Advocate User Guide - Wip Portfolio
Advocate User Guide - Wip Portfolio
Advocate User Guide - Wip Portfolio
Table of Contents
Helpful Tips....................................................................................................................... 4
Advocate Vocab ............................................................................................................... 4
Academic Dishonesty....................................................................................................... 5
Incident Intake ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Checking Student History ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Reply to Professor..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Creating Incident Report – Academic Dishonesty ...................................................................................... 7
Notifying the Student .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Notification Only ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Closing after notification ............................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Notification and Disciplinary Charges ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Complainant Communication & Steps..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Respondent Communication & Steps ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Using Zoom .................................................................................................................... 26
Meeting Agenda Sample ................................................................................................ 27
Notes about Meetings ........................................................................................................................................... 27
Helpful Tips
Bookmark the important links
o Advocate:
o Adobe: (this is the link to log in. once you’ve logged in once,
bookmark that page.)
o Username:
o Password:
o Zoom (I recommend downloading the app to your computer):
o Webex Teams (Also recommend downloading the app):
Refer to previously sent emails or letters in old incident reports if you don’t know how to word something
o Not all communication comes from a letter template, so look through the Dean of Students email or
similar incident reports for past communication if needed
Advocate Vocab
Pending all new, created incident reports go to this category; incident reports stay in Pending unless
charges are added
Processing incident reports are moved here if and when charges are added
Academic Dishonesty
Incident Intake
1) Notifications come in via email, typically in three ways:
a. The Dean of Students account is CC’d on an email from the professor to the student
b. The professor directly emails the DOS account to tell us what the situation is
c. Starfish notification is submitted by the professor
2) Save the email as a PDF or Word Doc (Print > Save as PDF)
a. Name the file what it is (Email from Professor, Starfish Notification) and include the student’s
last name so it’s easily identifiable when you go to upload it
Reply to Professor
1) Follow up with the professor to provide academic history and identify course of action
a. For academic history – no details necessary:
i. If a student has no incidents “The student has no previously reported incidents of
academic dishonesty.”
ii. If a student has incidents “The student has (#) previously reported incident(s) of
academic dishonesty in our system.”
b. Explain process and ask how they want to proceed
i. Let them know the student will be notified, and that they have the opportunity to file
formal disciplinary charges as well.
ii. Need this information before you can email the student so that you can send the correct
Sometimes the professor will have already indicated whether or not they want to verify the student’s history or
whether or not they want to file disciplinary charges. Starfish reports require this information, and some
professors include it in their emails. It’s always good to confirm to be 100% sure if it isn’t clear.
3) Clery Charges: “No”
4) Date and Time of Incident: Input the date/time you received the notification from the professor
5) Location of Incident: if it is an in-person class, choose the campus; otherwise, choose “Online Class”
a. If you aren’t sure, check with the professor
b. Room Number/Additional Location Information is not necessary, but if you have anything you
can put it here
15) Sensitive: No
Notification Only
1) Open the incident report you just created
9) BCC yourself
a. To keep track of letters that have been sent, and as an additional check that it sent correctly.
10) Click “Online preview”
a. Make sure you have spelled everything correctly and that all the fields auto-populate correctly.
2) Go to “Notes” tab
6) Click “Submit”
2) Send the complainant form to the professor and wait to get it back
a. See “Adobe Forms” section
3) Once the professor has completed the complainant form, check how they want to respond and
download the document from Adobe
6) Return to the “Core Information” tab and select “Add Charges” from the “Possible Next Steps”
a. Article IV, Section B > Item 1
b. Submit
7) On the “Core Information” tab, select “Process Incident” from the “Possible Next Steps” box
3) Select “AD - Notification of Academic Dishonesty Charge” letter template
4) Edit letter
a. Input professor’s last name in all required spaces
b. Edit last paragraph of letter to include – response deadline, staff contact info, and
timeframe for availability.
c. Add any additional information as required
8) BCC yourself
a. To keep track of letters that are sent, and as an additional check that it sent correctly.
9) Online preview
a. Make sure you have spelled everything correctly and that all the fields auto-populate
12) Schedule meeting with the student and set up Zoom meeting
a. May take a couple tries depending on their availability
b. CCRI’s default settings should be good – as long as they have the link it will let them in
13) Send the student the meeting information
a. NOT in a calendar invite – you can do that, but make sure you also send it separately in
an email
b. Highlight the meeting link, the date & time, the meeting ID, the password, and the phone
number for the right time zone
17) Let the student know when they can expect to hear a response
a. Either a sanction letter or a hearing notification
18) Download respondent form from Adobe and upload to Advocate (See “Adobe Forms” section for
Respondent Accepts Responsibility
4) Where it says “Responsible For:”, select the “Article IV, Section B > Item 1”
6) Decision date: either the date of the conduct meeting or the date of your meeting with the student
Respondent Letter
11) Go to “Letters” tab and create a new letter
a. Make sure you have spelled everything correctly and that all the fields auto-populate
Complainant Letter
1) Create a new letter under the “Letters” tab
3) Delete the respondent’s name from recipients and add the complainant’s name
a. Click the “X” next to respondent name
b. Type in last name first name of complainant and click their name
7) BCC yourself
a. To keep track of letters that are sent, and as an additional check that it sent correctly.
8) Online preview
a. Make sure you have spelled everything correctly and that all the fields auto-populate
2) Go to “Notes” tab
5) Body – “Complainant and respondent have both been notified of case outcome, no further action
required.” Or something along those lines
6) Click “Submit”
9) Hit submit
2) Send mediation notification to the complainant + respondent with Zoom information, if applicable.
3) Following the mediation, add a note to the incident report to summarize/document the mediation and
the agreed resolution.
4) Schedule and hold any additional mediation sessions if necessary to find a resolution.
5) Add closing note (if needed)
a. The summary notes from the mediation may be enough to use as a
closing note depending on the situation.
6) On the “Core Information” Tab, locate the “Other Actions” button and click
8) Hit submit
2) Send an email from the DOS account with the letter attached
a. Mention in the email the date that the original letter was sent, and that there are academic
dishonesty charges that must be addressed.
b. Provide updated availability for when you can meet with them and give them another
response deadline, usually about 48 hours after you send the email.
c. Include that this email is their second of three total notifications that they will receive
before the process moves on without the benefit of their input.
3) Set priority to High and include delivery & read receipts on the email.
5) If, after the third email, they do not reply, proceed to the hearing process
a. This step may include sending a respondent form to the student when the hearing
notification is sent out, so that they may have an opportunity to review their rights and
responsibilities prior to the hearing (if they decide to participate) – See “Adobe Forms”
Hearing Process
1) Send hearing notification to Complainant AND Respondent
a. Use hearing notification templates for each party
b. Input dates for document deadlines
c. Edit last paragraph as necessary (if they have a meeting scheduled with their advisor already
versus if they need to/should schedule one)
d. Include either registration for hearing link OR the hearing link itself
e. CC the DOS staff member assigned to the party
2) After 48-hour deadline, upload any new documentation or information sent in by either party to the
incident report on Advocate
a. Download any emails as PDFs, save any attachments, etc.
3) Using the “Hearing Notification: Reminders & Documentation” letter template, copy and paste the text
of the letter into an email and email the complainant, respondent, advisors, and hearing chair with the
hearing packet attached
a. Since Advocate doesn’t let you attach unique documents, so copy the text into an email and
send it to all parties.
b. Updated time/date/location – include Zoom information as needed
4) Prepare hearing script and decision matrix for the hearing chair/hearing board
5) At the start of the Zoom meeting, create breakout rooms for complainant & advisor / respondent &
advisor / hearing chair & advisor.
6) After the hearing, collected signed copies of hearing script & decision matrix from hearing chair and
upload to Advocate
1) Click “Enter Decision” under the “Possible Next Steps” banner
2) Where it says “Responsible For:”, select the correct code (“Article IV, Section B > Item 1”)
a. If hearing chair didn’t find them responsible, skip this step
3) Where it says “Rationale”, use what the hearing officer/chair determined were the reasons for finding
the respondent responsible OR not responsible for the violation
7) Add Sanction information as needed
8) Click “Submit”
a. Don’t use “Save & Add Letter”, the letter template you need does not come up when you do
18) Repeat process with “Hearing Decision Letter – Respondent” letter template
a. Include the details about their sanctions, deadlines, and any specific requirements as needed
1) Look out for any appeal letters if applicable
a. Send information to Vice President if a party does appeal the decision
2) If appeal deadline passes with no request for appeal, add closing notes
a. “Appeal deadline has passed with no request, no further action required.”
Close Incident
I. Close incident
Inappropriate Student Conduct
Notification of Incident
Might come in as a report from college police, an email from a student/staff/faculty member, a public report,
or as the result of something else (i.e., failure to comply)
• Save any emails, reports, or attachments as needed
3) Clery Charges:
a. Choose “Yes”, then review the scenarios that would indicate Clery Charges. If there are none
that apply to this incident, change the response to “No”
4) Date and Time of Incident: either from an email, police report, or other form of notification/description
7) Students Involved: Student’s name/whoever is being reported
a. Last name first name (no comma) or ID number
b. Make sure you click the name (see above)
12) Sensitive: No
14) EMS/Police/Alcohol/Drugs: Review the report, and answer appropriately for the incident
Complainant Correspondence
• send letter through advocate to complainant to schedule meeting
o may also explain via phone or email what their options are outside of advocate (just download
any correspondence or add note to system to track what you’ve done)
• set up adobe form and send to them to complete
• download completed form and upload to advocate
• let them know next steps (connecting with respondent, will send update based on how respondent
decides to proceed)
Respondent Correspondence
• send letter through advocate to notify of complaint and schedule meeting
o special circumstances may call for the inclusion of a No Contact Directive (letter template
• schedule meeting
o details about # of outreach times and what to do if they don’t respond
• identify potential hearing date
• set up adobe form and send to them to complete during the meeting
• download completed form and upload to advocate
• based on how they decide to respond:
Adobe Forms
Log-In Information
Complainant Form
Sign into Adobe Acrobat Pro
1. Prior to sending this form, you should have already emailed the complainant letting them know what
the difference between the formal hearing & informal mediation options is, offering to meet with them,
and letting them know that they should be receiving the form shortly. You do not have to meet with a
complainant, but always offer it to them. They usually don’t take you up on the offer.
2. Input the complainant’s email address, subject line, and a brief message containing the instructions for
the form.
a. Subject Line: First Initial, Last Name – Complainant Form
b. Instructions – (copy & paste)
i. Please review and complete the Complainant Form. You will be asked to initial next to
each statement, select your choice for the process, and sign the form. Be sure to use the
“Draw” option for your signature at the end of the form.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Conduct and Civility Staff at
3. Click “Add Files” > Templates > Official Complainant Form > Next
i. Select “N/a” for the second line if there is not a second charge
c. Assisting staff member’s name
i. Whoever is sending the form/meeting with the complainant.
Respondent Form
Complete the same steps, just using the respondent’s information, the “Official Respondent Form” template,
and including the hearing date.
This form is completed during your meeting with the Respondent so you can review their options with them.
Downloading Signed Forms from Adobe
Once the forms have been completed, there are two ways that you can download the forms.
1) After the complainant or respondent has completed their form, the DOS email gets a notification that
the document has been signed.
3) This will open Adobe and bring you to the signed form. On the right side of the screen, locate the
“Download PDF” option – click it and it will download the signed form.
4) Then, head to the Incident Report to upload it to Advocate under the “Documents” tab.
Meeting Agenda Sample
• General conduct stuff/things to do