08 Chapter 02
08 Chapter 02
08 Chapter 02
2.0 Introduction
'l'here are many aspects of vibration monitoring and analysis techniques followed
by their applicability to various cases like time and frequency domain, shaft and casing
vibrations, anti friction and sleeve bearings, general diagnostic procedures applicable to
machines like fans, pumps, hydrolsteadgas turbines, generators, etc. In this chapter
an overview of relevant literature covering the above aspects of rotating machinery
in general and power plant equipment in particular is presented.
The utility of shaft centre line position for information about the condition of oil
film in a bearing, bearing stability, alignment of the shaft bearing system and radial
forces on the shaft is explained by Bently[l3]. Misalignment and shaft crack-related
phase relationship for 1X and 2X vibration components of rotor response are detailed
by Muszynska[141.
The use and interpretation of vibration measurements primarily for rotors running on
journal bearings is done by Morton et.al,[l9] with emphasis on location of vibration
transducers for rotor and bearing vibration, signal processing and classification of rotor
dynamic phenomena like stable/unstable vibration and interpretation. An
experimental analysis technique to diagnose sleeve bearing problems and to verify its
design is presented by Shakweer[ZO] with a case history. A theoretical analysis is
done by Bhave et.a1,[21] to show that the excitation forces due to misalignment of s h a h
is at twice the rotating frequency.
An on line computer system for phase-angle monitoring in turboyenerators is
discussed by Wang[22] underlying the necessity of two vibration and one reference
signal probes for true phase angle monitoring. Notes on the analytical investigation of
rotor motion, imposed vibration, self-excited vibration, journal bearing whirl,
flow excitation by working fluid, rotating friction, unsymmetrical rotor,
interaction between transverse and torsional modes of vibration have been given by
Smith[23] to help in the recognition of the causes of rotor vibration in turbo machinery.
Another high frequency technique known as the shock pulse measurement (SPM)
[41, 49, SO, 51, 52, 53, 54, 561 consists of the measurement and analysis of the
maximum value of high frequency component of the high pass band filtered signal to
get the damped transient. Typical bearing condition criteria on SPM are given in [41]
and [50]. As described by Howard (491 this shock pulse (i) is a sharp rise short duration
pulse of energy related directly to the severity of the contact in the bearing element
contact ellipse @)depends on sound propagation (iii)is attenuated (14dB or 80%) at
mechanical interfaces - thereby enabling bearing condition assessment by measuring rate
of occurrence of shock emissions in relation to amplitude.
Typical shock emission profiles of good and damaged bearings and SPM charts for
commercial instruments are dealt by Howard [49] and Brown [SO] respectively.
Some experimental observations and results are illustrated by Smith[51] comparing
acceleration, shock pulse. acoustic emission and jerk measurements for slightly damaged
bearings at medium to low speeds. High frequency detection is discussed in [52] where
peak detection is recommended due to the fact that it includes total
impact spikes generated by the flaw. The technical
monitoring procedure, selection of pick up points etc., is
The superiority of an eddy current system is established by Spencer
et.a1,[54]. Low speed bearing monitoring using acoustic emission transducer is
illustrated by McFadden et.al. [55] in which the base strain sensitivity of the
transducer has been utilized. Improper lubrication which constitutes 43% of the sources
of bearing failure is explained in [41] and [56]. Allenby[56] explains the
importance of diametrical clearances and circumferential clearances in SPM technique.
Bannister[41] describes the assessment of lubrication condition using SPM. thereby the
detection of lubricant starvation and bearing condition.
Bearing analysis using a fiber optic probe that focuses directly at the outer race of the
bearing is presented by Phillips[57] where the reflected light is calibrated to obtain
the changing gap.
The condition monitoring of fans with roller element bearings using the low
frequency, high frequency and the shock pulse technique together with a dual
frequency approach is discussed with numerous examples in [58]. The effects of
geometrical imperfections like inner ring waviness, varying roller element diameter
is dealt in detail by Sunnersjo [59] for a lightly loaded radial bearing with positive
clearance and moderate speeds. McFadden[60] made an effort to extend the model for
the high-frequency vibration produced by a single point defect on the inner race of a
rolling element bearing under radial load to describe the vibration produced by
multiple point defects. The model incorporates the effects of bearing geometry,
speed, load distribution, transfer function and the decay of vibration.
Ball bearings with artificially introduced defects have been used to study the
practical limit of defect detectability by Miyach et a1[61]. Life tests are also made and
results indicated that in most cases bearing damage initiation can be detected early
enough before catastrophic failure occurred, by monitoring the time history of
bearing vibration. This m;ts so because the growth speed of flaking was not usually very
fast. Jixi et.al,[62] proposed a detection method directly by analyzing the vibration
signal to detect the quality of the contact surface for ball bearings.
Computer simulation and application of the cepstral analysis to the ball bearing fault
diagnosis by Jae et.al,[63] show that power cepstral analysis is a very effective
method to distinguish between direct and reflected waves. This method has been found
to be better than other conventional methods based on RMS and Kurtosis values and
probability density function(PDF)
Van dyke[67] developed an algorithm where bearing fault related peaks in machinery
vibration signatures are identified in order to quantify rolling contact bearing fault
with several examples of automated expert diagnostic system using cepstrum analysis. A
technique of approximating rolling element bearing frequencies based on a data base of
over 2000 bearings from six different manufacturers is discussed by Schiltz[68], the
input being the rotating speed and number of rolling elements. A unique necessity of
incipient failure detection of roller bearings in rocket engine (for NASA)handling
liquid oxygen is reportcd by Jolly[69]. Acoustic emission technique is found
most effective technique for incipient failure detection and corrective
Undetected, these failures might lead to major fin due to friction arising o
minor fault . lianfang et.al.[lO] have shown that the combination of
demodulated resonance or Kurtosis analysis technique is an effective
. . .
bearing vibration signal extraction and fault detecti,on as illustrated by a case study of
a piston pump. Use of logarithmic amplitude scale is recommended by
Archambault[71] for trending overall velocity and acceleration levels, introducing a
new bearing severity chart based on crest factor in dB.
Sound intensity technique using two microphones is used for defect detection in rolling
element bearings by Tandon et.a1,[72]. Envelope method gives better results for
incipient defects than advanced stage defects as demonstrated by experimental
testing conducted by Amato et.a1.[73] on bearings having simple and multiple defects.
Grey-system theory of forecasting where known information is used to predict the
unknown (used effectively in economics and agricultural problems), is applied by Kuhnell
et.a1,[74] with illustrations in the prognosis of roller element bearing defects such as fan
roller bearing and also in vibration acceleration of a rail road diesel engine.
Vibration testing for diagnosing the problems in centrifigal and axial flow fan
units is described by Cory[78] giving acceptance standards for different fan sizes and
the frequencies that can help to diagnose typical fan problems in bearings, belts, blades,
gear boxes, motors etc.
An expert system approach has been dealt by John Scheibel et.a1,[91] that
automates the diagnosis of a transverse rotor crack in a steam turbine and other
common vibration fault signatures. An integrated diagnostic system to define
malfunction conditions of a turbogenerator is illustrated by Diana et.a1.[92].
Some case histories in vibration monitoring are given by Wong[l12] concerning sub-
synchronous and out-of-balance vibration in gas turbine and compressor trains,
excessive vibration and bearing failure in a centrifugal pump motor, vibration in a
compressor train, rotor blade fixing in a steam turbine etc. Low speed machine
vibration monitoring as found in the mining industry is shown by Penter[ll3]. A case
study of vibration of an utility set where the bearing problem was confirmed by the
presence of predominant sub harmonic(<O.SX) component is presented by Panwalkar
The basics of practical vibration along with various rotating machinery faults
and successful case studies are reported by Rao[l 151. Saavedra[ll6] narrates the
experience from fault of critical rotating machines containing motor, centrihgal
pump, epicyclic gear box, Pelton wheel turbine and a vacuum pump. Jones[ll7]
presents some case histories in machinery vibration and acoustic emission analysis
covering operating problems and solution for 50,000 RPM cooling fan with
aerodynamic induced vibrations. A review of various rotor balancing methods and the
application of a minicomputer for multi plane balancing of 20KVA micro alternator
and 70MW turbo generator rotor using least square approximation is given by
Ramakrishna et.al,[ll8]. An overview of vibration analysis and condition monitoring
techniques are crisply described by Gardiner[ll9] and Mathew[l20] respectively.
Common vibration problems and procedures of diagnosis in hydro turbine generators is
explained by Sengupta[lZl]. The cumulative sum charting procedure can be used to
establish a knowledge base of fault data for Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
implementation based on historical parameter measurements according to Hott and
Griffiths 11221. A W can provide accurate, incipient fault diagnosis of machinery based
on real industrial data corresponding to historical faults.