The Truth About COVID-19 Forward
The Truth About COVID-19 Forward
The Truth About COVID-19 Forward
And who can blame them? Increasing the wealth and power of the oligar-
chy is seldom a potent vessel for populism. Citizens accustomed to voting for
their governments are unlikely to support policies that make the rich richer,
increase political and social control by corporations, diminish democracy, and
reduce their civil rights. So demagogues must weaponize fear to justify their
demands for blind obedience and to win public acquiescence for the demoli-
tion of civil and economic rights.
Of course, the first casualty must always be freedom of speech. After stoking
sufficient panic against the hobgoblin du jour, robber barons need to silence
protest against their wealth and power grabs.
In including free speech in the First Amendment of the Constitution,
James Madison argued that all our other liberties depend on this right. Any
government that can hide its mischief has license to commit atrocities.
As soon as they get hold of the levers of authority, tyrants impose Orwel-
lian censorship and begin gaslighting dissenters. But ultimately they seek to
abolish all forms of creative thinking and self-expression. They burn books,
destroy art, kill writers, poets, and intellectuals, outlaw gatherings, and at their
worst, force oppressed minorities to wear masks that atomize any sense of
community or solidarity and prevent the subtle, eloquent nonverbal commu-
nication for which God and evolution have equipped humans with 42 facial
muscles. The most savage Middle Eastern theocracies mandate masks for
women, whose legal status—not coincidentally—is as chattels.
The free flow of information and self-expression are oxygen and sunlight
for representative democracy, which functions best with policies annealed in
the boiling cauldron of public debate. It is axiomatic that without free speech,
democracy withers.
The most iconic and revered monuments of democracy therefore include
the Athenian Agora and Speakers’ Corner at Hyde Park. We can’t help feeling
exhilaration about our noble experiment in self-government when we witness
the boisterous, irreverent debates in the House of Commons, or watch Jimmy
Stewart’s filibuster scene in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington—an enduring hom-
age to the inseparable bond between debate and democracy.
To consolidate and fortify their power, dictatorships aim to replace
those vital ingredients of self-rule—debate, self-expression, dissent, and
skepticism—with rigid authoritarian orthodoxies that function as sec-
ular surrogates for religion. These orthodoxies perform to abolish critical
thinking and regiment populations in blind, unquestioning obedience to
undeserving authorities.
Foreword xi
sides against each other, with all of them swearing under oath to diametrically
antithetical positions based on the same set of facts. Science is disagreement;
the notion of scientific consensus is oxymoronic.
The modern intention of the totalitarian state is corporate kleptocracy—
a construct that replaces democratic process with the arbitrary edicts of
unelected technocrats. Invariably, their fiats invest multinational corporations
with extraordinary power to monetize and control the most intimate parts of
our lives, enrich billionaires, impoverish the masses, and manage dissent with
relentless surveillance and obedience training.
In 2020, led by Bill Gates, Silicon Valley applauded from the sidelines as
powerful medical charlatans—applying the most pessimistic projections from
discredited modeling and easily manipulated PCR testing, and a menu of new
protocols for coroners that appeared intended to inflate reporting of COVID-
19 deaths—fanned pandemic panic and confined the world’s population
under house arrest.
The suspension of due process, due notice, and comment rulemaking meant
that none of the government prelates who ordained the quarantine had to first
publicly calculate whether destroying the global economy, disrupting food and
medical supplies, and throwing a billion humans into dire poverty and food
insecurity would kill more people than it would save.
In America, their quarantine predictably shattered the nation’s once-
booming economic engine, putting 58 million Americans out of work, and
permanently bankrupting over 100,000 small businesses, including 41,000 Black-
owned businesses, some of which took three generations of investment to build. These
policies have also set into motion the inevitable dismantling of the social
safety net that nurtured America’s envied middle class. Government officials
have already begun liquidating the 100-year legacies of the New Deal, New
Frontier, the Great Society, and Obamacare to pay the accumulated quarantine
debts. Say goodbye to school lunches, healthcare, WIC, Medicaid, Medicare,
University scholarships, and more.
While obliterating the American middle class and dropping an additional
8 percent of Americans below the poverty line, the 2020 “COVID coup” trans-
ferred a trillion dollars of wealth to Big Technology, Big Data, Big Telecom, Big
Finance, Big Media behemoths (Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch), and
Silicon Valley Internet titans such as Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg,
Sergey Brin, Larry Page, and Jack Dorsey. It seems beyond coincidence that these
men, who are cashing in on the poverty and misery caused by global lockdowns,
are the same men whose companies actively censor critics of those policies.
Foreword xiii
The very Internet companies that snookered us all with the promise of
democratizing communications have created a world where it has become
impermissible to speak ill of official pronouncements, and practically a crime
to criticize pharmaceutical products. The same Tech/Data and Telecom robber
barons, now gorging themselves on the corpses of our obliterated middle class,
are rapidly transforming America’s once-proud democracy into a censorship
and surveillance police state over which they profit at every turn.
For example, this cabal used the lockdown to accelerate construction of their
5G network of satellites, antennae, biometric facial recognition, and “track and
trace” infrastructure that they, and their government and intelligence agency
partners, will use to mine and monetize our data for free, compel obedience to
arbitrary dictates, and to suppress dissent. Their government/industry collab-
oration will use this system to manage the rage when Americans finally wake
up to the fact that this outlaw gang has stolen our democracy, our civil rights,
our country, and way of life—while we huddled in orchestrated fear from a
flu-like illness.
Predictably our other constitutional guarantees lined up behind free
speech at the gibbet. The imposition censorship has masked this systematic
demolition of our Constitution, including attacks on our freedoms of assem-
bly (through social distancing and lockdown rules), on freedom of worship
(including abolishing religious exemptions and closing churches, while liquor
stores remain open as “essential service”), private property (the right to operate
a business), due process (including the imposition of far reaching restrictions
against freedom of movement, education, and association without rule mak-
ing, public hearings, or economic and environmental impact statements), the
Seventh Amendment right to jury trials (in cases of vaccine injuries caused by
corporate negligence), our rights to privacy and against illegal searches and
seizures (warrantless tracking and tracing), and our right to have governments
that don’t spy on us or retain our information for mischievous purposes.
Silencing Dr. Mercola’s voice, of course, was the Medical Cabal’s early
priority. For decades, Dr. Mercola has been among the most effective and
influential advocates against the pharmaceutical paradigm. He was an elo-
quent, charismatic, and knowledgeable critic of a corrupt system that has made
Americans the world’s top consumer of pharmaceutical drugs. Americans pay
the highest prices for drugs, and have the worst health outcomes among the
top 75 nations. Putting opiates—which kill 50,000 Americans annually—
aside, pharmaceuticals are now the third biggest killer of Americans, after
heart attacks and cancer.
xiv The Truth About COVID-19
Like a prophet in the wilderness, Dr. Mercola has argued for years that
good health does not come in a syringe or a pill but from building strong
immune systems. He preaches that nutrition and exercise are the most effec-
tive medicines, and that public health officials ought to be pushing policies
that discourage reliance on pharmaceutical products and that safeguard our
food supplies from Big Food, Big Chemical, and Big Ag. These predatory
industries naturally consider Dr. Mercola to be Public Enemy #1.
Big Pharma’s $9.6 billion annual advertising budget gives these unscrupu-
lous companies control over our news and television outlets. Strong economic
drivers (pharmaceutical companies are the biggest network advertisers) have
long discouraged mainstream media outlets from criticizing vaccine manufac-
turers. In 2014, a network president, Roger Ailes, told me he would fire any of
his news show hosts who allowed me to talk about vaccine safety on air. “Our
news division,” he explained, “gets up to 70% of ad revenues from pharma in
non-election years.”
Thus, pharmaceutical products were both the predicate and the punchline
of the Cancel Culture. The Pharmedia long ago banned Dr. Mercola from
the airwaves and newsprint while turning Wikipedia—which functions as
Big Pharma’s newsletter and propaganda vehicle—into a mill for defamations
against him and every other integrative and functional health physician. At
COVID’s outset, the social media robber barons—all with their own financial
entanglements with Big Pharma—joined the campaign to silence Mercola by
ejecting him from their platforms.
It’s a bad omen for democracy when citizens can no longer conduct civil,
informed debates about critical policies that impact the vitality of our econ-
omy, public health, personal freedoms, and constitutional rights. Censorship
is violence, and this systematic muzzling of debate—which proponents justify
as a measure to curtail dangerous polarization—is actually fueling the polar-
ization and extremism that the autocrats use to clamp down with evermore
draconian controls.
We might recall, at this strange time in our history, my father’s friend,
Edward R. Murrow’s warning that: “The right to dissent . . . is surely funda-
mental to the existence of a democratic society. That’s the right that went first
in every nation that stumbled down the trail to totalitarianism.”