SWOp CaseStudy EN
SWOp CaseStudy EN
SWOp CaseStudy EN
.moving ahead.
EMG Automation GmbH | Industriestraße 1 | D-57482 Wenden | Unternehmensgruppe
Tel: +49-2762-612-0 | Fax: +49-2762-612-237 | info@emg-automation.com | www.emg-automation.com
(HF) alternating light-measuring sensors it can predict malfunctions and offers of about 950 tons per year. Material
that are insensitive to ambient light which, opportunities for timely intervention. that does not have to be paid for and
by means of adjustable slides, are movable processed, or ends up as scrap. In this
and steadily follow the respective strip respect an investment in BREIMO and
edge. The traverse path of each adjustable In operation SWOp pays for itself in significantly
slide is determined without contact and „All the expectations of the system have less than 6 months.
the actual width of the running strip is been fully met,“ reports Dr. Peters, head
calculated from the positional difference. of surface coating and annealing at In addition, all recorded measurement
Each measuring sensor is equipped with ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe in Dortmund. results flow into the quality management
a reference receiver which detects the „The scrap output for hot-dip coating line system (QMS). Each measured meter
background brightness of the HF light 8 has been minimized, whereby we have of strip delivers 270 meters of measured
source. Deviations in measurement due to been able to achieve tremendous savings. data. Aside from increasing the produc
contamination are thus compensated for. The operation of the line has increased tivity of the line, the consumption of
Influences by external light sources are in its safety and the staff is greatly operating materials such as acid, roller
eliminated through the use of HF-light relieved. Moreover, the cooperation and materials and zinc were significantly re
transmitters and receivers. The measuring communication with EMG was and is duced – savings that also especially benefit
accuracy of BREIMO in this case is ± 0.5 always constructive and successful.“ the environment.
mm, but can be delivered at even higher
specifications in a model with accuracies
up to ± 0.3 mm. „All the expectations of Outlook
the system have been fully Due to the similarity to the set of
First, the average deviation of the supplied problems the system was designed not
width from the ordered width and the
met. The cooperation and only for hot-dip coating line 8, but also
contraction in the particular production communication with for the continuous annealing line. In
line for the most diverse materials are EMG was and is always the meantime it could also be put into
determined with the system. From this constructive and successful.“ operation there. The transfer to other
data the reserve is then determined for lines at ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe
the customer ordered width, allowing for Dr. Klaus Josef Peters is tested and gradually initiated by
the strictly observed minimum trimming the Process Technology department
span. This minimal additional margin is that was created exclusively for
extremely important for the function of The installation situation on hot-dip coating such purposes. A visible step in this
the trimming shears. If it gets too small, line 8 presented no special challenges to the direction is the now completed third
it can lead to damage to the cutting tools measurement systems. The connection of installation of the EMG-SWOp solution
and thus to a complete line shutdown. the plant to the control system took place at hot-dip galvanizing line 7 (FBA 7) in
via Profibus-DP (Profibus for Decentralized Bochum. The system has thus proven
Through the combination of installing Peripherals). The installation went quite itself and paid for itself in a short time
the BREIMO width measurement smoothly and without any negative impact at various facilities at ThyssenKrupp Steel
system along with the SWOp data on production and output, since the Europe.
processing and visualization, strip regularly scheduled plant shutdowns were
widths smaller than the minimum used for this. The optimization of strip width with
trimming span are now reliably EMG-BREIMO and EMG-SWOp is worth
detected. The equipment operator After a six-month period of while wherever strip material is trimmed
receives an early warning signal data collection the processes at and a trimming span that is too narrow
that allows him to direct the strip ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe with would result in plant problems. In addition,
to a rewinder unit where still BREIMO and SWOp have meanwhile strip width inspection at the intake allows
smaller trimming is possible. With the been optimized to the extent that for evaluation of the delivered strip width
EMG system, risk management is thereby the ordered width could be reduced on the pre-aggregate side (e.g. hot rolling
possible for the first time for deviations on average by around 3 mm. This mill, pickling line, tandem) and thus an
in width at hot-dip coating line 8, as represents a considerable quantity optimization of the ordered width.
.moving ahead.
EMG Automation GmbH | Industriestraße 1 | D-57482 Wenden | Unternehmensgruppe
Tel: +49-2762-612-0 | Fax: +49-2762-612-237 | info@emg-automation.com | www.emg-automation.com