National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur
National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur
National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur
Course Structure
Basics of magnetic circuits, Analysis of magnetic circuits with air gap and permanent
magnets, Analysis of singly excited electromechanical system with linear magnetics,
nonlinear magnetics using energy and co-energy principles. Inductances of distributed
windings - salient pole, cylindrical rotor. Analysis of the doubly excited two-phase rotational
system, References frames power invariance and non-power invariance, Derivation of dc
machine systems from the generalized machine, Analysis of induction machine - synchronous
references frame with currents as variables - with rotor flux as variables, Basis for vector
control - small signal modelling of induction machine, Analysis of the alternator -
synchronous references frame, Derivation of salient and cylindrical rotor machine phasor
diagrams, Three phase short circuit of alternator and various time constants.
1. Fitzgerald and Kingsley, "Electric Machinery".
2. O'Simmons and Kelly, "Introduction to Generalized Machine Theory".
1. Hancock, "Matrix Analysis of Electric Machinery".
2. N. Biranchi, Electrical Machines Analysis using Finite Elements, CRC Press, 2005.
Power Electronic Devices: Diodes, Transistors, Thyristors, MOSFET and IGBT - operating
principle, Static, dynamic and thermal characteristics, Data sheet ratings, gate drive circuits.
Single phase half controlled and fully controlled AC/DC bridge converter with R, R-L, R-L-E
(motor) loads: operation (both rectifier and inverter modes) , waveforms ,harmonics (output
voltage/current and input current) assuming continuous conduction, input current (ac)
displacement, distortion and power factor, effect of input line inductance assuming constant
current dc load, closed form expression of output dc current with general R-L-E load,
discontinuous conduction mode of operation, Torque-speed characteristics of converter
controlled separately excited dc motor in continuous and discontinuous mode of conduction;
Three phase half controlled and fully controlled AC/DC bridge converter assuming constant
dc current load : operation in rectifier and inverter modes, waveforms, output voltage and
input current harmonics, input power factor and effect of input line inductance, series and
parallel operation of converters, power factor improvement, 12 pulse/18 pulse operation,
transformer connection, dual converters.
DC-DC choppers: basic voltage commutated thyristor chopper analysis , Separately excited
DC motor drive using DC-DC choppers made of gate controlled devices, four quadrant
operation, dynamic and regenerative braking of series DC motor using choppers; Basic DC-
DC converters: buck, boost buck-boost and Cuk converter, operation, waveforms and design;
DC-AC inverters using gate controlled devices: single phase and three phase square wave
inverters, operation waveforms and harmonics in pole voltage, load phase voltage and line
voltage, output voltage control in single phase square wave inverter using chopper control
and phase shift, harmonic analysis, operating principles of single phase and three phase PWM
inverters, modulation techniques, SPWM, Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM and delta
modulation, harmonic spectrum and comparison among different PWM techniques; Variable
frequency operation of three phase induction motors: Steady state analysis, Torque-speed ,
current-speed and slip frequency -speed characteristics and operating limits with constant
volts/Hz and constant air gap flux operation, Slip power recover schemes.
1. N. Mohan, T.M. Undeland& W.P. Robbins, Power Electronics: Converter,
Applications & Design, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2003.
2. G. K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Narosa Publishing House, 2002.
1. M.H. Rashid, Power Electronics, Circuits, Devices, and Applications, Pearson, 2003.
2. B. K. Bose, Modern Power Electronics and A.C. Drives, PHI, 2002.
1. Green Energy and Technology, Alternate Energy Sources by Efstathios E. (Stathis)
Michaelides. (Springer)
1. Green Energy, Basic Concepts and Fundamentals by Li, Xianguo. (Springer)
1. Dubey G. K., “Power Semiconductor Controlled Drives”, Prentice Hall International
Editions. 2001
2. Bose B. K., “Power Electronics and Variable Frequency Drives”, IEEE Press,
Standard Publisher Distributors. 2001
1. Intel Manual on 8-bit Microcontroller – Ayala K. J.,” The 8051 Microcontroller-
Architecture, Programming and Applications”, 3rd 2008 Ed, Cengage Learning.
2. Hall D.V., “Microprocessor and Interfacing –Programming and Hardware”, 2nd 2008
Ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. Mazidi M.A. and Mazidi J.G.,
“The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems”, 2nd 2008 Ed., Pearson
Solar Energy: Solar Radiation, Solar Radiation measurement, estimation of average solar
radiation. Solar energy storage, well mixed storage, comparison, photo-voltaic system, design
of cells, modules, array and all photo-voltaic system for measurement of electrical energy.
Wind Energy: The nature of wind, Wind energy resources and modelling. Geothermal
Energy: Origin and types of geothermal energy and utilization. OTEC: Ocean temperature
differences. OTEC systems. Recent OTEC developments. Wave Energy: Fundamentals,
Availability Wave energy conversion systems. Tidal Energy: Fundamentals, Availability
Tidal-energy conversion systems. Biomass Energy: Photosynthesis; Biomass resource;
utilization of biomass..
1. S.P. Sukhatme, Solar Energy Principle of thermal Collection and Storage, Tata
McGraw Hill, 1990.
2. G.L. Johnson , Wind Energy Systems, Prentice Hall Inc. New Jersey.
3. J.M. Kriender, Principles of solar Engineering , McGraw Hill, 1987
1. V.S.Mangal, Solar Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, 1992.
2. N.K.Bansal, Renewable Energy Source and Conversion Technology, Tata McGraw
Hill, 1989.
3. P.J. Lunde., Solar Thermal Engineering, Jhonwilley& Sons, New York,1988.
4. J.A. Duffie, And W.A. Beckman, Solar Engineering Of Termal Processes, Wiley &
Sons, 1990.
1. Dubey G. K., “Power Semiconductor Controlled Drives”, PrenticeHall International
Editions. 2001
2. Bose B. K., “Power Electronics and Variable Frequency Drives”, IEEE Press,
Standard Publisher Distributors. 2001.
1. Bose B. K., “Microcomputer Control of Power Electronics and Drives”, IEEE Press.
2. Toliyat H. A. and Campbell S., “DSP Based Electromechanical Motion Control”,
CRC Press. 2004
3. Kenjo T., “Power Electronics for the Microprocessor Age”, Oxford University Press.
Definition of electric drive, types of load; Speed torque characteristic of driven unit/loads,
motors, steady state and transient stability of drives; Classification and components of load
torque; Selection of motor power capacity for different duty cycles. Speed Control of Motors:
Review of braking and speed control of dc motor and induction motor, multi-quadrant
operation, loss minimization in adjustable speed drives.
Converter fed DC Drives: Principle of operation of converter fed separately excited dc motor
drives, operation of dc drive under continuous and discontinuous armature current, armature
voltage and current waveforms, effect of freewheeling diode, analysis and performance
evaluation, expression for speed-torque characteristic; Dual converter fed dc drives,
MATLAB simulation.
Chopper fed DC Drives: Principle of operation, control techniques, steady state analysis of
time ratio control and current limit control, closed loop control of dc drives; current control
techniques, mathematical model of chopper fed dc drive, stability analysis.
Inverter fed AC Drives: Constant V/f controlled induction motors, controlled current and
controlled slip operations; variable frequency controlled induction motor drives; PWM
inverter drives, operation of closed loop slip-speed controlled VSI and CSI fed ac drives,
multi quadrant operation, MATLAB simulation.
Slip Power Controlled AC Drives: Static rotor resistance control, static Kramer drive.
Stability Analysis: Mathematical modeling of induction motor drives, transient response and
stability analysis.
Advanced Control Techniques: Adaptive control, field oriented control of induction motor
drives. Synchronous Motor Drives: Adjustable frequency operations, voltage fed and current
fed self-controlled drives.
1. Dubey G. K., “Fundamentals of Electric Drives”, 2nd Ed., Narosa 2007 Publishing
2. Pillai S. K., “A First Course in Electric Drives”, 2nd Ed., New Age 2008 International
Private Limited.
3. Mohan N., Undeland T.M. and Robbins W.P., "Power ElectronicsConverters,
Applications and Design", 3rd 2008 Ed., Wiley India.
1. Dubey G. K., "Power Semiconductor Controlled Drives", PrenticeHall International
Editions. 2001
2. Murphy J. M. D. and Turnbull F. G., “Power Electronics Control of AC Motors”,
Pregamon Press. 1990
3. Bose B. K., "Power Electronics and Variable Frequency Drives", IEEE Press,
Standard Publisher Distributors. 2001 7. Krishnan R., “Electric Motor Drives –
Modeling, Analysis and Control”, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. 2007
Introduction to Smart Grid: Evolution of Electric Grid, Concept of Smart Grid, Definitions,
Need of Smart Grid, Functions of Smart Grid, Opportunities & Barriers of Smart Grid,
Difference between conventional & smart grid, Concept of Resilient & Self-Healing Grid,
Present development & International policies in Smart Grid. Case study of Smart Grid ,CDM
opportunities in Smart Grid, What is a Smart Grid?, The Smart Grid Enables the
ElectriNetSM, Local Energy Networks, Electric Transportation, Low-Carbon Central
Micro Grids: Concept of micro grid, need & applications of micro grid, formation of micro
grid, issues of interconnection, protection & control of micro grid. Islanding, need and
benefits, different methods of islanding detection.
1. StuartBorlase, ‘SmartGrid:Infrastructure,Technologyand Solutions’, CRC Press 2012.
2. JanakaEkanayake, Nick Jenkins, KithsiriLiyanage, Jianzhong Wu, Akihiko
Yokoyama, ‘Smart Grid: Technology and Applications’, Wiley, 2012.
1. StuartBorlase, ‘SmartGrid:Infrastructure, Technology and Solutions’, CRC Press
Introduction, Control structures and performance measures, Time and frequency domain
performance measures, Design of controller, Design of controller for SISO system, Controller
design for TITO processes, Limitations of PID controllers, PI-PD controller for SISO system,
PID-P controller for Two Input Two Output system, Effects of measurement noise and
load.Frequency Domain Based Identification/Lecture Topics, Identification of dynamic
models of plants, Relay controlsystem for identification, Off-line identification of process
dynamics,On-line identification of plant dynamics. Time Domain Based Identification /
Lecture Topics, State space based identification, State space analysis of systems, State space
based identification of systems -1, State space based identification of systems -2,
Identification of simple systems, Identification of FOPDT model, Identification of second
order plus dead time model, Identification of SOPDT model, Steady state gain from
asymmetrical relay test, Identification of SOPDT model with pole multiplicity, Existence of
limit cycle for unstable system, Identification procedures, Identification of underdamped
systems, Off-line identification of TITO systems, On-line identification of TITO systems,
Review of time domain based identification, DF based analytical expressions for on-line
identification, Model parameter accuracy and sensitivity, Improved identification using
Fourier series and wavelet transform, Reviews of DF based identification.Design of
Controllers / Lecture Topic, Advanced Smith predictor controller, Design of controllers for
the advanced Smith predictor, Model-free controller design, Model based PID controller
design, Model based PI-PD controller design, Tuning of reconfigurable PID controllers.
1. S.Majhi,AdvancedControlTheory-
2. A.JohnsonandH.Moradi,NewIdentificationsandDesignMethods,Springer-
1. NormanS.Nise,ControlSystemsEngineering,JohnWiley&Sons,2008.
Switched Mode Power Supply: Forward and flyback converter circuit, operation, waveforms
and design, transformer design for power supplies, small signal analysis of DC-DC
converters and closed loop control.
Multilevel Inverter; Diode clamped type, Flying Capacitor type and cascaded type; Basic
topology and waveforms, Improvement in Harmonics, suitable modulation techniques, Space
vector modulation. Current regulated inverter; Current regulated PWM voltage source
inverters, Method of current control, Hysteresis control, ariable band Hysteresis control,
Fixed frequency current control methods.
Resonant converters: Classification and operating principle, Zero voltage switching and Zero
current switching techniques in DC-DC converters.
Resonant DC link inverters with Zero voltage switching, Zero current switching resonant
Inverter, high frequency link integral half cycle converter.
Introduction to Matrix converter and Z-source inverter: principle and control strategy.
1. N. Mohan, T. M. Underland& W.P. Robbing, Power Electronics: Converter,
Applications & Design, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2003.
1. M. H. Rashid, Power Electronics Circuits, Devices, and Applications, Pearson, 2003.
Principles for vector and field oriented control-Complex valued dq-model of Induction
Machines. Turn ratio and modified dq-models. Principles for field-oriented vector control of
ac machines. Current controllers in stationary and synchronous coordinates. Rotor flux
oriented control of current regulated Induction Machine.
Dynamic model of Induction Machine in rotor-flux coordinates. Indirect rotor flux oriented
control of Induction Machine, Direct rotor flux oriented control of Induction Machin,
Methods to estimation of rotor flux generated flu vector control using current and voltage
decoupling networks. Generalized flux vector ooriented control. Current and voltage
decoupling networks, airgap oriented control, voltage fed vector control, stator flux oriented
vector control.
Parameter sensitivity, selection of flux level, and field weakening, parameter detuning in
steady-state operation, parameter detuning during dynamic operation, selection of flux level,
control startegies for used in over speed region.
Principle for speed sensorless control; sensorless methods for scalr control, sensorless
methods for vector control. Introduction to pbserver based techniques. Self control
Synchronous motor drives.
Introduction to speed control of switch reluctance machine, control of permanent magnet
Synchronouus machine, Brushless DC Machine, SurfaePermanet magnet Machine.
1. B. K. Bose, Modern Power Electronics and A.C. Drives, PHI, 2002.
2. G. K. Dubey, Power Semiconductor Controlled Drives, Prentice-Hall International,
1. G. K. Dubey, Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Narosa Publishing House, 2002.
2. W. Leonhard, Control of Electrical drives, Springer-Verlag, 1985.
3. P.C. Sen, Thyristor DC Drives, Wiley-Interscience Publication, Digitized on Dec,
General aspects of DC transmission; Converter circuits and their analysis; DC link controls,
faults and abnormal operation and protection; Mechanism of active and reactive power flow
control; Basic FACTS controllers: SVC, STATCOM, TCSC, TCPAR, UPFC; Modelling of
FACTS controllers; System static performance improvement with FACTS controllers,
System dynamic performance improvement with FACTS controllers.
1. HVDC Transmission, S. Kamakshaiah, V. Kamaraju, The Mc — Graw Hill
2. Understanding FACTS, Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission
Systems, Narain. G. Hingorani, Laszlo Gyugyi, IEEE Press, Wiley India.
1. HVDC and Facts Controllers Applications of Static Converters in Power Systems,
Vijay K. Sood, Kiuwer Academic Publishers.
2. HVDC Power Transmission Systems: Technology and system Interactions,
K.R.Padiyar, New Age International (P) Limited.
1. Extra High Voltage A.C. Transmission Engineering by R.D. Begamudre
2. EHV AC/DC Transmission Paperback – 2014by Deepak Gupta Shobhit
Gupta (Author)
1. Transmission Line References Book 345 kV and Above, Electrical Power Research
Institute(EPRI) 1982 USA. A joint venture by IISc and IITs, funded by MHRD.
1. Cerni, R. H. and Foster L. E., “Instrumentation for Engineering Measurement”, John
Wiley and Sons. 1966
2. Coughlin R. F. and Driscoll F. F., “Operational Amplifier and Linear Integrated
Circuits”, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. 2008
1. Norton N., “Handbook of Transducers”, Prentice Hall International Edition. 2004
Hamilton T. D. S., “Handbook of Linear Integrated Electronics”, McGraw-Hill
International Book Company. 1977
1. Rashid M. H., “Power Electronics Circuits Devices and Applications”, 3rd 2008 Ed.,
Pearson Education.
2. Mohan N., Undeland T.M. and Robbins W.P., “Power Electronics-Converters,
Applications and Design”, 3rd 2008 Ed., Wiley India.
1. Whittington H.W., Aflynn B.W. and Macpherson D.E., “Switch Mode Power
Supplies – Design and Construction”, John Wiley and Songs. 1997
2. Hart Daniel W., “Introduction to Power Electronics”, Prentice Hall International
Edition. 1996
3. Ang Simon S., “Power Switching Converter”, Marcel Dekker Inc. 1995 6. Luo Fang
Lin and Ye Hong, “Advanced DC/DC Converters”, CRC Press. 2003
Permanent Magnet Brushless D.C. Motors: Fundamental equations, EMF and Torque
equations, Torque speed characteristics, Rotor position sensing, Sensor less motors, Motion
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors: Construction, Principle of operation, EMF and
torque equations, Starting Rotor configurations, Dynamic model.
Synchronous Reluctance Motors:Constructional features, axial and radial flux motors,
operating principle, characteristics.
Switched Reluctance Motors: Constructional features, principle of operation, torque
production, characteristics and power controllers.
Stepping Motors: Features, fundamental equations, PM stepping motors, Reluctance stepping
motors, Hybrid stepping motors, Torque and voltage equations, characteristics.
1. Miller, T. J. E., Brushless Permanent Magnet and Reluctance Motor Drives, Oxford
Science Publications, 1989.
2. Kenjo, T., and Sugawara, A., Stepping Motors and their Microprocessor Controls,
Oxford Science Publications, 1984.
3. Venkataratnam K., Special Electrical Machines, CRC Press, 2009.
1. Krishnan. R, “Permanent Magnet and BLDC Motor Drives”, CRC Press, 2009.
2. Chang-liang, X., "Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor Drives and Controls", Jun
1. Industrial Instrumentation, Control and Automation, S. Mukhopadhyay, S. Sen and A.
K. Deb, Jaico Publishing House, 2013
2. Chemical Process Control, An Introduction to Theory and Practice, George
Stephanopoulos, Prentice Hall India, 2012
1. Electric Motor Drives, Modelling, Analysis and Control, R. Krishnan, Prentice Hall
India, 2002
2. Hydraulic Control Systems, Herbert E. Merritt, Wiley, 1991
Definitions of various powers, power factor and other figures of merit under balanced,
unbalanced and non-sinusoidal conditions. Theories of load compensation. Introduction to
custom power devices and their applications in power system. Detailed modelling, analysis
and design aspects of custom power devices (DSTATCOM, DVR). Compensators to mitigate
power quality related problems.
1. Power quality enhancement using custom power devices, A. Ghosh and G. Ledwich,
Kluwer Academic Publication, 2002.
2. Power quality, C. Shankran, CRC Press, 2001.
1. Handbook of power quality, editor: Angelo Baggini, John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
2. Electrical power systems quality Roger C. Dugan et al., Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002.
3. Instantaneous power theory and application to power conditioning, H. Akagi et al.,
IEEE Press, 2007.