Quntity Estimate

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CEP OF Quantity Survey


Sr,No Ittem Description

1 Upto ground Level Excavation
2 P.C.C(1:4:8)
3 Cement
4 Sand
5 Crush
6 Brick work up to DPC
7 Bricks
8 Cemnt
9 Sand
10 D.P.C(1:1.5:3)
11 Cement
12 Sand
13 Crush
14 Ground floor Brick work Ground floor
15 No of bricks
16 Mortar(1:3)
17 Cement
18 Sand
19 Plaster(1:6)
20 Cement
21 Sand
22 \Foundation & Coulman
23 Cement
24 Sand
25 Crush
27 Cement
28 Sand
29 Crush
31 Cement
32 Sand
33 Crush
35 Desuction
36 Doors
37 Windows
38 Ventilater

Sr.No Location Length Depth
1 Grid-A 104.35 3
2 Grid-B 43.66 3
3 Grid-C 25.48 3
4 Grid-D 28 3
5 Grid-E 25.48 3
6 Grid-J 64 1
8 line-1 49.5 3
9 line-1" 10 3
10 Line-8 41.375 3
11 Line-10 27.75 3
12 Line-10' 7.25 3
13 Line-12 16 3
14 Line -14 27.75 3
15 Line -14' 11.625 3
16 Line -15 49.5 3
17 Line-1A' 6 3
18 LINE-141A' 6 3
19 Total Qunatity of Excav 543.72

Sr..no Description Length

1 Grid-A 104.35
2 Grid-B 43.66
3 Grid-C 25.48
4 Grid-D 28
5 Grid-E 25.48
6 Grid-F 54.5
7 Grid-F' 15.25
8 Grid-G 44.14
9 Grid-H 53
10 Grid-J 64
12 line-1 49.5
13 line-1" 10
14 Line-2 27.75
15 Line-4 16
16 Line-5' 14
17 Line-6' 27.75
18 Line-8 41.375
19 Line-10 27.75
20 Line-10' 7.25
21 Line-12 16
22 Line -14 27.75
23 Line -14' 11.625
24 Line -15 49.5
25 Line-1A' 6
26 LINE-141A' 6


Description Length width

DPC #NAME? 1.125

Legnth Width Height

104.35 0.75 10
43.66 0.75 10
25.48 0.75 10
28 0.75 10
25.48 0.75 10
54.5 0.75 7
15.25 0.75 7
44.14 0.75 10
53 0.75 10
64 0.75 10
0 0 0
49.5 0.75 10
10 0.75 10
27.75 0.75 10
16 0.75 10
14 0.75 7
27.75 0.75 10
41.375 0.75 10
27.75 0.75 10
7.25 0.75 10
16 0.75 10
27.75 0.75 10
11.625 0.75 10

49.5 0.75 10
6 0.75 7
6 0.75 7

S.N0 Length Thiknes

1 104.35 0.04
2 43.66 0.04
3 25.48 0.04
4 28 0.04
5 25.48 0.04
6 54.5 0.04
7 15.25 0.04
8 44.14 0.04
9 53 0.04
10 64 0.04
11 0.04
12 49.5 0.04
13 10 0.04
14 27.75 0.04
15 16 0.04
16 14 0.04
17 27.75 0.04
18 41.375 0.04
19 27.75 0.04
20 7.25 0.04
21 16 0.04
22 27.75 0.04
23 11.625 0.04

24 49.5 0.04
25 25 6
26 26 6

Descripition Length width

columns 200.33 0.75
0.75 0.75
0.75 0.75

Coulman Foundations 2.5 2.5

3.5 3.5

Beams 104.35 0.75

43.66 0.75
25.48 0.75
28 0.75
25.48 0.75
54.5 0.75
15.25 0.75
44.14 0.75
53 0.75
64 0.75
49.5 0.75
10 0.75
27.75 0.75
16 0.75
14 0.75
27.75 0.75
41.375 0.75
27.75 0.75
7.25 0.75
16 0.75
27.75 0.75
11.625 0.75
49.5 0.75
6 0.75
6 0.75
13.75 0.75
11.25 0.75
7.83 0.75
11.25 0.75
11.25 0.75
11.25 0.75
7.83 0.75
13.25 0.75
SLAB 103.5 50.25


Unit Total Quantity Dry factor

CFT 4451
CFT 650
Bags 40
CFT 200
Cft 400
No 36728
Bags 30
CFT 738.33
Bags 10
Cft 19
CFt 39
No 82220

Bags 71
CFT 1625
CFT 36 bags
CFT 333
CFT 699.16
Bags 68
CFT 420
CFT 840
CFT 1178
Bags 91.8678915
CFT 459.3394575
CFT 918.678915
CFT 4005
Bags 480.56085
CFT 2402.80425
CFT 4805.6085

CFT 299
CFT 289
CFT 39

Width Total PCC

3 939.15 0.25
3 392.94 0.25
3 229.32 0.25
3 252 0.25
3 229.32 0.25
3 192 0.25
3 445.5 0.25
3 90 0.25
3 372.375 0.25
3 249.75 0.25
2 43.5 0.25
3 144 0.25
3 249.75 0.25
3 104.625 0.25
3 445.5 0.25
2 36 0.25
2 36 0.25
4451.73 0.25

Brick Work for Foundation

width hight quantity
1.125 3 352.18125
1.125 3 147.3525
1.125 3 85.995
1.125 3 94.5
1.125 3 85.995
0.75 3 122.625
0.75 3 34.3125
1.125 3 148.9725
1.125 3 178.875
1.125 3 216
1.125 3 0
1.125 3 167.0625
1.125 3 33.75
1.125 3 93.65625
1.125 3 54
0.75 3 31.5
1.125 3 93.65625
1.125 3 139.640625
1.125 3 93.65625
0.75 3 16.3125
1.125 3 54
1.125 3 93.65625
1.125 3 39.234375
1.125 3 167.0625
0.75 3 13.5
0.75 3 13.5


hight quantity Dry quantity

0.16 #NAME? 62.5

Brick Work Super Structure

Quantity #No.of Brick %of volume

782.625 11180.3571428571 234.7875
327.45 4677.85714285714 98.235
191.1 2730 57.33
210 3000 63
191.1 2730 57.33
286.125 4087.5 85.8375
80.0625 1143.75 24.01875
331.05 4729.28571428572 99.315
397.5 5678.57142857143 119.25
480 6857.14285714286 144
0 0 0
371.25 5303.57142857143 111.375
75 1071.42857142857 22.5
208.125 2973.21428571429 62.4375
120 1714.28571428571 36
73.5 1050 22.05
208.125 2973.21428571429 62.4375
310.3125 4433.03571428571 93.09375
208.125 2973.21428571429 62.4375
54.375 776.785714285714 16.3125
120 1714.28571428571 36
208.125 2973.21428571429 62.4375
87.1875 1245.53571428571 26.15625

371.25 5303.57142857143 111.375

31.5 450 9.45
31.5 450 9.45
Total Bricks 82219.8214285714

Plaster work
Height Quanity dry factor
10 41.74 1.27
10 17.464 1.27
10 10.192 1.27
10 11.2 1.27
10 10.192 1.27
7 15.26 1.27
7 4.27 1.27
10 17.656 1.27
10 21.2 1.27
10 25.6 1.27
10 0 1.27
10 19.8 1.27
10 4 1.27
10 11.1 1.27
10 6.4 1.27
7 3.92 1.27
10 11.1 1.27
10 16.55 1.27
10 11.1 1.27
10 2.9 1.27
10 6.4 1.27
10 11.1 1.27
10 4.65 1.27

10 19.8 1.27
0.04 7 1.68
0.04 7 1.68
Deduction sheet for doors and windows
Qunaity q PCC(2) Quantity width for Rcc concrete
3.625 0.5 7.25
3 0.5 6
3 0.5 6
402.9775 PCC2 19.25 Total =2=422.22x1.54

# of bricks %of volume dry factor Dry quantity

5031.16071428571 105.654375 1.27 134.18105625
2105.03571428571 44.20575 1.27 56.1413025
1228.5 25.7985 1.27 32.764095
1350 28.35 1.27 36.0045
1228.5 25.7985 1.27 32.764095
1751.78571428571 36.7875 1.27 46.720125
490.178571428571 10.29375 1.27 13.0730625
2128.17857142857 44.69175 1.27 56.7585225
2555.35714285714 53.6625 1.27 68.151375
3085.71428571429 64.8 1.27 82.296
0 0 1.27 0
2386.60714285714 50.11875 1.27 63.6508125
482.142857142857 10.125 1.27 12.85875
1337.94642857143 28.096875 1.27 35.68303125
771.428571428571 16.2 1.27 20.574
450 9.45 1.27 12.0015
1337.94642857143 28.096875 1.27 35.68303125
1994.86607142857 41.8921875 1.27 53.203078125
1337.94642857143 28.096875 1.27 35.68303125
233.035714285714 4.89375 1.27 6.2150625
771.428571428571 16.2 1.27 20.574
1337.94642857143 28.096875 1.27 35.68303125
560.491071428571 11.7703125 1.27 14.948296875
2386.60714285714 50.11875 1.27 63.6508125
192.857142857143 4.05 1.27 5.1435
192.857142857143 4.05 1.27 5.1435
36728.5178571429 1.27 0
Cemnet Sand Aggregate
17.0454545454545 34.09090909091


dry factor Dry quantity Cement Sand

1.27 298.180125 74.54503125 223.63509375
1.27 124.75845 31.1896125 93.5688375
1.27 72.8091 18.202275 54.606825
1.27 80.01 20.0025 60.0075
1.27 72.8091 18.202275 54.606825
1.27 109.013625 27.25340625 81.76021875
1.27 30.5038125 7.625953125 22.877859375
1.27 126.13005 31.5325125 94.5975375
1.27 151.4475 37.861875 113.585625
1.27 182.88 45.72 137.16
0 0 0 0
1.27 141.44625 35.3615625 106.0846875
1.27 28.575 7.14375 21.43125
1.27 79.295625 19.82390625 59.47171875
1.27 45.72 11.43 34.29
1.27 28.0035 7.000875 21.002625
1.27 79.295625 19.82390625 59.47171875
1.27 118.2290625 29.557265625 88.671796875
1.27 79.295625 19.82390625 59.47171875
1.27 20.716875 5.17921875 15.53765625
1.27 45.72 11.43 34.29
1.27 79.295625 19.82390625 59.47171875
1.27 33.2184375 8.304609375 24.913828125

1.27 141.44625 35.3615625 106.0846875

1.27 12.0015 3.000375 9.001125
1.27 12.0015 3.000375 9.001125
Total Cemnet 548.200659375 1644.601978125

Dry quantity Cement Sand

53.0098 6.05826285714286 36.34957714286
22.17928 2.53477485714286 15.20864914286
12.94384 1.479296 8.875776
14.224 1.6256 9.7536
12.94384 1.479296 8.875776
19.3802 2.21488 13.28928
5.4229 0.61976 3.71856
22.42312 2.56264228571429 15.37585371429
26.924 3.07702857142857 18.46217142857
32.512 3.71565714285714 22.29394285714
0 0 0
25.146 2.87382857142857 17.24297142857
5.08 0.580571428571429 3.483428571429
14.097 1.61108571428571 9.666514285714
8.128 0.928914285714286 5.573485714286
4.9784 0.56896 3.41376
14.097 1.61108571428571 9.666514285714
21.0185 2.40211428571429 14.41268571429
14.097 1.61108571428571 9.666514285714
3.683 0.420914285714286 2.525485714286
8.128 0.928914285714286 5.573485714286
14.097 1.61108571428571 9.666514285714
5.9055 0.674914285714286 4.049485714286

25.146 2.87382857142857 17.24297142857

1.27 2.1336 0.24384
1.27 2.1336 0.24384
Cement Sand
388.10438 45 333

Concrete sheet (foundation

Hght Quantity number

10.5 5.90625 36
10.5 5.90625 4
0.75 4.6875 36
1 12.25 4
0.75 58.696875 1
0.75 24.55875 1
0.75 14.3325 1
0.75 15.75 1
0.75 14.3325 1
0.75 30.65625 1
0.75 8.578125 1
0.75 24.82875 1
0.75 29.8125 1
0.75 36 1
0.75 0 1
0.75 27.84375 1
0.75 5.625 1
0.75 15.609375 1
0.75 9 1
0.75 7.875 1
0.75 15.609375 1
0.75 23.2734375 1
0.75 15.609375 1
0.75 4.078125 1
0.75 9 1
0.75 15.609375 1
0.75 6.5390625 1
0.75 27.84375 1
0.75 3.375 1
0.75 3.375 1
0.75 7.734375 1
0.75 6.328125 1
0.75 4.404375 1
0.75 6.328125 1
0.75 6.328125 1
0.75 6.328125 1
0.75 4.404375 1
0.75 7.453125 1
0.5 2600.4375 1

2 63.75
6 120
2 32.4
6 84
2 126
2 82.5
4 81
2 12
6 27
Rcc concrete

Cement 5% Sand 5%
26.83621125 100.6357921875 28.1780218125 101.138971148438
11.2282605 42.105976875 11.789673525 42.316506759375
6.552819 24.57307125 6.88045995 24.69593660625
7.2009 27.003375 7.560945 27.138391875
6.552819 24.57307125 6.88045995 24.69593660625
9.344025 35.04009375 9.81122625 35.21529421875
2.6146125 9.804796875 2.745343125 9.853820859375
11.3517045 42.568891875 11.919289725 42.781736334375
13.630275 51.11353125 14.31178875 51.36909890625
16.4592 61.722 17.28216 62.03061
0 0 0 0
12.7301625 47.738109375 13.366670625 47.976799921875
2.57175 9.6440625 2.7003375 9.6922828125
7.13660625 26.7622734375 7.4934365625 26.8960848046875
4.1148 15.4305 4.32054 15.5076525
2.4003 9.001125 2.520315 9.046130625
7.13660625 26.7622734375 7.4934365625 26.8960848046875
10.640615625 39.90230859375 11.17264640625 40.1018201367188
7.13660625 26.7622734375 7.4934365625 26.8960848046875
1.2430125 4.661296875 1.305163125 4.684603359375
4.1148 15.4305 4.32054 15.5076525
7.13660625 26.7622734375 7.4934365625 26.8960848046875
2.989659375 11.21122265625 3.13914234375 11.2672787695313
12.7301625 47.738109375 13.366670625 47.976799921875
1.0287 3.857625 1.080135 3.876913125
1.0287 3.857625 1.080135 3.876913125
30 738.335489329687
Concrete sheet (foundation columns and beams

total dry factor quantity Cement sand

212.625 1.54 327.4425 37.422 187.11

23.625 1.54 36.3825 4.158 20.79
0 1.54 0 0 0
168.75 1.54 259.875 29.7 148.5
49 1.54 75.46 8.624 43.12
0 0 0 0
0 699.16 79.904 399.52
58.696875 1.54 90.3931875 10.33065 51.65325
24.55875 1.54 37.820475 4.32234 21.6117
14.3325 1.54 22.07205 2.52252 12.6126
15.75 1.54 24.255 2.772 13.86
14.3325 1.54 22.07205 2.52252 12.6126
30.65625 1.54 47.210625 5.3955 26.9775
8.578125 1.54 13.2103125 1.50975 7.54875
24.82875 1.54 38.236275 4.36986 21.8493
29.8125 1.54 45.91125 5.247 26.235
36 1.54 55.44 6.336 31.68
0 1.54 0 0 0
27.84375 1.54 42.879375 4.9005 24.5025
5.625 1.54 8.6625 0.99 4.95
15.609375 1.54 24.0384375 2.74725 13.73625
9 1.54 13.86 1.584 7.92
7.875 1.54 12.1275 1.386 6.93
15.609375 1.54 24.0384375 2.74725 13.73625
23.2734375 1.54 35.84109375 4.096125 20.480625
15.609375 1.54 24.0384375 2.74725 13.73625
4.078125 1.54 6.2803125 0.71775 3.58875
9 1.54 13.86 1.584 7.92
15.609375 1.54 24.0384375 2.74725 13.73625
6.5390625 1.54 10.07015625 1.150875 5.754375
27.84375 1.54 42.879375 4.9005 24.5025
3.375 1.54 5.1975 0.594 2.97
3.375 1.54 5.1975 0.594 2.97
7.734375 1.54 11.9109375 1.36125 6.80625
6.328125 1.54 9.7453125 1.11375 5.56875
4.404375 1.54 6.7827375 0.77517 3.87585
6.328125 1.54 9.7453125 1.11375 5.56875
6.328125 1.54 9.7453125 1.11375 5.56875
6.328125 1.54 9.7453125 1.11375 5.56875
4.404375 1.54 6.7827375 0.77517 3.87585
7.453125 1.54 11.4778125 1.31175 6.55875
765.5657625 87.49323 437.46615
2600.4375 1.54 4004.67375 457.677 2288.385
aggregate cement 5% sand 5% Aggregate 5%

374.22 39.2931 196.4655 392.931

41.58 4.3659 21.8295 43.659
0 43.659 218.295 436.59
297 31.185 155.925 311.85
86.24 9.0552 45.276 90.552
799.04 40.2402 201.201 402.402
103.3065 10.8471825 54.2359125 108.471825
43.2234 4.538457 22.692285 45.38457
25.2252 2.648646 13.24323 26.48646
27.72 2.9106 14.553 29.106
25.2252 2.648646 13.24323 26.48646
53.955 5.665275 28.326375 56.65275
15.0975 1.5852375 7.9261875 15.852375
43.6986 4.588353 22.941765 45.88353
52.47 5.50935 27.54675 55.0935
63.36 6.6528 33.264 66.528
0 0 0 0
49.005 5.145525 25.727625 51.45525
9.9 1.0395 5.1975 10.395
27.4725 2.8846125 14.4230625 28.846125
15.84 1.6632 8.316 16.632
13.86 1.4553 7.2765 14.553
27.4725 2.8846125 14.4230625 28.846125
40.96125 4.30093125 21.50465625 43.0093125
27.4725 2.8846125 14.4230625 28.846125
7.1775 0.7536375 3.7681875 7.536375
15.84 1.6632 8.316 16.632
27.4725 2.8846125 14.4230625 28.846125
11.50875 1.20841875 6.04209375 12.0841875
49.005 5.145525 25.727625 51.45525
5.94 0.6237 3.1185 6.237
5.94 0.6237 3.1185 6.237
13.6125 1.4293125 7.1465625 14.293125
11.1375 1.1694375 5.8471875 11.694375
7.7517 0.8139285 4.0696425 8.139285
11.1375 1.1694375 5.8471875 11.694375
11.1375 1.1694375 5.8471875 11.694375
11.1375 1.1694375 5.8471875 11.694375
7.7517 0.8139285 4.0696425 8.139285
13.1175 1.3773375 6.8866875 13.773375
874.9323 91.8678915 459.3394575 918.678915
4576.77 480.56085 2402.80425 4805.6085

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