Accounting For Goodwill: The Transition From Amortisation To Impairment - An Impact Assessment
Accounting For Goodwill: The Transition From Amortisation To Impairment - An Impact Assessment
Accounting For Goodwill: The Transition From Amortisation To Impairment - An Impact Assessment
When the FASB adopted an impairment test approach in 2001, rather than
amortisation, the accounting for goodwill arising from an acquisition took a step in a
new direction. The IASB, seeking international convergence and global
harmonisation, also implemented this change when it issued IFRS 3 in 2004.
Moving away from amortisation towards an impairment test involves a radical
change. The research on which this paper is based was undertaken to examine these
two very different accounting practices for the treatment of goodwill and to assess the
possible impact that a transition from the one to the other may have on financial
Key words
Accounting practices Acquisition
Amortisation Business combinations
Earnings Financial reporting
Goodwill Impairment
1 Introduction
Some debate regarding the most appropriate method of accounting for goodwill that arises
from an acquisition (commonly referred to as “purchased” or “acquired” goodwill) raged
during the early 1990s and again during the early 2000s.
During 1993, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) amended an
International Accounting Standard (IAS), namely IAS 22, Business Combinations (IASB
1993), by removing the option of writing off purchased goodwill (hereafter referred to
merely as goodwill) immediately on acquisition. The accounting treatment of goodwill that
arises from an acquisition took a significant step in a new direction with this amendment,
whereby goodwill now has to be recognised as an asset and amortised over its useful life.
A number of alternative treatments were used in South Africa at that time, as there was
no definitive accounting standard for the accounting treatment of goodwill before the
3.2 IFRS 3
In terms of the new standard, goodwill acquired in a business combination is an asset and
must initially be measured at cost (IFRS 3 par.51). After initial recognition, the acquirer
must measure this goodwill at cost, less any accumulated impairment losses (I FRS 3
par.54). The acquirer must test goodwill for impairment annually, or more frequently, if
events or changes in circumstances indicate that it might be impaired, in accordance with
IAS 36, Impairment of Assets (IFRS 3 par.55).
IAS 36, Impairment of Assets (IASB 2004b) requires goodwill to be tested for
impairment as part of the impairment testing of the cash-generating unit to which it relates,
using a two-step approach. The carrying amount of goodwill must be allocated, from the
acquisition date, to each of the smallest cash-generating units to which a portion of that
carrying amount can be allocated on a reasonable and consistent basis. A cash-generating
unit (hereafter referred to as a unit) is defined as the smallest identifiable group of assets
that generates cash inflows from continuing use that are largely independent of the cash
flows from other assets or groups of assets.
The two-step impairment test involves the following
Step 1: Compare the carrying amount of the unit, including the goodwill, with its
recoverable amount. The recoverable amount of such a unit should be measured,
consistent with the requirements in IAS 36, as the higher of value in use and net selling
price. If the recoverable amount of the unit exceeds its carrying amount, goodwill is not
impaired. If not, then follow Step 2.
Step 2: Compare the implied value of goodwill with its carrying amount. Implied
goodwill is the excess of the recoverable amount of the unit to which the goodwill has
been allocated over the fair value of the net identifiable assets that the entity would
recognise if it acquired that unit in a business combination on the date of the impairment
test. Any excess of the carrying amount of goodwill over its implied value is recognised
immediately, in profit or loss, as an impairment loss. Any remaining excess of the
carrying amount of the unit over its recoverable amount is recognised as an impairment
loss and allocated to the other assets of the unit on a pro rata basis, based on the
carrying amount of each asset in the unit.
SFAS 142 uses fair value (the amount for which the whole unit could be bought or sold
between willing parties) as the basis for the impairment testing of goodwill, whereas the
recoverable amount is used as basis for the impairment test in IAS 36; and
SFAS 142 refers to a reporting unit, whereas IAS 36 refers to a cash-generating unit. A
reporting unit is the level at which management reviews and assesses the operating
segment’s performance – in other words, units can be discrete business lines or grouped
by geography and can produce stand-alone financial statements. The level at which
goodwill is tested for impairment under SFAS 142 will thus often be higher than the
level at which it would be tested under IAS 36 (IASB 2003a).
3.4 Example
Company X acquires a 100% interest in Company Y for R1 600 000 on 1 January 20X3. At
this date, Y’s identifiable net assets have a fair value of R1 200 000. At the end of 20X3,
the following relates to Y (assume Y is a cash-generating unit):
Recoverable amount of Y R1 600 000
Carrying amount of the identifiable net assets of Y R1 350 000
Fair value of the identifiable net assets of Y which X would recognise if it acquired
Y at this date R1 500 000
Step 1 of the impairment test: The carrying amount of Y in the consolidated financial
statements is R1 750 000 (R1 350 000 + R400 000), which is higher than the recoverable
amount of R1 600 000.
Step 2 of the impairment test: Implied goodwill is calculated as the excess of the
recoverable amount of Y (R1 600 000) over the identifiable net assets of Y which X would
recognise if it acquired Y at this date (R1 500 000). Goodwill is therefore written off to this
implied value of R100 000.
accounting sense, goodwill can be thought of as a “premium” for buying a business. One
characteristic of goodwill that has emerged over the past century is that it cannot be
separated from the business. It cannot be sold without selling the associated business
(Fontanot 2003).
5 Amortisation
Conceptually, amortisation is a method to allocate the cost of goodwill over the periods it is
consumed. This is consistent with the approach taken with regard to other fixed assets that
do not have indefinite useful lives (IASB 2004d). Overpayment for the assets of an
acquired company generally reflects an expectation of high future earnings. Amortisation of
this overpayment ensures that the overpayment is matched with the expected future
earnings (Fontanot 2003).
Systematic amortisation with additional impairment testing acknowledges that the factors
that constitute acquired goodwill generally diminish in value over time, and that the related
costs are systematically charged to income over the useful life of the goodwill (EFRAG
2003). Although the useful life of goodwill cannot be predicted with a satisfactory level of
reliability, systematic amortisation provides an appropriate balance between conceptual
soundness and operationality at an acceptable cost. According to the respondents to ED 3,
Business Combinations (IASB 2002), this is the only practical solution to an intractable
problem (IASB 2004d).
In considering the comments on ED 3, the IASB observed that it is generally not possible
to predict the useful life of goodwill and the pattern according to which it diminishes.
Hence, the amount amortised in any given period can at best be described as an arbitrary
estimate of the consumption of goodwill during that period (IASB 2004d). The FASB
(2001b) argued that it is virtually impossible to predict accurately what the useful life of
goodwill would be and that amortisation is therefore not a faithful representation of the
pattern of decline (FASB 2001b).
Moehrle (2001) argues that goodwill is a wasting asset because it has a definite life, but
does not decline in value over a straight line for an observable period. The imposition of a
maximum life and a systematic write-down, irrespective of the efforts of management and
the ongoing business value, seems to be an overly mechanistic approach to judging the
possible erosion of goodwill value.
Most of the controversy about goodwill over the last four decades has centred on the
earnings drag of goodwill, rather than its usefulness (Waxman 2001). Financial statement
users in the USA have indicated that they do not regard goodwill amortisation as useful
information in investment analyses (FASB 2001b). For this reason, most analysts ignore
goodwill amortisation when they calculate their ratios (Hattingh 2002).
6 Impairment
One of the main arguments of the FASB in proposing the impairment approach was that it
would lead to improved financial reporting, because the financial statements of entities that
acquire goodwill would reflect the underlying economics of those assets better. As a result,
financial statement users would be better able to understand the investments made in those
assets and the subsequent performance of those investments (FASB 2001b).
The IASB (2004d), in considering the comments on ED 3, agreed with the FASB that
achieving an acceptable level of reliability in the form of representational faithfulness,
while at the same time striking some balance with what is practicable, was the primary
challenge faced in deliberating accounting for goodwill. They acknowledged that, if
goodwill is an asset, it must be true that goodwill acquired in a business combination is
being consumed and replaced by internally generated goodwill, provided the entity is able
to maintain the overall value of goodwill. They were, however, doubtful about the
usefulness of an amortisation charge that reflects the consumption of goodwill, whilst the
internally recognised goodwill replacing it is not recognised. They argued that a rigorous
and operational impairment test would provide more useful information to users of an
entity’s financial statements.
According to Moehrle (2001), a good impairment test promotes transparency, because
the trigger is a change in underlying economic or business conditions, not an arbitrary
period. As a result, reporting is based on current events that affect the business. If it is
properly managed, goodwill is an appreciating asset, and if it is not properly managed, the
impairment test will recognise any reduction in value.
model, simply because it will increase earnings and earnings per share (Waxman 2001). It
should be noted that this would not apply to headline earnings per share, as Circular 7/2002
(SAICA 2002) specifically excludes goodwill from the calculation of headline earnings.
Headline earnings per share has become the accepted earnings per share measure of many
South African listed companies, but is unique to South Africa and is not an accepted
earnings per share measure in global markets (Moodie 2000).
There may also be more volatility in reported income than under previous standards,
because impairment losses are likely to occur irregularly and in varying amounts (FASB
6.1.3 Complexity
IFRS 3 puts its faith in a potentially unreliable and very complex impairment test. This was
the opinion of the two IASB members who dissented from the issue of IFRS 3 (IASB
2004e). The projection of future cash flows is difficult, especially in developing and
volatile industries (such as the “high tech” and telecommunications industries). The
question is whether fair presentation will be achieved in the recognising and measuring of
goodwill in view of the high dependency on the ability of an entity’s financial personnel to
predict future cash flows accurately (White 2003).
In its analysis of the main issues raised during field visits and roundtable discussions, the
IASB noted that its decision to adopt a non-amortisation approach for goodwill was
contingent on its ability to devise a sufficiently rigorous yet operational impairment test.
The Board noted that it was the second step of the proposed impairment test and the method
for measuring any impairment loss for the goodwill that caused the greatest concern for
both respondents and field visit participants (IASB 2003a).
In the USA, businesses indicated that they do not like the reporting unit requirement
because of the difficulty they have in determining the reporting unit level on which
goodwill is to be tested, as well as what specific methodology to use to calculate the fair
value of the reporting unit. Will the fair value be derived from an independent third party
valuation, an earnings model, a multiple of book value, or some other model? Stock prices
represent an ideal estimate, for accounting purposes, of fair value, because they are
objective and verifiable (Moehrle 2001). However, many finance managers believe that the
current price at which their company stock trades does not reflect its fair value and may
also not be representative of the fair value of the reporting unit as a whole (SmartPros
Non-amortisation of goodwill increases the reliance that must be placed on impairment
tests of those assets. Therefore IAS 36 requires additional disclosure to provide users with
information needed to evaluate the reliability of the estimates used by management.
Although the IASB has relaxed the disclosure requirements in IAS 36, based on the field
visit participants’ and respondents’ concerns that the proposed disclosures go beyond their
intended objective of providing users with relevant information for evaluating the reliability
of the impairment tests (IASB 2003b), IAS 36 still contains very rigorous disclosure
6.1.4 Cost
The costs of the impairment tests are likely to be high and the benefits may be diminished
by their potential unreliability. For smaller companies, both quoted and unquoted, the costs
may outweigh any possible benefit. The proposed impairment test requires the fair
valuation of all assets and liabilities in a cash-generating unit that are potentially impaired.
Such a valuation will be expensive and time -consuming (White 2003).
To ensure compliance with SFAS 142 and to avoid unexpected charges, many companies
in the USA are paying more for professional valuation services to value goodwill and other
intangibles. George D. Shaw, the Boston-based managing director of Grant Thornton
Corporate Finance LLC, the accounting firm’s M&A advisory subsidiary (quoted by
Reason 2003), has commented that the adoption of SFAS 142 in the USA had been good for
the valuation business and that this trend would continue because ongoing testing is
required. Valuation firms offer a structured process and a paper trail, which may be useful
if a company’s valuation practices are challenged. The US Securities Commission (SEC)
released a review of the 2002 filings by Fortune 500 companies during February 2003
(cited by Reason 2003), noting that goodwill impairment was among the critical disclosures
that often seemed to be materially deficient in explanation or clarity. Among the additional
information that the SEC demanded were clearer descriptions of accounting policies for
measuring impairment, as well as better information on how reporting units are determined
and how goodwill is allocated to those units (Reason 2003).
6.1.5 Subjectivity
The impairment test is subject to a high degree of subjectivity and uncertainty, which may
make it no less arbitrary than amortisation.
Annual impairment testing is an onerous process, which requires companies to make
subjective decisions about whether goodwill has declined in value. The corporate executive
now has to absorb more questions because the recoverable amount of goodwill is one more
item that needs to be audited (Basi & Penning 2002).
The determination of the fair value of a unit and the detailed measurement of the implied
fair value of goodwill may be so subjective that the timing and amount of write-downs may
not always be independently verifiable (Waxman 2001). Ketz (2001b) comments that
managers will have the opportunity to deny impairments in many situations. He suggests
that executives will simply find those appraisers and consultants who will provide the
desired numbers leaving auditors with no benchmark by which to evaluate the treatments.
The difficulty is that no one can value goodwill with precision. Ketz (2001a) is convinced
that investment bankers, accountants and others will, for an appropriate fee, measure
goodwill, but compares this to gazing into crystal balls. This is because goodwill cannot be
sold separately and because there is no market for goodwill.
impaired, according to IAS 36, whereas IFRS 3 requires goodwill to be tested for
impairment annually.
Goodwill is also subject to a two-step impairment test, whereas the other assets in IAS 36
that are written down to recoverable amounts are subjected to a one-step impairment test
only. According to the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW
2003), the screening test is consistent with the impairment test for the other assets in IAS 36
that are written down to recoverable amounts and no further testing is required.
In order to test goodwill for impairment, the recoverable amount of the investment in the
subsidiary has to be determined according to IAS 36. This implies that the investment in the
subsidiary must also be tested for impairment annually, in comparison with other
investments, which only have to be tested for impairment when there is an indication that
they are impaired.
subject to further impairment testing (for example, Cognos Inc acquired Adaytum in 2003
for US $157 million in cash, resulting in goodwill of US $154 million, but has only one
reporting unit – the goodwill will therefore only be impaired if the book value of Cognos
falls below the market value). In a case study done by Frucot, Jordan and Lebow (2004),
the acquiring company also consisted of only one reporting unit. Here, a drop in the share
price of the acquiring company’s shares due to market fluctuations resulted in an
impairment of 25% of the goodwill, arising from the acquisition of another company six
years earlier, although the combined company was very profitable and paid very high
Large companies with multiple units would thus seem more vulnerable, although those
units can often provide a substantial cushion against impairments (Reason 2003).
9 Conclusion
The accounting treatment of goodwill has been a matter of concern to accountants and
accounting standards committees for more than a decade. International standard setters
agreed in the early 1990s that goodwill should be recognised as an asset and amortised over
its useful life. The issue was re-introduced at the start of the 21st century, resulting in the
FASB replacing the amortisation requirement with an impairment testing approach in 2001.
The IASB also adopted this approach with the acceptance of IFRS 3 in 2004.
The examination of the nature of goodwill in Section 4 of this article has shown that
goodwill exists because the fair value of a business as a going concern exceeds the fair
value of its identifiable net assets. If this can be attributed to expectations of high future
earnings, amortisation would result in the matching of the cost of the goodwill with
expected future earnings from the acquisition. If the excess paid is due to internally
generated intangibles that are not recognised as assets, or expected synergies from
combining the businesses of the companies involved, the impairment approach would
permit the capitalisation of these internally generated intangible assets. This could result in
companies’ never having to recognise an impairment of the acquired goodwill, which
would give companies growing through acquisitions the advantage of recognising inherent
goodwill as an asset.
A comparison between amortisation and impairment revealed that amortisation is well
understood and that it is a well-established principle consistent with the approach taken to
other tangible and intangible assets with finite useful lives, but that it ignores the fact that
some forms of goodwill can have an indefinite useful life. The impairment test approach,
on the other hand, seems to involve a very different and much more complex, costly and
subjective accounting process. Fair value measurements can be difficult to do and may need
to be done by valuation experts. In cases where stock prices are used as estimates for fair
values, goodwill might have to be impaired, although the current price at which the
company’s stock trades might not reflect its fair value and thus not be representative of the
fair value of the reporting unit as a whole. It may therefore be more appropriate to treat
goodwill in the same way as other intangible assets: amortising finite life goodwill and
subjecting it to an impairment test only where there is an indication that it has been
impaired, while subjecting indefinite life goodwill, where the life of goodwill is difficult to
assess, to an annual impairment test. This will ensure that accounting for goodwill takes
into account the nature of goodwill as an intangible asset, as well as the reasons for its
existence, without unnecessarily subjecting it to a complex and costly annual impairment
An examination of the effect that the transition from amortisation to impairment has had
on companies in the USA suggests that many South African companies may have to record
an impairment of goodwill when they adopt IFRS 3, especially those who were seen to be
“growing” because they were acquiring new businesses and merging them with their own
in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
Transition period write-offs significantly exceeded the predicted write-offs on adoption
of SFAS 142 in the USA in 2002, suggesting that firms might have used the transition
period to minimize future write-offs. It is especially where companies delayed goodwill
write-offs before the adoption of SFAS 142, that high impairment charges in the transitional
year had a significant impact on their earnings. Companies where goodwill was amortised
over long periods under the old accounting rule, as well as companies with significant and
older goodwill assets, had to impair a greater proportion of their goodwill on adoption of
SFAS 142.
Finally, it appears that amortisation provided the opportunity for goodwill to have a very
small and systematic effect on the profitability of the acquiring company. Impairment
losses, on the other hand, are likely to occur irregularly and in varying amounts, causing
volatility in reported earnings. Although impairments are a non-cash charge, they obviously
have a very big negative effect if a company is writing off a substantial amount of goodwill
because an acquisition does not live up to expectation. Overstating goodwill can make an
otherwise marginally lucrative deal look worthwhile, but companies will now have to be
careful with deals based on “back-of-the-envelope” calculations, as more rigorous
accounting now needs to be applied to the goodwill acquired.
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