Effect of Particle Crushing On Shear Strength and

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Effect of Particle Crushing on Shear Strength and Dilation Characteristics of

Sand-Gravel Mixtures

Article  in  International Journal of Civil Engineering · March 2009


29 1,791

3 authors, including:

Amir Hamidi Sadra Soleimani

Kharazmi University International Black Sea University


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Effect of Particle Crushing on Shear Strength and Dilation
Characteristics of Sand-Gravel Mixtures
A. Hamidi1,*, M. Alizadeh2, S.M. Soleimani2
Received: September 2008, Accepted: January 2009

Abstract: There are limitations in experimental studies on sand-gravel mixtures due to the small size of testing
specimens. Due to this problem, many researchers have worked on prediction of the shear strength of mixture by testing
the sandy fraction of soil alone and developed empirical relationships. Most of the previous relationships have been
determined for low surcharge pressures in which particle breakage does not affect the shear strength parameters.
However, the particle breakage affects the relationships in higher confinements. At the present study, the results of
large scale direct shear tests on sand and sand-gravel mixtures was used to investigate the shear behavior and
dilatancy characteristics in a wider range of surcharge pressures. The gravel content, relative density, surcharge
pressure and gravel grain size were considered as variables in testing program. The relationships between shear
strength characteristics of sand and sand-gravel mixtures were determined considering dilation characteristics of the
soil. In this regard, the minimum void ratio was found as a useful indirect index that relates uniquely to the critical
state friction angle independent of soil gradation. The relations between critical state or peak friction angles of the
mixture with minimum void ratio were determined as a function of surcharge pressure. The correlations could be useful
for determination of the strength parameters of sand-gravel composites by testing sandy fraction of mixture.
Keywords: sand-gravel mixture, direct shear tests, dilation, friction angle, surcharge pressure, particle crushing
effects, minimum void ratio.

1. Introduction particles on the overall density of sandy soil.

They defined the concepts of near and far field
The laboratory studies on coarse grained density. The near field density was defined as the
granular soils posses a problem due to the small density of soil matrix adjacent to the oversized
dimensions of test specimens. In most cases, the particles. Also the far filed density was defined as
maximum grains size is limited to 10 mm and the density of the soil matrix at a distance further
tests perform on finer fraction of the soil which is away from the oversized particles. It was showed
usually called scalping method. Also in some that the static strength of the mixture is governed
other cases, a parallel gradation curve is used as by the far filed density when the oversized
representative of the original soil named as particles are floated in finer matrix. They also
parallel gradation method. However, in both reported that the increase in gravel content
methods a fraction of the soil should be ignored decreases the far field density of the soil and the
which can affect the mechanical properties. shear strength of the mixture. This was later
Another alternative is using the large scale showed for the cyclic shear strength of sand-
triaxial or direct shear test which allows testing gravel composites by Evans and Zhou [3].
soils with larger particles and determination of Many other researchers showed the increase in
the shear strength parameters. These tests have the static shear strength of sand-gravel
been used by several researchers to investigate composites in floating state by the increase in
the mechanical behavior of coarse grained soils. gravel content, for example Yagiz [4], Valejo [5]
Fragaszy et al. [1, 2] used large scale triaxial and Kokusho et al. [6].
tests to investigate the effect of oversized One of the ways for determination of the shear
strength of coarse grained soil is development of
* Corresponding author: Fax:(+9821) 88329213, Email: correlations between the mechanical parameters
hamidi@tmu.ac.ir, of the mixture and its finer fraction. This method
1 Assistant Professor of Geotechnical Engineering, Civil,
has been concerned for sand-gravel mixtures by
Engineering Division, School of Engineering, Tarbiat
Moallem (Khwarizmi) University, Mofatteh Street, Simoni and Houlsby [7] according to the
Tehran, Iran. previous studies of Bolton [8, 9] on sandy soils.
2 Graduate Student, School of Engineering, Tarbiat Bolton [8] investigated the strength and dilatancy
Moallem University, Tehran, Iran. characteristics of sands by collecting the

International Journal of Civil Engineerng. Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2009 61

extensive data of 17 sands in axisymmetric and about 150 kPa, allowing dilation to be treated as
plane strain tests in different relative densities a function only of relative density below this
and confinements. It was stated that the stress. However, the particle breakage occurs in
maximum friction angle of sandy soil ( ϕ max ) is a higher surcharge pressures strongly affects the
function of the critical state or constant volume relation between shear strength and dilatancy of
friction angle ( ϕ cv ) which is itself a function of sand or sand-gravel mixtures. In this case, the
soil mineralogy, and the maximum dilation angle amount of surcharge pressure should also be
(ψ max ) that is dependent on the relative density considered besides the relative density in the
and confining pressure as shown in equation (1): relationships.
In this paper, the results of large scale direct
ϕ max = ϕ cv + 0.8 ψ max (1) shear tests are used to consider the effects of
surcharge pressure and relevant particle crushing
Bolton [8] defined a new index ( I R ) in terms on shear strength and dilatancy relationships of
of relative density ( Dr ) in percents and effective sand-gravel mixture. The tests are performed
confining level in failure ( p′ ) in kPa and related under surcharge values more than of 150 kPa
it to equation (1) for plane strain condition by the which are beyond of the beginning limit of
following equations: particle breakage. The method proposed by
Simoni and Houlsby [7] and Bolton [8, 9] are
I R = Dr (10 − Ln ( p′)) − 1 (2) used to analyze the data and the mentioned
effects are encountered in formulations.

ϕ max − ϕ cv = 0.8ψ max = 5I R (3) 2. Experimental studies

Twenty years later, Simoni and Houlsby [7] The uniform, clean, quartz beach sand with
used this approach to present similar correlations sub-rounded to sub-angular grains from the
for sand-gravel mixtures. They used the original shores of Caspian Sea was used as the base
method of Bolton [8] to relate the shear strength material in the tests. Rounded gravel grains with
of mixture to associated values for finer fraction maximum grain sizes of 12.5 and 25.4 mm were
of the soil. In their research, the large scale direct used as oversized particles for mixing with base
shear apparatus was used to identify the shear soil. As a result two sand-gravel mixtures with
strength of sandy soil mixed with gravel content different gravel grain sizes were considered in
up to 60 percents which was the threshold value testing program. The gravel grains were mixed
for floating state of oversized particles. They with the base sand in three weight percentages of
modified the original index proposed by Bolton 20, 40 and 60. Figure 1 shows the gradation
[8] for sand-gravel mixtures using the minimum curves of the sand-gravel mixtures with
void ratios of sand (e min, sand ) and mixture maximum gravel grain sizes of 12.5 and 25.4
( emin, mixture ) as follows: mm. The maximum and minimum void ratios
were determined for different mixtures according
I R,mixture = 5 D r ,mixture − (1 − 4 .3 ( emin,s and − emin, mixture )) (4) to ASTM-D4253 and ASTM-D4254 and the
specific gravity values for sand and sand-gravel
The modified index can be used in equation (3) mixtures have been determined according to
to determine the shear strength of mixture. The ASTM-D854. Table 1 shows the main properties
direct shear tests reported by Simoni and Houlsby of soils used in present study.
[7] were all conducted under a constant surcharge Figure 2 shows the variation of maximum void
pressure of approximately 90 kPa which was less ratio (emax,mixture) and minimum void ratio
than the beginning limit of particle breakage ( emin, mixture ) with gravel content for the mixtures
effect. Bolton [8, 9] observed that the tendency contain gravel grains with maximum size of 12.5
for particles to crush under shear is not and 25.4 mm. The figure demonstrates that the
appreciable when the mean shear is lower than threshold gravel content for the floating state is

62 International Journal of Civil Engineerng. Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2009

Max. Grain Size, 12.5 mm
100 1
12.5 mm
Sand + 20% gravel 25.4 mm
P ercent finer by weight (%)

80 0.8
Sand + 40% gravel
Sand + 60% gravel

em in ,mix ture



0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0
Grain Size (mm) 0 20 40 60 80 100
Gravel cont ent (% )
Max. Gravel Size, 25.4 mm
100 1
Gravel 12.5 mm
sand + 20% gravel 25.4 mm
P ercent finer by weight (%)

80 0.8
sand + 40% gravel
sand + 60% gravel

e m ax,m ix ture


0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0
Grain size (mm) 0 20 40 60 80 100

Fig.1 Gradation curves of different sand-gravel Gravel content (% )

Fig.2 Maximum and minimum void ratios of different
Table 1 Properties of soils used in present study
Soil Maximum D60 (mm) D10(mm) Coefficient of Specific Table.2 Variables considered at the testing program
grain uniformity, Cu gravity, G s
size (mm)
Sand 1.2 0.28 0.16 1.75 2.74 Variable unit Values
Gravel No. 1 12.5 1.14 0.98 1.16 2.64 Grave l content % 0, 20, 40, 60
Gravel No. 2 25.4 2.28 1.96 1.16 2.64
Grave l size mm 12.5, 25.4
Relative density % 35, 60, 85
about 60 percents. The oversized particles are Overburden pressure kPa 150, 300, 450
floated in sandy matrix without considerable
contact in gravel contents less than 60 percents.
Increasing the gravel content from this value, method in three layers were 35, 60 and 85
results in a firm contact of gravel particles percents.
together and non-floated state for the mixture. Figures 3 and 4 show typical results of direct
shear tests on sand-gravel mixtures with
3. Direct shear tests maximum gravel grain size of 12.5 mm for two
gravel contents of 20 and 60 in relative densities
Consolidated-drained large scale direct shear of 35, 60 and 85 percents under a surcharge
tests were conducted on completely dry samples. pressure of 450 kPa. The figures include
The size of shear box apparatus was about variations of normalized shear stress, dilation and
300*300*170 mm. Table 2 summarizes the dilation rate with shear displacement. As the
variables considered in experimental study. The figures show, the peak shear strength increases
vertical surcharge pressures of 150, 300 and 450 with increase in relative density which is mainly
kPa were used and the relative densities of attributed to an increase in contribution of
samples which were prepared by dry compaction dilatancy to shear resistance.

A. Hamidi, M. Alizadeh, S.M. Soleimani 63

Fig.4 Large scale direct shear test results on sand
mixed with 60% gravel in different relative densities under
Fig.3 Large scale direct shear test results on sand a surcharge pressure of 450 kPa
mixed with 20% gravel in different relative densities under
a surcharge pressure of 450 kPa friction angle should be determined. The method
The angle of dilationan( ψ =) has been computed used for estimation of each mentioned parameter
using the shear displacements (u) and vertical is presented in the following sections.
displacements (v) by the following equation:
dv 4.1 Constant volume or critical state friction angle
tanψ = (5) ( ϕ cv )

The maximum rate of dilation was found to The critical state friction angle shows the shear
coincide, as expected, with the peak value of the strength of soil mass that is continuously
normalized shear strength as shown in figures. It deforming at constant volume, constant normal
was used to determine the maximum angle of effective stress, constant shear stress and constant
dilationan( ψ =max). rate of shear strain as defined by Poulos et al.
[10]. It is an important parameter both in design
4. Analysis of results and interpretation of shear test results. Haeri and
Hamidi [11] showed that the critical state of
In order to investigate the shear strength and gravely sands occurs in axial strains of 20
dilatancy characteristics for sand-gravel mixtures percents and more in triaxial condition. At the
considered in this study, and considering the present study, the direct shear tests continued up
effect of different variables on them, some to shear strains about 15 percents. As a result,
parameters like the constant volume or critical there is some difference between the friction
state friction angle besides dilatancy and peak angle determined using ultimate stresses and the

64 International Journal of Civil Engineerng. Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2009

Fig.5 Determination of constant volume friction angle
for different sand-gravel mixtures under a surcharge
pressure of 300 kPa

Fig.6 Results of critical state friction angle

determination versus gravel fraction for different surcharge
corresponding values in different surcharge
pressures shows that the critical state friction
angle decreases with the increase in surcharge
Fig.7 The relation between constant volume friction pressure. This can be related to the particle
angle and minimum void ratio for different mixtures
crushing effects and the associated change in soil
critical state one. In this regard, another method gradation.
is used for determination of the critical state Using the same data, the variation of the
friction angle of sand-gravel mixtures based on critical state friction angle ( ϕ cv ) with the
the results of tests in different densities. minimum void ratio (emin,mixture) is plotted in
In this method, the peak friction angle values figure 7 for different mixtures. As the figure
of sand-gravel mixtures determined in different shows, with some scatter, critical state friction
densities ( ϕ max ) are plotted against maximum angle can uniquely be correlated to minimum
dilatancy angles (ψ max ) and the best fit line is void ratio for mixtures with different gravel
drawn, giving ϕ cv as the shearing resistance of a content and grain size. This is in agreement with
sample which would exhibit zero dilatancy at the results of Simoni and Houlsby [7] that
failure. The method requires at least two shear introduced the minimum void ratio as a useful
tests at different densities. Figure 5 shows the index that relates uniquely to the critical state
application of this method for sand mixed with friction angle for mixtures with different
20, 40 and 60 percents of gravel grains with gradation. This characteristic is mainly used in
maximum grain size of 12.5 mm under a empirical relationships of the present study to
surcharge pressure of 300 kPa. relate the strength and dilatancy characteristics of
Figure 6 shows the variation of the critical the sand and sand-gravel mixtures.
state friction angle with gravel content for
mixtures considered in present study. The figure 4.2 Peak friction and dilatancy angle ( ϕ max ,:ψ max )
shows different relations for mixtures due to the
difference in gravel grains size. The critical state The equation (1) proposed by Bolton [8] for
friction angle increases with gravel size and sandy soils can not be fitted to the experimental
gravel content. Also comparison of the results on sand-gravel mixtures. Also the

A. Hamidi, M. Alizadeh, S.M. Soleimani 65

modification proposed by Simoni and Houlsby shear strength and dilatancy parameters. Using
[7] did not include the effects of particle breakage linear regression passing through the origin and
due to the increase in surcharge pressure. In order described by the following equation, a
to consider these effects, a step by step progressive increase in b value with surcharge
calculation is performed which is illustrated in pressure is observed.
this section.
At the first step, the relation between shear ϕ max − ϕ cv = bψ max (6)
strength and dilatancy with relative density of the
soil are considered. These are shown in figures 8 Figure 11 shows the variation of b coefficient
and 9 in terms of ϕ max − ϕ cv : Dr and :ψ max : Dr with gravel content for different surcharge
respectively. In each curve, the variation with pressures. It should be noted that the data for two
surcharge pressure is presented to show the effect mixtures are considered together on the same plot
of resulted grain crushing on the relation. The in these figures. Figure 11 implies a reduction in
results of tests on each mixture are generally proportion coefficient b with gravel content, from
consistent in both spaces showing an increase in original value of 0.8 in Bolton's [8] equation for
ϕ max − ϕ cv : and reduction in maximum dilatancy pure sand, which is also shown in this figure. It
angle (:ψ max ) with surcharge pressure. The scatter should be highlighted that although the
is mainly attributed to the consideration of results contribution of the dilation on the shear strength
of tests on mixtures with different gravel content decreases with the increase in gravel fraction, the
in the same plot. shear strength of sand-gravel mixture usually
At the second step, by eliminating the relative increases by addition of the gravel content [7, 12,
density (: Dr ) between two relationships of figures 13 and 14]. This can be related to the
8 and 9, the plot of ϕ max − ϕ cv :ψ max is determined corresponding increase of the constant volume
and is shown in figure 10 for different mixtures. friction angle ( ϕ cv ) and maximum angle of
This plot shows the form of Bolton's [8] equation dilation)(/ψ max ) with increase in gravel content and
for sand-gravel mixtures as the relation between their contribution in shear strength of mixture.

kPa kPa
kPa kPa
kPa kPa

kPa kPa
kPa kPa

Fig.8. Variation of ϕ max − ϕ cv :with relative density for Fig.9 Variation of maximum dilatancy b(ψ max ) with
different surcharge pressures relative density for different surcharge pressures

66 International Journal of Civil Engineerng. Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2009



Fig.10 Bolton's [8] equation for sand-gravel mixtures Fig.12 Effect of surcharge pressure and relevant
tested under different surcharge pressures particle crushing on maximum friction angle for different

besides ϕ cv ,)/ψ max and (ϕ max − ϕcv )/ψ max ratio (b).
Finally figure 13 shows failure envelopes of
sand-gravel mixture with maximum gravel grain
size of 25.4 mm in different relative densities. As
figure shows the envelope moves up with
increase in relative density. However, its slope
decreases as surcharge pressure increases. The
slope of failure envelope is an indicator of
maximum friction angle. As a result it can be
concluded that increase in surcharge pressure
Fig.11 Variation of b coefficient with minimum void slightly decreases the maximum friction angle
ratio for different surcharge pressures value. This phenomenon can directly be related to
particle crushing and its major effect on shear
Figure 12 shows the variation of maximum strength characteristics of sand-gravel mixtures.
friction angle ( ϕ max ) with relative density for
different mixtures tested under two surcharge 5. Empirical equations
pressures of 300 and 450 kPa. As the figure
shows, the maximum friction angle increases In this part, simple empirical equations are
with gravel content and relative density. sought to describe the strength characteristics of
However, it decreases with increase in surcharge the sand when mixed with gravel grains. Such
pressure. This reduction can be related mainly to equations may be applicable to other similar
the particle crushing effects take place under materials. Since shear tests on coarse granular
higher surcharge pressures. It can be concluded soils are difficult, expressions are sought which
that the overall trend in ϕ max results from a could be useful for practical purposes, i.e.
combination of changes in surcharge pressure relations based on easily measurable parameters.

A. Hamidi, M. Alizadeh, S.M. Soleimani 67

Fig.13 Failure envelope of sand-gravel mixtures in different relative densities

As indicated in figure 7, there is a unique ϕcv , mixture − ϕcv ,s and = I s ( emin, sand − emin, mixture ) (7)
relationship between minimum void ratio
( emin, mixture ) and critical state or constant volume In this equation, Is is a function of surcharge
friction angle ( ϕ cv,mixture ) for mixtures with pressure which includes relevant effects of
different gradations. By considering the particle crushing on the relationship and is defied
difference between minimum void ratios of sand- as follows for different mixtures:
gravel mixtures and pure sandy soil
Is = σv
( emin, sand − emin, mixture ), it is possible to obtain a (8)
unique relationship describing the variation of
ϕ cv, mixture for mixtures with different gradations. The value of surcharge pressure ( σ v ) should be
This is performed in figure 14 for mixtures tested considered in kPa at this equation. The equation
under different surcharge pressures. As the figure proposed by Simoni and Houlsby [7] that
shows, the relation is independent of the gravel
content and grain size and is unique for different
gradations. However, the surcharge pressure
affects the relationship between critical state
friction angle and minimum void ratio of the soil.
Using a simple linear regression to data
presented in the figures, the following equation
can be determined which illustrates the variations
of the critical state or constant volume friction
angle of sand-gravel mixture ( ϕ cv,mixture ) based on
the corresponding value for sandy soil (ϕ cv, sand ).
Different and more complex regression types can
be used to receive a better fit, but is hardly Fig.14 Empirical equation describing the variation of
justified by the data. constant volume friction angle of different mixtures with
minimum void ratio

corresponds to surcharge pressure of 90 kPa is
also included in this figure. The amount of
particle crushing increases with increase in
surcharge pressure. This shows direct relation of
these two parameters together. Indeed the effects
of particle crushing are considered by surcharge
pressure value in suggested empirical equation.
To describe the complex interactions ruling the
dilatancy contribution to the peak friction angle
( ϕ max − ϕ cv ), involving peak dilatancy angle ( ψ max
), relative density ( Dr ) and surcharge pressure
( σ v ), the Bolton's [8] equation is considered
again as starting point and is modified as
required. Equation (3) effectively relates three
interdependent variables ϕ max − ϕ cv , ψ max and Dr .
There is different ways to fit the experimental
data to a correlation. The procedure adopted here
is using simple linear regression applied to the
data pertaining to any particular mixture in each
of the different planes, ( ϕ max − ϕ cv : ψ max ), ( Dr
: ψ max ) and ( Dr : ϕ max − ϕ cv ). The coefficients
obtained (slope and/or intercepts) for each
mixture have been plotted against difference
between minimum void ratios ( emin, sand − e min,mixture )
and then regression analysis used to find an
appropriate expression for the variations. The
variation with surcharge pressure ( σ v ) is also
considered on each plane to determine the
changes in slope and intercept of the regression Fig.15 Variation of b coefficient with surcharge
fitting lines with these parameters. pressure and relative density
In this regard, Bolton's [8] was modified by contribution of dilation in shear strength of
substituting for the constant 0.8 an expression mixture. The fitting lines have an intercept of 0.8;
describing the variation of the b coefficient in hence equation (9) reduces to Bolton's [8]
equation 6 as follows: original equation when no gravel is present.
The relative density and surcharge has to be
ϕ max, mixture − ϕcv ,mixture = [0. 8 − (3 − 0 . 003σ v )⋅ (emin, sand − emin, mixture )]⋅ψ max (9) related simultaneously to ϕ max − ϕ cv and ψ max . It is
expected that equation (3) proposed by Bolton [8]
In this equation, σ v is the surcharge pressure in changes to the following form to account for the
kPa. The procedure follows the earlier surcharge pressure and relevant effects of particle
observation that the minimum void ratio provides breakage:
a useful index that related well to the critical state
friction angle independent of soil gradation. (ϕ max − ϕ cv ) mixture = b ψ max = 5 I R, S (10)
Figure 15 shows the trend of coefficient b
showed in equation 9 with emin, sand − e min,mixture for IR,S is the modified value of IR suggested by
different relative densities and surcharge Simoni and Houlsby [7] in equation 4 for
pressures. Again, data for mixtures with different surcharge pressure and relevant to the slopes of
gradations are used in this figure. As shown in linear regression in planes ( ϕ max − ϕ cv :IR,S) and
the figure, the b value increases with increase in ( ψ max :IR,S). This relationship is obtained by fitting
surcharge pressure which shows the more the experimental data points in the mentioned

A. Hamidi, M. Alizadeh, S.M. Soleimani 69

planes resulting in the following equation:

[ ]
I R,S = 5 D r ,mixture − 1 + (4 .5 − 0. 006σ v )⋅ (emin, sand − emin, mixture ) (11)

In this equation, σ v is the surcharge pressure in

kPa. This completes the relationships between
considered variables, since the same term appears
on the left hand side of equations 9 and 10. The
empirical equations 7 to 11 are valid in a wide
range of surcharge pressures in which particle
crushing occurs. They allow prediction of the
peak friction angle of sand-gravel mixture in
which the gravel fraction is low enough to exist Fig.16 Comparison between measured peak friction
in a non-floating state; i.e. below the fraction angles and predicted values from proposed empirical
giving the lowest− e min,mixture . relationships
To make the predictions, simple tests are of the shear and deformation characteristics of
required which can be performed using simple such material is important for practical
apparatus. They include shear testing of sand as applications such as embankments and road
the reference material to determine ϕ cv, sand and construction. However, the specimen size
measuring the minimum void ratio of the matrix limitation becomes a problem in conducting
soil ( emin, sand ) and sand-gravel mixture −( e min,mixture ). standard shear tests and determination of the
As a result no shear test is performed on sand- shear strength.
gravel mixtures and the oversized particles are no In the present study, the results of large scale
more problematic. It should be noted that if, direct shear tests are used to investigate the shear
alternatively, the predicted ϕ max is calculated by strength and dilatancy characteristics of sand-
means of equations 7 and 9, a better fit to the gravel mixtures. Two different gravel grains with
strength can be achieved, but this procedure is maximum grain size of 12.5 and 25.4 mm were
not practical, since the maximum dilation at added in three different contents of 20, 40 and 60
failure ( ψ max ) requires an experimental weight percents to sandy soil, and the mixtures
measurement. As a result, equations 7 and 10 were tested. The direct shear tests were
would be more practical for determination of the conducted under three different surcharge
maximum friction angle. pressures of 150, 300 and 450 kPa to consider the
Figure 16 compares the results of empirical effects of particle crushing on the results.
equations 7, 10 and 11, in terms of ϕ max with The addition of coarse particles to sand causes
experimentally measured values for tests in several effects to the structure of resulting
different relative densities under different material. It reduces the minimum void ratio of the
surcharge pressures. The results show a good mixtures up to a gravel fraction about 60%,
agreement and are mainly around the 1:1 line which is the threshold limit of floating state for
with low error less than about 3º. According to oversized particles in sandy matrix. The
the figure, the empirical relations can predict the minimum void ratio can be considered as a useful
shear strength of mixtures in a wide range of index of gradation to correlate the constant
densities and surcharge pressures. volume friction angle of sand-gravel mixture to
that of sandy soil. Using the results of the
6. Summary and conclusion experimental study, empirical relationships
adopted focusing on the maximum and critical
The sandy soils including gravel size particles state friction angles of the mixture and
are quite common in nature. Furthermore, the use consideration of the surcharge pressure and
of natural or artificial fills containing coarse relative density. Based on these correlations, the
grains is increasing. As a result, the investigation shear strength characteristics of the mixture can

be determined based on the corresponding values (2004). "Undrained shear strength of
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A. Hamidi, M. Alizadeh, S.M. Soleimani 71


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