Contract s14 2013
Contract s14 2013
Contract s14 2013
(In words: Dollars One hundred four thousand six hundred forty five and thirty five cents only.)
Shipment: by sea not later than 30 days from the L/C day.
Loading port: China Port to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Partial shipment: Allowed Transshipment: Allowed
Within 15 days from B/L date, the Seller has to fax to the Buyer the signed shipping documents.
1/3 Original B/L plus one set of non- negotiable shipping documents have been sent directly to the
applicant by express courier within 21 days from B/L date.
100% total of contract by L/C in USD before shipment through ASIA COMMERCIAL BANK
Beneficiary : KLIPSCH GROUP INC.
Advising bank : JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
Required shipping documents:
1. Signed commercial Invoice in triplicate. C/O Form E
2. 2/3 set of “Clean Ship on board” ocean Bill of Lading, made out to order of issuing bank and notify the
3. Detailed Packing List in triplicate original.
4. Quality and quantity certificate in triplicate issued by the Manufacturer or the Seller.
5. Copy of fax to the buyer advising of the particulars of shipment ( vessel name, B/L date, B/L No.,
description of goods, L/C No., invoice value, port of loading, ETA, ETD).
6. Beneficiary’s certificate that 1/3 Original B/L plus one set of non-negotiable shipping documents has been
sent to the issuing bank and one set non-negotiable documents to the applicant by express courier within 15
days from B/L date.
If the goods have to be inspected a representative from the forwarder have to be present as a representative of
The goods supplied by the Seller under this contract are guaranteed against defects in workmanship or materials
for the period of 12 months from the B/L date.
In the event that the Seller fails to deliver the gods under this contract on due time, the Buyer will have the right
to penalty in the amount equivalent to 1% of delayed portion value per a week of delay but totally not exceed
3% total value contract. Telegraphic transfer to the buyer’s Bank shall effect payment for the penalty at the
same time.
In case of dispute, it is first mutually discussed of the basic of mutual respect and benefits. if it is beyond
discussion, the case shall be referred to VietNam International Arbitration Center next to the Chamber of
Commerce and Industry of Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City. The decision of this Center shall be final and binding
upon parties. The arbitration fees shall be born by the losing party.