Jceu, B19, 102-107, 2012
Jceu, B19, 102-107, 2012
Jceu, B19, 102-107, 2012
In order to have economic designs to reduce uplift pressure in hydraulic structures like diversion dams and
concrete gravity dams, so many methods have been proposed that the most important include construction of
horizontal aprons/cutoff walls in upstream and downstream of the dam and weep holes in the downstream or
proper place between the two cutoffs. The effect of weep holes and cutoff on uplift pressure is the main goal
of this study. This study focuses on Yusufkand Mahabad diversion dam in IRAN, by simulation it in
Seep/W software. Effect of weep holes location and different depth of the dam cutoff walls on uplift
pressure and on exit hydraulic gradient is investigated. Results show that upstream cutoff with 8 meter depth
decreases uplift force about 63% and decreases exit gradient 79% respect to without cutoff case. Installing
weep hole in downstream stilling basin decreases uplift force 8% and decreases exit gradient 74% more than
without weep hole. Based on this research, design of diversion dams can be carry out by minimizing
concrete costs and hence become economical design.
Keywords: Diversion dam, uplift pressure, exit hydraulic gradient, cutoff wall, weep hole.
Empirically, it has been found that a so-called piping considering constant pressure heads at the base of the
channel or slit comes into existence, extending from the dam, and hand drawing the flow net for assumed
downstream corner of the structure to a length of less than permeability ratios. This simplification of the problem
half the bottom length of the dam. At the same time, some mainly facilitates hand drawing of the flow net and hand
material is deposited in front of the structure, in what is calculations and may give results on ground water
called a "sand boil."(Selmeijer and Koenders, 1991). The potential distribution and total flow through the
phenomenon of piping first was studied around the turn of foundation in a very short time.
the nineteenth century. Bligh developed an empirical Cheuk et al. (2008) describe a model-scale investigation
calculation rule in 1910, on the basis of a number of cases into the mechanisms by which uplift resistance mobilized
of collapse of steel-founded brick dams on diverse earth in silica sand, and illustrates how the observed
foundations in India. A safe value for the permitted mechanisms are captured in prediction models. Selmeijer
hydraulic head over the structure can be calculated with and Koenders (1991) presented a mathematical model is
the calculation rule, as a product of the total horizontal to describe the phenomenon of soil erosion under a dam
and vertical seepage length under the structure and a (commonly called "piping"). The analysis presented deals
factor which is dependent on the foundation. Bligh‟s with the groundwater flow problem when a narrow
calculation rule is also known as the „line of creep‟ channel is present under a dam. The resulting boundary
method. value problem for the Darcyan seepage flow is solved.
In 1935 Lane developed another empirical calculation In the study of Kalkaniand and Michali (1984) flow
rule, by which horizontal and vertical parts of the seepage through the permeable foundation of an earth dam with an
line were calculated in a weighted manner; in the impervious core and an impervious cut off was studied.
calculation of the seepage length only one-third of Different permeability ratios kx/kz of the foundation and
horizontal parts were included. According to Lane (1935) depths of the cut off in the foundation were considered. It
this modification of Bligh‟s rule was necessary to ensure is shown that calculation of flow through the dam and the
proper calculation of the large flow resistance of vertical foundation may be simplified for cases of kx/kz = 10 and
parts of the seepage line. He called his method the 100, and a range of cut off depth from 35%-100% in the
„weighted line of creep‟ method (Anonymous, 2002). The foundation. Such simplifications in the study of
problem of ground-water seepage through a dam and its groundwater seepage through the dam and its foundation
alluvial foundation with an impervious cutoff is usually will give no more than 10% excess flow for the cases
solved in practice by neglecting the effect of the dam,
To cite this paper: Azizi S, Salmasi F, Abbaspour A and Arvanaghi H. 2012. Weep Hole and Cut-off Effect in Decreasing of Uplift Pressure. (Case Study: Yusefkand Mahabad
Diversion Dam). J. Civil Eng. Urban. 2(3): 97-101.
Journal homepage: http://www.ojceu.ir/main/
described previously. The simplified calculations can be and rock. Its formulation allows considering analyses
performed as well by hand. ranging from simple, saturated steady-state problems to
Zoorasna and Hamidi (2008) studied Karkheh storage sophisticated, saturated-unsaturated time-dependent
dam in Iran as the case study and six different connecting problems (Geo Slope, 2004).
systems were modelled. Total flow, maximum hydraulic In seepage problems, Laplace's equation combines
gradient, shear stress, shear strains and percent of plastic Darcy's law and the continuity equation into a single
points were determined in connection zone. Results second order partial differential equation. The two-
showed that the characteristics of cut off-core connecting dimensional Laplace equation for steady state flow is:
system affects total flow discharge and maximum
hydraulic gradient in connection zone. Using of a H H
( k x ) ( k y )0 (1)
concrete slab at the base level of core with or without x x y y
penetrating cut off into the core results in an extreme Where H=total head, kΧ=hydraulic conductivity in x
reduction of the hydraulic gradients at the vicinity of the direction and ky=hydraulic conductivity in y direction. For
intersection zone. This can help in reducing erosion and unsteady or transient flow condition, Eq. 1 changes to Eq.
leakage from connection zone. Based on geological 2.
information of the Fengman dam, the seepage flow of the
dam is analyzed by Yu et al. (2009). There are many kx ky Q
different affecting factors on seepage problem, for x x y y t (2)
example: the effect of the parameter of concrete, cut-off
wall, the permeability coefficient of cut-off wall, drainage Where Q=flow rate or discharge, θ=the water volume
hole and grout curtains etc. It is observed that the grout content and t= time.
curtain, which was performed during the dam If k is assumed to be independent of x and y, that is if the
construction, is not effective and the leakage occurs under region is assumed to be homogeneous as well as isotropic,
the main grout curtain. For that reason, a cut-off wall is then Eq. ,1 transforms to Eq. 3.
In this study, Yusufkand Mahabad diversion dam (under 2h 2h
operation) information‟s was obtained from regional 0 (3)
x 2 y 2
water organization west Azerbaijan (in IRAN) including
several cross-sections of the dam, soil thickness strata
under the dam with its hydraulic conductivity, upstream MATERIAL AND METHODS
and downstream water levels. The purpose of this study is
to determine a way to reduce the uplift pressure and exit Dam simulation in Seep/w software
hydraulic gradient too. Seep/w software is applied for Fig. 2. Shows cross section of Yusufkand diversion
uplift pressure simulation. The water level difference dam. In primary simulation, a cut off is used in upstream
inserts a ground water flow in the subsoil, below dam with a depth of 8 meters in order to study its effect on the
foundation. The flow may be sufficiently powerful to reduction of uplift pressure. In the next step, its effect on
cause erosion. This effect is commonly known as the reduction of uplift pressure is investigated by
"piping," and clearly, civil engineers would like to be able simulating weep hole in the bottom of stilling basin (at
to design against it. Fig.1 shows the diversion dam body downstream of dam) and change of weep hole position in
with its spillway. the stilling basin floor. Finally, with fixing the position of
the weep hole, different cut offs depth were tested and the
values of uplift pressure, seepage under foundation and
exit gradient is investigated.
Boundary conditions
Total number of used elements in simulation were
selected about 2485 elements, water level in upstream is 6
meter, water level in downstream is set to zero (the most
critical case in simulation occurs when water level
differences between upstream and downstream be
maximum), left side boundary of structure is set to 8
Figure 1. View of the Yusufkand Mahabad diversion dam meters from dam crest, and it‟s value in right side is set to
and its ogee spillway 10 meters from end of stilling basin. All nodes in the dam
floor and stilling basin invert were selected as “no flow
Mahabad river that dam has been constructed on it, is boundaries”. In order to apply boundary conditions at
formed by interconnection of two branches of Kuter and weep hole location, water head was selected to be equal to
Bitas. Kuter river watershed area is 53,700 hectares and water head at floor of stilling basin, 12.5 meter, that
Bitas river watershed area is 27,900 hectares. Total represents zero pressure at that point (stilling basin level
watershed area included about 2 percent of the total area from datum is z=12.5 m). According to Fig. 2, the
of West Azerbaijan province. horizontal length of dam is 9 m, stilling basin length is 20
Seep/w is a finite element software product for analyzing m and end sill length is 4.5 meter. So, in providing charts,
groundwater seepage and excess pore-water pressure uplift pressure is calculated in 33.5m length of dam.
dissipation problems within porous materials such as soil
To cite this paper: Azizi S, Salmasi F, Abbaspour A and Arvanaghi H. 2012. Weep Hole and Cut-off Effect in Decreasing of Uplift Pressure. (Case Study: Yusefkand Mahabad
Diversion Dam). J. Civil Eng. Urban. 2(3): 97-101.
Journal homepage: http://www.ojceu.ir/main/
Based on simulation results, flow net under the dam is
shown in Fig. 4 for sixth case. Weep hole location in Fig.
4 is at location x/L=0.75. Flow line direction near the
weep hole, demonstrates the effect of weep hole in
reduction of uplift pressure. This can be seen in
equpotential lines concentration near the weep hole too.
Table 1. Permeability of foundation's layers Figure 4. Flow net below the dam for the sixth case in
Material Clay Fine Clay Beaten Table 2
properties sand soil
K sat (cm/s) 1*10-6 1.4*10-5 1.2*10-5 1*10-4 Fig. 5 shows distribution of uplift pressure for case 6
Layer thickness (m) 1.5 3.5 5.5 1.5 (table 2).The total amount of uplift pressure is -478.235
KN/m which according to table (3) is declined to 62% and
Geometric models and dam's simulated cases we have 9.5% increase compared with fourth case. It can
Simulation of dam's foundation was done by be seen that uplift pressure is decreased in weep hole
quadrilateral elements (meshing process) Fig. (3) shows location. So in the case (5) there is depression in uplift
Yusufkand diversion dam with constructed elements in pressure. Negative pressure in the Fig. 5 at distance
Seep/w. between weep hole and end sill, states that piezometric
height under pool is below the stilling basin floor and the
pressure head in weep hole is zero.
To cite this paper: Azizi S, Salmasi F, Abbaspour A and Arvanaghi H. 2012. Weep Hole and Cut-off Effect in Decreasing of Uplift Pressure. (Case Study: Yusefkand Mahabad
Diversion Dam). J. Civil Eng. Urban. 2(3): 97-101.
Journal homepage: http://www.ojceu.ir/main/
Results of the first to 10th cases are shown in Table (3). Area under the uplift pressure distribution in Fig. 7, yields
For example, in the seventh column related to the fourth total uplift pressure required in dam stability analysis. In
case, number 66% (1) means decrease of 66% uplift Fig. 8 the total uplift pressure is calculated for cases 1 to 3
for comparison. With increase of cut off depth, from zero
pressure compared to case 1 or in seventh column related
to 8 meters, the total uplift pressure in unit width of the
to the eighth case, number 14% (6) means increase of dam is reduced by 63%.
14% uplift pressure compared to case 6.
1 7.0488 10-5 -1238.37 0.3 - - - Figure 8. Comparison of total uplift pressure in unit
width of the dam for cases 1-3
2 2.923 10-5 -690.73 0.125 - 1.7 44% (1)
Fig. (9) shows the hydraulic gradient under
3 1.478 10-5 -453.68 0.063 - 1.5 63% (1) foundation. It can be found that by increase of upstream
cut off depth (cases 1-3), hydraulic gradient is reduced
4 4.0889 10-6 -419.42 0.016 0.36 1.62 66% (1) under foundation. The most reduction is at the beginning
of dam foundation, connecting point of the dam to the top
5 4.352 10-6 -463.88 0.018 0.17 1.6 9.5% of the pond. Fig. (10) shows percent of hydraulic gradient
(4) reduction for the 1-3 cases.
6 5.085 10-6 -478.23 0.021 0.15 1.57 12.5%
7 1.523 10 -5 -486.29 0.029 0.14 1.53 13.5%
8 1.107 10 -5 -558.28 0.046 0.49 2.04 14% (6)
9 2.674 10-5 -865.19 0.11 1.18 2.15 44% (6)
10 3.065 10-5 -980.29 0.13 1.35 - 51% (6)
To cite this paper: Azizi S, Salmasi F, Abbaspour A and Arvanaghi H. 2012. Weep Hole and Cut-off Effect in Decreasing of Uplift Pressure. (Case Study: Yusefkand Mahabad
Diversion Dam). J. Civil Eng. Urban. 2(3): 97-101.
Journal homepage: http://www.ojceu.ir/main/
Figure 11. Effect of weep hole location in the uplift Figure 14. Effect of weep hole locations on the hydraulic
pressure distribution gradient
Figure 13. Effect of both weep hole and upstream cut off
on uplift pressure
To cite this paper: Azizi S, Salmasi F, Abbaspour A and Arvanaghi H. 2012. Weep Hole and Cut-off Effect in Decreasing of Uplift Pressure. (Case Study: Yusefkand Mahabad
Diversion Dam). J. Civil Eng. Urban. 2(3): 97-101.
Journal homepage: http://www.ojceu.ir/main/