Statistical Modelling For Sports Scientists: Practical Introduction Using R (Part 1)
Statistical Modelling For Sports Scientists: Practical Introduction Using R (Part 1)
Statistical Modelling For Sports Scientists: Practical Introduction Using R (Part 1)
Corresponding author
Mladen Jovanović
Faculty of Sports and Physical Education
Blagoja Parovića 156
11030 Belgrade
Twitter: physical_prep
The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the three classes of tasks in the statistical modelling:
description, prediction and causal inference (Hernán, Hsu & Healy, 2019). Statistical inference is often
required for all three tasks. Short introduction to frequentist null-hypothesis testing, Bayesian estimation
and bootstrap are provided. Special attention is given to the practical significance with the introduction of
magnitude-based estimators and statistical inference by using the concept of smallest effect size of interest
(SESOI). Measurement error is discussed with the particular aim of interpreting individual change scores.
In the second part of this paper, common sport science problems are introduced and analyzed with written
package in R language, used for that purpose (RStudio Team, 2016; R Core Team, 2018).
Keywords: prediction, causal inference, Bayesian, individual-based, magnitude-based, equivalence, bootstrap,
practical significance, measurement error
Abstract 2
1 Introduction 5
3 Statistical Inference 54
3.1 Two kinds of uncertainty, two kinds of probability, two kinds of statistical inference . . . . . . . 54
3.2 Frequentist perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.2.1 Null-Hypothesis Significance Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.2.2 Statistical Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.2.3 New Statistics: Confidence Intervals and Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.2.4 Minimum Effect Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.2.5 Magnitude Based Inference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.3 Bayesian perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.3.1 Grid approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.3.2 Priors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.3.3 Likelihood function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.3.4 Posterior probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.3.5 Adding more possibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
3.3.6 Different prior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3.3.7 More data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
3.3.8 Summarizing prior and posterior distributions with MAP and HDI . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3.3.9 Comparison to NHST Type I errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3.5 Bootstrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.5.1 Summarizing bootstrap distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.5.2 Bootstrap Type I errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.6 Statistical inference conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4 Measurement Error 88
4.1 Interpreting individual changes using SESOI and TE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
5 Conclusion 96
Recommended material 97
References 98
1 Introduction
The real world is very complex and uncertain. In order to help in understanding it and to predict its behavior,
we create maps and models (Page, 2018; Weinberg & McCann, 2019). One such tool are statistical models,
representing a simplification of the complex and ultimately uncertain reality, in the hope of describing it,
understanding it, predicting its behavior, and help in making decisions and interventions (McElreath, 2015;
Lang, Sweet & Grandfield, 2017; Pearl & Mackenzie, 2018; Hernán, Hsu & Healy, 2019). In the outstanding
statistics book “Statistical Rethinking” (McElreath, 2015), the author stresses the distinction between Large
World and Small World, described initially by Leonard Savage (Savage, 1972; Binmore, 2011; Gigerenzer,
Hertwig & Pachur, 2015):
"All statistical modeling has these same two frames: the small world of the model itself and the
large world we hope to deploy the model in. Navigating between these two worlds remains a
central challenge of statistical modeling. The challenge is aggravated by forgetting the distinction.
The small world is the self-contained logical world of the model. Within the small world, all
possibilities are nominated. There are no pure surprises, like the existence of a huge continent
between Europe and Asia. Within the small world of the model, it is important to be able to
verify the model’s logic, making sure that it performs as expected under favorable assumptions.
Bayesian models have some advantages in this regard, as they have reasonable claims to optimality:
No alternative model could make better use of the information in the data and support better
decisions, assuming the small world is an accurate description of the real world.
The large world is the broader context in which one deploys a model. In the large world, there may
be events that were not imagined in the small world. Moreover, the model is always an incomplete
representation of the large world, and so will make mistakes, even if all kinds of events have been
properly nominated. The logical consistency of a model in the small world is no guarantee that it
will be optimal in the large world. But it is certainly a warm comfort." (p. 19)
Creating “Small Worlds” relies heavily on making and accepting numerous assumptions, both known and
unknown, as well as prior expert knowledge, which is ultimately incomplete and fallible. Because all statistical
models require subjective choices (Gelman & Hennig, 2017), there is no objective approach to make “Large
World” inferences. It means that it must be us who make the inference, and claims about the “Large World”
will always be uncertain. Additionally, we should treat statistical models and statistical results as being much
more incomplete and uncertain than the current norm (Amrhein, Trafimow & Greenland, 2019).
We must accept the pluralism of statistical models and models in general (Mitchell, 2002, 2012), move beyond
subjective-objective dichotomy by replacing it with virtues such as transparency, consensus, impartiality,
correspondence to observable reality, awareness of multiple perspectives, awareness of context-dependence,
and investigation of stability (Gelman & Hennig, 2017). Finally, we need to accept that we must act based
on cumulative knowledge rather than solely rely on single studies or even single lines of research (Amrhein,
Trafimow & Greenland, 2019).
This discussion is the topic of epistemology, scientific inference, and philosophy of science, thus far beyond the
scope of the present paper (and the author). Nonetheless, it was essential to convey that statistical modeling
is a process of creating the “Small Worlds” and deploying it in the “Large World”. There are three main
classes of tasks that the statistical model is hoping to achieve: description, prediction, and causal inference
(Hernán, Hsu & Healy, 2019).
The following example will help in differentiating between these three classes of tasks. Consider a king who is
facing a drought who must decide whether to invest resources in rain dances. The queen, upon seeing some
rain clouds in the sky, must decide on whether to carry her umbrella or not. Young prince, who likes to
gamble during his hunting sessions, is interested in knowing what region of his father’s vast Kingdom receives
the most rain. All three would benefit from an empirical study of rain, but they have different requirements of
the statistical model. The king requires causality: Do rain dances cause rain? The queen requires prediction:
Does it look likely enough to rain for me to ask my servants to get my umbrella? The prince requires simple
quantitative summary description: have I put my bets on the correct region?
The following section will provide an overview of the three classes of tasks in the statistical modelling. Data
can be classified as being on one of four scales: nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio and description, prediction
and causal techniques differ depending on the scale utilized. For the sake of simplicity and big picture
overview, only examples using ratio scale would be considered in this paper.
The code to reproduce both the analyses and the paper itself will be available via the Open Science Framework
and GitHub repository once the paper is accepted to a peer-reviewed journal. The manuscript, including
the figures, tables and statistical analyses, was created using RStudio (RStudio Team, 2016) and R (R Core
Team, 2018) and the R packages tidyverse (Wickham, 2017), cowplot (Wilke, 2019), psych (Revelle, 2018),
rmarkdown (Xie, Allaire & Grolemund, 2018), knitr (Xie, 2014, 2015, 2018), kableExtra (Zhu, 2019), ggridges
(Wilke, 2018), ggstance (Henry, Wickham & Chang, 2019), minerva (Albanese et al., 2012), directlabels
(Hocking, 2018), caret (Kuhn et al., 2018; Kuhn & Johnson, 2018, 2019), iml (Molnar, Bischl & Casalicchio,
2018), boot (Davison & Hinkley, 1997; Canty & Ripley, 2017), and bayestestR (Makowski, Ben-Shachar &
Lüdecke, 2019a,b; Makowski et al.).
2.1 Description
Description provides quantitative summary of the acquired data sample. These quantitative summaries are
termed descriptive statistics or descriptive estimators and are usually broken down into two main categories:
measures of central tendency, and measures of spread / dispersion. The stance taken in this paper is that
descriptive statistics involve all quantitative summaries (or aggregates) that are used to describe data without
making predictive or causal claims. For example, linear regression between two variables can be used as a
descriptive tool if the aim is to measure linear association between two variables, but it can be also used in
predictive and causal tasks. Effect sizes such as change, percent change or Cohen’s d represent descriptive
statistics used to compare two or more groups, and are commonly used in causal tasks to estimate average
causal effect of the treatment.
To provide further explanation of the descriptive statistics, three common descriptive tasks in sport science
are given as examples: (1) comparing two independent groups, (2) comparing two dependent groups, (3)
measuring association between two variables.
Imagine we carried collection of body height measurements and we obtained N=100 observations using N=50
female and N=50 male subjects. Collected data is visualized in Figure 1.
A 200 B 200 C 200
Commonly provided descriptive statistics for each group can be found in Table 1. Mean, median and mode
are common measures of central tendencies. Standard deviation (SD), median absolute difference (MAD),
inter-quartile range (IQR), min, max and range are common measures of spread or dispersion. Percent
coefficient of variation (%CV) is also a measure of dispersion, but standardized1 which allows comparison
of variables that are on different scales. Skewness (skew) is usually described as a measure of a symmetry.
A perfectly symmetrical data set will have a skewness of 0. Kurtosis measures the tail-heaviness of the
distribution. More in depth discussion of descriptive statistics, particularly robust estimators (Wilcox, 2016;
Wilcox & Rousselet, 2017; Rousselet, Pernet & Wilcox, 2017; Wilcox, Peterson & McNitt-Gray, 2018) is
beyond the topic of this short overview.
Gender n mean (cm) SD (cm) % CV median (cm) MAD (cm) IQR (cm) mode (cm) min (cm) max (cm) range (cm) skew kurtosis
Male 50 179.07 9.79 5 179.93 10.36 13.79 180.57 157.36 200.68 43.33 -0.15 -0.67
Female 50 166.61 10.12 6 165.95 10.34 13.63 166.69 148.47 185.67 37.20 0.13 -0.85
1 Standardization is the process of putting different variables on the same scale. This allows for easier comparison, as well as
i −x
graphing using a common axis. For example, variables are usually standardized by using Z-Score ( zi = xSD ) which has a mean
of zero and a standard deviation of 1.
7 Sample mean as the simplest statistical model
In the introduction of this paper, statistical models are defined as “Small Worlds” or simplifications of the
complex and uncertain reality. From this perspective, sample mean can be considered the simplest statistical
model. With this estimator we are representing all of the data points with one quantitative summary.
However, how do we choose an estimate that represents the sample the best? Estimate that has the minimal
error is selected as the optimal representative. Error is defined using a loss function that penalizes difference
between the model estimate (yˆi ) and observations (yi ), or the residuals. One such loss function is RMSE or
root-mean-square-error (equation 1). RMSE thus represents a measure of the model fit, or how good the
model fits the data2 . Lower RMSE means lower error and thus a better fit.
By using body height data from the female group, we can search for a body height estimate that minimizes
the RMSE (Figure 2). That body height estimate would be considered the best representative of the sample,
and thus the simplest statistical model.
Figure 2. Sample mean as the simplest statistical model. A. Dashed line represents the estimate,
in this case the mean of the sample. Vertical line represent residuals between estimate and observed values.
B. Each estimate has a RMSE value. Central tendency estimate with the lowest RMSE value is the sample
mean. C. Similar to panel A, this panel depicts residuals for a central tendency estimate with higher RMSE
As the result of this search, the body height estimate that minimizes the error is 166.61cm, and accompanying
RMSE is equal to 10.02cm. As it can be read from the Table 1, this optimal body height estimate is equal to
calculated sample mean. Standard deviation of the sample is equal to RMSE3 . From statistical modelling
perspective, sample mean can be considered sample estimate that minimizes the sample SD, and sample SD
can be seen as the measure of the model fit.
This search for the optimal estimate that minimizes the loss function can be expanded to other statistical
models. For example, linear regression can be seen as a search for the line that minimizes RMSE (or residual
2 In statistical modelling there are other loss functions that can be utilized, for example: mean absolute error (MAE) which is
1 n
calculated using n Σi=1 | yi − yˆi | equation.
3 As can be noticed, RMSE and SD are not exactly the same. This is because a sample SD equation uses n − 1 instead of n:
SD = Σn (y
n−1 i=1 i
− ȳ)2 , where ȳ represents the mean. Remember that yˆi represents the model estimate. In this case model
estimate yˆi and sample mean ȳ are the same. Sample SD uses n − 1 since this represents unbiased estimator of the population
SD. More about this topic will be covered in “Statistical Inference” section.
standard error). This approach of estimating model parameters or estimators belongs to the family of ordinary
least squares (OLS) methods, although there are other approaches such as maximum likelihood estimation
(MLE) which will be discussed in “Statistical Inference” section (Foreman, 2014). The solutions to some
of these models can be found analytically 4 , but for some there is no analytical solution and computational
approaches must be utilized. These computation approaches are referred to as optimization algorithms. The
example given here involves only one parameter that needs to be optimized, in this case body height estimate,
but real-life problems involve numerous parameters. The simple search through parameters state-space would
take forever when it comes to problems involving more than only a few parameters. Algorithms that solve
this computational problems are numerous, out of which the most popular ones are gradient descent, and
Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC), which is utilized in Bayesian inference (will be discussed later on).
The take-home message from this short interlude is that even the simple descriptive statistics can be seen as
statistical models.
Table 2. Effect size statistics for estimating differences between two independent groups
Difference (cm) SDdiff (cm) % CVdiff % Difference Ratio Cohen’s d CLES OVL
12.46 14.08 113 7 1.07 1.25 0.81 0.53
Difference, or mean difference is calculated by subtracting group means. Using body height as an example,
the mean difference between males and females is calculated by using the following equation (2):
% CVdiff, or percent coefficient of variation of the difference is the standard deviation of the difference (SDdiff
- explained shortly) divided by mean difference (equation 3):
SDdif f erence
% CVdif f erence = 100 × (3)
meandif f erence
% Difference, or mean percent difference is calculated by dividing mean difference with the mean of the
baseline group, in this case the female group, multiplied by 100 (equation 4):
meandif f erence
mean%dif f erence = 100 × (4)
meanf emales
4 The 1 n
analytical solution for the estimate that minimizes SD is, of course, the sample mean ( n Σi=1 yi ).
Mean ratio, as its name suggests, is simple ratio between the two means (equation 5):
meanratio = (5)
meanf emales
Cohen’s d represent standardized effects size and thus preferable effect size statistic. For this reason, Cohen’s
d is commonly written as ES, short of effect size. Cohen’s d for the independent groups is calculated by
dividing mean difference with pooled standard deviation (equation 6):
meandif f erence
Cohen0 s d =
(nmales − 1)SDmales + (nf emales − 1)SDf2 emales
SDpooled = (6)
nmales + nf emales − 2
Why Cohen’s d should be used instead of other effect size estimators can be demonstrated by a simple example,
coming from a study by Buchheit and Rabbani (Buchheit & Rabbani, 2014). In this study, authors examined
the relationship between the performance in the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1 (Yo-YoIR1) and
the 30-15 Intermittent Fitness Test (30-15IFT), and compared the sensitivity of both tests to the training.
Although this study used two dependent groups (Pre-training and Post-training), the rationale can be applied
to the topic of estimating effect sizes between the two independent groups. Table 3 contains Pre-training
results and the effect sizes estimated with percent change 5 and Cohen’s d.
Table 3. Training intervention effect sizes for Yo-YoIR1 and 30-15IFT. Modified from Buchheit
& Rabbani, 2014
Since Yo-YoIR1 and 30-15IFT utilize different scales (total meters covered and velocity reached respectively),
percent change estimator is not a good choice to compare the effect sizes between the two tests6 . Since
Cohen’s d is standardized estimator, it should be used when comparing tests or measures that are at different
After estimating effect sizes, the question that naturally follows up is the question of magnitude. In other
words - “how big is the effect?”. Since Cohen’s d is standardized estimator, it allows for establishment of
qualitative magnitude thresholds. Based on the original work by Cohen (Cohen, 1988), Hopkins (Hopkins,
2006; Hopkins et al., 2009) suggested the following magnitudes of effect (Table 4). According to the Table
4, the difference in the mean body height between males and females would be considered large, as well as
changes in both Yo-YoIR1 and 30-15IFT.
Magnitude of effect Trivial Small Moderate Large Very Large Nearly Perfect
Cohen’s d 0 - 0.2 0.2 - 0.6 0.6 - 1.2 1.2 - 2.0 2.0 - 4.0 > 4.0
5 Percent change is the same estimator as percent difference, but applied to difference between the two dependent groups (see
Cohen’s d, as well as associated magnitudes of effect, are commonly hard to interpret by non-statistically
trained professionals (e.g. coaches). McGraw et al. (McGraw & Wong, 1992) suggested common language
effect size (CLES) estimator instead, which could be more intuitive to understand. CLES represents the
probability that an observation sampled at random from one group will be greater than an observation
sampled at random from other group. For example, if we take random male and random female from our two
groups and repeat that 100 times7 , how many times a male would be taller than a female (Figure 3)?
A B 60
170 0
160 −20
150 −40
Male Female
Figure 3. Drawing random 100 pairs to estimate probability of males being taller than
females. A. Scatterplot of 100 pairs drawn at random from two samples. Since we are comparing paired
males and females, lines can be drawn between each of 100 draws. Blue line indicates taller male, while
orange line indicates taller female. B. Distribution of the difference between males and females for each of
100 pairs drawn
By using simple counting from 100 random paired samples, males are taller in 78 cases, or 78%. By using
probability, that is equal to 0.78. In other words, if I blindfoldedly, randomly select a male and a female from
the two groups and if I bet that the male is taller, I would be correct 78% of the time.
CLES can be estimated using brute-force computational method, or algebraic method. Brute-force method
involves generating all possible pair-wise combinations from two groups, and in our example that is equal
to 50 × 50 = 2500 cases, and then simply counting in how many cases males are taller than females. This
method can become very computationally intensive for groups with large sample number. Algebraic method,
on the other hand, assumes normal distribution of the observations in the groups, and estimates standard
deviation of the difference (equation 7). Note that standard deviation of the all pairwise differences estimated
with brute-force method would be very similar to algebraically derived standard deviation of the difference.
SDdif f erence = 2
SDmales + SDf2 emales (7)
Algebraically, CLES is then derived from normal distribution (where mean of the distribution is equal to
mean difference between the groups, and standard deviation of the distribution is equal to standard deviation
7 In
other words, we are drawing 100 paired samples from the two independent groups. This makes the drawn 100 observations
paired or dependent.
of the difference) by calculating probability of the difference scores higher than zero (see Figure 3B for a
visual representation). Table 2 contains algebraically computed CLES estimate.
CLES equivalent is utilized as a performance metric in class prediction tasks, termed area under curve (AUC),
where 0.5 is a predictive performance equal to a random guess, and 1 is perfect predictive separation between
the two classes (James et al., 2017; Kuhn & Johnson, 2018).
Overlap (OVL) estimator represents the overlap between the two sample distributions. Providing that samples
are equal, the OVL is equal to 1. Providing there is complete separation between the two samples, then
OVL is equal to 0 (Figure 4A). OVL can be estimated with brute-force computational methods (which
doesn’t make assumptions regarding sample distribution) and with algebraic methods that make normality
Since Cohen’s d, CLES and OVL are mathematically related, it is possible to convert one to another (assuming
normal distribution of the samples and equal SD between the two groups for the OVL estimation). Figure 4B
depicts relationship between the Cohen’s d, CLES, and OVL. Figure 4C depicts relationship between the
A B 1.00 CLES
C 1.00
Cohen's d=3 Cohen's d=3.5 Cohen's d=4
CLES=0.98 CLES=0.99 CLES=1
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Figure 4. Relationship between the Cohen’s d, CLES, and OVL. A. Visual display of the samples
of varying degrees of separations, and calculated Cohen’s d, CLES, and OVL. B. Relationship between the
CLES and OVL to the Cohen’s d. C. Relationship between the CLES and OVL
Table 5 contains Cohen’s d magnitudes of effect with accompanying estimated CLES and OVL thresholds.
Table 5. Magnitudes of effect for CLES and OVL estimated using Cohen’s d
Magnitude of effect Trivial Small Moderate Large Very Large Nearly Perfect
Cohen’s d 0 - 0.2 0.2 - 0.6 0.6 - 1.2 1.2 - 2.0 2.0 - 4.0 > 4.0
CLES 0.50 - 0.56 0.56 - 0.66 0.66 - 0.80 0.80 - 0.92 0.92 - 1.00 1.00
OVL 1.0 - 0.92 0.92 - 0.76 0.76 - 0.55 0.55 - 0.32 0.32 - 0.05 0.00
12 The Smallest Effect Size Of Interest
According to Cohen (Cohen, 1988), the qualitative magnitude thresholds from Table 5 are “arbitrary
conventions, recommended for use only when no better basis for estimating the effect size is available” (p. 12).
But what if practitioners a priori know what is the minimal important effect size and are interested in judging
the practical or clinical significance (Sainani, 2012)of the results (in this case difference between the groups)?
In other words, the smallest effect size of interest (SESOI)8 .
There is no single way to approach definition and estimation of SESOI, but it usually tends to be based on
either the known measurement error (ME) (e.g. the minimum detectable effect size), or the effect size that is
large enough to be practically meaningful (e.g. the minimal important difference, or the smallest worthwhile
change) (Hopkins, 2004b, 2015b; King, 2011; Turner et al., 2015; Swinton et al., 2018; Lakens, Scheel &
Isager, 2018; Anvari & Lakens, 2019; Caldwell & Cheuvront, 2019). In this paper, statistical models and
estimators that utilize SESOI are referred to as magnitude-based.
To introduce magnitude-based estimators, let’s consider ±2.5cm to be body height SESOI9 , or the difference
that would be practically significant. In other words, individuals with height difference within ±2.5cm would
be considered practically equivalent, or it might be hard to detect this difference with a quick glance.
The simplest magnitude-based statistics would be mean difference divided by SESOI (Difference to SESOI )
(equation 8). This estimator, similar to other standardized estimators (e.g., % CVdiff, Cohen’s d) allows
comparison of variables at different scales, but it would also give more insight into differences from practical
significance perspective.
meandif f erence
Dif f erence to SESOI = (8)
SESOIupper − SESOIlower
Second magnitude-based statistic is standard deviation of the difference divided by SESOI (SDdiff to SESOI )
(equation 9). This estimator, similar to % CVdiff, would answer how variable are the differences compared to
SDdif f erence
SDdif f to SESOI = (9)
SESOIupper − SESOIlower
Similarly, CLES estimator can become magnitude-based by utilizing SESOI. Rather than being interested in
probability of a random male being taller than a random female (out of the two sample groups), we might be
interested in estimating how probable are lower, trivial, and higher (or usually defined as harmful, trivial,
and beneficial) differences defined by SESOI. Trivial differences are differences ranging from SESOIlower
to SESOIupper , while everything over SESOIupper is higher (or beneficial) difference and everything lower
than SESOIlower is lower (or harmful) difference.
Using brute-force computational method and drawing all pair-wise combinations from the two groups (50x50
= 2500 cases), and using ±2.5cm SESOI as a trivial difference10 , we can estimate probabilities of lower,
trivial and higher difference by calculating proportion of cases within each magnitude band (Figure 5).
8 Other name used is region of practical equivalence (ROPE) (Kruschke & Liddell, 2018a,b)
9 SESOI has two thresholds: lower and upper, or negative and positive. In this example these thresholds are -2.5cm and
+2.5cm. This makes SESOI range equal to 5cm, which is calculated as SESOIupper − SESOIlower . This range can also be
refered to as equivalence range.
10 It is here assumed here that SESOI is symmetrical in both positive and negative directions. This makes the trivial difference
ranging from -2.5cm to +2.5cm. SESOI doesn’t necessary needs to be symmetrical in both lower and upper thresholds.
200 60
190 40
Male Female
Figure 5. Pairwise comparison of males and females to estimate probability of lower, trivial,
and higher magnitude of effect. A. Scatterplot of all pair-wise combinations (50x50 = 2500), drawn at
random out of two samples. Since we are comparing paired males and females, lines can be drawn between
each of 2500 draws. Blue line indicates males taller than females higher than SESOI, trivial lines indicates
pairs with a height difference less or equal to SESOI, while orange line indicates females taller than males
higher than SESOI. B. Distribution of the differences between males and females for all 2500 pair-wise
combinations. Grey band indicates SESOI. Surface of the distribution over SESOI (blue color) indicates
probability of randomly selected male being taller than a randomly selected female, with a height difference
of at least SESOI magnitude. Surface of the distribution under SESOI (orange color) indicates probability of
randomly selected female being taller than a randomly selected female, with a height difference of at least
SESOI magnitude. Grey surface area indicates probability of randomly selecting male and female with a
height difference within SESOI band
Table 6 contains estimated probabilities of observing lower, trivial, and higher differences in height between
the randomly selected male and female using brute-force computational method and algebraic method. These
estimates answer the following question “If I compare random male and random female from my sample,
how probable are lower/trivial/higher magnitudes of difference in height?”. Asking such a magnitude-based
question regarding the random individual difference represents a form of prediction question and predictive
task. In this paper, such questions are answered with magnitude-based prediction approaches.
Table 6. Estimated probabilities of observing lower, trivial, and higher differences in height
It is common to represent means as systematic component or fixed effect (e.g. average causal effect), and
variability around the mean (i.e. SD) as stochastic component or random effect. It is unfortunate that the
common statistical modelling and analysis, particularly in sport science, takes the stance of approaching and
treating between-individual variation as random error. The approach suggested in this paper complements
group-based or average-based statistics with magnitude-based predictions that aim to help in answering
individual-based questions, common to sport practitioners. Table 7 contains discussed magnitude-based
estimators that can complement common effect size statistics (Table 2) when comparing two independent
Table 7. Magnitude-based effect size statistics for estimating difference between two
independent groups
SESOI lower (cm) SESOI upper (cm) Difference to SESOI SDdiff to SESOI Lower Trivial Higher
-2.5 2.5 2.49 2.82 0.14 0.1 0.76
As an example of dependent or paired groups descriptive analysis, let’s consider the simple pre-test (pre)
and post-test (post) design. We have given training intervention to a group of N=20 males involving bench-
press training. Training intervention involved performing bench pressing two times a week for 16 weeks.
One-repetition-maximum (1RM) in the bench press was performed before (Pre) and after (Post) training
intervention. Table 8 contains individual Pre and Post scores, as well as the Change in the bench press 1RM.
Table 8. Individual Pre and Post scores, as well as Change in the bench press 1RM
The results of this simple Pre and Post design can be described in multiple ways. Here, I will present the
three most common approaches.
15 Describing groups as independent
The simplest analysis involve descriptive statistics assuming groups as independent. Table 9 contains
descriptive statistics applied to Pre, Post and Change scores as independent. Figure 6 visualizes the scores
using three raincloud plots.
Test n mean (kg) SD (kg) % CV median (kg) MAD (kg) IQR (kg) mode (kg) min (kg) max (kg) range (kg) skew kurtosis
Pre 20 98.52 9.39 10 99.21 11.23 13.56 99.11 77.21 115.44 38.23 -0.27 -0.60
Post 20 104.45 15.61 15 106.68 18.41 26.05 115.80 69.93 125.07 55.14 -0.44 -0.96
Change 20 5.93 12.26 207 5.21 8.79 11.68 5.26 -18.23 29.73 47.95 -0.12 -0.48
Pre Post
Figure 6. Raincloud plots of the Pre-test, Post-test and Change scores in the bench press
1RM. A. Distribution of the Pre-test and Post-test scores. B. Distribution of the Change score
Table 10. Effect size statistics for estimating change in two dependent groups
Change (kg) SDchange (kg) % CVchange % Change Ratio Cohen’s d CLES OVL
5.93 12.26 207 6 1.06 0.63 0.69 0.82
Change, or mean change is calculated by taking average of the change score (equation 10). Change score is
simple difference between Pre and Post:
1 n
meanchange = Σ (posti − prei )
n i=1
meanchange = Σni=1 changei
changei = posti − prei (10)
SDchange, or standard deviation of the change is a simple standard deviation of the change (equation 11). It
represents a measure of dispersion of the change scores:
SDchange = Σn (changei − meanchange )2 (11)
n − 1 i=1
% CVchange, or percent coefficient of variation of the change is the standard deviation of the change divided
by mean change (equation 12):
% CVchange = 100 × (12)
% Change, or Mean percent change is calculated by taking a mean of the ratio between the change and the
pre-test, multiplied by 100 (equation 13):
1 n changei
mean%change = 100 × Σ (13)
n i prei
Mean ratio represents mean of the post to pre ratios (equation 14):
1 n posti
meanratio = Σ (14)
n i prei
Cohen’s d represents standardized effect size for the change. In the paired design, Cohen’s d is calculated by
dividing mean change with standard deviation of the pre-test scores (equation 15):
Cohen0 s d = (15)
CLES for the paired groups represents probability of observing positive change. OVL, equally to the
independent groups, represents overlap between the pre and post scores.
Magnitude-based effect size estimators involve the use of SESOI and can be found on Table 11. Similarly to
magnitude-based effect size estimators with the independent groups, magnitude-based effect size estimators
with the paired group involve Change to SESOI, SDchange to SESOI as well as proportions of lower, trivial
and higher change scores.
Table 11. Magnitude-based effect size statistics for estimating change between two
dependent groups
Figure 7 depicts visually how proportions of lower, trivial and higher change scores are estimated. Same as
with two independent groups, these proportions can be estimated using the brute-force method (i.e. simple-
counting of the change scores withing lower, trivial, and higher zones), or algebraic where SDchange is utilized
and assumption of the normally distributed change scores is made.
Pre Post
Figure 7. Visual analysis of the dependent groups scores using SESOI. A. Scatter plot of
Pre-test and Post-test scores. Green line indicates change higher than SESOI upper, grey line indicates
change within SESOI band, and red line indicates negative change lower than SESOI lower. B. Distribution
of the change scores. Green area represents proportion of change scores higher than SESOI upper, red area
represents proportion of negative change scores lower than SESOI lower, and grey area indicates trivial
change, which is within SESOI band
It might be tempting to claim that this intervention is causing changes in the bench press 1RM, but we
should be vary of doing that. It is important to keep in mind that the effect size estimators are used only
descriptively without any causal connotation. To make causal claims, further criteria needs to be taken into
account. This is discussed in more details in the “Causal Inference” section of this paper.
So far, we have dealt with single variable descriptive statistics. However, we are often interested in relationship
or association between two variables. One of these variables takes the role of the dependent variable (outcome
or target variable) and the other of the independent variable (or predictor variable).
Let’s assume we tested N=30 female soccer athletes by using two tests: (1) Yo-YoIR1, and (2) maximum
aerobic speed (MAS) test. Variables in this example represent observations in each test. Visual analysis in
Figure 8 depicts the association between these two tests using scatter plot.
1000 1250 1500 1750
Yo−YoIR1 (m)
Figure 8. Scatter plot between two variables. Dashed line represents linear regression line.
Table 12 contains common estimators of the association between two variables. All estimators except maximum
information coefficient (MIC) (Reshef et al., 2011; Albanese et al., 2012) assumes linear relationship between
two variables. It is thus important to visually analyze the association (see Figure 9) before trusting numerical
The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (Pearson’s r) is a measure of the strength of the linear
relationship between two variables (equation 16):
(xi − x)(yi − y)
r = pPni=1 (16)
i=1 (xi − x)2 (yi − y)2
Pearson’s r is standardized measure that can take values ranging from -1 to +1, where 0 indicates no
relationship, and -1 and +1 indicates perfect relationship. Negative Pearson’s r value represents negative
association (i.e. as one variable increases the other decreases), while positive Pearson’s r value represents
positive association (i.e., as one variable increases so does the other).
R-squared (R2 ) represents variance explained, i.e. how much the model explains variance in the target variable.
In this example the model is linear regression. R-squared is standardized measure of association that can take
values ranging from zero (no association, or no variance explained) to 1 (perfect association, or all association
explained). R-squared, as its name suggests, represents Pearson’s r squared, but for more complex models it
can be calculated using variances or mean squares (MS) (equation 17):
M Smodel
R2 =
M Stotal
1 n
M Smodel = Σi=1 (ŷi − y)2
M Stotal = Σni=1 (yi − y)2 (17)
Maximal information coefficient (MIC) is a novel measure of the strength of the linear or non-linear association
between two variables and belongs to the maximal information-based non-parametric exploration (MINE)
class of statistics (Reshef et al., 2011; Albanese et al., 2012). MIC is standardized measure of association that
can take values ranging from zero (no association) to 1 (perfect association). As opposed to Pearson r, MIC
can pick up non-linear association between two variables. But as will be demonstrated in the “Prediction”
section of this paper, both Pearson’s r and R-squared can be utilized with models more complex than simple
linear regression.
Statistical model, or machinery underlying Pearson r and R-squared is linear regression. Similar to a sample
mean, linear regression can be seen as optimization algorithm that tries to find a line that passes through
the data with the minimal error.11 A solution to this problem can be found computationally or analytically.
Either way, the parameters that need to be estimated in this example with two variables are intercept (β̂0 ),
slope coefficient (β̂1 ), and error or residual (ˆ
) (equation 18):
Table 13 contains estimates for intercept, slope, and error. Error () is estimated by using residual standard
error (RSE), which is similar to already discussed RMSE, but rather than dividing sum of square errors by n
observations, it is divided by n − p (equation 19). The p is the number of model parameters, in this case 2
(intercept and one slope coefficient).
RSE = Σn (yi − yˆi )2 (19)
n − p i=1
Table 13. Linear regression estimates for intercept, slope, and error
The linear equation (20) describing the relationship between the Yo-YoIR1 and MAS is as follows:
Slope coefficient of 0.00159 can be interpreted the following way: if Yo-YoIR1 increases by 500m, then MAS
would increase by 500 x 0.00159 or 0.79km/h.
Although measures of association between two variables, such as Pearson’s r and R-squared, are symmetrical
(meaning it doesn’t matter which variable is predictor or target), one cannot reverse the linear regression
equation to get Yo-YoIR1 from MAS. Equation (21) shows how to reverse the parameters to estimate Yo-YoIR1
from known MAS:
11 This approach, as already explained, belongs to the OLS approach. On the other hand, MLE tries to find a line that
M AS = β̂0 + β̂1 Y o − Y oIR1
M AS − β̂0
Y o − Y oIR1 =
1 β̂0
Y o − Y oIR1 = M AS − (21)
β̂1 β̂1
As shown in the Table 14 and Figure 9, the reversal done by Equation 18 shouldn’t be done, since for
linear regression it matters which variable is target and which one is predictor. If you calculate the reversal
parameters using Equation 18, you will notice that they are not equal to those in the Table 14. This is also
indicated with non-identical linear regression lines in the Figure 9.
MAS (km/h)
1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Yo−YoIR1 (m)
Figure 9. Regression line differs depending which variable is target or the outcome variable.
Dashed grey line represents regression line when MAS is the target variable. Grey line represents regression
line when Yo-YoIR1 is the target variable. Since they are not identical, one cannot reverse the equation to
predict Yo-YoIR1 from MAS score, when such equation is estimated by predicting MAS from Yo-YoIR1
change in the Yo-YoIR1 is associated with minimal important change in the MAS. Let’s call this association
sensitivity estimator. This can be estimated with the following equation (22):
Assuming SESOI in the Yo-YoIR1 is ±500m, SESOI in the MAS is ±0.25km/h, and by using already
estimated β̂1 , we can calculate the sensitivity: 3.18. This means that minimal important change in the
Yo-YoIR1 will be associated with much bigger minimal important change in the MAS. If either SESOI of the
MAS or Yo-YOIR1 are unknown, using SESOI of one variable can be helpful to estimate SESOI of the other
variable by using the slope coefficient β̂1 .
Next question might be related to the practically significant strength of the association between two variables.
For example, we would like to know if the residuals are higher or lower than the SESOI in the target variable
(i.e. MAS). Figure 10 depicts scatter plot between two variable (panel A) and residuals (panel B) utilizing
SESOI in MAS as the grey area.
A B 0.6
Residual (km/h)
MAS (km/h)
1000 1250 1500 1750 1000 1250 1500 1750
Yo−YoIR1 (m) Yo−YoIR1 (m)
Figure 10. Scatter plot between two variables using SESOI to indicate practically significant
difference A. Scatterplot with SESOI depicted as grey band around linear regression line. B. Residual
plot, where the difference between MAS and linear regression line (model estimate) is plotted against
Yo-YoIR1 variable. SESOI is represented with the grey band. Residuals within SESOI band are of no
practical difference
Magnitude-based estimators of the practically significant strength of the association involve ratio between the
SESOI (SESOIupper − SESOIlower ) and RSE, and Equivalence. Ratio between SESOI and RSE (SESOI to
RSE) indicates how big are the residuals compared to the SESOI, and thus a metric of the quality of the
association. Assuming that residuals are being normally distributed, SESOI to RSE over 4 (or 2 × 1.96)
would indicate excellent practical strength of the association. If you look at the Table 15, estimated SESOI
to RSE in this example is not great, indicating poor practical strength of association.
Equivalence as a measure of the practical strength of the association revolves around estimating proportions
of residuals in the trivial zone, defined as SESOI in the target variable. Similar to lower, trivial and higher
difference and changes, equivalence can be estimated with the brute-force method by simply counting residuals
in the trivial zone, or using algebraic method and assuming normally distributed residuals (i.e. using SD of
the residuals). Equivalence can be computed algebraically by utilizing RSE instead of residual SD, but in
order to make it comparable with predictive models from “Prediction” section of this paper, residual SD is
used instead.
Figure 11 graphically depicts how equivalence estimator is calculated. Practically significant association
between two variables would have equivalence equal to 1, which indicates that all residuals are within confines
of the SESOI. If you look at the Table 15, estimated equivalence in this example is less than perfect, indicating
poor practical strength of the association.
Residual (km/h)
SESOI Yo-YoIR1 (m) SESOI MAS (km/h) Sensitivity RSE SESOI MAS to RSE Equivalence
±-500 ±0.25 3.18 0.23 2.14 0.72
SESOI to RSE (or SESOI to RMSE) and Equivalence will be utilized in predictive tasks (see “Prediction”
section of this article) to estimate magnitude-based performance of the predictive models.
Advanced techniques in the descriptive statistics involve dimension reduction, such as principal component
analysis (PCA), latent variable modelling, such as factor analysis (FA), or cluster analysis (Borsboom,
Mellenbergh & van Heerden, 2003; Borsboom, 2008; Everitt & Hothorn, 2011; Beaujean, 2014; Finch &
French, 2015; Kabacoff, 2015). These techniques are beyond the scope of this paper and the interested readers
are directed to references provided.
2.2 Prediction
In many disciplines there is a near-exclusive use of the statistical models for causal inference12 and the
assumption that models with high explanatory power are inherently of high predictive power (Breiman, 2001;
Shmueli, 2010; Yarkoni & Westfall, 2017; Hernán, Hsu & Healy, 2019). There is a constant tug-of-war between
prediction versus explanation, and experts are leaning on one side or the other. Some experts warn against
over-reliance on explanatory models with poor predictive power (Breiman, 2001; Shmueli, 2010; Yarkoni &
Westfall, 2017), whereas some warn against over-reliance on predictive models that lack causal explanatory
power that can guide intervention (Pearl, Glymour & Jewell, 2016; Pearl & Mackenzie, 2018; Hernán, Hsu &
Healy, 2019; Pearl, 2019).
It is thus important to differentiate between the two and take into account the research question that we are
trying to answer. In this paper, I define predictive modeling by using definition from Galit Shmueli (Shmueli,
2010) “as the process of applying a statistical model or data mining algorithm to data for the purpose of
predicting new or future observations” (p. 291). Usually this predictive statistical model is treated as a black
box. Black box approach implies that we are not really interested in underlying mechanism and relationships
between the predictor variables, only in predictive performance of the model (Breiman, 2001; Shmueli, 2010;
Yarkoni & Westfall, 2017)
Linear regression model from “Describing relationship between two variables” section of this paper can be
used to help answer the predictive question (“If I know someone’s Yo-YoIR1 score, what would be his or her
MAS score?”), rather than association one (“How is Yo-YoIR1 associated with MAS?”). But there are a few
caveats with such a prediction.
2.2.1 Overfitting
To explain a few caveats with predictive modeling, let’s take slightly more complex example. Imagine we know
the true relationship between back squat relative 1RM (BS)13 and vertical jump height during a bodyweight
squat jump (SJ; measured in cm). This true relationship is usually referred to as data generating process
(DGP) (Carsey & Harden, 2013) and one of the aims of causal inference tasks is to uncover parameters and
mechanism of DGP from the acquired sample14 . With predictive tasks this aim is of no direct interest, but
rather reliable prediction regarding new or unseen observations.
DGP is usually unknown, but with simulations, such as this one, DGP is known and it is used to generate the
sample data. Simulation is thus excellent teaching tool, since one can play with the problem and understand
how the statistical analysis works, since the true DGP is known and can be compared with estimates (Hopkins,
2007; Carsey & Harden, 2013; Rousselet, Pernet & Wilcox, 2019a).
DGP is assumed to consist of systematic component f (x) and stochastic component (equation 23).
Y = f (X) + (23)
Systematic component is assumed to be fixed in the population (constant from sample to sample) and captures
the true relationship f (X) among variables in the population (e.g. this can also be termed signal), while
stochastic component represents random noise or random error, that varies from sample to sample, althought
12 Some authors refer to causal inference as “explanatory” modelling (Breiman, 2001; Shmueli, 2010; Yarkoni & Westfall, 2017),
although Miguel Hernan (Hernán, Hsu & Healy, 2019) warns against using such a somewhat-misleading term “because causal
effects may be quantified while remaining unexplained (randomized trials identify causal effects even if the causal mechanisms
that explain them are unknown)” (p. 43). Gelman also makes distinctions between forward causal inference and reverse causal
inference that might be useful in distinguishing between identifying causal effects and explaining them (Gelman, 2011). This is
elaborated in the “Causal inference” section of this paper.
13 For example, if an athlete lifted 175kg for a single rep in the back squat, and was unable to lift more, this represents his
back squat 1RM, or one repetition maximum. Relative 1RM is calculated by dividing 1RM with athlete’s bodyweight. For
example, an athlete with 175kg 1RM weights 85kg. His relative 1RM is equal to 2.05.
14 Uncovering DGP parameters is not solely the goal of the causal inference (although causal inference task is to uncover or
quantify causal mechanism), but also the main goal in the statistical inference where the aim is to quantify uncertainty about
the true population parameters from the acquired sample. More about this topic in the “Statistical Inference” section.
its distribution remains the same. Random error is assumed to be normally distributed with mean of 0 and
standard deviation which represents estimated parameter (either with RMSE or RSE). Thus, RMSE or RSE
are estimates of .
In our example, the relationship between SJ and BS is expressed with the following equation (24):
SJ = 30 + 15 × BS × sin(BS) +
∼ N (0, 2) (24)
Systematic component in the DGP is represented with 30 + 15 × BS × sin(BS), and stochastic component is
represented with the known random error () that is normally distributed with the mean equal to zero and
standard deviation equal to 2cm (N (0, 2)). This random error can be termed irreducible error (James et al.,
2017), since it is inherent to the true DGP. As will be demonstrated shortly, models that perform better than
this irreducible error are said to overfit. In other words, models are jumping to the noise.
The objective of causal inference or explanatory modeling is to estimate the f (X) (estimate is indicated with
the hat symbol: fˆ(x)) or to understand the underlying DGP. With the predictive analysis, the goal is to find
the best estimate of Y or ŷ. The underlying DGP is treated as a black box.
To demonstrate a concept of overfitting, we are going to generate two samples (N=35 observations) from the
DGP with BS ranging from 0.8 to 2.5. These samples are training and testing sample (Figure 12). Training
sample is used to train the prediction model, while testing sample will be used as a holdout sample for
evaluating model performance on the unseen data.
Training Testing
Squat Jump Height (cm)
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Back Squat relative 1RM
Figure 12. Black line represent systematic component of the DGP and it is equal for both
training and testing samples
Model used to predict SJ from BS will be polynomial linear regression. Equation 25 explains first, second,
and third degree polynomial linear regression function and provides a form for n-degree polynomials. Please,
note that first degree polynomial function represents simple linear regression.
yˆi = β̂0 + β̂1 x1i
yˆi = β̂0 + β̂1 x1i + β̂2 x2i
yˆi = β̂0 + β̂1 x1i + β̂2 x2i + β̂3 x3i
yˆi = β̂0 + β̂1 x1i + · · · + β̂n xni (25)
Increasing polynomial degrees increases the flexibility of the polynomial regression model, and thus can
represent tuning parameter that we can select based on the model performance. In other words, we might
be interested in finding polynomial degree that minimized model error (or maximize model fit). Figure 13
contains model performance on the training data for polynomial degrees ranging from 1 to 20.
Polynomial degree 1 Polynomial degree 2 Polynomial degree 3 Polynomial degree 4 Polynomial degree 5
Polynomial degree 6 Polynomial degree 7 Polynomial degree 8 Polynomial degree 9 Polynomial degree 10
Squat Jump Height (cm)
Polynomial degree 11 Polynomial degree 12 Polynomial degree 13 Polynomial degree 14 Polynomial degree 15
Polynomial degree 16 Polynomial degree 17 Polynomial degree 18 Polynomial degree 19 Polynomial degree 20
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Back Squat relative 1RM
Figure 13. Model fit with varying polynomial degrees. More degrees equals better model fit
As can be seen from the Figure 13, the more flexible the model (or the higher the polynomial degree) the
better it fits the data. But how do these models perform on the unseen, testing data sample? In order to
quantify model performance, RMSE metric is used. Figure 14 demonstrates performance of the polynomial
regression model on the training and testing data sample across different polynomial degrees.
RMSE (cm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Polynomial Degree
Figure 14. Testing and training errors across varying polynomial degrees. Model error is
estimated with the RMSE metric, while polynomial degree represents tuning or flexibility parameter of the
model. As can be noted from the image, better training performance doesn’t imply better testing
performance. Vertical dashed line represents the polynomial degree at which testing error is lowest.
Polynomial degrees on the right of the vertical dashed line are said to overfit the data, while polynomial
degree on the left are said to underfit the data
As can be seen from the Figure 14, models with higher polynomial degrees tend to overfit (indicated by
performance better than the known irreducible error visualized with the horizontal line at 2cm). Performance
on the training data sample improves as the polynomial degrees increase, which is not the case with the
performance on the testing data sample. There is clearly the best polynomial degree that has the best
predictive performance on the unseen data. Polynomial degrees on the left of the vertical dashed line are said
to underfit, while polynomial degrees on the right are said to overfit.
The take home message is that predictive performance on the training data can be too optimistic, and for
evaluating predictive performance of the model, unseen data must be used, otherwise the model might overfit.
2.2.2 Cross-Validation
In order to evaluate predictive performance of the model, researchers usually remove some percent of data to
be used as a testing or holdout sample. Unfortunately, this is not always possible (although it is recommended,
particularly to evaluate final model performance, especially when there are multiple models and model tuning).
One solution to this problems is cross-validation technique (James et al., 2017; Yarkoni & Westfall, 2017;
Kuhn & Johnson, 2018). There are numerous variations of the cross-validation, but the simplest one is n-fold
cross validation (Figure 15). N-fold cross validation involve splitting the data into 5 to 10 equal folds and
using one fold as a testing or hold-out sample while performing model training on the other folds. This is
repeated over N-iteration (in this case 5 to 10) and the model performance is averaged to get cross-validated
model performance.
3rd Fold Test E3 𝐸 = $ ∑$&'# 𝐸&
With predictive analysis and machine learning, different model’s tuning parameters are evaluated (as well as
multiple different models) to estimate the one that gives the best predictive performance. It is thus important
to utilize techniques such as cross-validation to avoid overfitting and too optimistic model selection.
Certain models, such as lasso, ridge regression, and elastic-net implement regularization parameters that
penalizes the model complexity and are used as a tuning variable (James et al., 2017; Yarkoni & Westfall,
2017; Kuhn & Johnson, 2018). This is useful in situations when there are a lot of predictors, and it is easy to
overfit the model. Selecting the best regularization parameter that has the best cross-validated performance
helps in simplifying the model and avoiding the overfit. These topics are beyond the scope of the current
paper, and interested readers are directed to references provided at the end of the paper.
Prediction error can be decomposed into two components, reducible and irreducible error15 . Reducible error is
the model that can be reduced with a better model, while irreducible error is the unknown error inherent to
the DGP itself (James et al., 2017). Reducible error can be further divided into bias and variance (Figure 16
and equation 26).
Bias represents constant or systematic error, which is introduced by approximating a real-life problem, which
may be extremely complicated, by a much simpler model (James et al., 2017). Variance represents variable
or random error, and refers to the amount by which model parameters would change if we estimated it by
using a different training data set (James et al., 2017).
15 As it will be explained in “Statistical inference” section, there are two kinds of uncertainty: aleatory and epistemic. Aleatory
uncertainty is inherent randomness and it is usually represented as irreducible error. Epistemic uncertainty is due to the lack
of knowledge or information, which can be considered reducible error. In other words, better models or models with more
information will be able to reduce prediction error by reducing the reducible or epistemic uncertainty. The upper ceiling of the
predictive performance is limited by irreducible error (which is unknown). Please refer to the “Statistical inference” section for
more information.
Low bias High bias
Low variance
mean estimate
𝑓5̅ 𝑥
𝐵𝑖𝑎𝑠 1 = (𝑓5̅ 𝑥 − 𝒇 𝒙 )1
1 1 1 1
𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 = G 𝑓-H 𝑥 − 𝑓5̅ 𝑥 𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 = G 𝑓-H 𝑥 − 𝒇 𝒙 + 𝜖
𝑛 𝑛
(𝑓-3 𝑥 −𝑓5 𝑥 )1
𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 = 𝐵𝑖𝑎𝑠 1 + 𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 + 𝜖
true value
Figure 16. Bias and variance decomposition of the error. A. Visual representation of bias and
variance using the shooting target. B. Error can be decomposed to bias, variance, and irreducible error,
where bias is constant or systematic error and variance is variable or random error.
Since we know the true relationship between BS and SJ, we can generate the data from DGP multiple
times (i.e. 100 times) and estimate model’s bias and variance. This is done for one x value - in this case for
BS = 1.75, where true Y or SJ = 55.83cm. Total error is estimated by using mean-square-error (or MSE)
which quantifies variance (equation 27 and panel B on Figure 16).
1 n
M SE = Σ (yi − yˆi )2 (27)
n i=1
The results of this simulation and decomposition of the prediction error to bias and variance is depicted on
the Figure 17.
MS (cm^2)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Polynomial Degree
Figure 17.Bias and Variance error decomposition. Prediction error is indicated with the black line,
which is decomposed to bias (blue line) and variance (orange line). Horizontal grey line represents irreducible
error which is known since we have generated the data. Vertical dashed line represents polynomial degree
with the lower prediction error
The conclusion is that there is a bias-variance trade-off, as well as the optimal balance between the two that
maximizes model performance. Some models, such as linear regression as inherently more biased (i.e. linear
regression models try to fit linear line to the data) and some provide much more variance. Unfortunately,
there is no such thing as free lunch (Yarkoni & Westfall, 2017; Kuhn & Johnson, 2018), which implies that
there is no single model that is the best across all different sets of problems. One needs to evaluate multiple
models16 to estimate which one is the best for a particular problem at hand.
2.2.4 Interpretability
As explained, predictive models put predictive performance over explanation of the underlying DGP mechanism
(which is treated as a black box). However, sometimes we might be interested in which predictor is the most
important, how do predictions change when particular predictor changes, or why17 model made a particular
prediction for a case of interest (Ribeiro, Singh & Guestrin, 2016; Molnar, 2018; Kuhn & Johnson, 2018).
Model interpretability can be defined as “the degree to which a human can understand the cause of a decision”
(Miller, 2017; Molnar, 2018). Some models are more inherently interpretable (e.g. linear regression) and some
are indeed very complex and hard to interpret (e.g. random forest or neural networks). For this reason, there
are model-agnostic techniques that can help increase model interpretability.
16 Or to utilize subject matter knowledge needed to select the model. More about this topic can be found in the “Subject
particular decision or prediction has been made. Christoph Molnar (Molnar, 2018) explains the need for model interpretability
with one interesting example: “By default, machine learning models pick up biases from the training data. This can turn your
machine learning models into racists that discriminate against protected groups. Interpretability is a useful debugging tool for
detecting bias in machine learning models. It might happen that the machine learning model’s, you have trained for, automatic
approval or rejection of credit applications discriminates against a minority. Your main goal is to grant loans only to people who
will eventually repay them. The incompleteness of the problem formulation in this case lies in the fact that you not only want to
minimize loan defaults, but are also obliged not to discriminate on the basis of certain demographics. This is an additional
constraint that is part of your problem formulation (granting loans in a low-risk and compliant way) that is not covered by the
loss function the machine learning model was optimized for.” (p.11)
Excellent book and R package by Christoph Molnar (Molnar, Bischl & Casalicchio, 2018; Molnar, 2018)
demonstrates a few model-agnostic interpretable techniques. One such technique is understating which
predictor is the most important. This is done by perturbing one predictor and estimating the change in
model performance. The predictor whose perturbing causes the biggest change in model performance can be
considered the most important (Molnar, 2018; Kuhn & Johnson, 2018).
One might be interested in how the predicted outcome changes when particular predictor changes. Techniques
such as partial dependence plot (PDP), individual conditional expectation (ICE) and accumulated local effects
(ALE) can be helpful in interpreting the effect of particular predictor on predicted outcome (Goldstein et al.,
2013; Molnar, Bischl & Casalicchio, 2018; Molnar, 2018; Zhao & Hastie, 2019). These techniques are utilized
later in this paper.
It is important to keep in mind that these model-agnostic explanations should not be automatically treated as
causal explanations (Pearl & Mackenzie, 2018; Pearl, 2019), but as mere association and descriptive analysis
that still can be useful in understanding and interpreting the underlying predictive black-box. According
to Judea Pearl (Pearl & Mackenzie, 2018; Pearl, 2019), prediction models should belong to the first level
of ladder of causation, which represents simple “curve fitting”. Although in under special conditions these
techniques can have causal interpretation (Zhao & Hastie, 2019).
The distinctions, similarities and issues between predictive modelling, machine learning and causal inference
is currently hot topic in debates between machine learning specialists, statisticians and philosophers of science
and it is beyond the scope of this paper to delve into the debate. Interested readers are directed towards
work by Miguel Hernan (Hernán, 2016, 2017, 2018; Hernán, Hsu & Healy, 2019; Hernán & Robins), Judea
Pearl (Pearl, 2009, 2019; Pearl, Glymour & Jewell, 2016; Pearl & Mackenzie, 2018), Samantha Kleinberg
(Kleinberg, 2015, 2018) and others (Breiman, 2001; Shmueli, 2010; Kleinberg, Liang & Mullainathan, 2017;
Yarkoni & Westfall, 2017; Saddiki & Balzer, 2018; Watts et al., 2018). The next “Causal Inference” section
introduces the causal inference as a specific task of statistical modelling.
Similar to the magnitude-based estimators from “Describing relationship between two variables” section, one
can utilize target variable SESOI to get magnitude-based estimates of predictive performance of the model.
Rather than utilizing RSE as an estimate of the model fit in the training data, one can utilize cross-validated
RMSE (cvRMSE), SESOI to cvRMSE, as well as cross-validated equivalence (cvEquivalence).
Continuing with the squat jump and relative squat 1RM, one can assume that the SESOI in the squat jump
is ±1cm. For the sake of example, we can feature engineer (Kuhn & Johnson, 2018, 2019) relative squat
1RM variable to include all 20 degree polynomials. This way, we have created 20 predictor variables. To
avoid overfitting, elastic-net model (Friedman, Hastie & Tibshirani, 2010) implemented in the caret package
(Kuhn et al., 2018; Kuhn & Johnson, 2018) is utilized, as well as repeated cross-validation involving 3 splits
repeated 10 times. Predictive model performance is evaluated by using cross-validated RMSE, together with
magnitude-based performance estimators.
Elastic-net model represents regression method that linearly combines the L1 and L2 penalties of the lasso
and ridge methods, or alpha and lambda tuning parameters (Friedman, Hastie & Tibshirani, 2010; James
et al., 2017; Kuhn & Johnson, 2018). Total of nine combinations of tuning parameters is evaluated using
aforementioned repeated cross-validation, and the model with minimal cvRMSE is selected as the best one.
Performance metrics of the best model are further reported. Table 16 contains cross-validated best model
performance metrics together with model performance on the training data set.
Table 16. Common predictive metrics and magnitude-based predictive metrics. Metrics
starting with ’cv’ indicate cross-validated performance metrics. Metrics without ’cv’ indicate performance
metrics on the training data set, which is often more optimistic
SESOI (cm) cvRMSE (cm) SESOI to cvRMSE cvEquivalence RMSE (cm) SESOI to RMSE Equivalence
±1 2.16 0.93 0.36 1.85 1.08 0.41
Utilizing apriori known SESOI gives us practical anchor to evaluate predictive model performance. Reported
SESOI to cvRMSE (0.93) as well as cvEQuivalence (0.36) indicate very poor predictive performance of the
model. In practical terms, utilizing relative squat 1RM doesn’t produce practically meaningful predictions
given SESOI of ±1cm and the model as well as the data sample utilized.
Model performance can be visualized using the training data set (Figure 18). Equivalence estimator, for both
cross-validate estimate and training data performance estimate, utilized SD of the residuals and provided
SESOI. Grey band on panels A and B on Figure 18 represents SESOI, and as can be visually inspected,
model residuals are much wider than the SESOI, indicating poor practically significant performance.
60 6
Squat Jump Height (cm)
Residual (cm)
Figure 18. Model performance on the training data set. A. Model with the lowest cvRMSE is
selected. SESOI is depicted as grey band around the model prediction (blue line). B. Residuals scatter plot.
Residuals outside of the SESOI band (grey band) indicate prediction which error is practically significant.
Equivalence represents proportion of residuals inside the SESOI band
Predictive tasks are focusing on providing the best predictions on the novel or unseen data without much
concern about the underlying DGP. Predictive model performance can be evaluated by using magnitude-based
approach to give insights into practical significance of the predictions. These magnitude-based prediction
estimators, can be used to complement explanatory or causal inference tasks, rather than relying solely on the
group-based and average-based estimators. This topic is further discussed in the “Prediction as a complement
to causal inference” section of this paper.
Does playing basketball makes one taller? This is a an example of a causal question. Wrestling with
the concept of causality, as a philosophical construct is outside the scope of this paper (and the author
too), but I will define it using the counterfactual theory or potential outcomes perspective (Gelman, 2011;
Angrist & Pischke, 2015; Kleinberg, 2015; Pearl & Mackenzie, 2018; Hernán, Hsu & Healy, 2019) that
define causes in terms of how things would have been different had the cause not occurred, as well as from
causality-as-intervention perspective (Gelman, 2011), which necessitates clearly defined interventions (Hernán
& Taubman, 2008; Hernán, 2016, 2018). In other words, would someone be shorter if basketball was never
There are two broad classes of inferential question that focus on what if and why: forward causal inference
(“What might happen if we do X ?”) and reverse causal inference (“What causes Y ? Why?”) (Gelman,
2011). Forward causation is more clearly defined problem, where the goal is to quantify the causal effect of
treatment. Questions of forward causation are most directly studied using randomization (Gelman, 2011) and
are answered from the above mentioned causality-as-intervention and counterfactual perspectives. Reverse
causation is more complex and it is more related to explaining the causal chains using the system-variable
approach. Article by Andrew Gelman (Gelman, 2011) provides great overview of the most common causal
perspectives, out of which I will mostly focus on forward causation.
Furthermore, we also need to distinguish between four kinds of causation (Kleinberg, 2015; Pearl & Mackenzie,
2018): necessary causation, sufficient causation and neither or both. For example, if someone says that A
causes B, then:
• If A is necessary for B, it means that if A never happened (counterfactual reasoning), then B will never
happen. Or, in other words, B can never happen without A. But sufficient causality also means that A
can happen without B happening.
• If A is sufficient for B, it means that if you have A, you will always have B. In other words, B always
follows A. However, sometimes B can happen without A
• If A is neither sufficient nor necessary for B, then sometimes when A happens B will happen. B can
also happen without A.
• If A is both necessary and sufficient for B, then B will always happen after A, and B will never happen
without A.
Table 17 contains summary of the above necessary and sufficient causality. In all four types of causation, the
concept of counterfactual reasoning is invoked.
Although the causal inference is a broad area of research, philosophical discussion and conflicts, there are a
few key concepts that need to be introduced to get the big picture and understand the basics behind the
aims of causal inference. Let’s start with an example involving the aforementioned question whether playing
basketball makes one taller.
In order to answer this question, we have collected height data (expressed in cm) for the total of N=30
athletes, of which N=15 play basketball, and N=15 don’t play basketball (Table 18). Playing basketball can
be considered intervention or treatment, in which causal effect we are interested in. Basketball players are
considered intervention or treatment group and those without the treatment are considered comparison or
control group
Table 18. Height in the treatment and control groups
Using descriptive estimators introduced in the “Description” section, one can quickly calculate the group
means and SDs as well as their difference (Table 19). But does mean difference between basketball and
control represent average causal effect? No, unfortunately not!
To explain why this is the case, we need to imagine alternate counterfactual reality. What is needed are
two potential outcomes: Height0 , which represents height of the person if one doesn’t train basketball, and
Height1 which represents height of the person if basketball is being played (Table 20). As can be guessed,
the Basketball group has known Height1 , but unknown Height0 and vice versa for the Control group.
Athlete Treatment Height_0 (cm) Height_1 (cm) Height (cm) Causal Effect (cm)
Athlete 11 Basketball ??? 213 213 ???
Athlete 01 Basketball ??? 210 210 ???
Athlete 13 Basketball ??? 210 210 ???
Athlete 19 Basketball ??? 209 209 ???
Athlete 27 Basketball ??? 208 208 ???
Athlete 09 Basketball ??? 207 207 ???
Athlete 05 Basketball ??? 206 206 ???
Athlete 15 Basketball ??? 205 205 ???
Athlete 25 Basketball ??? 200 200 ???
Athlete 17 Basketball ??? 198 198 ???
Athlete 07 Basketball ??? 192 192 ???
Athlete 29 Basketball ??? 191 191 ???
Athlete 21 Basketball ??? 187 187 ???
Athlete 03 Basketball ??? 187 187 ???
Athlete 23 Basketball ??? 184 184 ???
Athlete 20 Control 204 ??? 204 ???
Athlete 26 Control 196 ??? 196 ???
Athlete 12 Control 195 ??? 195 ???
Athlete 24 Control 186 ??? 186 ???
Athlete 18 Control 185 ??? 185 ???
Athlete 14 Control 184 ??? 184 ???
Athlete 10 Control 184 ??? 184 ???
Athlete 08 Control 182 ??? 182 ???
Athlete 30 Control 181 ??? 181 ???
Athlete 06 Control 177 ??? 177 ???
Athlete 04 Control 177 ??? 177 ???
Athlete 16 Control 174 ??? 174 ???
Athlete 22 Control 170 ??? 170 ???
Athlete 02 Control 168 ??? 168 ???
Athlete 28 Control 160 ??? 160 ???
Unfortunately, these potential outcomes are unknown, and thus individual causal effects. We just do not
know what might have happened to individual outcomes in counterfactual world (i.e. alternate reality). A
good control group serves as a proxy to reveal what might have happened on average to the treated group in
the counterfactual world where they are not treated. Since the basketball data is simulated, the exact DGP
is known (the true systematic or fixed causal effect of playing basketball on height is 0cm, with random effect
normally distributed with SD equal to 1cm), which again demonstrates the use of simulations as a great
learning tool, in this case understanding the underlying causal mechanisms (Table 21). Individual causal
effect in this case is the difference between two potential outcomes: Height1 and Height0 .
Athlete Treatment Height_0 (cm) Height_1 (cm) Height (cm) Causal Effect (cm)
Athlete 11 Basketball 215 213 213 -1.26
Athlete 01 Basketball 209 210 210 1.29
Athlete 13 Basketball 210 210 210 -0.03
Athlete 19 Basketball 207 209 209 1.55
Athlete 27 Basketball 206 208 208 2.19
Athlete 09 Basketball 207 207 207 0.82
Athlete 05 Basketball 207 206 206 -1.38
Athlete 15 Basketball 204 205 205 1.09
Athlete 25 Basketball 197 200 200 2.20
Athlete 17 Basketball 199 198 198 -1.34
Athlete 07 Basketball 191 192 192 0.32
Athlete 29 Basketball 193 191 191 -1.32
Athlete 21 Basketball 188 187 187 -1.35
Athlete 03 Basketball 187 187 187 -0.53
Athlete 23 Basketball 184 184 184 -0.27
Athlete 20 Control 204 203 204 -0.94
Athlete 26 Control 196 197 196 0.91
Athlete 12 Control 195 196 195 0.91
Athlete 24 Control 186 186 186 -0.02
Athlete 18 Control 185 184 185 -0.44
Athlete 14 Control 184 184 184 -0.73
Athlete 10 Control 184 183 184 -0.99
Athlete 08 Control 182 183 182 0.80
Athlete 30 Control 181 182 181 0.05
Athlete 06 Control 177 177 177 0.19
Athlete 04 Control 177 179 177 2.10
Athlete 16 Control 174 175 174 1.49
Athlete 22 Control 170 170 170 0.38
Athlete 02 Control 168 169 168 1.28
Athlete 28 Control 160 160 160 0.00
From Table 21, we can state that the mean difference between the groups consists of two components: average
causal effect and the selection bias (Angrist & Pischke, 2015) (equation 28)
The mean group difference we have observed (18.87cm) is due to average causal effect (0.13cm) and selection
bias (18.73cm). In other words, observed mean group difference can be explained solely by selection bias.
Since we know the DGP behind the basketball data, we know that there is no systematic causal effect of
playing basketball on height.
On top of the selection bias involved in the example above, other confounders might be involved, such as
age, sex, race, experience and others, some of which can be measured and some might be unknown. These
are also referred to as the third variable which confounds the causal relationship between treatment and the
outcome. In the example above, all subjects from the Basketball group might be older males, whereas all the
subjects from the Control group might be be younger females.
2.3.4 Ceteris paribus and the biases
It is important to understand that, in order to have causal interpretation, comparisons need to be made under
ceteris paribus conditions (Angrist & Pischke, 2015), which is Latin for other things equal. In the basketball
example above, we cannot make causal claim that playing basketball makes one taller, since comparison
between the groups is not done in the ceteris paribus conditions due to the selection bias involved. We also
know this since we know the simulated DGP behind the observed data.
Causal inference thus aims to achieve ceteris paribus conditions needed to make causal interpretations by
careful considerations of the known and unknown biases involved (Shrier & Platt, 2008; Angrist & Pischke,
2015; Hernán, 2016, 2017; Rohrer, 2018; Hernán, Hsu & Healy, 2019; Lederer et al., 2019; Hernán & Robins).
According to Hernan et al. (Hernán, 2017; Hernán & Robins), there three types of biases involved in causal
inference: confounding, selection bias and measurement bias.
Confounding is the bias that arises when treatment and outcome share causes because treatment was not
randomly assigned (Hernán, 2017; Hernán & Robins). For example, athletes that are naturally taller might
be choosing to play basketball due to success and enjoyment over their shorter peers. On the other hand,
it might be some hidden confounder that motivates to-be-tall athletes to choose basketball. Known and
measured confounders from the observational studies can be taken into account to create ceteris paribus
conditions when estimating causal effects (Shrier & Platt, 2008; Angrist & Pischke, 2015; Hernán, 2017;
Rohrer, 2018; Lederer et al., 2019; Hernán & Robins).
2.3.5 Randomization
The first line of defence against confounding and selection bias is to randomly assign athletes to treatment,
otherwise known as randomized trial or randomized experiment. Random assignment makes comparison
between groups ceteris paribus providing the sample is large enough to ensure that differences in the individual
characteristics such as age, sex, experience and other potential confounders are washed out (Angrist & Pischke,
2015). In other words, random assignment works not by eliminating individual differences but rather by
ensuring that the mix of the individuals being compared is the same, including the ways we cannot easily
measure or observe (Angrist & Pischke, 2015).
In case the individuals from the basketball example were randomly assigned, given the known causal DGP,
then the mean difference between the groups would be more indicative of the causal effect of playing basketball
on height (Table 22).
Athlete Treatment Height (cm)
Athlete 13 Basketball 210
Athlete 19 Basketball 209
Athlete 09 Basketball 207
Athlete 15 Basketball 205
Athlete 17 Basketball 198
Athlete 26 Basketball 196
Athlete 12 Basketball 195
Athlete 07 Basketball 192
Athlete 03 Basketball 187
Athlete 14 Basketball 184
Athlete 10 Basketball 184
Athlete 08 Basketball 182
Athlete 06 Basketball 177
Athlete 16 Basketball 174
Athlete 28 Basketball 160
Athlete 11 Control 213
Athlete 01 Control 210
Athlete 27 Control 208
Athlete 05 Control 206
Athlete 20 Control 204
Athlete 25 Control 200
Athlete 29 Control 191
Athlete 21 Control 187
Athlete 24 Control 186
Athlete 18 Control 185
Athlete 23 Control 184
Athlete 30 Control 181
Athlete 04 Control 177
Athlete 22 Control 170
Athlete 02 Control 168
If we calculate the mean differences in this randomly assigned basketball treatment (Table 23), we can quickly
notice that random assignment washed out selection bias involved with the observational study, and that the
mean difference is closer to the known systematic causal effect. The difference between estimated systematic
causal effect using mean group difference from the randomized trial is due to the sampling error which will
be explained in the “Statistical Inference” section of this paper.
Apart from creating ceteris paribus conditions, randomization generates a good control group that serves
as a proxy to reveal what might have happened to the treated group in the counterfactual world where
they are not treated, since Height0 is not known for the basketball group. Creating those conditions with
randomized trial demands careful considerations and balance checking since biases can crawl inside the causal
interpretation. The logic of randomized trial is simple, yet the logistics can be quite complex. For example, a
sample of sufficient size might not be practically feasible, and disbalances in the known confounders can be
still found in the groups, thus demanding further control and adjustment in the analysis (e.g. using ANCOVA
instead of ANOVA, adjusting for confounders in the linear regression by introducing them as interactions and
main effects) in order to create ceteris paribus conditions needed to evaluate causal claims. Belief effect can
sneak in, if the treatment group knows knows they being treated, or researchers may motivate treatment
groups harder, since they expect and hope for better outcomes. For this reason, blinding both the subjects
and researches can be considered, as well as providing placebo to the Control group.
One of the main problems with randomized trials is that it cannot be done in most real life settings, either
due to the ethical or practical reasons. For example, if studying effects of smoking on baby mortality and
birth defects, which parent would accept being in the treatment group. Or if studying effects of resistance
training on injury risk in football players, which professional organization would allow random assignment
to the treatment that is lesser than the known best practices and can predispose athletes to the injuries or
sub-par preparation?
For this reason, reliance on observation studies is the best we can do. However, in order to create ceteris
paribus conditions necessary to minimize bias in the causal interpretations, expert subject-matter knowledge
is needed, not only to describe the causal structure of the system under study, but also to specify the causal
question and identify relevant data sources (Hernán, Hsu & Healy, 2019). Imagine asking the following
causal question: “Does training load lead to overuse injuries in professional sports”. It takes expert subject
matter knowledge to specify the treatment construct (i.e. “training load”), how is it measured, as well as
the measurement error which can induce measurement bias, over which time period, as well as to specify
the outcome construct (i.e. “overuse-injuries”) and define variables and constructs that confound and define
the causal network underlying such a question. This subject matter is fallible of course, and the constructs,
variables and the causal network can be represented with pluralistic models that represents “Small World”
maps of the complex “Large World”, in which we are hoping to deploy the findings. Drawing assumption
underlying causal structure using direct acyclical graphs (DAGs) represents a step forward in acknowledging
the issues above, by providing transparency of the assumptions involved and bridging the subjective - objective
Let’s consider the following example. We are interested in estimating causal effects of the plyometric training
on the vertical jump height. To estimate causal effects, randomized control trial (RCT) is utilized. RCT
utilizes two groups: Treatment (N=15) and Control (N=15), measured two times: Pre and Post. Treatment
group received plyometric training over the course of three months, while Control group continued with
normal training. The results of RCT study can be found in the Table 24. To estimate practical significance
of the treatment effect, SESOI of ±2.5cm is selected to indicate minimal change of the practical value. The
question we are trying to answer is as follows: “Does plyometric training added to normal training improves
vertical jump height over period of three months?”. It is important to have “well defined interventions”
(Hernán & Taubman, 2008; Hernán, 2016, 2018).
Athlete Group Pre (cm) Post (cm) Change (cm)
Athlete 24 Control 45.52 48.28 2.77
Athlete 20 Control 47.04 48.47 1.43
Athlete 06 Control 44.03 44.91 0.88
Athlete 18 Control 44.61 45.39 0.78
Athlete 30 Control 40.28 40.63 0.35
Athlete 08 Control 50.17 50.51 0.34
Athlete 04 Control 38.07 38.15 0.08
Athlete 14 Control 50.40 50.43 0.03
Athlete 02 Control 52.72 52.62 -0.09
Athlete 12 Control 55.38 54.81 -0.57
Athlete 22 Control 52.81 51.53 -1.28
Athlete 16 Control 40.68 39.37 -1.31
Athlete 28 Control 34.10 32.39 -1.71
Athlete 10 Control 44.73 42.96 -1.77
Athlete 26 Control 48.91 46.89 -2.02
Athlete 29 Treatment 44.86 59.38 14.52
Athlete 21 Treatment 44.35 56.62 12.26
Athlete 15 Treatment 52.42 64.39 11.97
Athlete 23 Treatment 42.71 52.76 10.05
Athlete 13 Treatment 35.10 44.36 9.27
Athlete 27 Treatment 43.58 51.87 8.29
Athlete 07 Treatment 44.68 52.17 7.49
Athlete 01 Treatment 45.95 52.05 6.10
Athlete 19 Treatment 50.75 56.84 6.09
Athlete 03 Treatment 46.15 52.14 5.99
Athlete 17 Treatment 45.72 51.41 5.69
Athlete 05 Treatment 39.66 44.97 5.30
Athlete 09 Treatment 39.47 42.55 3.07
Athlete 11 Treatment 40.69 41.06 0.37
Athlete 25 Treatment 44.86 44.46 -0.40
Descriptive summary statistics for Treatment and Control group are enlisted in the Table 25, and visually
depicted in the Figure 19 (panels A and B).
Further analysis might involve separate dependent groups analysis for both Treatment and Control (Table
26), or in other words the analysis of the change scores. To estimate Cohen’s d, pooled SD of the Pre- scores
in both Treatment and Control is utilized.
Table 26. Descriptive analysis of the change scores for Treatment and Control groups
Group Mean change (cm) SDchange (cm) SDpre pooled (cm) Cohen’s d SESOI (cm) Change to SESOI SDchange to SESOI Lower Trivial Higher
Treatment 7.07 4.20 5.21 1.36 ±2.5 1.41 0.84 0.01 0.13 0.86
Control -0.14 1.33 5.21 -0.03 ±2.5 -0.03 0.27 0.04 0.94 0.02
But we are not that interested in independent analysis of Treatment and Control group, but rather in
their differences and understanding the causal effects of the treatment (i.e. understanding and estimating
parameters of the underlying DGP). As stated, treatment effect consists of two components: systematic
component or fixed effect (i.e. average causal effect), and stochastic component or random effect (i.e. that
varies between individuals). As already explained, Control group serves as a proxy to what might have
happened to the Treatment group in the counterfactual world, and thus allows to interpret treatment effects
causally. There are two effects at play with this RCT: treatment effect and non-treatment effect. The latter
captures all effects not directly controlled by a treatment, but assumes it affects both groups equally. For
example, if we are treating kids for longer period of time, non-treatment effect might be related to the growth
and associated effects. Another non-treatment effect is measurement error (discussed in more details in
“Classical Test Theory” section).
The following equation captures the essence of estimating treatment effects from Pre and Post scores in the
Treatment and Control groups (equation 29):
From the above equation, the differences between the changes in Treatment and Control groups can be
interpreted as the estimate of the causal effect of the treatment. Table 27 contains descriptive statistics of
the change score differences. Panel C in the Figure 19 depicts distribution of the change scores and reflect
the calculus in the Table 27 graphically.
Mean difference (cm) Cohen’s d Difference to SESOI Lower diff Trivial diff Higher diff
7.21 5.41 1.44 -0.03 -0.81 0.84
A B 20
Pre Post
−5 0 5 10 15 20
−5 0 5 10 15 20
Change in Vertical jump height (cm)
Figure 19. Visual analysis of RCT using Treatment and Control groups. A. Raincloud plot of
the Pre-test and Post-test scores for Treatment and Control groups. Blue color indicates Control group and
orange color indicates Treatment group across all panels. B. Raincloud plot of the change scores for the
Treatment and Control groups. SESOI is indicated with a grey band. C. Density plot of Treatment and
Control group change scores. SESOI is indicated with a grey band. D. Graphical representation of the
causal Treatment effect. Green area indicates proportion of higher than SESOI treatment effects, red
indicates proportion of negative and lower than SESOI treatment effects, and grey indicates treatment effects
that are within SESOI. Please refer to the main text for explanation
Cohen’s d in the Table 27 is calculated by using the following equation (30) and it estimates standardized
difference between change scores in Treatment and the Control groups:
Besides estimating systematic components of the treatment (i.e. the difference between the mean change in
Treatment and Control group), we might be interested in estimating random component and proportions of
lower, trivial and higher effects compared to SESOI. Unfortunately, differences in lower, trivial, and higher
proportions from Table 27 don’t answer this question, but rather the expected difference in proportions
compared to Control (e.g. the expected improvement of 0.84 in observing proportion of higher change outcomes
compare to Control).
Since the changes in Treatment group are due both to the treatment and non-treatment effects (equation 31),
the average treatment effect (systematic component) represents the difference between the mean changes
in Treatment and Control group (Table 28). In the same manner, the variance of the change scores in the
Treatment group are due to the random component of the treatment and non-treatment effects. Assuming
normal distribution of the random components, the SD of the treatment effects (SDT E )18 is estimated using
the following equation (31):
2 2
SDT E = SDtreatment group change − SDcontrol group change (31)
Thus, the estimated parameters of the causal treatment effects in the underlying DGP are the following ones
(equation 32). This treatment effect is graphically depicted in the Figure 19 (panel D).
2 2
SDT E = SDtreatment group change − SDcontrol group change (32)
Using SESOI, one can also estimate the proportion of lower, trivial and higher changes (responses) caused by
treatment. The estimates of the causal treatment effects, with accompanying proportions of responses are
enlisted in the Table 28.
Average causal effect (cm) Random effect (cm) SESOI (cm) Average causal effect to SESOI SESOI to random effect Lower Trivial Higher
7.21 3.98 ±2.5 1.44 1.26 0.01 0.11 0.88
Therefore, we can conclude that plyometric training over three months period on top of the normal training
cause improvements in vertical jump height (in the sample collected; generalizations beyond sample are
discussed in the “Statistical inference” section). The expected improvement (i.e. average causal effect or
systematic effect) is equal to 7.21cm, with 1, 11, and 88% of athletes having lower, trivial and higher
Although the ausal analysis above is needed to understand the underlying DGP, particularly the effects of the
intervention, if we try to predict changes in vertical jump height using “Pre” and “Group”19 variables, the
prediction error would be too big for practical use. Table 29 contains cross-validated predictions using vertical
jump change or post treatment performance as target variables, while using “Group” and “Pre” variables as
Table 29. Predictive performance of the linear model predicting Change and Post-test
Target SESOI (cm) cvRMSE (cm) SESOI to cvRMSE cvEquivalence RMSE (cm) SESOI to RMSE Equivalence
Change ±2.5 3.21 1.56 0.55 2.98 1.68 0.59
Post ±2.5 3.33 1.50 0.54 2.98 1.68 0.59
This indicates that high explanatory power doesn’t automatically yield high predictive power (Shmueli,
2010). The selection of statistical analysis is thus related to the question asked. In my opinion, it would
be insightful to complement causal estimates with prediction estimates. With the example above, we can
predict the direction of the effect (using expected systematic change of 7.21cm and proportions of 1, 11, and
88% for lower, trivial and higher change magnitudes), but we are unable to predict individual changes within
acceptable practical precision (using SESOI as an anchor). In other words, we know that the effect will be
88% beneficial (i.e. higher than SESOI), but we are not able to predict individual reactions. More about
these individual vs. group estimates is discussed in the later section.
In the example above, we have assumed binary treatment (either plyometric training is done or not), whereas
in real life there can be nuances, particularly in volume of jumps performed, making the treatment continuous
rather than binary variable. This way, we are interested in the effects of number of jumps on the changes in
vertical jump height.
There could also be hidden variables involved that moderate and mediate the effects of the treatment21 . For
example, the higher someone jumps in the Pre-test, the lower the change in the Post-test (i.e. it is harder to
improve vertical jump height). Or, the stronger someone is in the Pre-test (measured using relative back squat
1RM) the more potentiated the effects of the plyometrics are. All these are needed expert subject-matter
knowledge, required to understand the underlying DGP. With such causal structure, we do not have direct
treatment effect (plyometric –> change in vertical jump) only anymore, but moderated and mediated, or
19 Group variable is dummy coded to 0 for Control and 1 for Treatment.
20 Both “Group” and “Pre” are used to indicate all available information before treatment is utilized.
21 Using the randomization in the RCT it is assumed that these hidden variables are equally distributed, and that there is no
indirect effects estimated using the interactions in the regression models. These topics are beyond the scope
of this paper, particularly the overview nature of these sections.
Interpreting and understanding direct and indirect effects can be quite difficult, especially when causal
structure becomes complex. Visualization techniques such as already mentioned PDP and ICE graphs can be
utilized to understand the causal mechanism (Goldstein et al., 2013; Zhao & Hastie, 2019). These techniques
can also be implemented in observational studies similar to DAGs, but with considerable domain knowledge
and assumptions needed (Zhao & Hastie, 2019). Although predictive analysis, particularly those using black
box machine learning models, has been criticized to lack causal interpretation (Pearl & Mackenzie, 2018;
Hernán, Hsu & Healy, 2019; Pearl, 2019), they can complement causal (or explanatory) analysis (Breiman,
2001; Shmueli, 2010; Yarkoni & Westfall, 2017).
Let’s expand the previous RCT to include Pre-test relative back squat 1RM variable (Strength; “Squat 1RM”
on table) (Table 30).
Table 30. Randomized control trial data, but now with omitted variable: Squat 1RM
Athlete Squat 1RM Group Pre (cm) Post (cm) Change (cm)
Athlete 24 2.13 Control 45.52 48.28 2.77
Athlete 20 1.79 Control 47.04 48.47 1.43
Athlete 06 2.22 Control 44.03 44.91 0.88
Athlete 18 1.17 Control 44.61 45.39 0.78
Athlete 30 1.64 Control 40.28 40.63 0.35
Athlete 08 2.01 Control 50.17 50.51 0.34
Athlete 04 1.15 Control 38.07 38.15 0.08
Athlete 14 1.66 Control 50.40 50.43 0.03
Athlete 02 1.40 Control 52.72 52.62 -0.09
Athlete 12 1.59 Control 55.38 54.81 -0.57
Athlete 22 0.98 Control 52.81 51.53 -1.28
Athlete 16 1.23 Control 40.68 39.37 -1.31
Athlete 28 1.40 Control 34.10 32.39 -1.71
Athlete 10 1.01 Control 44.73 42.96 -1.77
Athlete 26 1.22 Control 48.91 46.89 -2.02
Athlete 29 1.95 Treatment 44.86 59.38 14.52
Athlete 21 1.56 Treatment 44.35 56.62 12.26
Athlete 15 1.81 Treatment 52.42 64.39 11.97
Athlete 23 1.48 Treatment 42.71 52.76 10.05
Athlete 13 1.41 Treatment 35.10 44.36 9.27
Athlete 27 1.65 Treatment 43.58 51.87 8.29
Athlete 07 1.43 Treatment 44.68 52.17 7.49
Athlete 01 1.30 Treatment 45.95 52.05 6.10
Athlete 19 1.55 Treatment 50.75 56.84 6.09
Athlete 03 1.04 Treatment 46.15 52.14 5.99
Athlete 17 1.37 Treatment 45.72 51.41 5.69
Athlete 05 1.11 Treatment 39.66 44.97 5.30
Athlete 09 0.99 Treatment 39.47 42.55 3.07
Athlete 11 0.85 Treatment 40.69 41.06 0.37
Athlete 25 0.59 Treatment 44.86 44.46 -0.40
Using linear regression model and “Change” as the target variable with “Group”, “Pre” and “Strength”
variables as predictors, as well as interactions “Group:Pre” and “Group:Strength”, the following regression
parameters are estimated22 (Table 31).
(Intercept) -3.63
GroupTreatment 1.65
Pre 0.00
Strength 2.41
GroupTreatment:Pre -0.13
GroupTreatment:Strength 8.61
Explaining how these estimates are interpreted is beyond the scope of this paper since this model involves
both mediation and moderation effects of changes in vertical jump height. Apart from linear regression, it is
important to estimate predictive performance of this model. Table 32 contains predictive performance of this
model using cross-validations for both Change and Post-test as target variables.
Table 32. Predictive performance of linear regression model with interactions for both
Change and Post-test as target variables
Target SESOI (cm) cvRMSE (cm) SESOI to cvRMSE cvEquivalence RMSE (cm) SESOI to RMSE Equivalence
Change ±2.5 1.59 3.15 0.86 1.25 4.01 0.95
Post ±2.5 1.67 3.00 0.85 1.25 4.01 0.95
As can be seen in the Table (32), linear model with interactions produces almost perfect predictions in both
Change and Post-test vertical jump height. This means that the variance in the treatment effect is now
explained with additional variables and their interactions23 .
We are not only interested in prediction, but rather in the underlying causal structure and explaining this
model performance when we intervene on variables (i.e. what happens to the target variable when I change X
from a to b, while keeping other variables fixed - which is ceteris paribus condition). For this reason, PDP
and ICE plots can be used to give causal interpretation of the model. I will get back to PDP and ICE plots
in “Counterfactual prediction” section.
The main critique of Judea Pearl regarding the use of predictive models and techniques is the lack of
counterfactual causal interpretation (Pearl & Mackenzie, 2018; Pearl, 2019), particularly with observational
studies. I agree that “the role of expert knowledge is the key difference between prediction and causal inference
tasks” (Hernán, Hsu & Healy, 2019) p.44 and that “both prediction and causal inference require expert
knowledge to formulate the scientific question, but only causal inference requires causal expert knowledge
22 This model definition refers to our pre-existing beliefs around causal structure underlying intervention. If the statistical
analysis is done to confirm our structural causal model, then this represents confirmatory analysis. Usually these studies need to
be pre-registered with the exact analysis workflow and assumption defined before data is collected. This is required because in the
exploratory analysis we can play with the data, try different models and select one that fits the data best. Exploratory analysis
is useful for generating models and hypothesis for future studies, but also introduces hindsight bias since the model is selected
after seeing the data or the results of multiple analyses. Very related bias is called p-harking (Hypothesizing After Results are
Known) which involves modifying the data or the analysis, after seeing the results, to reach statistical significance (discussed
later). In predictive analysis this hind-sight bias is reduced by using hold-out sample and cross-validation and evaluating the
final model performance on the data that has not been seen by the model.
23 If you remember the footnote discussion on aleatory and epistemic uncertainty, this is example where what we believed
to be aleatory uncertainty (inter-individual error or variation that we could not predict) was actually epistemic uncertainty
that we reduced with omitted variable(s) (1RM Strength and interaction terms). Although the inter-individual variation in the
treatment effect remains (SDT E or SDIR ), we are now able to predict individual responses more precisely.
to answer the question” (Hernán, Hsu & Healy, 2019) p.45, but this doesn’t negate the need for providing
predictive performance, as well as helping in interpreting the model when such data is available (Zhao &
Hastie, 2019).
According to Zhao and Hastie (Zhao & Hastie, 2019), p.1: “There are three requirements to make causal
interpretations: a model with good predictive performance, some domain knowledge in the form of a causal
diagram and suitable visualization tools.”. The common denominator among multiple experts is that for
causal inference and causal interpretation there is a need for domain knowledge, particularly when RCTs are
not available. This domain knowledge can be made more transparent by using DAGs and other structural
diagrams, and thus help in falsifying assumptions (Hernan, 2002; Hernán, 2017; Gelman & Hennig, 2017;
Hernán, Hsu & Healy, 2019). Adding prediction to explanatory models can be seen as complement, particularly
since statistical analysis has been neglecting predictive analysis over explanatory analysis (Breiman, 2001;
Shmueli, 2010; Yarkoni & Westfall, 2017).
One particular use of the predictive analysis is in the identification of responders and non-responders to
the treatment (Hecksteden et al., 2015, 2018; Hopkins, 2015b; Swinton et al., 2018). Common approach
used in sport science (Hopkins, 2004b), that I will name observed outcome approach (further discussed
in “Measurement Error” section), uses known SESOI and measurement error to estimate probability of
lower, trivial, and higher changes. Using this approach, we can classify athletes with high probability of
higher change score as responders, those with high probability of trivial change score as non-responders, and
finally those with high probability of lower change score as negative-responders. This approach is useful in
figuring out who responded positively or negatively to a particular treatment, but it doesn’t take into account
information that might help explain the response (for example someone missing treatment session or having
lower or higher treatment dose).
Another approach, that I have termed residuals approach or model-based approach can be used to help
identifying outlier to intervention.
This approach uses observed change and model predicted change to indicate individuals who changed more
or less than predicted by the model. If this difference between observed change and predicted change (or
residual) is bigger than SESOI, this individual is flagged. Figure 20 depicts such analysis using the above
linear regression with interactions model for both Change and Post-Test prediction.
Athlete 29 | Athlete 15 |
Athlete 21 | Athlete 29 |
Athlete 15 | Athlete 19 |
Athlete 23 | Athlete 21 |
Athlete 13 | Athlete 23 |
Athlete 27 | Athlete 07 |
Athlete 07 | Athlete 03 |
Athlete 01 | Athlete 01 |
Athlete 19 | Athlete 27 |
Athlete 03 | Athlete 17 |
Athlete 17 | Athlete 05 |
Athlete 05 | Athlete 25 |
Athlete 09 | Athlete 13 |
Athlete 11 | Athlete 09 |
Athlete 25 | Athlete 11 |
Athlete 24 | Athlete 12 |
Athlete 20 | Athlete 02 |
Athlete 06 | Athlete 22 |
Athlete 18 | Athlete 08 |
Athlete 30 | Athlete 14 |
Athlete 08 | Athlete 20 |
Athlete 04 | Athlete 24 |
Athlete 14 | Athlete 26 |
Athlete 02 | Athlete 18 |
Athlete 12 | Athlete 06 |
Athlete 22 | Athlete 10 |
Athlete 16 | Athlete 30 |
Athlete 28 | Athlete 16 |
Athlete 10 | Athlete 04 |
Athlete 26 | Athlete 28 |
−5 0 5 10 15 30 40 50 60
Change in vertical jump height (cm) Post− Vertical jump height (cm)
Figure 20. Model-based approach in identifying treatment outliers using linear regression
with interactions as predictive model. A. Individual change scores for Treatment and Control groups.
Observed change score is depicted with the white dot. Horizontal error bars represent model prediction for a
particular individual (vertical line) with accompanying 95% prediction intervals calculated using
1.96 × cvRM SE. The difference, or the residual, between observed and predicted change is indicated with
the horizontal bar. If this residual is bigger than SESOI, it is colored in red. This indicates that the
individual model prediction is practically different than observed score. In other words, expected change
based on the model and the data is practically different than observed and might need further inspection.
B. The same analysis as the one used in panel A, but now for Post-test variable
In the Figure 20 athletes who showed lower or higher change compared to what was predicted by the model
are flagged with red color. As opposed to the observed outcome approach, a model-based prediction approach
uses ceteris paribus in estimating responders vs. non-responders, or at least providing residual for such a
decision. For example, everything else being equal, based on predictor variables, the expected change is
higher or lower than the observed change. This indicates that there might be something not-identified by
predictive algorithm and thus needs to be flagged for a further analysis. In the image above, Athletes 21 and
03 are flagged because, based on the information available to the model (and the model itself), he or she
should have manifested higher or lower observed changed. This residual (predicted score - observed score)
can be divided by cvRMSE to get standardized residual (equation 33). This standardized residual can be
used to sort athletes and compare responses (changes) on different interventions or target metrics that are
not on the same scales.
ˆ i − Changei
Standardized Residuali = (33)
As explained, causal inference and explanatory modelling are interested in understanding, or at least
quantifying the causal effects. This is done by elaborate and transparent control of the confounders and
study designs. Predictive modelling on the other hand is interested in providing valid predictions on new or
unseen data without assuming underlying DGP, or treating it as a black-box. In certain scenarios, when
confounders are controlled, predictive modelling can be interpreted causally (Zhao & Hastie, 2019). With
observational studies, there is always a risk of not controlling all important confounders, but transparency
of the causal model is there to be falsified and discussed openly (Hernan, 2002; Hernán & Taubman, 2008;
Hernán, 2016, 2018; Gelman & Hennig, 2017; Hernán, Hsu & Healy, 2019). Even with the RCTs, there might
be uncertainties in applying the findings from the experiments to realistic stings ((Heckman, 2005; Gelman,
PDP and ICE plots are model-agnostic tools for interpreting black-box predictions that can be used in causal
interpretations only after the effort to define the causal structure with domain-specific expertise is taken into
account. But let’s take this approach in estimation, based on the predictive model, counterfactual change
and Post-test scores when athletes do not receive treatment (for the Treatment group), or when they receive
treatment (for the Control group). This way we are predicting potential outcomes.
How is this done? We simply switch Group variable, as well as interaction terms and see how the model predicts
for each athlete. This is exactly the same strategy used in the PDP and ICE plots. These counterfactual
predictions are depicted in the Figure 21.
Athlete 29 | Athlete 15 |
Athlete 15 | Athlete 19 |
Athlete 27 | Athlete 29 |
Athlete 21 | Athlete 17 |
Athlete 13 | Athlete 21 |
Athlete 23 | Athlete 27 |
Athlete 19 | Athlete 01 |
Athlete 07 | Athlete 07 |
Athlete 17 | Athlete 03 |
Athlete 01 | Athlete 23 |
Athlete 05 | Athlete 25 |
Athlete 09 | Athlete 05 |
Athlete 03 | Athlete 11 |
Athlete 11 | Athlete 09 |
Athlete 25 | Athlete 13 |
Athlete 22 | Athlete 12 |
Athlete 10 | Athlete 08 |
Athlete 26 | Athlete 02 |
Athlete 18 | Athlete 14 |
Athlete 04 | Athlete 24 |
Athlete 02 | Athlete 06 |
Athlete 16 | Athlete 20 |
Athlete 12 | Athlete 22 |
Athlete 28 | Athlete 26 |
Athlete 14 | Athlete 18 |
Athlete 30 | Athlete 30 |
Athlete 20 | Athlete 10 |
Athlete 08 | Athlete 16 |
Athlete 24 | Athlete 04 |
Athlete 06 | Athlete 28 |
0 5 10 15 40 50 60
Change in vertical jump height (cm) Post− Vertical jump height (cm)
Figure 21. Counterfactual individual responses. A. Black dot indicates predicted scores, while
vertical lines indicates observed score. Directional arrow is estimated by changing the Group variable and
predicting how each athlete wouls respond in counterfactual way, while everything else being equal (but with
updated interaction variables, since they involve Group variable as well). This helps in answering
counterfactual question of how an individual athlete would respond if he or she didn’t receive or did receive
the treatment. B. The same rationale and visualization, but for Post-test variable
Counterfactual predictions can be used to identify potential non-responders to the treatment. This can be
named counterfactual approach. In other words, given the model, we are interested in how would the athlete
respond in the counterfactual world.
Table 33 contains average predicted counterfactual effects, as well their SDs for both Control and Treatment
groups using Change and Post-Test as target variables.
Table 33. Average predicted counterfactual effects
Group Target Mean Change (cm) SD Change (cm) Lower Trivial Higher
Treatment Post-Test -7.61 3.02 0.95 0.04 0.00
Control Post-Test 8.81 3.45 0.00 0.03 0.97
Treatment Change -7.61 3.02 0.95 0.04 0.00
Control Change 8.81 3.45 0.00 0.03 0.97
But what if we are interested in the effect of changing some pre-test variable, for example strength? The
causal question might be “How would athlete respond to the treatment if his strength was higher or lower?”.
This is estimated using PDP and ICE plot techniques, where all variables except the one of interest are kept
the same (ceteris paribus) whereas the variable of interest is changed. Then the model predictions for the
target variable are depicted. Since we know the correlated variables (i.e. subject matter knowledge ), we
can make valid counter-factual graph. We are interested in potential-outcomes of Change and Post-Test if
the pre-test strength was different. To put everything on the same scale, we will use factor of the Strength
change, from 0.8 to 1.2 (where 1 is the true Strength level for a particular individual). The counter factual
predictions are depicted in the Figure 22.
Control Treatment Athlete 01 Athlete 02 Athlete 03 Athlete 04 Athlete 05 Athlete 06
Athlete 07 Athlete 08 Athlete 09 Athlete 10 Athlete 11 Athlete 12
Predicted change in vertical jump height (cm)
0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.20.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.20.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.20.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.20.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.20.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Control Treatment Athlete 01 Athlete 02 Athlete 03 Athlete 04 Athlete 05 Athlete 06
60 60
Predicted post−test vertical jump height (cm)
50 50
0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.20.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.20.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.20.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.20.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.20.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Factor change in strength Factor change in strength
Figure 22. Counter factual effect of Strength variable changes on individual change and
Post-test score. A. PDP and ICE plot for change in vertical jump when Strength changes from 0.8 to 1.2.
Analysis is separated for Control (blue color) and Treatment (orange color) groups. Thin lines represents
ICE or individuals (depicted separately on the panel B), while dashed line represents the average or PDP. As
can be seen, not only the Treatment produce higher change (fixed effect indicated by the gap between the
lines), it also interacts with Strength (squat 1RM) indicating that stronger individuals demonstrates higher
effects (indirect or interaction effect indicated by higher slope of the line compared to Control group). B.
Individual prediction from panel A depicted separately. C and D. Identical analysis and visualization using
Post-test variable
From Panels A and C, we can visually identify the interaction effect of Group:Strength, since the PDP lines
(the average lines) for each group are not parallel. Although these PDP and ICE plots can be interpreted
causally in their RCT example, we have committed one major assumption - the assumption of ergodicity
2.3.11 Ergodicity
Ergodic process is underlying DGP that is equivalent at between-individual (or inter-individual; or group-based
analysis) and within-individual (or intra-individual or simply individual-based analysis) levels. Thus the
causal effects identified using between-individual analysis can be applied to understand within-individual
causation as well. Non-Ergodic process on the other hand differs between these two levels and effects identified
at between-individual level cannot be inferred to within individual level.
Few authors have already brought into question the generalizability of group-based research to individual-
based prediction and causal inferences (Molenaar, 2004; Molenaar & Campbell, 2009; Fisher, Medaglia &
Jeronimus, 2018; Glazier & Mehdizadeh, 2018). Here is an interesting quote from Molenaar (Molenaar &
Campbell, 2009):
“Most research methodology in the behavioral sciences employs inter-individual analyses, which
provide information about the state of affairs of the population. However, as shown by classical
mathematical-statistical theorems (the ergodic theorems), such analyses do not provide information
for, and cannot be applied at, the level of the individual, except on rare occasions when the
processes of interest meet certain stringent conditions. When psychological processes violate these
conditions, the inter-individual analyses that are now standardly applied have to be replaced by
analysis of intra-individual variation in order to obtain valid results.” p. 112
The individual counterfactual predictions above thus rely on ergodicity, which represents big assumption.
This means that we should be cautious when generalizing model predictions and causal explanations from
group-based level to individual-level.
Data analysis at the individual level (i.e. collecting multiple data point for individuals) and identifying
individual causal effects and predictions might be the step forward, but even with such an approach we
are retrodicting under ceteris paribus conditions and we might not be able to predict future responses. For
example, if we have collected responses to various interventions for a particular individual, we might not be
able to estimate with certainty how he or she is going to respond to a familiar treatment in the future, since
such a prediction relies on stationarity of the parameters or the underlying DGP (Molenaar & Campbell,
But this doesn’t imply that all our efforts are useless. We just need to accept the uncertainty and the
assumptions involved. For example, for completely novel subject, the best response or prediction estimate
is the expected response calculated by using the group-based analysis (i.e. average treatment effect). This
represents the most likely response or prediction. But on top of providing these distribution-based or group-
based estimates, one can provide expected uncertainties showing individual-based or response proportions
as anchor-based (magnitude-based) estimates (Norman et al., 2001; Estrada, Ferrer & Pardo, 2019). It is
important to note that these usually estimate the same information (Norman et al., 2001; Estrada, Ferrer &
Pardo, 2019); e.g. the higher the Cohen’s d the higher the proportion of higher responses. Thus reporting
magnitude-based proportions as uncertainties together with expected responses using average-based approach
at least help in communicating uncertainties much better than reporting solely average-based estimates.
When warranted with the research question, researchers should also report predictive performances on unseen
data, as well as underlying assumption using graphical models such as DAGs.
It might be the best to conclude the section on causal inference with the quote from Andwer Gelmans paper
(Gelman, 2011):
“Casual inference will always be a challenge, partly because our psychological intuitions do not
always match how the world works. We like to think of simple causal stories, but in the social
world, causes and effects are complex. We—in the scientific community—still have not come to
any agreement on how best to form consensus on causal questions: there is a general acceptance
that experimentation is a gold standard, but it is not at clear how much experimentation should
be done, to what extent we can trust inference from observational data, and to what extent
experimentation should be more fully incorporated into daily practice (as suggested by some in
the “evidence-based medicine” movement)." (p. 965)
3 Statistical Inference
Why did estimates diverge from the true parameters in the above examples? Why did estimated treatment
effect differed from the true treatment effect we used to simulate the data? This brings us to the important
concept in statistical analysis: a difference between the true parameter in the population and the sample
estimate. Population refers to all members of specified group, wheras sample contains only a part, or a subset
of a population from which it is taken. To generate the data in simulations, we have assumed DGP in the
population, out of which a single sample was drawn.
The mathematical notation to differentiate true population parameters and sample estimates, or statistics
involve using Greek letters to represent true population parameters, and Latin letters to represent sample
estimates. For example, µ stands for true population mean, while x̄ stand for sample mean, where bar symbol
(“¯”) indicates mean. When it comes to standard deviation, σ stands for true population parameters, while
SD stands for sample estimate. Sometimes the hat symbol (“ˆ”) is used to denote estimator. For example,
TˆE would be a sample estimate of the true T E in the population.
The difference between the true population parameter and the sample estimate is due to the sampling error,
which will be covered shortly. In the simulations, we are certain about the true population parameters, but
in real life we are uncertain about the true parameters and we need to somehow quantify this uncertainty.
This is the objective of statistical inference. In other words, with statistical inference we want to generalize
from sample to a population, while taking into account uncertainties of the estimates.
3.1 Two kinds of uncertainty, two kinds of probability, two kinds of statistical
In the RCT example, using the Pre-Test score and Group variable we have estimated predictive performance
of the model using Change as the target variable. In other words, uncertainty around individual effects were
practically useless. This uncertainty decreased as we introduced new variable Strength, as well as interactions
between Group and Strength, and Group and Pre-Test. With this model we have achieved much better
predictive performance. This type of uncertainty can be called epistemic uncertainty (O’Hagan, 2004), which
is a result of lack of knowledge or incomplete information.
In the “Prediction” section of this paper, I have utilized irreducible error in the DGP to represent stochastic
component or the random error. Due to this random error, scores will differ from sample to sample. This type
of uncertainty can be called aleatory uncertainty (O’Hagan, 2004), which results due randomness. Another
flagship example of the aleatory uncertainty is tossing a dice, drawing a card from a shuffled pack, or random
sampling that produces the sampling error.
You can argue of course that aleatory uncertainty is ultimately epistemic uncertainty. For example, if I knew
more about the measurement device (e.g. power supply oscillations, air humidity changes) I would reduce
the random error. Or if I knew infinite details about the dice tossing, I would be able to predict exactly the
number that will be landed. Philosophers have been arguing about these issues for ages, and it is not in the
domain of this paper to delve deeper into the matters of uncertainty.
The theory of statistical inference and statistics in general rests on describing uncertainties by using probability.
Since there are two kinds of uncertainty, there are two kinds of probabilities and their meaning. Aleatory
uncertainties, like tossing a dice or random sampling, are described using long-frequency definition of
probability. For example, it can happen that I toss six for 4 times in a row, but in the long-run, which
means infinite number of times, probability of tossing a six is equal to 1/6, or probability of 0.166, or 16.6%
(assuming a fair dice of course). Probability viewed from this perspective represents long-frequency number of
occurrences of the event of interest, divided by number of total events. For example, if I toss a dice for 1000
times, and if I get number six for 170 times, the probability of tossing a six is equal to 170 / 1000, or 17%.
With epistemic uncertainty, probability of a proposition simply represents a degree-of-belief in the truth of
that proposition (O’Hagan, 2004). The degree-of-belief interpretation of probability is referred to as subjective
probability or personal probability, while long-frequency interpretation of probability is referred to as objective
probability. There are two major schools of statistical inference leaning either on long-frequency interpretation
of probability, called frequentist, or leaning on degree-of-belief interpretation of probability, called Bayesian.
There are of course many nuances and other schools of statistical inference (Dienes, 2008; Efron & Hastie,
2016; Gelman & Hennig, 2017) which are beyond the scope of this paper. The additional approach to inference
that will be considered in this paper as a preferred approach is the bootstrap (Hesterberg, 2015; Efron &
Hastie, 2016; Rousselet, Pernet & Wilcox, 2019b,a). But more about it later.
To better explain the differences between the frequentist and Bayesian approach to statistical inference I am
going to use known men mean height and SD in the population. The population parameter of interest is the
population mean (Greek µ) estimated using the sample mean (x̄).
Using simulations is outstanding teaching tool (Hopkins, 2007; Carsey & Harden, 2013), very useful for
understanding the frequentist inference. Figure 23 (Panels A and B) depicts hypothetical men population
where mean height µ is 177.8cm and SD (σ) is 10.16cm. From this population we are randomly drawing N=5
(left side panels on Figure 23) and N=20 (right side panels on Figure 23) individuals for which we estimate
the mean height. Individuals are represented as blue dots (Panels C and D on Figure 23), whereas estimated
mean height is depicted as orange dot. Now imagine we repeat this sampling 50 times, calculate the mean
for every sample, and then draw the distribution of the sampled means (Panels E an F on Figure 23). This
distribution is called sampling distribution and the SD of this distribution is titled standard error or sampling
error. Since our estimate of interest is the mean, standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the mean
is called standard error of the mean (SEM). On Panels E and F, mean of the sampling means is indicated by
a black dot, and error bars represent SEM.
0.03 0.03
Probability Density
0.02 0.02
0.01 0.01
0.00 0.00
160 180 200 160 180 200
C 50
49 D 50
48 48
47 47
46 46
45 45
44 44
43 43
42 42
41 41
40 40
39 39
38 38
37 37
36 36
35 35
34 34
33 33
32 32
31 31
30 30
29 29
28 28
27 27
26 26
25 25
24 24
23 23
22 22
21 21
20 20
19 19
18 18
17 17
16 16
15 15
14 14
13 13
12 12
11 11
10 10
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
160 180 200 160 180 200
E 0.3 F 0.3
Sample mean density
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0.0 0.0
Figure 23. Sampling distribution of the mean. A and B. Distribution of the height in the
population. From this population we draw samples. C and D. 50 sample are taken with N=5 (panel C) and
N=20 (panel D) observations. Each observation is indicated by a blue dot. Calculated mean, as a parameter
of interest, is indicated by an orange dot. E and F. Distribution of collected sample means from panels C
and D. This distribution of the sample means is narrower, indicating higher precision when higher N is used.
Black dot indicates the mean of the sample means, with error bars indicating SD of sample means. Orange
line represents hypothetical distribution of the sample means when number of samples is infinitely large
As can be seen from the Figure 23, the sampling distribution of the mean looks like normal distribution.
If the number of samples reach very large number or infinity, the sampling distribution of the mean will
eventually be distributed with the SEM equal to (equation 34):
SEM = √ (34)
This theoretical distribution is overlaid on the acquired sampling distribution from 50 samples in the Figure
23 (Panels E and F). Since the true σ is not known, sample SD is utilized instead, in order to estimate the
true SEM (equation 35):
ˆ =√
SEM (35)
The take-home point is that the larger the sample, the smaller the standard error, which is visually seen
as narrower sampling distribution (compare N=5 and N=20 sampling distributions on Figure 23). Another
conclusion regarding frequentist inference, is that calculated probabilities revolve around this and other
long-frequency sampling distributions. Everything else are details. But as the saying goes, the devil is in the
Sampling distributions and equations for standard errors are derived algebraically for most estimators
(e.g. mean, SD, Cohen’s d), but for some it might be hard to derive them, so other solutions do exist (like
bootstrapping which will be covered in designated section). For example, sampling distribution of the change
score proportions can be very difficult to be derived algebraically (Swinton et al., 2018). For some estimators,
mean of the long-frequency samples is different than the true population value, thus these estimators are
termed biased estimators. One example of the biased estimator would be SD of the sample where we divide
the variance with N , instead of N − 1. Estimators that have mean of the long-frequency samples equal to
the true population value are called unbiased estimators.
Although the sampling distribution of the mean looks like a normal distribution, it actually belongs to the
Student’s t distribution, which has fatter tails for smaller samples (Figure 24). Besides mean and standard
deviation, Student t distribution also has degrees of freedom (DF) parameters, which is equal to N-1 for the
sample mean. Normal distribution is equal to Student t distribution when DF is infinitely large.
Probability Density
0.2 DF=10
−4 −2 0 2 4
Figure 24. Student’s t-distribution
Since Student’s t distribution is fatter on the tails, critical values that cover 90, 95, and 99% of distribution
mass are different than the commonly used ones for the normal distribution. Table 34 contains critical values
for different DF. For example, 90% of the sampling distribution will be inside the x̄ ± 1.64 × SEM interval
for the normal distribution, but for Student t with DF=5, 90% of the sampling distribution will be inside the
x̄ ± 2.02 × SEM interval.
Table 34. Critical values for Student’s t distribution with different degrees of freedom
There are two approaches to statistical inference, be it frequentist or Bayesian: hypothesis testing and
estimation (Cumming, 2014; Kruschke & Liddell, 2018b). I will focus on the former, although latter will
be covered as well. For the frequentist inference, mathematics behind both of these are the same and both
involve standard errors.
Null-hypothesis significance testing (NHST) is still one of the most dominant approaches to statistical inference,
although heavily criticized (for example see (Cumming, 2014; Kruschke & Liddell, 2018b)). In Figure 23, we
have sampled from the known population, but in practice we don’t usually know the true parameter values in
the population, nor we are able to collect data from the whole population (unless it is a small one, but there
is no need for statistical inference then, since the whole population is represented in our sample). Thus, we
need to use sampled data to make inferences about the population. With NHST we want to test sample
parameter (i.e. mean in this case) against the null-hypothesis (H0 ). Null-hypothesis usually takes the no
effect value, but it can take any value of interest for the researcher.
Although this sounds mouthful, a simple example will make it clearer. Imagine that we do know the true
population mean height, but in one particular region the mean height of the sample differs from the known
population mean. If we assume that this region belongs to the same population, then we want to test to
see how likely are we to sample mean we have acquired or larger one. This way we have assumed known
population mean height as our null-hypothesis, and using sample SD we can estimate the sampling distribution
assuming null-hypothesis as true.
Figure 25 contains known population mean height as the null-hypothesis and estimated probabilities of
observing sample mean of 180, 182.5, and 185cm (or +2.2, +4.7, +7.2cm difference) or larger for sample
sizes N=5, N=10 and N=20. Panel A on Figure 25 depicts one-sided approach for estimating probability of
observing these sample mean heights. One-sided approach is used when we are certain about the direction
of the effect. Two-sided approach, on the other hand, calculates probability for the effect of the unknown
direction. In this example that would be sample mean height difference of ±2.2, ±4.7, ±7.2cm or larger.
Two-sided approach is depicted on the Panel B (Figure 25).
Sample mean 180cm Sample mean 182.5cm Sample mean 185cm
p=0.327 p=0.18 p=0.094
p=0.255 p=0.089 p=0.026
p=0.173 p=0.026 p=0.003
170 180 190 170 180 190 170 180 190
p=0.654 p=0.359 p=0.188
p=0.511 p=0.178 p=0.052
p=0.345 p=0.052 p=0.005
170 180 190 170 180 190 170 180 190
Height (cm)
Figure 25. Null-hypothesis significance testing. Assuming null-hypothesis (true parameter value, or
parameter value in the population, in this case mean or µ) is true, probability of observing sample parameter
of a given magnitude or larger, is estimated by calculating proportion of sampling distribution that is over
sample parameter value. The larger the sample size, the smaller the width of the sampling distribution. A.
One-sided approach is used when we are certain about the direction of the effect. B. Two-sided approach is
used when we are unsure about the effect direction
The calculated probability of observing sample mean or larger, given null-hypothesis, is called p-value. In
other words, p-value is the probability of observing data (in this case sample mean) given the null hypothesis
(equation 36):
It is easy to interpret p-values as “probability of the null hypothesis (given data)” (p(H0|Data)), but that
is erroneous. This is Bayesian interpretation (also called inverse probability) which is quite common, even
for the experienced researchers. Unfortunately, p-values cannot be interpreted in such ways, but rather as a
“probability of data given null hypothesis”.
As you can see from the Figure 25, for the same difference in sample mean height, different sample sizes will
produce different p-values. This is because sampling distribution of the mean will be narrower (i.e. smaller
SEM) as the sample size increase. In other words, for the same effect (in this case sample mean), p-value
will be smaller as the sample size gets bigger. It is thus important to realize that p-values don’t tell us
anything about the magnitude of the effect (in this case the difference between the sample mean and the
known population mean).
The procedures of acquiring p-values are called statistical tests. With the example above, we are using one
variation of the Student t test, where we are calculating the test value t using the following equation (37):
x̄ − µ
x̄ − µ
t= SD
P-value is then estimated by using the calculated t value and appropriate Student’s t distribution (which
opposed to Figure 25, is centered around 0 and with SD equal to SEM) to calculate the surface area over a
particular value of t. This is usually done in the statistical program, or by using tables similar to Table 34.
Once the p-value is estimated, we need to decide whether to reject the null-hypothesis or not. Does our
sample mean comes from the population? In order to do that, we need to define the error we are willing to
accept. This error is called alpha (Greek α) or Type I error and refers to making an error of rejecting the
null-hypothesis when null-hypothesis is true. Out of sheer convenience, alpha is set to 0.1 (10% error), 0.05
(5% error) or 0.01 (1% error).
If p-value is smaller than alpha, we will reject the null-hypothesis and state that the effect has statistical
significance. The statistical significance has bad wording since it doesn’t imply magnitude of the effect, only
that the sample data come from a different population assumed by null-hypothesis.
Let’s assume we have sample size of N=20 where sample mean is equal to 185cm. Using the known population
mean and SD, we get that t = 3.17. Using two-sided test and alpha=0.05, can we reject the null-hypothesis?
In order to do this we can refer to Table 34, and check that for DF=20 (which is not exact, but it will serve
the purpose), 95% of sampling distribution (which leaves 2.5% on each tail which is equal to 5% alpha) will
be within ±2.08. Since calculated t = 3.17 is over ±2.08, we can reject the null-hypothesis with alpha=0.05.
Figure 25 (Panel B) depicts the exact p-value for this example, which is equal to p=0.005. Statistical software
can calculate exact p-values, but before these we available, tables and procedure just describes were used
The is other type of error we can commit: Type II error or beta (Greek β). In order to understand Type II
error, we need to assume alternate hypothesis or Ha. Type II error refers to the error we make when we
reject the alternate-hypothesis when alternate-hypothesis is true. Type I and Type II error are inversely
related - the more we are willing to make Type I errors, the less likely we are going to make Type II errors,
and vice versa (Table 35).
True H0 True Ha
Rejected H0 Type I
Rejected Ha Type II
It is important to keep in mind that with NHST, we never accept any hypothesis, we either reject it or not.
For example, we never say “null-hypothesis is accepted (p=0.23)”, but rather “null-hypothesis is not rejected
Assuming that alternate-hypothesis is true, probability of rejecting the null-hypothesis is equal to 1 − β.
This is called statistical power and depends on the magnitude of the effect we are aiming to detect (or
not-to-reject to correct myself). Figure 26 depicts multiple examples of one-sided and two-sided statistical
power calculations given the known alpha of 0.05 and null-hypothesis for difference in sample mean height of
±2.5, ±5, and ±7.5cm (+2.5, +5, and +7.5cm for one sided test) for N=5, N=10 and N=20.
Effect +2.5cm Effect +5cm Effect +7.5cm
pwr=0.09 pwr=0.18 pwr=0.33
pwr=0.16 pwr=0.39 pwr=0.69
pwr=0.27 pwr=0.68 pwr=0.93
160 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200
160 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200
Height (cm)
Figure 26. Statistical power. Statistical power is probability of detecting an effect of particular
magnitude or larger. Visually, statistical power is dark blue surface and represents probability of rejecting the
null-hypothesis given that the alternative hypothesis is true. A. One-sided approach. B. Two-sided approach
As can be seen from the Figure 26, the higher the magnitude of the effect (in this case difference in height
means), the more likely we are to detect it (by rejecting null-hypothesis). Statistical power is mostly used
when planning the studies to estimate sample size needed to detect effects of magnitude of interest (usually
using known or observed effect from previous studies, or even SESOI). For example, question such as “How
big of a sample do I need to detect 2.5cm difference with 80% power, alpha 0.05 and known SD of 10cm?” is
answered by using statistical power analysis. Statistical power, or sample size for needed statistical power
can be easily calculated for simple analysis, but for some more elaborate simulations are needed.
The frequentist approach to statistical inference is all about maintaining accepted error rates, particularly
Type I, for both tests and estimates. This can be particularly difficult when family-wise error rates need to
be controlled, and these can emerge when multiple NHST are done. Some techniques, called p-hacking, can
also introduce bias in the error rates by phishing for p-values (e.g. collecting samples until significant results
are found). These topics are beyond the scope of this paper, but one of the reasons why some researchers
prefer Bayesian inference.
Rather than performing NHST, uncertainty of the estimated parameter can be represented by the confidence
interval (CI). CIs are usually pretty hard to explain and non-intuitive since they do not carry any distributional
information.24 It is thus better to refer to CIs as compatibility intervals (Gelman & Greenland, 2019), since,
let’s say 95% confidence interval contains all the hypotheses values of the parameter that would not be
rejected by p<0.05 NHST (Kruschke & Liddell, 2018b). This implies that, in the long-run (when we repeat
sampling infinite number of time), 95% confidence interval will capture true parameter value in 95% of the
Assuming N=20 samples come from the population where the true mean height is equal to 177.8cm and SD
is equal to 10.16cm, if we calculate 95% CIs around sample parameter (in this case sample mean), in the long
run, this CI will capture true population parameter in 95% of the time. Figure 27 depicts first 100 samples
out of total of 1,000 taken from the population with calculated 95% CIs. CIs that missed the true population
parameter value are depicted in red. Table 36 contain the summary for this simulation. If this simulation is
repeated for many more times, CIs will capture true population parameter in 95%, or in other words, have
Type I error of 5%.
24 It is quite common to erroneously interpret CIs as Bayesian credible intervals (McElreath, 2015; Kruschke & Liddell, 2018b).
Figure 27. 95% confidence intervals for the sample mean, estimated for 100 samples (N=20
observations) drawn from population of known parameters (population mean is indicated by
vertical line). In the long-run, 95% confidence intervals will span the true population value 95% of the
time. Confidence intervals that didn’t span the true population parameter value are colored in red
Similarly to different alphas, CIs can use different levels of confidence, usually 90%, 95%, 99%. As already
mentioned, mathematics behind the confidence intervals is equal to mathematics behind NHST. In order to
calculate two-sided CIs for the sample mean, the following equation (38) is used:
CI = x̄ ± tcrit × SEM (38)
Tcrit can be found in the Table 34, where for 95% two-sided confidence DF=20, is equal to 2.086. Using the
example of observed sample mean of 185cm, known population SD and N=20, calculated 95% confidence
interval is equal to 180.26 to 189.74cm. From the compatibility interpretation standpoint, this CI means that
the hypotheses with values ranging from 180.26 to 189.74cm, will not be rejected with alpha=0.05.
Confidence intervals are great solution for visualizing estimates. Figure 28 depicts already used example
in Figure 25 to depict two-sided and one-sided p-values, but this time it depicts CIs around the sample
means. Please note that in scenarios where 95% CIs cross the null-hypothesis, NHST will yield p>0.05. This
means that null-hypothesis is not rejected and results are not statistically significant. CIs can be thus used
to visually inspect and conclude whether or not the null-hypothesis would be rejected or not in NHST is
160 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200
160 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200
Figure 28. 95% Confidence intervals for sample mean. Null-hypothesis of the population parameter
value is indicated by vertical dashed line. If the 95% confidence interval doesn’t touch or cross the
null-hypothesis parameter value, p-value is less than 0.05 and effect is statistically significant (given alpha of
0.05). A. One-sided confidence intervals. B. Two-sided confidence intervals
NHST doesn’t tell us anything about the magnitudes of the effect. Just because the test is statistically
significant (p<0.05), it’s doesn’t imply practically meaningful effect. Rather than using null-hypothesis of no
effect, we can perform numerous one-sided NHST by using SESOI to infer practical significance. These are
called minimum effect tests (METs) and can distinguish between 6 different conclusions: lower, not-higher,
trivial, not-lower, higher and equivocal. Figure 29 depicts how SESOI and CIs can be used to distinguish
between these 6 magnitude-based conclusions (Barker & R. Schofield, 2008; Sainani et al., 2019).
Figure 29. Inference about magnitudes of effects. Adapted and modified from Barker & R. Schofield,
2008; Sainani et al., 2019
SESOI (Figure 30). Since the TOST produces 2 p-values, the larger of the two is reported. A conclusion of
statistical equivalence is warranted when the larger of the two p-values is smaller than alpha Lakens (2017)],
page 260.
Utilizing estimation perspective to draw a conclusion of statistical equivalence, if the 90% (90% not 95%)
CI falls completely within SESOI, conclusion of statistical equivalence at the level of alpha=0.05 can be
p=0.71 p=0.18 p=0.67
p=0.88 p=0.03 p=0.83
p=0.96 p=0 p=0.91
160 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200
Figure 30. Equivalence test using two one-sided tests (TOST). Equivalence test assumes two
null-hypotheses at SESOI thresholds and calculates two one-sided p-values, out of which a larger one is
reported as result
Sample mean 170cm Sample mean 177.5cm Sample mean 185cm
Sup p=0.98 Sup p=0.85 Sup p=0.33
Non−Inf p=0.71 Non−Inf p=0.18 Non−Inf p=0.03
Sup p=1 Sup p=0.98 Sup p=0.17
Non−Inf p=0.88 Non−Inf p=0.03 Non−Inf p=0
Sup p=1 Sup p=1 Sup p=0.09
Non−Inf p=0.96 Non−Inf p=0 Non−Inf p=0
160 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200
Figure 31. Superiority and Non-Inferiority tests. Similar to equivalence test using TOST procedure,
superiority and non-inferiority tests involve one-sided NHST at SESOI thresholds in the positive direction
Sample mean 170cm Sample mean 177.5cm Sample mean 185cm
Inf p=0.29 Inf p=0.82 Inf p=0.97
Non−Sup p=0.02 Non−Sup p=0.15 Non−Sup p=0.67
Inf p=0.12 Inf p=0.97 Inf p=1
Non−Sup p=0 Non−Sup p=0.02 Non−Sup p=0.83
Inf p=0.04 Inf p=1 Inf p=1
Non−Sup p=0 Non−Sup p=0 Non−Sup p=0.91
160 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200
Figure 32. Inferiority and Non-Superiority tests. Similar to equivalence test using TOST procedure,
inferiority and non-superiority tests involve one-sided NHST at SESOI thresholds in the negative direction
Sample mean 180cm Sample mean 182.5cm Sample mean 185cm
Inference: Not−Higher Inference: Equivocal Inference: Not−Lower
Lower=0.29 Lower=0.82 Lower=0.97
Not−Higher=0.02 Not−Higher=0.15 Not−Higher=0.67
Trivial=0.71 Trivial=0.18 Trivial=0.67
Not−Lower=0.71 Not−Lower=0.18 Not−Lower=0.03
Higher=0.98 Higher=0.85 Higher=0.33
Inference: Not−Higher Inference: Trivial Inference: Not−Lower
Lower=0.12 Lower=0.97 Lower=1
Not−Higher=0 Not−Higher=0.02 Not−Higher=0.83
Trivial=0.88 Trivial=0.03 Trivial=0.83
Not−Lower=0.88 Not−Lower=0.03 Not−Lower=0
Higher=1 Higher=0.98 Higher=0.17
Inference: Lower Inference: Trivial Inference: Not−Lower
Lower=0.04 Lower=1 Lower=1
Not−Higher=0 Not−Higher=0 Not−Higher=0.91
Trivial=0.96 Trivial=0 Trivial=0.91
Not−Lower=0.96 Not−Lower=0 Not−Lower=0
Higher=1 Higher=1 Higher=0.09
160 170 180 190 160 170 180 190 160 170 180 190
Batterham and Hopkins (Batterham & Hopkins, 2006; Hopkins et al., 2009) proposed novel approach in
making meaningful inference magnitudes, called magnitude based inference (MBI). MBI has been recently
criticized (Barker & R. Schofield, 2008; Welsh & Knight, 2015; Hopkins & Batterham, 2018; Curran-Everett,
2018; Sainani, 2018; Borg et al., 2018; Nevill et al., 2018; Sainani et al., 2019) for interpreting CIs as Bayesian
credible intervals and for not controlling Type I and Type II errors.
As explained, CIs doesn’t contain any probability distribution information about the true parameter. Although
CIs, Bayesian credible intervals (with flat or non-informative prior), and bootstrap CI tend to converge
to the approximately same values for very simple tests (such as t-test for the sample mean), interpreting
CIs established using frequentist approach as Bayesian credible intervals is not valid approach to statistical
inference (Sainani et al., 2019). Figure 34 depicts Bayesian interpretation of the confidence intervals used in
Using MBI as a simple descriptive approach to interpret CIs can be rationalized, but making inferences from
estimated probabilities is not recommended (Caldwell & Cheuvront, 2019). If frequentist approaches are used
for statistical inference, METs should be used instead.
Sample mean 170cm Sample mean 177.5cm Sample mean 185cm
Lower=0.71 Lower=0.18 Lower=0.03
Trivial=0.26 Trivial=0.67 Trivial=0.3
Higher=0.02 Higher=0.15 Higher=0.67
Lower=0.88 Lower=0.03 Lower=0
Trivial=0.12 Trivial=0.96 Trivial=0.17
Higher=0 Higher=0.02 Higher=0.83
Lower=0.96 Lower=0 Lower=0
Trivial=0.04 Trivial=1 Trivial=0.09
Higher=0 Higher=0 Higher=0.91
160 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200 160 170 180 190 200
There are numerous problems with frequentist inference (Kruschke & Liddell, 2018b,a). The results are
not intuitive and are usually erroneously interpreted from the Bayesian perspective. Error rates need to
be controlled and adjusted when multiple comparisons are made, or when different stopping techniques are
used, sampling distributions are unknown for some estimators and cannot be derived algebraically. Various
assumptions such as assumptions of normality, non-colinearly and others, need to be made and tested for,
and for more complex models, such as hierarchical models, p-values and CIs are only approximations. It is
beyond this short review to delve into more details, regarding the frequentist approach to statistical inference,
and readers are directed to references provided in this section.
Bayesian inference is reallocation of plausibility (credibility) across possibilities (McElreath, 2015; Kruschke
& Liddell, 2018a,b). Kruschke and Liddell (Kruschke & Liddell, 2018a) wrote in their paper as follows:
“The main idea of Bayesian analysis is simple and intuitive. There are some data to be explained,
and we have a set of candidate explanations. Before knowing the new data, the candidate
explanations have some prior credibility of being the best explanation. Then, when given the new
data, we shift credibility toward the candidate explanations that better account for the data, and
we shift credibility away from the candidate explanations that do not account well for the data.
A mathematically compelling way to reallocate credibility is called Bayes’ rule. The rest is just
details.” p. 156
The aim of this section is to provide the gross overview of the Bayesian inference using grid approximation
method (McElreath, 2015), which is excellent teaching tool, but very limited for Bayesian analysis beyond
simple mean and simple linear regression inference. More elaborate discussion on the Bayesian methods, such
as Bayes factor, priors selection, model comparison, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling is beyond the
scope of this paper. Interested readers are directed to the references provided and suggested readings at the
end of this paper.
To showcase the rationale behind Bayesian inference let’s consider the same example used in “Frequentist
perspective” section - the male height. The question we are asking is, given our data, what is the true
average male height (mu or Greek letter µ) and SD (sigma or Greek letter σ). You can immediately notice
the difference in the question asked. In the frequentist approach we are asking “What is the probability of
observing the data (estimate, like mean or Cohen’s d), given the null hypothesis?”
True average male height and true SD represents parameters, and with Bayesian inference we want to relocate
credibility across possibilities of those parameters (given the data collected). For the sake of this simplistic
example, let’s consider the following possibilities for the mean height: 170, 175, 180cm, and for SD: 9, 10,
11cm. This gives us the following grid (Table 37), which combines all possibilities in the parameters, hence
the name grid approximation. Since we have three possibilities for each parameter, the grid consists of 9
total possibilities.
mu sigma
170 9
175 9
180 9
170 10
175 10
180 10
170 11
175 11
180 11
3.3.2 Priors
Before analyzing the collected data sample, with Bayesian inference we want to state the prior beliefs in
parameter possibilities. For example, I might state that from previous data collected, I believe that the mean
height is around 170 and 180cm, with a peak at 175cm (e.g. approximating normal curve). We will come back
to topic of prior later on, but for now let use uniform or vague prior, which assigns equal plausibility to all
mean height and SD possibilities. Since each parameter has three possibilities, and since probabilities needs
to sum up to 1, each possibility has probability of 1/3 or 0.333. This is assigned to our grid in the Table 38.
mu sigma mu prior sigma prior
170 9 0.33 0.33
175 9 0.33 0.33
180 9 0.33 0.33
170 10 0.33 0.33
175 10 0.33 0.33
180 10 0.33 0.33
170 11 0.33 0.33
175 11 0.33 0.33
180 11 0.33 0.33
The sample height data we have collected for N=5 individuals is 167, 192, 183, 175, 177cm. From this sample
we are interested in making inference to the true parameter values (i.e. mean and SD, or µ and σ). Without
going into the Bayes theorem for inverse probability, the next major step is the likelihood function. Likelihood
function gives us a likelihood of observing data, given parameters. Since we have 9 parameter possibilities,
we are interested in calculating for each possibility the likelihood of observing the data. This is represented
with a following equation (39):
L(x|µ, σ) = f (xi , µ, σ) (39)
The likelihood of observing the data is calculated by taking the product (indicated by i=1 sign in the
equation 39 of likelihood of observing individual scores. The likelihood function is normal probability density
function (PDF), whose parameters are µ and σ (see Figure 35). This function has the following equation (41)
2 2
e−(x−µ) /(2σ )
f (xi , µ, σ) = √ (40)
σ 2π
Let’s take a particular possibility of µ and σ, e.g. 175cm and 9cm, and calculate likelihoods for each observed
score (Table 39).
Table 39. Likelihoods of observing scores given µ and σ equal to 175cm and 9cm
mu sigma x likelihood
175 9 167 0.02986
175 9 192 0.00745
175 9 183 0.02986
175 9 175 0.04433
175 9 177 0.04325
Now, to estimate likelihood of the sample, we need to take the product of each individual score likelihoods.
However, now we have a problem, since the resulting will be very, very small number (1.272648 × 10−8 ). To
solve this issue, we take the log of the likelihood function. This is called log likelihood (LL) and it is easier to
compute without the fear of losing digits. Table 40 contains calculated log from the score likelihood.
Table 40. Likelihoods and log likelihoods of observing scores given µ and σ equal to 175cm
and 9cm
mu sigma x likelihood LL
175 9 167 0.02986 -3.51122
175 9 192 0.00745 -4.90011
175 9 183 0.02986 -3.51122
175 9 175 0.04433 -3.11616
175 9 177 0.04325 -3.14085
Rather than taking a product of the LL to calculate the overall likelihood of the sample, we take the sum.
This is due the properties of the logarithmic algebra, where log x1 × x2 = logx1 + logx2 , which means that if
we take the exponent of the sum of the log likelihoods, we will get the same result as taking the exponent
of the product of likelihoods. Thus the overall log likelihood of observing the sample is equal to -18.18. If
we take the exponent of this, we will get the same results as the product of individual likelihoods, which is
equal to 1.272648 × 10−8 . This mathematical trick is needed to prevent very small numbers and thus loosing
If we repeat the same procedure for every parameter possibility in our grid, we get the following log likelihoods
(Table 41). This procedure is also visually represented in the Figure 35 for easier comprehension.
mu=170cm mu=175cm mu=180cm
140 160 180 200 140 160 180 200 140 160 180 200
Figure 35. Likelihood of data given parameters. µ and σ represent parameters for which we want to
estimate likelihood of observing data collected
To get the posterior probabilities of parameter possibilities, likelihoods need to be multiplied with priors
(posterior = prior × likelihood). This is called Bayesian updating. Since we have log likelihoods, we need
to sum the log likelihoods with log of priors instead (log posterior = log prior + log likelihood). To get the
posterior probability, after converting log posterior to posterior using exponent (posterior = elog posterior )25 ,
25 There is one more mathematical trick done to avoid very small numbers explained in “Statistical Rethinking” (McElreath, 2015)
and it involves doing the following calculation to get the posterior probabilities: posterior = elog posterior−max(log posterior)) .
we need to make sure that probabilities of parameter possibility sum to one. This is done by simply dividing
probabilities for each parameter possibility by the sum of probabilities.
Table 42 contains the results of Bayesian inference. The posterior probabilities are called joint probabilities
since they represent probability of a combination of particular µ and σ possibility.
Table 42. Estimated posterior probabilities for parameter possibilities given the data
Table 42 can be be converted into 3x3 matrix, with possibilities of µ in the columns, and possibilities of the σ
in the rows and posterior joint probabilities in the cells (Table 43). The sums of the joint probabilities in the
Table 43 margins represent marginal probabilities for parameters.
Table 43. Joint distribution of the parameter possibilities. Sums at the table margins represent
marginal probabilities
Since we have only two parameters, the joint probabilities can be represented with the heat map. Figure 36 is
a visual representation of the Table 43.
sigma 10 0.15
When we have more than 2 parameters, visualization of joint probabilities get’s tricky and we rely on
visualizing marginal posterior probabilities of each parameter instead. As explained, marginal probabilities
are calculated by summing all joint probabilities for a particular parameter possibility. Figure 37 depicts
marginal probabilities (including prior probabilities) for µ and σ.
mu sigma
170.0 172.5 175.0 177.5 180.0 9 10 11
Parameter value (cm)
Figure 37. Prior and posterior distributions resulting from simplified grid-approximation
As can be seen from the Figures 36 and 37, the most likely parameter possibilities, given the data, are µ of
180cm and σ of 9cm.
So far, we have made this very granular in order to be understood. However, since we are dealing with
continuous parameters, performing grid approximation for more than 9 total parameter possibilities seems
warranted. The calculus is exactly the same, as well as the sample collected, but now we will use the larger
range for both µ (160-200cm) and σ (1-30cm), each with 100 possibilities. We are estimating credibility for
total of 100 × 100 = 10, 000 parameter possibilities. Figure 38 depicts heat map for the joint probabilities,
and Figure 39 depicts prior and posterior marginal distributions for each parameter.
sigma (cm)
160 170 180 190 200
mu (cm)
Figure 38. Heat map of µ and σ joint probabilities when 100 × 100 grid-approximation is used
mu sigma
160 170 180 190 200 0 10 20 30
Height (cm)
Figure 39. Prior and posterior distributions resulting from 100 × 100 grid-approximation
Grid approximation utilized here is great for educational purposes and very simple models, but as number of
parameters increases, the number of total parameter possibility grow so large, that it might take millions of
years for a single computer to compute the posterior distributions. For example, if we have linear regression
model with two predictors, we will have 4 parameters to estimate (intercept β0 , predictor one β1 , predictor
two β2 , and residual standard error σ), and if we use 100 posibilities for each parameter, we will get 10ˆ8
total number of possibilities.
This was the reason why Bayesian inference was not very practical. Until algorithms such as Markov Chain
Monte Carlo (MCMC) emerged making Bayesian inference a walk in the park. Statistical Rethinking book
by Richard McElreath is outstanding introduction into these topics.
In this example we have used vague priors for both µ and σ. But let’s see what happens when I strongly
believe (before seeing the data), that µ is around 190cm (using normal distribution with mean 190 and SD of
2 to represent this prior), but I do not have a clue about σ prior distribution and I choose to continue using
uniform prior for this parameter.
This prior belief if, of course, wrong, but maybe I am biased since I originate, let’s say from Montenegro,
country with one of the tallest men. Figure 40 contains plotted prior and posterior distributions. As can be
seen, using very strong prior for µ shifted the posterior distribution to the higher heights. In other words, the
data collected were not enough to overcome my prior belief about average height.
mu sigma
160 170 180 190 200 0 10 20 30
Height (cm)
The sample height data we have collected for N=5 individuals (167, 192, 183, 175, 177cm) was not strong to
overcome prior belief. However, what if we sampled N=100 males from known population of known mean
height of 177.8 and SD of 10.16? Figure 41 depicts prior and posterior distributions in this example. As can
be seen, besides having narrower posterior distributions for µ and σ, more data was able to overcome my
strong prior bias towards mean height of 190cm.
mu sigma
160 170 180 190 200 0 10 20 30
Height (cm)
Figure 41. When larger sample is taken (N=100) as opposed to smaller sample (N=20),
strong prior was not able to influence the posterior distribution
3.3.8 Summarizing prior and posterior distributions with MAP and HDI
In Bayesian statistics, the prior and posterior distributions are usually summarized using highest maximum a
posteriori (MAP) and 90% or 95% highest density interval (HDI) (McElreath, 2015; Kruschke & Liddell,
2018a,b). MAP is simply a mode, or the most probable point estimate. In other words, a point in the
distribution with the highest probability. With normal distribution, MAP, mean and median are identical.
The problems arise with distributions that are not symmetrical.
HDI is similar to frequentist CIs, but represents an interval which contains all points within the interval that
have higher probability density than points outside the interval (Makowski, Ben-Shachar & Lüdecke, 2019a,b).
HDI is more computationally expensive to estimate, but compared to equal-tailed interval (ETI) or percentile
interval, that typically excludes 2.5% or 5% from each tail of the distribution (for 95% or 90% confidence
respectively), HDI is not equal-tailed and therefore always includes the mode(s) of posterior distributions
(Makowski, Ben-Shachar & Lüdecke, 2019a,b).
Figure 42 depicts comparison between MAP and 90% HDI, median and 90% percentile interval or ETI,
and mean and ś1.64 × SD for 90% confidence interval. As can be seen from the Figure 42, the distribution
summaries differ since the distribution is asymmetrical and not-normal. Thus, in order to summarize prior or
posterior distribution, MAP and HDI aremost often used, apart from visual representation.
0.015 0.015 0.015
Probability Density
MAP and 90% HDI Median and 90% ETI Mean ± 1.64 SD
Figure 42. Summarizing prior and posterior distribution. A. MAP and 90% HDI. B. Median and
90% ETI. C. Mean and ±1.64 × SD
Using SESOI as a trivial range, or as a ROPE (Kruschke & Liddell, 2018a,b), Bayesian equivalence test can
be performed by quantifying proportion of posterior distribution inside the SESOI band (Kruschke & Liddell,
2018a,b; Makowski, Ben-Shachar & Lüdecke, 2019b; Makowski et al.). Magnitude based inference discussed
in the section of the same name, would also be valid way of describing the posterior distribution.
Besides estimating using MAP and HDI, Bayesian analysis also allows to hypothesis testing using Bayes
factor or MAP based p-value (Kruschke & Liddell, 2018a,b; Makowski, Ben-Shachar & Lüdecke, 2019b;
Makowski et al.). Discussing these concepts is out of the range of this paper and interested readers can refer
to references provided for more information.
How do the Bayesian HDIs compare to frequentist CIs? What are the Type I error rates when the data
is sampled from the null-hypothesis? To explore this question, I will repeat the simulation from section
4.2.3 “New Statistics: Confidence Intervals and Estimation”, where 1,000 samples of N=20 observations are
sampled from a population where the true mean height is equal to 177.8cm and SD is equal to 10.16cm. Type
I error is committed when the the 95% CIs or 95% HDI intervals of the sample mean don’t cross the true
value in the population. Table 44 contains Type I errors for frequentist and Bayesian estimation.
As can be seen from the Table 44, frequentist CI and Bayesian HDI Type I error rate are not identical
(which could be due to the grid approximation method as well as due to only 1000 samples used). This is
often a concern, since Bayesian methods do not control error rates (Kruschke & Liddell, 2018a). Although
frequentist methods revolve around limiting the probability of Type I errors, error rates are extremely difficult
to pin down, particularly for complex models, and because they are based on sampling and testing intentions
(Kruschke & Liddell, 2018a). For more detailed discussion and comparison of Bayesian and frequentist
methods regarding the error control see (Wagenmakers, 2007; Kruschke, 2013; Morey et al., 2016). Papers
by Kristin Sainani (Sainani, 2018; Sainani et al., 2019) are also worth pondering about which will help in
understanding estimation and comparison of Type I and Type II error rates between different inference
methods, particularly when magnitude-based inference using SESOI is considered.
3.5 Bootstrap
As already stated, some estimators have unknown sampling distribution, particularly those that might have
more practical use and answer predictive questions by the practitioners (e.g. “what is the proportion of
athletes I can expect to demonstrate beneficial response due to this treatment?”). Hence, the frequentist
approach is very hard to use. With the Bayesian approach, some estimators might be really hard to be
modeled and represented, researchers might be confused with the priors and likelihood function selections,
there is knowledge needed to understand and diagnose sampling chains from MCMC algorithms and so forth.
Bootstrap comes for the rescue (Davison & Hinkley, 1997; Hesterberg, 2015; Efron & Hastie, 2016; Canty &
Ripley, 2017; Rousselet, Pernet & Wilcox, 2019b,a). Bootstrap is very simple and intuitive technique that is
very easy to carry out. Let’s take an example to demonstrate simplicity of the bootstrap. Continuing with
the height example, let’s assume that the following sample is collected for N=10 individuals: 167, 175, 175,
176, 177, 181, 188, 190, 197, 211cm. We are interested in estimating the true mean in the population, SD
in the population, and proportion of individuals taller than 185cm (prop185 ; using algebraic method and
estimated SD). The first step, as explained in the “Description” section of this paper, is to estimate those
parameters using sample. But how do we estimate the uncertainty around the sample estimates?
Bootstrap involves resampling from the sample itself and then recalculating estimates of interest. If we
have N=10 observations in the collected sample, for each boostrap resample we are going to draw 10x1
observations. Some observations might be drawn multiple times, while some might not be drawn at all. This
is then repeated numerous times, e.g., 2,000-10,000 times and for each bootstrap resample the estimators
of interest are estimated. Table 45 contains 10 bootstrap resamples with calculated estimators of interest.
Bootstrap resample of number 0 represents the original sample.
Boot resample Observations mean SD prop185
0 167 175 175 176 177 181 188 190 197 211 183.7 13.00 0.46
1 167 167 175 177 188 190 190 190 197 211 185.2 13.81 0.51
2 175 176 177 177 177 188 197 197 211 211 188.6 14.50 0.60
3 167 175 177 177 177 177 177 181 188 197 179.3 8.08 0.24
4 175 175 175 175 177 177 181 188 190 197 181.0 7.90 0.31
5 167 167 175 175 177 177 181 188 190 197 179.4 9.75 0.28
6 167 167 175 175 176 188 197 197 211 211 186.4 16.86 0.53
7 175 175 188 188 190 190 197 197 197 211 190.8 10.75 0.71
8 176 176 177 188 190 190 197 197 211 211 191.3 13.03 0.69
9 167 167 175 176 177 188 190 197 197 211 184.5 14.49 0.49
10 167 167 167 175 175 181 181 181 188 190 177.2 8.47 0.18
11 167 167 176 176 177 177 177 197 197 211 182.2 14.48 0.42
12 167 175 175 177 177 181 181 190 190 197 181.0 8.93 0.33
13 175 177 181 188 190 190 190 190 190 211 188.2 9.93 0.63
14 167 175 176 176 181 188 190 190 197 211 185.1 12.83 0.50
15 167 167 175 175 176 177 181 181 188 197 178.4 9.08 0.23
16 167 175 175 176 177 177 190 190 211 211 184.9 15.40 0.50
17 167 175 175 175 175 175 176 177 181 188 176.4 5.32 0.05
18 167 175 175 181 188 188 188 190 190 197 183.9 9.12 0.45
19 167 175 175 175 176 177 188 190 190 211 182.4 12.63 0.42
20 175 175 175 177 177 188 190 190 197 211 185.5 12.04 0.52
If we repeat this procedure 10,000 times, we can visualize bootstrap distribution of the estimators (Figure
mean SD prop185
Probability Density
0.1 2
0.00 0.0 0
How should this bootstrap distribution be interpreted? In “Elements of Statistical Learning” (Hastie,
Tibshirani & Friedman, 2009), the following quote regarding bootstrap distribution can be found:
“In this sense, the bootstrap distribution represents an (approximate) nonparametric, nonin-
formative posterior distribution for our parameter. But this bootstrap distribution is obtained
painlessly — without having to formally specify a prior and without having to sample from the
posterior distribution. Hence we might think of the bootstrap distribution as a “poor man’s”
Bayes posterior. By perturbing the data, the bootstrap approximates the Bayesian effect of
perturbing the parameters, and is typically much simpler to carry out" p. 272
Although the bootstrap was originally developed as a purely frequentist device (Efron, 2005), as per the
quote above, it can be treated as “poor man’s” Bayes posterior.
Bootstrap allows for both estimation and hypothesis testing. When it comes to estimations, point estimate of
the bootstrap distribution is the sample parameter estimate. Confidence intervals around sample estimate
are usually calculated using percentile approach (or ETI), or other approaches such as adjusted bootstrap
percentile (BCa) (Davison & Hinkley, 1997; Hesterberg, 2015; Efron & Hastie, 2016; Canty & Ripley, 2017;
Rousselet, Pernet & Wilcox, 2019b,a), or even HDI as used with Bayesian posterior distributions. In this
paper I will utilize BCa intervals unless otherwise stated.
Hypothesis testing using the bootstrap distribution is possible through calculated p-value (Rousselet, Pernet
& Wilcox, 2019b,a). This not only allows for bootstrap NHST, but also all other MET, as well as MBI
estimates (which assumes Bayesian interpretation of the bootstrap distributions). This is simply done by
counting bootstrap sample estimates that are below or above particular threshold (i.e. null-hypothesis or
SESOI). The R code (RStudio Team, 2016; R Core Team, 2018) below demonstrates how two-way NHST can
be performed as well as probability of lower, trivial, and higher effect given the SESOI thresholds.
As we already did with the frequentist and Bayesian inference, let’s get estimates of Type I errors for bootstrap
method (10,000 percentile bootstrap resamples) by drawing 1000 samples of N=20 observations from the
population where the true mean height is equal to 177.8cm and SD is equal to 10.16cm. Besides estimating
Type I error for the sample mean, we can also estimate Type I errors for sample SD and prop185, since the
true population values are known. In the case of prop185, the true population value is equal to 0.24. Type
I error is committed when the the 95% bootstrap CIs of the sample estimate don’t cross the true value in
the population. Figure 44 depicts the first 100 samples out of the total of 1,000, taken from the population
with calculated 95% bootstrap CIs. CIs that missed the true population parameter value are depicted in red.
Table 46 contains the summary for this simulation.
mean sd prop185
Figure 44. Bootstrap 95%confidence intervals. Intervals not capturing the true population parameter
are colored in red
As can be seen from the Table 46, Type I error for the σ parameter is larger than expected. This could be
due to the non-symmetrical bootstrap distribution that might not be perfectly represented with the percentile
I am not hiding my preference for the bootstrap methods due to their intuitive nature and simple usage for
generating inferences for any estimator.
However, bootstrap is not panacea and there are caveats especially for the small samples sizes (Wilcox &
Rousselet, 2017; Wilcox, Peterson & McNitt-Gray, 2018; Rousselet, Pernet & Wilcox, 2019b,a).
3.6 Statistical inference conclusion
Which one is better, frequentist, Bayesian or bootstrap? Unfortunately, there is no objective, automatic
way to statistical inference. Both demand careful planning and consideration of the research question of
interest. Both rely on assumptions, some more clearly stated as with Bayesian, and some more inherent
as with frequentist. Both represent Small Worlds that we hope to help explain and to be deployed to the
Large World. Rather than approaching inferential statistics as something that represents and estimates true
state of the World, inferential statistics might be approached as descriptive statistic (Amrhein, Trafimow &
Greenland, 2019).
The three quotes to summarize this very topic are the following ones:
“Statistical inference often fails to replicate. One reason is that many results may be selected
for drawing inference because some threshold of a statistic like the P-value was crossed, leading
to biased reported effect sizes. Nonetheless, considerable non-replication is to be expected even
without selective reporting, and generalizations from single studies are rarely if ever warranted.
Honestly reported results must vary from replication to replication because of varying assumption
violations and random variation; excessive agreement itself would suggest deeper problems, such
as failure to publish results in conflict with group expectations or desires. A general perception
of a “replication crisis” may thus reflect failure to recognize that statistical tests not only test
hypotheses, but countless assumptions and the entire environment in which research takes place.
Because of all the uncertain and unknown assumptions that underpin statistical inferences,
we should treat inferential statistics as highly unstable local descriptions of relations between
assumptions and data, rather than as providing generalizable inferences about hypotheses or
models. And that means we should treat statistical results as being much more incomplete and
uncertain than is currently the norm. Acknowledging this uncertainty could help reduce the allure
of selective reporting: Since a small P-value could be large in a replication study, and a large
P-value could be small, there is simply no need to selectively report studies based on statistical
results. Rather than focusing our study reports on uncertain conclusions, we should thus focus on
describing accurately how the study was conducted, what problems occurred, what data were
obtained, what analysis methods were used and why, and what output those methods produced."
(Amrhein, Trafimow & Greenland, 2019), Abstract, p. 262
“Exercising awareness of multiple perspectives, we emphasize that we do not believe that one of
these philosophies is the correct or best one, nor do we claim that reducing the different approaches
to a single one would be desirable. What is lacking here is not unification, but rather, often,
transparency about which interpretation of probabilistic outcomes is intended when applying
statistical modeling to specific problems. Particularly, we think that, depending on the situation,
both “aleatory” or “epistemic” approaches to modeling uncertainty are legitimate and worthwhile,
referring to data generating processes in observer-independent reality on one hand and rational
degrees of belief on the other." (Gelman & Hennig, 2017), p. 20
“Broadly speaking, 19th century statistics was Bayesian while the 20th century was frequentist,
at least from the point of view of most scientific practitioners. Here in the 21st century scientists
are bringing statisticians much bigger problems to solve, often comprising millions of data points
and thousands of parameters. Which statistical philosophy will dominate practice? My guess,
backed up with some recent examples, is that a combination of Bayesian and frequentist ideas will
be needed to deal with our increasingly intense scientific environment. This will be a challenging
period for statisticians, both applied and theoretical, but it also opens the opportunity for a new
golden age, rivaling that of Fisher, Neyman, and the other giants of the early 1900’s.” (Efron,
This being said, my personal opinion is that more and more sport scientists will consider Bayesian analysis,
particularly with the new tools that provide ease of Bayesian model definition and training, as well as
visualization of the results. For the benefits of Bayesian over frequentist analysis please see the papers by
Kruschke et al. (Kruschke & Liddell, 2018a,b) as well as suggested reading on Bayesian analysis at the end of
this paper.
4 Measurement Error
Measurement error is involved in all measurements and causes an observed score to be different from the true
score (Novick, 1966; Allen & Yen, 2001; Swinton et al., 2018), which affect not only outcome variables and
predictors, but also treatment variables. This results in measurement bias affecting both causal inferences
(Hernan & Cole, 2009; Hernán, 2017; Hernán & Robins) and predictive performances (Kuhn & Johnson,
In mathematical notation, we state that the observed score (OS) comprises a hypothetical true score (TS)
and measurement error (ME) (equation 41) (Allen & Yen, 2001; Swinton et al., 2018).
OS = T S + M E (41)
In the sports science domain, since the measured objects are usually humans, measurement error comprises
of instrumentation and biological noise (Swinton et al., 2018). In this paper I assume instrumentation noise
as error caused solely by the measurement apparatus (Swinton et al., 2018). Biological noise, on the other
hand, is defined as an error in the observed scores caused by biological processes, including, but not limited
to, phenomena such as circadian rhythm, nutritional intake, sleep and motivation (Swinton et al., 2018).
Both instrumentation and biological noises consist of two types of errors: systematic error and random error
(Figure 45).
True Score
Trial 1
Systematic Error
Random Error
Measuring Device A
Systematic Error
Random Error
Observed Score A1
Systematic error represents constant and stable error that is fixed across measurement samples of the true
score. Systematic error is commonly refereed to as bias. In instruments having a linear response, systematic
error can be further divided into proportional bias and fixed bias (Hopkins, 2004a, 2007, 2010). Random error
() represents unknown and unpredictable error, which varies between measurement samples of the same true
score. Random errors often have a Gaussian normal distribution (with mean zero and standard deviation
which represent a parameter of the random error). The following equation (42) represent theoretical linear
relationship between TS and OS, with normally distributed random error:
This can be easily explained with a simple example. Imagine N=20 athletes being measured on a novel
bodyweight scale, using 5 trials separated by 1 minute. The assumption in this study is that there is no
change in the TS across trials (e.g. athletes are not allowed to pee, consume water or food, nor change the
wardrobe) and that there is no biological noise involved (i.e. there are no fluctuations in bodyweight due
motivation, fatigue or what have you). Since this is a simulation, we know the TS of the athletes, but also
the instrumentation noise characteristic (i.e. DGP) of the novel scale. This scale tends to have proportional
bias equal to 1.01 factor (i.e. athlete weighting 100kg which is his TS, will have OS equal to 101kg due
proportional bias, while the athlete weighting 50kg will have her OS equal to 50.5kg), fixed bias equal to
1kg (everyone will get OS higher for 1kg than TS), and random error normally distributed with SD equal to
0.5kg. Equation (43) captures this relationship between OS and TS.
Table 47. Simulated 5 trials from known true score and measurement error
The objective of the analysis of such data is to estimate DGP parameters of the measurement error, or the
proportional bias, fixed bias, and the SD of the random error. Unfortunately, since TS is unknown, we are
unable to estimate proportional bias and fixed bias. To overcome this problem, we usually compare OS to
some gold standard measure which can serve as proxy to TS. These issues are covered in much more detail in
the Validity and Reliability sections of the second part of this paper.
What we are left to estimate is the SD of the random error. For this reason, this is referred to as typical
error (TE) of the test, which represents an estimate of a random error SD. This is simply estimated using
individual SD of the OS in the five trials (Table 48).
Athlete Mean SD
Athlete 01 79.59 0.45
Athlete 02 77.60 0.57
Athlete 03 78.46 0.16
Athlete 04 56.33 0.21
Athlete 05 85.63 0.40
Athlete 06 62.91 0.78
Athlete 07 70.34 0.37
Athlete 08 62.48 0.42
Athlete 09 82.38 0.63
Athlete 10 93.54 0.28
Athlete 11 81.73 0.39
Athlete 12 68.62 0.75
Athlete 13 80.82 0.24
Athlete 14 71.35 0.86
Athlete 15 77.80 0.44
Athlete 16 69.88 0.49
Athlete 17 60.14 0.47
Athlete 18 83.01 0.46
Athlete 19 56.56 0.24
Athlete 20 66.83 0.45
The mean of athletes’ typical errors (SD in table 48) is equal to 0.45cm, which is quite close to DGP parameter
of 0.5cm. The reason for the difference between estimated and true parameter of the random error SD is due
to the sampling error, which is a topic already covered in the “Statistical inference” section of this paper.
Unfortunately, this method of estimating random error SD is not always practically feasible, and we usually
estimate SD using two trials (Table 49), where SD of random error is estimated using SD of the difference
scores across athletes (Hopkins, 2000; Swinton et al., 2018).
Athlete OS 1 (kg) OS 2 (kg) Difference OS 2-1 (kg)
Athlete 01 79.47 79.37 -0.11
Athlete 02 77.83 77.71 -0.11
Athlete 03 78.65 78.30 -0.35
Athlete 04 56.58 56.36 -0.23
Athlete 05 85.53 85.44 -0.09
Athlete 06 61.84 63.05 1.22
Athlete 07 70.26 69.82 -0.44
Athlete 08 62.03 62.91 0.88
Athlete 09 81.34 83.04 1.70
Athlete 10 94.02 93.47 -0.55
Athlete 11 81.89 82.13 0.24
Athlete 12 69.54 68.32 -1.22
Athlete 13 80.66 80.81 0.15
Athlete 14 71.14 72.34 1.21
Athlete 15 77.42 77.41 -0.01
Athlete 16 70.11 70.05 -0.06
Athlete 17 60.04 60.56 0.52
Athlete 18 82.61 83.30 0.70
Athlete 19 56.70 56.35 -0.35
Athlete 20 66.33 66.44 0.11
If we calculate SD of the difference scores from the Table (49), we get 0.7cm. However, this is not quite right,
since we know that the true SD of the random error is 0.5cm. This happens because random error is affecting
both Trial 1 and Trial 2, and is propagated to the difference score (Figure 46).
True Score
Trial 1 Trial 2
Biological Biological
Noise Noise
Instrumentation Instrumentation
Noise Noise
Figure 46. Propagation of the random component of measurement error to two trials
Error propagation, assuming normal distribution, is done quadratically. Mathematically expressed, this is
equal to (equation 44):
2 2 2
SDdif f erence = T Etrial 1 + T Etrial 2
T Etest = T Etrial 1 = T Etrial 2
2 2 2
SDdif f erence = T Etest + T Etest
2 2
SDdif f erence = 2 × T Etest
SDdif f erence = 2 × T Etest2
SDdif f erence = 2 × T Etest
SDdif f erence
T Etest = √ (44)
According to the above equation, the SD of the difference score needs to be divided by 2 to calculate TE of
the test. The assumption is that TE is equal in both trials, which is defined in the second line in equation
(44). This way we get TE equal to 0.49cm, which is much closer to known SD of the random error of 0.5cm
Estimated TE is very useful metric, since it can be used to estimate the true change of the individuals after
intervention, to estimate reliability of the test (Hopkins, 2000, 2004b, 2007, 2010, 2015a; Hopkins et al., 2009),
and be useful in defining SESOI as explained in the “Description” section of this paper. Further usage of TE
in the reliability and validity analysis is covered in the second part of this paper.
In order to showcase the interpretation of the individual changes by using SESOI and TE (named observed
outcome approach in “Responders vs non-responders” section), let’s consider bench press example from the
“Comparing dependent groups” (Table 8).
Imagine that, before commencing this simple intervention, we have estimated measurement error (using TE
estimator) of the bench press 1RM test, which is equal to 2.5kg. Practically, this means that due to the
biological variation and noise, and instrumentation error (e.g. plates no smaller than 2.5kg or 1.25kg), 1RM
in the bench press would tend to vary normally distributed with TE equal to 2.5kg, given, of course, no real
change in the strength.
Since the measurement error is involved
√ in both Pre-test and Post-test, due to the error propagation, TE for
the Change score is thus equal to 2 × T E (3.54kg).
When interviewing a coach, she told us that she considers ±5kg as the minimal important change, which
we will use as SESOI. Since we know both TE and SESOI, we might be asking how certain are we that the
individual change is practically significant (i.e. lower, trivial, or higher compared to SESOI)? This is because
we do not know individual true scores, but only observed scores. TE tells us how much of observed score
randomly varies around the true score. The question we are trying to answer is: “how likely individual’s true
score is within lower, trivial, or higher range, given the known TE?”
Figure 47A depicts individual Change scores probabilistically using the known TE. Using the SESOI as
trivial change, we can estimate individual probability of lower, trivial, and higher change. Figure 47B
depicts individual
√ change scores with error bars representing 95% confidence intervals (calculated using
±1.96 × 2 × T E). The numbers in brackets on Figure 47B represent estimated probabilities of the true
change score being lower, trivial, and higher compared to SESOI. To be more certain of individual changes,
TE needs to be smaller, compared to SESOI. Ratio between SESOI and TE can thus represent an estimate
of the test sensitivity to detect practically meaningful changes. The
√ smallest change that has at least 95%
chance of being higher or lower than SESOI is SESOI ± 1.96 × 2 × T E, or 11.93kg. Graphically, bench
press 1RM change of ±11.93kg is the smallest change, where 95% confidence intervals do not touch SESOI
A B 1 [0/0/100]
1 17 [0/0/100]
17 14 [0/0/100]
14 9 [0/0/100]
9 8 [0/0/100]
8 15 [0/2/98]
15 10 [0/8/92]
10 3 [0/15/85]
3 13 [0/20/80]
13 12 [0/44/56]
12 4 [0/51/49]
20 [0/56/44]
16 [2/78/20]
11 [2/79/19]
19 [3/81/16]
5 5 [6/84/10]
6 6 [62/38/0]
7 7 [68/32/0]
18 18 [100/0/0]
2 2 [100/0/0]
−20 0 20 40 −20 0 20 40
Change in Bench Press 1RM (kg) Change in Bench Press 1RM (kg)
Figure 47. Analysis of individual change scores using SESOI and TE. A. Uncertainty around
true score can be depicted by using normal distribution whose SD is equal to TE. Confidence that the
observed change is lower, trivial or higher can be estimated using surface within lower, trivia, and
√ higher
magnitude band. B. 95% Confidence intervals around change scores are calculated using ±1.96 × 2 × T E.
Numbers in brackets represent proportion of the surface area in the lower, trivial and higher magnitude band.
These are interpreted as probabilities of true score being in lower, trivial and higher magnitude band. See
text for discussion why such interpretation is not statistically valid
As explained in the “Statistical inference” section of this paper, the above method of individual analysis
interprets the TE and associated confidence intervals from the Bayesian perspective. This might not be the
appropriate interpretation, since we do not know individual’s true scores, only the observed scores. TE gives
us the variance of the observed scores around the true score, not vice versa (i.e. Bayesian inverse probability).
Thus, visual representation from the Figure 47 is not statistically valid, although the inferences are.
Since we do not know the true scores, we are interested in probabilities of seeing the observed score given
the assumption of where we think the true score is. For this reason the question to be asked is “assuming
individual’s true change scores are at ±SESOI, how likely are we to see the observed score, given the known
TE?”. This question demands answer and interpretation of TE from the frequentist perspective. Thus the
correction interpretation of the individual changes involves the use of minimum effect tests (METs) discussed
in the “Statistical Inference” section. METs approach to interpreting individual changes is depicted in the
Figure 48.
A B 1 Higher [−−−**]
1 17 Higher [−−−**]
17 14 Higher [−−−**]
14 9 Higher [−−−**]
9 8 Higher [−−−**]
8 15 Higher [−−−**]
15 10 Not−Lower [−−−*−]
10 3 Not−Lower [−−−*−]
3 13 Not−Lower [−−−*−]
13 12 Not−Lower [−−−*−]
12 4 Not−Lower [−−−*−]
20 Not−Lower [−−−*−]
16 Not−Lower [−−−*−]
11 Not−Lower [−−−*−]
19 Not−Lower [−−−*−]
5 5 Equivocal [−−−−−]
6 6 Not−Higher [−*−−−]
7 7 Not−Higher [−*−−−]
18 18 Lower [**−−−]
2 2 Lower [**−−−]
−20 0 20 40 −20 0 20 40
Change in Bench Press 1RM (kg) Change in Bench Press 1RM (kg)
Figure 48. METs approach to interpreting individual change scores. A. Since true change scores
are unknown, we can only test probability of seeing observed score or higher, given the known TE and
assumed true score. In order to do this, minimal effect tests are performed, assuming two true score
null-hypotheses: one at lower SESOI threshold (red color) and one at higher SESOI threshold (green color).
Typical error can be interpreted as SD of the error distribution. Black dots indicate observed individual
change. We are interested in estimating probability of observing this change, given two hypotheses. Five
tests are performed as described in "Minimum Effect Tests" section: inferiority, non-superiority, equivalence,
√ and superiority. B. 95% Confidence intervals around change scores are calculated using
±1.96 × 2 × T E and depicted using error-bars. Final inference using five METs is reported. METs
significance (assuming alpha=0.05), indicated by ’*’, are reported in the brackets
5 Conclusion
Statistical analysis should start with questions that we are trying to answer using the data. These questions
of interest should not only guide statistical analysis, but also as data collection and finally interpretations of
the analysis and modelling results. In order to answer these questions with data, we are always representing
the Large World with the Small World models. There is no entirely objective approach to do it, rather apply
pluralism of approaches (Mitchell, 2002, 2012). The value of these models and Small World representations
should be judged by qualities suggested by Gelman and Hennig (Gelman & Hennig, 2017): transparency,
consensus, impartiality, correspondence to observable reality, awareness of multiple perspectives, awareness
of context-dependence, and investigation of stability. Finally, we need to accept that we must act based on
cumulative knowledge rather than solely rely on single studies or even single lines of research (Amrhein,
Trafimow & Greenland, 2019).
For example, let’s take a question that a sport practitioner might ask: “From how many athletes I can
expect to show positive improvements after this intervention? Will Johnny improve?”. This question is more
predictive question than it is common in practice. Assume that I provide this coach with the estimate of
the average causal effect and accompanying magnitude-based inference (MBI), using SESOI he provided
(i.e. 20% harmful, 30% trivial, and 50% beneficial) or frequentist p_value of p<0.05. Will that answer the
practitioner’s question?
The accompanying MBIs might even confuse him and appear to answer the “proportion” question he asked.
“So, 50% of athletes will show beneficial response to treatment?”. Unfortunately no - MBIs (or METs) answer
different question about estimator (be it mean or Cohen’s d or some other), not about individual response
Second part of his question also demands predictive modelling, that calls for taking into account Johnny’s
known data and getting the best estimate for his response. If there is some historical data about Johnny, we
might get better predictions (either through individual modeling or hierarchical model), but if not, then the
average-based estimators might be our best guess of the most likely response that Johnny might manifest.
Providing that proportions of responses on top of the average effect might help answering uncertainty about
individual responses. Providing that CIs and p-values might not.
I am not saying that these are not important. I am only saying that they should not be automatically
selected as an answer to any question. CIs can provide us with the uncertainty interval around proportions
(i.e. “Model gives us 90% confidence that the proportion of the beneficial responses will be 40-60%”), or even
around predictive performance metrics. However, we need to make sure to start with the question asked, as
well as to suit our analysis and conclusions so that practitioners can understand it.
In the following part of this paper, I will provide solution to the most common sport science problems and
question using the material covered in this part, as well as bootstrap magnitude based predictions (bmbp)
package written by the author.
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