Working Principle of Transformer: The Working Procedure On How
Working Principle of Transformer: The Working Procedure On How
Working Principle of Transformer: The Working Procedure On How
Transformer is an electrical device that can be used to transfer the power from
one circuit and another circuit without physical contact and without changing
its characteristics like frequency, phase. It is an essential device in every
electrical network circuitry. It consists of majorly two circuits, namely primary
circuits and one or more secondary circuits. [The Working Procedure on How
Transformers Work - Types & Equations (]
E= N dϕ /dt
E = Induced EMF
dϕ = Change in flux
dt = Change in time
There are several transformer types used in the electrical power system for
different purposes, like in power generation, distribution and transmission and
utilization of electrical power. The transformers are classified based on
voltage levels, Core medium used, winding arrangements, use and installation
place, etc. Here we discuss different types of transformers are the step up and
step down Transformer, Distribution Transformer, Potential Transformer,
Power Transformer, 1-ϕ, and 3-ϕ transformer, Autotransformer, etc.
Step-Up Transformer
The voltage from the primary coil step-up
compared on the secondary coil.
Step-Down Transformer
From higher voltage to lower voltage
Transformer Based on the Core Medium Used
Based on the medium placed between the primary and secondary winding the
transformers are classified as Air core and Iron core
The difference of the standard transformer is the primary and
secondary winding are placed in two different directions while the
auto transformer the primary and secondary windings are
connected to each other in series both physically and
Transformers Based on Usage
According to the necessity, these are classified as the power transformer,
distribution transformer measuring transformer, and protection transformer.
Power Transformer
The power transformers are big in size. They are
suitable for high voltage (greater than 33KV) power
transfer applications. It used in power generation
stations and Transmission substations. It has a high
insulation level.
Distribution Transformer
In order to distribute the power
generated from the power generation
plant to remote locations, these
transformers are used. Basically, it is
used for the distribution of electrical
energy at low voltage is less than
33KV in industrial purpose and 440v-
220v for domestic purpose.
Protection Transformers
This type of transformers is used in component protection purposes. The
major difference between measuring transformers and protection transformers
is accuracy that means that the protection transformers should be accurate as
compared to measuring transformers.