Cyber Crime Assignment
Cyber Crime Assignment
Cyber Crime Assignment
Assignment On :
Cyber Crime - A Hindrance In Digital World
Digital World
Digital world refers to the availability and use of digital tools
to communicate on the Internet, digital devices, smart devices
and other technologies.
Crime an action or omission which constitutes an offence ,
opposite to law and is punishable by law
Cyber crime is defined as any illegal activity that
involves a computer, another digital device or a computer
network. Cyber crime includes common cyber security threats
like social engineering, software vulnerability exploits and
network attacks. But it also includes criminal acts like hacktivist
protests, harassment and extortion, money laundering, and more.
Example of cyber crime
Cyber crime is defined as any illegal activity that
involves a computer, another digital device or a computer
network. Cyber crime includes common cyber security threats
like social engineering, software vulnerability exploits and
network attacks. But it also includes criminal acts like hacktivist
protests, harassment and extortion, money laundering, and more.
Example of cyber crime
committing fraud, trafficking in child pornography and intellectual property, stealing identities, or violating
The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Act, 2006 came in force on 8 October, 2006.
Subsequently, the government amended the Act in 2008 and in 2009. For the better application of the Act,
the government passed Information Technology (Certificate Authority) rules in 2010. But these laws alone
are not enough. To face the challenges growing in cyber space it is essential to amend the existing laws such
as the Penal Code 1860, the Evidence Act 1872, the Contract Act 1872 etc. It is hoped that these Acts will be
modified in accordance with the demand of time. However, there are some provisions in the ICT Act, 2006
which mention penalties for various cyberspace related crimes. For instance, section 54 (1) of this Act
declares the offences concerning cyberspace. Then, section-54(2) says, “If any person commits offences
under sub-section (1) of this section, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend
to ten years, or with fine which may extend to taka ten lakhs, or with both”.
(a) with the intent to cause or knowing that he is likely to cause wrongful loss or damage to the public or
any person, does any act and thereby destroys, deletes or alters any information residing in a computer
resource or diminishes its value or utility or affects it injuriously by any means;
(b) damage through illegal access to any such computer, computer network or any electronic system
which do not belong to him; then such activity shall be treated as hacking offence;
(c) whoever commits hacking offence under sub-section (1) of this section, he shall be punishable with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to ten years, or with fine which may extend to taka one crore , or
with both.”
We can see that law has taken the matter of cyber-crimes in consideration and there are some strict rules
regarding it.
imprisonment for a term which may extend to ten years, or with fine which may extend to taka one crore , or
with both.”
We can see that law has taken the matter of cyber-crimes in consideration and there are some strict rules
regarding it.
Cyber crime is obviously the latest form of the crimes which is very difficult to suppress. But, its difficulty must not
prevent us from taking adequate measures against the cyber-criminals. Only law is not enough and so, we must nurture
ethics and morality in our private and communal lives. As our youngsters are prone to misdirection, they must be given
proper guidance and care. The state has to take all possible measures to thwart any kind of cyber-invasion which may
put the lives of people in danger. Continuous vigilance and upgrading counter-measures are some of the must-dos for
the government. Common people should also be careful in using computer systems and online facilities. Hopefully, our
awareness and constant battle against cyber-crime will result in success.
The End
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The End
Thanks For Reading
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