10 - 10 - 20 Payload Policy - TEKQ0616
10 - 10 - 20 Payload Policy - TEKQ0616
10 - 10 - 20 Payload Policy - TEKQ0616
November 2008
Caterpillar® Quarry
and Construction
10/10/20 Payload
Standards This document applies to Caterpillar® 770, 772, 773D, 773F, 775F
and 777D Quarry and Construction Trucks.
• Previous versions of the 10/10/20 Truck Payload Policy
are superceded by this document.
Statement of Guidelines To optimize the life of your Caterpillar machine, Caterpillar developed
the 10/10/20 Policy. The 10/10/20 policy states that 90% of all
payloads should be less than 110% of rated target payload.
No more than 10% of all payloads should exceed 10% above
rated target payload and at no time should rated target payload
be exceeded by 20%. The ideal hauling strategy that maximizes
machine and machine component life is to keep the mean of
all payloads at or below the machine’s rated target payload.
Continuously loading in excess of target payload may diminish
the life of the machine and its components. The rated capacity
of the tires should always be considered in any evaluation.
Tested Limit
% of Target Payload
Supporting Illustrations
Table 1
Target Gross Machine Weight and Maximum Gross Machine Weight
Model Serial No. Prefix ECW1 Target GMW6 MGMW5
770 BZZ 24 213 kg 71 214 kg 85 457 kg
53,380 lb 157,000 lb 188,400 lb
772 RLB 25 025 kg 82 100 kg 98 520 kg
55,171 lb 181,000 lb 217,200 lb
773F EED 31 663 kg 100 698 kg 120 838 kg
69,738 lb 222,000 lb 266,400 lb
775F DLS 31 663 kg 109 769 kg 131 723 kg
69,738 lb 242,000 lb 290,400 lb
Weight Calculation
773F Sample Calculation Flowchart Flow Sheet
Empty Chassis + Body and Liner = Empty Machine + Debris = Empty Operating
Weight Weight Fuel Weight
(ECW) (EMW) Attachments (EOW)
Mandatory Attachments
258-0849 (STARTER, COLD WEATHER) 159 kg 350 lb
245-2888 (ARC, WITH TRACTION CONTROL) 68 kg 150 lb
252-4425 (EXHAUST, MUFFLER) 43 kg 95 lb
Optional Attachments
293-6642 (WHEEL CHOCKS) 39 kg 85 lb
Dealer/Customer Attachment
Miscellaneous 68 kg 150 lb
= Empty Operating Weight (EOW) 3
45 502 kg 100,312 lb
Definitions and Abbreviations There are two types of weights discussed in Quarry and Construction
Truck terminology: Measured weights and Specified weights.
Measured weights are quantifiable: a person can take a truck in
a given configuration, put it on a scale, and weigh it. Specified
weights are limits or targets set through engineering calculation
in order to ensure compliance with standard or particular
performance criteria.
Measured Weights
1 Empty Chassis Weight (ECW). This weight includes base
machine weight including fluids, 10 percent fuel, tires, rims,
and operator. The weight excludes the truck body.
2 Empty Machine Weight (EMW). This is equal to Empty
Chassis Weight plus body and body liner.
3 Empty Operating Weight (EOW). This weight is equal to
operating machine weight plus debris, full fuel and
attachments (where applicable).
4 Selected Attachments. This represents the selection of
attachments, mandatory and optional, chosen for a particular
truck configuration. Attachments include any purchased
from Caterpillar or by the customer/dealer.
Specified Weights
5 Maximum Gross Machine Weight (MGMW). Value
specified that allows 20 percent excess payload for most truck
configurations. This weight includes a fully configured truck
with full fluids, operator, payload and debris. An operating
truck should never exceed the MGMW. This weight is
certified to meet ISO and SAE steering and braking system
Calculated Payloads
7 Target Payload (TP). This value is calculated by taking
Target Gross Machine Weight minus Empty Operating
Weight. Calculation: TGMW – EOW = TP
8 Target Range Payload (TRP). A calculated value that falls
between 80 percent and 120 percent of the target payload.
This number should not be below 80 percent and never exceed
120 percent. Calculation: TP 0.8 < TRP < TP 1.2
9 Maximum Allowable Payload. Equal to 120 percent of
the Target Payload, which is not to cause Loaded Operating
Weight to exceed Maximum Gross Machine Weight.
Calculation: TP 1.2 = Max Allowable Payload
10 Debris. Debris is an application specific value that accounts
for normal mud and road material that is stuck to the truck.
Debris varies considerably depending on work conditions,
and can fluctuate between 2-8 percent of Empty Chassis
Weight. As a general rule, debris can be approximated
using 2-4 percent of ECW.
Heavy Heavy
Low Medium High Duty High Duty
770 Flat Floor Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact
Body System Steel Steel Steel Steel Rubber Rubber
Empty Operating Weight kg 33 026 34 688 35 183 36 133 35 415 35 771
(EOW) lb 72,809 76,473 77,565 79,659 78,077 78,862
Target Payload kg 38 190 36 526 36 031 35 081 35 799 35 443
lb 84,191 80,527 79,435 77,341 78,923 78,138
100% Gross Machine kg 71 216 71 214 71 214 71 214 71 214 71 214
Weight (GMW) lb 157,000 157,000 157,000 157,000 157,000 157,000
110% of Target Payload kg 42 009 40 179 39 634 38 589 39 379 38 987
lb 92,610 88,580 87,379 85,075 86,815 85,952
110% Gross Machine kg 75 035 74 867 74 817 74 722 74 794 74 758
Weight (GMW) lb 165,419 165,053 164,944 164,734 164,892 164,814
120% of Target Payload kg 45 828 43 831 43 237 42 097 42 959 42 532
lb 101,029 96,632 95,322 92,809 94,708 93,766
120% Gross Machine kg 78 854 78 519 78 420 78 230 78 374 78 303
Weight (GMW) lb 173,838 173,105 172,887 172,468 172,785 172,628
Heavy Heavy
Low Medium High Duty High Duty
770 Dual Slope Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact
Body System Steel Steel Steel Steel Rubber Rubber
Empty Operating Weight kg 33 021 34 688 35 177 36 132 35 495 35 817
(EOW) lb 72,799 76,451 77,551 79,658 78,252 78,965
Target Payload kg 38 193 36 536 36 038 35 082 35 720 35 396
lb 84,201 80,549 79,449 77,342 78,748 78,035
100% Gross Machine kg 71 214 71 224 71 215 71 214 71 215 71 213
Weight (GMW) lb 157,000 157,000 157,000 157,000 157,000 157,000
110% of Target Payload kg 42 012 40 190 39 642 38 590 39 292 38 936
lb 92,621 88,604 87,394 85,076 86,623 85,839
110% Gross Machine kg 75 033 74 878 74 819 74 722 74 787 74 753
Weight (GMW) lb 165,420 165,055 164,945 164,734 164,875 164,804
120% of Target Payload kg 45 832 43 843 43 246 42 098 42 864 42 475
lb 101,041 96,659 95,339 92,810 94,498 93,642
120% Gross Machine kg 78 853 78 531 78 423 78 230 78 359 78 292
Weight (GMW) lb 173,840 173,110 172,890 172,468 172,750 172,607
Heavy Heavy
Low Medium High Duty High Duty
772 Flat Floor Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact
Body System Steel Steel Steel Steel Rubber Rubber
Empty Operating Weight kg 34 035 35 910 36 381 37 453 36 635 37 088
(EOW) lb 75,035 79,167 80,207 82,569 80,766 81,766
Target Payload kg 48 064 46 191 45 719 44 648 45 465 45 012
lb 105,965 101,833 100,793 98,431 100,234 99,234
100% Gross Machine kg 82 099 82 101 82 100 82 101 82 100 82 100
Weight (GMW) lb 181,000 181,000 181,000 181,000 181,000 181,000
110% of Target Payload kg 52 870 50 810 50 291 49 113 50 012 49 513
lb 116,562 112,016 110,872 108,274 110,257 109,157
110% Gross Machine kg 86 905 86 720 86 672 86 566 86 647 86 601
Weight (GMW) lb 191,597 191,183 191,079 190,843 191,023 190,923
120% of Target Payload kg 57 677 55 429 54 863 53 578 54 558 54 014
lb 127,158 122,200 120,952 118,117 120,281 119,081
120% Gross Machine kg 91 712 91 339 91 244 91 031 91 193 91 102
Weight (GMW) lb 202,193 201,367 201,159 200,686 201,047 200,847
Heavy Heavy
Low Medium High Duty High Duty
772 Dual Slope Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact
Body System Steel Steel Steel Steel Rubber Rubber
Empty Operating Weight kg 34 035 35 884 36 384 37 440 36 697 36 869
(EOW) lb 75,034 79,110 80,213 82,540 80,903 81,823
Target Payload kg 48 064 46 217 45 716 44 661 45 403 45 986
lb 105,966 101,890 100,787 98,460 100,097 99,177
100% Gross Machine kg 82 099 82 101 82 100 82 101 82 100 82 855
Weight (GMW) lb 181,000 181,000 181,000 181,000 181,000 181,000
110% of Target Payload kg 52 870 50 839 50 288 49 127 49 943 50 585
lb 116,563 112,079 110,866 108,306 110,107 109,095
110% Gross Machine kg 86 905 86 723 86 672 86 567 86 640 87 454
Weight (GMW) lb 191,597 191,189 191,079 190,846 191,010 190,918
120% of Target Payload kg 57 677 55 460 54 859 53 593 54 484 55 183
lb 127,159 122,268 120,944 118,152 120,116 119,012
120% Gross Machine kg 91 712 91 344 91 243 91 033 91 181 92 052
Weight (GMW) lb 202,193 201,378 201,157 200,692 201,019 200,835
Heavy Heavy
Medium High Duty High Duty
Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact
773F Flat Floor Body System Steel Steel Steel Rubber Rubber
Empty Operating Weight (EOW) kg 45 069 45 647 47 232 45 934 46 669
lb 99,359 100,633 104,127 101,266 102,886
Target Payload kg 55 629 55 051 53 466 54 764 54 029
lb 122,641 121,367 117,873 120,734 119,114
100% Gross Machine Weight (GMW) kg 100 698 100 698 100 698 100 698 100 698
lb 222,000 222,000 222,000 222,000 222,000
110% of Target Payload kg 61 192 60 556 58 813 60 240 59 432
lb 134,905 133,504 129,660 132,807 131,025
110% Gross Machine Weight (GMW) kg 106 261 106 203 106 045 106 174 106 101
lb 234,264 234,137 233,787 234,073 233,911
120% of Target Payload kg 66 755 66 061 64 159 65 717 64 835
lb 147,169 145,640 141,448 144,881 142,937
120% Gross Machine Weight (GMW) kg 111 824 111 708 111 391 111 651 111 504
lb 246,528 246,273 245,575 246,147 245,823
Heavy Heavy
Medium High Duty High Duty
Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact
773F Dual Slope Body System Steel Steel Steel Rubber Rubber
Empty Operating Weight (EOW) kg 45 814 45 700 47 172 45 933 46 652
lb 99,482 100,750 103,995 101,263 102,849
Target Payload kg 54 884 54 998 53 526 54 765 54 046
lb 122,518 121,250 118,005 120,737 119,151
100% Gross Machine Weight (GMW) kg 100 698 100 698 100 698 100 698 100 698
lb 222,000 222,000 222,000 222,000 222,000
110% of Target Payload kg 60 372 60 498 58 879 60 242 59 451
lb 134,770 133,375 129,806 132,811 131,066
110% Gross Machine Weight (GMW) kg 106 186 106 198 106 051 106 175 106 103
lb 234,252 234,125 233,801 234,074 233,915
120% of Target Payload kg 65 861 65 998 64 231 65 718 64 855
lb 147,022 145,500 141,606 144,884 142,981
120% Gross Machine Weight (GMW) kg 111 675 111 698 111 403 111 651 111 507
lb 246,504 246,250 245,601 246,147 245,830
Heavy Heavy
Medium High Duty High Duty
Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact
775F Flat Floor Body System Steel Steel Steel Rubber Rubber
Empty Operating Weight (EOW) kg 45 620 46 342 48 004 46 600 47 457
lb 100,573 102,165 105,829 102,734 104,623
Target Payload kg 64 149 63 427 61 765 63 169 62 312
lb 141,427 139,835 136,171 139,266 137,377
100% Gross Machine Weight (GMW) kg 109 769 109 769 109 769 109 769 109 769
lb 242,000 242,000 242,000 242,000 242,000
110% of Target Payload kg 70 564 69 770 67 942 69 486 68 543
lb 155,570 153,819 149,788 153,193 151,115
110% Gross Machine Weight (GMW) kg 116 184 116 112 115 946 116 086 116 000
lb 256,143 255,984 255,617 255,927 255,738
120% of Target Payload kg 76 979 76 112 74 118 75 803 74 774
lb 169,712 167,802 163,405 167,119 164,852
120% Gross Machine Weight (GMW) kg 122 599 122 454 122 122 122 403 122 231
lb 270,285 269,967 269,234 269,853 269,475
Heavy Heavy
Medium High Duty High Duty
Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact
775F Dual Slope Body System Steel Steel Steel Rubber Rubber
Empty Operating Weight (EOW) kg 45 716 46 339 48 151 46 491 47 352
lb 100,785 102,159 106,153 102,494 104,392
Target Payload kg 64 053 63 430 61 618 63 278 62 417
lb 141,215 139,841 135,847 139,506 137,608
100% Gross Machine Weight (GMW) kg 109 769 109 769 109 769 109 769 109 769
lb 242,000 242,000 242,000 242,000 242,000
110% of Target Payload kg 70 458 69 773 67 780 69 606 68 659
lb 155,337 153,825 149,432 153,457 151,369
110% Gross Machine Weight (GMW) kg 116 174 116 112 115 931 116 097 116 011
lb 256,122 255,984 255,585 255,951 255,761
120% of Target Payload kg 76 864 76 116 73 942 75 934 74 900
lb 169,458 167,809 163,016 167,407 165,130
120% Gross Machine Weight (GMW) kg 122 580 122 455 122 093 122 425 122 252
lb 270,243 269,968 269,169 269,901 269,522
The information contained herein is intended for circulation only to Caterpillar and dealer employees whose duties require knowledge of such reports and
is intended exclusively for their information and training. It may contain unverified analysis and facts observed by various Caterpillar or dealer employees.
However, effort has been made to provide reliable results regarding any information comparing Caterpillar built and competitive machines. Effort has been
made to use the latest available spec sheet and other material in the full understanding that these are subject to change without notice. Any reproduction
of this release without the foregoing explanation is prohibited.
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November 2008
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