I. Title: School-Based Learning Action Cell (Slac)
I. Title: School-Based Learning Action Cell (Slac)
I. Title: School-Based Learning Action Cell (Slac)
II. Rationale:
A. Introduction
B. Objectives
The training aims to:
Target Clientele: The School Head and 13 teachers of Salaan Elementary School
Venue : Salaan Elementary School
V. Program Matrix
School Learning Action Cell Matrix
March 12,2021
Correcting and Identify different Use practical Lecture Laptop
approaches to approaches to Mentoring Mary Jane
correct and correct and S. Gamez
Deficits remediate remediate
comprehension comprehension
deficits déficits
March 19,2021
Strategies for Identify strategies Discuss
Lecture Laptop Madelyn
Encouraging to encourage strategies to
Parental involvement parents’ encourage Mentoring Saavedra
in Learning involvement in parents be
learning involved in
March 26 ,2021
Acquire adequate Use Excel Hands-on Laptop
CANVA/ Filmora knowledge in ICT spread sheet Activities Mary Ann
Application using and video Francisco
CANVA/Filmora editing
April 16 ,2021
Identify Use appropriate Lecture Laptop
Developing assessment tools assessment Mentoring Mercedita
assessment Tools for for Decoding tools for T. Macario
Decoding skills of decoding
Young learners
Lecture Laptop
Practical ways to Identify practical Use practical Mentoring Racel C.
April 23 ,2021 creatively establish ways to créate ways to Cruz
positive learning positive learning creatively
condition at home at home establish
positive learning
April 30 ,2021 Managing student Identify Use variety of Lecture Laptop Ma. Della
Discipline while Interventions to interventions to L.
Learning at home manage students manage Fausrtino
discipline learning students
at home discipline
learning at
Eleanor I.
Creating Diagnostic Create Diagnostic Apply different Lecture Laptop Francisco
May 7,2021
Assessment tools for Assessment tools diagnostic Mentoring
Listening Capacity for Listening assessment
Capacity tools for
B. Snacks
Recommending Approval:
Approved by: