1) DEREJE BEKELE…………………………….….BRT/0113/10
2) ALEMU WORKU…………………………………BRT/0080/10
3) BAYISA BEKA…………………………………….BRT/0088/10
4) DERARTU KASAHUN……………………………BRT/0111/10
5) DERAJE AMANTE………………………………...BRT/0109/10
6) GADISE DIRIBA……………………………………BRT/0133/10
7) GELANE GUNJA…………………………………….BRT/0159/09
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Before all things we are extremely grateful to our GOD the Director of our life and work.
To all of our teachers who teach us from ABCD….Z to till now.
We would like to thank Mr. Kibebew Chala whose encouragement, guidance and support from
the initial to the final level enabled us to develop and understanding of the activity and complete
it on time. We would like to thanks my supervisor (ICT head) and their employees for their help
and cooperation during our practice time, and also we would like to thank my friends, family and
institute, for the financial support and encouragement.
Lastly, we offer regards and blessings to all of those who supported us in any respect during this
field practice.
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The purpose of this internship report is briefly described what is networking in working
environment, especially when we stayed in Ambo University. We have tried to find out what is
the relationship between my theoretical knowledge and real world practical working system in
the environment. We have been observing practical implementation monitoring services on a
network by using AMBO UNIVERSITY-ICT
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List of Appendices
Page iv of 31
Dedication ....................................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................................... ii
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... iii
List of Appendices ........................................................................................................................ iv
Chapter 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Rationale (Importance of the Report) ............................................................................... 2
1.2 Objectives of internship ...................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 General objective ............................................................................................................ 2
1.2.2 Specific objective ........................................................................................................... 2
Chapter 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Background of Organization ....................................................................................................... 2
2.1 The main Customers or the end users of product or services ......................................... 3
2.1.1 Mission of Ambo University .......................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Vision of the organization .............................................................................................. 3
2.1.3 Core values of the organization ...................................................................................... 4
2.2 Activities of the Organization ............................................................................................ 4
Chapter 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Methodology and Materials Used ................................................................................................ 4
3.1 Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 4
3.1.1 Method of data collection ............................................................................................... 4
3.2 Network Devices and Materials we used ........................................................................... 4
3.2.2 Router ............................................................................................................................. 6
3.2.3 Patch panel ...................................................................................................................... 6
3.2.4 Switches .......................................................................................................................... 7
3.2.5 Trucking.......................................................................................................................... 7
3.2.6 Driller.............................................................................................................................. 7
3.2.7 Tester .............................................................................................................................. 8
3.2.8 RJ-45............................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.9 Screw Driver ................................................................................................................... 9
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3.2.10 Crimping tools .............................................................................................................. 9
3.2.11 Cutter ............................................................................................................................ 9
3.3 Cable Arrangement ........................................................................................................... 10
3.3.1 Straight through Cable .................................................................................................. 11
3.3.2 Cross over cable............................................................................................................ 11
3.4 Practical Activities Involved ........................................................................................... 12
3.4.1 RJ-45 Ethernet jack punch down wiring ...................................................................... 12
3.4.2 How to Connect a Patch Panel to a Switch .................................................................. 13
3.4.3 How to Punch Down Wires to Patch Panel .................................................................. 15
Chapter 4 ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Assessment of the Internship ..................................................................................................... 20
4.1 Knowledge and Acquaintance Gained ............................................................................ 20
4.1.1 Technical Skills Gained ................................................................................................ 20
4.1.2 Management Skills Gained ........................................................................................... 20
4.1.3 Acquaintance Acquired ................................................................................................ 20
4.2 Challenges Faced During Internship ............................................................................... 20
4.3 Solution taken to Overcome ............................................................................................. 21
4.4 Benefits Obtained .............................................................................................................. 21
4.4.1 Improving Practical Skill .............................................................................................. 21
4.4.2 Improving or upgrading theoretical knowledge ........................................................... 21
4.4.3 Improving interpersonal communication skill .............................................................. 21
4.4.4 Understanding about work ethics and related issues. ................................................... 21
Chapter 5 ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Knowledge Acquired During Internship .................................................................................. 22
Chapter 6 ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Conclusion and Recommendations ........................................................................................... 22
6 .1 conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 22
6.2 Recommendations about Organization ........................................................................... 23
6.3 Recommendations about Practical Attachment ............................................................. 23
References .................................................................................................................................... 24
Page vi of 31
Table of figures
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Chapter 1
1. Introduction
Internships offer students a hands-on opportunity to work in their desired field. They learn how
their course of study applies to the real world and build a valuable experience that makes them
stronger candidates for jobs after graduation.
We have performed our 2 week field practice (On March, because of COVID 19) at Ambo
University main campus in AU ICT center. During this training, we have learned and practiced
numerous knowledge and skill about basic hardware network cable that is distributing wired
network for Ambo University Student union office, totally it have 7 Class.
Chapter 2
Background of Organization
Ambo University is located in Ambo, the capital city of West Shoa Zone of Oromia Regional
State. It was established in 1939 E.C (1947), and is one of the oldest higher learning institutions
in Ethiopia. It was originally a school. In 1951 E.C (1958) the school was renamed as Ambo
Agriculture and Forestry Secondary School with the addition of Forestry Department.
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In 1960 E.C (1967) the school was promoted to the level of “institute‟ and named as Ambo
Institute of Agriculture and started to offer a two-year post-secondary diploma course in General
Agriculture. In 1969 E.C (1974) the institute was granted a Junior College status and named as
Ambo Junior College of Agriculture with an added objective of research and extension apart
from teaching. Consequently, the College launched a continuing education program in 1973 E.C
(1980) and continuously started.
In 1980 E.C (1987) some pedagogical courses were added to the existing curriculum and a
Teacher Education option was added to train agricultural teachers. In 1984 E.C (1992) the
"junior" status was shed off and the institution was named Ambo College of Agriculture. In 1995
EC (2003) the institution started to offer undergraduate degree programs in the fields of Crop
Production, Animal Production, Applied Chemistry and Applied Biology. In the meantime, the
college was affiliated to Jimma University by the name Jimma University - Ambo College.
On Megabit 3, 2000 E.C (12 March, 2008), the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic
of Ethiopia promoted the College to the status of an autonomous University College –Ambo
University College. In 2009 G.C, it was named as Ambo University. Presently the University
runs more than eleven post graduate and thirty-eight undergraduate programs which are divided
into eight colleges/institutes and thirty academic departments in main campus at Ambo, and
branches at Hachalu Hundessa campus, Gudar campus and Wolliso Campus.
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2.1.3 Core values of the organization
The organization has to promote knowledge for the society to build mature literate body to
serve their society.
To make competent society.
To build creative mind in their respective field.
To expanse communication among sector body.
To increase innovation in region, country and in the world.
To increase research and academic in all aspects of science to promote sustainable
development of the country.
2.2 Activities of the Organization
Ambo University is one of the higher education’s that have its own ICT center organization.
The organization has its own responsibilities and activities. The activities carried out by the
organization are:
Managing the university network as well as provide support for the network users.
Helping with the online security of the campus network.
Providing technical support to system users by helping with trainings and giving advices
on the usage of personal computers.
Installing new software, repairing hardware problems, installing new hardware,
troubleshooting problems and training employees especially for related field students.
Maintains the university website.
These duties are achieved majorly due to the co-operation of diverse professionals. The
organization unit is made up of; software engineers, network administrators, system
Chapter 3
During our technical task; we observe and learn the usage of different networking materials and
procedures during network design. The materials we have using during field practice are listed
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below with their functions.
3.2.1 Cables
We used cable for data translation between devices. The three most common types of
communication cables are twisted pair, coaxial, fiber optic. Understanding the differences
between the three will shed light on how data travels through each cable, which ultimately
affects your connection and things like speed, latency, security, cost, etc. here is a general
breakdown of the three different types of cable systems and what they are capable of:
This type of cable is commonly used to deliver TV signals (its higher bandwidth makes it more
Page 5 of 31
suitable for video applications) and to connect computers in a network. The cost is slightly
higher than twisted pair but still considered more economical than fiber.
3 .2.1.3 Fiber optic cables:
Figure 4: Router
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3.2.4 Switches
A switch, in the context of the networking is a high
speed device that receives incoming data
packets and redirects them to their destination on a local area network (LAN). A LAN switch
operates at the data link layer or the network layer of the OSI Model and, as such it can support
all types of packet protocols.
Switch is one of the intermediate devices which used to connect end devices with the router or
end device with end device. We used in our installation Huawei switch and D D-Link
Link switch for
the installation.
llation. Huawei switch are manageable switch. But D D-Link
Link switch is unmanageable.
Figure 6: Switch
3.2.5 Trucking
We used this device in data communications transmission systems to provide many users with
access to a network by sharing multiple lines or frequencies. As the name implies, the system is
like a tree with one trunk and many branches. A trunk is used for a safety of Ethernet cable in
some offices and node to the wall.
Figure 7: Trunk
3.2.6 Driller
We used this device for drill the wall in order to connect the trunk. Drilling machines are
generally or mainly used to originate through or blind straight cylindrical holes in solid rigid
bodies and/or enlarge (coaxially) existing holes:
of different
ifferent diameter ranging from about 1 mm to 40 mm
of varying length depending upon the requirement and the diameter of the drill
Page 7 of 31
In different materials excepting very hard or very soft materials like rubber, polythene
Figure 8: Driller
3.2.7 Tester
We used this networking tool for:
Test whether a given Ethernet cable is working or not and
Test whether a given Ethernet node is working or not.
Identify the arrangemen
arrangement of the network media.
Figure 9: Tester
3.2.8 RJ-45
We used commonly as a connector. All RJ RJ-45
45 connector has eight pins, which means an RJ-45
cable contains eight separate wires. In RJ RJ-45
45 “RJ” is stands for "registered jack", it is a
standardized networking interface“45" is refers to the number of the interface standard.
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3.2.9 Screw Driver
We used this device to open/stretch and close /compress each and every screw on the computer.
se drivers have different shapes like chisel, diamond etc.
3.2.11 Cutter
We used to cut different materials of networking such as: cables, trunk and wires.
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3.2.12 Fissure (expenditure pipe)
We used this device to hold screws of different size.
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3.1.3 Specifying and counting Materials for the installation
Before all activities we specifying materials installa
tion and counting it to use properly when we
install network for this Student Union Office
Those materials
erials are: one Huawei switch,14 computers,14 node,7 whole out late, trunk, cables,
drill machine, punch down, screw driver, one switch wrack, patch panel.
3.1.4 Installing
After network design and counting the materials that use for nnetwork
etwork installation, we install the
network according to the following phase and steps:
Phase 1
Identifying where the switch wrack install and put the switch for the purpose measure the length
of the cable for transmission of data between end device and intermediate device (switch). In
addition to this for identifying where the place we drill for the hold trunk that used for covering
network cable to protect network ccable from any physical damage.
Phase 2
After the end of phase 1 network installation we perform the following task:
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We use this cable to connect the same type of network devices where the pins order on one end
follows the 568a pinning order and the other end of the cable follows the 568b pinning order.
That means connecting two pieces of equipment that have the same pin edge on both ports such
as connecting
Two computers
Two routers
Two switch
Two personal computers
Side A Side B
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3.4.2 How to Connect a Patch Panel to a Switch
Attach the patch panel and switch to a rack-mounted floor stand in the wiring closet. These units
are a standard 19" inches wide and the racks are designed to accommodate this size.
Run the Ethernet cables from their jack locations out in the computer rooms. Each cable will
come from a wall mounted jack that the installer has placed in the walls. They will all return to
the wiring closet through a small hole cut to accommodate the wires.
Connect the wires into the patch panel and use a punch-down tool to connect the wires to the
appropriate slots on the patch panel. Once the wires are all attached, it is advisable to secure the
wires in a bundle using plastic zip ties.
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Label each jack location on the patch panel to designate which room is connected by that jack.
This will make troubleshooting a bad wire easier if need arises.
Plug an Ethernet patch cable into each port on the patch panel and plug the other end into the
switch port. These wires can be moved from port to port if needed to facilitate location change
the network.
Note: since we connect different devices we should have to use straight through cable.
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3.4.3 How to Punch Down Wires to Patch Panel
Step 1: Determine the length of the cable(s) needed.
Step 2: Strip the cable from the end. Using an Ethernet stripping tool, strip the outside jacket
about 3-6 inches from the end.
Note: A cat 6 cable has a center plastic spine that needs to be removed. Pull on the spine and
fold the pairs back. Then cut the spine as close to the cables end as possible.
Note: there are two color patterns, T568a and T568b. Make sure to terminate both sides of the
cable on the same pattern used.
In general, terminating in ascending order is ideal so start at the lowest number. First cable
should be terminated to the 1st port for example.
Step 6: Begin terminating each wire. Use a punch down tool with the 110 blade and terminate
each wire individually. Push down until the tool clicks and cuts the end of the wire off
Step 7: Secure the cable to the patch panel. Many patch panels have slots or tabs where zip ties
can be used to secure the cable to the patch panel.
Step 8: Test the connections/terminations. Use a cable tester to ensure that all wires were
terminated correctly and there you have it! if you followed the above steps, you should now have
a secure connection for your patch panel. Simply repeat the steps above for all the connections in
your install.
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Steps to Punch UTP Cable in jack
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Step 3 untwist wire ends
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Step 7 check
Step 8 crimp
Step 9 test
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• Click Start, click Run, type in “cmd” & hit enter. • Type in ipconfig & hit enter. You will get a
screen that looks like this.
To find your computers‟ IP number, look next to “IP Address”. To find your router’s IP number,
look next to “Default Gateway” (listed last). The router here acts as a gateway to the Internet or
another network.
There are several options available with the ipconfig command, accessible with the command
ipconfig/? To show the most information about the network connections, use the command
Ipconfig has several command lines options that you can utilize. You can display all of them
with the command ipconfig /? Here is a short selection of the most common uses.
All tools covered in the previous part will be combined into a troubleshooting method. This
guide will teach you valuable steps in finding where a problem is on a network connection. A
working connection shows you what is supposed to happen. If you see something different, you
will know something is up. When problems strike, at the least you can get an idea of what is
going on.
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Chapter 4
The most mandatory challenges that are occurred during internships are:
Workers do not have interest to help students.
They do not have arrived on the time.
The given time taken for us to complete our practice is not enough.
The problem of persons on management on payment.
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4.3 Solution taken to Overcome
We are supporting each other to by sharing resource and money what we
Practicing on the material what the organization to have.
We have been used data backup.
We had been used stabilizer to protect our device from electrical power
4.4 Benefits Obtained
Page 21 of 31
healthy working environment and increasing productivity. While we were in the factory most
workers told us what misbehavior cause workers to disappear from their working area.
Chapter 5
Internships are practical activities that develop our knowledge and experiences through practices
work .this the best way acquired knowledge than theoretical part.
Generally we practice how to install network in an organization and any individual person’s
house starting from node to only the switch.
Chapter 6
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me the experience, skill and knowledge on my job application for the work activities performed
professionally. Because practical attachment means changing theory to practical work, therefore,
this attachment helps to find the job opportunity practiced in different organization to change
better information accessibility in the public services.
ICT center of Ambo University organization established for the purpose of guide how to
communicate among each sector of work.
During stay in internships we have observed so many professional activities and learn as well.
This internship was very fruitful to us because we had to know what we apply during
installation. We also learn new concepts and new ways of working. During this internship period
we acquired practical experience to complement the theoretical content of our study in the class,
network cable installation, network cable punching and installation using network materials. To
conclude, we think that this internship was very beneficial to us as we learnt a lot, and it made
our discover work's in a real world.
In generally, this practical attachment develops the ability, knowledge, experience and skill of us
to recognize relevant information to the society.
The organization must prepare suitable room for the students. The workers have to be improving
their punctuality. The co-ordination between the high levels to the low level should be good to
use latest software and devices and to have more educated and experienced man power.
AU of ICT center have a very few employee in network installation whereas the work pressure is
high. So the department could increase their workforce and share the work together. Secondly, to
increase the rate of work efficiency they need faster communication using internet computer with
user. The ICT center should update or add more network features and appoint a professional
operator so that it might save time, money, labor and execute an impact for the long run.
Page 23 of 31
1. Guideline of the practical attachments that gives from School of computing and informatics.
2. Format &contohlaporanakhir li
3. Turner, a.j. (1990), “tendering and estimating”, 7th ed. prentice: hall (m.s 66-80)
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