Estudio Arminio
Estudio Arminio
Estudio Arminio
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The year 1515 saw the editio princeps of Tacitus' Annales 1-6, the
Tiberius books, where the Cheruscan chieftain Arminius plays a
significant role in the first two books, both as the greatest and most
successful of Rome's enemies and as a foil for the Roman people's
favourite, Germanicus. At the end of the second book, in the course of
his obituary of Arminius, Tacitus calls him liberator haud dubie Germa-
niae, a man unbeaten in war. At last Germans of modern times had an
historical hero, who had maintained the freedom of the Germans (as
naively interpreted) against the rapacious Italians of the South. The
ancient struggle between Roman and German, between South and
North, served as a paradigm for the present day.5
Two years later, one of the most significant events in the history of the
western world occurred in Wittenberg, when a monk named Martin
Luther posted on the door of the Schlosskirche his ninety-five theses
challenging the sale of indulgences. The religious revolution which
2 Celtis (1459-1508) was crowned poet laureate in 1487 by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick
III. See L. W. Spitz, Conrad Celtis. The German Arch-Humanist (New York, 1966).
3 Wimpfeling had influence on the development of German nationalism over a long period, born
earlier than Celtis and living later than Hutten. See J. Knepper, Jakob Wimpfeling (1450-1528): Sein
Leben und seine Werke, nach den Quellen dargestellt (Freiburg, 1902, rpt. Nieuwkoop, 1965).
4 Germ. 28.4.
5 D. Timpe, Arminius-Studien (Heidelberg, 1970); R. Kuehnemund, Arminius or the Rise of a
National Symbol in Literature (Chapel Hill, NC, 1953); F. I. Borchardt, German Antiquity in
Renaissance Myth (Baltimore, 1971).
Hutten spent time in Italy in 1515, where he became acquainted with the
text of Tacitus' Annales and closely studied Lucian's Dialogues of the
Dead. He also developed an almost vitriolic dislike of Italy and its people.
Lucian's twelfth Dialogue8 is set in the court of Minos, where Alexander,
Scipio, and Hannibal argue their respective positions in the ranking of
great generals. Hutten's dialogue revises Lucian's by introducing
Arminius into the discussion, thereby claiming for the Cheruscan a
place in world history. He is not ranked before the three greats of
Graeco-Roman history, but is added to them as one of the nonpareils of
military history. The participants in the Dialogus are Arminius, Minos,
Mercury, Alexander, Scipio, Hannibal, and Cornelius Tacitus. Armi-
nius begins by faulting Minos for not having considered him when
determining the best general. Arminius pleads his own case at great
length, with Tacitus called as witness to recite his judgement of him
from the end of Annales 2, and with virtuosic rhetorical skill wins his
case, so that Minos gives his final judgement with these words:
Necesse est vero hunc qui norunt Arminium, praeclaram ob indolem valde ament, proinde
auctum honore decet esse te, Germane, neque nos tuarum virtutum fas est unquam fieri
6 See A. Kohler, Karl V:1500-1558: eine Biographie (Munich, 1999); W. S. Maltby, The Reign of
Charles V (NewYork, 2002).
7 Hutten lived from 1488 to 1523; see H. Holborn, Ulrich von Hutten and the German Reformation
(London, 1937).
8 This is ?25 of M. D. Macleod's Loeb edition of Lucian, VII (London, 1961).
It is indeed necessary that all who know Arminius love him deeply because of his
splendid character, and further it is appropriate that you, German, be honoured, nor is it
right that we ever become forgetful of your excellent qualities.
This last recalls Tacitus' bitter comment upon the Romans' lack of
interest in contemporary and foreign events. Arminius is unknown to
them, dum vetera extollimus recentium incuriosi.9 Hutten's work was
published in 1538 and 1557 in Wittenberg (significant as the home of
Luther and Melanchthon!), but the first German translation did not
appear until 1815. Consequently, it was not widely known and was
accessible only to the educated.
It was Martin Luther himself who may have been the first to equate
the name Arminius with the German Hermann, thereby expanding his
popular appeal. In his discussion of the 82nd Psalm, Luther writes:
Herman, den die Latini ubel verkeren und Ariminium (sic) nennen, heist aber ein Heer
man, dux belli.
Herman, whom the Latins treat badly and call Ariminius (sic), is actually an Army man,
a leader of war.
9 Ann. 2.88.3.
10 For many aspects of Arminius' Nachleben, see R. Wiegels and W. Woesler (eds.), Arminius
und die Varusschlacht (Paderbom, 1995).
him. There is little ancient evidence about this woman; indeed, Tacitus
never identifies her by name. But clearly she was a true match for her
husband, a bold woman, ever the enemy of Rome, who became more
renowned in times much nearer our own than hers because of literature,
art, and music.'1
There is record of 75 operas on the Arminius theme, performed
between 1676 and 1910. Many were composed to the same libretto,
none is part of the repertory of any opera company. The titles present
the full range of people's views of the hero and those about him:
Arminius, der deutsche Erzheld, La Germania trionfante in Arminio,
Hermann und Varus, Hermann und Thusnelda, Hermann der Deutsche.
Few of the composers will be familiar even to a devoted student of
opera, but among them are Alessandro Scarlatti and Georg Friedrich
Handel. Complete recordings exist of only two, that of Heinrich Biber
from 1687 and Handel's (1737), which was issued by Sony in 2001. It is
a very strange opera, really more oratorio than opera, with several
peculiar twists to the story. But the music is indeed quite lovely.
I move now to the most visible evocation of Arminius/Hermann in the
nineteenth century, the great statue raised near Detmold in the Teuto-
burg Forest. Although it is not the German National Monument (that
distinction belongs to the Niederwalddenkmal of Germania near Rtides-
heim), it probably has the greatest resonance in the popular mind.
Surprisingly, it is the dream and work entirely of one man, a sculptor
named Ernst von Bandel, who, over decades, at great personal expense
and suffering, produced a monumental statue which was dedicated, in
the presence of the first German Emperor, in 1875, only a few years
after the humiliation of France and the establishment, under the impetus
of Bismarck, of a German nation.'2
There is a grand view from the top of the steep hill, with a vast
panorama of the thick forest. The spectator can then see all too clearly
how Varus could have been waylaid. The approach to the Hermanns-
denkmal, once the top of the hill has been achieved, is by a gently
sloping path, which brings the visitor to the rear of the statue. It is a most
imposing complex, some fifty metres high including the base; Arminius
himself wears a winged helmet and holds his right arm aloft. His right
11 H. W. Benario, 'Three Tacitean Women', in S. K. Dickison and J. P. Hallett (eds)., Rome and
her Monuments. Essays on the City and Literature of Rome in Honor of Katherine A. Geffcken
(Wauconda, IL, 2000), 595 ff.
12 T. Nipperdey, 'Nationalidee und Nationaldenkmal im 19. Jahrhundert, ' HZ 206 (1968),
529 iff. = Gesellschaft, Kultur, Theorie. Gesammelte Aufsdtze zur neueren Geschichte (G6ttingen, 1976),
133 ff., 432 ff.
hand holds a sword, raised on high, on the blade of which, on the two
sides, are the inscriptions, Deutsche Einigkeit meine Stdrke and Meine
Stdrke Deutschlands Macht (German unity is my strength, my strength is
Germany's might.) The blatant nationalism expressed on the sword is a
statement of the pride of the German Empire, a perfect expression of
the mood of Bismarck's Germany.
It was precisely at this period that Arminius' consort, Thusnelda,
received her greatest tribute. The finest description we have of her from
antiquity comes from Tacitus, where she is part of the entourage her
father Segestes, who loathed Arminius and had snatched his daughter
from her husband, brings with him to the protection of Germanicus and
the Romans.
13 Ann. 1.57.3.
14 K. Lankheit, Karl von Piloty Thusnelda im Triumphzug des Germanicus (Munich, 1984).
The careful work of the archaeologists has brought to light one of the
major sites of Roman Germany, which has become a tourist attraction of
considerable magnitude. On April 21, the birthday of Rome, in the year
2003, a new museum was opened to the public, where visitors can see