.10 U.2U
0.18 0.20
0 12 4

FIGURE 7. Flexural Load-Deflection FPIGURE 8. Condition of a 4 x 4 x 14

Behavior of SIF(MON (12.5 Volume Per IInch SIMON bean (5 Volume Percent
cent Steel Fiber) Compared to Conven- 0).020 x 2.0 in. DE Fiber) Following
tional SFRC (0.75 Volume Percent Steel Flexural Loading to a Central Deflec-
Fiber). 4 x 4 x 14 in. Specimens; 12 t ion of Over 0.25 Inch. 12 Inch Span,
in. Span, Third Point Loading. SIFC T7hird Point Loading
Contained 12.5 Volume Percent 1.2 in.
Long x 0.020 in. Diameter Deformed End
Steel Fiber. Conventional SFRC Con-
tained 0.75 Volume Percent, 2.0 in.
Long x 0.020 in. Diameter Deformed
End Steel Fiber

a hardened steel ball placed in the center of the concrete specimen which
measures 6 in. in diameter and 2.5 in. thick. The number of blows required
to crack the material is measured as well as the number of: blows required to
fully separate the cracked pieces. Using this test procedure, it is not
possible to cause any cracking in most SIFCOt composites.

Testing Considerations

The preparation of test specimens of SIFCOtN requires special considera-

tions relating mainly to the desirability of avoiding nonuniform fiber dis-
tributions and of avoiding unfavorable fiber orientations.

In preparing cylinder specimens of SIFCON in cylindrical molds, edge

effects occur (as illustrated in Figure 9) in which fiber density near the
surface of the specimen is lower than that in the interior. Additionally,
a disproportionate number of fibers may align vertically (parallel to the
long cylinder axis) along the cylindrical specimen surface.

A preferred but more expensive method of preparing cylindrical SIFCON

specimens is shown in Figure 10. Core specimens, drilled from precast slabs,
eliminate both of the problems just discussed for the molded cylindrical
specimens. However, even with core specimens, consideration must be given
to coring direction with respect to fiber placement direction as this can
dramatically affect the orientation of fibers in the core (as shown in
Figure 11). Core specimens molded and loaded in the same direction (i.e.,
the gravity vector) may exhibit twice the compressive strength of specimens
molded in one direction with the load being applied perpendicular to that axis.

A similar situation with respect to fiber orientation occurs for SIFCON

beams tested in flexure. Figure 12 shows fiber orientations resulting from
preparation of SIFCCN specimens as beams in one instance and as columns in
another. The flexural strength of, SIFCON specimens molded as beams can be
two to three times higher than that of specimens molded as columns (due to
fiber orientation effects as shown in Figure 12).

.Coring . Sites for

FIGURE 9. Edge Effects In a Molded FIGURE 10. Examples of Precast

SIFCC(N Cylinder Specimen SIFCON~ Slab From Which Cylindrical
Core Specimens Were Obtained


Slurry infiltrated fiber concrete has been prepared as both precast

shapes and as cast-in-place construction. Trials have now been undertaken
with SIFCCI, in the areas of (1) pavement rehabilitation, (2) bridge deck
rehabilitation, (3) refractory applications, (4) security concrete applica-
tions, (5) precast concrete products, and (6) explosive-resistant structures.





FIGURE 11. Coring Directions With FIGURE 12. Fiber Orientations

Respect to Fiber Placement Direction Resulting From Preparation of SIF-
Affects Fiber Orientation in Cored CON Specimens As a Beam and As a
SIFCON Specimens Column

Pavement Overlay

A bonded 1.0 in. SIFCON overlay was placed on a deteriorating 18 ft. x

50 ft. concrete parking lot slab in 1979. Figure 13 shows infiltration of
the packed steel fiber bed with a cement/flyash slurry. The slurry was poured
through a steel grate to which air-actuated vibrators were attached to fac-
ilitate infiltration. Currently (1984), the overlay remains fully bonded to
the old concrete and is in excellent condition.

Thin (1 to 2 in.) precast SIFCCN slabs have been constructed and used as
an impact and wear-resistant surfacing over conventional PCC. Slabs as large
as 8 ft. x 10 ft. have been prepared which contain anchors cast into the bot-
tom surface. Figure 14 shows the placement (in October 1983) of one of four
8 ft. x 10 ft. x 2 in. thick SIFCON slabs into an excavated area containing
fresh PCC (at Port Columbus International Airport). The slabs are located
within existing AC overlay area at a gate area supporting the main air-
craft wheel carriages.

Bridge Deck Repairs

SIFCON was used recently by the New Mexico Engineering Research Institute
to repair spalled areas on the decks of three Interstate highway bridges near
Albuquerque, New Mexico. The slurry infiltration step was accomplished by
gravity flow alone (no external vibration). Aggregate was applied to the
surface of the still fresh SIFCON as a dry shake and trowelled in to form
the wearing surface (as shown in Figure 15). Traffic was allowed on the
repaired area within 36 hours.

Refractory Applications
Precast SIFCON shapes (prepared with stainless steel fibers) have been
used in a number of refractory application areas including,
1. Seal plates for soaking pit covers
2. Tubes used in the pressure casting of metals
3. Furnace lintels
4. Furnace saddle piers.

FIGURE 13. Infiltration Step of SIF FIGURE 14. Installation of a Pre-

CON Prepared As a 1.0 Inch Thick Over- cast SIFCON Slab 8 ft. x 10 ft. x
lay of a Parking Lot Slab in August 2 Inch Into an Excavated Area Con-
1979. The Slurry is Being Poured taining Fresh Portland Cement Con-
Through a Vibrating Steel Grate Which crete (Port Columbus International
Sits on the Packed Steel Fiber Bed Airport, October, 1983)



FIGURE 15. Construction of a SIFCON FIGURE 16. Schematic Diagram of

Repair of a Bridge Deck on an Inter- 1/8 Scale Model (20 ft. long) of a
State Highway Near Albuquerque, New Hardened Silo Structure (containing
Mexico (June 1984). Infiltration of SIFCON) Constructed by the New
the Fiber Bed was Gravity Induced Mexico Engineering Research Insti-
Flow (no vibration). Photograph Shows tute, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Dry Shake Application of Coarse Aggre-
gate to Form the Wearing Surface

Laboratory and field results have demonstrated superior cracking,

spalling and hot load resistance for the material as well as improved
resistance to particulate abrasion and erosion.

Security Concrete Applications

A modified version of SIFCON incorporating preplaced fiber and aggre-

gate prior to slurry infiltration has demonstrated superior performance as
a security concrete (safes, vault doors).

Precast Concrete Products

A number of precast concrete products have been produced of SIFCCN

including cast pipe sections, planks and what is believed to be the world's
first concrete basketball backboard (3/4 in. thick).

Explosive Resistant Structures

Because of its high flexural and compressive strength, combined with

high ductility, SIFCON is being considered for use in structures to resist
the effects of explosive loadings.

Recently, a 1/8-scale model of a hardened silo structure was constructed

by the New Mexico Engineering Research Institute, Albuquerque, New
Mexico( ). A schematic of the 20 ft. long structure (6 in. thick SIFCCN walls)
is shown in Figure 16.

In practice, the inner steel liner was ccmpletely erected and the outer
liner installed in 5 ft. long sections. SIFCON placement was done within the
liners in 5 ft. lifts with slurry infiltration aided by external vibration.

Following construction, the fully instrumented structure was buried

underground and subjected to a surface mounted explosive loading. The per-
formance of the SIFCCN structure in this test exceeded expectations.


In SFRC prepared using conventional premix techniques, a fiber loading

of about 2 volume percent is the maximum that is practically attainable.
Higher steel fiber loadings (up to 20 volume percent) have now been achieved
using a technique which involves infiltration of a packed fiber bed with a
hydraulic cement-based paste or mortar. Slurry-infiltrated-fiber-concrete
(SIFX•CN) composites prepared with portland cement or calcium aluminate cement-
based pastes or mortars exhibit strength and ductility behavior that is dra-
matically superior to conventional SFRC materials. SIFCXN has now gone
beyond the laboratory stage with successful experimentation conducted in pave-
ment and bridge deck overlay repair, security concrete, refractory concrete,
precast concrete products, and explosive resistant structure applications.

Although the technology is obviously still in its infancy, the construc-

ability of SIFCCN has been demonstrated; most dramatically with the recent
construction of a 1/8-scale model hardened silo structure by the New Mexico
Engineering Research Institute, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

SIFCCN is viewed by the author as a unique new engineering material with

potential application in severe service situations where conventional concrete
materials are not performing satisfactorily. In view of its outstanding
strength properties, ductility, and crack and spall resistance, and its
ability to be formed as complex shapes, SIFCCN may also be suitable for use
in applications and products currently served by materials other than con-
crete (wood, cast iron, steel, FRP).

Continued research and development activities on SIFUCN are needed

to provide,

1. A better understanding of the engineering properties of the

2. A better understanding of the effects of fiber and matrix
variable on engineering properties

3. Improvements in constructionmethodology
4. Evaluation in new application areas such as seismic resistant
structures, precast railroad crossties and thin plate construction.


Hoff, G.C., et. al., U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,
Misc. Paper C-76-6, pp. 1-64, June, 1976 (Supplement No. 1, pp. 1-20,
September, 1977; Supplement No. 2, pp. 1-57, July, 1979; Supplement No. 3,
pp. 1-27, September, 1980).
Hannant, D.J., John Wiley & Sons, Somerset, NJ, pp. 1-219, 1978. "Fibre
Cements and Fibre Concretes".
ACI Committee 544 Report, Journ. Amer. Concrete Inst., Title No. 75-30,
pp. 283-289, July, 1978.

4Lankard, D.R. and Lease, D.H., Bull. Amer. Cer. Soc., Vol. 61, No. 7, 1982,
pp. 728-732.
Lankard, D.R. and Newell, J.K., Amer. Concrete Inst. Special Publication
SP-81,. Proc. from the 1982 Fall Conv., Amer. Concrete Inst., Detroit,
Michigan, September 19-24, 1982, pp. 286-306.
Schneider, B., Mondragon, R., and Kirst, J., New Mexico Eng. Res. Inst.
Task Report NMERI, TA8-69 (8.36/01), pp. 1-83, June 1984.

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