Tugas 2
Tugas 2
Tugas 2
Class : LE 01
Comparison Table
Opening A hook statement; the A hook question; Speaker’s Greetings; Presentation’s coverage; a
services’ purposes. introduction; Presentation’s hook statistic; the problems with
coverage. today’s energy.
Middle/Body Things that are covered Reasons and benefits of Solar system; issues of today’s
by the services; consuming nutritional batteries; a product that can solve the
Benefits of getting the supplements; Essential existing problems and deficiencies;
services. nutritional supplements; the product’s informations; how the
Recommended and product can impact the world
unrecommended things for positively; the order and shipping
your health; How to store process of the product; the amount of
nutritional supplements; products installment needed for
certain circumstances.
Closing/Ending Good and bad news Invitation to take nutrional How the product can make a world
regarding Sri Lanka’s supplements; Places where full of renewable energy; the
healthcare; Invitation to to buy the supplements; the establishment of the product’s
get their services. speaker’s business and its factories; Invitation to take a part in
product’s informations. building similar concept.
Pitch/Intonation Good stable pitch and Variety uses of pitch and Variety uses of pitch and intonation
Variety intonation. intonation. (stammering words occasionally).
Clarity: Good articulation and Native pronounciation and Native pronounciation and clear but
Articulation intelligible. intelligible. there are some parts of the speech
that were incomprehensible.
Delivery: Fluency Eloquent (did not Eloquent but stumble on his The speaker stumbled on his words
stumble on her words). words in some occasions. in some occasions (especially in the
Accuracy: A few repeated words A wide range of vocabulary. A wide range of vocabulary, The
Structure, that can be varied; Lack The speaker has included transition between the opening,
Vocabulary of conclusion in the necessary things in opening, body, and closing need to be more
closing part. middle-part, and closing. refined to minimize confusion.
Audience contact A good eye-contact A good eye-contact but A good eye-contact without turning
without turning his occasionally appeared to be his back to the audience.
back to the audience. looking at a script.
Interest Can not be fully Can not be fully determined The speaker was not only delivering
determined but the but the speaker has a good his ideas, but he also brought the
speaker has a positive understanding and products to show them to the
approach to the knowledge of the materials audiences, which means that the
materials. he was presenting. speaker is interested to the topic.
Assurance/confiden Confidence (no excess Confidence (no excess Confidence but occasionally, he
ce movements or shaking). movements or shaking). seemed to be nervous (stuttering).
Body Language
Stance and posture Firm and composed. Firm and composed. Firm and enthusiast.
Hands Did not move abrubtly. Did not move abrubtly. Did not move abrubtly.
Facial expression Confidence. Confidence and persuasive. Happy, confidence, and eager.
Visual Aids
Number Two types (pictures and One type (pictures). Four types (pictures, graphs, videos,
graphs). and product).
Design Simple and attractive. Unique and attractive. Simple and powerful.
Relevance with the Help audiences to Help audiences to Help audiences to understand the
main theme understand the content understand the content of content of the presentation and to
of presentation. the presentation. support his ideas.
Frequency of usage Frequently (too many Appropriately (a decent Appropriately (a decent amount).
pictures). amount).
1. Which video would you like to watch again? Tell the reasons why.
I would like to watch the third video again since the topic piqued my interest. The
third video showed us that technology can be utilized as solutions for issues in different
aspects of life today and in the future. I love the way the speaker capable of delivering a
boring topic to become interesting by adding jokes and other relevancies.
2. Which video is the most memorable to you? Tell the reasons why.
In my opinion, the most memorable video to me is the third video. The speaker
managed to attract the attention of the audiences by inserting facts and jokes related to the
topic. The speaker is capable of bringing forth a solution and elaborated how it would be an
effective measurement against the issues. On the top of that, he also showed sample products
and their functionality to erase the doubts that the audience have regarding the speaker’s
3. Which video is the least appealing/attractive to you? Tell the reasons why.
In my opinion, the least appealing video to me is the first video. The speaker’s pitches
and intonations appeared to be too monotonous and flat. I believe that there are many other
parts about the product that can be elaborated if it had not been the short length of the video,
like is the insurance regulated and the process that the services will do to take care of the
recipient’s financial burdens if they have critical illness.
Reference on Number of Visual Aids used in each video
(Picture) (Graph)
(Picture) (Graph)
(Video) (Product)