Srivastava en Al 2007 (Rural Poverty in MP)
Srivastava en Al 2007 (Rural Poverty in MP)
Srivastava en Al 2007 (Rural Poverty in MP)
adhya Pradesh is one of the less developed states of proportion of illiterates among females could serve as an indicator
the country with vast area and sharp inter-regional variable in the selection of samples. The units in some populations
differences in socio-economic achievements. As per vary greatly in size in relation to the study variable (y). Large
the 2001 Census, the erstwhile Madhya Pradesh1 is the second units obviously contribute more to the population total.
most populous state in the country with a population of 6.039 Simple random sampling (SRS) does not take into account this
crore spread over 45 districts. The district with the highest human fact as every unit has an equal probability of selection. And
development index (HDI) is Indore (0.694) and that with lowest if the distribution of units in the population is such that very
HDI is Jhabua (0.371).2 At the all-India level, although since small units are many in number as against a few large units,
1973-74 there has been a consistent reduction in the poverty equal probability selection will result in the selection of many
head-count ratio, the spatial concentration of poverty increased of the smaller units. In such a situation, a varying probability
implying that a limited number of states account for a dispropor- scheme which assigns higher probability of selection to bigger
tionately large share of rural poor. The official poverty estimates units than to smaller ones would provide more efficient estimators
prepared by the Planning Commission for 1999-2000 show that than SRS. If information on y is not readily and reliably available
nearly 74 per cent of the rural poor live in just six states, viz, for the population, information about an auxiliary variable x,
Orissa, Bihar, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal and Uttar which is highly correlated with y may be used for selection of
Pradesh. There have also been wide inter-district disparities the sample.
in poverty and human development in these states. In this In search of auxiliary variables, one obvious choice would be
paper, we undertake a detailed review of the incidence of rural the officially identified households that fall below the poverty
poverty in Madhya Pradesh based on a primary survey carried line for the public distribution system which leads ultimately to
out in the 11 districts of the state. Shifting away from the limited the poverty ratio at the village, block and district levels. Although,
notion of income poverty, we focus on the multifaceted incidence some data are available on poverty head count ratio (HCR)
of poverty including access to various public services and according to districts based on the below the poverty line (BPL)
examine the efficacy of the pro-poor fiscal intervention strategy survey for the public distribution system (PDS), there are many
in Madhya Pradesh. shortcomings. Also, identification based on for BPL cards would
This paper is organised into the following sections. In Section I, lead to a narrow set because of the income-based definition of
we discuss briefly the survey methodology and the number of BPL beneficiaries. Secondly, many non-poor may also be holding
households surveyed in each district. In Section II, the social and BPL cards due to inclusion error.
demographic characteristics are analysed. Further, the concerns The proportion of the landless and agricultural labour house-
of economic insecurity are analysed by examining the economic holds could be used as a proxy variable but is not preferred
opportunities, indebtedness and migration of rural poor. Section because this set was not inclusive of the entire population of the
III discusses the status and access of the publicly provided poor. In addition, it is also difficult to compile the required data
services. The ground realities with respect to pro-poor fiscal at the different levels. We have selected the proportion of female
intervention strategies are analysed in Section IV. The perception illiterates as the auxiliary variable for the purpose of drawing
of poor regarding poverty and its alleviation programmes are samples for statistical as well as analytical reasons. The illiteracy
discussed in Section V. Conclusions are drawn in Section VI. rates among females being highly correlated with poverty, it is
useful for the PPS selection. It may, however, be noted that the
I use of a particular proxy variable for sampling from a specially
Survey Methodology prepared frame does not per se exclude the use of other variables
in the next or the ultimate stage of sampling. The object is only
The sampling design for the survey was based on the Probability the identification of a unit where the poor would figure in large
Proportional to Size (PPS) methodology where size would be numbers. In selecting the proportion of female illiterates as the
an indicator of poverty. For example, the poverty ratio or pro- auxiliary variable in the selection of a sample based on the PPS
portion of landless and agricultural labour households, or methodology, we are ensuring an inter se representation of
Table 5: Distribution of Households according to Per Capita Table 6 provides the status of education among adults and
Income Classes and Indebtedness children in male and female categories across strata. Educational
(Per cent) status is classified into three categories, viz, “can read and write”,
Per Capita Income Class Stratum 1 Stratum 2 “read only” and “can’t read and write”. Table 6 shows that,
Distribution Share of Distribution Share of across gender, literacy rate among the adults is much higher in
of Indebted of Indebted stratum 2 compared to stratum 1. In stratum 1, more than 47 per
Households Households Households Households
cent of the adult males fall in the “can’t read and write” category
Less than Rs 1,500 2.46 26.18 1.33 0.01 and the same ratio is 33 per cent in stratum 2. The differences
Rs 1,500-2,500 28.05 26.77 5.57 24.10
Rs 2,500-3,500 35.81 23.11 21.21 17.12 in the adult female literacy achievement across strata show that
Rs 3,500-4,500 20.43 16.96 14.82 16.18 compared to males, the disparities are much higher in case of
Rs 4,500-5,500 7.16 21.87 14.11 16.23 female with 24.64 per cent literate in the category of “can read
Rs 5,500-6,500 1.80 22.26 9.48 11.58
Rs 6,500-8,000 2.53 28.20 8.71 12.83 and write” in stratum 1 and 38.21 per cent in stratum 2.
Rs 8,000-10,000 1.03 26.01 7.10 4.42 In the case of the educational status of children also there are
Rs 10,000-12,500 0.34 31.20 7.54 17.72 disparities across gender but not to a significant extent across
Rs 12,500-15,000 0.18 20.48 3.43 22.70
More than Rs 15,000 0.09 6.82 6.97 11.47 strata. However, disparities are much lower in case of children
Not specified 0.10 – 0.12 – compared to adults. The percentage of children in stratum 1,
Total 100 22.99 100 15.29 who fall in the category of “can read and write”, is 80.46 per
Average PCI 3,041 6,015
cent, with male children at 82 per cent and female children at
Stratum 1
Less than Rs 190 97.39 21.12 69.03 14.08 16.88 100.0 494.16 4.61
Rs 190-210 98.09 10.52 66.87 16.15 16.99 100.0 705.58 5.32
Rs 210-235 99.94 13.16 67.97 14.73 17.29 100.0 708.54 5.25
Rs 235-265 98.00 11.01 67.46 13.31 19.23 100.0 781.29 5.30
Rs 265-300 98.12 13.37 64.74 14.01 21.25 100.0 855.69 5.45
Rs 300-355 98.97 15.72 63.76 11.22 25.02 100.0 1,084.79 6.56
Rs 355-455 97.19 10.30 55.71 22.87 21.42 100.0 1,271.33 6.97
Rs 455-560 100.00 2.34 63.38 11.65 24.97 100.0 1,594.52 9.48
Rs 560-650 100.00 1.24 66.94 9.89 23.18 100.0 4,255.05 20.68
Rs 650-750 100.00 0.24 38.60 9.78 51.62 100.0 898.40 5.50
Rs 750-1,000 70.72 0.50 63.38 11.44 25.18 100.0 1,756.07 7.31
More than Rs 1,000 100.00 0.38 65.36 3.74 30.90 100.0 1,035.62 3.62
Not specified 100.00 0.10 62.50 37.50 - 100.0 800.00
Total 98.11 100.00 64.50 14.58 20.92 100.0 879.54 6.04
Swarna Jayanti Rozgar Yojana 8.74 5.85 8.37 0.00 0.00 1.66 75.38 100
Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana 15.41 5.38 7.87 1.10 2.13 1.60 66.51 100
Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana 7.95 3.53 6.01 0.00 1.38 0.00 81.14 100
Pradhan Mantri Gramodhaya Yojana 3.42 2.62 2.24 0.00 0.63 0.59 90.50 100
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana 4.01 2.15 3.33 0.45 1.27 0.76 88.03 100
PM Rural Drinking Water Project 3.24 3.21 0.77 1.40 0.89 0.30 90.18 100
Anganwadi 19.42 4.52 0.00 4.20 0.71 24.47 46.69 100
Balika Samridhi 9.46 2.89 0.00 7.30 0.64 14.36 65.35 100
Bal Poshahar 9.15 3.67 0.96 7.61 0.00 12.70 65.90 100
Widow Pension 26.11 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 16.47 52.91 100
Kisan(old age) Pension 13.23 3.41 0.00 9.35 0.00 16.94 57.06 100
Others 2.51 1.37 0.93 1.62 0.64 7.13 85.80 100