MSDS Caustic Soda
MSDS Caustic Soda
MSDS Caustic Soda
1 Identification
Formosa Plastics Corporation
Safety Data Sheet
Corrosive. Can cause eye, skin and respiratory tract burns. Highly toxic by ingestion. Ingestion will
cause severe burns of the mouth, throat and stomach. Avoid any skin or eye contact. Avoid breathing
dusts or mist
Acute Effects
Ingestion Causes Immediate, severe pain in the mouth, throat, and stomach as well as
diarrhea and vomiting, from which collapse may result. Vomit usually contains blood and
possibly tissue. All tissues which come in contact with this chemical may be damaged. Death
may result from ingestion. If the patient survives, permanent damage to the gastrointestinal
tract may occur and the person may have permanent difficulty in swallowing. Inhalation
causes respiratory irritation which may develop into serious lung injury depending upon the
degree of exposure. Serious pneumonia may develop. Eye contact with Caustic Soda solid,
dust, mist or solution usually results in immediate pain and can cause permanent eye damage
including blindness. Skin contact may result in irritation which may not be immediately
painful. Greater exposure results in severe burns with scarring.
Chronic Effects
Prolonged exposures may result in upper respiratory irritation and ulceration of the nasal
passage. High levels may cause permanent lung injury.
Formosa Plastics Corporation
Safety Data Sheet
If a person breathes a large amount of this chemical, move the exposed person to fresh air at
once. Provide emergency airway support. Give 100% humidified supplemental oxygen with
artificial respiration, if needed. Transport to emergency medical facility without delay.
Skin Contact
If this chemical contacts the skin, immediately flush the contaminated skin thoroughly with
water for at least 15minutes. If this chemical penetrates the clothing, immediately remove
the clothing and flush the skin thoroughly with water. Get medical attention promptly.
Eye Contact
If this chemical contacts the eyes, immediately flush the eyes with large amounts of room
temperature water. Hold the eyelids apart during the flushing operation. Washing must be
started within 10 seconds of contact and continued for 30 minute to prevent permanent
injury. Get medical attention immediately. Ophthalmology consultation is a must.
If this chemical has been swallowed and the person is conscious, give water and/or milk
immediately to dilute the Caustic Soda; no more than 8 ounces in adults and 4 ounces in
children is recommended to minimize the risk of vomiting. Do not attempt to make the
person vomit. Get emergency medical attention attention immediately.
Formosa Plastics Corporation
Safety Data Sheet
Formosa Plastics Corporation
Safety Data Sheet
Protect People
Evacuate area. Clear non-emergency personnel from the area. Ventilate area of spill or leak.
Allow only trained personnel wearing appropriate protective gear to be in the spill response.
Clean Up
(See MSDS Section 15 for Regulatory Information)
Formosa Plastics Corporation
Safety Data Sheet
All personal protective equipment should be selected in accordance with the hazard
assessment required by 29 CFR 1910.132 (d).
Respiratory Protection
Use appropriate NIOSH approved respirator in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.132 and
1910.134, to prevent overexposure. Respirators must be selected based on the airborne
levels found in the workplace and must not exceed the working limits of the respirator.
Eye Protection
Use splash proof chemical safety goggles and/or appropriate full-face shield. Follow the eye
and face protection guidelines of 29 CFR 1910.132 and 1910.133. An eye wash fountain (in
accordance with 29 CFR 1910.151) should be within the immediate work area for emergency
Skin Protection
Chemical protective clothing and gloves must be used in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.132
and 29 CFR 1910.138.
Provide general and/or local ventilation to control airborne levels below exposure guidelines.
Local exhaust ventilation should comply with OSHA regulations and the American Conference
of Industrial Hygienists, Industrial Ventilation – A Manual of Recommended Practice.
Exposure Guidelines
Where there is any possibility of exposure of an individual’s body to Caustic soda solutions,
facilities for quick drenching of the body should be provided (in accordance with 29 CFR
1910.151) within the immediate work area for emergency use. Such individuals should be
provided with and required to use impervious clothing.
Formosa Plastics Corporation
Safety Data Sheet
pH > 14.0 at 20 ℃
Stable under normal conditions.
Hazardous polymerization does not occur.
Formosa Plastics Corporation
Safety Data Sheet
Animal Toxicity
Oral: Rabbit, LDLo 500mg/kg
Skin: Rabbit, Adult 500mg/24 H – Severe irritation
Eye: Rabbit, Adult 50mg/24 H – Severe irritation
Intra peritoneal: Mouse, LD50 40 mg/kg
Aquatic: In the case of a solid, anhydrous sodium spill on soil, ground water
pollution will occur if precipitation occurs prior to cleanup. Precipitation will
dissolve some of the solid (with much heat given off) and create an aqueous
solution of sodium hydroxide which then would be able to infiltrate the soil.
However, prediction of the concentration and properties of the solution produced
would be difficult.
Formosa Plastics Corporation
Safety Data Sheet
Waste Management Information: Do not dump into any sewers, on the ground, or
into any body of water. Any disposal practice must be in compliance with local, state and
federal laws and regulations (contract local or state environmental agency for specific rules).
Waste characterization and compliance with applicable laws are the responsibility of the
waste generator.
Section 302and 304 of the Act; Extremely Hazardous substances (40 CFR 355)
None Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Formosa Plastics Corporation
Safety Data Sheet
Section 102(a) Hazardous substance (40 CFR 302.4)
40 CFR 261.22 Hazardous waste number:
Sodium hydroxide waste is regulated as a characteristic corrosive hazardous waste the
hazardous waste number D002.
Sodium hydroxide is listed on the TSCA inventory.