Questionnaire Section A: Sociodemographics
Questionnaire Section A: Sociodemographics
Questionnaire Section A: Sociodemographics
1. Age in years (as at last birthday): 20-29 [ ] 30-39 [ ] 40-49 [ ] 50 and above [ ]
10. Have you heard about family planning before now? Yes [ ] No [ ]
11. If yes, what was the source of information? Advertisement [ ] Health centre/health personnel [ ] Relatives/friends [ ]
18. What is the MOST EFFECTIVE contraceptive method for a woman who has reached her desired number of children? Female
condom [ ], Injectable [ ], IUCD [ ], Oral contraceptive pills [ ], Bilateral Tubal Ligation [ ], Safe period awareness [ ]
ii. Family planning controls the spacing of children (time between one
childbirth and the other)
iii. Family planning helps prevent further childbirth after reaching desired
number of children
iv. Controlled family size promotes good child and family health
v. Family planning has significant benefit to families practicing it
vi. Family planning has significant benefit to the country at large.
vii. Family planning methods are made for women ONLY
viii. There are family planning methods specifically for men
ix. Family planning is ONLY for people who have reached their desired
number of children
x. Men should have conversations about Family Planning with their
23. Which Family Planning method do you currently use? None [ ] Male condom [ ] withdrawal [ ] vasectomy [ ] Others (please
specify) _________________
24. What is your reason for using the Family Planning method stated above? For child spacing [ ] I have reached my desired
number of children [ ] I can’t support another child now [ ] My wife/Partner insisted [ ]
25. Which Family Planning Method(s) has your wife/partner used before? None [ ] Oral contraceptive pills [ ] Emergency
Contraceptive pills (e.g. Postinor-2) [ ] Female condoms [ ] Injectable [ ] Implants [ ] Tubal Ligation [ ] Others (please
specify): ______________________________
26. Which family planning method is your wife/partner currently using? None [ ] Oral contraceptive pills [ ] Emergency
Contraceptive pills (e.g. Postinor-2) [ ] Female condoms [ ] Injectable [ ] Implants [ ] Tubal Ligation [ ] Others (please specify)
27. Would you ever consider having a vasectomy after you have had the desired number of children with your wife(s)? Yes [ ] No
28. In your opinion, which of the following methods can help improve men participation in family planning (FP)? Organizing
family planning seminars and workshops for men [ ] Increasing men-oriented FP adverts on mass media [ ] Talking about FP
in churches, mosques, and men’s societies [ ] Making male methods of FP free for all [ ]