Theatre Careers Unit

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Everyone Has a Place in Theatre: Exploring Careers in the Field for Middle School

Theatre Foundations
Unit design by Reanna Cook

● Utah Secondary Theatre Grades 7-8 Create Standard 1
○ Develop imagination to create artistic ideas and work.
● Utah Secondary Theatre Grades 7-8 Connect Standard 2
○ Research how other theatre artists apply creative processes to tell stories in a
devised or scripted drama/theatre work, using theatre research methods.
● Utah Standard Theatre Grades 7-8 Create Standard 4
○ Discuss roles, identify responsibilities, and participate in group decision making.

Essential Questions
● How can each of our strengths and talents contribute to the collaborative art form of live
Enduring Understandings
● Theatre is created by a team comprised of members with various strengths, interests, and
Key Knowledges
● The director of a production is the person who makes the final judgements on all artistic
decisions in a production.
● The costume designer of a production is the person who researches the costumes, decides
which styles and fabrics to use, and then draws or paints the costumes in renderings.
● The choreographer of a production is the person who composes the sequences of steps
that make up dances throughout the performance.
● The scenic designer of a production is the person who designs the look of the scenery and
then paints renderings and drafts floor plans.
● The stage manager of a production is the person who runs rehearsals, calls the cues
during the show, and, in general, organizes things backstage.
● The propmaster of a production is the person who is in charge of collecting and
distributing the items that can be carried by an actor in the course of a show.

Performance Tasks
● Students will work independently to create a 3-5 minute presentation (in class, screencast,
video recording, or 1 ½ page typed, double spaced, written response) including a visual
component (Prezi, Google Slides presentation, physical color rendering, etc.) based on
one of the above mentioned theatre positions. They will complete their visual component
based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood in which they will develop imagination to
create artistic ideas and work.
Other Assessments
● Students will complete the Theatre Roles and Responsibilities Quiz (attached) in order to
demonstrate that they know the definitions of the above mentioned terms, as well as that
their skills and interests can be harnessed when they act as a contributing member of a
theatrical production.

Teacher Materials
● Projector/SmartBoard
Student Materials
● Whiteboard markers (1 per row of seats, approximately 6)
● Whiteboard
● Chromebooks
● Headphones
● Colored pencils
● Watercolors
● White cardstock paper
● Fabric swatches
● Printer
● Roles in Theatre Beyond Acting Pre-Assessment (attached, 1 per student)
● Theatre Roles and Responsibilities Quiz (attached, 1 per student)

Day 1
1. Print copies of Roles in Theatre Beyond Acting Pre-Assessment (attached).
1. Keep the Marker Moving
a. Based on the prompt “What skills do we want to be?”, students take turns writing
their career goals and dreams on the board. The goal is for the marker to continue
moving until 1 minute has passed.
b. Based on the prompt “What skills do we have?”, students take turns writing their
skills on the board. This time, a stipulation can be added that you should try not to
repeat what anyone else has written. This will emphasize the unique talents that
we each possess.
i. NOTE: If and when students write skills like “soccer” or “sleeping”, break
down those skills into their components by asking the students “what does
it take to be good at (insert thing)”. One of example of this is that soccer
can be broken down into the following skills:
1. Focus
2. Determination
3. Teamwork
4. Commitment
2. Unpack the responses
a. Based on the responses to the Keep the Marker Moving activity, ask students how
their skills might help them in their careers. An example of this might be:
i. “Who wanted to be a vet? (Raised hand) Which of these skills did you put
up? Everyone, how might (skill) help with being a vet?”
3. Roles in Theatre Beyond Acting PowerPoint
a. Inform students that the unit is about some of the varied people, jobs, and
responsibilities that are required when collaborating to create theatre.
4. Baseline Story
a. In order for students to complete this unit, they need to have a common story. On
the board, create the following columns:
i. Characters
ii. Setting
iii. Major Events
b. Ask the students who the characters in Little Red Riding Hood are. Their
responses might include the following:
i. Little Red
ii. Granny
iii. The Wolf
iv. The Huntsman/Woodsman
v. The Baker
vi. Red’s Mom
c. Ask students what the settings are in Little Red Riding Hood are. Their responses
might include:
i. Forest
ii. Meadow
iii. Granny’s House
iv. Red’s House
v. Bakery
d. Ask students what the major events are in Little Red Riding Hood. Their
responses might include:
i. Red’s Mom tells Little Red that Granny is sick
ii. Little Red goes to the bakery to pick up some treats
iii. Little Red walks to Granny’s house through the forest
iv. In the forest, Little Red meets the Wolf, who is hungry, but Little Red
doesn’t share her sweets
v. The Wolf takes a shortcut to Granny’s house, and when he arrives, he
gobbles Granny up
vi. The Wolf disguises himself in Granny’s clothes
vii. When Little Red arrives, she comments on the Wolf’s ears, eyes and teeth
viii. The Wolf gobbles up Little Red
ix. The Huntsman arrives and rescues Little Red and Granny by cutting them
out of the Wolf
1. NOTE: Variations from this story don’t really matter as long as the
whole class is on the same page about the tale.
e. Students take the Careers in Theatre Pre-Assessment (attached).
Day 2
5. One Word Recap
a. From their seats, students take turns contributing one word a short story. You can
establish an order beforehand, such as zigzagging up one row and down the next,
or you can point to students and have them contribute. It may be necessary to
repeat the sentence halfway through to remind everyone what has been said.
b. Repeat this activity, this time, the story should be a summary of the events and
topics of the class period prior.
6. On a piece of paper, students create a table that resembles the following.
i. NOTE: It may be helpful to draw the table or display the image below on
the board so that the students have a reference.
b. As a class, fill out the definition column based on the definitions in the Roles in
Theatre Beyond Acting PowerPoint.



Stage Manager




7. Divide students into groups of 3 or 4 by counting off. Each student will need a
Chromebook and a pair of headphones.
a. In their groups, students should rotate through the 6 jobs and their associated
videos and articles, as listed below:
i. Director:
ii. Stage Manager
iii. Choreographer
iv. Costume Designer
v. Scenic Designer
vi. Propmaster
b. Students can work together to fill out the rest of the columns in their table.
8. Assessment Overview
a. Using the Assessment Options slide of the PowerPoint, go over the expectations
of the presentation assignment.
Day 3
9. Take down students’ plans for project.
a. Write down the presentation method and topic (job choice) that each student
b. Students should take the time they need to finish filling out their chart and
elaborating on their chosen theatre job.
10. Students begin working on their visual components. The facilitator should distribute the
helping materials attached as needed.
a. Costume Designer
i. Form drawing
b. Scenic Designer
i. Aerial and front views of the stage
c. Stage Manager
i. Blank calendar
Day 4
11. Work Day
a. Students are given this day to work on their visual representations and
presentation notes. Anything that they don’t finish in class on this day should be
completed for homework.
Day 5
12. View student presentations
a. Students who are observing should offer specific compliments on their peers’
Day 6
13. View student presentations
a. Continue the process from the day prior.
14. Final Assessment Quiz
a. Students complete the Roles in Theatre Roles and Responsibilities Quiz. Read the
questions aloud to the class as they complete the quiz as an adaptation for Focus
Student 1.

Roles in Theatre Outside of Acting Pre-Assessment

Name Date

For each of the following questions, choose only one answer. Correct responses are worth 1
point each.
1. Which of the following people would be responsible for choosing which pastries go
inside Little Red Riding Hood’s basket of treats?
a. The costume designer
b. The scenic designer
c. The director
d. The propmaster
e. The choreographer
f. The stage manager

2. Which of the following people would be responsible for designing the Wolf’s Granny-
a. The costume designer
b. The scenic designer
c. The director
d. The propmaster
e. The choreographer
f. The stage manager

3. Which of the following people would be responsible for determining how the forest
would be represented on stage?
a. The costume designer
b. The scenic designer
c. The director
d. The propmaster
e. The choreographer
f. The stage manager

4. Which of the following people would be responsible for telling the actors where to stand
on stage during a scene without dancing or fighting?
a. The costume designer
b. The scenic designer
c. The director
d. The propmaster
e. The choreographer
f. The stage manager
For the next section, fill in the blank of each statement with the correct word from the box
below. Correct responses are worth 1 point each.

Director Stage Manager Choreographer

Scenic Designer Costume Designer Propmaster
5. The ________________ calls “places” five minutes before the show starts.

6. The ________________ had to do research to determine whether or not women wore

hoopskirts in the 1800’s.

7. The _______________ has the ultimate say in all artistic choices made during a

8. The _______________ decided that a waltz was more appropriate than a foxtrot for the
context of the scene.

Answer the following question in 3-5 complete sentences. Your answer is worth 2 points.

What specific skill do you have? What job in theatre requires that skill? How does that skill help
accomplish the duties belonging to that job?

Jobs in Theatre Guided Notes

Name Date
Complete the table below as you read and watch each of the Careers in Theatre Resources. You are only required to
use all materials in the job you decide to focus on for this unit. For the rest of the jobs, use at least one resource.



Stage Manager



Explain why you chose each of the following aspects of the costume design.



Theatre Roles and Responsibilities Quiz
Name Date

Answer the following questions completely. For the multiple choice questions, select only one

1. What is a director? (2 points)

2. Which of the following would be the responsibility of the director? (1 point)

a. Writing the play

b. Blocking the play
c. Measuring the actors for costume fittings
d. Calling the light and sound cues during a performance

3. What is a stage manager? (2 points)

4. Which of the following IS NOT the responsibility of the stage manager? (1 point)

a. Ensure all members of the production team and cast are following rules
b. Take diligent rehearsal notes
c. Give the scenic designer feedback on their set design
d. Organize the backstage traffic

5. What is a choreographer? (2 points)

For the next section, fill in the blank of each statement with a word from the box
below. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

Director Stage Manager Costume Designer

Scenic Designer Choreographer Propmaster

6. A ________________________________________________ makes and/or organizes all

of the items that the actors hold including telephones, handbags, and weapons.

7. The ________________________________________________ determined that a floral

wallpaper was the best choice for Granny’s house.

8. If an actor wants to know what color of tights or socks they need to buy, I should contact
the ________________________________________________.

9. The ________________________________________________ created the rehearsal

schedule. They are in charge of a lot of the paperwork involved in the production.

For the next section, answer the questions completely.

10. What are two skills you have? Remember that you can break down the hobbies you have
into specific attributes. (2 points)

11. What two careers in theatre could your skills help you in? (2 points)
12. Choose one of the careers you mentioned in #11. How could your skills help you with the
specific duties of that job? (4 points)

Theatre Roles and Responsibilities Quiz

Name Date

Answer the following questions completely. For the multiple choice questions, select only one

13. What is a director? (2 points)

Student responses should include at least 2 of the following:
A director of a production makes the final judgements on all artistic
decisions in a production.
They are in charge of blocking (telling the actors where to stand)
casting (choosing the actors)
creating a vision board.

14. Which of the following would be the responsibility of the director? (1 point)
B. Blocking the play

15. What is a stage manager? (2 points)

A stage manager is the person who runs rehearsals
calls the cues during the show
organizes things backstage
create the rehearsal calendar
a prompt book
paperwork for a production
the director’s right hand man
they are organized.

16. Which of the following IS NOT the responsibility of the stage manager? (1 point)
C. Give the scenic designer feedback on their set design

17. What is a choreographer? (2 points)

The choreographer of a production is the person who composes the sequences of

steps that make up dances and fights throughout the performance.
They are in charge of telling the actors how to move (in dances and fights)
Make notes
Be flexible
Be creative
For the next section, fill in the blank of each statement with a word from the
box below. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.
Director Stage Manager Costume Designer
Scenic Designer Choreographer Propmaster

18. A PROPMASTER makes and/or organizes all of the items that the actors hold including
telephones, handbags, and weapons.

19. The SCENIC DESIGNER determined that a floral wallpaper was the best choice for
Granny’s house.

20. If an actor wants to know what color of tights or socks they need to buy, I should contact

21. The STAGE MANAGER created the rehearsal schedule. They are in charge of a lot of
the paperwork involved in the production.

For the next section, answer the questions completely.

22. What are two skills you have? Remember that you can break down the hobbies you have
into specific attributes. (2 points)
Students should list 2 specific skills- things like eating or sleeping will not be
counted because we broke them down into things like “hard work”, “dedication”,
“practice”, and “willing to try new things” in class.

23. What two careers in theatre could your skills help you in? (2 points)
Students should list 2 theatre careers that are linked to their skills.
Examples: If a student listed “drawing” under the skills questions, they might put
costume designer and scenic designer in this section. If a student lists “leadership
skills” in the skills section, they might put stage manager and director in this
section. “Public speaking” might lend itself to acting, and “writing” might lends
itself to playwriting.

24. Choose one of the careers you mentioned in #11. How could your skills help you with the
specific duties of that job? (4 points)
Here students should logically connect with sound reasoning one of their skills,
and one of the theatrical careers they mentioned.

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