Accenture Future Fintech Banking
Accenture Future Fintech Banking
Accenture Future Fintech Banking
of Fintech
and Banking:
Digitally disrupted
or reimagined?
Global investment in fintech ventures
tripled to $12.21 billion in 2014
2 2
Executive Summary
Investment in financial-technology recognise that merely navigating of legacy technology and managing
(fintech) companies grew by 201% waves of regulation and waiting a large infusion of new talent.
globally in 2014, compared to 63% for interest rates to rise won’t
growth in overall venture-capital protect them from obsolescence. Embracing these themes and creating
investments, confirming this sector the right foundations creates
as a hot ticket. Expectations for This Accenture report brings challenges to the rate of change
new digital start-ups in the industry together the views of 25 influential and approach to risk that are hard-
continue to swell, with the amount financial services executives wired into the way banks currently
of money flowing into first round involved in innovation, and adapt to innovation. This hands an
investments alone growing by 48%1. maps out the activities that advantage to challengers who only
established players have identified hit regulators’ radar once their new
It is clear that the digital revolution as necessary to allow them to business models have found ways to
in financial services is under way, disrupt their own business model cherry-pick services and customers.
but the impact on current banking rather than watch challenger Banks are anticipating this by
players is not as well defined. models disintermediate them. creating new businesses within their
Digital disruption has the potential existing structures that adapt and
to shrink the role and relevance of Openness, Collaboration and collaborate to meet these challenges
today’s banks, and simultaneously Investment are the critical themes and make better use, faster, of their
help them create better, faster, that emerge for existing banking enduring source of competitive
cheaper services that make them players if they are to benefit from advantage – customer insight.
an even more essential part of growth driven by new services and
everyday life for institutions and productivity. Banks also recognise Existing banks will know they
individuals. To make the impact two other fundamental steps are winning in digital when bank
positive, banks are acknowledging to ensuring that they are net valuations start to factor in the future
that they need to shake themselves winners from digital disruption: value of proven innovation, in addition
out of institutional complacency and successfully dealing with the issue to protecting the core franchise.
Investment ($M)
Deal Volume
digital revolution has arrived in the $10,000 650
$8,000 600
financial services sector. It is still $6,000
unclear whether this presents more $4,000 450
of a challenge or an opportunity for $2,000 350
the incumbents in the industry. But $ 300
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
established financial services players
are starting to take bold steps to Global - First Round Global - Non-First Round Global Deal Volume
Figure 3: How equipped do banks feel to address the challenges
associated with the next wave of digital innovations
80% 80%
60% 52%
56% 36% 60%
40% 36%
12% 24% 8% 20%
Technological Procurement Cultural Financial Talent/skills n Minimally equipped
challenges challenges challenges challenges n Somewhat equipped
Number of respondents = 25
12,000 700
Investment ($M)
Deal Volume
makes up the lion’s share, but Europe experienced 6,000
Whilst the UK and Ireland dominate Europe’s 600
fintech investment, the rest of Europe is showing 500
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
—— UK & Ireland —— Europe (ex UK & Ireland) —— Global —— Silicon Valley
n Banks lose market share
n Banks are dis-aggregated
n Financial services delivered at lower margin
56% n Core banking services are added to non-fs offerings
8% n Challengers acquired by incumbents
4% n All players position themselves to add-value
Number of respondents = 25
The FinTech Sachs, HSBC, Intesa Sanpaolo,
JP Morgan, Lloyds Banking Group,
Innovation Lab Morgan Stanley, Nationwide,
RBS, Santander and UBS.
The FinTech Innovation Lab is an Graduates of the programme
annual mentorship programme enjoy a number of successes.
for entrepreneurs and early-stage On average, London start-ups
companies that are developing grew staff numbers by 55% and
cutting-edge technologies for increased revenues by 170% since
the financial services sector. graduating from the programme.
The lab brings Chief Information The Lab also sets them up well to
Officers and senior IT decision raise significant levels of capital.
makers from the world’s leading To date, the 14 London graduates
financial services firms together have raised more than $35 million.
to mentor a handful of aspiring
entrepreneurs, and to refine
and test their propositions
over a three-month period.
The FinTech Innovation Lab began
in New York in 2010, founded
by the Partnership Fund for
New York City and Accenture.
In 2012, Accenture launched the
programme in London, and then
Hong Kong and Ireland in 2014.
In London, senior executives from
15 major global and domestic
banks participate, including Bank
of America, Barclays, Citi, Credit
Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman
Three behaviours enabling banks
to be digital winners
Our interviews and analysis system, unbundle relevant services, In the retail banking space, French
and build new services based upon bank Credit Agricole launched an
point to three behaviours the bank’s platform facilitating open API as early as 2012, enabling
in relation to fintech considerable innovation. The bank developers to build apps on top of
that banks believe could has also moved into partnership its services, and now has a range of
with foreign exchange specialist apps providing expense management,
allow them to reimagine Currency Cloud4 to offer a current social payment and finance analysis
themselves digitally: account product that can be viewed tools to customers7. Not far behind,
in seven currencies and offers BBVA launched the Innova Challenge8,
Act Open foreign exchange transactions. a competition that involves software
developers building new platforms
Open innovation is at the heart of Similarly, two former senior staff at and apps based on anonymised
the digital revolution, exemplified Simple, the online bank acquired by client data from the bank.
by the open source movement that Spain’s BBVA in 2014, have launched
has supported so much of the new a new business bank in the US called Possibly the biggest opportunity from
technology development in recent SEED which has a customisable taking an open approach to innovation
years. For large organisations this interface5 to better allow small is in the area of the Blockchain,
translates as a process of engaging businesses to develop their own the protocol that underpins the
with external technology solutions, tools and services. Firms have to distributed architecture of the Bitcoin
knowledge capital and resources apply for membership of the bank, at cryptocurrency. It is early days for
early on in an innovation process. which point they can use the bank’s cryptocurrencies, and it is unclear
Often it involves opening up the API to build their own banking tools. what the long-term effects of their
organisation’s own intellectual adoption will be on the financial
property (IP), assets and expertise to Established banks have also been services industry. However, it is clear
outside innovators to help generate getting in on the act, and the open that if established players are going
new ideas, change organisational approach to innovation is gaining to benefit from this revolutionary
culture, identify and attract new skills, significant popularity amongst the approach to finance, they will have to
and discover new areas for growth. survey respondents. Forty percent of engage with a much wider range of
the banks we surveyed already have technical specialists and developers
The open concept is embedded in some open technical innovation outside their own organisations.
many of the new fintech companies’ activities, while another 56% will
approaches. For example, Germany’s set one up in the next two years.
Fidor Bank has established FidorOS3, a
middleware with an open Application A great example in the capital
Programming Interface (API) that markets field is Goldman Sachs’
can connect to existing core banking placement of its proprietary source
platforms to offer a range of modern code on the online collaboration tool
services including lending money to GitHub6. This allows external coders
friends, sending money via Twitter and to try and optimise it, fostering
arranging an emergency 24-hour loan. competition amongst erstwhile
Goldman Sachs programmers
Their open API also allows third and while potentially seeing
parties to access all areas of the bank improvements from their efforts.
Collaborate The big challenge and services to be created when
combining the assets of two
The concepts of collaboration – or
for established industries. For instance, mBank,
“co-innovation” – are becoming players is their part of Commerzbank Group and
Poland’s fourth largest by capital11,
more important within the financial organisational partnered with telco Orange Polska
services and technology industries.
This is confirmed by the survey, culture’s ability to in 2014 to begin offering a joint
which reveals that three-fifths of adopt a collaborative (white-labelled) banking service
respondents support the “Digitally for phones and tablets. mBank is
Reimagined” scenario for the
approach with seeking to enhance mobile banking
future, where the addressable new innovators through an app that allows full
market for financial service grows and start-ups. online banking functionality using
a smartphone and a PIN code.
through complementary alliances
between different players.
Yet collaboration will need to The big challenge for established
Traditionally, financial services go a step further in future. In players is their organisational
incumbents have been comfortable order to maintain and grow culture’s ability to adopt a
partnering with others in their value in these times of change, collaborative approach with
own industry - especially where established players should look new innovators and start-ups.
there is an opportunity to share to collaborate more closely with Over half of the respondents to
processes or services that are those in different industries and the survey believe they should
considered “non-core”, and which with different outlooks to identify collaborate “fully” or “extensively”
help all collaborators either new ways to generate value. with other industries, while 80%
reduce their costs or create a believe the value in working with
new market opportunity. Collaborative engagement with start-ups is bringing new ideas
start-ups has already become to their business. Yet 56% claim
There are many examples of these particularly popular. Take the that organisational culture is the
partnerships in capital markets FinTech Innovation Lab model, which biggest area of their business
and retail banking, but the most brings together multiple banks to that needs to change in order to
commonly known examples collaborate and provide mentorship work effectively with start-ups.
are in the payments space. For to start-ups that could potentially
instance, MasterCard was founded help their businesses. And the
by a consortium of banks to FinTech Innovation Lab is not
support interbank card payments alone in this approach. In February
for consumers in 1966, having 2015, Australian banks helped to
realised the potential it had for set up a AUS$2million not-for-
customer service and spending. profit start-up centre in Sydney
Another is SWIFT, the interbank to support new fintech firms10.
payments network founded
in 1973, which functions as a Cross-industry collaboration is also
shared utility owned by banks, a crucial for future value generation.
communication standards authority Digital technologies thrive by
and connectivity systems provider9. enabling interesting products
Invest capital invested through their equity
stake, or as a measure of the value
A Desire to Reimagine
Venture investing has always generated for the parent business. Accenture believes that banks
been at the heart of the start-up have recognised the threat posed
While the former measure of ROI is
innovation model. But now more than by digital and that they are avidly
well understood, an investment return
ever, established financial services exploring the opportunities. They
here does not necessarily result in an
firms are taking this route to try have recognised that, as John F.
innovation for the parent business.
and generate innovation for their Kennedy once said, “Those who make
In fact, the two businesses may
business. Corporate venture arms are peaceful revolution impossible will
never collaborate, yet still an ROI on
used by one-third of the surveyed make violent revolution inevitable.”
paper is achieved. But, for the latter
bankers and further third expect to
approach, measuring the innovation Most have also concluded that we
launch one in the next two years.
value for the parent business, are only beginning to understand the
American Express, BBVA, HSBC, there is still no consensus amongst full impact of digital technologies
Santander and Sberbank have all corporate venture arms about how an on society, let alone in the financial
developed corporate investment equity stake can be translated into services space, and that for the
vehicles over the last four years, each improvements in innovation culture, most part early-stage fintech
with at least US$100 million to invest. technology or processes. There is also innovators need the support of
In February 2015 AXA, the insurance the risk that a strategic investment large established banks as much as
and investment management firm, will constrain the bank’s ability to those large organisations need the
launched a €200 million fund to act adopt new technology as it develops. start-ups’ new ideas and energy.
as “an accelerating force for start-up
The fact remains that innovative start- Furthermore, three-fifths of
companies” in its areas of business.
ups have a high innovation quotient, respondents said they were “somewhat”
As with all investments, however, but need capital, and established or “extensively” open to sacrificing
the value can go up as well as financial services firms have lots of revenue in order to move to new
down – and with venture investment capital, but need to increase their business models. And a further quarter
the risks are significantly higher ability to innovate. In such a situation were comfortable with this revenue
than when investing in established it is inevitable that we are now seeing sacrifice to a “minimal” degree.
businesses. Yet there is a further so much interest in financing fintech
complication for a corporate venture companies – and we do not see this Re-imagining a business model
arm, because the return on investment ending any time soon. What has yet to is exhilarating and exhausting.
can be measured in two ways: either be proved is how the innovation flows Many battles must be fought and
as a traditional direct return on back to those that are funding it. won to get momentum, to fail fast
and to learn from mistakes.
In conducting this research we have
discovered a committed sense of
purpose amongst leading bankers
to do just this and we hope the
FinTech Innovation Lab programme
has and will continue to justify
and reinforce this commitment.
Methodology The list of deals included are
This report used investment data dynamic and constantly changing, This report and the research would
from CB Insights, a global venture as new companies are added to not have been possible without
finance-data and analytics firm. the database; all publicly known the generous participation of
The analysis included global fund raises for a company, which many people from the financial
financing activity from venture can include earlier rounds, are services industry and beyond.
capital and private equity firms, back filled into the database.
corporations and corporate In addition to this data,
venture-capital divisions, Accenture conducted a survey
hedge funds, accelerators, and of 25 innovation-focused senior
government-backed funds. banking executives from across
The research also includes the banks that participate in
global exit activities of fintech the FinTech Innovation Lab
companies – including M&A London and Dublin. The banks
and IPOs – and a number of involved represent 40% of the
regional tracking dimensions. top 10 global banks by market
Fintech companies are defined capitalisation including two of the
as those that offer technologies world’s top five banks; however,
for banking and corporate these survey responses do not
finance, capital markets, financial represent a statistically significant
data analytics, payments and sample size, and should be used
personal financial management. only as an indicative guide.
CB Insights
About Accenture Authors
Accenture is a global management Julian Skan
consulting, technology services Managing Director
and outsourcing company, with Accenture Financial Services
approximately 319,000 people
serving clients in more than 120 James Dickerson
countries. Combining unparalleled Accenture Financial Services
experience, comprehensive Samad Masood
capabilities across all industries and Open Innovation Lead, UK&I
business functions, and extensive
research on the world’s most Key Contacts:
successful companies, Accenture
collaborates with clients to help Stephanie Lee
them become high-performance Marketing
businesses and governments. Accenture Financial Services
The company generated net revenues
of US$30.0 billion for the fiscal year Francois Luu
ended Aug. 31, 2014. Its home page Media and Analyst Relations
is Accenture Financial Services
For more information about the
FinTech Innovation Lab