Matlab: Matlab Domain: Ieee - Image Processing
Matlab: Matlab Domain: Ieee - Image Processing
Matlab: Matlab Domain: Ieee - Image Processing
We proposed a novel method for adaptive bilateral filter for sharpness enhancement
and noise removal. It sharpens an image by increasing the slope of the edges without
producing overshoot or undershoots. It is an approach to sharpness enhancement that is
fundamentally different from the unsharp mask. This new approach to slope restoration also
differs significantly from previous slope restoration algorithms in that the adaptive bilateral
filter does not involve detection of edges or their orientation, or extraction of edge profiles. In
the adaptive bilateral filter, the edge slope is enhanced by transforming the histogram via a
range filter with adaptive offset and width. The ABF is able to smooth the noise, while
enhancing edges and textures in the image. The parameters of the ABF are optimized with a
training procedure. ABF restored images are significantly sharper than those restored by the
bilateral filter. Compared with an USM based sharpening method—the optimal unsharp mask ,
ABF restored edges are as sharp as those rendered by the OUM, but without the halo artifacts
that appear in the OUM restored image. In terms of noise removal, ABF also outperforms the
bilateral filter and the OUM. We demonstrate that ABF works well for both natural images and
text images.
Index Terms:
Bilateral filter,
Noise removal,
Sharpness enhancement,
Slope restoration.
Research in automatic edge detection is an active field because it is used in many
different applications in image processing, such as diagnosis in medical imaging,
topographical recognition and automated inspection of machine assemblies. Automatic edge
detection within an image is a difficult task. When viewing an image, humans can easily
determine the boundaries within an image without conscious thought. However, no single
edge detection algorithm, at present, has been discovered which will automatically
successfully discover all edges for many diverse images. Automatic edge detection is a highly
researched field because it is used in many different applications in image processing, such as
diagnosis in medical imaging, topographical recognition and automated inspection of machine
assemblies. Historically, the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) has been a successful
technique used in edge detection. The contributions of new, recent work in this area are
examined and summarized concisely. Utilizing multiple phases, such as de-noising,
reprocessing threshold coefficients, smoothing, and post processing, are suggested for use
with multiple iterations of the DWT in this research. The DWT is combined with various other
methods for an optimal solution for the edge detection problem.
We approach for edge detection using the DWT, proposed by uses two distinct families
of wavelets. Two dissimilar wavelets are referenced because isotropic wavelets excel at
isolating point wise discontinuities and directional wavelets shine at locating contoured paths;
each type corrects a weakness in the other type of wavelet
Motion is an important part of video signals; motion estimation is one of the most
widely used methods in video processing. Most global motion estimation (GME) methods are
oriented to video coding while video object segmentation methods either assume no global
motion (GM) or directly adopt a coding oriented method to compensate for GM. This paper
proposes a hierarchical differential GME method oriented to video object segmentation. A
scheme which combines three-step search and motion parameters prediction is proposed for
initial estimation to increase efficiency. A robust estimator that uses object information to
reject outliers introduced by local motion is also proposed. For the first frame, when the object
information is unavailable, a robust estimator is proposed which rejects outliers by examining
their distribution in local neighborhoods of the error between the current and the motion-
compensated previous frame. Subjective and objective results show that the proposed
method is more robust, more oriented to video GME has many applications, such as sprite
generation, video coding, scene construction, and video object segmentation. Depending on
the application, the requirements on GME may differ. For example, in video coding, estimated
motion does not need to resemble the true motion as long as the bit rate is achieved for a
given quality
Proposed Method:
Fingerprints are the most widely used biometric feature for person identification and
verification in the field of biometric identification. Fingerprints have been in use for biometric
recognition since long because of their high acceptability, immutability and individuality.
Immutability refers to the persistence of the fingerprints over time whereas individuality is
related to the uniqueness of ridge details across individuals. Fingerprints possess two main
types of features that are used for automatic fingerprint identification and verification: (i)
global ridge and furrow structure that forms a special pattern in the central region of the
fingerprint and (ii) Minutiae details associated with the local ridge and furrow structure. This
paper presents the implementation of a minutiae based approach to fingerprint identification
and verification and serves as a review of the different techniques used in various steps in the
development of minutiae based Automatic Fingerprint Identification Systems, In combination
with these techniques, preliminary results on the statistics of fingerprint images are then
presented and discussed.
Proposed Method:
Finger print minutia impressions were pre-enhanced by the introduced method and the
detected minutia points are superimposed (rings) on the enhanced fingerprint images.
One challenge in bilateral filter is to choose an appropriate kernel, for balancing the
trade-off between edge maintaining and noise removal. In this paper, we propose to improve
the performance of the bilateral filter by replacing the constant kernels with a function
decreasing with the boundary saliency. We call this adaptive filtering scheme as Saliency
Bilateral Filter (SBF) which can average smooth regions with a broad filtering kernel and
preserve strong boundaries with a sharp one. It can smooth away noise and small-scale
structures while retaining important features, thus improving the performances for many
image processing algorithms. In this paper, we present a novel diffusion algorithm for which
the filtering kernels vary according to the perceptual saliency of boundaries. The effectiveness
of the proposed approach is validated by experiments on various medical images.
Proposed System:
Proposed System:
Modern CT scanners can generate volumetric images with high spatial resolution within
20 to 30 s; these images display the details of the human body Recognition of the anatomical
structures of the human body is the first step in the development of a CAD system. The
diaphragm is located below the lungs and above the liver. The shape of the diaphragm is not
uniform and changes with breathing. The state of respiration during the CT scans influenced
the shape of the diaphragm in the CT images. Shape model-based segmentation of the
diaphragm Instead of using a predefined shape model, we used the bottom surface of the lung
to directly determine the shape of the diaphragm in the CT images, and we avoided the
influence of the variation in the shape of the diaphragm that is caused by respiration during
the CT scan. describes a fully automated method by which the position of the diaphragm
surface can be estimated by deforming a thin-plate model to match the bottom surface of the
lung in CT images.
Proposed system:
A fully automated method to estimate the position of the upper surface of the
diaphragm from non contrast torso CT images. This method was applied to 338 torso CT
images, and the diaphragm was successfully identified in 265 images. The validity and
usefulness of this method was demonstrated. We also confirmed that the results of diaphragm
recognition were useful for the identification of the anatomical structure of the body cavity
from CT images
We are of the belief that the easiest way to keep something from prying eyes is to
place it right in front of the person looking for it and make it look as innocuous as possible.
Everyone has a taste for a certain kind of collection of data. It is more than likely that the
person will have that kind of data on the storage device of his computer.
Our aim is to come up with a technique of hiding the message in the data file in such a
way, that there would be no perceivable changes in the data file after the message insertion.
At the same time, if the message that is to be hidden were encrypted, the level of security
would be raised to quite a satisfactory level. Now, even if the hidden message were to be
discovered the person trying to get the message would only be able to lay his hands on the
encrypted message with no way of being able to decrypt it. The purpose here is to forbid any
unauthorized use of an image by adding an obvious identification key, which removes the
image’s commercial value. The two features are: 1) mathematically invariant to scaling the
size of images; 2) independent of the pixel position in the image plane; 3) statistically
resistant to cropping; and 4) robust to interpolation errors during geometric transformations,
and common image processing operations
Proposed System:
The proposed system uses data such as image, text, noise and signature as a carrier
medium which add another step in security. The objective of the newly proposed system is to
create a system that makes it very difficult for an opponent to detect the existence of a secret
message by encoding it in the carrier medium as a function of some secret key and that
remains as the advantage of this system.
Transform methods in signal and image processing generally speaking are easy to use
and can play a number of useful roles in remote sensing environmental monitoring. Examples
are the pollution and forest fire monitoring. Transform methods offer effective procedures to
derive the most important information for further processing or human interpretation and to
extract important features for pattern classification. Most transform methods are used for
image (or signal) enhancement and compression. However other transform methods are
available for linear or nonlinear discrimination in the classification problems. In this paper we
will examine the major transform methods which are useful for remote sensing especially for
environmental monitoring problems. Many challenges to signal processing will be reviewed.
Computer results are shown to illustrate some of the methods discussed.
Proposed System:
Nonlinear PCA attempts to use high order statistics in PCA analysis. The independent
component analysis (ICA) seeks for independent components which provide complimentary
information of the data. ICA may use high-order statistical information. Its computation can
now be more efficient by using fast ICA algorithms.
High-quality magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is routinely used to obtain anatomical
structure of the brain in both clinical and research arenas. A modified probabilistic neural
network (PNN) for brain tissue segmentation with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is
proposed. In this approach, covariance matrices are used to replace the singular smoothing
factor in the PNN’s kernel function, and weighting factors are added in the pattern of
summation layer. This weighted probabilistic neural network (WPNN) classifier can account for
partial volume effects, which exist commonly in MRI, not only in the final result stage, but also
in the modeling process. It adopts the self-organizing map (SOM) neural network to overly
segment the inputMRimage, and yield reference vectors necessary for probabilistic density
function (PDF) estimation. A supervised “soft” labeling mechanism based on Bayesian rule is
developed, so that weighting factors can be generated along with corresponding SOM
reference vectors. Tissue classification results from various algorithms are compared, and the
effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach are demonstrated.
Proposed system:
The proposed algorithm and some other popular segmentation algorithms were applied
to simulated MR images and real MR images for validation. Our results demonstrate that both
the MCR and relative overlap ratio are improved using WPNN compared with other algorithms.
Diabetic-related eye diseases are the most common cause of blindness in the world. So
far the most effective treatment for these eye diseases is early detection through regular
screenings. To lower the cost of such screenings, we employ state-of-the-art image processing
techniques to automatically detect the presence of abnormalities in the retinal images
obtained during the screenings. In this Paper, we focus on one of the abnormal signs: the
presence of exudates in the retinal images. We propose a novel approach that combines
brightness adjustment procedure with statistical classification method and local-window-based
verification strategy. Experiment can be done to indicate that we are able to achieve 100%
accuracy in terms of identifying all the retinal images with exudates while maintaining 70%
accuracy in correctly classifying the truly normal retinal images as normal. This translates to a
huge amount of savings in terms of the number of retinal images that need to be manually
reviewed by the medical professionals each year.
This paper aims at tracking vehicles from monocular intensity image sequences and
presents an efficient and robust approach to three-dimensional (3-D) model-based vehicle
tracking. Under the weak perspective assumption and the ground-plane constraint, the
movements of model projection in the two-dimensional image plane can be decomposed into
two motions: translation and rotation. They are the results of the corresponding movements of
3-D translation on the ground plane (GP) and rotation around the normal of the GP, which can
be determined separately. A new metric based on point-to-line segment distance is proposed
to evaluate the similarity between an image region and an instantiation of a 3-D vehicle model
under a given pose. Based on this, we provide an efficient pose refinement method to refine
the vehicle’s pose parameters. An improved EKF is also proposed to track and to predict
vehicle motion with a precise kinematics model. Experimental results with both indoor and
outdoor data show that the algorithm obtains desirable performance even under severe
occlusion and clutter.
We also tested the proposed tracking algorithm with explicit occlusion reasoning on an
image sequence that contains significant occlusion to demonstrate the algorithm’s robustness
to occlusion.
Signature verification is a commonly used biometric authentication method. Compared
to other forms of biometric authentication such as finger print or iris verification, signature
verification has the advantage that it is an historically well established and well accepted
approbation method and is thus perceived to be less intrusive than many modern alternatives.
We propose a new approach to dynamic signature verification using the discriminative
training framework. The authentic and forgery samples are represented by two separate
Gaussian Mixture models and discriminative training is used to achieve optimal separation
between the two models. An enrollment sample clustering and screening procedure is
described which improves the robustness of the system. We also introduce a method to
estimate and apply subject norms representing the”typical” variation of the subject’s
signatures. The subject norm functions are parameterized, and
the parameters are trained as an integral part of the discriminative training
This paper a local image statistic for identifying noise pixels in images corrupted with
impulse noise of random values. The statistical values quantify how different in intensity the
particular pixels are from their most similar neighbors. We continue to demonstrate how this
statistic may be incorporated into a filter designed to remove additive Gaussian noise. The
result is a new filter capable of reducing both Gaussian and impulse noises from noisy images
effectively, which performs remarkably well, both in terms of quantitative measures of signal
restoration and qualitative judgments of image quality. Our approach is extended to
automatically remove any mix of Gaussian and impulse noise.
The main focus in this research is to experiment deeply with, and find alternative
solutions to the image segmentation problems within the License Plate Recognition framework
.it is necessary to locate and extract the license plate region from a larger scene image.
Second, having a license plate region to work with, the alphanumeric characters in the plate
need to be extracted from the background so as to deliver them to an OCR system for
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) which is also known as Number Plate
Recognition (NPR) or License Plate Recognition (LPR) is a system for automated identification
of vehicle number plates. This allows cars to be tracked and their whereabouts to be
documented in real-time. Its uses range from calculating the time someone has spent in a car-
park of a superstore to counter-terrorism surveillance of ports and airports.
This paper investigates the problem of speaker identification and verification in noisy
conditions, assuming that speech signals are corrupted by environmental noise, but
knowledge about the noise characteristics is not available. This research is motivated in part
by the potential application of speaker recognition technologies on handheld devices or the
Internet. While the technologies promise an additional biometric layer of security to protect
the user, the practical implementation of such systems faces many challenges. One of these is
environmental noise. Due to the mobile nature of such systems, the noise sources can be
highly time-varying and potentially unknown. This raises the requirement for noise robustness
in the absence of information about the noise. This paper describes a method that combines
multicondition model training and missing-feature theory to model noise with unknown
temporal-spectral characteristics. Multicondition training is conducted using simulated noisy
data with limited noise variation, providing a “coarse” compensation for the noise, and
missing-feature theory is applied to refine the compensation by ignoring noise variation
outside the given training conditions, thereby reducing the training and testing mismatch. This
paper is focused on several issues relating to the implementation of the new model for real-
world applications. These include the generation of multicondition training data to model noisy
speech, the combination of different training data to optimize the recognition performance,
and the reduction of the model’s complexity.
The new algorithm was tested using two databases with simulated and Realistic noisy
speech data. The first database is a redevelopment of the TIMIT database by rerecording the
data in the presence of various noise types, used to test the model for speaker identification
with a focus on the varieties of noise. The second database is a handheld-device database
collected in realistic noisy conditions, used to further validate the model for real-world speaker
The new model is compared to baseline systems and is found to achieve lower error rates.
In this paper, we investigate the use of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS)
for fetal electrocardiogram (FECG) extraction from two ECG signals recorded at the thoracic
and abdominal areas of the mother’s skin. The thoracic ECG is assumed to be almost
completely maternal (MECG) while the abdominal ECG is considered to be composite as it
contains both the mother’s and the fetus’ ECG signals. The maternal component in the
abdominal ECG signal is a nonlinearly transformed version of the MECG. We use an ANFIS
network to identify this nonlinear relationship, and to align the MECG signal with the maternal
component in the abdominal ECG signal. Thus, we extract the FECG component by subtracting
the aligned version of the MECG signal from the abdominal ECG signal. We validate our
technique on both real and synthetic ECG signals. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness
of the proposed technique in extracting the FECG component from abdominal signals of very
low maternal to fetal signal-to-noise ratios. The results also show that the technique is capable
of extracting the FECG even when it is totally embedded within the maternal QRS complex.
This project, a multi-user phased chirp modulation spread spectrum system model is
described for use in MAC channels experiencing flat amplitude fading. An analytical
expression and two less complex upper bounds for the average system probability of bit error
were derived using the moment generating function technique. An equivalent baseband
system model for BER simulations in MATLABTM is carried out, which included Nakagami-m
fading generator based on transformation mapping.
Powers received from users at different distance vary a lot due to propagation fading.
Near-far problem is generated for conventional receiver without any resistance to it. To be
able to distinguish individual user’s signal from all others' and noise, system has to be able to
manage the power transmitted by each user in a way that they all appear with similar power
when they arrive. This problem is called as Multi-User or Multi-Access Interference (MUI or
MAI). It can significantly degrade system performance in terms of Bit Error Probability(BER). To
handle this problem, we have two solutions. One is as stated above, use power management
technique; the other one is to use some kind of interference-resistant receiver or detecter to
demodulate the signal. In power management technique, if transmitting powers are updated
at a moderated rate, power control can only account for differences in received power due to
propogation loss. Multipath induced fading can still cause a Near-Far situation. To overcome
this, transmitter will have to adjust themselves a few hundreds times per second, which
causes too much loading. On the other hand, using interference-resistant receiver can
overcome same problem. If the receiver has information about the interferencing signals, it
can regenerate it and then subtract it from the received signal to recover the original signal
sent. A lot of research work has been done on interference-resistant receiver, a common issue
they all encounter is that they all require a large amount of information about the delays and
sequences used by each user. In reality, this information maybe is available to the
BaseStation, but unlikely available to the mobile station. Therefore, downlink is still an issue
for that kind of receiver. Additionally, these sorts of receivers can't get feasible information
about delays in multipaths environment. Except this kind of interference-resistant receiver,
another approach is to use some sort of diversity technique. As a popular topic today, Space-
Time diversity can be implemented at BaseStation to achieve diversity
gain, but again, it's not feasible to implement it at mobile, downlink is still the problem.
This paper will discuss about a type of receiver that is based on equalizer and can achieve
similar performance as ideal RAKE receiver without knowledge of delays of multipaths. Studies
and work has been done by Honig and Verdu . This receiver is called Adaptive DS/CDMA
Multiuser Interference Resistant Receiver. The receiver uses a chip matched filter followed by
an adaptive equalizer structure to perform de-spreading operation. This structure allows it to
adjust to prevailing interference and noise environment. The relative simplicity of the receiver
structure makes its use attractive not only to BaseStations, but also to mobiles.
The goal of this paper is to evaluate the performance of this receiver comparing to the
conventional receiver. The organization of this paper is: in next section we will discuss the
channel model and receiver structure, then we will qualitively analyze the performance of this
receiver in terms of Bit Error Probability comparing to conventional receiver and compare the
capacities, at last we will draw our conclusion based on the results.
0 Rx 0
Tx 0
s1 2
s0* 1
2x2 transmit/receive antenna array h
Tx 1 Rx 1
This provides a brief overview of Space-Time Coded Systems, and in particular Space-
Time Block Coding.
Public interest in wireless communications has soared due to recent technological
advances in the communications industry. This interest has quickly turned into a multi-
billion dollar market in technologies such as pagers, mobile phones, cordless phones,
laptops with wireless modems, and wireless local area networks. Sharing the limited
available spectrum among these different high capacity users is highly dependant on
signal processing techniques such as coding and modulation.
The rapid growth in mobile computing and other wireless data services is inspiring many
proposals for high-speed data services. Thus the next generation of mobile
communications technologies will require more efficient coding, modulation, and signal
processing techniques. One such proposed technique is Space-Time Coding.
A Space-Time Coded System utilizes multiple transmit and receive antennas to increase
the information capacity of a wireless communications system. This is achieved by a
coding scheme that introduces temporal and spatial correlation into signals transmitted
from different antennas, in order to provide diversity gain at the receiver without
sacrificing bandwidth. Unlike single antenna systems where scattering is a problem, it
becomes a bonus, and indeed is necessary for the system to work.