Case Study: USS Florida Answer 1: Leadership Development 1
Case Study: USS Florida Answer 1: Leadership Development 1
Case Study: USS Florida Answer 1: Leadership Development 1
sophisticated and well organized. The crew had a sense of elitism due to
the stern security and highly sensitive operations of the submarine. Both
senior and junior officers observed the protocols and remained cordial. The
induction of Michael Alfonso as the supreme leader of this created discord
in this already well-oiled machine. The irrational behavior and harsh
attitude of the new commandant developed a sense of fear and mistrust
amongst the crew and ultimately destroyed the serenity and peace
previously enjoyed by all aboard.
I also agree with Admiral Sullivan`s decision to remove the newly
appointed Commander from his post. The power of the position of Alfonso
seemed to have gotten to his head. Although his colleagues remembered
him as a quiet and reserved, after assuming charge Michael Alfonso started
reprimanding the crew openly for minor mistakes. He also made an issue
of something as minor as a soda dispenser. This puts a question mark on
his ability to continue as a leader. Even more alarming was the fact that his
subordinates became fearful of communicating with him. They kept things
to themselves in fear of a public outburst from their Commander. All this
was having a negative impact on the performance of the crew and the new
culture of keeping information hidden from their Commander could prove
to have disastrous consequences. Thus the seemingly harsh decision of
Admiral Sullivan seems justified in the circumstances created by the
inaptitude of Michael Alfonso.
Leadership Development 4