Stealthwatch70 12062018 JEFinal
Stealthwatch70 12062018 JEFinal
Stealthwatch70 12062018 JEFinal
0 with
Cisco ISE 2.4 using pxGrid
Table of Contents
About this Document ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Technical Details ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Generating Certificates..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Using an External CA Server ....................................................................................................................... 7
Importing the CA Root Certificate .......................................................................................................... 7
Generating Stealthwatch CSR request.................................................................................................. 9
Using ISE Internal CA ................................................................................................................................ 12
Importing the ISE Internal Root Certificate .......................................................................................... 12
Generating Stealthwatch CSR request................................................................................................ 14
Configuring ISE pxGrid Integration ............................................................................................................................... 17
ISE Adaptive Network Control (ANC) Policies ............................................................................................................. 19
Creating ANC Policies ............................................................................................................................... 19
Adding ISE ANC policies to ISE Authorization Policies ............................................................................. 20
Stealthwatch Quarantine Example ................................................................................................................................ 24
Cisco TrustSec Software-Defined Segmentation......................................................................................................... 29
Enabling ISE as an SXP Listener .............................................................................................................. 29
TrustSec AAA Devices............................................................................................................................... 30
Configure Network Devices for TrustSec ................................................................................................... 31
Configure Security Groups......................................................................................................................... 34
Configure Network Devices Authorization Policy ....................................................................................... 34
Define SG-ACLs ........................................................................................................................................ 35
Assign SG-ACLs to Egress Policy ............................................................................................................. 35
Configure SXP to allow distribution of IP to SGT mappings to non-TrustSec devices .............................. 37
Assign Static Mappings.............................................................................................................................. 39
Publish SXP Bindings on pxGrid................................................................................................................ 41
Analyzing Flow Records................................................................................................................................................. 42
Enabling TrustSec Columns for Flow Records .......................................................................................... 42
Viewing TrustSec SGTs in Flow Records .................................................................................................. 44
Policy Violations ............................................................................................................................................................. 46
References 48
TrustSec Device Configuration .................................................................................................................. 48
Device Configuration for ASA 5506-X ................................................................................................. 48
Device Configuration for Cisco Catalyst Switch 3750-X ...................................................................... 49
The minimal supported version of ISE is 2.0. Please note that ISE 2.0 does not contain the ISE internal CA for signing
pxGrid certificates. If deploying ISE pxGrid 2.0, please refer to:
documents/ise-security-ecosystem-integration-guides/ta-p/3621164#toc-hId--292074806 , for Deploying pxGrid Using
Self-Signed Certificates Updates to Cisco ISE 2.0/2.1/2.2, Deploying pxGrid Using an External CA with Updates to
ISE 2.0/2.1/22, and How to Configure ISE in Productional Environments.
• Using an External CA Server and ISE internal CA for Stealthwatch and ISE pxGrid Integration
• Creating ISE Adaptive Network Control (ANC) 2.0 mitigation action policies and illustrate how Stealtwatch
uses these policies for quarantining the endpoint. These ANC policies do not rely on EPS:Session:Qurantine
for ISE Authorization policies, instead they use the Session:ANCPolicy:desired ANC policy.
• Illustrating Cisco Segmentation using Security Group Tags (SGT) to demonstrate the Subject TrustSec Name,
Subject TrustSec ID, Peer TrustSec Name and Peer TrustSec ID in viewing the network flows. This includes
also includes configuring ISE, Cisco Catalyst Switch 3750-X, and ASA 5506-X for Cisco TrustSec operation.
• Creating Stealthwatch custom event violation policy to view the flow from the Subject TrustSec ID to the Peer
TrustSec ID.
Technical Details
Cisco Stealthwatch 7.0 uses Cisco Platform Exchange Grid (pxGrid 1.0) for integration with Cisco Identity Services
(ISE) Engine. pxGrid 1.0 is XMPP-based, and Cisco Stealthwatch registers as a pxGrid client and subscribes to the
Session Directory, AdaptiveNetworkControl, and TrustSecMetadata Topics.
The SessionDirectory Topic provides detailed information about the authenticated session, Stealthwatch obtains the
User Name, MAC address, Device Type, and Security Group Tag attributes.
When Cisco Stealthwatch subscribes to the AdaptiveNetworkControl, it is able to retrieve the ISE Adaptive Network
Control (ANC) 2.0 policies from ISE and perform mitigation actions on the endpoint automatically from the GUI.
The TrustSecMetada topic provides Security Group Tag (SGT) id, name, description and tag details. Additionally,
source and peer sequences are obtained as the SXP connection information is published.
The below example is a Stealthwatch network flow between the Subject TrustSec name and the Subject Peer name
Production Servers.
Generating Certificates
In this document, we will create certificates for Stealthwatch using an external CA server such as Microsoft and also
using the ISE Internal CA. Please note that starting in ISE 2.2 and above the pxGrid certificate is signed by the ISE
internal CA.
When using an external CA sever, to create certificates, it is assumed that the ISE pxGrid node is already configured
for the external CA operation. If this is not the case, please see:
• Disabling the ISE for pxGrid operation, then generating a certificate signing request, and getting this signed by
the external CA server using a customized certificate template having an EKU of both client and server
• The external CA root certificate will be imported into the ISE trusted certificate store, and the ISE identity
certificate will be bound to the ISE Certificate Signing Request (CSR). You can then enable the ISE pxGrid
node for ISE operation.
When using the ISE internal CA to create certificates, using the ISE internal CA to generate certificates for the
Stealthwatch, use the RSA key length value of 2048 bits for generating the Stealthwatch CSR request. Also use the
PKCS12 format, when generating the certificate within ISE.
Step 3 Under SMC, click on the button under Actions as seen below:
Step 5 Click on General->Truststore->Add New->choose and upload the external root certificate
Step 8 Under SMC, click on the button under Actions as seen below:
Step 10 Click on General->Truststore->Add New->choose and upload the external root certificate
Step 1 Under Generate a CSR->RSA Key Length->change the RSA key length to 2048 bits
Step 3 Download the CSR file and open using “TextEdit” or other editor.
Possible ANC actions are: quarantine (Change or Authorization), port-shut and port bounce.
These ANC policies will then be used as condition rules in ISE authorization policies to enforce the organizations
security policy.
In this section, the ISE ANC policies are created along with their associated actions. Three policies are created:
policies are added to Global Exceptions List in the ISE Authorization Policies.
Step 7 Under Dictionary, select Session that matches the attribute ANCPolicy
Step 11 From the Profiles drop down menu select Permit Access
Step 12 From the Security Groups drop down menu select Quarantined Systems
You should see
Step 14 To add the ANC policies to the ISE Authorization polices, Under Actions click on “gear”
Step 5 Select Edit for the ISE ANC Policy, you should see:
Step 6 From the ANC Policy drop down menu, you should see all the ISE ANC policies
Step 14 Goto ISE, select Operations->RADIUS->Live Logs, the endpoint should be unquarantined
Security Group Tag is a unique 16 bit tag that is assigned a unique role. It represents the privilege of the source user,
device, or entity that is logged at the ingress of the Cisco TrustSec domain. Cisco TrutSec uses the device and user
credentials acquired during authentication for classifying packets by security groups (SGs) as they enter the network.
This packet classification is maintained by tagging packets on the ingress to the Cisco TrustSec network so that they
may be identified for the purpose of applying security and other policy criteria in the data path. The SGT allows the
network to enforce the access control policy by enabling the endpoint device to act upon the SGT to filter traffic.
Cisco TrustSec Secure Group ACLs (SG-ACL) are used to allow or restrict network access based on source and
destination SGTs based on business decisions.
The SGT Exchange Protocol (SXP) is a control protocol for propagating IP-to-SGT binding information across
network devices that do not have hardware support for Cisco TrustSec. Cisco TrustSec filters packets at the egress
interface. During the endpoint authentication, a host accessing the Cisco TrustSec domain (the endpoint IP address) is
associated with an SGT at the access device through Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) snooping and IP device
tracking. The access device transmits that association or binding through SXP to Cisco TrustSec hardware-capable
egress devices. These devices maintain a table of source IP-to-SGT bindings. Packets are filtered on the egress
interface by Cisco hardware-capable devices by applying security group access control lists (SG-ACLS). SXP passes
IP-to-SGT bindings from authentication points to upstream devices in the network. This process allows security
services on switches, routers, or firewalls to learn identity information.
ISE is enabled as an SXP listener and pxGrid is used to publish the SXP connection information such as the IP address,
SGT-Tag, Source and Peer Sequences.
Step 5 Under Device Configuration Deployment->Enable->Include this device when deploying Security
Group Tag Updates
Step 6 Enter Device Interface Credentials information
Step 7 The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X supports automatic PAC provisioning and uses the shared password. In order to
have PAC use these credentials, enter the following:
Step 8 The ASA supports only manual PAC provisioning. This means that you must generate it manually on ISE
(Network Devices/ASA)
Note: Skip this step for the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X
Step 9 The PAC file must be installed on the ASA where password ‘Richard08’ is the CTS password
Note: Skip this step for Cisco Catalyst 3750-X
Valid until: Oct 21 2020 03:00:44
AID: 19f065f78776f28731aeec40c10f86f2
I-ID: ciscoasa
A-ID-Info: Identity Services Engine
PAC-type: Cisco Trustsec
Step 10 Follow steps 1-6 and 8,9 for configuring the ASA
Step 1 Select Work Centers->Components->Security Groups->Add AccessSwitch and ASA selecting Submit
after each one.
Step 2 AccessSwitch will represent the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X switch
Step 3 ASA will represent the ASA 5506-X.
Define SG-ACLs
Step 1 Select Work Centers->TrustSec->Components->Security Group ACLs->add->Name: permit all
Step 2 Enter: permit ip any any for the Security Group ACL content
Step 4 Repeat for Source Security Group:Employee with Destination Security Group: Production_Servers,
and Permit All for the SG-ACL
Step 5 Select Save
Step 6 Select Add
Step 7 Repeat for Source Security Group:Employee with Destination Security Group: AccessSwitch, and
Permit All for the SG-ACL
Step 8 Select Save
You should see:
Step 15 You can also select Matrix, and enter the cells directly
SXP uses TCP as its transport protocol to set up SXP connection between the two separate network devices. Each
SXP connection has one peer designated as SXP speaker and the other as SXP listener. The peers can also be
configured in a bi-directional mode where each of them acts as both speaker and listener. Connections can be initiated
by either peers, but mapping information is always propagated from speaker to listener. Note session bindings are
always propagated on the default SXP domain.
So the SXP speaker is the peer that sends the IP-SGT mappings over the SXP connection. The SXP listener is the peer
that receives the IP-SGT mappings over the SXP connection and the IP-SGT mapping is the IP address to SGT
mapping that is exchanged over the SXP connection.
The Cisco Catalyst 3750-X will be configured as the speaker for the peer role. The Cisco ASA will be configured as
the listener for the peer role.
Step 1 Select Work Centers->TrustSec->Components->IP SGT Mapping and assign AccessSwitch SGT to the
IP address of the switch
Step 3 Select Work Centers->TrustSec->Components->IP SGT Mapping and assign Production_Server SGT
to the IP address of the server
Step 5 Select Work Centers->TrustSec->SXP-> define the static mappings of the network device
In the example below, pxGrid1 has an Employee Security Group Tag assigned to it based on the ISE authorization
policy and an authorization condition rule of pxGrid1 belonging to the /domain/users group.
A server has been statically assigned a Production Server Security Group Tag based on its IP address.
Before we begin, we need to enable the Subject TrustSec Name, Subject TrustSec ID, Peer Trustsec Names, and Peer
TrustSec ID columns in the flow records.
Step 3 Select View Flows, note the Subject TrustSec ID of 4 and the Subject TrustSec Name of Employees
Also, note the Peer TrustSec ID of 11, and the Peer TrustSec name of Production Servers
Policy Violations
Stealthwatch 7.0 provides creating policy violation alarms from custom security events. In this example, a sample
policy violation alarm is created for Employees. Subject TrustSec ID 4, communicating with Production Services, Peer
Trustsec ID, Peer 11.
Step 12 You should see the Policy Violations under Alarming Hosts
Step 13 Drill down on the policy violations to see the flow details
Below are the configurations for the ASA 5506-X and the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X Switch
conf t
aaa-server ise1 protocol radius
aaa-server ise1 host Richard08
conf t
aaa-server protocol ciscoasa protocol radius
aaa-server ciscoasa(inside) host
key Richard08
cts server-group ciscoasa
conf t
cts import ftp://jeppich:Richard08@ password Richard08
conf t
cts sxp enable
cts sxp default password Richard08 (password should match other SXP devices)
cts sxp default source-ip (ASA internal IP address)
cts sxp connection peer (switch IP address) password default mode local listener
conf t
sh cts sxp sgt-map ipv4 detail
conf t
aaa authorization network ise1 group radius
cts authorization list ise1
ip device tracking
radius-server host key Richard08
Reference Documents
Cisco ASA and Catalyst 3750-X Series TrustSec Configuration Example and Troubleshooting Guide:
TrutSec Documentation: